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Organizational Behavior: Power & Influence Test Questions

Management - Organizational Behavior Ch. 13
Organizational Behavior, Version 1.1
Bauer & Erdogan
FWK Test Item File
Chapter 13
1. Power is the ability to get things done the way you want them to be done.
2. Power distribution is usually not visible in organizations.
3. Power has negative consequences but never has positive consequences.
4. One reason why power can be so easily abused is because individuals are quick to
5. Conformity is people’s tendencies to behave consistently with social norms.
6. The Milgram, Asch, and Hawthorne studies illustrate how important it is to create
checks and balances to help individuals resist the tendency to conform or
abuse authority.
7. In the Milgram studies, participants were willing to administer harmful levels of
voltage to learners when those learners provided incorrect answers.
8. The Asch experiments showed that a dissenting minority does not have much
9. Meta-analysis suggests that the level of conformity in the United States has been
increasing since the 1950s.
10. The Zimbardo experiment was stopped early because all parties involved became
too entrenched in their experimental roles.
11. The more that a party is dependent upon you, the less power you have.
12. The scarcer a resource is that you control, the more power you possess.
13. The more vital the resource you control, the greater the level of power you
14. The more substitutes available for a resource, the higher the power level of the
person possessing that resource.
15. The CEO of an organization has legitimate power because of his or her role.
16. Coercive power tends to accompany legitimate power in an organization.
17. Coercive power works through fear and forces people to do things they otherwise
would not consider.
18. Michael is the individual in the firm who knows everything about computer issues.
When anyone has a problem, they go to Michael. Michael has referent power.
19. Charisma is a type of referent power.
20. Influence is getting others to do what we want them to do.
21. The most commonly used influence technique is personal appeal.
22. Compliance is when the target of influence not only agrees to your request, but
actively supports it.
23. Rational persuasion uses facts, data and logical arguments to influence a target
24. When college students are told by a speaker seeking their support, “You can
make a difference. Do this for future generations,” that speaker is using
inspirational appeals to convince students to join the cause.
25. Using any form of flattery in an appeal is an example of the exchange influence
26. Research shows that individuals who lived near stairwells in dorms were the most
well liked people in those dorms because they were seen most often by
everyone who was coming and going. This is an example of the personal
appeal influence tactic.
27. Research shows that managers with high referent power tend to use pressure
tactics much more frequently than those with low referent power.
28. Legitimating tactics are those whose appeal is based upon position power.
29. Referent power is more effective than formal power bases and is positively related
to employees’ satisfaction with supervision.
30. The most effective approach to impression management on the job is to build
credibility and maintain authenticity.
31. Impression management has been shown to be related to higher performance
ratings by increasing liking and perceived similarity.
32. The tone of your voice, rate of speech, and how you deliver your message are
relatively unimportant in the impression management area.
33. Impression management is particularly salient in job interviews and promotional
34. Upward influence includes appealing to a higher authority or citing a firm’s goals
as a reason for others to follow your suggestion.
35. Managers report using personal appeals most frequently with other managers and
rational persuasion most frequently with subordinates.
36. Effective politics is about winning at all costs.
37. Almost all managers surveyed suggest workplace politics exist in their
organizations and that to be successful individuals must engage in politics.
38. If employees feel their organizations are too driven by politics, they are less
committed to the organization and perform worse on the job.
39. Individuals high in internal locus of control engage in more political behavior.
40. When resources such as raises or promotions are limited, employees see the
organization as more political.
41. When individuals feel role ambiguity in their jobs, they feel the organization is
more political.
42. The more democratic the decision making is in a firm, the more the firm will be
perceived as political.
43. Social network analysis can reveal who can be trusted in an organization, who is
important to decision making and even who is innovative.
44. Boundary spanners are people who are linked to the greatest number of people in
the organization.
45. Social network analysis indicating strong ties is demonstrating informational, not
emotional support.
46. Peripheral specialists in a social network are those with special expertise who can
be called upon for advice even though they work independently from the
47. Strong ties in a social network are especially useful for innovation.
48. Company presidents usually possess at least legitimate, coercive, and referent
49. High power distance countries are those where power is centralized in the hands
of a few.
50. In low power distance countries, decisions are often made based upon loyalty
rather than some formal review process.
Opening Section: Focus on Power: The Case of Steve Jobs
51. Steve Jobs is one of the best-known CEOs in business. Which of the following
statements is INCORRECT in describing the way that Steve Jobs runs Apple
a. Jobs has an uncanny ability to persuade and influence people.
b. Jobs instills enthusiasm in his employees.
c. Jobs has a vision that he shares with his employees.
d. Jobs is always respectful of his employees.
