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Psychosocial Program for Amputees in Gaza: Anxiety & Depression

Effectiveness of Psychosocial
program to Reduce Anxiety and
Depression among amputee’s
persons in Gaza strip.
Prepared by:
. Mohammed Omran Abu Shawish .
The amputees persons complain of many psychological problems from
amputation and physical disability. the change of self-image about body or
fear from future contributing to develop mental health problems, so we
provide psychosocial support for amputees persons through healing the
wound program.
Main goal
To assess the effectiveness of Psychosocial program in
reducing anxiety and depression among amputee’s
persons in Gaza strip.
Healing the wound protocol
This protocol was designed to match the needs of this variety of
these experiences. It came as a collective experience from the
artificial limps and polio center clients supportive groups for one
year in addition of reviewing materials from deferent references.
This Protocol has been prepared in cooperation between ICRC and
General Administration of Mental Health
Description healing the wound
(group support): Ten group support sessions for people amputees , Each
community mental health clinic(West Gaza, Alsurany. Mid-area,
Khanyounis, Abusheback and Rafah clinic) has chosen a group of people
amputees number of 10 people fit their health to hold support sessions.
One meeting a week for two hours. Group support session as the
First session welcoming the group
Second session Share Your Story
Third session Impact of the amputation (this session can be extended for
3 sessions)
•General emotional issues like fears, frustration, protection need.
•Loss and grief .
•Anger and nervousness.
Fourth session Disability Stigma.
Fifth session Family issues
Sixth session Next Step (Step Forward).
Seventh session (Achievements).
(family awareness) Five sessions aimed at the patient's family. How to
help them to patient care and providing psychological and social support
for the patient amputee as well as teach them coping strategies resulting
from the pressures of life and bear the burden of the patients.
(Home visits) Implementation of several home visits and see close up the
patient's psychological and social development status and provide
problems solving.
(Social gathering) The final day for each of the six groups, each
amputated person with someone from his family is displayed some
activities, drawing, dance and songs.
Researcher will used a quasi-experimental method, the
comparison Group Pre-test/Post-test Design to collect data
from 60amputees persons, Self-report structure interview will
used for filling (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale)
(HADs), Collected data will be entered and analyzed by using
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version
After evaluating the psychological state of the amputees persons,
several workshops and discussions held between the General
Administration of Mental Health and ICRC, The application
[Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Depression subscale
(HADs) were adopt to use in present study.
Pretest questionnaire will be applied in the first session and
before any psychological intervention and the posttest
questionnaire will be applied in the last session to assess the
effect of the intervention and support groups