Oil Transport Management: Logistics & Economics

Shipping and Transport Logistics
For further volumes:
Y. H. Venus Lun Olli-Pekka Hilmola
Alexander M. Goulielmos
Kee-hung Lai T. C. Edwin Cheng
Oil Transport Management
Y. H. Venus Lun
Department of Logistics
and Maritime Studies
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Yuk Choi Road 11
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Kee-hung Lai
Department of Logistics
and Maritime Studies
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Yuk Choi Road 11
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Olli-Pekka Hilmola
Kouvola Research Unit
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Prikaatintie 9
45100 Kouvola
T. C. Edwin Cheng
Department of Logistics
and Maritime Studies
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Yuk Choi Road 11
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Alexander M. Goulielmos
Department of Maritime Studies
University of Piraeus
Karaoli and Dimitriou St. 80
18534 Piraeus
ISBN 978-1-4471-2920-2
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-2921-9
ISBN 978-1-4471-2921-9
Springer London Heidelberg New York Dordrecht
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012937312
Ó Springer-Verlag London 2013
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Shoot and Collapse of Dry and Liquid Transportation Markets:
The Credit Crunch Effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Over Optimistic and Pessimistic Business Life: Boom
and Bust Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Order Backlog of Dry and Liquid Bulk Vessels . . . . . . . . . .
1.4 Development of Dry and Liquid Sea Transportation
After Credit Crunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Tanker Shipping Market . . . . . . . . .
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Tanker Shipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 Seaborne Trade. . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.2 Freight Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.3 New Building Vessel. . . . . . .
2.2.4 Second-Hand Vessel . . . . . . .
2.2.5 Scrapping Vessel . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Tests and Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.1 The Four Shipping Markets . .
2.4.2 Trade Volume and Fleet Size .
2.4.3 Vessel Prices . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 Discussions and Conclusions. . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony
or of Perfect Competition? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1 Historical Development of Oil Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 The Policy of Oil Majors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Reduction of Transport Costs (1950–1972) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.1 Perfect Competition Among Oligopsonies? . . . . . . . .
3.4.2 What is a Market?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Oil Majors and Independents at Risk (1973–2011) . . . . . . . .
3.5.1 Developments in the Tanker Market After 1973 . . . . .
3.5.2 Increased Market Risk is the Price of Adopting
‘Perfect Competition’ in Tanker Markets . . . . . . . . . .
3.5.3 Complete Studies for the Impact of Tanker Size
and Spot Market on Risk (After 2003). . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 The Structure of Tanker Market, 1973–2009. . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.1 The Herfindahl Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.2 Oil Companies as Tanker Owners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.3 A Duopoly Cournot Model in Tanker Market? . . . . . .
3.6.4 New Developments During the 1980s and Early 1990s
in Large Firms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.5 The Concentration Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix A: Monopsony Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix B: Recommended Essays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix C: Oil Traders (Vitol) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oil- and Coal-Based Sea Transportation Needs:
An Integrated Forecasting Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Unbalanced Consumption and Production of Oil and Coal . . .
4.3 Long Term Projections from Oil and Coal Industry Statistics .
4.4 Using System Dynamics to Forecast Two Decades
of Sea Transportation Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Railway-Based Oil Transportation Chain Infrastructure Needs:
A System Dynamics Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Oil Transportation and System Dynamics Modeling . . . . . . .
5.3 Research Environment and Introduction
to the Simulation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Dynamics Simulation Results from Growth
Scenario, Where Muuga Harbour Holds Its Share
from Intra-Country Alternatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Transportation Logistics: A Case Study of Bio-Diesel Factory
Location Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Fischer–Tropsch Process in Historical Perspective . . . . . . . .
6.3 Research Environment: Factory Plans for Declining
Finnish Pulp and Paper Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 Decision-Making Hierarchy for Bio-Diesel Plant Location
Problem from Logistics Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1
Shoot and Collapse of Dry and Liquid
Transportation Markets: The Credit
Crunch Effect
1.1 Introduction
Economic bubbles have been rather frequent in the current decade—first in the
early 2000 the world experienced the IT bubble burst (e.g., Chu and Ip 2002) and
during 2008–2009 the subprime lending bubble (Turner 2008) led by the housing
market collapse in the USA (which also had strong counterparts in, for example,
the UK, Ireland, and Spain). What we know from the bubbles is that their forming
process is full of positive atmosphere, positive enforcing feedback loops, and
undoubted goodwill. The lesson learned from these two recent bubbles, as well as
from much earlier ones (like South Sea Bubble during the 1720s, investors of this
company included all society classes, among them was Sir Isaac Newton) is that
after bubbles have peaked (assets reached their maximum values), collapse in asset
value will be similarly sized as what was the increase, and typically over an even
longer period and with a greater impact. The South Sea Company’s bubble formed
during the 1720s because this shipping, trading, and banking giant had secured
exclusive right for selected international trade areas (Temin and Voth 2004)—in
one year’s time a sudden increase and decrease of value were experienced (and the
share price dropped to a level lower than what it was before the bubble). A similar
observation can be made about the IT indices, e.g., NASDAQ is still considerably
(after more than a decade after the burst of the IT bubble) below its peak reached
in 2000. Similarly, the downward trend in the US housing market price has been
continuing for the 4th year in a row (S & P 2011), even the US government has put
trillions in a fiscal stimulus to support the system from not collapsing further (and
has nationalized the two housing loan giants Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae).
What these bubbles have to do with shipping? The answer is rather simple:
‘‘Shipping business itself is always echeloning cyclic economic behavior due to ship
construction delays and long service times of vessels.’’ Shipping and transport in
general is a derived activity from economic growth, which is in significant part
supported by international trade, and this in turn is implemented through the physical
movement of goods. As globalization and free trade have been the main major trend
Y. H. V. Lun et al., Oil Transport Management, Shipping and Transport Logistics,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2921-9_1, Ó Springer-Verlag London 2013
1 Shoot and Collapse of Dry and Liquid Transportation Markets
since the collapse of Soviet Union in the world, economic prosperity has in the long
term substantially enlarged, but so have trading and transportation activity. Currently
every time the world’s GDP grows by 1 %, we need a trade growth of more than
2.5 % (earlier this co-efficient was much lower as GDP growth of 1 % corresponded
to 1.5 % of trade growth; United Nations 2005). This correlation made it hard for
shippers during 2005–2008 not to order numerous ships to support the rapidly
growing need of product delivery—the world’s GDP was growing, and particularly
energy commodity transport was prospering (as South East Asia fueled the sudden
economic growth with oil and coal). However, management generation of golden
globalization era, before the credit crunch, needed to learn lessons of contradicting
global GDP, and for the first time possibly of leveling off, or even declining, transportation needs and freight prices. Suddenly all management models and 99.99 %
significant forecasts were having zero usefulness, and expansion strategy of business
suddenly changed as cost management of shrinking business. Interestingly, sudden
stop caused by credit crunch was so strong that decades’ long growth of container
shipping demand also contracted for the first time in its history (growth started in the
late 50s, and was not interrupted with any economic recession before year 2009, see
United Nations 2010). Low growth periods, coupled with recessions, are very difficult and destructive for capital intensive business, which needs years to build its
long-term service capacity. Typically over investment during the growth era in, e.g.,
shipping causes cost-cutting spiral in the following years, where several actors go
bankrupt, and fleets as well as business structure are formed to respond to better
profitability and productivity requirements. This process enables growth afterwards,
as all pieces in the economy are rearranged wiser to support the new era of growth.
This chapter is arranged as follows: In Sect. 1.2 we revisit the boom and bust
cycle, mostly from the capital intensive business angle (and the shipping point of
view). Thereafter, in Sect. 1.3 we review the development of order backlog in
tanker, as well as dry bulk shipping, in a three-decade period (1980–2009). The
data illustrate clearly the bust of 1970s upturn, and long formation of Asian fueled
growth era (realized during 2001–2009). In the empirical part we examine in detail
the development of liquid and dry bulk shipping after the credit crunch. As is
shown, the spot market freight rates have significantly fallen, without any upturn
or end in sight. The shipping companies analyzed show that in revenue terms they
have recovered from the downturn, but the long-term growth story is still not in
sight, and company valuations in stock markets have declined within very significant rates from peak values reached in 2007.
1.2 Over Optimistic and Pessimistic Business Life: Boom
and Bust Cycle
Based on system dynamics research, people are very poor in handling multiple
perspectives and complex interrelated problems (Sweeney and Sterman 2000;
Sterman 2010). These situations are just typically over simplified for management
1.2 Over Optimistic and Pessimistic Business Life: Boom and Bust Cycle
and decisions are made based on previous historical performance from previous
years, or at best, previous decade time. Rationality is just simple, e.g., investing
more on office space by constructing new office complex yields on the average
5–7 % p.a. However, in real-life investment, decisions are not working in a
vacuum—from shipping market research (e.g., Coyle 1977; Dikos et al. 2006;
Ellison and Corbet 2006; Stopford 2009) we know for sure that adding more
capacity, and particularly large-scale ships, will bring down the freight rates and
potentially trigger multi-year down cycle in the markets (where we end up to
demolish ships, which are typically smaller, old, and inefficient ones).
As units of investments increase and delays in construction/delivery process
are multi-year long, effects of demand variation and available capacity at the
markets bring huge potential for failed investment. This does not necessarily only
mean that investor of e.g., ship will have financial trouble, but as capacity is
available at markets, and if other decision makers have made similar forward
looking bold investments, and if demand in the final markets does not experience
growth, problems will be branch wide. This has been verified numerous times
with tallest skyscraper build ups—most recently in the early 2010 Burj Khalifa
was finalized in Dubai (tallest building today in the world), leaving investors into
huge trouble, and having most of the luxury apartments still standing idle
(or rented with very low rates; see, Gordon 2010; Fattah 2010). Middle East
situation in real estate markets is nothing new—pattern has been repeated
numerous times with tallest skyscrapers (Thorton 2005): Petronas Towers
(Malaysia) were finalized in 1998 just on the eye of Asian/Russian economic
crisis, and World Trade Center twin towers (New York) as well as Sears Tower
(Chicago) were brought to sluggish USA economy of 1970s (experienced stagflation, which started by broken down of gold standard and abandoning Bretton
Woods currency agreement). Similarly 1930s great depression witnessed finalization of Chrysler (1930) and Empire State Buildings (1931). Typically in
finalization of tallest skyscrapers, local markets have suffered decade’s long
downturns, which have affected both on utilization rates of buildings and rental/
sales prices. Same pattern could be found from shipping business: As inflation
and inauguration of globalization of 1970s resulted on price spikes of raw
materials (and increase on transports and freight rates), most of the ships were
built in that decade. It took nearly two decades that new boom cycle begun, from
the Asian-based export economy growth.
Mentioned boom and bust cycle is illustrated in oil shipping markets simply
with world fleet (million dwt) and price of oil (USD/barrel), as illustrated in two
y-axis of Fig. 1.1. Second oil crisis (year 1979, having origins on Iranian
revolution) caused price rates of oil to spike in the following year (El-Gamal and
Jaffe 2010), but as world could not handle this price level then, and Saudi Arabia
was able to pump more (to cover Iranian oil shipment decline), prices collapsed
in the following years (Reynolds and Kolodziej 2008), and remained between 10
and 20 USD/barrel for more than decade time (from 1986 to 1999). For oil
transportation markets oil crises of 70s and declining USA own production
marked significant change (combined with continuous demand increase):
1 Shoot and Collapse of Dry and Liquid Transportation Markets
Headache of 70's
Asian Growth Era
Oil Tanker fleet (dwt)
USD per Barrel (oil)
Fig. 1.1 World oil tanker and product fleet, and oil prices per barrel during period of 1980–2009.
Source (data) Clarksons (2009) and BP (2010)
Transport distance increased very impressively and large-scale tankers were
needed to accomplish deliveries to oil hungry North America. However, as
world’s economy could not absorb raw materials price increases, this resulted on
very sluggish growth and demand for oil in 1980’s and 1990’s. As could be
noted, tanker fleet actually declined for the entire 1980’s (so basically meant
large-scale scrapping of old still usable fleet), and during following decade
growth was moderate replacement investment fueled ship deliveries.
New oil tanker ship building boom cycle could be argued to have begun from
Chinese World Trade Organization accession during the end of year 2001. This
membership meant much freer access for ‘‘the factory of the world’’ to the most
important markets without expensive customs. South East Asian growth needed
energy, and this was covered with short-term solutions such as coal and oil (clearly
visible in energy statistics, see BP 2010). Raw material prices and oil transportation
activity again revived, and new fleet was brought into markets within old 70s style,
having large numbers and sector actors feeling any fear. Interestingly, world fleet
surpassed available tanker capacity of year 1980 two and half decades later (down
cycle is very destructive, and even after turning point it takes years that earlier levels
are being met).
1.3 Order Backlog of Dry and Liquid Bulk Vessels
Oil & Product Tankers
Tankers (all)
Fig. 1.2 Order book versus entire sea transportation group transportation capacity in three
subgroups during years 1980–2009. Source (data) Clarksons (2009)
1.3 Order Backlog of Dry and Liquid Bulk Vessels
As examining through order backlog versus each transportation group’s sea vessel
capacity in longitudinal perspective, it becomes visible, how longer shipping cycle
affected overall fleet in previous three decades of time (Fig. 1.2). Within first two
decades time period order book stayed below 20 % most of the time, and fluctuations were around 5–15 % order backlog. As oil ships were not built in around
of the initial year of observation period, its production experienced small-scale
boom, which lasted until early 1990s. However, in oil tankers order book amounts
did not experience that great change thereafter, and local maximum of year 1992
was bypassed in year 2001. For bulk ships longer cycle caused much longer term
decline in order books, and thinnest order books were recorded in early 1990s—
thereafter correction in terms of order increase started, but even this promising
wave was diminished with down cycle, which lasted until year 2002.
Very positive order phase could be considered to have started after China joined
WTO—oil and tanker ships bypassed 20 % mark in year 2002, while dry bulkers
experienced same situation in year 2005. All three observed transportation group
classes experienced after 2005 very scary explosive order development: Tanker
orders nearly doubled in one year time (2006–2007), while dry bulker market
(2006–08) experienced three times higher demand. Last observation year only
fostered this development, and all three transportation market classes were heading
into recession with order books being in three decades high.
1 Shoot and Collapse of Dry and Liquid Transportation Markets
Table 1.1 Baltic indexes for dry bulk and tanker transports during peak of 2008 and annually
thereafter within 3 years observation period
Baltic dry
June 2009
June 2010
June 2011
16 May 2008
-67.4 (%)
-79.0 (%)
-87.6 (%)
Baltic dirty tanker
June 2009
June 2010
June 2011
21 July 2008
-69.7 (%)
-61.5 (%)
-66.4 (%)
Baltic clean tanker
June 2009
June 2010
June 2011
18 June 2008
-68.9 (%)
-47.8 (%)
-53.4 (%)
Source Bloomberg (2011a)
1.4 Development of Dry and Liquid Sea Transportation
After Credit Crunch
Key development field after credit crunch has been, and still is, very low freight
rate levels in spot markets. This is illustrated with Baltic index analyses in
Table 1.1. All three dry and liquid bulk indexes peaked during mid 2008, and have
thereafter continued to fall. Most worrying situation has developed in dry bulk
freight rates, where change from May 2008 peak value has been 87.6 %
decrease—situation in tanker indexes is not as bad, but we cannot detect any
recovery in here either. Even if world economy recovered rather rapidly from
credit crunch with economic stimulus, this sort of short-term upturn will not affect
that greatly sector, where over investment was completed in such a large scale.
Observing through six most important shippers (including also Maersk, which
is specialized on container transports), we may conclude that investment value
destruction has been the main item in the agenda after credit crunch (Table 1.2).
All major shippers of dry and liquid bulk have lost 70–80 % from their market
value as compared to peak price of late 2007, and early 2008 (basically stock
market peaked 6–8 months before major spot freight rates peaked). Only a bit
positive performer among the shippers is Maersk, which has in a small scale
recovered in terms of valuation, but it should be remembered that it is largest
container-based sea transporter in the world, and in container segment over
investments before credit crunch did not reach the level of other shipping classes.
1.4 Development of Dry and Liquid Sea Transportation After Credit Crunch
Table 1.2 Six selected world class shipping companies and their share price development from
year 2007/2008 peak
China Cosco
June 2008
June 2009
June 2010
June 2011
24 Oct 07
-51.5 (%)
-75.8 (%)
-78.9 (%)
-83.8 (%)
China shipping development
June 2008
June 2009
June 2010
June 2011
16 May 08
-15.5 (%)
-62.8 (%)
-62.5 (%)
-72.6 (%)
Hanjin shipping
June 2008
June 2009
June 2010
June 2011
17 Oct 07
-31.6 (%)
-69.2 (%)
-67.3 (%)
-77.8 (%)
June 2008
June 2009
June 2010
June 2011
11 Oct
June 2008
June 2009
June 2010
June 2011
12 Oct 07
-43.1 (%)
-76.3 (%)
-77.8 (%)
-84.1 (%)
Nippon Yusen
June 2008
June 2009
June 2010
June 2011
10 Oct
Source (data) Yahoo Finance (2011); K-Line (2011); Bloomberg (2011b)
Demand meltdown in 2009 was as bad in all six shipping companies as revenues did decline significantly from previous year, but also fell below year 2006
level (base case in Tables 1.3 and 1.4). Profitability also smelted away in all six
1 Shoot and Collapse of Dry and Liquid Transportation Markets
Table 1.3 First three selected (of six in totals) world class shipping companies and their sales as
well as profit/loss development during period of 2006–2010
China Cosco
(’000 RMB)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
(’000 RMB)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
(’000 RMB)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
(’000 RMB)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
China shipping
Hanjin shipping
(mill, korean)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
(mill, korean)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
Source China Cosco (2009, 2011); China Shipping (2009, 2011); Hanjin Shipping (2009, 2011)
cases, and all shippers were loss making units in year 2009. If this performance
during year 2009 is compared to stock market valuation during mid 2009, it could
be concluded that markets were correctly valuing and seeing the situation development a priori the results were shaping up (valuations were hurt from 50 to nearly
80 % from peak levels). In best shape from all performers was Maersk, which
recorded revenue level of year 2006 during credit crunch year, and of course this
was awarded with valuation declines (lowest from all six).
During year 2010 situation eased among shipping lines, and revenues increased
in all six examined companies. Also profits were recorded in all six cases. However, companies are having problem of maintaining their growth story, as recovery
has been rather mild, and projection for future should be given in the positive light.
Only small exception in this regard is Maersk, which is in revenue and profit terms
above year 2008 level. However, change to year 2008 has not been significant, and
company is also lacking credible long-term growth story. Lack of growth is
reflected in valuations—they have stayed in abnormally low levels, and could
attract short-term interest on this industry. However, structural problem in
1.4 Development of Dry and Liquid Sea Transportation After Credit Crunch
Table 1.4 Latter three selected (of six in totals) world class shipping companies and their sales
as well as profit/loss development during period of 2006–2010
(mill, DKK)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
(mill, DKK)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
(mill, yen)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
(mill, yen)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
(mill, yen)
(Year 2006 base) (%)
Nippon Yusen
(mill, yen)
Source Maersk (2011); K-line (2010); Nippon Yusen (2009, 2011)
shipping is so huge that it will take another 20 years that new boom period is
experienced in orders and production. Small-scale recovery is possible in tankers,
but only in style like it was during mid 1980s and early 1990s (which could start
within couple of years’ time, possibly in 2014–2015).