(d) Difficult/Synthesis
52. Steve Jobs is best known for using what kind of power in running Apple Inc.?
a. coercive
b. referent
c. legitimate
d. all of the above
(d) Medium/Analysis
Section I: The Basics of Power
53. The ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want is
a. charisma.
b. power.
c. conformity.
d. pressure.
(b) Easy/Knowledge
54. Which of the following statements regarding power distribution research is
a. Power distribution is visible in organizations.
b. Individuals ranked themselves higher than their coworkers did.
c. In comparing rankings given to managers with regard to their influence,
there was general agreement on the top five but no agreement on the
bottom five.
d. Research indicates the ability to rank managers by influence is a consistent
practice in various industries and firms.
(c) Difficult/Analysis
55. Which of the following statements regarding the positive and negative
consequences of power is INCORRECT?
a. Individuals are often quick to question the actions of those in power.
b. Powerful CEOs can align an organization to achieve goals.
c. The adage, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” seems
to have some merit.
d. Power can corrupt and lead to the destruction of companies.
(a) Difficult/Evaluation
56. People’s tendencies to behave consistently with social norms is
a. culture.
b. conformity.
c. power.
d. dependency.
(b) Easy/Knowledge
57. Which of the following statements regarding the Milgram experiment on
conformity to authority is correct?
a. Participants believed they were engaged in an experiment on job design.
b. Over half of the participants refused to shock the learner at very high
voltage levels regardless of the encouragement to do so provided by
the experimenter.
c. Several learners were treated for depression at the conclusion of the study.
d. The researcher/experimenter’s role was very important in obtaining group
compliance with the experiment procedures/guidelines.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation
58. Which of the following statements regarding the Asch studies is INCORRECT?
a. Most of the participants in the Asch groups were confederates.
b. A dissenting minority influenced the nature of response given by
c. Conformity with an incorrect answer was attributed to the perception that
some members of the group had more information regarding the
correct choice.
d. A dissenting minority response caused the participants to give the correct
answer only if that minority also gave the right answer.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation
59. Which of the following statements regarding the Zimbardo study is correct?
a. The experimental guards received training before they were told to keep
b. The guards became abusive and aggressive, but the prisoners exhibited
little reaction.
c. Study participants refused to adapt to their roles.
d. The Zimbardo study was ended early due to the participant’s deep
entrenchment of the roles.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation
60. The strategic contingencies model suggests
a. the more difficult it is find a substitute, the less power held by the person
with the substitute.
b. the more unique your resource, the more power you will have.
c. the more vital the resources you control, the less power you hold.
d. the more dependent an individual is on another, the less power the one
being depended on has in the situation.
(b) Difficult/Analysis
61. Mark is the only individual in his organization who speaks Spanish fluently. His
firm just purchased a firm located in Mexico. Mark’s boss just told him how
valuable he is to the firm. This scenario is an example of what factor in the
strategic contingency model?
a. scarcity
b. dependent
c. independence
d. substitutability
(a) Medium/Application
62. The value of the resource is
a. its scarcity.
b. its substitutability.
c. its importance.
d. its dependency.
(c) Easy/Knowledge
63. The organizational behavior course has a project as a key requirement in the
course. As part of the course’s evaluation, students must indicate which group
member is the most valuable to the group. The designated individual will
receive bonus points. Nick is the only one in his course project group who can
create effective PowerPoint presentations. As the group’s presentation must
feature a visual aid, Nick is very confident he will be chosen as the most
valuable group member. Elizabeth just arrived at the group meeting with ideas
for depicting colorful poster boards with the same information. The group was
very enthusiastic about her novel ideas. This scenario demonstrates the
impact ___________ has on the level of power one has.
a. importance
b. dependency
c. scarcity
d. substitutability
(d) Medium/Application
64. Which of the following is correct regarding aspects of the strategic contingency
a. If the resources you control are vital to the organization, you will be viewed
as a threat to the others and will have less job security.
b. If there is a clear substitute that exists, the level of power held is greater.
c. The more difficult something is to obtain, the less value it tends to have.
d. The more dependent you are on another, the less power you have.
(d) Medium/Analysis.
