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Khitrova Nechepurenko Ustnaya chast EGE 2022 OTVETY

Practice and Result «ЕГЭ 2022. Устная часть»
Хитрова Ирина Викторовна
Нечепуренко Татьяна Леонидовна
UNIT 1. Family relationship
Vocabulary Organiser
2. Translate the words from English into Russian.
1. father-in-law
Тесть, свекр
2. mother-in-law
Теща, свекровь
3. offspring
4. sibling
Родной брат, родная сестра
5. spouse
6. stepmother
7. adopted child
Усыновленный ребенок
8. half-brother
Сводный брат
9. niece
10. nephew
11. uncle
12. aunt
13. nuclear family (a couple and their
dependent children, regarded as a
Нуклеарная семья (родители и
basic social unit)
14. extended family (a family which
extends beyond the nuclear family
to include grandparents and other
Расширенная семья (семья,
состоящая из нескольких
3. Match the words from the list with their Russian equivalents and make up
sentences of your own to illustrate the meaning of them.
1. to babysit e
a) заботиться
2. to bring up children g
b) делиться знаниями/опытом
3. to share knowledge/experience b
c) родить
4. to take care a
d) встречаться, собираться
5. to look after/to keep an eye on h
e) оставаться с детьми, сидеть с
6. to get married to f
чужими детьми за плату
7. to give birth to children c
f) жениться
8. to get together d
g) воспитывать детей
h) присматривать за,
приглядывать за
Test 1. Family relationship
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering visiting a family psychology centre. and now you’d like to
get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to
find out about the following:
1) operating hours When does your psychology centre open and close?
2) availability of consulting at home Is consulting at home available?
3) staff qualifications What are the staff’s qualifications?
4) visit fee How much does a visit cost? / How much is visit fee?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 2. Everyday activities
Vocabulary Organiser
2. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions:
1. wake up b
a) to continue sleeping after the
time that you usually wake up
2. get up e
b) to become conscious after
3. sleep in a
c) to remove something, especially
a piece of clothing from your
4. put on h
d) to leave or go out of a place
5. turn on k
e) to leave bed
6. take off c
f) to go somewhere in your car and
collect somebody who is waiting
for you
7. get out d
g) to disable, disconnect, or stop the
function of something
8. tidy up i
h) to dress yourself in something
9. wash up l
i) to clean something up
10.pick up f
j) to leave someone or something at
the destination to which one has
transported it
11.drop off j
k) to start, to become active, or to
begin functioning, as of a machine
or device
12.turn off g
l) to clean up someone or
something by washing
3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate forms of the words from the list: to wake
up, to get up, to sleep in, to put on, to take off, to turn on, to turn off, to get out,
to pick up, to drop off, to tidy up, to wash.
1. What time do you usually____ to get up _________?
2. I need to have a cup of coffee in the morning to help me __ to wake up
3. After this week's work, I will _____ sleep in ______ on Saturday.
4. I ____ put on _______ a heavy coat to go outside in the cold.
5. He __ took off_________ my wet boots and made me sit by the fire.
6. I need to ____ to turn on _______ the lights to see properly.
7. I forgot to ___ to turn off ________ my laptop, and now the battery is dead.
8. Hold the door open so that I can ___ get out ________.
9. The bus ___ picks up ________ passengers outside the airport.
10.When do I need to ___________ the kids at soccer practice?
11.We should ____ tidy up _______ the house before the guests arrive.
12.I’ll make breakfast and ___ wash ________ the plates, too.
Test 2. Everyday activities
Task 2. Study the advertisement
You are considering having your clothes cleaned at a local dry-cleaner’s and
now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four
direct questions to find out about the following:
1) location Where is your dry-cleaner’s located?
2) working hours When does the dry-cleaner’s open and close?
3) delivery service Is delivery service provided?
4) ways of payment What ways of payment are possible?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 3. Healthy lifestyle
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Match the idioms from the first column with their definitions.
