Quotes The Running Man Study online at https://quizlet.com/_2cr9va 1. Quote 1 Its my fault, Joseph thought, the words stabbing at his heart 2. Quote 2 I know my brother is source of some gossip 3. Quote 3 The running man.. The stuff of nightmares 4. Quote 4 There is no way that Joseph will agree. He wouldn't say boo to a goose, let alone vole teed to be in the same room as Tom Leyton 5. Quote 5 Mrs Mossop was obviously frustrated by not having her curiosity about Tom Leyton satisfied 6. Quote 6 He just looks like a normal man... Most monsters do 7. Quote 7 Like a father at his child coffin... One day I just stopped breathing 8. Quote 8 All I am saying is that this man might not always have been like he is now 9. Quote 9 But the gun... It was for me 10. Quote 10 That's the only way people ever see him. And after a while.. It's the only way he can see himself... And it becomes impossible to break free... 11. Quote 11 The running man real name was Simon Jamieson 12. Quote 12 That night the running man dream came back to haunt Joseph 13. Quote 13 Shooting the boy... A boy 14. Quote 14 Please god let him be alive 15. Quote 15 There's always come thing worse 16. Quote 16 You already had 1/2 Quotes The Running Man Study online at https://quizlet.com/_2cr9va 17. Quote 17 My brother Tom died in that war 18. Quote 18 Gods speed, Mr Jamieson 2/2