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Andre Slavescu - Computer Science Resume

andre.slavecsu@gmail.com|647-636-9454|linkedin|github|Toronto, Ontario
Languages: Python, Javascript, HTML/CSS, OCaml
Tools/Frameworks/Libraries: OpenCV, Tensorflow/Keras, Pytorch, Flask, Git, Blender, Fusion 360
University of Waterloo
September 2021 - May 2026
Honours Bachelor of Computing and Financial Management
▪ Relevant Coursework: Functional programming, Calculus 1, Algebra 1, Digital Markets
Vizo|Python, OpenCV, Nvidia Jetson Nano, OAK-D
June 2021 - July 2021
▪ Developed a wearable device for individuals who struggle with visual impairment using the OpenCV python library,
integrating an accurate obstacle avoidance algorithm.
▪ Deployed the vision algorithm with a 90% detection accuracy to a Nvidia Jetson Nano.
▪ Used OpenCV’s OAK-D camera module to analyze open environments using a depth estimation algorithm.
▪ Demoed project and placed as a finalist for EngHack 2021.
Donkey Car Autonomous Vehicle|Python, OpenCV
November 2020 - February 2021
▪ Developed a path planning algorithm using Canny edge detection.
▪ Algorithm Successfully completes a competition lap in under 40 seconds.
▪ Used reinforcement learning to optimize lap time by 15%.
Textualize|Python, Flask, OpenCV, Javascript, HTML, CSS
January 2021 - February 2021
▪ Used OpenCV python library to extract color data in images.
▪ Fetched data from the detection algorithm using Flask.
▪ Used Javascript, HTML, and CSS for the frontend UI components.
Computer Science Summer Institute
▪ Worked with Firebase for web-hosting and generating live databases.
▪ Used Javascript, HTML, and CSS with styling libraries to create applications.
▪ Worked with Google engineers on project development during daily code along sessions.
Toronto Mathematics Academy
Teaching Assistant
▪ Aided over 30 students with understanding advanced level course material.
▪ Administered and marked tests for students at the 5th and 12th grade level.
▪ Logged student grade and attendance data for digital entry and redistribution.
July 2021 - August 2020
September 2019 - March 2020
GTA Robotics meetup - 2500+ members (2021), Co-host
SHAD Canada Blue Origin Design Challenge (2020), Finalist
OpenCV Spatial AI Competition (2021), Finalist
NASA/NSS Space Settlement Contest (2021), Grade 12 Honorary Mention
EngHack - Finalist (2021), 6ixBits - 1st Place (2020), Neural Hack - 1st Place (2020)
Kaggle Titanic Dataset (2020) - Top 5% Competitor, Kaggle Housing Market Dataset - Top 20% Competitor
Kaggle Feature Engineering (2020), Kaggle Intermediate Machine Learning (2020), Kaggle Game AI and
Reinforcement Learning (2020)