1. to be on the mend E
a) to be strong and healthy
идти на поправку,
b) when someone isn’t feeling
2. to be in good shape/out of
shape D
very good
быть в хорошей спортивной
форме/быть не в форме
3. to be under the weather B
c) to start eating healthily
чувствовать недомогание
4. to go on a diet C
сесть на диету
d) to be in a good physical form
or condition/ Not to be in a
good physical form or
5. to be as fit as a fiddle A
быть в полном здравии
e) to be healthy after a time of
sickness or injury
2. Sort out healthy and unhealthy foods in the proper column.
fruit, hamburger, vegetables, milk, sweets, honey, meat, cheese, cola, crisps,
butter, ice-cream, cake, jam, nuts, eggs, fish
fruit, vegetables, milk, honey, meat,
Hamburger, sweets, cola, crisps, butter,
cheese, nuts, eggs, fish
ice-cream, cake, jam
Test 3. Healthy lifestyle.
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering buying a gym membership and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) membership price How much is a gym membership? How much does a
membership cost?
2) special offers Are there any special offers?
3) training programmes What kind of training programmes do you offer?
4) instructors’ experience What is your instructors’ experience?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 4. Shopping
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Match the words from the first column with their definitions. Make up
a story using all the words from the first column.
1. shop assistant
a) a room or area in a shop where you
can put on clothes to check that they fit
before you buy them 8
2. receipt
b) to pay by a small plastic card that
can be used as a method of payment 11
3. delivery
c) someone whose job is to sell goods
and help customers in a store 1
4. to try on
d) the act of taking goods, letters, etc.
to the people they have been sent to 3
5. refund
e) to buy something 7
6. discount
f) a small vehicle with wheels that can
be pushed or pulled along and is used
for carrying things 9
7. to purchase
g) a very large building or buildings
containing a lot of stores and
restaurants, usually with space outside
for parking 10
8. fitting room
h) to pay in bills and coins 12
9. trolley
i) a piece of paper or an electronic
document that shows that goods or
services have been paid for 2
10. shopping mall
j) an amount of money that is taken off
the usual cost of something 6
11. to pay by credit card
k) to put on a piece of clothing to see if
it fits and how it looks 4
12. to pay in cash
l) a sum of money that is paid back to
you, especially because you paid too
much or because you returned goods to
a shop 5
2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the words
from the list:
shop assistant, receipt, delivery, in cash, to try on, refund, discount, to
purchase, fitting room, trolley, shopping mall, by credit card
For most people, shopping is often a social activity done with friends and
family. It’s common to go window shopping or push a (1) ___trolley ________ in
a supermarket or a (2) ___ shopping mall ________ looking for (3) ___ discount
__________. Now big stores provide excellent customer service. The (4) __ shop
assistants ___________ are very helpful and do their best to advise you on the best
products for your needs.
You can also do shopping online. There is so much choice on the internet and
it’s easy to shop around. You can (5) ___ purchase__________ things immediately
and have a (6) __ delivery ___________ the next day. You can pay (7) ____ by
credit card _________ on the site or pay directly to the delivery man (8) ____ in
cash _________.
However, some people buy clothes and shoes in stores as they like (9) ____
to try on _______ them first in a comfortable (10) __ fitting room _________. If
you don’t like something or if something doesn’t fit you can just take it back to the
store, show the (11) ___ receipt ________ and get a (12) ____ refund _______.
It is a personal preference when it comes to choosing the two different
shopping methods. They have made shopping really easy in the ever-changing
world. Shop the way you feel comfortable and be a smart shopper.
Test 4. Shopping
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering buying some Christmas gifts for your friends and now
you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct
questions to find out about the following:
1) location Where is your gift shop located?
2) working hours When does the shop open and close?
3) ways of payment What ways of payment are possible?
4) discounts for students Do you have discounts for students?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (12–15 sentences total). You have to
talk continuously.
UNIT 5. Nutrition
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Sort the words into two topic groups.