1.5 Conclusions
As shown in this research work, the capital intensive service business is very
vulnerable to changes in the economic climate. Due to years of delay in the
construction process of the decade-long serving shipping capacity, vulnerability is
only strengthened. So orders for shipping capacity (large investment decisions) are
typically made during the best years of a booming economy (as enough statistical
evidence and support is available for making huge and uncertain investments).
However, typically a very large investment wave leads to recession, and capacity
1 Shoot and Collapse of Dry and Liquid Transportation Markets
is delivered when markets are already sluggish, where the negative cost-cutting
loop is only enforced further with capacity addition. In business terms, the future
of oil shipping companies and dry bulkers is not bright—there surely exists
transportation need in the following decades (and they could even have some
minor growth to offer), but the structural overcapacity problem will constrain the
sector for years to come. Based on this environment and situation, it could be
argued that the following decade is useful time for research, development, and
deployment of productivity and efficiency measures: This is the only way that
branch can take and enable the next wave of the growth era, most probably starting
in two decades’ time.
As a further research suggestion, finding the implications of the credit crunch
for different geographical regions of shipping, as well as for different sized actors,
particularly in bulk shipping, would be extremely interesting to carry out. How do
local monopolies or oligopolies (with respect to geographical areas and/or major
customers) help shippers to ensure their revenues and profits? What about different
sized shippers: Are smaller ones doomed to diminish from the market? Or are
medium sized stuck in between, and are in turn hard to justify their further
Bloomberg (2011a) Baltic indexes for dry, dirty tanker and tanker transportation groups.
quote?ticker=BITY:IND Accessed. July 2011
Bloomberg (2011b) Nippon Yusen KK. Available at http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/
quote?ticker=9101:JP#chart Accessed. July 2011
BP (2010) BP statistical review of world energy june 2010. Available at http://www.bp.com/
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Chapter 2
The Tanker Shipping Market
2.1 Introduction
Oil tanker is designed for the bulk transport of oil. Basic types of tankers include
crude tanker and product tanker. Crude tanker transports unrefined crude oil from
extraction locations to refineries while product tanker ships refined products to
points close to consuming markets. Tankers are generally categorized by size, e.g.,
Panamax, Aframax, Suezmax, VLCC, and ULCC. Tanker shipping provides an
economical and convenient way to transport liquid bulk for international seaborne
trade. Many maritime economists believe that the supply of tanker shipping
operates under perfect competition is characterized by several conditions. The first
feature is number of shipping service providers. There are a number of ship owners
that own tankers that provide identical shipping services. The second characteristic
is the availability of information. In the tanker market, information on freight rate
can be searched via such means as the Baltic Index. Hence, shipping service
providers are unable to manipulate the price. Obstacles to entry to and exit from
the industry exist but these challenges can be managed. Entry barriers, such as
government regulations, economic factors, and marketing condition, are not
present in the tank shipping industry. On the one hand, huge capital investment is
needed to acquire ships (new ships from the new building market or second-hand
ships from the sales and purchase market) to enter the industry. On the other hand,
shipping firms may withdraw from the market by selling their assets (i.e., ships) in
the second-hand vessel sale and purchase market.
In 2010, the tanker trade volume reached to 2,767 million tons due to growth in
demand for energy commodities. The increased cargo volume in the tanker market
leads shipping firms to adjust their supply by building new ships in the new
building market, and acquiring second-hand vessels in the sale and purchase
market. In tanker shipping, price level (i.e., freight rate) is influenced by the
market (i.e., demand for shipping service and supply of shipping service). In the
context of research in tanker shipping, the demand for shipping is seaborne trade in
energy products because demand for tanker shipping occurs as a result of demand
Y. H. V. Lun et al., Oil Transport Management, Shipping and Transport Logistics,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2921-9_2, Ó Springer-Verlag London 2013
2 The Tanker Shipping Market
for seaborne tanker shipping service (i.e., derived demand). On the other hand, the
supply of shipping service is fleet size in the tanker shipping market. From the
perspective of the industrial organization paradigm, the interaction between
the demand for and the supply of tanker shipping service affects the market
structure, which in turn plays a significant role in determining the investment and
operation decisions in the marketplace (Tirole 2003).
The tanker shipping market brings shippers and carriers together to determine
the supply of shipping capacity (i.e., fleet size) and demand for shipping services.
Hence, demand for shipping service plays a significant role in the shipping
industry. Although oil prices have experienced a sharp increase, there is a significant growth in the demand. The volume of seaborne trade has doubled over the
past two decades. The increase in quantity demand for shipping services due to
growth in seaborne trade volume leads to rise in freight rate. Freight rate motivates
shipping firms to adjust their fleet sizes by placing orders for new vessels or
scrapping their serving vessels. It also affects vessel prices.
The topic of tanker shipping is important to explore from the perspectives of
both academic researchers (Glen and Martin 2002; Lyridis et al. 2004; Alizadeh
and Nomikos 2006; Goulielmos and Psifia 2007) and industrial practitioners
(Ocean Shipping Consultants Ltd 2004; UNCTAD 2009; Clarkson Research
Studies 2010). Studies dedicated to developing an empirical model to forecast fleet
size is desirable to facilitate industrial practitioners to make key decisions such as
capacity management and investment strategy. This chapter aims to provide
empirical evidence to illustrate the linkages between the different market segments
in tanker shipping industry. Another aim of this chapter is to provide an overview
of the linkage among different segments in the shipping market for researchers and
practitioners to better understand the shipping industry.
2.2 Tanker Shipping
The tanker shipping industry comprises four different but closely associated
markets. Sea transport services are dealt in the freight market, new ships are
ordered and built in the new building market, used ships are traded in the sale and
purchase market, and old or obsolete ships are scrapped in the demolition market.
Prices of these four shipping markets are determined by the interactions of buyers
and sellers of the markets (Dikos and Marcus 2003). These four shipping markets
can be categorized into real market and auxiliary markets (Strandenes 2002;
Adland et al. 2006a, b; Lun and Quaddus 2009). Shipping firms order new ships in
the new building market and scrap unused ships in the demolition market. New
building and scrapping markets are real market as their activities affect the overall
shipping activities. On the other hand, shipping firms provide sea transport services to shippers in the freight markets and shipper owners trade their used ships in
the sale and purchase market. The auxiliary market consists of the freight market
2.2 Tanker Shipping
trades sea transport services and the sale and purchase market trades second-hand
vessels. These two markets are categorized as auxiliary market as their transactions do not change existing shipping capacity. Shipping firms provide sea
transport services to shippers in the freight markets and shipper owners trade their
used ships in the sale and purchase market.
2.2.1 Seaborne Trade
Shipping firms provide global shipping services transporting cargoes to meet the
demand for sea transport services (Kendall and Buckley 2001). Generally speaking, carriage of goods does not take place unless there is a need for cargoes to be
delivered from production to consumption areas. Demand for tanker shipping
services is derived from the trade between buyers and sellers in the energy trade
market. As demand for tanker shipping service is a derived demand, seaborne trade
is a crucial variable in tanker shipping market. Previous studies (e.g., Metaxas
1971; Lun and Quaddus 2009; Stopford 2009) have suggested the positive association between seaborne trade and freight rate. Change in freight rate is influenced
by seaborne trade volume (Lun et al. 2010). In the tanker shipping market, freight
rate is an important indicator for shipping firms to conduct their business. When
the volume of seaborne trade goes up, demand for sea transport services will rise.
The excessive demand for shipping services will lead to the upward trend of freight
rate. Freight rate also affects the decision of tanker shipping firms to adjust their
fleet size and hence increase their supply in the tanker market. High freight rate
stimulates growth in world fleet.
Tanker shipping can be seen as a capital intensive industry as huge investment
in ships are required (Chen and Wang 2004). The return on investment in ships
relies on seaborne trade volume (Stopford 2009). Cargoes cannot be delivered to
destination without adequate investment in shipping capacity. If ships are invested
but demand for shipping services is insufficient, lay up of ship is costly. The need
for sea transport is derived from seaborne trade and shipping firms are not able to
control the change of demand for shipping service (McConville 1999). To tackle
with an increase in sea cargo volume, tanker operators tend to enlarge the capacity
of sea transport. Hence, seaborne trade influences the key decision in shipping
industry with regard to adjustment of shipping capacity.
2.2.2 Freight Rate
The freight market is a place where buyers and sellers are brought together to trade
sea transport services. The demand for and supply of tanker shipping services
interact with each other to determine freight rate. Due to the nature of derived
2 The Tanker Shipping Market
demand, demand for sea tanker shipping services depends on the seaborne trade
volume (Lun and Quaddus 2009). On the other hand, supply of shipping service is
inelastic in the short run. Excessive supply of shipping capacity not only causes
reduction in freight rate but also extra operational cost to lay up ships. On the other
hand, shortage in ships leads to an increase in freight rate to motivate shipping
firms for adjusting their shipping capacity. Although trade volume grows in the
past decades, shipping firms may make their investment decision only when they
expect that future freight rate will increase. However, it may take a few years for
shipping firms to take delivery of new ships if they decide to increase their
shipping capacity.
2.2.3 New Building Vessel
The new building market and the freight market are positively associated. Shipping firms order new ships to expand their fleet sizes during freight boom. In the
tanker shipping industry, demand for new vessels reflects the need for shipping
capacity. It may take one to 3 years from placing an order of a new vessel till the
delivery of ship to carry cargo in the freight market. The order of new ships from
tanker shipping firms indicates that they have positive expectation of the growth of
seaborne trade and increase in future freight rates.
From the perspective of business operations, prices of new building ships have
a stabilizing effect in the tanker shipping (Dikos 2004). When the demand for
shipping services increase, shipping firms make the decision to increase their
shipping capacity by ordering new ships. At the same time, freight rate increases
due to the high demand for shipping services. High freight rate indicates that
shipping firms can earn higher than normal profit. When the demand for seaborne
rises, high freight rate and profit level affect shipping firms to place orders for new
ships. With the increase in demand for new ships, prices in the shipping building
market also increase. Hence, capital cost of shipping firms increases. Such rise in
the prices of new ships could be seen as a ‘‘stabilizer’’ to set a ‘‘barrier’’ for
shipping firms for excessive profit.
2.2.4 Second-Hand Vessel
In the shipping market, the freight market is the main source of cash for the tanker
shipping operations. The revenue earned in the freight market provides financial
support to tanker shipping firms for acquiring new ships and second-hand vessels
to serve the demand for shipping services. Beenstock (1985) proposed that the new
building and second-hand vessels are substitutes to each other as they are same
kind of assets. New building ships and used ships are positively associated as both
of them can be deployed to carry cargoes. While the deployment of new building
2.2 Tanker Shipping
ships may require waiting for a few years after placing the new order, the lead time
to deploy second-hand ships to freight market are much shorter. At the time of
freight booms, the second-hand vessel market is a good option for shipping firms
to adjust their shipping capacity to satisfy the demand for tanker shipping services
(Goulielmos 2009).
The second-hand vessel market can be categorized as an auxiliary market and
the buying and selling of used ships are unlikely to alter the existing number of
ships and the carrying capability in the tanker shipping market (Strandenes 2002).
The sales and purchase market facilitates the entry of shipping firms to the shipping market as shipping firms may acquire ships in the sales and purchase market
with lower capital requirements. Another key function of the second-hand vessel
market is the allocation of ships among ship operators. With the sales and purchase
of used ships, the ship owners are able to exit the market or restructure their
existing fleets in response to the changing demand (Strandenes 2002). As the
demand for second-hand ships increase during the freight booms, the second-hand
vessel market is also closely linked with the freight market. At the time of high
freight rate, demand for second-hand ships are high as shipping firms can deploy
these ships to earn higher than normal profit. Hence, the price of second-hand ships
increases during the time of freight boom and decreases during the time of freight
depression (Lun and Quaddus 2009). On the other hand, low vessel prices usually
correspond with low freight rates.
2.2.5 Scrapping Vessel
Ships are bought and sold in different tanker markets. The new building market
deals with new vessels while old or obsolete vessels are scrapped in demolition
market. Activities of these two markets determine tanker shipping capacity to
serve the seaborne trade (Strandenes 2002). With the exception of old ships that
are unable to meet the safety requirements and regulations, the scrapping decision
made by ship owners depends on expected financial return from scrapping the ship
and the future freight rate. Knapp et al. (2008) suggested that an increase in scrap
price leads to a higher chance of vessels being scrapped. In the last decade, 2006,
the worldwide consumption of steel grew significantly. The increase in demand for
steel induces higher price of steel and subsequently boost scrapping price of
demolished vessels (Knapp et al. 2008). On the other hand, the activity in
scrapping market is associated with the second-hand market. At the time for
freight boom, ship owners may keep the used ships to carry cargoes or sell these
ships to other ship owners. On the contrary, ship owners are willing to send their
ships to demolition market when they expect the profitability for vessels are
negative in the foreseeable future and the demand for second-hand ships in the sale
and purchase market is weak.
2 The Tanker Shipping Market
2.3 Research Design
To study the tanker market, we used data from Suazmax Tankers, between 1987 and
2010, extracted from the Clarkson Research Studies. Clarkson Research Studies is
one of the world’s leading providers of offering statistical and research services to
ship brokers and the maritime industry throughout the past decades. The professional
compilers of Clarkson Research Studies gather general cargo fleets database of over
30,000 vessels on a daily basis and a wide variety of cargo pertaining to dry cargo, oil
and raw materials, specialty chemicals, liquefied natural gas, and containers (source:
www.clarksons.com). This published data provides relevant objective data to measure our study variables comprising seaborne trade, freight rate, fleet size, new
building vessel price, second-hand vessel price, and scrapping vessel price in the
tanker shipping industry. Descriptions of the data are shown in Table 2.1.
2.4 Tests and Results
2.4.1 The Four Shipping Markets
There are four inter-linked market in the tanker shipping industry. Sea transport
services are dealt in the freight market, new ships are ordered and built in the new
building market, used ships are traded in the sale and purchase market, and old or
obsolete ships are scrapped in the demolition market. Correlation analysis is
conducted to illustrate the linkage among these four interrelated shipping markets.
The study variables involved are: (1) freight rate, i.e., the value that carriers are
willing to accept and shippers are willing to pay for sea transport services, (2) new
building vessel price, i.e., the value that ship builders are willing to accept and ship
owners are willing to pay to buy new ships, (3) second-hand vessel price, i.e., the
value that ship owners are willing to pay and accept to trade used ships in the sales
and purchase market, and (4) scrapping vessel price, i.e., the value that scrappers
are willing to pay and ship owners are willing to accept to scrap old ships.
Table 2.2 shows the correlation matrix reporting the relationship of the study
variables. The results suggest that these four markets, namely freight market, new
building vessel market, second-hand vessel market, and scrapping vessel market,
are positively associated.
2.4.2 Trade Volume and Fleet Size
Tanker shipping service provided by shipping firms aims to meet the demand for
sea transport services. Carriage of goods takes place only when there is a demand
for transport. Tanker shipping services derived demand from the seaborne energy
2.4 Tests and Results
Table 2.1 Data for the study variables
New building
vessel priced
vessel pricee
vessel pricef
Seaborne tanker trade in million tons
Worldscale rate is a weighted average of spot prices from different routes
Fleet size in million deadweight tons
New building vessel price in million USD
Second-hand five-year vessel price in million USD
Scrapping vessel price in million USD
Estimated figure
trade. When there is an increase in the demand for tanker shipping service, freight
rate will go up. High freight rate attracts ship owners to provide more shipping
capacity to increase the supply of shipping services. Hence, seaborne trade is a
crucial variable in tanker shipping market.
To illustrate these relationships, we develop several regression models. The
results are shown in Table 2.3. The findings suggest that the following relationships: (1) freight rate is positively associated with fleet size with b value of 0.408,
(2) freight rate is positively associated with seaborne trade with b value of 0.654,
and (3) seaborne rate is positively associated with fleet size with b value of 0.902.
Their relationships are illustrated in Fig. 2.1.
To examine the mediating effect of seaborne trade, we use path analysis to
compare the direct and indirect effect of the relationship among the study
2 The Tanker Shipping Market
Table 2.2 Correlation matrix
Freight rate
New building
vessel price
Freight rate
sig. (2-tailed)
New building vessel price
sig. (2-tailed)
Second-hand vessel price
sig. (2-tailed)
Scrapping vessel price
sig. (2-tailed)
vessel price
vessel price
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
Table 2.3 Results of the regression analysis to examine the linkage between freight rate and fleet
Independent variable
Dependent variable
Freight rate
Freight rate
Seaborne trade
Fleet Size
Seaborne Trade
Fleet Size
p \ 0.05
p \ 0.01
variables. Direct effect refers to the relationship linking two constructs, whereas
indirect effect refers to the relationship characterizing a sequence of relationships
with a mediator variable involved. Table 2.4 shows the results of path analysis to
examine the linkages between freight rate and fleet size. The results suggest that
the path coefficient of the direct effect of freight rate on fleet size (i.e., freight
rate ? fleet size) is 0.408, while the path coefficient of the indirect effect (i.e.,
freight rate ? seaborne rate ? fleet size) is 0.590. Hence, the indirect effect is
stronger than the direct effect. The results suggest that seaborne trade is a mediator
influencing the relationship between freight rate and fleet size.
In the regression model, seaborne trade is an indicator of fleet size in the
tanker shipping market with b value of 0.902. Figure 2.2 is a scatter plot of
regression line and observed values fleet size expectancy. The observed values
are evenly distributed above and below the regression line. The results indicate
that seaborne trade is a significant factor influencing fleet size in the tanker
shipping market.
2.4 Tests and Results
Fig. 2.1 Mediating role of
seaborne trade
Table 2.4 Indirect effect of seaborne trade
Direct effect
Indirect effect
Freight rate ? Fleet size
Freight rate ? Seaborne trade ? Fleet size
0.654 9 0.902 = 0.590
2.4.3 Vessel Prices
As seaborne volume grows, ship owners need to adjust their fleet size to meet the
market demand. Freight rate plays an important role in the tanker shipping market as
high freight rate affects ship owners’ decision on their shipping capacity. When
freight rate increases, ship owners places more order to build new ships and the vessel
price will increase. At the same time, the price of second-hand ships also increases as
second-hand ships are substitutes of new building vessels and can be deployed to
shipping market in a relatively short period of time. To illustrate the relationships, we
develop several regression models. The results are shown in Table 2.5.
To illustrate the relationships, we develop several regression models. The
results are shown in Table 2.5. The findings suggest that the following relationships: (1) freight rate is positively associated with new building vessel price with b
value of 0.578, (2) freight rate is positively associated with second-hand vessel
price with b value of 0.760, and (3) second-hand vessel price is positively associated with new building vessel price b value of 0.843. The relationships among
these three variables are illustrated in Fig. 2.3.
