MEDICATION ORDER Generic: Methotrexate Route: PO Brand: Rheumatrex Frequency: Once weekly. DOSE AND RANGE (APA citation) Ordered: 7.5 mg once weekly, PO. Safe Range: 5mg20mg Time(s): any time Maximum: Do not exceed 20-30 mg/m^2. (Vallerand, 2022). CLASSIFICATION MECHANISM OF ACTION (APA Citation) It is an antimetabolites. Used for immunosuppression and killing of malignant cells from replicating (Vallerand, 2022). It works by inhibiting DNA synthesis by interering with folic acid metabolism (Vallerand, 2022). PT SPECIFIC REASON FOR MEDICATION Rheumatrex is often prescribed for treating rheumatoid arthritis and severe psoriasis. COMMON/LETHAL SIDE EFFECTS (APA Citation) Lethal side effects include eruthema multiforme, stevens-johson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, GI perforation, hepatotoxicity, aplastic anemia, seizures, interstitial pneumonitis, hypersensitive reactions (Vallerand, 2022). Additionally, other common side effects are anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, stomatitis, vomiting, nephrophty, anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytope nia (Vallerand, 2022). NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Assessment/Monitoring: Should monitor vital signs frequently during administration of the drug. Careful monitor for bone marrow depression and use precautions when platelete count is low. Assess for rashes frequently during therapy. Effectiveness of therapy is determine by improvement in hematopoietic values in leukemia or decrased size and spread of maglinant cells. Administration/ IV compatibility: Can be given IV, IT or PO Teaching: Educate the patient to follow the order when taking the medication. Also, instruct the patient to notify provider promptly if they experience any signs of infection and rahses. Generic: cytarabine Brand: Cytosar-U, DepoCyt Route: IV push Frequency: every 2 weeks Time(s): 5 days Ordered: 200 mg/m^2/day for 5 days every 2 wk as a single agent, IV. Safe Range: 5-75 mg/m^2Maximum: n/a Inhibits DNA polymerase which distrubts DNA synthesis and ultimately causes death of malignant cells from rapidly recpilicating (Vallerand, 2022). (Vallerand, 2022). Generic: mercaptopurine Route: PO Ordered: 50mg daily PO. Frequency: daily Brand: purinethol Time(s): Administer once with meals. Safe Range: 1.5-2.5 mg/dg/day as single dose. Maximum: 0.75-1.5 mg/kg/day PO is usual maximal dose range (PDR, n.d.). Causing death of malignant cells and immunosuppression by distrupting DNA and RNA synthesis (Vallerand, 2022). Cytosar-U is prescribed for remission induction in nonlymphocytic leukemia. DepoCyt is used to reduce symptoms of acute nonlymphcytic leukemia. To treat acute lymphocytic leukemia. Letheal side effects include pulmonary edema, hepatotoxicity, chemical arachnoiditis (Vallerand, 2022). Other common side effects are nausea, vomiting, anemia, leukopenia, throbocyotopen ia (Vallenarand, 2022). Assessment/Monitoring: monitor for bone marrow depression and assess for bleeding. Take daily weights and keep data of I&O. Nutritional assessment necessary. Monitor renal and hepatic functions. Lethal side effects: hepatotoxicity, machrophage activation syndrome, hepatoslenic Tcell lymphoma, secondary amliganancy (Vallerand, 2022). Commone side effects: anemai, leukopenia, thrombocytope nia (Vallenarnad, 2022). Assessment/Monitoring Administration/ IV compatibility: IV, SC, IT Teaching: Instruct patient to avoid crowed area and any contact with people who are sick. Educate patient to report any unusual bleeding and monitor their oral mucosa and gum for bleeding or ulcerations. Administration/ IV compatibility Teaching Generic: leuprolide Brand: Lupron, Lupron Depot Route IM Ordered: 7.5 mg once monthly for up to 6 months Frequency: monthly. Safe Range: 7.5-45 mg. Time(s): once up to 6 months. Maximum: 45 mg. (Vallerand, 2022), Decreases testosterone levels by acting as a synthetic analogue of luteinizing hormonereleasing hormone which ultimately reduces pain/lesions induced by endometriosis (Vallerand, 2022). To treat endometriosis. Lethal side effects: MI, heptatotoxicity, GI bleeding, seuizures, stroke, pulmonary elmbolism (Vallerand, 2022). Common side effect: hot flashes (Vallerand, 2022). Assessment/Monitoring: Periodic ECG monitor required and assess for QT interveral prolongation. Assess pain