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Animal Farm Satire Reflection Scaffold

Following the completion of your visual representation, you will be asked to write a
Reflection in which you will compare the ways that your own composition has
been shaped and influenced by your understanding of “Animal Farm” as a
powerful satirical text.
Review your notes on “Animal Farm” as well as the key elements of satire to
complete the scaffolded guide below:
Critical Reflection – Satire and Animal Farm
Response Scaffold
IntroductionAddress the Question
Identify key issues
explored in both your
visual text and “Animal
 Address the question.
 Briefly identify the target and purpose of your satirical
 Introduce George Orwell’ s “Animal Farm” and provide a brief
overview of key links to your visual text.
This is a critical reflection, which means that you may write in first person,
however, you should maintain a formal tone.
First Paragraph
Consider the ways in
which your text was
shaped by a key
ideas/theme in “Animal
P- Expand upon the key ideas you are addressing (e.g.
E- Provide specific and relevant evidence from your image
T- Identify 1-2 satirical techniques you have used in the image
A- Analyse the effect of the techniques on the viewer
Make sure you provide
at least 1-2 specific
examples from “Animal
Farm” along with key
quotes/evidence from
the book.
L- Link to “Animal Farm” using a conjunction such as “Similarly”/
“Another”/” Whereas” etc
E- Provide specific and relevant evidence from “Animal Farm”
T- Identify 1-2 satirical techniques used in “Animal Farm”
A- Analyse the effect of the techniques on the viewer
L- Link your ideas back to the question
Include clear examples of QUOTE, TECHNIQUE, ANALYSIS from
“Animal Farm”
Second Paragraph
Consider the ways in
which your text was
shaped by a key
ideas/theme in “Animal
Make sure you provide
at least 1-2 specific
examples from “Animal
Farm” along with key
quotes/evidence from
the book.
P- Expand upon the key ideas you are addressing (e.g.
E- Provide specific and relevant evidence from your image
T- Identify 1-2 satirical techniques you have used in the image
A- Analyse the effect of the techniques on the viewer
L- Link to “Animal Farm” using a conjunction such as “Similarly”/
“Another”/” Whereas” etc
E- Provide specific and relevant evidence from “Animal Farm”
T- Identify 1-2 satirical techniques used in “Animal Farm”
A- Analyse the effect of the techniques on the viewer
L- Link your ideas back to the question
Include clear examples of QUOTE, TECHNIQUE, ANALYSIS from
“Animal Farm”
What have you learned
from this study of
Satire and “Animal
Final thoughts on how your understanding of SATIRE and “Animal
Farm” influenced the composition of your visual text. Consider also
how SATIRE remains a powerful tool for social commentary today.