To examine the mediating effect of second-hand vessel price, we use path analysis
to compare the direct and indirect effect of the relationship among the study variables. Table 2.6 shows the results of path analysis to examine the linkages between
freight rate and new building vessel price. The results suggest that the path coefficient
of the direct effect of freight rate on new building vessel price (i.e., freight
2 The Tanker Shipping Market
Fig. 2.2 Relationship between seaborne trade and fleet size
Table 2.5 Results of the regression analysis to examine the linkage between freight rate and
vessel prices
Independent variable
Dependent variable
Freight rate
Freight rate
SH price
New building vessel (NB) price
Second-hand vessel (SH) price
NB price
p \ 0.01
rate ? new building vessel price) is 0.578, while the path coefficient of the indirect
effect (i.e., freight rate ? second-hand vessel price ? new building vessel price) is
0.641. Hence, the indirect effect is stronger than the direct effect. The results suggest
that second-hand vessel price is a mediator influencing the relationship between
freight rate and new building vessel price.
2.5 Discussions and Conclusions
There are separate but closely correlated markets in tanker shipping operations. In
particular, the new building and second-hand vessel markets can be categorized as
the factor market in which vessels can be bought and sold. The freight market can
2.5 Discussions and Conclusions
Fig. 2.3 Mediating role of
second-hand vessel price
Vessel Price
New Building
Vessel Price
Table 2.6 Indirect effect of second-hand vessel price
Direct effect
Indirect effect
Freight rate ? New building vessel price
Freight rate ? SH Price ? NB price
0.760 9 0.843 = 0.641
be classified as the product market where sea transport services are traded in a
market place. Hence, shipping firms are involved in two exchange functions. On
the one hand, they sell product (i.e., shipping services) in the product market.
Freight rate is the value that ship operators are willing to accept and shippers are
willing to pay for the shipping service. On other hand, ship owners obtain production factors (i.e., ships) in the new building market or sale and purchase market.
In the product market, seaborne commodities trade determines the demand for
tanker shipping services. In this chapter, the volume of seaborne trade is identified
as a mediator affecting the relationship between freight rate and fleet size in tanker
shipping. The result shows that seaborne trade has a stronger impact on influencing
fleet size. In a period of trade boom, tanker shipping firms tend to adjust their
capacity when demand for tanker shipping increases. The findings suggest that
both freight rate and seaborne have significant impacts on fleet size. In comparing
the magnitudes of the effect on fleet size, the coefficient of seaborne trade
(b = 0.902) is stronger than that of freight rate (b = 0.408). The results indicate
that the key factor affecting the decision of ship owners to adjust their fleet size is
capacity utilization. Return on investment in vessels relies on cargoes to fill the
ships. Seaborne trade increases continuously in a growing market lead to a
shortage of ships. Ship owners decide to adjust their fleet sizes when they are
confident that additional shipping capacity can be utilized to earn revenue from
freight market as lay up of ships are costly.
In tanker shipping, the order of new ships in the new building market and the
purchase and sale of vessels in the second-hand market are activities in the factor
2 The Tanker Shipping Market
market while trading in sea transport services in the freight market belongs to the
product market. Our study shows the result that the prices of both new building
and second-hand vessels are affected by freight rate. New building vessel price is
the value that ship builders are willing to accept and ship owners are willing to pay
to buy new ships, whereas second-hand vessel price is the value that ship owners
are willing to pay and accept to trade used ships in the sales and purchase market.
Our study results show that the prices of both new building and second-hand
vessels are affected by freight rate. The results indicate that freight rate positively
influences both the product market and the factor market.
The findings of this study also suggest that second-hand vessel price is a mediator
in influencing the relationship between freight rate and new building vessel price.
New building market and the freight market are associated with the sale and purchase
market in tanker shipping. The findings of this study also suggest that second-hand
vessel price is a mediator in influencing the relationship between freight rate and new
building vessel price. High level of freight rate leads ship owners to acquire extra
shipping capacity by ordering new ships from new building market or buying used
ships in sale and purchase market. New building vessels and second-hand vessels
substitute each other, and the only difference is their age. Ship owners look for ships
in the sale and purchase market when freight rate increase because acquired ships can
be deployed to carry cargoes in a short period of time. High vessel prices and shortage
of ships in the sale and purchase market may divert ship owners to acquire shipping
capacity in the new building market.
The implications of this study are two fold. From a research perspective, this
study illustrates the role of freight rate in both the product market and factor
market. In addition, the factors influencing fleet size and the mediator of seaborne
trade have been identified in the product market. In addition, the mediating role of
second-hand vessel price has been examined. From a management perspective,
this study examines how the four key markets in tanker shipping are interrelated. It
provides a useful reference for shipping firms to anticipate opportunities and
threats in the tanker shipping business. On the other hand, we should take account
of the limitations and pitfalls in this study. Methodologically, this study uses
secondary data to conduct the data analysis. Although we have gathered data
spanning 24 years (i.e., between 1987 and 2010), it is difficult to validate the data
accuracy. Additionally, this study is confined to tanker shipping operations.
Therefore, further research could be extended to other shipping sectors, including
the container shipping market and the bulk shipping market.
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artificial neural networks. Marit Econ Logist 6(1):93–108
McConville J (1999) Economics of maritime transport: theory and practice. Witherby, London
Metaxas BN (1971) The economics of tramp shipping. The Athlone Press of the University of
London, London
Ocean Shipping Consultants Ltd (2004) Shipping profitability to 2015. The outlook for vessel
costs and revenue. Ocean Shipping Consultants Ltd, Chertsey
Stopford M (2009) Maritime economics. Routledge, New York
Strandenes SP (2002) Economics of the markets for ships. The handbook of maritime economics
and business. LLP, London
Tirole J (2003) The theory of industrial organization. The MIT Press, Cambridge
UNCTAD (2009) Review of Maritime Transport. United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development, Geneva
Chapter 3
Oil Tanker Economics: A Case
of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
3.1 Historical Development of Oil Market
Oil market began in 1859 when standard Oil emerged in USA as the first monopoly.1
In 1910, the oil industry became oligopolistic,2 controlling3 the quantity of oil
produced. Moreover, ‘oligopsonies’4 emerged because oil companies were the
single buyers of oil transport services. The transport5 of oil by sea started in 1861
from USA to London, following the discovery and economic exploitation (refining)
of oil fields in the North East of USA.6 Half of the oil was exported to Europe7 and
Far East. Today, oil has to win the battle with coal, on which Europe’s economy is
based. In 2007, coal still maintained a serious 29 % share in world supply of energy
(BP 2008). A similar fight between natural gas (24 % share in 2007) and oil (36 %),
is on the way, given the fast deteriorating climatic conditions.
When one company has the ability to act in an unconstrained way in raising prices or reducing
quality. A monopoly faces little or no competition in its output (oil) market (Fisher 1991).
When one company expects its pricing and production strategies to affect the overall industry
price and production levels (Besanko ibid., p. 218).
The oil industry deals with oil exploration, production, refining, transporting, managing,
marketing, research, and development. It is made up of vertically integrated firms, each
performing many or all of the above stages, in a vertical supply chain. Vertical integration
appeared in 1910 (Besanko ibid., p. 68). In 1972 oil traders appeared. These are firms like Vitol,
which in 1995 chartered 21 million dwt, or 4 % of the total 515 million dwt reported spot
fixtures. Vitol owns no ships of its own, as shown in Appendix C).
A monopsonist is the sole buyer of an input, e.g., labor. It faces little or no competition in one
of its input markets. Oligopsony is a market in which the actions of individual firms materially
affect the industry’s demand levels. The analysis of monopsony, and even more so oligopsony, is
rare in economics.
The commercial production of oil started in 1859 in Pennsylvania (Stopford 2009, p. 434).
Initially, the users of 1/2 of oil consumption were the cities of New York, Baltimore, and
Europe and Britain dominated world industrial activity at that time, and so created the
analogous (derived) demand.
Y. H. V. Lun et al., Oil Transport Management, Shipping and Transport Logistics,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2921-9_3, Springer-Verlag London 2013
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
Just from the 1st tanker in 1866 we saw the beginning of economies of scale.
Economies of scale8 supported the development of the tank philosophy9 in the
construction of oil ships, in a way that had not previously been imagined. The tank
element gave its name to the first specialized ships called ‘tank ships’. The 1st
tanker was launched in 1886 (Wjilnost and Wergeland 1996). Economies of scale
drove most of the developments that took place in the tanker industry between
1861 and 1972 (Chandler 1990; Wjilnost and Wergeland 1996). Economies of
scale in tankers persisted at least until 1972, but some argue that may now have
ceased (Gilge et al. 2002).
Between 1861 and 1911, price acted as an incentive to invest in ships. The high
freight rate motivated investment in ships: ‘The first tankers had to be paid very
well, i.e., 100 shillings10 and for as long as 50 years, in order for ships to accept to
load/transport this dangerous cargo’ (Beenstock and Vergottis,11 1993, p. 39).
As shown in Fig. 3.1, the freight rate remained high (F1) as it took a long time
(50 years as mentioned) for the market to adjust to the increasing demand between
1861 and 1911. Q1 indicates full employment of the existing fleet (demand cuts
supply at its inelastic part). Q1Q2 is the extra tonnage demanded (Q1Q2 must be
multiplied by the average distance prevailing at the time to derive a more realistic
concept used by maritime economists i.e., tonmiles).
In 1883, the ‘Standard Oil Company’12 lost its monopoly position in the Far
East, retaining it in USA and Europe.13 Standard Oil (USA) was the world’s
biggest oil company in the 1880s, setting up the ‘Anglo-American Oil Co Ltd’,
They are identified in the fall of the long run average cost of the ship as miles traveled and/or
ship’s size increases or as the size of the company grows.
The transport of oil (1863–1869) carried out first in barrels, then in tins and later in (ship’s)
tanks (1872–1886). The first ships used sails.
The freight rate, which acted as the incentive for specialized ships to be built, can be
compared with that in the 1920s and 1930s, which then was 1/10th of this latter value.
These authors provide models dealing with the subject of the interdependence between dry
cargo and tanker markets, with rational expectations. Expectations are one’s view of a future
event. Individuals are rational when they use all available and relevant information about the
future. At one extreme, when information is complete, and there is no uncertainty, we have
perfect foresight. This is one of the basic prerequisites for perfect markets, and is impossible in
real terms. Rational expectations and the efficient market hypothesis are two pillars of the ‘new
classical macroeconomics in tankers’ (Shefrin 1983). For shipping, the ‘market efficiency
hypothesis’ have also been disputed (Goulielmos and Psifia 2006).
In 1911, the company’s market share was 75 % due to economies of scale in oil refining and
technology which favored size (McGee 1958). In 1870 Standard Oil had only a 10 % market
share (Pashigian BP 1995, pp. 237–240). The US government directed antitrust actions to break
up forms of national monopolies like that of Standard Oil (1911). As argued by Chandler (1962),
the Standard Oil Co of New Jersey, later Exxon, underwent changes in its organizational structure
driven by variations in its strategy, which was determined by changes in the external conditions
of the firm, following the principle that structure follows strategy.
In addition, Russia discovered the Baku Oilfields (in the Caspian Sea) and produced oil in
3.1 Historical Development of Oil Market
Fig. 3.1 Sustained high
freight rates due to slow
adjustment in tanker supply
Ton miles
which owned 16 tankers. At that time, Suez Canal did not generally allow tankers
to transit (from 1861 onwards), except in 1882 when it allowed the passage of the
specially designed tankers (1892) owned by ‘Samuel’ (later identified as ‘Shell’).
The use of the canal obviously reduced average distances. ‘Shell Transport and
Trading’ was formed in 1897. Profits then (rent14 in the Ricardian sense) were
good, as demand was high and customers had to pay costs equivalent to those of a
dry cargo sail ship (known as the ‘marginal carrier’ meaning a ship operating at
worse cost).
In 1900–1920, new oil producing areas were discovered in USA (Gulf, Texas,
and California), and also in Mexico. In 1900, Europe was the biggest oil consumer
(50 %), but it was not entirely free from the dominance of coal. USA consumed
only 20 % of oil at the time. Ships, railways, and industrial plants were still fueled
by coal, and only kerosene was used domestically. In 1907 the ‘Anglo-Saxon
Petroleum Co Ltd’ was formed from the merger of ‘Shell’ and ‘Royal Dutch’
(which owned 34 ships).
Innovations that pushed the use of oil forward were: the internal combustion
engine (invented by Karl Benz) running on gasoline, and the ‘Model T’ car produced by Ford in 1908, as well as the alternative engine,15 the diesel, introduced in
1892. Between 1910 and 1920, car ownership in USA rose annually by 33 %, and
truck fleet grew by 27 %. Finally, railways and ships started to use oil. Also two
new oil companies, ‘Texaco’ and ‘Gulf Oil’, were formed, breaking ‘Standard
Oil’s’ monopoly. They used US Gulf ports, acquired tankers and obtained a market
share based on oilfields in southern USA. Distances again changed at this time.
Rent is the difference between what a factor receives and the payment required to entice it into
employment. For example, if a man is earning €10,000 in his current job and he prefers not to
work at all for less than €3,000, then the rent is €7,000.
Due to the German Rudolf Diesel, 1858–1913.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
According to Arthur (1994), ‘‘in the 1890s the steam engine, the electric motor
and the gasoline engine, all 3 competed as power sources for the new automobile.
Gasoline, by small historical event, was selected’’. In our century, nuclear technology (6 % share in 2007) competes with hydroelectric power (6.4 %), coal
(29 %), and other technologies (gas 24 %) to capture a part of the electricity
generation market. The victor in this competition it seems to be determined—as in
the past- by a small historical event (Goulielmos 2005). If natural gas replaces oil
completely, however, this may represent a waste of resources, as at the end of 2007
global proved oil reserves were estimated to be 1,237 billion barrels, 755 million
of which were in the Middle East. The price of oil will obviously depend on this
outcome. And, interestingly, demand for solar energy is estimated to grow by
21 % p.a. between 2005 and 2030.16
World oil trade had a rapid and unexpected growth between 1900 and 1950,
from below 35 million tons in 1903, and 35 million tons in 1920, reached 182
million tons in 1950. The price of oil is now partly determined by the supply
controlled by the well-known oil oligopoly made up of certain governments (the
‘Oil Producing and Exporting Countries’, OPEC), with specific policies17 after its
establishment in 1960 and especially after 1970 (the Caracas meeting) and 1973
(the Yom Kippur War). Trade (supply of oil) is also partly controlled by the major
oil companies.18 Control of supply naturally leads to control of price given the
elasticity of demand and the current technology in use. Demand for oil is out of
control of the ship-owners. Control of oil production led naturally to the control of
its transport by a few buyers (known as ‘oil companies’).
This chapter examines the economic structure and organization of the tanker
industry, past and present. It helps reader to understand the nature of the competition in the tanker industry.
This chapter runs as follows: next a literature review is presented. Analysis I,
presents the policy of oil majors. Analysis II, reports on the efforts of oil majors to
reduce their transport costs (1950–1972). Analysis III, gives the way oil majors
and independent tanker owners entered into an increased business risk (1973today). Analysis IV, investigates the structure of the tanker market (1973-today).
Then, we conclude.
There is a strong German interest to buy solar power from Greece.
It is comprised of 13 countries including S. Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Venezuela, and Nigeria.
These used to be called the ‘Seven Sisters’: (1) Standard Jersey, (2) Socony-Vacuum, (3)
Texaco, (4) Standard California, (5) Gulf, (6) Royal Dutch-Shell, and (7) British Petroleum,
(Chandler 1990).
3.2 Literature Review
3.2 Literature Review
The Nobel-laureate Koopmans (1939), and Zannetos (1966),19 assumed that tanker
freight cyclicality is due to ship replacement.20 Zannetos observed a cyclical
tanker freight rate and a cyclical demand for tankers, but a non-cyclical demand
for oil transport (though a cycle occurred in 1962–2006, with a deep low in 1986 in
crude oil imports (Stopford 2009)). Another issue in 1966, and today,21 is whether
ship investment decisions are based on ‘expectations of future returns’, as suggested by Keynes (1936), and Hicks (1946).
Moreover, Zannetos argued wrongly that the ship is the firm.22 Our opinion is
that a tanker shipping company is ‘a set of ships’. Certainly, Zannetos’ model is
‘classic’ for an expectations model in tanker shipping, where he argues that the
freight rate for contracts of longer duration is closer to the equilibrium freight rate,
than to the freight rate for charters of some shorter duration. As the duration of a
contract increases, the rates approach their long-term equilibrium, and do so from
above during periods of high rate levels, and from below during depressed markets
(Strandenes 1999; Heaver 1973).
Metaxas (1971) argued that demand for oil transport comes mainly from big oil
producing companies, who own a considerable percentage (40 %) of tanker tonnage. The tanker market is oligopolistic and oligopsonistic in the sense that few
buyers and few sellers own the greatest proportion of tankers. Oil companies, by
chartering tonnage from ‘independents’23, avoid additional capital expenditure,
managerial and crew problems, and passed the risk of ship unemployment to
independents. Independents seeked time charters for 40 % of their tonnage at rates
that were lower than those prevailing in the spot/voyage market, and such charters
may last up to 20 years. Entry to the market was free, except for the large initial
capital required.
Zannetos (1973) argued that24 tanker rates are not as random as they appear and
so a meaningful prediction of them can be made. Oil companies had the policy to
own at least 50 % of their required tonnage. There were two opposing opinions on
He produced a PhD at MIT in 1959. Zannetos had few papers, mainly in 1963, 1984, 1973,
and 1987—when he died. His research period covered 1956–1959. A full account and reference
to him can be found in Veenstra and De La Fosse (2006).
Veenstra and De La Fosse (2006, pp. 63).
Veenstra and De La Fosse (2006, p. 63, 69) argued that the issue of the economic foundation
of elastic expectations requires further work and more analysis. Other authors also raised the
same question. Our personal support, however, is for ‘Keynes’ expectations theory’. Expectations
justify ship-owners for over-ordering and commitment of the same errors again and again.
Zannetos was influenced by Thorburn (1960), who noted that in tramp shipping it was the
vessel that formed the economic unit, while the shipping company played a subordinate role
(Evans 1998). If this was true then we would not observe cross-subsidization between vessels in a
single company as observed in 1981–1987.
Meaning the private companies owning tankers.
We think this is an admission of ‘‘determinism’’. See Goulielmos and Psifia (2009).
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
this question. One opinion favors 100 % ownership, while the other favors dispensing with all marine operations.25 Zannetos argued that tankers faced inelastic
demand, and it is inefficient for any group to own all tonnage required. The tanker
market tries to normalize fluctuations and reduce risk (by offering long-term
employment to independents). Zannetos assumed the existence of price-elastic
expectations. But, Zannetos was wrong to assume that economies of scale accrue
only from the increasing size of a vessel and not also from the greater size of a
Heaver (1973) argued that the charter market is imperfect as there are few ships,
especially in a boom, and the market is dominated by very large buyers. On the
other hand, Evans (1994) argued that the short-term tanker freight market is
generally assumed to operate ‘‘under perfect competition’’. Individual ship-owners
cannot influence the market with only 20–30 ships, given also that tankers26 vary
considerably in size. In addition, a large number of charterers exist.27 Evans
argued correctly that tanker markets are segmented by size, and we may also add
and by geography. The tanker market, however, is more concentrated on the
demand/chartering side. The largest vessels are normally employed mainly on
long-term charter, or other guaranteed employment, especially in the early years of
their life. Evans mentioned that ‘‘some economists argued that prior to the oil
shock of 1973, the power of oil majors caused the tanker market to be (come)
oligopsonistic’’ (p. 312). For him, if charter contracts are kept confidential, this is a
case of discrimination, because the freight rate from oil companies is lower than it
would otherwise be. So, in the case of large contracts, where details are kept from
the market as long as possible, the average freight rate is below that corresponding
to a perfect market (Appendix A). With reference to oil majors, there were suspicions of collusion28 in the oil markets, but there was no evident rivalry. Evans
(1994) admits that the details of some fixtures are kept confidential29 and that the
starting point of negotiations is on a ‘last done’ basis. He tried to demonstrate that
there was perfect knowledge of the market as one of the ingredients of perfect
competition. He also argued that marginal cost per ship mile equals revenue per
ship mile (Evans and Marlow 1990). He concluded (pp. 322–323) that the shortterm tanker market works ‘very much according to perfect competition with very
good knowledge of the market’, which comes mainly from shipbrokers. Freight
As unprofitable and as absorbing funds needed for the core business (i.e., oil production,
refinery, and marketing).
