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UVM Engineering Homework: Systems Focused Design

UVM Fall 2022 CE134 Systems Focused Design Engineering Homework 1
Due September 5, 2022 at midnight on Blackboard in pdf format
Name: Kyle Hart
This is intended as a low-stakes evaluation for both of us to understand your grasp of the important
points of the course learning. We discussed in class the South Burlington East West Transportation
Corridor Project now in the early design phase, and you have an assignment to view Workshop 2 on
August 31, 2022 to watch how the designers and project leaders engage with the project stakeholders,
as part of achieving a sustainable design. We will be following this project through the semester, using
it as a virtual case-history. The project link is:
This homework will be scored on a point system, as follows: 3 points for an easy-to-follow, concise,
thoughtful submittal, 2 points for mostly easy-to-follow concise, thoughtful submittal, 1 point for
substantial attempts (but difficult-to-follow or vague/general responses), 0 point for no attempt. Points
will accumulate over the semester.
This quiz is to be completed independently in accordance with the UVM Academic Integrity Pledge.
Either attend the public meeting, watch it remotely live or recorded, or watch the first Workshop
recording from Workshop 1 on June 16, 2022 and then reflect on the proceedings, to respond to the
following four prompts. The best responses will be crisp, brief, and show thoughtful consideration of
the question. Respond how you perceived the situation, in personal terms.
1. In what way did you view the tone of the meeting to be inclusive (or not) of the audience? Give
specific examples of why and how.
I thought the meeting was indeed inclusive. The tone was very friendly and inviting for those to
question/comment on the presentation. Specific examples of this were the breakout rooms and
safe area for residents to voice their opinions.
2. What methods of engagement and promoting a sense of inclusivity were effective? Give examples.
As far as keeping engagement throughout the session, they did a good job of not reading
directly of slides and dragging on in the beginning. The delivery of their thoughts and ideas
were concise. They also implemented breakout sessions for topics to be discussed further and
build off each other’s ideas. The attendees were also invited to cast their opinions on what they
would like to see improved, which the speakers noted and were open to consideration.
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UVM Fall 2022 CE134 Systems Focused Design Engineering Homework 1
Due September 5, 2022 at midnight on Blackboard in pdf format
3. What could be improved in those? Give specific examples.
There weren’t too many things that came to mind as far as improvement. One possible
improvement could be the actual presentation itself. While this was an open call and edits were
being made on the PDF, I would have liked to see the PDFs displayed better than just an open
4. Did viewing this change anything about your perspective about how engineers do their work and how
you will do yours in the future? Explain why and how.
Viewing this opened my perspective on how much more goes into engineering projects than
anticipated. Instead of just viewing it as a transportation projects, it involves much more such
as the city, residents, tourists, economy etc. The speakers were very open to hearing residents’
thoughts to what they want to see improved and kindly considered it. As technical as being an
engineer is, it is also important to be personable with the end goal of solving/improving current
5. What would you want to tell the facilitators and speakers about your observations of the workshop
(they may be joining us in class during the semester)?
One thing I would tell them is they did a great job informing attendees on the project who may
not be too familiar with it in the first place. I use myself as an example as I am not from the area
but was able to follow the process and how the new design will benefit those passing through.
They did a great job as well letting people speak and voice their opinions/concerns about the
6. Which session did you view? In what format?
I watched recording of workshop 1 (6/16/22) on YouTube.
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