Uploaded by Dedaldina Raimundo Manuel


Resolution 49
(Administrative due diligence)
Creation of electronic submissions with SpaceCap
software from Coordination request, Notification,
AP30/30A (Part A and Part B) and AP30B (A6A and A6B)
BR-SSD e-Learning Center
• Resolution 49: to address the problem of reservation of orbit and
spectrum capacity without actual use (Res. 18 of Kyoto
• An administrative due diligence procedure that applies to
– all satellite network or satellite system of the fixed-satellite service (FSS),
mobile-satellite service (MSS) or broadcasting-satellite service (BSS) with
frequency assignments that are subject to coordination under Nos. 9.7, 9.11,
9.12, 9.12A and 9.13 and Resolution 33 (Rev.WRC-03)
– submissions under Article 4 of Appendices 30 and 30A
• Any request for modifications of the Region 2 Plan under the relevant provisions of
Article 4 of Appendices 30 and 30A that involve the addition of new frequencies or orbit
• or for modifications of the Region 2 Plan under the relevant provisions of Article 4 of
Appendices 30 and 30A that extend the service area to another country or countries in
addition to the existing service area
• or request for additional uses in Regions 1 and 3 under the relevant provisions of Article 4
of Appendices 30 and 30A
– Any submission of information under Article 6 of Appendix 30B (Rev.WRC-07),
with the exception of submissions of new Member States seeking the
acquisition of their respective national allotments3 for inclusion in the
Appendix 30B Plan
Modification by WRC-2012
• Resolution 49 does not apply to satellite networks or satellite
systems of the broadcasting satellite service in the 21.4-22GHz
band in Regions 1 and 3.
• For those satellite systems of the broadcasting satellite service
in the 21.4-22 GHz band in Regions 1 and 3, the due diligence
information requirements are spelt out in Resolution 552
Res 49 Procedure
• Deadline for submission of due diligence information :
– as early as possible, but must be received by BR before the end of the period established
as a limit to bringing into use
• 7 years from the date of receipt of API for submissions under Article 9
• [……. For submissions under AP30/30A]
• [……. For submissions under AP30B]
• Before a notification for recording in the Master Register can be confirmed
as brought into use, the relevant due diligence information must be
received by BR
• Six months before expiry of the regulatory period, BR sends a reminder if
the information has not yet been received.
• If the complete due diligence information is not received within the
specified time limit, the network shall cancelled from the Master Register
or Appendices 30/30A/30B Lists
Res 49 Procedure
• Upon receipt of due diligence information, BR examine the information for
completeness, if information is complete, BR shall publish it in a BR IFIC.
• If a notification is received before the date of bringing into use, the
assignments may be recorded provisionally in the MIFR. When the
administration then confirms that they have been brought into use, BR will
check whether the due diligence has been submitted.
• If a notification is received after the date of bringing into use, BR will check
whether the due diligence has been submitted. If not, the notification will
not be processed.
RES49 information in the case of launch failure
• In the case of launch failure of a satellite subject of the provisions of the
Appendices 30/30A/30B the notifying Administration (in accordance with
§ 4.1.3bis or § 4.2.6bis of Article 4 of Appendices 30 and 30A and § 6.31bis
of Article 6 of Appendix 30B) shall provide to the Bureau:
Before the end of the regulatory time-limit of 8 years to bringing into use of the
subject network
- due diligence information as required in Resolution 49 for the assignment with
respect to the satellite that suffered the launch failure (if that information has not
already been provided)
Within one year after the launch failure of the subject network
- updated Resolution 49 information for the new satellite under procurement
Otherwise the related frequency assignments shall lapse.
Information required
• Information required for Res 49 is not listed in
Appendix 4
• They are listed in Annex 2 to Resolution 49
with the following subsections:
– A. Identity of the satellite network
– B. Spacecraft manufacturer
– C. Launch services provider
Information required
A. Identity of the satellite network
a) Identity of the satellite network
b) Name of the administration
c) Country symbol
d) Reference to the API special section, modification of
AP30/30A, or information of Article 6 of AP30B(Rev.WRC-07)
e) Reference to the CR/C special section (not applicable for
f) Frequency band(s)
g) Name of the operator
h) Name of the satellite
i) Orbital characteristics
Information required
B. Spacecraft manufacturer
a) Name of the spacecraft manufacturer
b) Date of execution of the contract
c) Contractual “delivery window”
d) Number of satellites procured
Information required
C. Launch services provider
a) Name of the launch vehicle provider
b) Date of execution of the contract
c) Anticipated launch or in-orbit delivery window
d) Name of the launch vehicle
e) Name and location of the launch facility
BR Software Tools for Res 49
• BR has created a new tool for creation of due diligence
information under Res49 and Res552 called the Res49/552 builder
in Spacecap
• With this tool, all operations for capturing the due diligence information
can be made within Spacecap.
• From the coordination or notification notice, the frequency summary data
is first extracted by the tool
Only frequency bands that are concerned by Res49 will be extracted
• User selects the bands he/she wishes to submit the due diligence
• Information concerning the spacecraft manufacturer and launch service
provider is then captured within the Res 49 wizard using SPACECAP
• Please note that the previous tool: Res 49 wizard, will no longer
be supported and will soon be removed from Spacecap
New: Res49/552 Builder
Where to get the software
• All BR Space software like Spacecap are available
 BR IFIC (Space services) DVD-ROM
 Download from the BR web site
• Resolution 55 (rev. WRC-12) and Rules of Procedure on
• Information shall be submitted in electronic format compatible with
• For email submission, a confirmation by telefax or mail is required within
7 days of the date of the email
• Please note that there is no rules of procedure that provide for 30 days to
provide clarification while maintaining original date of receipt
• Risk that if due diligence information is received just before the date
limit, and if information is found to be not complete, there is no
chance to submit the missing information!