Comparison of sizes (economies of scale) between dry and wet cargo ships in 1992 is in favor
of tankers by a wide margin, since the latter exploited deeper economies of scale. In 1992, 787
tankers were over 100,000 dwt (168.5 million dwt), while only 372 dry cargo ships were so (56.4
million dwt).
Twenty four charterers were in Eastern European trades in 1999 (Intertanko 2000). So, Evans
was wrong.
An agreement between firms to cooperate, in order to avoid mutually damaging rivalry.
Cooperation may be in the form of pooling information, forming cartels, price leadership, etc.
Intertanko (2000), believed this too.
3.2 Literature Review
rates are determined by demand and supply, and the marginal cost of each vessel is
equal to the freight rate, thus achieving ‘allocative efficiency’.30 In the long term,
however, markets are not efficient,31 for which Evans (1994 p. 313) blames supply
side, arguing that, since 1975, oil markets have no longer been dominated by oil
majors and the question of oligopsony no longer arises. Farthing and Brownrigg
(1997 p. 18) argued that the policy of the oil majors (after 1972) was not to have
their own ships, but to hire those of others. They argued that 50 % of all oil
(shipped in mid 1997) was owned by oil traders,32 who charter tankers from
independent tanker owners.
Berg-Andreassen (1997)33 recognized that Zannetos (1966) provided the first
thorough tanker study, and argued that the short run rate is an important determinant of the long run rate in an expectation process. Zannetos included changes
in the spot rates, which are considered as more important than freight rate levels
per se. Couper (1998), reviewing the period 1973–1998, noted that large oil
companies (like BP) had their own fleets under national flags and they chartered-in
additional tonnage from independent owners (a similar practice to that followed in
steel and grain). Charters were made at the Baltic and contracts had high fidelity,
based on trust, prior to 1973.
In 1973, however, drastic events happened: the Yom Kippur War (October
1973), the increase in oil prices by OPEC34 and the cutback in oil production,
leading to a fall in trade between 12 and 14 %. The tanker market collapsed
(1975), the Suez Canal reopened and the price of oil increased during Iranian
Revolution (1979). Demand for oil further reduced. The shipping industry took the
globalized path, looking for reduction in costs, including those of: crew, flag, and
bunkers. Short-term charters predominated for owners, as they wanted to sell their
ships (asset play), and they were interested only in spot freight earnings.35 Many
shipping companies went bankrupt in the post-1973 period. This series of
upheavals ended the long established parallels between tanker market and dry
cargo market.
Evans (1998) argued that many maritime economists believe that a large fleet
can give rise to monopolistic power. In a tribute to Thorburn (1960), Evans argued
that Thorburn indirectly admitted that ‘perfect competition’ prevailed in tramp
This is when production is done by the optimal combination of outputs, using the most
efficient combination of inputs.
Judging from pricing of shares on the stock market, related mainly to information; efficiency
exists if share prices are the best available estimates of their real value.
New actors appeared after 1973 (e.g., Vitol (Appendix C), Scanports, Ssangyong, Mitsubishi).
They normally have no tonnage of their own.
He investigated how the 10 years (40 quarters) dry cargo spot rates impacted on period rates.
The theoretical assumption at the time was that changes in the spot rate are the basis for the
formation of expectations for the time charters.
The main effort for OPEC was to prevent oil companies playing one country off against
Meaning spot.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
shipping markets. Evans argued that it has been frequently stated that the major oil
companies ‘had the oligopsonistic power to influence the tanker market, because
of their importance as charterers, and of the extent of the market they controlled’.
Gilje et al. (2002) argued that in the long term they see a trend toward oligopoly
in crude oil tanker carriage with competitive strategies likely to focus increasingly
on differentiation, as the potential for operational cost-reduction fades. This paper
is interesting as it provides a historical analysis of previous works, an empirical
investigation (say a ‘survey’) and many prophesies as conclusions. It deals with all
main issues of tanker economics including those of management.
Lyridis et al. (2004) argued that Koopmans (1939), Tinbergen (1959) and
Zannetos (1966) (and Shimojo 1979) were attracted to tanker economics to
investigate market’s cyclical behavior. They argued that after Zannetos no attempt
was made to provide a complete financial description of the tanker market, as
Koopmans had done.
Veenstra (1999) criticized Zannetos for having ignored the structure and the
cyclical nature of the tanker market. Svendsen (1958) relocated the analysis of
Koopmans and Zannetos from ‘shipping economics’ to ‘maritime economics’ by
including ports in his analysis. Veenstra and De La Fosse (2006) discussed the
importance of Zannetos and tanker economics for the development of maritime
economics and identified mobility of capital in the tanker markets, to stimulate
competition. Zannetos argued that planning is done on a vessel-by-vessel basis and
decision making is done on an out-of-pocket and on opportunity cost basis, leading
to marginal cost pricing (meaning after all that the market is perfectly competitive). The market displays perfectly competitive behavior, despite the fact that oil
majors dominate the ownership and the operation of tankers to a considerable
degree. Veenstra and De La Fosse argued that discussion is valid today, as much of
the tonnage is tied up in long-term contracts and only a part of tonnage is traded in
the spot market. The oil majors, they argued, have neither the ability to dominate
the demand side of the spot market, nor to be 100 % sufficient in transport
capacity. So (perfectly competitive) spot rates (for 10–15 % of total capacity) are
used as a basis for all other long-term contracts. The market behaves ‘as if’
perfectly competitive. However, they suggested that this last statement needed
careful examination (p. 65), and remarked that authors, quoting Zannetos on the
nature of competition in tankers, were frequently wrong, as in the case of: (1)
Binkley and Bessler (1983), who said ‘conditions approach perfect competition by
and large’, (2) Norman (1979), who chose to ‘regard markets as competitive’, and
(3) Glen (1990), who argued that though the ‘market appears oligopolistic in
institution’ it is a ‘very competitive homogeneous market’. Veenstra and De La
Fosse concluded (p. 69) that further work is needed on the analysis of competitiveness in tanker industry. They (p. 69) attributed the origin of a substantial body
of subsequent work on the ‘term structure of freight rates’ to Zannetos.
Dikos and Sgouridis (2008) argued that the oil tanker industry is an example of
‘almost’ (‘almost’ not defined) perfect competition, following Strandenes (2002).
They argue that there are ‘remote’ (not defined) limits to entry, information is
publicly available to all investors, and the cost of exit is fairly low (given the
3.2 Literature Review
existence of a ship sales and a scrap market). The usual argument is also made,
from ‘the existence of organized shipbrokers’, which collect and allocate information, that there is a well functioning market supplemented by organized future
and forward contract markets. However, tanker freight rates vary by duration and
by vessel type. They concluded that, overall, the international shipping of oil is a
‘competitive and open market’ (p. 104).
We would argue that Veestra and De La Fosse were mistaken in their
description of the tanker market, and the idea of a competitive market needs to be
treated much more skeptically.
We may further note that the main pioneering authors, like Koopmans, Tinbergen, Zannetos, and others, devoted entire books to this topic. Also, many studies
cover both dry and liquid markets, exploring, for example, the popular research
topic of the interdependence of the two markets. This last focus is fair, to the extent
that: (1) tankers may transport grain, and (2) there has been a move toward combination carriers, in the 1960 and 1970s, transporting dry cargoes and oil.
The above literature review has shown that maritime economists are at least
confused with the type of market that really exists in tanker shipping. They are
obviously misled by the workings of the spot market where the percent of tonnage
contracted there varies from a minimal of 6 % and a maximum of say about 70 %.
This percent depends on the strategies of companies vis-à-vis their asset playing.
This does not preclude the fact that a great proportion of tonnage is privately
contracted in secret negotiations.
3.3 The Policy of Oil Majors
Oil companies emerging as charterers (oligopsonists) of tanker space had not only
to ‘bear’36 the cost of transport of oil, but also to keep it down as a proportion of
CIF price. Stopford (2009, p. 436) mentioned that the cost of transport in 1950 was
‘Bear and pay’ are expressions connected with CIF. CIF means that transport cost is borne by
the oil company, but is paid by the importer. The oil company is interested in the price elasticity
of oil in relation to the final demand of the consumers. A $1 transport cost added on top of a unit
value of cargo $1/barrel (1 barrel = about 0.15 tons of fuel oil) is a serious burden and it may
restrict imports. Reduced imports due to high CIF prices are not desirable for oil companies as
this hurts their core business (sale of oil). As mentioned by Intertanko (1996, p. 18) the freight
rate was $30/ton in 1974 from $15 in 1995. In real terms (deflated by US price index
1985 = 100) the transport cost varied from $82 to $20 and to $8. Therefore, costs of transport of
oil are not as high as in the 1950s. If the freight rate of $1 rises to $2, and the price of oil is $1,
then the CIF price of oil becomes $3, and for a quantity of 1,000 units of exports to fall, say by
half, the ‘arc elasticity of demand’ must be 1.7. i.e., elastic demand for oil at destination. This
may damage the quantity of seaborne trade transported and the sales of oil companies in a very
substantial way (50 % drop). Oil majors, however, know that they deal with an inelastic demand
for oil. E.g., for the trade to rise by 20 %, the elasticity of demand in the above example need
only be negative and equal to -0.45 \ 1. The arc elasticity of demand used here is given by:
(Q1 - Q2/Q1 ? Q2 times P1 ? P2/P1 - P2), dropping the minus sign.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
$1 per barrel (Middle East to Western Europe) to be added to the value of $1 of
cargo. The cost of oil transport was affecting oil company profits and sales, and so
they looked for subcontractors for oil transport. These were the independent tanker
owners (ITOs). Oil was shipped to its destination on CIF terms meaning that: (a)
the transport of oil is the responsibility of, and organized by, the oil company as
seller, and (b) the freight rate is part of the price at destination (called CIF).
Oil companies at first established shipping departments.37 However, later funds
devoted to these departments were claimed by other core businesses, which had a
greater appetite for funds, like exploration38 for new oil reserves, refining, marketing, retailing, and research and development. Oil companies realized that an
increased supply of tankers could easily be obtained from ITOs and this could
reduce their transport costs at once, but also in the long term, i.e., 5–7 years ahead
or even further. This would increase oil companies’ profits in the short, and long
term, avoiding at the same time volatility in transport costs, since the supply of
ship space can be so ‘controlled’, given demand.
We think that oil companies decided to keep in-house transport services, (in a
pattern of vertical integration), together with a percent of their own tonnage, in
order to serve well their big customers and enable them to meet their planned needs.
Oil companies used to fear paying abnormal spot freight rates in case of undersupply and excess demand for tanker ship spaces (Koopmans 1939). Acute lack of
tonnage is a definite way to let oil customers down and harm one’s reputation.
So, oil companies found a way to expand supply of tankers through ITOs
(companies like P and O, Bergesen, and Mitsui) using time charters. ITOs were
next able to secure long-term finance from the banks, thus ‘killing two birds with
one stone’. An important corollary to this is that oil ‘companies removed the
greater part of supply from the market to private negotiations and so paid a
reduced freight rate’ (Fig. 3.2). They also created a higher long-term supply.
ITOs on the other hand found a way to obtain tankers with secured employment
and easy finance. A first-class charter party provided by oil companies was, and is
still today, one of the strong terms in a shipping loan. The hire agreed was based
on ITOs economies of scale and (lower) operating costs. Oil companies withmulti-member boards of directors were tied to out-of-date investment decisions
and thus had comparatively higher costs than ITOs (estimated to be 40 % higher
by author’s experience).
The time charter contracts agreed, were, and still are, kept confidential,39 and
consequently ITOs were subject to price discrimination. Perfect knowledge of time
This happened when managers in the 1890s realized that, for better performance, a
‘functional’ organization is required, like that adopted by Standard Oil. This means one single
department for each of the basic business functions within a firm. This principle is still valid
BP announced four discoveries of oil during 2008 (UK continental shelf, Kodiak in the Gulf of
Mexico, Kinnoull area/North Sea, and again in the Gulf of Mexico) and many improvements in
its existing refining installations (BP 2008).
Intertanko (2000).
3.3 The Policy of Oil Majors
One tanker ship company
Average cost
Marginal cost
Fig. 3.2 Oil majors’ policy to expand supply by negotiations and the impact on freight rate
negotiated on time charter rates, prior to 1972
charters is lacking. As more ships are privately chartered, supply in the spot
market will grow at the end of the time charter, and the market spot freight/time
charter rates will gradually fall, given demand. Private freight rates fall, however,
even earlier as a result of negotiations (F2 in Fig. 3.2). As Stopford (2009, p. 436)
wrote, ‘the oil companies were hard taskmasters and the charter rates they negotiated usually left little margin for error’.
We believe that economies of scale and the availability of finance played an
important role, together with lower operating costs, for ITOs to be convinced to
accept a lower freight rate than that prevailed in time charters (at the time of
negotiations). Moreover, the oil companies knew their own cost of tankers, and
had it as a yardstick. It is rational to assume that, despite what other maritime
economists believe, it is ITOs’ costs (and not the prevailing spot price) that forms
the basis on which oil companies carried out negotiations. Moreover, this is
confirmed by the theory, as the basic principle of outsourcing, as analyzed by
management theory, is lower cost.
Zannetos was therefore wrong to assume that the prevailing spot rate was the
yardstick of negotiations and thus determined all other rates. We admit that market
time charter may act as an upper limit for oil companies to negotiate below. The
possibility of having shipping finance, with a first-class time charter party certainly
has its value40 and this must be reflected in the negotiations for time charter rate.
Figure 3.2 shows how market demand for tanker space ‘Demand’ determines
freight rate F1 (left), given supply (S). Oil companies wish to reduce this cost.
They create (by confidential negotiations) an extra supply Q1Q2, and finally pay
F2. This extra Q1Q2 tonnage, if not available, is going to be built by ITOs. F2 is
This can be manifested in different ship second-hand prices charged for the same ships having/
not having time charter and/or finance.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
not disclosed. Q1Q2 tonnage will appear in the spot market after the end of the
time charters, assumed hypothetically as equal to 15–20 years.41
ITO (right, Fig. 3.2) receives F2, agreed during the negotiations, instead of F1.
F1, the market time charter, must be the obtainable rate for tonnage available now
in the market of an equivalent duration and of an equal value to the charterer, until
more new buildings enter the market, given demand. This must be lower than the
cost per day of oil companies’ tankers.42 Due to economies of scale,43 (built in the
shipbuilding stage and reaped during operations), the ITO agrees the freight rate
F2 = AC, at the vessel’s full capacity. Economies of scale are shown in Fig. 3.2
(right; by a falling AC). In the end, both parties, apparently, are satisfied.
However, ITO loses the opportunity to gain a time charter level close to the spot
level F1, if he or she has available tonnage. Depending on the construction lag, and
on demand sustainability, the market sooner or later would attract new tonnage, if
D [ S, provided entry is free. It must be admitted that high capital requirements,
scaling up from a handy size tanker to a ULCC, must be a deterrent to entry. So,
according to theory, supernormal profits at F1 disappear over time. In conclusion,
owners who have available tonnage in the spot market, when demand is rising,
should not negotiate a (lower) freight rate. But an owner without available tonnage
is obviously better to negotiate.
Moreover, ITOs are aware of the past sudden shocks and of the tanker freight
rates that prevailed at times of strong rising demand.44 ITOs could benefit, if only
for a short period, of one or 2 years, from extremely high freight rates and hires.
Once, Onassis gained a hire for one voyage that was six times the value of his
liberty ship during Korean War, and he is not the only example in the history of
shipping economics, as one tanker voyage accrued to her Swedish owner $1
At the beginning of 1950s, time charters lasted 5–7 years, and later 15–20 years
(for a VLCC over 250,000 dwt). The duration of negotiated time charters may
hide, we believe, the variable tenor of a loan, explaining, perhaps, why larger
vessels obtained longer time charters. It would be wise for ITOs to agree for a time
An interesting research topic is time charter duration prevailing in various phases of the
shipping cycle, as it is true that time charters now last between 1 and 2 years at most, and this
changes from year to year.
We assume that clauses for currency parity, for inflation and for hire adjustment are not
negotiated in the charter party.
Meaning reductions in the average cost of a service in the long run, resulting from an
expanded level of ton miles (including the effect of distance). This can possibly be obtained from
a higher speed (vis-à-vis bunker price and engine consumption or from a new engine) or
additional created capacity (ships can be extended adding space in the middle) in the short run,
reduction in port time by faster cargo handling means (replacing slow or weaker ones) in short
term and so on and so forth (propeller design, cutting, polishing, dry-docking, etc.). This account
includes all the ways of reducing per dwt cost or total cost/ton miles performed in 1 year.
The Korean War in 1950 gave a rate of W75, the first Suez Canal closure in 1956 gave W85,
Suez Canal re-opening in 1957 gave W82, the second Suez Canal closure in 1967 gave W40, and
the oil crisis of 1973 gave W61.
3.3 The Policy of Oil Majors
Oil majors: efforts to cut
their transport cost, by:
of scale
Planning Oil
Creating Subcontracts (time
charters to ITOs)
Fig. 3.3 Methods used by oil majors to cut their transport cost, 1950–1972
charter to last as long as the whole economic life of their vessel, taking into
account inflation, the purchasing power of $ and adjustment of hire in accordance
with the expected pace of costs (‘voyage costs’ borne by the charterer are irrelevant in a time charter for an ITO, i.e. costs for port dues, bunkers cost, and load/
unload expenses).
3.4 Reduction of Transport Costs (1950–1972)
Stopford (2009, p. 436) confirms our analysis arguing that oil majors (e.g., Exxon,
BP, Shell, Total, Chevron, Mobil) tried to reduce the cost of oil transport using
three main methods (Fig. 3.3).
Economies of scale induced by oil majors made ITOs to construct bigger and
bigger ships (1950–1972). This is not bad per se, if the reduced transport cost is
passed on to oil consumers, and if there is availability of sufficient oil cargoes. The
tanker size increased from 17,000 dwt (1950) to that of a VLCC (250,000 dwt,
1966) and to an ULCC (350,000 dwt, 1976). As Wijnolst and Wergeland (1996)
observed, in 1900, the tanker size was 3,000–4,000 dwt, in 1945 the size rose by
about five or six times, to 16,000 and to 17,000 dwt, and in 1966 12 times, to
200,000 dwt and a further 2.8 times in 1975 to 560,000 dwt. Transport costs per
ton as a result fell. In 1968 an 80,000 dwt tanker’s cost was about 27 shilling 5 d./
ton of oil transported (Rotterdam-Kuwait), while a 200,000 dwt vessel (with return
via Cape) cost 18s. 1 d. or 34 % less. In 1950 the cost fell by 50 % and in 1990s
was reduced by 2–8 %. Economies of scale were though diminishing.
