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HRM Presentation: Recruitment, COVID-19, Performance

Welcome to our HRM Presentation in which we will discuss topics of interest to us, as
students, in the current HR climate. First we have Luke Byrne who has worked as a HR
Manager for UCD Musical Soc, Daniel Edunjobi who completed an industrial placement in
Aldi, myself Nicole Matko who worked as part of a HR team in a construction company
otherwise known as Sisk and Eoin Boland who managed operations and client relations
support for Irish Funds
So moving onto what we will collectively discuss today, the first article embodies the current
obstacles faced in recruitment and selection both for hiring staff and prospective employees.
Secondly and inevitably, investigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on human
resource management and lastly how important performance and rewards are in order to
retain staff.
First up is Luke who will discuss a looming worry for us as incoming graduates applying for
So Luke can you tell us a bit about why you selected this particular news item
And lastly Luke, what do you think are the implications of AI involvement in HRM
Thanks Luke, now handing it over to you Eoin, what is currently happening in HR
departments across organisations
So Eoin can you tell us a bit about why you selected this particular news item
And lastly Eoin, what do you think are the implications of the pandemic in the world of talent
Thank you Eoin, now Dani I heard you want to tell us a bit about stay interviews
So Dani can you tell us a bit about why you selected this particular news item
And Dani what do you think are the implications of stay interviews
Thanks Dani, so that is all just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more going on behind the
surface such as more companies investing in mental health supports, data becoming the
new currency for HR practitioners and technology being widely adopted instead of shyed
away from.
What does this mean for us? Better supports in our jobs, the provision of more accurate
information that will help support our work and greater efficiency in workplaces.
That is it from us, thank you for tuning it today, have a good one!