⮚ recipe-book
⮚ cook dishes
⮚ kettle
⮚ have a snack
⮚ frying pan
⮚ have another helping
⮚ bread bin
⮚ butter one’s bread
⮚ jug
⮚ help oneself to something
⮚ tin-opener
⮚ chop
⮚ ladle
⮚ slice
⮚ spoon
⮚ grate
⮚ fork
⮚ bake
⮚ knife
⮚ grill
⮚ cutlery
⮚ fry
⮚ tray
⮚ roast
⮚ saucepan
⮚ boil
⮚ salt-seller
⮚ scramble
⮚ pepper-box
⮚ sugar-basin
2. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the words given in the table.
1. These foods ____ contain nutrients ________ required to permit the
normal growth, maintenance and functioning of the human body.
2. Farmers_____ use fertilizers ______ to help crops and gardens grow.
3. The products sold in the eco-shop___are GMO-free _______.
4. Fruits are____ high/ low in fibre ________.
5. Many fizzy drinks___ contain artificial sweetener/additive
6. You should eat food which ___contain carbohydrate/protein/fat_____if
you want to maximize muscle growth.
7. He has __ put on weight ________since he stopped going to the gym.
8. Diet and exercise regime are used__ to treat obesity _________.
Test 5. Nutrition
Task 2.
You are considering visiting an eco-shop and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) location Where is the eco-shop located?
2) working hours When does the eco-shop open and close?
3) organic food availability Is organic food available?
4) local farmers’ produce Do you sell local farmers’ produce?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 6. Sport
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Sort the words into two topic groups:
Winter kinds of sport
Summer kinds of sport
⮚ figure skating
⮚ motor races
⮚ skiing
⮚ volleyball
⮚ skating
⮚ cycling
⮚ curling
⮚ rugby
⮚ snowboarding
⮚ diving
⮚ ice hockey
⮚ baseball
⮚ ski jumping
⮚ windsurfing
⮚ biathlon
⮚ yachting
⮚ wrestling
2. Complete the following table with the appropriate words.
The place the sport is
volleyball player
horse riding
race horse
American football
Football player
hockey player
hockey pitch
soccer player
3. Complete the table with the appropriate sport from the list below:
⮚ snow-boarding
⮚ rugby
⮚ weightlifting
⮚ horse riding
⮚ football
⮚ motor racing
⮚ fishing
⮚ badminton
⮚ ice-skating
⮚ volleyball
⮚ surfing
⮚ hockey
⮚ snorkeling
⮚ basketball
⮚ cycling
⮚ tennis
⮚ parachuting
⮚ diving
⮚ skiing
⮚ sailing
Test 6. Sport
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering joining a new pool billiards club and now you’d like to get
more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find
out about the following:
1)varieties of billiard games What billiard games can I play in your new pool
billiards club?
2) number of players How many players can play in the club at the same
3) table rent How much is table rent?
4) discounts Are there any discounts?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 7. Travelling and transport
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Study the words below to complete the columns with the words to describe
travelling by air, by land or by water.
