Uploaded by Skyler Primm

Hotel Front Desk Operations Guide

When busy, calls for reservations should be transferred to *20,
unless it is a local business or part of a group!
***All guests must have a credit card on file which can be authorized for the full amount
and incidentals in order to check in. They may pay cash in the morning, once they do,
we will release the authorization on our end.***
To make a reservation
>Click on Reservations
>Click on New Reservation
>Enter date of arrival & # of nights they are staying
>You may also enter PC # or guest name here
>Click OK
>Select Room type and any discount guest may have
>Click OK
>Fill in all information in blue lighted boxes
>Enter credit card information
>Click OK
>Read confirmation screen to guest, make sure to
verify dates of arrival & departure, as well as rate,
cancellation policy and confirmation #
Cancel a Reservation
>Click on Reservation
>Click on Update Reservation
>Enter name, arrival date or confirmation # and SEARCH
>Verify you have correct reservation highlighted
>Click cancel on right of window
>Enter reason of cancellation from drop down menu
>Verify reservation has been cancelled
***To cancel a third party reservation, (Expedia, Hotels.com, Orbits ect.) The guest MUST
call the third party! If you cancel it on our end, but it does not go through the third party,
they STILL charge the guest!***
***To cancel an IHG REWARDS NIGHT, the guest needs to cancel through IHG. If we
cancel, it does not give their points back. They have to go through IHG to get their
points back.***
***Any reservation that has a note saying “Prepay- no refunds” DO NOT CANCEL. Refer
guest to Katrina. She is the only one who can post a refund, and very rarely will, as the
stipulations of the reservation is they get a discount for prepaying, but can not get
Reinstate a Reservation
>Check that we have availability (Ctrl+F2)
>Click on Reservation
>Click on Update Reservation
>Enter name, arrival date or confirmation # and SEARCH
>Click reinstate on right of window
>Verify that room has a confirmation #
Edit a Reservation
>Click on Reservation
>Click on Update Reservation
>Enter name, arrival date or confirmation # and SEARCH
>Make Necessary changes (check availability PRIOR if adding
>Click Save & Close
Check-In a Reservation
>Click on Front Desk
>Click Arrivals
>Click Search, to bring up today’s arrivals
>Highlight guest’s reservation and double click
>Verify guest’s information and room type
>Type CP into payment window, when box pops up click
close to clear the card
>Click OK, then click “yes” to check In
>When payment box comes up, click OK again, the card
reader will now prompt to “Swipe or Insert card” with a total.
If there is no total the steps have not been completed.
>Make sure credit card authorizes, if it declines they
must provide a card
>Travel agency reservations only require a card for
incidentals (Put on second line in the billing window)
>Click OK to check guest in
Check-In a Walk-In >Click on Front Desk
Credit card
>Click Arrivals
>Make reservation as stated on page 1
>Swipe credit card
>Assign a room number (drop down menu, click OK)
>Click OK to check guest in
> Registration card will print automatically
IHG Rewards Free Night
>Make sure reservation is set up properly prior to
guest arrival
>Reservations will have the rate code IVANI or IVCFN
>Make sure IHG Rewards Night is in company field, if not, in
company type “IHG REWARDS NIGHT”and hit tab, select the
one with the AR number “ANI20”
>Change amount to $30.00 (unless sold out, then rate as is)
>Click on ellipses next to credit card
>First line should be Credit Card, authorizatrion rule 5,
amount $0
>second line should be direct bill, authorization rule 1, click
the ellipses on that line next to the guest name, in the pop up
screen, delete the guests name, type “IHG REWARDS
NIGHT”then press “Tab” again, chooses the one with ANI20
as the AR number
>Click OK
(Remember all Direct Bills must have a valid AR # in order for
the billing to work correctly)
CLC “Corporate Lodging”>make a reservation, Rate code should be “IPCLC”
>CLC can only have standard rooms, they will not pay if we
put them in suites
>In the billing screen, we should have a card on file for
incidentals. This should be the first line, make the
Authorization Rule 5 (Amount) and type 0.00
>The second line should be DB for Direct bill, click the
ellipses next to their name on the second line and type
“Corp” and press tab.
>Choose the one with an AR number of “CLC 01”and attach
to reservation.
>BEFORE checking into Opera, go to the CLC website, and
check them in online. Once it is accepted online, proceed to
check into Opera.
Enroll a new IHG Rewards Member
>Locate guest from in house guest menu
>Click on ellipses next to name
>Click on options
>Click on enrollment
>Choose the Gender, all other information will port from the
>Print the enrollment summary and log into the enrollment
>Write their membership number on the trifold IHG
pamphlet and give to guest.
Moving a guest to a different room
>From guest in house screen, click on options
>Click on Room Move
>Select room from drop down menu
>Click OK
*Make note of room move in log book and leave note for housekeeping to
inspect first room for cleanliness. If guest never entered room, no note for housekeeping
Printing Registration Cards
>Click on Reservations (At very top of Opera)
>Click on Registration Cards
>Change date to today, select “Individual” as well as “Blocks”
and click print.
>From arrivals screen, highlight the new reservation, click
Registration card on the right.
>Open reservation, Click “Options” then “registration Card”
Printing or emailing Past Folios (aka Receipts)
>Click on Reservation
>Update Reservation, change date a date prior to
guest’s arrival
>Enter guest’s last name and click search
>Click options
>Click Billing and enter credentials
>Click Folio then choose print or email
Add to Bill (I.E. Sundries
>Open reservation, click Options, then Billing
>Click on “Post” and search for sundries
>Type in their total for their purchase and click post
>Type what they purchased in reference
*Reminder* Do not give out room numbers to someone looking for a guest. You may
connect a call or call the room and guest can tell visitor room number. This is policy to
protect you and our guests!