Section II: The Power to Influence
65. A professor assigns grades due to _________ power.
a. coercive
b. referent
c. reward
d. legitimate
(d) Medium/Application
66. Managers at a pharmaceutical research and development firm have checkbooks
that they carry around with them as they monitor their subordinates. If a
manager notes outstanding behavior by a subordinate, they can write the
high-level performer a check on the spot. This is an example of the manager’s
___________ power.
a. referent
b. reward
c. expert power
d. information
(b) Medium/Application
67. Whitt Company made a substantial monetary offer to Bob to leave his design job
at Lincoln Industries and come to work at Whitt. The Whitt CEO, on hearing
some complaints from members of the Whitt Board of Directors about the size
of Bob’s pay package, responded, “Bob is one of the few people in the industry
who really understands what the customer wants and can design it into the
product.” Bob has ____________ power.
a. expert
b. legitimate
c. referent
d. legitimate
(a) Medium/Application
68. Professor Lamb is a fabulous speaker—funny, topical, and very knowledgeable
about his subject. His classes are always filled as soon as they open for
scheduling and the waiting list to get into them is long. Students never miss his
class and they highly recommend him to their friends. Graduate students want
to study with him to learn his techniques. Professor Lamb has ___________
a. coercive
b. legitimate
c. referent
d. reward
(c) Medium/Application
69. Al Dunlap was recognized as a turnaround artist for firms experiencing financial
and performance difficulties. When Dunlap arrived at a firm, downsizing
usually followed. Dunlap received the nickname, “Chainsaw Al” due to his
cost-cutting abilities. When Dunlap arrived at a firm he would recommend
major restructuring and though they were not supportive of his tactics, his
managers implemented his plan. Dunlap had ___________ power.
a. legitimate
b. likability
c. referent
d. informational
(a) Medium/Application
70. When negotiating a deal on the purchase of a new automobile, Bradley had
manufacturing cost data from his neighbor who worked for the car
manufacturer. Bradley got himself a good deal on his purchase due to his
___________ power in the negotiation.
a. referent
b. legitimate
c. information
d. coercive
(c) Medium/Application
71. Access to specific knowledge or skills is _______________ power.
a. expert
b. information
c. referent
d. reward
(b) Easy/Comprehension
72. The ability to grant an increase in pay, a perk, or an attractive job assignment is
___________ power.
a. referent
b. legitimate
c. expert
d. reward
(d) Easy/Comprehension
73. Coercive power
a. is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance.
b. is the ability to influence due to the possession of knowledge or skill.
c. stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to
which we respect and want to be like them.
d. stems from one’s organizational role or position.
(a) Easy/Knowledge
74. Referent power
a. is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance.
b. is the ability to influence due to the possession of knowledge or skill.
c. stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to
which we respect and want to be like them.
d. stems from one’s organizational role or position.
(c) Easy/Knowledge
75. Power that comes from one’s organizational role or position is
a. expert power.
b. referent power.
c. legitimate power.
d. information power.
(c) Easy/Comprehension
76. Power that comes from knowledge and skill is
a. expert power.
b. referent power.
c. legitimate power.
d. reward power.
(a) Easy/Comprehension
77. Attempting to get others to do what we want is
a. commitment.
b. power.
c. charisma.
d. influence.
(d) Easy/Knowledge
78. The ability to attract others, win their admiration, and hold them spellbound is
a. power.
b. influence.
c. charisma.
d. commitment.
(c) Easy/Knowledge
79. According to surveys, the most frequently used influence tactic is
a. personal appeals.
b. rational persuasion.
c. legitimating.
d. pressure.
(b) Easy/Comprehension
80. Mike was playing video games. His mother came downstairs and said, “Mike, your
room is a mess. I want you to go upstairs right now and clean it up or you will
not be able to go out on Saturday.” Mike wanted to finish his game but saved it
instead and went to clean his room. Mike has responded to Mom’s influence
attempt with
a. compliance.
b. resistance.
c. commitment.
d. exchange.
(a) Medium/Application
81. When a target agrees to a request and actively supports it, the target’s response
a. resistance.
b. compliance.
c. commitment.
d. conformity.
(c) Easy/Comprehension
82. The college organization president spoke to her members noting that the
organization needed monetary donations to reach their goals. She cited
numerous reasons why the money was needed and encouraged all members
to call alumni members of the group for such donations. She suggested that
the group members remind the alumni of the organization’s importance and
their ties to that group. John dislikes asking anyone for money and decided not
to make the calls. John is responding to the president’s influence tactics with
a. resistance.
b. conformity.
c. compliance.
d. commitment.