by air
by land
by water
boarding pass
to catch a train
to miss a train
to get on/off a plane
travel companion
ship cabin
departure lounge
to get on/off a train
travel companion
a window seat
an aisle seat
railway station
inflatable boat
train conductor
a swim ring
ticket-sales counter
train compartment
to board a ship
baggage-claim area
facing the engine
flight attendant
ticket-sales counter
boarding gate
travel companion
reclaim unit
to travel light
seaside resort
to travel light
to see off
to see off
to set off
ticket-sales counter
to set off
to head for
reclaim unit
to head for
to go on a holiday
to take off
bank of the river
to land
to go on a business
sea shore
to go on a holiday
to go on a business
to go on foot
to arrive in/at
to travel light
to arrive in/at
to see off
to set off
to head for
to go on a holiday
to go on a business
to arrive in/at
to get ashore
to set sail
2. Match the types of houses with their definitions.
Type of houses
1. motel k
2. campsite a
3. hotel f
4. youth hostel c
5. cottage d
a) piece of land where people on
holiday can camp
b) a large building that is divided
into apartments
c) a place where young people can
6. block of flats b
stay cheaply for short periods
7. skyscraper j
when they are travelling
8. palace e
9. bungalow i
10.mansion l
d) a small house, usually in the
e) a large house that is the official
11.houseboat h
home of a king, queen, or other
12.terraced house g
person of high social rank
f) a building where you pay to have
a room to sleep in
g) a house that is joined to the
houses on either side of it by
shared walls
h) it is a place where people live, it
is often kept on a river or canal
i) a house that usually has only one
storey (= level)
j) a very tall modern building,
usually in a city
k) a building for people travelling
by car
l) a very large, expensive house
3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box below.
check in, departure lounge, travel light, boarding pass, flight attendant,
baggage claim, gangway, took off, land, ferry
1. The ______ ferry ______ service has been suspended for a day because of
bad weather.
2. You must ____ check in _________ at the airport an hour before your plane
3. His suitcase was blocking the ___ gangway _____________.
4. The plane ___ took off ______ three hours late.
5. You should show your _____ boarding pass _______ to the flight attendant
to board the plane.
6. There is a large ____ departure lounge_______ on the first floor of the
7. During the flight the food is served by a ___ flight attendant ____________.
8. I like to carry my bags onto the plane, so I try to_____ travel light
9. You can ____ land ________ a plane on water in an emergency.
10.After flight travelers pick up their suitcases at the ____ baggage claim
Test 7. Travelling and Transport
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering going on a cruise and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) starting point What is the starting point of the cruise?
2) cruise duration How long does the cruise last?
3) price per person How much is the cruise for a person?
4) internet access onboard Is there an internet access onboard?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 8. Education and Learning
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Fill in the gaps with the words given in the box below.
educational, certificate, graduates, advanced, classroom, curriculum,
homework, secondary, bell, background
1. Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer
lab and four days in the_____ classroom ________________.
2. He was educated at the local ____ secondary _____________school in
3. The children arrived at school after the ___ bell ____________ had rung.
4. After the conference each participant will receive a ___certificate
_______________ of attendance.
5. Passing a written exam is a prerequisite for taking the _____ advanced_____
6. Maths is a part of the school ____ curriculum _________________.
7. You need an educational ____ background _______________ in
mathematics if you want to be an engineer.
8. The _____ educational _____________ system should be reformed.
9. My science teacher always sets a lot of __ homework ________________.
10.University ____ graduates _______________ are not experienced enough to
get a well-paid job.
2. Match the idioms with their meaning.
1. learn something by heart A
a) to memorise something in such a
2. with flying colours E
way that you can say it from
3. to brush up on D
4. to learn the ropes B
b) to learn how to do a job
5. to be a bookworm F
c) to work late at night
6. burn the midnight oil C
d) to improve your knowledge of
something already learned but
partly forgotten
e) to succeed easily, with a very
high mark or grade
f) to read a lot
3. Correct the spelling of the jumbled words. The first letter is given.
1. nsabet
2. nwrhitaidgn
Handwriting _______________________________
3. remediniatet
4. aficiqationul
5. cencesi
6. nohlteogyc
7. acbokardbl
8. veunriisty
9. miscetryh
Test 8. Education and learning
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering attending a children’s leisure centre and now you’d like
to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to
find out about the following:
1) opening hours When does the children’s leisure centre open and close?
2) kids’ programs What kids’ programs do you organize?
3) minimum age What is the minimum age of the kids who can attend the
4) number of kids in a group How many kids are there in a group?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 9. Professions
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Fill in the table with the proper words:
Place of work
Construction site
To construct
Lecture hall
To deliver a lecture
Restaurant, cafe
To cook meal
Houses and buildings
To fix pipes
To do hair
2. Read the texts and fill in the gaps with the appropriate profession:
___ Chef _______ is to plan menus, develop recipes, and engage in and supervise
the preparation of dishes. They order supplies, accept their deliveries in the morning,
and check for their freshness and taste. Cleanliness is vital to kitchens for health and
safety reasons, so _______ Chefs ______ maintain sanitation practices and ensure
that all health laws are followed. They also hire, train and, if necessary, fire cooks
and other food-preparation workers. _______ Chefs ___who own restaurants also
have marketing and administrative responsibilities, and may use software to help
with management duties.