As far as transport planning is concerned, oil majors made a logistic network to
attain the maximum efficiency of tankers starting with full cargo, minimizing
waiting time, providing a breakdown for regular maintenance and having intercompany cooperation (1970–1980). Subcontracting to independents (Greeks and
Norwegians for the Atlantic market; Hong Kong owners for Japan) was used by oil
majors to reduce their overhead expenses and to spread their risk. Between 1950
and 1972, 55 % of all charters offered by oil companies were long term. The spot
market, on the other hand, covered only 10 % of all movements from 1950 to 1975.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
3.4.1 Perfect Competition Among Oligopsonies?
The spot markets handled between 6 and 18 % of all tonnage (Zannetos 1973) with
rather smaller sized ships responding to short-term demand. The spot rate is
believed to form the expectations about future, as mentioned. The spot market for
us is obviously ascribed supernatural powers, as to affect the number, the cost, and
the duration of the time charters and, to affect ship orders, shipbuilding activity,
and the cost of building tankers. So, the spot rate is considered by maritime
economists to act as the ‘invisible hand’ of Adam Smith.
McConville (1999, p. 282) argued that in the past, major oil companies were so
dominant in the oil market as to suggest the prevalence of the ‘oligopolistic’ nature
of the market. But all studies of the tanker industry contradicted this view. They
said that the market for oil transport is ‘‘near a perfect or a pure competitive
industry’’ (Koopmans 1939; Tinbergen 1959). Zannetos (1966) said that this
tanker market is ‘‘more like a perfectly competitive market’’ or ‘‘broadly within
the assumptions of the neoclassical perfect competition model’’.
The above arguments about the competitive nature of the tanker spot market are
based on a tiny (as low as 6 % as argued by Zannetos, and no more than 20 %
later) competitive ‘market’, perhaps accommodating the ships left out of the
negotiations for contracts with oil majors. However, the hire of the majority
(80 %) of the market supply is determined in the private quarters of oil companies.
Before we proceed, the next question is crucial.
3.4.2 What is a Market?
Unfortunately, few economists write about what a market really is. Indeed,
economists avoid defining the main framework of their discipline, or at best, give
definitions that are general and naïve, like ‘a market is a place where buyers and
sellers of a product meet’ (How would this be related e.g., to Internet market?). But
whatever economists mean by ‘market’,45 they do not surely mean ‘‘a tiny part of
total supply and a tiny part of total demand’’ (as this happens in spot oil transport).
The oil majors argue that the spot market is used to balance their regional
supply and demand (McConville 1999). This, however, has a corollary; this
(regional) freight rate, so established, (by a tiny demand and a tiny supply),
‘‘strongly influences all other rates’’.
This means that, because spot rates were determined by ‘‘a tiny demand and by
a tiny supply’’ in a ‘near competitive framework’, sometimes described as a
‘perfect competitive market’, all rates, whether negotiated privately or not, are also
‘near the perfect competition ones’. This no doubt must be wrong. We had better
McDonald and Dunbar (1995, p. 20) define a market as ‘‘the aggregation of all products/
services that appear to satisfy the same need’’. It is the particular need that determines the market.
3.4 Reduction of Transport Costs (1950–1972)
Million dwt...
Fig. 3.4 Millions dwt owned by ITOs in the time charter market, 1973–2007. Source Data
obtained from Stopford (2009, p. 185)
to accept, as a yardstick for starting negotiations, oil companies’ average cost as an
upper limit for time charters. In addition, the pressure on ITOs is no doubt oligopsonistic. Moreover, if actual spot freight rates determine time charter rates in
negotiations, then how do the oil majors benefit from them and from the economies of scale available to ITOs, to the extent of helping ITOs to secure long-term
charters and loans?
We have also to realize that when we say that there is a free exit when a ship is
in a time charter contract, the opposite is true; the time charter places a legal
restriction to exit.46
3.5 Oil Majors and Independents at Risk (1973–2011)
Times have changed, however, from those that we have presented above. Oil
companies decided in 1973 that oil transport was no longer their core business. Oil
transport operations indeed were affected by the sharp fall in the oil trade at the end
of 1975, following the 1973 oil crisis. Moreover, in 1979 (the second oil crisis) the
oil price rose and triggered another deep recession in oil sea trade, which caused a
severe decline similar to that of the 1930s. The supply of oil tankers became
uncontrollable and oil companies decided to reduce their previous high exposure.
Since 1975, the charter transport of oil changed from a matter determined by
private negotiations to something accomplished in the spot market. Moreover,
ITOs, from mainly trading on time charters, gradually transferred to the spot
market too. In early 1990s, 70 % or more of the fleet of ITOs traded in the spot
market, compared with a mere 20 % in 1974 (Fig. 3.4). In boom markets, 40 % of
the tankers owned by ITOs were on time charter by oil companies and
Dry bulk charterers require now in time charter parties a review every 4 months of the hire
rate. Angellicoussis went to court against a charterer of one of his capes as he refused to pay the
hire agreed because the market in the meantime fell dramatically.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
governments with nationalized oil industries. The remainder, called ‘marginal sea
transport’ of the oil industry, went to the spot market.
As shown (Fig. 3.4) in 1973 100 million dwt were on time charter, or 80 % of
the total tonnage chartered. In 1983, from 140 million dwt only 38 million were on
time charters (27 %); in 1992, 50 million out of 80 million (62.5 %), and in 2007,
59 million out of 150 million dwt were in time charter (39 %). A rising trend
toward time charters again is indicated in 2001. ITOs, however, never reached the
high levels of pre-1983, such as 1977, when there was an all time high of 122
million on time charter. Some have argued that in order to play with assets one has
to be in the spot market. We have, therefore, to look closer at the developments
after 1973.
3.5.1 Developments in the Tanker Market After 1973
The main characteristics of this period were: (1) strong volatility in all market
variables,47 especially in second-hand prices, which favored asset play, (secondhand prices varied between ship’s scrap value and 80 % of the new-building
price), (2) lower freight rates compared with those of 1970 and 1973, and (3)
ITOs’ fleets moved from 80 % on long-term contracts to 70 % in the spot market.
The supply of ships was held responsible for this bad situation (Intertanko 1996).
In 1975, 41 million dwt of tankers were laid-up. In 1981, 20 million dwt of tankers
were used for storage. In 1985, 30 millions dwt of tankers were scrapped. Fluctuations took place mainly due to the usual ‘sad maritime story’ of over-ordering
(on good prospects) and over-delivering (in markets on the way down).
In addition, six important changes have occurred since 1973 (Fig. 3.5).
As shown in Fig. 3.5, the oil majors’ fleets48 reduced by half (in 1995 they
owned 11.5 % or 34.3 million dwt out of 298 millions, while ITOs owned 74 %),
their chartering policy was to have less than 30 % on time charter, ‘oil traders’
(e.g., Vitol, Appendix C) filled the gap that oil major companies left in chartering,
and large state-owned tanker companies and large state-owned oil companies
(Vela, Petrobas, Kotc)49 took over the control of a major part of oil production.
Intertanko (1996) blamed volatility on the relative easy entry into and exit from the market.
Sutcliffe (2006, p. 389) argued that 89 studies showed extra volatility, up to 732 % on various
indices including S&P500 in 1990. Moreover, futures volatility is greater than volatility in the
spot market.
This is recognized in the literature as ‘tapered integration’ under the slogan: make and buy
(Besanko et al. ibid., p. 153). The benefits are limited capital (for tankers), own cost/profit
information for use in negotiations (with ITOs) and protection from holdup. Oil companies
(Exxon, Mobil, and Shell) know this from a similar policy followed in oil refining. The same
happened also in gasoline retailing.
Petroleo Brasileiro, Kuwait Oil Tanker Co, China, etc. State oil companies and fleets emerged in
S. Arabia, Brazil, Kuwait, Iran, Indonesia, Mexico, Venezuela, India, China, Russia, USA, and
3.5 Oil Majors and Independents at Risk (1973–2011)
Oil majors
their fleet
by 50%
Changes in Tanker
Markets, 1973-2011
Changes in
of oil traders
30% or less of
time charter in
all contracts;
CIF terms
instead of FOB
Emergence of
tankers and
state oil
Fig. 3.5 Changes in tanker markets after the tanker disasters, 1973–2011
They became owners (14.5 % in 1995) of large tanker fleets (44 million dwt in
1995). Major oil companies do not sell anymore oil on CIF terms, meaning their
voluntary disengagement from the responsibility for oil transport. At the same
time there were changes in tanker distances as oil production was increasing in
areas closer to consuming areas (West Africa, Latin America, and North Sea).
During 1973–1975 demand for oil ceased to grow, and even declined, while
supply increased at a rate even faster than in the past. The world tanker fleet had,
by end 1975, 115 million dwt over-capacity or 37 % more tonnage than required.
This characterized the whole mid 1970s to mid 1990s period (surplus 42 % in
1983—an all period 1980–1995 high—and 10 % in 1995 on total supply,
excluding storage tonnage).50
3.5.2 Increased Market Risk is the Price of Adopting ‘Perfect
Competition’ in Tanker Markets
Maritime economists were preoccupied, in this turbulent period of tanker
upheavals after 1972, and the unprecedented economies of scale shown in the size
of the tankers inherited from the past,51 with the question: ‘Do bigger ships mean
bigger risks and are time charters becoming more risky (than they used to be
before 1973)’?
OECD Transport Review (1975).
As shown by Wijnolst and Wergeland (1996, p. 578) the bulk of tankers for 1970–1995 were
built between 1973 and 1977, some 66 million dwt.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
Following a long tradition in economics, risk is related to variance and
standard deviation, which, in our opinion, is misleading. This was inherited
from the work of the statistician Gauss (1777–1855). Kavussanos (1996) measured volatilities for 1979–1994 in tankers using the model of Beenstock and
Vergottis (1993). The freight rate was assumed to be a function of demand (for
tanker services), variable cost, and existing supply (tonnage). The market is
assumed to be ‘competitively driven’, and thus owners were to maximize
(expected) profits.
Moreover, time charter is a function of (expected) spot and (expected) bunker
price. At the margin, the expected return from either spot or time charter must be
equal (Kavussanos 1996). Expected spot market profit is assumed to be reduced by
a rise in expected bunker prices, which is a reasonable assumption, as bunkers are
part of the voyage cost (but not part of a time charter for an ITO), given freight
rate. It is interesting that the one-period forward expectations are assumed to
depend on the previous period’s actual value, based on Muth (1961). He showed
that risk increased systematically with tanker size and is greater in the spot than in
the period market. This was destined to change later.
Glen and Martin (1998) investigated econometrically, whether certain market
segments (e.g., VLCCs, of over 250,000 dwt) involve more risk than others
(smaller tankers, e.g., 30,000 dwt) and whether a tanker on a period charter is
less risky than in the spot market (from 1986 to 1995, monthly), given that
almost all tanker business (chartering) transferred to the spot market. Risk was
defined as a measure of the standard deviation of each observation divided by
the ‘mean value observed’.52 They concluded that larger vessels are riskier, and
operating vessels (Glen and Martin 1998) in the time charter market are less
risky than the spot market (using a GARCH model). This, too, was destined to
3.5.3 Complete Studies for the Impact of Tanker Size and Spot
Market on Risk (After 2003)
Kavussanos (2003) argued that incomplete efforts had been made in the past to
model the freight tanker market (by Koopmans 1939; Zannetos 1966; Hawdon
The square root of variance as a measure of risk is a long standing criterion of risk, but is
misleading. These authors cannot compare risk across different times, and divide standard
deviations by the mean, instead of by the local standard deviation as we have done using ‘rescaled
range’ (Goulielmos and Psifia 2009). Zannetos argued that the spot rate must converge (from
above or below) to the long run marginal cost of the vessel (better reflected not in spot, but in a
bareboat charter). However, the test for the effect of the size of tanker was carried out first in 1990
(in a paper by Glen for 1970–1978).
3.5 Oil Majors and Independents at Risk (1973–2011)
197853; and Beenstock and Vergottis 1993). In all maritime studies before 2003 it
had been assumed that there was a ‘perfectly competitive freight market’. Kavussanos argued that the spot rate is a clearing instrument, moving fast to bring a
perfectly inelastic demand into equilibrium with supply. Kavussanos assumes the
spot price is a function of demand, of the bunker price and of the size of the fleet.
The time charter reflects the expectations about profitability in the spot market,
which in turn depends on (expected) freight rates and (expected) bunker prices
(following Beenstock and Vergottis 1993). Bunker cost has a dual impact, to
increase a ship’s voyage cost (in voyage charters) and to be paid by charterer when
the ship is in time charter. Expectations are assumed to be based on the best
available information.
Kavussanos concluded, for 1980–1993, that both the level and the pattern of
risk between spot and time charter, and between sizes, vary with the time and the
market (meaning size of vessel). Risk in the industry was lower after 1987 (due to a
steadier environment at the time given the upturn that occurred in 1989) in contrast
to the early part of the 1980s. Volatility (risk) is shown to be high during and just
after periods of large shocks and imbalances in the tanker industry, such as the
1980–1981 oil crisis, the decline in demand due to the second oil shock (in
1982–1983; when OPEC put ceilings in oil production), the Gulf war (1984), the
sharp decline in the oil price (1986) and the Gulf war (1990–1991). This indeed
was a chaotic situation where planning transport needs was impossible.
The aggregate spot, and the aggregate time charter, deviated, especially in May
1987, by 0.30 of a standard deviation (more volatile), while spots deviated only by
0.10 of a standard deviation, something that happened over the whole 1980–1993
period. The fluctuations in the aggregates had their cause, however, and this was
mainly the presence of VLCCs in the sample54 and of Aframaxes.55 Time charters
thus became more risky.
There are two periods in the post 1973 oil disasters: before 1987 and after
1987. Between 1988 and 1993, risk in time charters was lower than in 1993
spots. But the opposite was true from 1982 to 1985, where risk in time charters
was higher than in spots,56 which sounds strange, but is true, we believe.
He estimated the cross effects of the spot freight rates between tanker and dry cargo market for
1953–1973, but he found no significant influence. One reason is that combined or combination
carriers appeared at the start of the 1960s and their impact was felt in the late 1970s. These were
carriers marked by such initials as OO and OBO, meaning Oil Ore and Oil Bulk Ore.
Serving Gulf oil; meaning tankers usually over 200,000 dwt, carrying four times more oil than
an Aframax.
Aframax is a tanker carrying around ‘ million barrels of oil or 74,500 tons equivalent of fuel
oil and coincides with any tanker between 80,000 and 120,000 dwt. Name derived from old
AFRA chartering range.
A corollary to the above is that a portfolio of sizes with a lot of Suezmax (time charter risk
below spot all the examined time), Handymax (time charter risk lower than spot all the time,
except in 1984) and fewer Aframax (having a mixed period of volatility) and fewer VLCCs
(again having a mixed period of volatility) is recommended in this new era, for reduced risk. So,
size and risk moved together for owners.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
However, for this to occur, time charters must be very much shorter than used to
be, and indeed they were.
3.6 The Structure of Tanker Market, 1973–2009
3.6.1 The Herfindahl Index
Economists have identified four types of markets on a spectrum from perfect
competition at one extreme to monopoly at the other, with monopolistic competition and oligopoly in between. Each type of market is associated with a number
in an index called ‘Herfindahl’, which no doubt is suggestive and helpful.57 This
can be supplemented by other measures like the ‘concentration ratio’, H (where
the H = 1/N and N = the number of equal-sized companies), and the ‘critical
concentration ratio’ due to Chamberlin (1933).
The Herfindahl Index is given by: H ¼ i ðSi Þ2 , where Si represents the market
share of the ith firm, where i = 1, …, n. This is a measure of the market structure.
The index is calculated over all58 firm shares in the market raised to the power two
and then added. Now, an H below 0.2 suggests perfect competition or monopolistic
competition with (or without) service differentiation, an H between 0.2 and 0.6
suggests oligopoly, and an H = 0.6 and above suggests monopoly. Also, Lerner’s
index of market power is connected with H59 as follows: F-MC/F = H/e, where
F is the freight rate, MC = Marginal cost and e = the elasticity of demand for
tanker space.
Calculating the Herfindahl Index for the tanker market, we found perfect
competition in demand among the firms acting in chartering markets. Eighteen of
the busiest (out of 73) Suezmax60 charterers61 in European trades in 1999 covering
18 companies and maintaining a share of 72.4 % of total. The highest shares were
held by Total ? Fina ? Elf, 8.5 %, BPAmoco, 7.5 %, Repsol SA, 6.6 %, Exxon/
Esso/Mobil, 6.5 %, and Shell/Stasco, 5.9 % (a total of 35 %). The Herfindahl
Index was 0.04 \ 0.20, indicating perfect competition. Calculating the Herfindahl
Antitrust enforcers often use H to assess market power (Department of Justice in USA and the
Federal Trade Commission) if its value is [0.18 (Besanko et al. ibid.; Stigler 1964). H = 0.2 or
0.25 means only 4–5 companies in the market.
It is sufficient to restrict our calculations to firms with market shares of 0.01 (1 %) or higher.
Given that MC = MR at equilibrium, then MR = F (1-1/e) and MC = F–F 1/e and MCF = F 1/e and MC-F/F=1/e. Total revenue = TR = Pq, taking 1st derivative of this and e = F/q dq/dF and so -1/e = q/F dF/dq and MR = F(1-1/e).
Meaning tankers from 120,000 to 159,999 dwt.
Data: from Intertanko 2000.
3.6 The Structure of Tanker Market, 1973–2009
Shares of ownership of tankers (10,000+ dwt) 1975-1995
% of...
Oil Cos
Fig. 3.6 The pattern of ownership of tanker tonnage, 1975–1995. Source Jacobs J I-world tank
review quoted in McConville (1999)
Index for eight62 oil companies in the spot market in 1995, we found it to be
0.06 \ 0.20, again indicating perfect competition.
However, the above results are based on fixtures reported and these are not a
large part of the spot market fixtures. Moreover, Intertanko (1996) mentioned the
need for a free flow of information on fixtures and on charterers, etc. The balance
of power is still in the hands of charterers (monopsony). So, private fixing is going
on and there are limitations to having up-to-date information, especially about
VLCC market.
3.6.2 Oil Companies as Tanker Owners
The degree of concentration in the ownership of big oil companies of tankers
remained relatively uniform. Metaxas (1971) argued that there was an upper limit
of 40 % ownership by oil companies. The ownership percentage in 1972 was 34 %
for oil companies, but this for Zannetos was not ‘optimal’. According to the
theory, collusion is a problem when industries have a concentration ratio among
its four biggest companies higher than 40 % of the market (as argued by Geithman
et al. 1981, quoted by Hirshleifer and Glazer 1992).
The ownership of the tanker tonnage in 1975–1995 falls into four categories:
(1) owned by oil companies, (2) owned by private independents, (3) owned by
governments, and (4) owned by others. In 1995 the proportions were 29, 66, 1, and
3.5 %, respectively, covering 284 million dwt (tankers over 10,000 dwt).
Figure 3.6 shows the ownership shares for the period 1975–1995.
The group of oil companies, or oil majors, maintained, and maintain, a rather
steady share between 32 and 40 % over the last 150 years, despite crises and oil
From 515 million dwt in the spot market these eight companies chartered 65 %, or 335 million
dwt. We added up the market shares of: Sun, Elf, Total, Mobil, Exxon, BP, Shell, and Chevron.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
shocks and upheavals, which have taken place. Intertanko (1996) reported that oil
majors (Chevron, Exxon,63 Mobil, and Shell) own sufficient fleets to influence the
market in their favor.