before and frequently during the therapy. Monitor testostronte and electrolytes before beginning the theraphy. Administration/ IV compatibility: IM, SC, no IV. Teaching: Let the patient know that the medication may cause hot flashes. Educate patient about forms of contraceptions other than oral contraceptives as the therapy can reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. Generic: flutamide Route: PO Brand: Eulexin Frequency: every 8 hr Time(s): 3 times a day/ Ordered: 250 mg PO every 8 hr daily. Safe Range: 2 capsues a day. Maximum: 750 mg. Adntrogen (testosterone) antagonizers, which reduces growth of prostate carcinoma (Vallerand, 2022). Prostate cancer treatment. Lethal side effects are hepatotoxicity and other common side effects are gynecomastia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, and hot flashes (Vallerand, Assessment/Monitoring: monitor for development of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting to make adjustment in dosage. Monitor patient’s lab results especially AST, ALT , bilirubine and serum creatinine (Vallerand, 2022). Administration/ IV compatibility: PO no IV. Teaching: notify immediately if patient is experiencing Generic: tamoxifen Route: PO Ordered: 20 mg once daily PO. Frequency: daily. Brand: Nolvadex Time(s): once with meals (food or fluids). Safe Range: 20 mg daily for 5 years (Cunha, 2021). Maximum: n/a. Generic: anastrozole Route: PO Ordered: 1 mg once daily, PO. Frequency: daily Safe Range: 10-60 mg. Brand: Arimidex Time(s): Once Maximum: up to 60 mg in a single dose (Cunha, 2021). Interferes estrange binding sites which reduces DNA synthesis which ultimately releases therapeutic effects of suppressing tumor growth and preventing breast cancer in high-risk patients (Vallearand, 2022). Breat cancer treatment. Inhibits the aromatase and disrupts concersion of precursors to estrogen (Vallerand, 2022). Delaying breast cancer progression. 2022). darkening of urine, itching, and loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting (Vallerand, 2022). Warn the patient about common side effect of hot flashes and how it does not have any significant impact on health. Lethal side effects are thromboemboli sm, uterine malignancies, stroke, and other common side effects are nausea, hot flashes (Vallerand, 2022). Assessment/Monitoring: Monitor pain in bone or tumor. Lethal side effect: MI, angioedema, urticaria, anaphylaxis, and other common side effects are nausea, back pain, headache, weakness, hot flashes, and pain (Vallerand, 2022). Assessment/Monitoring: Assess for pain and other side effects frequently throughout the therapy. Administration/ IV compatibility: PO, no IV Teaching: notify for pain or swelling of legs, SOB, weakness, confusion, weight gain, and menstrual irregularities (Vallerand, 2022), Administration/ IV compatibility: PO. Teaching: Notify provider immediately observing any allergic reactions, liver problems, yellowing of skin or eyes (Vallearand, 2022). Generic: trastuzumab Route: IV Frequency: every 3 weeks. Ordered: 8 mg/kg IV initially then 6 every 3 weeks until disease progressiones. Brand: Herceptin Time(s): once, 90 minutes Safe Range: 6 mg/kg- 8mg/kg Maximum8mg/kg (Vallearand, 2022). Bind to HER2 sites in breat cancer tissue and prevents growth of cells, this results in delaying progress of breat, gastric or gastroesphoageal cancer (Vallerand, 2022). Treat oesophageal cancer. Lethal side effects: arrhythmias, HF, interstitial pneumonitis, pulmonary edema, pulmonary fibrosis, hypersensitive reactions, infections, and other common side effects are abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, back pain, chills, fever, pain (Vallerand, 2022). Assessment/Monitoring: Assess for side effects, s/s of HF, and pulmonary hypersensitivity reactions. Need negative preganacy before starting the therapy. (Vallerand, 2022). Administration/ IV compatibility: IV Teaching: Notiful provider onset or worsening of SOB, cough, swelling of legs and face, and significant weight gain (vallerand, 2022). Reference: Vallerand, A. (2022). Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses, 17th edition. Davis Compnay. PDR. (n.d.). mercaptopurine- Drug Summary. Prescribers’ Digital Reference. Cunha, J. (2021). Nolvadex. RxList. Cunha, J. (2021). Arimidex. Rxlist. Cunha, J. (2021). Herceptin. Rxlist.