(a) Medium/Application
83. When the influence target does not wish to comply with the request and either
passively or actively repels the influence attempt, they are exhibiting
a. conformity.
b. compliance.
c. commitment.
d. resistance.
(d) Easy/Knowledge
84. The school district negotiator notes during contract negotiations with the teachers’
union that the district cannot afford a 3% wage increase. The district negotiator
presents the current expenditure budget, the projected tax revenue and state
contributions, and the currently increasing unemployment rate in the
community’s tax base as evidence of the lack of extra money for the
increases. The district negotiator is attempting to convince the teachers’
negotiator to pull back his demands using
a. inspirational appeals.
b. pressure.
c. rational persuasion.
d. personal appeals.
(c) Medium/Application
85. The Teach for America representative faced the group of college students and
asked, “Do you want to make a difference in this world? Do you want to give
back for all the good things you have had happen to you over your lifetime? Do
you want to help a child have a chance, a chance like yours? Then, won’t you
consider giving just nine months of your life to make a difference? Consider
joining me and thousands of your peers in leading this country in a new
direction by taking part in Teach for America.” The representative is using the
_______________ influence tactic.
a. rational persuasion
b. personal appeal
c. inspirational appeal
d. pressure
(c) Difficult/Application
86. Giving students a free mug, t-shirt, or blanket just for getting their names on a
mailing list at an organization is an example of the ____________ influence
tactic. Research suggests individuals try to repay what has been given them.
a. ingratiation
b. exchange
c. pressure
d. personal appeal
(b) Medium/Analysis
87. Using different forms of making others feel good about themselves is the influence
tactic of
a. exchange.
b. ingratiation.
c. pressure.
d. personal appeal.
(b) Easy/Comprehension
88. The use of client lists by advertisers and businesses to promote goods and
service is an example of the _____________ influence tactic. And, it works!
a. pressure
b. personal appeal
c. exchange
d. coalition
(d) Medium/Comprehension
89. The influence tactic that works most effectively in organizations that value
democratic decision making is
a. pressure.
b. coalition.
c. consultation.
d. ingratiation.
(c) Medium/Comprehension
90. A number of weight loss products advertised on television feature doctors who
note the safety and effectiveness of the product. This approach to convincing
viewers to purchase the product is an example of the _______________
influence tactic.
a. liking
b. personal appeal
c. pressure
d. legitimating
(d) Medium/Analysis
91. Getting a person to enter an employee assistance program for a substance abuse
problem as a condition of keeping their job is an example of using the
____________ influence tactic.
a. legitimating
b. pressure
c. personal appeal
d. consultation
(b) Medium/Comprehension
92. Your roommate says to you, “I really need to make sure that I do not have any
typos or misspelled words on my cover letter for my business communications
class. Will you please read it for me?” This is an example of the
a. exchange influence tactic.
b. ingratiation influence tactic.
c. personal appeal influence tactic.
d. rational persuasion influence tactic.
(c) Medium/Application
93. _______________ power is more effective than formal power bases and is
positively related to employee performance and organizational commitment.
a. Legitimate
b. Referent
c. Reward
d. Information
(b) Medium/Comprehension
94. Which of the following statements regarding impression management is
a. Whether you are actively managing your image or not, people are forming
impressions of you.
b. You can cause yourself psychological distress by contradicting your
personal values in trying to be someone you are not.
c. At work, the most effective approach to impression management is to build
credibility and be the person you want to be.
d. You can actively shape the way people perceive you.
(c) Medium/Synthesis
95. Which of the following is NOT an impression management category that an
individual can use to accomplish the outcomes desired?
a. personality
b. verbal
c. nonverbal
d. behavior
(a) Easy/Comprehension
96. Your posture, hand gestures, and eye contact are all examples of what aspect of
impression management?
a. behavior
b. verbal
c. nonverbal
d. personality
(c) Medium/Analysis
97. Which of the following is not an aspect of the verbal strategy of impression
a. tone of voice
b. rate of your speech
c. intent of your speech
d. what you choose to say
(c) Difficult/Comprehension
98. Research suggests all of the following are outcomes of impression management
EXCEPT impression management
a. is related to higher performance ratings for the subordinate due to
increased liking on the part of the manager.
b. occurs throughout the workplace.
c. influence is especially salient in interview and promotional contexts.
d. is less influential in unstructured interviews than structured interviews.