3.6.3 A Duopoly Cournot Model in Tanker Market?
Our contention is that ‘capacity competition’ in tanker ownership can be described
by a model developed by Cournot (1897)64 first published in 1838, which is one of
the first oligopoly models. Here we have two groups, oil companies and ITOs,
producing identical services. Moreover, the homogeneous service property is a
condition for perfect competition. This is the case, however, if all65 ships/firms
conform to ISM Code (2002 issue) and other international industry standards; here
we recognize a barrier to entry for small private tanker owners due to quality
The only strategic choice of each group is the quantity they choose to transport
by their own fleet (Q1, Q2). Cournot’s duopoly model is appropriate here as being a
quantity-setting oligopoly in which each of the two groups selects a quantity to
transport to maximize its own profits under a price determined by negotiations by
oil majors. The market freight rate depends on total supply of both groups, given
demand. Oil companies, according to the theory, choose such a size of their own
fleet, and the tonnage to be chartered, to maximize their profits, on the basis of an
‘estimation’ of the ITO fleet required for that purpose. The cost structure cannot be
assumed the same between the two players. Moreover, Oil majors have the power
to influence the quantity produced by independents directly (pre 1973) or indirectly (after 1973). So, oil majors know the quantity needed from independents and
they have no need to guess. So far we have introduced a number of departures
from the original Cournot model.
In a rigorous way let Q being the market demand for oil transport. Oil majors
thus have a demand equal to:
Q1 ¼ Q Q2
Freight rate p is a function of demand Q or
Exxon split in 1996 its fleet ownership into three companies: Sea River Maritime, Esso, and
Petroleum Shipping Corporation.
Cournot is considered the person who established oligopoly. Cournot’s analysis yields a
margin of (F–C)/F = 1/eN where N is the number of the equal-sized firms. French philosopher
and mathematician.
Total safety management policy of ITOs will no doubt be a matter of negotiations in private
deals. Some consider that conforming to ISM Code is a bare minimum and other standards will be
asked for by oil companies like tanker safety assessment programs provided by tanker owners’
3.6 The Structure of Tanker Market, 1973–2009
p ¼ f ðQ 1 þ Q 2 Þ
Oil majors’ total revenue R1 is equal to:
R1 ¼ Q1 :f ðQ1 þ Q2 Þ
R2 ¼ Q2 :f ðQ1 þ Q2 Þ
and independents’ equal to
Equations (3.3) and (3.4). show that the independents fleet offered to oil majors is
variable, taken into account in each firm’s strategy; though this variable is fixed by
oil major’s needs. If one disputes oil majors’ ability to influence independents’ size
of the fleet, which we do not, then we return to the original Cournot model.
Hereafter independents have fixed the fleet negotiated with oil majors, oil majors
choose Q1, the size that suits those best, which can be achieved by modifying the
price of freight rate, in negotiations, appropriately.
Revenue and profit maximization fleet will be determined as a function of the
independents’ fleet Q2 setting first derivative equal to zero:
dfQ1 :f ðQ1 þ Q2 Þg=dQ1 ¼ 0
For oil majors and for independents:
dfQ2 :f ðQ1 þ Q2 Þg=dQ2 ¼ 0
Taking out derivatives of (3.5) and (3.6), we obtain:
f ðQ1 þ Q2 Þ þ Q1 df ðQ1 þ Q2 Þ=dQ1 ¼ 0
f ðQ1 þ Q2 Þ þ Q2 df ðtQ1 þ tQ2 Þ=dQ2 ¼ 0
Assuming that oil majors believe that independents do not respond to oil majors
actions, then Eq. (3.7) can be written as:
f ðQ1 þ Q2 Þ þ Q1 df ðQ1 þ Q2 ÞÞ=dðQ1 þ Q2 Þ ¼ 0
The same can be done with independents replacing Q1 in (3.9) with Q2, in which
case optimization for both firms means Q1 = Q2. This is not in conformance with
real life, where independents own the greater percentage and so Q1 must be \Q2.
Now, we add the last two equations and putting p = f(Q) from (3.2), we can get:
2p þ Qdp=dQ ¼ 0
2p:dQ=dp þ Q ¼ 0
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
p ¼ ðQÞ=2ðdQ=dpÞ
Given, however, that oil majors have the initiative to charter independents’ fleet,
then Eq. (3.12) does not hold and is replaced by the following equation:
p:dQ=dp þ Q ¼ 0
p ¼ ðQÞ=ðdQ=dpÞ
The important result is that freight rate (p) in (3.14) is greater than in (3.12). Oil
majors thus, negotiating with independents, obtain a lower price for their time
3.6.4 New Developments During the 1980s and Early 1990s
in Large Firms
Developments that have taken place after 1973 in the tanker market can be
compared to what happened during 1980s and early 1990s in other large firms.
Large firms began to purchase services from specialized firms (oil traders in the
case of the oil market) rather than perform these services internally, as oil companies had previously done in the past (vertical integration). The reason is that
other companies (oil traders) provide services to oil companies at a lower price
(than oil companies themselves or even ITOs). This provides the basis for the
principle of outsourcing management. We must not underestimate the impact of
management practices that have been followed by Oil companies/Oil majors since
their establishment. Even today the 2008 world crisis is attributed to Management
(Pearson 2009).
3.6.5 The Concentration Ratio
Where there is a ‘concentration ratio’ of 20 % or less, in relation to the market
share of the four biggest firms in an industry, this is regarded as a typical competitive market share (Pashigian 1995, pp. 275–276). The major oil companies,
Exxon, Mobil, Shell, Elf/Total/Fina, and BPAmoco produced 23 % of all reported
fixtures in 1999 (accounting for 325 million tons in European trades). In 1995, the
world chartering share of the four biggest oil companies (i.e., Shell, Chevron,
Exxon, and Mobil) was 17 % (106.3 million dwt). In Eastern European trades,
these four oil majors as charterers had 21 % of the business (sharing 37 % of all U/
VLCC spot fixtures in 1999). The European proportion is more representative, we
believe, because it conforms to geography (Besanko et al. 2010).
3.6 The Structure of Tanker Market, 1973–2009
The market share can also be analyzed in terms of tanker types. In Aframax
tankers, the big chartering oil companies (BPAmoco, Total ? Fina ? Elf, Exxon/
Esso/Mobil, and Shell/Stasco) had a 41.1 % share in European trades in 1999 (in
dwt). In Suezmax, the share was 28.4 %. Market structure emerges more clearly if
the type of business and geographical area are both taken into account. By aggregating market shares over many routes distinct features are hidden. This means that
concentration ratios change if we calculate them worldwide or within Europe. All
the above findings suggest that there is probably competition in the spot market.
Now taking into account the size of tankers, the concentration ratio for tankers of
less than 25,000 dwt for North European trades in 1999, was 33 % (for the four big
monopsonies). For tankers in the 25,000–49,999 dwt range, the ratio was 33.5 %,
and for tankers in the 50,000–120,000 dwt range it was 27.3 %. These three sizes of
ships transported 175.2 million dwt (65 %) out of a total of 268 million dwt. These
ratios are all above the value considered typical for a competitive industry.
It should be noted again, however, that the above figures are all based on66 the
number of fixtures that were reported. As Intertanko (1996, p. 20) stated, ‘‘We are
talking about reported fixtures where a large part of the spot market is with private
deals’’, and, ‘‘no single participant in the international tanker market can directly
influence freight rates in the long run… The market in some respects is as close as
one can get to free competition’’ (italics added). The restricted flow of information
and the lack of an even playing field in all respects are still serious flaws, and in
some markets most of the spot fixtures are done on a private and confidential basis
(italics added).
The prospects for the future are not as good as could be. Climatic changes
definitely and steadily appear to get worse and many countries will lose its land, its
water, and its forests, to mention a few impacts. Great economies like USA should
have been the pioneers against deteriorating quality of life, at least in developed
counties. Developing countries have in a sense the excuse to pollute till development comes (this is our theory).
Looking at the world motor vehicles production,67 however, of 37 selected
countries, 72 million units produced in 2007, 7 % up from 2006, and 58 millions
produced in 2000. China and India had 9 million and 2.3 million, respectively and
no-one can say that each one in China and India must not be allowed to buy a car…
Oil produced rose from 2760 million tons in 1985 to 3,918 in 2007, in which
OPEC produced 40 %. Oil reserves increased from 95.5 billion tons in 1985 to 181
billion tons in 2007—if oil replaced totally by gas there will be a vast waste of
resources (especially in OPEC countries owning 66.5 % of all, as mentioned). Coal
production, however, jumped out since 2002. Hopeful is that natural gas production
rose faster than oil from 1982 = 100 to 200 in 2007. The sad fact is that no price of
world 11 major commodities fell between 1985 and 2007 (except crude jute).
Intertanko (1996 and 2000).
All figures come from the Shipping Statistics Yearbook 2008 of the Institute of Shipping
Economics and Logistics.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
Further to the above we may quote the tanker fleet of 11,356 tankers of 439.3
million dwt in the dawn of 2008. The last 5 years 2756 tankers came into being.
The MARPOL, which put a legal depreciation to single hull tankers, obviously has
failed as scrapping is astonishing low… As a final word, ‘‘oil is the king and its
successor—natural gas— is still growing up’’.
3.7 Conclusions
Up to 1972, the strategy of oil companies was to induce ITOs to provide tonnage
for oil transport by building ships having a lower operating cost, based on strong
economies of scale. They then agreed, through confidential negotiations, a low
(time charter) rate. The oil companies probably used the per day cost of their own
vessels as a yardstick in such negotiations. Moreover, suppliers of new tonnage
were given the means of a secured finance (1950–1972), based on the value of a
long-term time charter party provided by the oil companies.
As soon as ships were re-delivered to their owners from the long-term time
charter, they increased supply in the spot/hire markets for the remainder of their
economic life. Both these outcomes, caused by the strategic actions of oil companies, benefited themselves in a number of obvious ways. Knowledge of economics allowed oil companies to exploit the system, as they were and still are
monopsonists (the only buyers) of tanker space. Moreover, hires are negotiated
privately and confidentially.
Before 1972, the major oil companies dominated every stage of oil industry,
and they were the biggest tanker owners, and the market was dominated by
companies like Shell68 and Exxon (10 and 13 million dwt of own fleet, respectively). Adventures and upheavals that have taken place after 1972 shaped a new
industry where oil companies do not offer time charters as they used to, their fleets
have halved and oil transport was outsourced to oil traders.
As large part of time charter rates is privately and confidentially determined,
undermined an important foundation of perfect competition, i.e., the perfect
foresight, knowledge, and full information about prices/deals in the tanker market.
It also shows that the idea that the institution of shipbrokers ensures full information is a myth.
Moreover, the spot market has been transformed, being slim prior to 1972 and
fat after 1972. The spot market was and is competitively determined, but only for
quality tankers. When the market was slim, it was not able to represent competitive
forces strongly enough to determine all other rates, most of which were set privately. Many maritime economists have argued that the spot market ensured that
tanker charter rates were set by supply and demand in a purely competitive, but not
perfect, framework. Our results show that this was not the case. For the most part,
In 1999 Exxon/Esso/Mobil owned 11,221,000 dwt (6.5 %) chartered in European trades
(Intertanko 2000) and Shell/Stasco 10,083,000 dwt (5.9 %).
3.7 Conclusions
charter rates are set by negotiations at a lower rate than the perfect/pure competitive level in a spirit of Cournot model negotiations.
In order to understand oil companies’ behavior/policy (and also their actions as
tanker owners), we have based our analysis not only on maritime economics, but
also on modern management practices. Even in the past, current management
practices have been important (e.g., the principles of ‘make and buy’, full integration, and departmentalization). Oil companies first of all are business firms and
are free to use outsourcing when (after 1972) they thought that oil transport is no
longer their core business.
A fat spot tanker market, working with purely competitive principles for some
part of the tanker market, introduced, after 1972, wild volatility, as competition
guarantees stability but not in the long run. Economists stress only the advantages
of perfect competition.
We have been careful to underline the fact that tanker markets have barriers to
entry and exit, especially in the form of huge capital requirements for a VLCC and
especially for a ULCC.
Finally, in measuring the structure of the tanker industry, we calculated two
concentration measures: the Herfindahl Index (H) and the concentration ratio of
the four big companies. We found that the 18 busiest Suezmax charterers in
European trades in 1999 had an H = 0.04. Eight oil companies in the spot market
in 1995 had an H = 0.06. Competition requires values below 0.20. Moreover, four
big companies in the tanker industry had a concentration ratio of 17 % in 1995 and
21 % in 1999 in European trades. All these are compared with the 20 %, which is
the typical competitive concentration ratio in theory.
Also, in tanker types, like Aframax we found a concentration ratio of 41.1 %, in
Suezmax 28.4 %, and in tanker sizes under 25,000 dwt in European trades in 1999
a concentration ratio of 33 %; in 25,000–49,999 dwt a ratio of 33.5 % found and in
50,000–120,000 dwt a ratio of 27.3 %. So, in all types and sizes of tankers the
markets are monopsonistic.
Oil companies have maintained approximately 40 % of the world ownership of
tankers for 150 years, and this gave them the ability to manipulate the market, as
the theory shows, and to maximize profits, as was shown in a duopoly model
developed by Augustine Cournot in 1897.
Appendix A: Monopsony Model
There are few charterers (oil companies) for tanker tonnage.69 Therefore, this is an
oligopsonistic market (Henderson and Quandt 1958; Bilas 1967; Varian 1990).
The tanker tonnage is only used by those owning a quantity of oil, a case of a
Five or six oil majors were in 1999 in Eastern trades covering 21 % of fixtures (i.e., charters
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
Fig. A.1 The monopsony
equilibrium. Source inspired
by Bilas (1967, p. 266)
specialized service for particular users, where there is no lack of mobility70 of
ITOs (Zannetos). The oligopsonist assumes a market supply of ITOs tonnage
rising (assuming that the supply of more tanker tonnage means a higher freight
rate) (supply = AC, Fig. A.1). A rising supply sounds rational for hiring labor
input.71 A rising supply curve has an MC curve above it. MRS/P now is the curve
of the marginal revenue service72 coming from ITOs. This is less than the value of
ITOs marginal service—VMP, which they contribute to oil majors. This is so since
oil majors hire as much independent tonnage so that VMP [ MRP. This is why oil
majors maintain their own tonnage, and time charter part of ITOs fleet (Q \ Qc).
In rigorous terms, let an oil company’s production function q of transport
services be determined by quantity (x) obtained through confidential negotiations
with ITOs on a (long term) time charter t: so
q ¼ hð x Þ
Benefits from this chartering and the potential cost to oil companies from the prevailing time charter and the negotiated time charter rate t are: Revenue = R = sq
and Cost = C = tx, where s is the market’s time charter freight rate,
t ¼ gð xÞ
Apart from quality requirements like ISM Code or other industry’s standards and perhaps
company’s reputation, we see no other barriers to enter to negotiations with oil majors.
This assumption is questioned for shipping as does not take into account the negotiating power
of oil companies, perhaps determining a constant, at least, t among independents. This t may be
figured uniform, when at least agreed within the same period when a number of negotiations take
place and till market time charter rate changes.
Marginal (physical) service times marginal revenue = MRS \ VMS, since P1 [ MR = Pc.
Appendix A: Monopsony Model
Oil companies obviously have two options: (1) to charter tonnage required in the
prevailing time charter market, or (2) to negotiate a time charter rate (lower). Now,
the marginal cost of ITOs is:
dC=dx ¼ t þ g0 xð xÞ
from (3.16) and cost function (where g0 stands for the first derivative). The marginal cost for ITOs (P1) is higher than time charter t (negotiated freight rate P2).
The profit of the oil company is:
p ¼ R C ¼ shð xÞ tx
Taking the first derivative of (3.18) and equating this to 0 to maximize profits, we
dp=dx ¼ h0 ð xÞ t xg0 ð xÞ ¼ 0 and sh0 ð xÞ ¼ t þ xg0 ð xÞ
which means that the tonnage will be chartered from ITOs up to the point at which
the value of their marginal product (MRP) equals their marginal cost = MC.
Solving (3.19), we find the oil company’s optimum fleet Q (at P2 = t \ Pc =
perfect competition price), and the time charter rate agreed t. In summary, the freight
rate to be negotiated is P2 so that the additional tankers chartered to add more to total
benefit, P2P1, than to total cost (P2) (the average cost of this tanker and hire for her
tonnage Q, is equal to P2). There, MRP = MC, and the independent receives P2.
The market time charter freight rate is P1. The monopsonists will profit P1-P2 per
dwt from private negotiations.
Appendix B: Recommended Essays
(1) Companies can be made up of ‘vertically integrated firms’, each performing
many or all of a series of stages. Reader should study these concepts in depth.
‘Vertical integration’ appeared first in 1910. Oil traders seem today to be
organized in this way (see Vitol below). Vertical integration is preferred when
it is less costly to organize it and when there is no, or limited, ability to
achieve economies of scale or scope (as it seems happened with ITOs after
1973), when there is a small (oil) market, and when a low degree of specificity
of assets to production exists. (Does this last condition apply to the case of
(2) The reader should write an essay about vertical integration today (with
globalization), and how it is less beneficial under the impact of modern
communications and computing technologies. In oil transport since 1973, oil
traders have appeared (e.g., firms like Vitol which in 1995 did 21 million dwt
of business, or 4 % of the total reported spot fixes of 515 millions dwt; in 2008
Vitol dealt with about 200 million tons of oil. Vitol has no ships of its own).
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
(3) The reader is asked to describe the concepts of economies of scale and scope
in detail. The former was the most striking economic characteristic of oil
transport for 111 years. Have these economies now ceased?
(4) What happens if there are economies arising from greater market shares?
(5) What is meant by ‘‘make’’, ‘‘buy’’ or ‘‘make and buy’’ in relation to oil
(6) What does outsourcing mean, and is it based on average cost per function?
How does this compare with the cost outside the company?
Appendix C: Oil Traders (Vitol)
(1) Vitol (http://www.vitol.com/business.php) was founded in 1966 to trade oil
and oil products. It is now a group of separate independent companies, staffed
by energy experts in oil transportation, and in market intelligence, refining,
distribution, marketing, trading, finance, and in managing risk. Employees are
also the shareholders. It adopts a fast decision-making process with short
chains of command. Vitol is a major oil multinational group dealing with 20
business areas (including finance, sugar, derivatives, power, coal, terminals,
etc.). It acts across every energy sector with a turnover of $191.2 billion in
2008. Moreover, it is an oil conglomerate in energy trading, shipping over 200
million tons of oil per year. So, it seems that the principle of integration is
fully applied by this oil trader, covering every need of a modern company
(e.g., derivatives, carbon emissions, risk analysis, etc.). It avoids slow decision
making found in traditional oil companies, resembling ITOs, and introduces
personal interest in making employees shareholders. So, oil traders combine
the advantages and avoid the disadvantages of both ITOs and oil companies,
providing a lower cost per ton of oil transported, so as to be preferred by oil
(2) In January 2009 Nippon Oil Corporation was put into receivership because of
a loss of given about $75 million attributed to the world crisis. In 1995 it had
chartered 25.4 million dwt, mainly VLCC.