Skilled, creative____Bakers_____ are to provide excellent baked items and service
in an efficient, professional manner. The Bakers_____ will design, execute, and
improve recipes, perform quality checks on ingredients and finished products, use
icing, glazes, fillings, and decorations, and process orders from customers. To be a
successful baker_________, you should be efficient and friendly with a focus on
food quality and customer satisfaction. You should be organized, decisive, attentive,
and possess a strong understanding of baking techniques.
__Nurse__________ is one among the many in the hospital who gives aid to any
patients, and stand as doctor’s assistance while doing some operations and other
treatment that is necessary to the needs of the many patients. _nurses_____ are
always available in giving their best care in order to feel much better and comfort at
all times. nurses________ are available at all times to attend to the patients’ needs
guidance and even request.
An__architect_____ must also think about a building’s style, safety and
sustainability to ensure it meets the needs of its occupants as well as the requirements
of state and federal regulators. __Architects_____ also work with other related
professionals, such as engineers, urban planners, construction workers and interior
designers. A daily routine of an _architect_______ includes designing, planning and
developing. Final construction plans are created by_architects_____ and used by
builders as a step-by-step guide on how the design and details of the building will
look like.
__Flight attendant____________ensures passenger safety and offering service and
support during flights. While much of their work takes place in the air, flight
attendants_______ also perform ground-based duties, such as cleaning the cabin and
restocking supplies, before and after flights. As with most airline workers, _flight
attendants______ have some responsibilities in getting ready for flight. The safety
responsibilities for_flight attendants_______ begin right away with safety and
includes making passengers aware of in-flight requirements, where emergency
equipment is located and how to exit in an emergency situation. If extreme
turbulence or emergency situations arise, _flight attendants_____ are in charge of
communicating instructions from the captain to passengers, or directing procedures
as outlined during pre-flight meetings
Here are the general requirements for those who are interested to apply for this
profession: First, he or she must have a license in order to apply to high-end salons
and spa. Second, he or she must have proper training of hairstyling and even basic
cosmetology. A_hairdresser__________ is responsible for performing salon tasks
such as bleaching, conditioning, permanent waving, straightening as well as tinting
dry and style hair using different kinds of brushes, combs, straightening irons and
other equipment typically used for setting the hair.
_hairdressers_______ are people who are skilled and trained to cut, style, add up
hair color, straighten and even do some permanent wave treatment on the hair with
chemical solutions, as well as give customers hair and as scalp treatments.
__trainers_________ bring out ability by identifying needs and planning and
realising suitable training programmes. It involves developing the participants'
physical and psychological fitness. _Trainers______ will help people participating
in sports to work towards achieving their full potential. They may support
professional sportspeople, sports teams, community teams or school groups,
working closely with them to improve performance.
3. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.
1. to operate on F
a) ремонтировать трубы
2. to do hair D
b) фотографировать
3. to fix pipes A
c) доить корову
4. to take temperature G
d) делать прическу
5. to sound lungs H
e) тушить огонь
6. to put out fire E
f) оперировать
7. to take photos B
g) измерять температуру
8. to milk a cow C
h) выслушивать легкие
Test 9. Professions
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering signing up a programme at a flight attendant training
centre and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to
ask four direct questions to find out about the following:
1) age restrictions Are there any age restrictions for a flight attendant?
2) physical requirements What are physical requirements for a flight
3) course duration How long does a programme at a flight attendant training
centre last?
4) possibility of internship Is internship possible?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 10. Communication
Vocabulary Organiser
2. Fill in the gaps with the words given in the box below.
delivery, access, parcel, stamp, greet, hugging, negotiations, call back, reply,
1. He was angry but managed, with great self-restraint, to ___ reply
____________ calmly.
2. I had to sign for the ___ parcel __________ when I collected it from the post
3. She said she'd ____ call back____________ later to pick up that report.
4. She has a habit of __ hugging_______________a cushion while she's
watching TV.