(d) Medium/Comprehension
99. The ability to influence those in positions lower than yours is
a. upward influence.
b. downward influence.
c. peer influence.
d. diagonal influence.
(b) Easy/Knowledge
100. Which of the following statements regarding upward influence is INCORRECT?
a. While helping higher-ups be more effective can help employees gain more
power for themselves, there is no gain for those same employees from
allowing those below to influence them.
b. Asian American and Caucasian American managers use different tactics in
influencing their superiors than they utilize in influencing their
c. As organization complexity grows, the need for upward influence increases.
d. Upward influence examples include forming an alliance or a perceived
alliance with a higher up and appealing to a higher authority.
(a) Difficult/Synthesis
101. Downward influence is best achieved through
a. citing the firm’s goals.
b. forming alliances.
c. an inspiring vision.
d. forming support networks.
(c) Medium/Analysis
102. Research on the direction of influence and the effectiveness of various influence
techniques indicates
a. rational persuasion is the most frequently used influence tactic across all
functional groups.
b. subordinate use of assertiveness and rationality as influence tactics lead to
negative outcomes.
c. extraverts are more likely to use inspirational appeal as an influence tactic.
d. the better the quality of relationship between the subordinate and supervisor,
the more positively resistance to influence techniques are seen.
(b) Difficult/Synthesis
Section III: Organizational Politics
103. Political behaviors in organizations include all of the following EXCEPT
a. negotiating.
b. rational decision making.
c. alliance building.
d. resolving conflicting interests.
(b) Medium/Comprehension
104. All of the following statements regarding organizational politics are correct
a. organizational politics are informal, unofficial, and even behind-the-scene
efforts to influence, increase power or achieve objectives.
b. politics arise in an organization as an attempt to influence the allocation of
scarce resources.
c. effective politics is all about winning at all costs.
d. organizations are made up of different interests that must be aligned.
(c) Medium/Synthesis
105. Research on employee perception of organizational politics finds all of the
following EXCEPT if employees think that their organization is overly driven by
a. employees have lower job satisfaction, but are no less committed to the
b. employees perform worse on their jobs.
c. employees have higher levels of job anxiety.
d. that perception can be reduced by an infusion of a high level of feedback by
the leader.
(a) Difficult/Synthesis
106. All of the following are individual antecedents of political behavior EXCEPT
a. political skill.
b. role ambiguity.
c. expectations of success.
d. internal locus of control.
(b) Easy/Comprehension
107. All of the following are organizational antecedents of political behavior EXCEPT
a. expectations of success.
b. role ambiguity.
c. resource scarcity.
d. democratic decision making.
(a) Easy/Comprehension
108. Which of the following statements regarding antecedents of political behavior is
a. Role ambiguity presents opportunities for employees to negotiate their
b. Authoritarian decision making leads to more political behavior in the
c. Individuals high in political skill are more effective at their jobs.
d. Individuals high in internal locus of control engage in more political
(b) Medium/Synthesis
Section IV: Understanding Social Networks
109. Informal social networks serve all of the following important functions EXCEPT
a. delivering private information.
b. providing support.
c. allowing individuals access to diverse skill sets.
d. helping create power.
(b) Medium/Comprehension
110. Social network analysis reveals all of the following EXCEPT who
a. is very knowledgeable in the group.
b. in the group can be trusted.
c. in the group is innovative.
d. in the group is important in decision making.
(a) Medium/Comprehension
111. Which of the following is NOT a key role in a social network?
a. central connectors
b. boundary spanners
c. external specialists
d. peripheral specialists
(c) Easy/Knowledge
112. People who connect one network to another within the company or even across
organizations are
a. central connectors.
b. boundary spanners.
c. external specialists.
d. peripheral specialists.
(b) Easy/Comprehension
113. Allan does not work for Core Company, but the human resource director calls
him whenever he wants some advice on labor unions. Allan is classified as a
_________ __________ in a social network analysis.
a. central connector
b. boundary spanner
c. external specialist
d. peripheral specialist
(d) Medium/Analysis
114. ___________ __________ indicate emotional as well as informational support in
a social network.
a. Strong ties
b. Weak ties
c. Social ties
d. Casual ties
(a) Easy/Comprehension
115. Brokering power in a social network means you
a. have a high level role in a social network.
b. can introduce people to each other.
c. have expert power in a social network.
d. have resources that others in a social network desire.
