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Mohr's Circle Analysis Report: Strength of Materials

Strength of Materials
Liam Saunders
1.0 Purpose of Assignment ........................................................................................ 2
2.0 Description of how the Assignment was Undertaken ........................................... 3
3.0 Results ................................................................................................................. 4
4.0 Analysis of Results ............................................................................................... 5
5.0 Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 6
5.1 What is the Purpose of Mohr’s Circle of Stress ................................................ 6
5.2 Which Material is Suitable? .............................................................................. 6
5.3 Low Carbon Steel ............................................................................................. 6
1.0 Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of utilising the equations pertaining to Mohr’s circle is to evaluate the
principle stresses acting upon a cylinder. By employing the data found from the
equations suitable materials can be selected for manufacturing the hydraulic ram.
2.0 Assignment Undertaken
Mohr’s circle was used to ascertain the maximum stress acting upon the hydraulic
ram. After using the calculations the material database was used to chose the most
appropriate material.
3.0 Results
4.0 Analysis of Results
The results convey that the cylinder is will fail at 67.97Pa in tension and 29.7Pa in
compression. The most suitable material will be chosen from the data sheet using the
5.0 Conclusions
5.1 What is the Purpose of Mohr’s Circle of Stress
Mohr’s circle allows for the calculation the principle stresses. This is important for
designing components to ensure safety.
5.2 Which Material is Suitable?
Nylon is the most suitable choice as it meets the required ultimate stress properties.
This material is also abrasion resistant and corrosion resistant which is perfect for the
hydraulic ram.
5.3 Low Carbon Steel
Low carbon steel would require no modifications to be made as it is far superior in
every category pertaining to strength.