Problem # 1 2 3 Style /4 /4 /4 Syntax /6 /6 /6 Correctness /10 /10 /10 ------------------------------------------------------------------Total /20 /20 /20 Grand total _____/60 1. (20 points) Write a C++/FLTK program named hw6pr1.cpp which draws a Texas flag from three filled rectangles and a filled polygon (for the star). Either do some trig to find the 10 vertices of the star, or just draw it by hand on some graph paper and read off the coordinates. Each colored rectangle has dimensions in the ratio 1 to 2, i.e., the longest side is twice the shortest side. 2. (20 points) Write a C++/FLTK program named hw6pr2.cpp which draws the Olympic flag of five rings on a white background. Don't worry about making the rings interlock, but do make the rings thick enough. 3. (20 points) Write a C++/FLTK program named hw6pr3.cpp which draws a checkerboard like Note that the checkers are black circles with a red or white interior. Hint: Use Putty's color picker to roughly match the peach and tan colors and use the RGB values like this: Color peach(fl_rgb_color(R,G,B));