5. The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy ______
access_______ to the required information.
6. The unions must ______ greet ______ this decision with delight.
7. The course includes an _____ online __________ module.
8. You have to allow for a time lag between order and ____delivery_______.
9. He sealed the envelope and put a ____ stamp__________ on it.
10.The agreement was reached after a series of difficult ______ negotiations
3. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.
1. to go out/hang out B
a) шептать
2. to whisper A
b) общаться, встречаться
3. to shout E
c) обмениваться идеями
4. to hold hands F
d) вести переговоры
5. to shake hands G
e) кричать
6. to negotiate D
f) держаться за руки
7. to exchange/share ideas C
g) пожать руку
Test 10. Communication
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering taking a part-time job in a call centre and now you’d like
to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to
find out about the following:
1) requirements for the applicants What are the requirements for the
applicants to take a part-time job in a call centre?
2) flexible schedule Do you have/offer/provide a flexible schedule?
3) pay per hour How much will I be paid per hour? How much will I get
per hour?
4) work from home Is it possible to work from home?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 11. Entertainment
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Sort out the words into topic groups:
stalls, aisle, balcony, box, exhibits, painting,
row, seat, aisle,
dress-circle, row, seat,
drawing, sculptor,
box office, plot, audience,
performance, play,
collection, audio-guide,
film, comedy, drama
comedy, guided tour, renaissance,
tragedy, programme, set, exhibition, sketch,
stage,interval, first night, sculpture, artist,
plot, landscape, portrait, oil
drama, to applaud, to clap, painting, watercolour,
dance painter, medieval,
ballet, classical, impressionist,
dress realist, surrealist
2. Complete the dialogue. Use the words and word combinations from the box
in a proper form.
fancy, feel like going, to book the tickets online, what’s on, which seats do
you prefer, to have a bite to eat, to go out, science - fiction movie on
Andrew: Sandra, shall we __ go out____________tonight?
Sandra: Ok. I don’t mind. Yes, I __feel like going____________ to the cinema.
_What’s on____________?
Andrew: There is a new _science - fiction movie on_____________ at the cinema.
Let’s go and see it. I think it is brilliant.
Sandra: I like science-fiction films. We should go.
Andrew: Great! I’ll _ book the tickets online_____________ for us then.
Sandra: It should be an exciting film.
Andrew: I think so too. By the way, __which seats do you prefer____________?
Sandra: I prefer seating in the middle.
Andrew: Ok, I will keep it in mind.
We can go on to a cafe after the film and __have a bite to eat____________.
Sandra: Great idea! I _fancy_____________ eating out in a cozy cafe nearby.
3. Match the idioms in the left column with their definitions.
1.to make a clown of yourself h)
a) to be the center of attention
2.to be in the limelight a)
b) to be prepared to do something at the
most appropriate/opportune moment
3.to wait in the wings b)
c) a nervous feeling we get when we
have to perform in front of an audience
4.stage fright c)
d) the first performance (of a concert,
opera, play, etc.)
5.opening night d)
e) to be the most popular or the best
part of an event or situation
6.to steal the show e)
f) someone or something that is
particularly aged or old-fashioned
7. to face the music g)
g) to accept criticism or punishment for
something you have done
8.museum piece f)
h) to make yourself appear foolish or
Test 11. Entertainment
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering taking a city tour and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) starting point What is the starting point of the tour?
2) tour price How much does the tour cost?
3) Russian-speaking guide Is a Russian-speaking guide provided/available? Is
there a Russian-speaking guide?
4) duration of tour How long does the tour last?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 12. Holidays
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Fill in the gaps with the proper forms of the words given in the box
to set off fireworks, to exchange gifts, to lay the table, to blow out the
candles on the cake, to wine and dine, to book in advance, to greet with
cheers, bride and groom, celebrity, chimes, to take place, New Year’s Eve
1. On Christmas Day family and friends gather to __exchange gifts______ and
enjoy special Christmas food.