A.3.1 Long-term Strategies
So far the Cournot model employed covered only tactical decisions (i.e., quantity
to be chartered and time charter freight rate to be paid) which may arise every
3 months or so. If oil companies induce ITOs to build ships, as they used to, our
theory is that the longer term situation is better treated as an investment decision,
Appendix C: Oil Traders (Vitol)
Fig. C.1 Bertrand
equilibrium in price
rate 2
Curve of Oil
Cos [1]
curve of ITOs
Rate 1
where tanker services are identified73 in ‘‘strategic complements and in strategic
substitutes’’. In such a model a two-stage game (Kreps and Scheinkman 198374),
can be applied where we can use both Cournot and Bertrand duopoly models in a
process with two time stages.
If oil companies and ITOs were rivals, this would be enough to achieve the
perfectly competitive outcome shown in a Bertrand’s75 (1883) duopoly model
(Fig. C.1).
The model presupposes that there is no co-operation between the two groups.
However, it is our contention that rivalry is not a permanent characteristic of the
tanker industry and appears when there are crises when there is insufficient
demand for both groups.
Further Readings/References
(1) For competition in Tanker business
1. Strandenes (1999) assumed that ship-owners maximize profits, and spot
freight tanker markets are examples of ‘almost’ (not defined) perfectly competitive markets, because (1) the single ship-owner cannot charge a higher
freight rate, (2) the unit cargo is small, and (3) the information is abundant and
well organized, especially by the well-developed institution of shipbrokers.
Owners maximize voyage results. Strandenes dealt with tankers, especially in
simulation models as in her 1981 work, and in 1986 she formed the ‘Norship
model’. This model studied the interdependencies between tanker and dry
cargo freight markets. She simulated the effects on freight rates and on
Bulow et al. (1985).
Kreps and Scheikman (1983).
Joseph Bertrand (1883). In the Cournot model and the equations in our text, if we put n = 2,
price = c, and quantity = a-c/b, we get the same result as in competition (Pashigian ibid., p. 384).
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
profitability of the oil price shocks, and the term structure of freight rates for
charters of different duration.
2. Goss (2002), inspired by my work (Goulielmos 2001), tried to present the
early history of Maritime Economics, but failed to mention shipbuilding
economics. Zannetos had only a mention in the reference list. Koopmans
(1939) was mentioned for his contribution to the accelerator mechanism (sic).
He left out altogether the Greek Maritime tradition in Bulk/Tramp Shipping
Economics initiated by Georgantopoulos (1959) and continued with Metaxas
(1971), the latter being the first to pay attention to the social costs of shipping.
3. Dinwoodie and Morris (2003) argued that 100 % of charterers and 77 % of
ship-owners agreed that tanker freight markets are volatile. The tanker sector
is capital intensive, exposed to volatile freight and oil markets, and is a highrisk business.
4. Tsolakis et al. (2003) have shown that time charter rate rises influence
second hand prices in the short run as well new-building prices in both long
and short run, to as much as 20 % for VLCCs, with the exception of Aframax.
The oil crises in 1973 and 1979, and the Tap Pipe line closure in 1971,
influenced all tanker prices, except Aframax. So, ship size matters.
5. Chen and Wang (2004) argued that volatility is higher in the time charter
market, as opposed to spot, with wilder fluctuations.
6. Button (2005) attempted a historical account of developments in both
‘economics’ and ‘shipping economics’ to see whether the ‘institutional economics’76 aspect will prevail in future in our discipline. He mentioned, among
others, the works of Glen et al. (1981) and Wright (2000) in relation to rate
setting. Wright’s 1993 work was considered to be inconclusive by Strandenes
(1999). Button (2005) argued that economists were preoccupied with how risk
is incorporated in the rates and contracts. He also stressed that traditionally it
was felt that short-term rates are a function of demand and supply, while longterm rates are based upon expectations about future short-term rates. Analysis77 of Kavussanos-Alizadeh-M (2002) and Veenstra (1999), however,
questioned this (for dry bulk shipping).
7. Engelen et al. (2009) assessed the Efficient Market Hypothesis (in relation
to dry bulk shipping) in the short run, aiming to explaining the high correlation
of freight rates in different market segments (handy, Panamax, and Capes) and
geographically areas (for Atlantic-Pacific). Efficiency, though contested, is
maintained, in a Nash equilibrium sense, although this is increasingly refuted
(Goulielmos and Psifia 2006). There is a quick process of arbitrage-free
This is Economics giving emphasis on the role of social, political, and economic organizations
in determining economic events. Initiated first by Veblen and Mitchell in 1874–1948 in USA, and
later advanced by Myrdal (1898–1987).
Not mentioned in our reference list as not dealing with tankers.
Further Readings/References
behavior towards a Nash equilibrium, set in motion when imbalances among
ship markets arise.
(2) For Asset play
1. Dikos (2004) continued the series of papers dealing with real options/asset
play78 models in shipping initiated by two PhD theses (Goncalves in 1992 and
Dikos in 2004; not mentioned in our reference list) and by Tsolakis and Hopp
(2004), Dixit and Pindyck (1994) and Dikos and Marcus (2003, in Maritime
Economics and Logistics). In industries with second-hand markets, sales
market and scrapping, we doubt if there are ‘substantial sunk costs’ as mentioned by Dixit and Pindyck (1994) in examining entry and exit decisions. The
tanker industry is no doubt uncertain due to volatile tanker rates determining
revenue per day and fluctuating oil prices, coupled with geographical variations in both oil distribution and consumption. Dikos re-confirms his belief in
perfect competition or in something ‘approximating to it’ in tanker markets,
with well organized markets and risky payoffs. Shipping found to be subject to
unexpected regulations and pollution bills.
2. Merikas et al. (2008) argued that in their model the time charter rate has an
insignificant impact. Moreover, Aframax ship-owners are more indifferent to
the movement of freight rate when deciding to build a ship or to purchase a
second-hand one. Their ‘coefficient’ of crude oil variable, shows that when the
price of the respective commodity increases, then owners expect a direct
recovery of the freight market, so they elect to expand directly with the
acquisition of a second-hand vessel used as a measure of expectation. In the
case of a VLCC and a Handysize ship, positive and negative deviations are
found to exert a significant impact on the investment decision of the owner.
Arthur BW (1994) Competing technologies, increasing returns, and lock-in by historical small
events. In: Arthur WB (ed) Increasing returns and path dependence in the economy. Michigan
University Press, Ann Arbor, ISBN 0-472-06496-7
Beenstock M, Vergottis A (1993) Econometric modelling of world shipping. In: Motamen-Scobie
H (ed) Chapman and Hall. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London
Berg-Andreassen JA (1997) The relationship between period and spot rates in international
maritime markets. Marit Policy Manag 24(4):335–350
Bertrand J (1883) Review of cournot’s paper. J des Savants 68:499–508
Besanko D, Dranove D, Shanley M, Schaefer S (2010) Economics of strategy. Wiley, New York.
(Also 2004 edition)
Bilas RA (1967) Microeconomic theory: a graphical analysis. McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York
Real option exists when a decision maker has the opportunity to tailor a decision to
information that will be received in future.
3 Oil Tanker Economics: A Case of Oligopsony or of Perfect Competition?
Binkley VD, Bessler DA (1983) Expectations in bulk ocean shipping: an application of
autoregressive modeling. Rev Econ statistics 65:516–520
BP (2008) Sustainability review. bp.com/sustainability
Bulow J, Geanakopoulos J, Klemperer PD (1985) Multimarket oligopoly: a strategic substitutes
and complements. J Pol Econ 93(3):488–511
Button K (2005) Shipping economics: where we are and looking ahead from an institution
economics perspective. Marit Policy Manag Int J 32(1):39–58 J-M
Chandler AD Jr (1990) Scale and scope: the dynamics of industrial capitalism. The Belknap Press
of Harvard University Press, Cambridge
Chandler AD (1962) Strategy and structure. MIT Press, Boston
Chamberlin EH (1933) The theory of monopolistic competition 7th edn. Harvard University
Press, Cambridge Mass 1960
Chen YS, Wang ST (2004) The empirical evidence of the leverage effect on volatility in
international bulk shipping market. Marit Policy Manag 32(2):109–124
Couper A (1998) The crisis decades. Marit policy Manag 25(3):207–211 Editorial notes for the
25 years of the journal
Cournot A (1835, 1897) On the competition of producers, in research into the mathematical
principles of the theory of Wealth, translated by Bacon NT. Macmillan, New York
Dikos G (2004) New building prices: demand inelastic or perfectly competitive? Marit Econ
Logist 6:312–321
Dikos G, Markus HS (2003) The term structure of second-hand prices: a structural partial
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Chapter 4
Oil- and Coal-Based Sea Transportation
Needs: An Integrated Forecasting
4.1 Introduction
Dependency of the world on its most important resources has been in discussion
for a long time, and basically it started in a large scale during the 1970s due to the
catastrophic predictions of the Club of Rome, using a large-scale system dynamics
model to predict the future economic development, and oil scarcity—according to
the model economic instability and wars were the end result of our time. However,
economists holding opposite views also existed, like Simon (1981), who argued
that we are getting all the time less dependent on raw materials, as economies
develop, and we basically cannot run out of operations due to a lack of raw
materials. We did not end using horses due to lack of hays, but due to more
powerful technology, automobiles—this also changed entirely the value chain
related to transportation. Different recent research works suggest (most recently
Maggio and Cacciola 2009) that the world’s oil production will face its peak
during the next decade, and thereafter we are about to experience a declining trend
(Hubbert’s global peak being reached). Similarly within short term suddenly
starting declining trend is arising from ‘‘peak coal’’ research works (Patzek and
Croft 2010)—China plays a key role as the most important consumer and producer, and its own production will reach the inevitable peak during 2020–30 (Lin
and Liu 2010). Although, even if the production of oil or coal could be facing a
declining trend, we are interested in this research work, what will happen to their
sea transportation volumes in long run. It is not simple to answer that freight
transportation volume will decline due to the reason that many different factors
exist that shapes the overall situation. As the main markets lose their ability to
produce in large scale for their own needs, this leads us to increase the amount of
imports from more distant markets, even if the global production capacity is
This chapter is structured as follows: In Sect. 4.2 we review the consumption
and production of oil and coal in the world context. Thereafter, in Sect. 4.3 we
develop alternative forecasts for oil and coal production, as well as trade.
Y. H. V. Lun et al., Oil Transport Management, Shipping and Transport Logistics,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2921-9_4, Ó Springer-Verlag London 2013
4 Oil- and Coal-Based Sea Transportation Needs
In Sect. 4.4 we use simulation models to forecast transportation activity in the next
two decades. In the final Sect. 4.5 we conclude our work and suggest avenues for
further research.
4.2 Unbalanced Consumption and Production of Oil and Coal
During the decades oil production and its consumption has increased, and due to
this reason certain areas are nowadays acting as either production venues or
consumption centers. For example, USA during year 2009 produced only one-third
from its total oil need, and correspondingly China below half (see Table 4.1). Even
more worrying situation exists in European Union, where only UK and Norway
have oil resources available, and Europe in overall is significant net importer of oil
(see Table 4.1 for est. need of Germany, France, Italy, and Spain). As Table 4.1
illustrates, situation is the same in Japan, India, and South Korea. So, basically
most important and leading economies are starved for oil, which is then produced
in other countries, basically in Middle-East, North, and West Africa as well as
Russia and Kazakhstan (these together accounts. So, due to the reason of division
of production and consumption as well as their considerable distance from each
other, transportation need in world oceans for oil remains.1
Currently the most active countries in terms of world oil production are Saudi
Arabia, Russia, USA, Iran, and China. as USA and China are net importers of oil,
transportation sources are three other mentioned. For Middle-East, the most
convenient solution in oil transportation is very large-scale oil tankers (Very Large
Crude Carriers or even Ultra Large Crude Carriers), while in Russian situation
most of the production ends serving the needs of European market, and transportation is simply combination of short distance sea transportation (most
important transportation routes are through Baltic Sea/Primorsk and Black Sea/
Novorossiysk) and oil pipeline and/or railway transportation. It is not surprising to
find out that oil production in Russia is having significantly higher marginal costs
than in other countries (see e.g., Times 2008). However, it should be noted that
Russia took leading producer position in the entire world from Saudi Arabia in the
most recent statistics recording year (BP 2010).
Most worrying situation in the oil production is the fact that Americas and Asia
in general are not able to increase their production volumes. Only exceptions with
this regard during the recent decade have been countries such as Canada
(+22.7 %), Brazil (58.9 %), Thailand (95.4 %), and China (+16.2 %); however,
Sea transportation is having more than 95 % lower costs as road transport of oil (in euros per
ton-km). Difference to rail is having 80 % advantage for sea transport. Similar situation persist
with coal transports, but with slightly lower magnitude. Reader may refer Aframax tanker’s daily
charter rate of 20 kEUR (United Nations, 2010), which is having carrying capacity of 80000 tons,
and daily speed of 200–300 kms. This could be compared to oil truck used, for example, in
Finland carrying 38 tons and having cost of 2 euros per km (fee at minimum).
4.2 Unbalanced Consumption and Production of Oil and Coal
Table 4.1 Twenty most oil consuming countries/group of countries (absolute terms) and their
respective production (million tons)
Oil consumption (2009) Oil production (2009) Difference
Russia Federation
Saudi Arabia
South Korea
Other Middle-East
United Kingdom
Other Africa
Other S.& Cent America
Source BP (2010)
these increases have barely at the best been able to cover losses of production in
other continent countries. According to simulation and statistical studies, Chinese
and Brazilian oil production is estimated to reach its peak during 2020–2030, and
thereafter it starts to decline (Tao and Li 2007; Szklo et al. 2007).
Oil production volumes in Middle-East have been growing rather slowly (1.6 %
increase during the most recent decade), while old Soviet states have shown
impressive growth rates (e.g., Azerbaijan 260 %, Kazakhstan 120 %, and Russia
also 52 %). Thus, it should be noted that according to Reynolds and Kolodziej
(2008) Russian oil production is currently (year 2009) at its peak point, and will
thereafter start its long-term decline.
Production and consumption of coal is not as diverted as what is the situation
with oil, but unbalance remains in some of the countries. Based on consumption/
production difference, we could argue that India, Japan, Germany, South Korea,
Taiwan, and UK do need to import coal from abroad (Table 4.2). Even if Chinese
statistics shows that country should be exporter of coal, China is important
importer too (actually country imports and exports coal, and with high overall
consumption this makes difference). During early 2010 it was revealed that China
Power International Development will import 30 million tons of coal per annum
from Australia during the next two decades time (BBC 2010). Coal is also being
exported from USA to China as production exceeds consumption in the second
largest consumer of coal (and to other Asian countries too; see EIA, 2009).
4 Oil- and Coal-Based Sea Transportation Needs
Table 4.2 Twenty most coal consuming countries/group of countries (absolute terms) during the
year 2009 and their respective production (million tons oil equivalent)
Coal consumption (2009) Coal production (2009) Difference
South Africa
Russia Federation
South Korea
Other Asia Pacific
United Kingdom
Other Europe & Eurasia
Czech Republic
Source BP (2010)
Most important coal exporters in the world are Australia and Indonesia
(Table 4.2). These two are followed by South Africa, Russia, and US. Recently
Indonesia was in headlines, since country changed the rules of export permissions
of coal; action resulting in 3.5 million tons of coal being on hold in sea ports as
export companies did not have needed export permissions (Reuters 2011). This
mostly affected coal supply to India and China.
4.3 Long Term Projections from Oil and Coal Industry
For the purposes of projecting long-term demand for oil production and import
activity, BP2 (2010) database was used. Coal statistics in BP (2010) database are
not sufficient for our purposes, and therefore EIA (2010) provided us needed ratios
from import activity over longer period of time.
As could be noted from Fig. 4.1, oil production statistics start in this series from
1965 and last until 2009. Clearly identifiable is the sudden decline of oil
British Petroleum.
4.3 Long Term Projections from Oil and Coal Industry Statistics
y = 41.471x + 2106.9
R² = 0.8516
y = 1519.9x + 0.2366
R² = 0.9198
Fig. 4.1 Oil production in the whole world during the period of 1965–2009 (y-axis in million
tons), and two alternative forecasts for the next two decades. Source (data) BP (2010)
production during late 1970s and early 1980s, and this sluggish development lasted
until mid 1990s (roughly 15 years). During this lower demand period, especially
sea vessel operators suffered most, and world fleet built in 1970s was in quite
many cases demolished during 1980s (e.g., Stopford 2009, p. 159; Slatter 1984
case of Burham oil). Oil transportation capacity was not only driven by economic
upturn of 1960s and early 1970s, but by the fact that North America was in need of
more oil, and it was transported in most of the cases from Middle-East. Based on
Stopford (2009, p. 147) average haul (nautical miles) of oil tanker varied from
4,500 in mid 1960s up to more than 7,000 in mid 1970s. This haul increase, and
general economic upturn in the world, caused shippers to invest heavily on the
transportation capacity, since transportation prices and transportation volume
increases did not offer any other alternative.
Generally from Fig. 4.1 it could be noted that oil production has been going
through increasing development for the whole observation period, and two alternative demand forecasting approaches would suggest that this will continue during
the following two decades. However, based on recent estimates of IEA3 (IEA 2009),
oil production in the world is not enlarging as it should be, and it is lifting prices
therefore up. According to Hubbert’s theory (theory explaining production volumes
by the rate of discovered proven reserves, where production volume peak follows
with 50–55 year time delay, and start their long-term decline) oil production will
start its long-term decline during years 2009–2021 (production peak will occur then,
International Energy Agency.
4 Oil- and Coal-Based Sea Transportation Needs
y = 0.0002x 2 + 0.0018x + 0.4446
R² = 0.8983
y = 0.0084x + 0.4094
R² = 0.8651
Oil imports/Oil production
Linear (Oil imports/Oil production)
Poly. (Oil imports/Oil production)
Fig. 4.2 Share of oil imports from oil production in the period of 1980–2009, and two forecasts
for the next two decades. Source (data) BP (2010)
see Maggio and Cacciola 2009). Interestingly this sort of slower growth scenario is
mostly supported by power and logarithmic forecasting methods (not shown in
Fig. 4.1), which both yield higher explanation power too (power forecasting method
explains nearly 92 % from the production volumes during observation period!).
Therefore, based on the production volume data, we could find support for IEA
(2009) and Maggio et al. (2009) argumentation that production volumes of oil are
reaching their highest level in the forthcoming years, and thereafter will slowly (after
two decades in time) start their long-term decline. For the purposes of the
transportation activity simulation model, we are using this conservative power
forecasting method.
For transportation demand development during following two decades time is
important to estimate, how share of import from oil production evolves. Figure 4.2
shows development of this factor over the period of 1980–2009; in here is also
clearly identifiable the decline of 1980s, but thereafter we have lived through
constantly increasing development. So, this means that oil production is being
exported more than ever. Polynomial (by order two) forecasting method would
suggest that we will reach level of 90–100 % in the following two decades time.
