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02-The Cold Call Script

Hello (x)
Can I have your attention for 30 seconds? My name is (); I run a social media media marketing agency that helps (their niche) make more money through social media marketing. The reason I’m calling you today is because I came across your business online and I noticed that you’re leaving a lot of money on the table. The reason I want to set a meeting is because there is a strong possibility my company could help you reach over 10,000 (Or a number that works for their city) people locally through social media.
(Only say this next part if you have any clients that will definitely work as social proof)
We are currently working with UN1T Gym Studios, they are one of the best up and coming gyms and London right now and were the spearhead for their marketing.
Now to make sure I’m not wasting your time, let me ask you:
· Have you done anything like this before? What was your experience like/what are your thoughts on it?
· What is the biggest single problem you’re having in your business right now? How much is this problem costing you?
· Why have you not done anything like this already?
· Now just as a reference, if half of what I say is true, would you still invest in a service like this?
Other than yourself who else would be involved with this decision?
Would you make time to meet me later in the day or in the week?
Now would there be ANY reason whatsoever you wouldn’t be able to show up on (date & time)?