Uploaded by Adeyinka Aremu

TQM Presentation

Total Quality Management
Adeyinka Aremu
School of Business, Liberty University
BUSI 616: Total Quality Management
Dr. Toscha Dickerson
June 28th, 2022
Introduction & Problem Statement
• My Total Quality Management project is based on the application
of quality management principles to a manufacturing organization,
ABC Manufacturing.
• ABC Manufacturing deals with the production of auto parts.
• The company has been in business for over 20 years and employs
300 workers.
• The company has been experiencing problems with product
quality, customer satisfaction, and employee morale.
• In order to improve the situation, the company decided to
implement a Total Quality Management program.
Purpose & Search History
• The aim of my study is to evaluate the current state of quality
management at ABC Manufacturing and identify areas for improvement.
• In particular, I will be looking at the effectiveness of the current quality
management system in place, as well as employee perceptions of
• I began my project by searching for case studies of other organizations
that have successfully implemented Total Quality Management programs.
• I found several examples of companies that have benefited from TQM,
including General Motors, Ford, and Xerox.
• I then conducted a literature review to identify the key principles of
• Finally, I analyzed the manufacturing process at ABC Manufacturing and
identified areas where improvements could be made.
Quality Philosophy Used
• The chosen quality philosophy that seemed fit for this project is the
Continuous Improvement philosophy.
• To be effective, TQM must be an ongoing effort that never ends.
• The continuous improvement philosophy is based on the idea that there
is always room for improvement, no matter how good the current state
of affairs may be (Goetsch & David, 2021). .
• ABC Manufacturing should never be satisfied with the status quo;
instead, it should always be looking for ways to improve its products,
services, and processes to meet up with Ford and General Motors’
• ABC Manufacturing should also encourage employees to suggest ways to
improve the company, and it should reward employees who come up
with successful improvements.
Quality Tool used to create a process flow
• I used the quality tool known as the Kaizen method to help create a
process flow diagram for this project. The Kaizen method is a Japanese
philosophy that stresses the importance of continuous improvement
(Goetsch & David, 2021). .
• The Kaizen method helped me to create a process flow diagram because
it showed me that there is always room for improvement in any
manufacturing process.
• The Kaizen method also helped me to identify potential improvements
that could be made to the manufacturing process at ABC Manufacturing.
• For example, the Kaizen method showed me that it is important to
involve employees in the improvement process.
Quality Tool used to create a process flow
diagram (Cont’d)
The Kaizen method also showed me that it is
important to set goals for the improvement
process and to track progress towards those
Finally, the Kaizen method showed me that
it is important to reward employees who
suggest successful improvements.
Statistical process control
used for tracking
• The statistical process control used for ABC Manufacturing is a tool that allows
for manufacturing processes to be monitored and controlled (Jimoh et al.,
• This process control provides data about the manufacturing process so that it
can be improved.
• The statistical process control also allows for manufacturing processes to be
tracked over time so that trends can be identified.
• The statistical process control can help identify when a manufacturing process
is not meeting quality standards.
• The statistical process control can help track the progress of the manufacturing
process at ABC Manufacturing.
• The statistical process control can also help identify when a manufacturing
process is not meeting quality standards (Jimoh et al., 2019).
• This process control can help improve the quality of the manufacturing process
at ABC Manufacturing by providing data that can be used to make
Conclusion and Biblical Integration
• In conclusion, I believe that the best way for ABC Manufacturing to improve its
products and services is to implement a continuous improvement philosophy.
• ABC Manufacturing should never be satisfied with the status quo, and should
always be looking for ways to improve its products, services, and processes.
• Using the suggested quality tools, I believe that ABC Manufacturing can improve
its manufacturing process and become a leader in the manufacturing industry.
• Tools such as the Kaizen method and statistical process control can help ABC
Manufacturing to improve its products and services.
• Biblically, we are called to never be satisfied with the status quo but to always
be looking for ways to improve (Proverbs 4:18).
• Some of the best solutions for improving manufacturing processes at ABC
Manufacturing include involving employees in the improvement process, setting
goals for the improvement process, tracking progress towards those goals, and
rewarding employees who suggest successful improvements.
• English Standard Version. (2008) English Standard Version online.
https://www.esv.org/ (Original work published 2001).
• Goetsch, D. L., & David, S. B. (2021). Quality management for
organizational excellence: Introduction to total
quality (9th ed.). Pearson Education.
• Jimoh, R., Oyewobi, L., Isa, R., & Waziri, I. (2019). Total quality
management practices and organizational performance: The
mediating roles of strategies for continuous
improvement. International Journal of Construction
Management, 19(2), 162-177.