2. In the course of the event, the active supporters _ set off fireworks_____ to
greet the guests.
3. He offered his congratulations to the ___bride and groom__________and
wished them love and happiness.
4. I want you to help me __to lay the table_____________ with places set for
five people.
5. Children like birthdays because they are in the center of attention, they get
presents and they can____ blow out the candles on the cake ________.
6. The ceremony must ___take place________________ in the central hall
and all the celebrities are invited.
7. There are few places on the course, so it is essential __to book in advance.
8. They were happy __wine and dine________________ their quests on_New
Year’s Eve___________.
9. The first time the ___chimes_____________ of Big Ben were heard on 31
December 1923.
10.The winning team __was greeted with cheers_________________ by the
Test 12. Holidays. Customs and Traditions
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering celebrating a family event in a restaurant and now you’d
like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct
questions to find out about the following:
1)vegetarian menu Is there a vegetarian menu in your restaurant?
2) desserts for children Do you have/offer any desserts for children?
3) ways of payment What ways of payment are possible?
4) booking in advance Can I book in advance?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 13. Ecology and environment
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Match the Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. землетрясение d)
a) typhoon
2. ураган c)
b) drought
3.торнадо f)
c) hurricane
4. лавина g)
d) earthquake
5. тайфун a)
e) famine
6. извержение вулкана i)
f) tornado
7. засуха b)
g) avalanche
8.голод e)
h) flood
9. наводнение h)
i) volcanic eruption
2. Fill in the gaps with the proper forms of the words given in the box below.
to damage, to protect, landfill, lifeboat, sea surface, lifebelt, recycling,
to litter, to recycle, earthquake and tsunami, to come to rescue, to
sink, to drown
1. Smoking seriously ___ damages___________ your health.
2. The new measures of the government are designed to _protect___________
the environment.
3. Paper cups ___litter___________ the ground.
4. The country __recycles____________ nearly 80% of its paper.
5. After the tsunami the volunteer teams _came to rescue_____________ to
the devastated island.
6. It seems as though the ship __ sank______________ without a trace.
7. The town has a well-developed sanitary _landfill__________ and a plastic
__recycling__________ factory.
8. There was only room for ten people in the ___lifeboat____________.
9. The ___earthquake and tsunami_________________ caused severe
damage in Japan, including heavy damage to roads and railways.
10. The __lifebelt____________ will support you on the __sea surface____
and won’t let you _drown____________.
Test 13. Ecology and Environment
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering participating in a waste sorting activity at a local
recycling centre and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes
you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:
1) recycling centre location Where is the recycling centre located?
2) activity time How long will the activity last?
3) ways of packing What are the ways of packing?
4) gloves provided Are gloves provided?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
UNIT 14. Science and technology
Vocabulary Organiser
1. Sort out the words into two topic groups.
Computer-related words
Conducting experiments
⮚ satellite communication
⮚ flask
⮚ virtual reality
⮚ racks
⮚ virtual reality goggles
⮚ rubber gloves
⮚ keyboard
⮚ chemicals
⮚ laptop
⮚ equipment
⮚ mouse
⮚ to do/ perform/ carry out an
⮚ mouse pad
⮚ printer
experiment with sth
⮚ speaker
⮚ to mix chemicals
⮚ hacker
⮚ to make conclusion
⮚ interface
⮚ laboratory
⮚ monitor
⮚ laboratory assistant
⮚ screen
⮚ to do/carry out research
⮚ machine tool
⮚ to chat online
⮚ connection
⮚ to download
⮚ to surf the Net
⮚ website
3. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.
1. to plug in d)
a) заряжать/перезаряжать
2. to insert c)
b) подсоединять X к Y
3. to press a button e)
c) вставлять, вводить
4. to connect X to Y b)
d) включать в розетку
5. to switch/turn on, switch /turn off f)
e) нажать кнопку
6. to charge/recharge (a battery) a)
f) включить/выключить
Test 14. Science and technology
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You would like to join a school of engineering and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) diagnostic test for beginners Is there diagnostic test for beginners in your
engineering school?