• Note that that validation of Res49 notice by Spaceval is currently not
• Important to validate the notice manually before submission!
How create a new RES49
(step by step exercise)
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• RES49 submission can be created for the following Special Sections:
Type of Special Sections
Tools & data needed
Not subject to a Plan
BR Software
AP30/E (Part A)
Subject to a
30 & 30A
AP30A/E (Part A)
SpaceCap V7
AP30-30A/E (Part A)
Number of BR IFIC
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Description of the exercise:
– Create a new RES49 submission for a Special Section
Subject to a Plan Appendices 30 & 30A:
Special Section AP30-30A/E/645 (Part A)
• Related to B-SAT-3A-3 satellite network.
• RES49 has to contain all frequency bands of AP30-30A/E/645:
– Channels 1-32 (feeder-link) + channels 1-32 (downlink); or
– Frequency bands: 12212-12687.98 MHz (feeder-link) +
17312-17787.98 MHz (downlink)
Plug WRS-14 USB Key or introduce DVD-ROM BR IFIC 2783 in your computer!
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 1 – Open SAM and run SpaceCap V7
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 2 – Open the corresponding database (SPS_ALL/30B/SRS)
2. BR IFIC 2783 –DVD-ROM \\Databases
Plan bands
non-Plan bands
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 2 – Open the corresponding database (SPS_ALL/30B/SRS)
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 3 – Select the type of Special Section for the creation of RES49
1. Planned Bands
Regions 1&3
Regions 1&3
3. Region 2
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 4 – Select the Special Section and run RES49 Builder
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 5 – Choose the folder to save RES49 and load frequencies
1. Choose the folder
were the database will
be saved (OPTIONAL)
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 6.1 Channel approach: Select frequency bands channel by channel
1. Select frequency
bands channel by
2. Enter a
satellite name
… or choose “Show Contiguous Bands” Option
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 6.2 Contiguous Bands: Select frequency bands by range
1. Select frequency
bands by range
2. Enter a
satellite name
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 7 – Go to RES49 tab in SpaceCap
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 8 – Open RES49 database with SpaceCap
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 9.1 – Introduce Manufacturer/Provider data
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 9.2 – Introduce Manufacturer/Provider data
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 10 – Check frequency ranges to be submitted
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 11 – Introduce any remark if necessary
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 12.1 – Print Notice to see your submission
1. Print notice with
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 12.2 – Check all information contained in RES49 is correct
Exercise on new RES49 submission
• Step 13 – Database is ready to be sent to BRMail@itu.int
Database has
been saved here
How modify an existing
RES49 Special Section and
create a new submission
(step by step exercise)
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 1 – Open SAM and run SpaceCapture V7
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 2 – Select and open the relevant database
(SRS2783 / SPS_ALL_IFIC2783 / 30B_2783)
Please select
and open the
Plan bands
non-Plan bands
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 2 (cont.) – Select and open the relevant database
(SRS2783 / SPS_ALL_IFIC2783 / 30B_2783)
Note: In this exercise the modification of the existing RES49 information for the satellite network subject of Appendix 30B
(FSS Plan) is considered as example.
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 3 – Move into the relevant template (CR/NOTIF / PLAN)
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 4 – Select a satellite network subject of RES49
modification and run RES49 Builder
Option 1
Option 2
Note: There are 2 options how to run the RES 49 Builder: Option 1 (via menu) / Option 2 (via Control Box Button).
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 5 – Create a new RES49 information for the subject
satellite network
Note: The new RES49.mdb file will be located at C:\br_soft\data\ folder but this location may be modified following user’s
request (through the “Change”).
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 5 (cont.) – Create a new RES49 information for the
subject satellite network
Due to all frequency bands subject to RES49 have been
already covered by an existing RES49 filing the list of
frequency bands is empty!
BUT all previously submitted RES49 information will be
included into the new file for further modification.
Note: At this stage it is impossible to modify the Commercial Satellite Name!!! It should be done later (see Step 7).
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 6 – Move into the RS49/552 template
Move to the “RS49/552”
Template to continue.
Now the RES49 information is ready for modification.
… end run the Notice Explorer
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 7 – Edit a new RES49 information as appropriate
These elements can be
Note: At this stage you may modify the Commercial Satellite Name, if you wish.
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 7 (cont.) – Edit a new RES49 information as appropriate
1. Select the frequency bands which should be resubmitted. To select more than one band please
use “Ctrl”.
2. Click the left button of your mouse.
Due to all frequencies have been
already submitted previously they
marked as “Submitted”
1. Select the frequency bands which should be resubmitted. To select more than one band please
use “Ctrl”.
2. Click the left button of your mouse.
3. Click on
How modify existing RES49 information
• Step 8 – Check and send to BR the new RES49 information
These references have been created by SpaceCapture.
BR1 “Date of receipt” shall be blank! If not, you did something
wrong at the Step 7.
If everything OK the new RES49 information is ready to be sent to the Bureau.
For more information:
General information relating to space plan services