Lesson Plan Unit 1: Hardware/Software Topic: Computer Components and Care and Handling of a Computer Framework: CBA 1.2 ELA Standards: W.4.9.1, W.4.10.4; W.4.11.4; W.4.12.4 (Authors: Jackie Taylor, Karen Haley, Lynn Gross) What concept within the framework is to be developed? What is the specific objective of the lesson? ** ID hardware components of a computer system ** Label and define hardware components ** Explain care and handling of storage devices ** Explain proper procedures for starting and shutting down a computer What do students probably already know about the content? What prior knowledge needs to be activated? ** The basic computer parts – monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse What don’t they know? ** Correct function of each computer component Is there potential for misconception? **Yes, they might be confused about the various components and their correct usage. What should students be able to do at the end of the lesson? ** Label and define computer components ** Explain care and handling of storage devices ** Explain procedures for starting and shutting down a computer What resources are available to develop the concept? ** Computer ** PowerPoint ** Worksheet **MS Office 2010 text ** Learn It Online scsite.com/ic8/learn What questions will focus students’ thinking on the concept and help guide learning? ** Refer to computer parts and ask “What does this do?” ** Why is it important to know the parts of a computer, and what is the purpose of those parts? ** Are all computers the same? ** Why is it important to know the similarities and differences of computers? How will I assess students’ understanding of the essential concepts and major details? ** Worksheet ** Quiz Description of Lesson Part of Lesson Before During After Strategy What Students Will Do What Teacher Will Do Students will brainstorm on what they see in the collage on the screen. They will have 2 minutes for individual work. Introduce lesson by showing pictures of various computer components on the screen. Students will listen, watch, and take notes. Teacher will discuss the computer components through a PowerPoint presentation. Students will access the Internet to use the Learn It Online resource at the end of the Unit. --Chapter Reinforcement --Flash cards --Practice test --Who wants to be a computer genius? --Wheel of Terms Monitoring and troubleshooting as students work. Bell Ringer Brainstorming Teacher will ask students to share what they already know. Cornell Notes (4 questions) Use the “Learn It Online” resource from the text. Quiz Check for proficiency and understanding of the unit. CORNELL NOTES: Students will listen to discussion and take notes on the following questions: Questions: 1. What is the proper procedure for shutting down a computer? 2. List two (2) dos and two (2) don’ts of care and handling of storage devices. 3. What is an input device and give two (2) examples. 4. What is an output device and give two (2) examples. Summary: List the five (5) most important points of the lesson. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. HOW MANY OF THESE DEVICES CAN YOU NAME?