2) subjects on curriculum What subjects are on the curriculum?
3) group size How many students are there in a group?
4) course completion certificate Is course completion certificate provided?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 15. Family relations
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering visiting an entertainment center and now you’d like to
get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to
find out about the following:
1) location Where is your entertainment center located?
2) available services What services are available?
3) age restrictions Are there any age restrictions for a visit?
4) family events celebration Do you organize family events celebration?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 16. Everyday activities
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering making use of a dog walking service and now you’d like to
get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find
out about the following:
1) number of dogs served at the same time How many dogs can be served at
the same time at your dog walking service?
2) medical dog’s documents needed Are any medical dog’s documents
3) availability of late evening walks Are late evening walks available?
4) duration of walk How long does a walk last?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 17. Healthy lifestyle
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering visiting a skating rink and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) locker room availability Is a locker room available?
2) skates rent What is skates rent?
3) individual instructor Is it possible to work with an individual
4) coffee vending machine Is a coffee vending machine available?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 18. Shopping
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering buying some fruit on a new market and now you’d like to
get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find
out about the following:
1) working hours When does your new market open and close?
2) delivery Is delivery available?
3) wholesale discounts Are there discounts for wholesalers?
4) suppliers Who are your suppliers?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 19. Nutrition
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering visiting a nutrition consultancy and now you’d like to get
more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find
out about the following:
1) opening hours What are the opening hours of your nutrition
2) staff qualifications What are your staff’s qualifications?
3) visit fee How much is a visit fee?
4) online consultation Is online consultation available?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 20. Sport
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering taking a tour to a ski resort and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) accommodation Is accommodation provided?
2) insurance policy Do you give an insurance policy?
3) booking online Is booking online possible?
4) ski pass price How much is a ski pass?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 21. Travelling and transport
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering taking a tour of London and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) time for departure When does the tour depart?
2) duration of the tour How long does the tour last?
3) sights you will see What sights will I see?
4) booking online Is booking online possible?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 22. Education and learning
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering joining a new ballet academy and now you’d like to get
more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find
out about the following:
1) opening date When is the opening date of your new ballet academy?
2) number of students in a group How many students are there in a group?
3) teachers’ qualification What is your teachers’ qualification?
4) certificate Do you provide a certificate of attendance?/ Is your academy
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 23. Professions
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering visiting a medical centre and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) health care services What health care services does your medical center
2) diagnostic facilities What diagnostic facilities do you have?
3) prices How much do your services cost?
4) discounts Are there any discounts?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 24. Communication
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering participation in an entertaining quest and now you’d like
to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to
find out about the following:
1) duration How long does your entertaining quest last?
2) location Where does the quest take place?
3) number of participants How many participants are there in an
entertaining quest?
4) price per person How much does a quest per person cost?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 25. Entertainment
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering swimming with dolphins and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) price How much does swimming with dolphins cost?
2) age restrictions Are there any age restrictions?
3) number of dolphins to swim with How many dolphins can I swim with?
4) video shooting Is video shooting provided?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 26. Holidays. Customs and Traditions.
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering visiting a holiday resort and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) check- in time What is the check-in time at your holiday resort?
2) sports facilities What sports facilities do you have?
3) spa services What spa services do you offer?
4) booking in advance Is booking in advance possible?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 27. Ecology and Environment
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering taking a diving course and now you’d like to get more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out
about the following:
1) price for a beginner course How much does a beginner diving course cost?
2) safety rules What safety rules should I follow?
3) instructors’ qualification What is your instructors’ qualification?
4) medical insurance Is medical insurance provided?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Test 28. Science and technology
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You would like to join IT courses and now you’d like to get more information.
In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the
1) duration How long do the IT courses last?
2) programmes to study What are the programmes to study?
3) internship availability Is internship available?
4) certificate of attendance Do you give a certificate of attendance ?
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.