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EC1002 Microeconomics Module Information 2021-2022

Teaching .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Staff ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Lectures ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Tutorials .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Week-by-week outline ........................................................................................................................ 2
Office Hours ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Assessment.............................................................................................................................................. 2
Tuesday Quizzes (50%) ........................................................................................................................ 2
Final Exam (50%) ................................................................................................................................. 3
Essential Resources ................................................................................................................................. 3
Textbook.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Online tools ......................................................................................................................................... 3
How to Get Help for This Module............................................................................................................ 4
module coordinator (overall responsibility for the module) & live lectures: Dr Luc Bridet
pre-recorded lectures: Dr Margaret Leighton
tutors: Dr Junaid Arshad, Dr Sumedh Dalwai, Ciarán Mac Domhnaill, Parul Tyagi
Pre-recorded lectures: Content will be pre-recorded and made available at scheduled times (three per
week). These lectures will be available on Panopto and through the Moodle page.
Live lectures: Live lectures will take place on Monday 14:00 every week, with the first live lecture at
the start of Week 1. These will complement the textbook and recorded material in a more interactive
format. Live lectures will be streamed, with a recording available afterwards.
Tutorial groups meet for 1 hour in weeks 3,4,5,8,9,10. The tutor will guide you through the solution to
that week’s problem set. The problem set will be assigned one week in advance and you are expected
to have attempted the problems beforehand. You may be called on in these sessions to answer
questions. Students attending remotely can follow these sessions via live-stream (on Teams).
Students attending remotely are encouraged to meet their tutor during office hours if they have any
follow-up questions. Written solutions to these problems will be posted on Moodle at the end of the
tutorial week.
Your tutorial group is fixed for the semester. If a scheduling conflict requires you to change tutorial
groups, you must request this change from the School Administrator, Ms. Liz Pert-Davies. Note that
you cannot request a one-off tutorial change and that neither your tutors nor the module coordinator
can authorise tutorial changes or absences.
Week 1: Unit 1
Week 2: Unit 3
Week 3: Unit 3 & Unit 4
Week 4: Unit 4
Week 5: Unit 5
Week 6: no teaching (Independent Learning Week)
Week 7: Unit 5 & Unit 7
Week 8: Unit 7
Week 9: Unit 7 & Unit 8
Week 10: Unit 8 & Unit 12
Week 11: Unit 12
Tuesday 14:00-15:00 and Thursday 14:00 – 15:00 on Teams (link will be posted on the
Moodle page and the module Teams page).
Office hours are drop-in Teams meetings (no booking in advance required) using the Teams
lobby functionality, which allows for virtual queuing and group meetings.
I like to record office hours and make the recordings available for students who may have the
same questions, however I will not record the meeting if you prefer not to be recorded.
Every week you will be asked to complete a multiple choice “Tuesday Quiz” based on material
covered during the previous week. There are 10 quizzes (Weeks 1-11, no quiz in Week 6), but the first
one is just for practice: it will be graded as usual but the grade does not count towards your final quiz
grade. Your average quiz grade makes up 50% of the module grade. Each quiz therefore contributes a
little more than 5% of your final grade.
The Tuesday Quiz opens at 00:01 BST on Tuesday. You should plan to complete the quiz on
Tuesday, but you have until Thursday 23:59 BST to submit your final answers. Note that you can
change your submission until the deadline (even after you have submitted it!): it is therefore a good
idea to try the quiz on Tuesday, because you can always change your answers later. You must
complete each quiz AND SUBMIT IT before the deadline each week. If you do not complete the quiz by
the deadline you will receive a grade of 0 for that quiz. You cannot make up a missed quiz, and you
cannot submit answers to a quiz after the deadline.
To help you answer successfully, it is recommended that you pay close attention in lecture and read
the textbook carefully. You are also encouraged to do practice questions in the textbook. You are
welcome to talk to your friends too. Completion of the quizzes is required to obtain credit in the
A 2-hour open book exam will be held during exam period. This exam will be written remotely:
guidance on this process will be available from the Exams Office later in the semester. Details on the
exam structure will be provided near the end of term, however you can expect an exam paper similar
to the ones set in May 2020 and December 2020. Note: the content of EC1002 changed substantially
in 2020. Past papers from years earlier than 2019-2020 do not reflect this new content and are not a
good example of what you can expect on this year’s exam.
The teaching is organised around the The Economy, by CORE. The full textbook is available for free
online, but if you prefer a paper copy you can purchase one. Note that the online textbook includes
some features not present in the print copy, such as multiple-choice questions and interactive graphs.
Link: https://core-econ.org/the-economy/book/text/0-3-contents.html
You will need access to the following online tools to complete this module:
o The module will be managed through Moodle. You will find all the course materials
on Moodle, except for the textbook which is available at https://core-econ.org.
o All announcements and messages for the module will also be sent through Moodle.
o An anonymous forum on Moodle enables you to ask and answer questions.
Recorded lectures and streaming
o Pre-recorded lectures are delivered through Panopto. You can find these through a
link on Moodle, or directly from the module’s Panopto folder.
o Live lectures take place on the General (default) channel of the module’s Team and
can be accessed through the module Team’s calendar, or through a link on the
Moodle page.
Microsoft Teams
Your tutorial group will have a dedicated Team. Your online tutorials will be held in
this Team, and in-person tutorials will be streamed here as well.
There are a number of ways to ask questions and get help on this module.
Moodle forum.
o All questions of general interest should be asked here: everyone is automatically
subscribed to this forum and will receive the module coordinator’s replies to these
questions. (You have the option to unsubscribe, but you do so at your own risk!) You
may post anonymously if you prefer.
Tutors. If you have a question about tutorial material, your first point of contact should be
your tutor. You can ask questions during tutorials or during office hours; you can also email
your tutor if you prefer.
Module coordinator. The lecturer is your main contact for lecture material, quizzes, and the
final exam. You are expected to post any general questions for the lecturer on the Questions
& Clarifications forum or to ask them during the Monday live lectures. If you want to discuss
lecture material, the best way to do this is to attend the Lecturer’s office hours; you are
welcome to send questions ahead of your office hour appointment, but this is not a