(b) Easy/Knowledge
116. Which of the following statements regarding the analysis of social networks is
a. Weak ties are more difficult to maintain than strong ties.
b. Strong ties indicate emotional support but no informational support.
c. Strong ties are particularly useful for innovation.
d. Ties that are reciprocated are strong ties.
(d) Medium/Synthesis
Section V: The Role of Ethics and National Culture
117. In countries with high power distance
a. decisions are sometimes based on loyalty, not performance.
b. it is unclear who is in power.
c. people expect small differences in pay.
d. people perceive inequity to be inherently wrong.
(a) Medium/Analysis
118. Which of the following statements is correct about power distance?
a. Leaders in high power distance countries emphasize equality and
opportunity for everyone.
b. In low power distance countries leaders are not to “stand out too much”
from the rest of their firms.
c. Organizations in low power distance countries are more hierarchical in
nature than in high power distance countries.
d. In high power distance countries formal review mechanisms are in place to
give everyone a fair chance at pay raises.
(b) Medium/Analysis
119. Which of the following statements regarding the perceptions of power in
countries is INCORRECT?
a. A country’s culture determines how people will attempt to influence each
b. In Mexico, which has a higher power distance dimension than in the United
States, lower level managers were unable to make decisions on behalf
of their bosses.
c. Rational persuasion is seen as more effective in the United States than in
d. Chinese managers rated influence tactics like coalitions lower than their
American counterparts.
(d) Medium/Analysis
120. _______________ is the ability to influence the behavior of others to get what
you want.
121. People’s tendencies to behave consistently with social norms is __________.
122. The __________studies looked at conformity and authority by having
participants shock learners when those learners provided an INCORRECT
123. Individuals could be influenced to say that two lines were the same length when
one was clearly shorter than the other due to conformity in the _________
124. The ___________ study was stopped early because participants and the
experimenter became too entrenched in their roles of aggressive jail guard
and helpless prisoner.
125. When discussing dependency, the concept of ___________ means the
uniqueness of a resource.
126. To determine how dependent you are on someone you need to assess three key
factors— ___________, ____________, and ____________.
(scarcity, importance, substitutability)
127. Power derived from one’s role in the organization is ______________ power.
128. A manager possesses ___________ power because he can provide you an
increase in pay or a promotion.
129. Punishing someone for noncompliance, as a parent does to a child when the
child does not clean her room, is an example of __________ power.
130. __________ power comes from knowledge and skills such as the long-time
employee who knows everything about company history and procedures.
131. When negotiations are going on, the person computing the numbers to
determine if a requested pay increase can be given possesses _________
132. Oprah Winfrey has tremendous charisma and is adored by many fans. Oprah
has ____________ power.
133. When we try to get others to do what we want, we are using _________.
134. The influence tactic used most frequently is __________ __________ in the
United States.
(rational persuasion)
135. When an influence target does not wish to comply with the request and either
passively or actively repels the influence attempt, the influence attempt
response of ____________ is occurring.
136. The influence attempt response______________ occurs when the target not
only agrees to the request but also actively supports it as well.
137. The influence tactic that uses facts, data and logical arguments is ___________
(rational persuasion)
138. The influence tactic that seeks to tap into your values, emotions and beliefs is
____________ _________.
(inspirational appeals)
139. The influence tactic that causes you to help another person because you like him
or her and he or she asked for your help is _________ ___________.
(personal appeal)
140. _____________ is the influence tactic that uses flattery or other forms of making
others feel good about themselves.
141. The influence tactic where there is give and take such that if someone does
something for you, you do something for them is called ___________.
142. Exerting undue influence on someone to do what you want or else something
undesirable will occur is the __________ influence tactic.
143. When someone tries to influence you by saying, “by the power vested in me…,”
he or she is using __________.
144. __________ ____________ is actively shaping the way others perceive you
such as being concerned about your nonverbal and verbal behaviors.
(Impression management)
145. The ability to influence your boss and others in positions above you is ________
(upward influence)
146. People’s ability to relate well to others, self-monitor, inspire confidence and trust,
and alter their reactions depending upon the situation they are in is
______________ ___________.
(political skill)
147. The visual map of relationships between individuals is a ________ __________.
(social network)
148. One of the key roles in a social network is a _________ ________, or people
who are linked to the greatest number of people.
(central connector)
149. A ______________ ___________ is a person who connects one network to
another within the company or even across organizations.
(boundary spanner)
150. In a social network analysis, ________ ______ are characterized by less
frequent interaction with less emotional attachment, which are easier to
maintain and thus people have more of them.
(weak ties)