Explanation power of these methods is also rather high (polynomial model
explains nearly 90 % from the ratio over years 1980–2009). However, within same
neighborhood with this explanation power falls also linear forecasting model
(explains 86.5 %), and we have chosen this as the forecasting method for the
following two decades. Motivation for this selection is as follows: It could be
assumed that most likely larger economies in the future try to avoid dependency on
foreign oil by natural gas production/imports as well as production of green energy
4.3 Long Term Projections from Oil and Coal Industry Statistics
y = 4.7747x 2 - 63.849x + 4448
R² = 0.8393
y = 79.391x + 3707.9
R² = 0.6984
Fig. 4.3 Coal production in the whole world during the period of 1981–2009 (y-axis in million
tons), and two alternative forecasts for the next two decades. Source (data) BP (2010)
(e.g., through wind power stations, solar power stations, and bio-fuels using
Fischer–Tropsch method, etc.). All these are on the top lists of political agenda in
European Union, USA, China, etc.
Coal is not only used as a source of energy, but among this as a vital part in the
production of steel. Therefore, its demand should be more predictable, even if
global agreements of climate change could take hold, or economy is experiencing
long sluggish growth period. As Fig. 4.3 shows, this was the very case until early
2000—consumption and production worldwide was very mildly increasing, and
did not show that much deviation among the years. However, Asian and particularly Chinese growth is fueled by coal, and this shows its appearance in statistics
during the most recent decade. Interestingly in decade perspective consumption
increased by 43 %, and Chinese share from world production reached 45.6 %.
Coal consumption increased globally even in the recession year of 2009. In long
term we believe coal consumption continues to grow, but within conservative
manner (mostly due to environmental agreements). This is the reason, why linear
model is being used in the simulation model (explains 70 %). However, it should
be noted that polynomial model shows much better explanation power.
As coal production and consumption mostly match each others in geographical
sense, it is not that surprising to examine results of Fig. 4.4. As is shown, only 15–16 %
from production amounts of coal are being shipped and imported to other countries/
regions. However, based on our data, we could argue that trade activity is going to
continue to increase in the future, and most likely with linear trend (explains 72.5 %).
4 Oil- and Coal-Based Sea Transportation Needs
y = 0.0024x + 0.0932
R² = 0.7251
Fig. 4.4 Share of coal imports from production in the period of 1995–2007, and one forecast for
the next two decades. Source (data) EIA (2010)
4.4 Using System Dynamics to Forecast Two Decades
of Sea Transportation Needs
To build simulation model for the purpose of forecasting sea transportation
demand for the forthcoming next decades, we have used production and share of
imports from as drivers (Fig. 4.5). As different factors face uncertainty in the
forthcoming future, we incorporated these into the simulation model through
statistical distributions (for building models in system dynamics, see Appendix A).
Average transportation haul was altered with uniform distribution (as it is
unknown, what the distribution is as there is not longitudinal data available).
Conventional variation in demand (random) was incorporated through random
normal distribution having standard deviation of 0.05, and minimum value of 0.9
and maximum 1.1 (as demand was predicted with high degree with regression
models, which assume normal distribution-based variation). This should correspond the movement of short-term cycles in oil demand during the forthcoming
two decades. As currently is evident that global economy will face longer term
sluggish growth period (e.g., Hilmola 2007), we have added long cycle variable
into simulation model, having uniform distribution from 0.8 to 1.0 (again unknown
phenomenon, and therefore uniform distribution is being used). This range is taken
from decade of 1980s, when oil demand faced similar magnitude downturn.
However, it should be noted that this larger downside risk is estimated to last for
the first 10 year period from 2010 to 2019.
4.4 Using System Dynamics to Forecast Two Decades of Sea Transportation Needs
Oil Production in the
Whole World
Share of Imports from
Oil Production
Long cycle
Transportation needs
in million tons
Transportation needs in
million ton miles
Average freight lead
(sea transportation)
Fig. 4.5 System dynamics model used in oil transportation need forecasts
Sensitivity simulation shows us that, although, imports share will increase
during the next two decades from overall oil production, other factors in the oil
production and economic conditions will constrain ‘‘more significant growth’’ in
sea transportation activity. It could be argued based on Figs. 4.6 and 4.7 that for the
first 10 years oil based sea transportation will most probably level off, or alternatively will show very moderate increase. However, most probable is the situation
that leveled off development will remain, since average haul uncertainty is not clear
issue at all (it is unclear still, what regions will consume oil increasingly in the
future, whether it is North America or India and China). For the second decade in
our forecasting model, we could assume that growth (still not that great one) will
enforce its presence through transportation activity, and somewhat higher amount
of transportation capacity is needed. Estimates as compared to the beginning of the
simulation period are around 30–45 % more transportation demand.
A slightly better growth prospects are given for coal transportation, and this
concerns mostly transported ton miles (Figs. 4.8 and 4.9). However, better prospects
(coal transportation at sea will a bit less than double within observation period) do not
come without price as variation is high, particularly in ton miles—this will most
probably remain to be the case in entire 20 year forecast period. Reason for this is the
better positioning of major coal producers and main consumers (both in South East
Asia and Australia), and therefore leading to coal’s much shorter average transportation distance as compared to oil. Uncertainty arises mostly, whether e.g., South
Africa is feeding e.g., China with coal, and does Europe need that much Australian
import. In our simulation model we have assumed that in large scale this is highly
unlikely, and therefore nautical miles are at maximum 5,000.
4 Oil- and Coal-Based Sea Transportation Needs
Transportation needs in million tons
Time (Year)
Fig. 4.6 Oil’s sea transportation forecast for the next two decades (2010–2029) in million tons
Transportation needs in million ton miles
40 M
30 M
20 M
10 M
Time (Year)
Fig. 4.7 Oil’s sea transportation forecast for the next two decades (2010–2029) in million ton
miles, where average haul has uniform variation between 4,500 and 7,000 miles. Source (for
average haul) Stopford (2009, p. 147)
4.5 Conclusions
Transportation demand estimation of, for example, bulk transportation, is not
simple task. It is dependent on a wide array of factors and their interactions. As
shown in this research work, oil or coal transportation by sea vessels will not face a
sudden declining trend even if the general global economic development is not
4.5 Conclusions
Transportation needs in million tons
Time (Year)
Fig. 4.8 Coal’s sea transportation forecast for the next two decades (2010–2029) in million tons
Transportation needs in million ton miles
10 M
7.5 M
2.5 M
Time (Year)
Fig. 4.9 Coal’s sea transportation forecast for the next two decades (2010–2029) in million ton
miles, where average haul has uniform variation between 3,000 and 5,000 miles
showing merciful situation for the forthcoming decade. Basically transportation
providers need to follow the import over oil/coal production ratio, which is clearly
the determining factor and eventually supports the transportation activity in this
branch. Our simulation results assume that this ratio will follow a linear increase in
the future, but if this trend is reverted, then sea vessel operators in the oil transportation branch will suffer greatly from demand decline. However, we cannot find
any support for such development over the forthcoming years. Another important
4 Oil- and Coal-Based Sea Transportation Needs
factor to be followed is the average haul distance, which is mostly influenced by
the regions, where raw material consumption is realized. Whether further growth
in the next decade will appear in Europe, North America, or South East Asia is still
relatively unknown.
As for further research we would be interested in oil drilling in offshore locations, and their relationship with transportation volume. During May 2010, the
world faced one of the most severe environmental hazards in the Gulf of Mexico,
caused by offshore oil rig. This could potentially be the tipping point in the further
growth of oil drilling at offshore locations, and in turn could increase transportation
from long-distance destinations to the main markets. So, even if the world economy
continues to lack growth, oil transportation could still have sustainability in terms
of volume, if further regulation is implemented for offshore located near the main
markets. A similar situation could occur in the mining industry. For example,
typical and frequent mining accidents in China could be too a high price to pay from
raw material acquisition as this nation gets wealthier. This in turn will inevitably
lead to higher amounts of imports. So, basically it could be argued that accidents in
the main consumption markets related to the raw materials acquisition process will
lead to higher amounts of imports and affect directly transportation volume.
Appendix A
Technical Details of Linking Regression Models
and Stochastic Elements on System Dynamics
Simulation Models
As oil production was having longer time series for power model, we needed to
add 45 years into demand forecast equation as shown in (Fig. 4.10). In oil import,
share from oil production addition was 30. For the used simulation program,
Vensim, it was rather easy to copy and paste demand forecasting equations from
MS Excel, and connecting spreadsheet time series analysis program with system
dynamics simulation was free from any problem.
As different factors face uncertainty in the forthcoming future, we incorporated
these into the simulation model through statistical distributions (Fig. 4.11).
Average transportation haul was altered in oil’s case based on the Stopford’s
(2009, p. 147) time series with uniform distribution from 4,500 up to 7,000 nautical miles. Conventional variation in demand (random) was incorporated through
random normal distribution having standard deviation of 0.05, and minimum value
of 0.9 and maximum 1.1. This should correspond the movement of short-term
cycles in oil demand during the forthcoming two decades. As currently is evident
that global economy will face longer term sluggish growth period (e.g., Hilmola
2007), we have added long cycle variable into simulation model, having uniform
distribution from 0.8 to 1.0.
4.6 Appendix A
Fig. 4.10 Incorporating forecasting equation into system dynamics simulation model (Vensim
system dynamics simulation software)
Fig. 4.11 Uncertainties of the simulation model (Vensim system dynamics simulation software)
4 Oil- and Coal-Based Sea Transportation Needs
Given uncertainties are multiplied in the model, e.g., as shown in Fig. 4.10
(uncertainties are given in this sheet of Vensim). For the purposes of first 10 year
decline of global economy, we have added parameter containing ‘‘if then else’’
structure in variable of ‘‘economic development’’ (during first period we expect
economic development to be more sluggish). To get reliable simulation results, we
simulated given uncertainty factors 1,000 times with different seed values.
BBC (2010) Australia signs huge China coal deal. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8501777.stm 6 Feb
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Lin B-Q, Liu J-H (2010) Estimating coal production peak and trends of coal imports in China.
Energy Policy 38(1):512–519
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Patzek TW, Croft GD (2010) A global coal production forecast with multi-Hubbert cycle
analysis. Energy 35(8):3109–3122
Reuters (2011) Indonesia approves coal export permits after massive backlog. 8th of February.
Available at URL http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/02/09/coal-indonesia-idUSL3E7D904
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Reynolds DB, Kolodziej M (2008) Former Soviet Union oil production and GDP decline:
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United Nations (2010) Review of maritime transport 2010. United Nations conference on trade
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Chapter 5
Railway-Based Oil Transportation
Chain Infrastructure Needs: A System
Dynamics Approach
5.1 Introduction
Roughly two centuries ago railways were developed to service coal transportation
(Ayres 1990). Today, raw material transportation (including liquid bulk) is one of
the most lucrative markets for this transportation mode. For example, in USA, all
of the major freight operators are profitable (Class I railway companies like Union
Pacific, Norfolk, Kansas City Southern, CSX, and Burlington Northern Santa Fe),
and the profitability has doubled in the last 5 years (Hilmola 2007).
One solid sign of their sustainability of these Class I companies, is the
appearance of the world’s leading investment fund, ‘Berkshire Hathaway’, as an
owner of BNSF, which has invested above 3 billion USD into these companies
over the period between late 2006 and mid-2007 (Brush 2007; Berkshire
Hathaway 2007); this confidence in the railway sector has remained and investments have increased by several billions during 2008–2009 (CNBC 2009), and
resulted in 20+ billion USD acquisition in early 2010 (Reuters 2010).
Similarly, in China, Initial Public Offering of freight operator Daqin Railway Co.
in July 2006 resulted in a situation where the initial capital reached 1.44 billion
Euros (Reuters 2006). Thereafter, the share price of this coal freight operator
increased by more than 400%, but in the past few years the valuation has more than
halved from its peak (but still showing a gain of over 40–50% above the IPO price).
However, as freight operations are most often under private ownership producing
profits (and saving taxpayers money), public transportation of passengers is heavily
unprofitable without an exception. In USA, long-distance public transportation
serves only a small fraction of the total passenger movement (roughly 1%), still
being in the public ownership and have constantly produced approximately 30–35%
losses in revenues (Rhoades et al. 2006).
A similar unprofitable situation has been reported in Russia (Guriev et al.
2003), as well as in leading and most efficient European countries of passenger
transportation (Denmark and France; Quinet and Vickerman 2004). Thus, it should
be noted that during the last 60–70 years, road transportation has absorbed
Y. H. V. Lun et al., Oil Transport Management, Shipping and Transport Logistics,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2921-9_5, Springer-Verlag London 2013
5 Railway-Based Oil Transportation Chain
transportation volume, and impressively increased its market share mostly from
railways and from inland waterways.
This development concerns nearly the whole world. The only exceptions are
some old eastern bloc countries like Russia and Ukraine who have been able to
resist this development, but currently road transportation is an increasing trend in
these countries too, as it has occurred in East European countries already
15–20 years ago; passenger and freight transportation of railways faced a severe
collapse in Eastern-Europe as 40–70% of demand melted away after the adoption
of market economy (Hilmola 2007, 2008).
However, it should be emphasized that road transportation is one of the poorest
transportation modes if we think about its external costs––its share of CO2 emissions
is significant as we compare it to other alternative modes or even to manufacturing
industries. Also, infrastructure investments have mostly been directed at serving
road’s needs, and therefore we need to direct additional research to understand how
infrastructure capacity is in use in other transportation modes.
It could be the case that increasing global regulation to avoid climate change and
to ensure economic growth, it will result in a situation where we do not have any
other choices but to invest heavily in other transportation sectors to reduce CO2
emissions from transportation. Naturally, favoring these more environmentally
friendly modes with political tax decisions.
This research chapter concerns oil transportation using railways. In Europe, the
leading countries of liquid transportation by railways are located in Baltic States,
since the most sea ports of these countries are basically ice-free throughout the
year (except Estonia, but it is still better than other harbors in the Bay of Finland
(part of Baltic sea)). Moreover, by the fact that railway gauge is the same as in
Russia (source of oil and other raw materials).
In this research work we developed a simulation model from secondary sources
of information concerning transportation volumes, and other affecting factors (like
allowed train lengths, amount of allowed tonnage in each wagon, volume share of
leading oil harbor, railway yard capacity in the harbour, etc.). We based our
observations and secondary data on the ‘European Union neighborhood program’
(called Interreg IIIA) funded project OKT-infra (Oil and Container Transit Traffic,
and Future Infrastructure Needs in Finland and Estonia), where the main research
institutes of sea ports and maritime traffic were involved (for more information,
please see OKT-infra 2007).
These observations were strengthened with visits in critical points of oil
transportation chain during 2007. In our simulation study we tried to predict the
infrastructure need for the forthcoming decade, i.e., if the volumes will continue to
follow a growth path. It should be noted that in 1997, through Baltic Sea, oil was
transported in volume of 50–60 million tons (Koskinen and Hilmola 2005), but
currently this amount has approximately tripled. It will continue this increasing
development in the following decade by finalization of the sea port of ‘Ust-Luga’
(Schaefer 2011).
We further argue that in rough medium- and long-term scenarios, system
dynamics is capable to serve as an advisor of investment timing and scale of an
5.1 Introduction
investment. Baltic States in the recent decade1 and Estonia in particular has shown
impressive GDP growth rates; according to Statistics of Finland (2009) during
2006, GDP of Estonia increased above 10% (similar high growth rates were for the
entire decade).
Kovacs and Spens (2006) argued that transportation has increased in Estonia
during previous years four times as compared to GDP growth––giving enormous
pressure on infrastructure. So, one could rightly argue that infrastructure investment is in great demand in this country, as it is known that from GDP figures,
transportation sector contributes approximately 11–12% (Statistics of Finland
2009). Most of the transportation sector contribution to GDP originates from
eastern transit transportation (oil and oil products).
This chapter is structured as follows: In Sect. 5.2, titled analysis I, we present a
literature review on oil transportation and system dynamics, and conclude that
transportation issues have rarely been a research topic. Interestingly, those few
research works that use the system dynamics methodology focus mostly on
strategic decisions. In Sect. 5.3, analysis II, we introduce the research environment
within which the oil transportation development through Estonia, and its Muuga
sea port in particular, are analyzed. We also provide details about the simulation
model and discuss the parameter values in that. In Sect. 5.4, analysis III, we
present the simulation study results, which show the needed investments in case of
continuing growth in critical parts of the sea port infrastructure. Finally, we
conclude our work and propose further avenues for additional research.
5.2 Oil Transportation and System Dynamics Modeling
System dynamics is a multidisciplinary method and simulation technique that has
been applied in various different branches, but, interestingly, research dealing with
transportation, or more specifically with oil transportation issues, has been really
scarce. In the leading journal of this discipline ‘system dynamics review’ (SDR), it
has only appeared one research work in its three decades life, and it concerned
political decisions and transportation mode changes in Germany and Italy.
Generally, transportation systems, as well as the only research manuscript of SDR
(Piatelli et al. 2002) from this issue, concluded that politicians (and general public too)
think that modal choices could be solved with simple punishment taxes (or external
cost payments). However, neglected facts are the increasing dependency of the world,
and the regional and country level economies on efficient transportation solutions.
Worth noting is that after the real start of globalization, transportation has
increased 2.5% every time that GDP grew 1% (United Nations 2005). Not only
transportation activity will increase, we reckon, but its costs will come often as a
Before current global economic turmoil in end 2008; in 2009 Estonian economy declined by
more than 10%.
5 Railway-Based Oil Transportation Chain
surprise for the ‘‘born global’’ multinationals; transportation costs in Europe and
US are roughly taking 7–12% of GDP, as e.g., in China and Russia these are at the
level of 15–20%, and in some land locked African countries even are 20–30%
(e.g., Barros and Hilmola 2007; Chowdhury 2003).
Numerous studies have verified that transportation infrastructure investments
are one main factor in the growth of GDP (good summary provided by Quinet and
Vickerman 2004). Current global economy, therefore, we reckon, does not make
its transportation mode balance sustainable through the use of penalty taxes, but
through heavy investments in transportation infrastructure of more sustainable
transportation mode alternatives (like inland waterways, railways, and pipelines).
Global economy is starved for more sustainability to be applied in transportation,
and investments are getting all the time larger due to the delayed nature of these
actions, and possible growth prospects.
Oil transportation issues have been dealt only by a small number of system
dynamics research manuscripts; during 1970s Coyle et al. (1977) developed tanker
market models for a large oil company, and some of the factors were forced to be
built as exogenous, rather than endogenous. However, their research mainly
concerned tanker fleet management to ensure oil supply, and not ground operations.
Thus, other research works have been completed just recently. Dikos et al.
(2006) reported research results from tanker freight modeling, where their system
dynamics model was able to follow charter prices of tanker transportation. By
incorporating different investment decision factors, the scrap rate of current
tankers, and demand, their model was surprisingly accurate in predicting levels of
transport prices for 1980–2002. Thus, it should be noted that even this research
work was concerned, similarly with Coyle et al. (1977), with strategic level of
decision making, not real transportation operations.
Similarly to these two research works, Ellison and Corbet (2006) simulated the
phase-outs of single-hull and double-sided/bottomed tankers, and their effects on
the demand of tanker production. Based on their research, order intake among
tanker producers spiked in 2010, and production followed this with 4–5 year time
lag. Instead of these global and really strategic studies, Koskinen and Hilmola
(2005) studied Russian oil harbor Primorsk/Koivisto enlargement, and its effects
on demand of ice-strengthened oil tankers. Their research showed that these
special types of tankers are needed to be built in the next 10 years, if transportation
is likely to be secured from environmental hazards during rough winter periods.
5.3 Research Environment and Introduction
to the Simulation Model
First, an initial simulation model (in project OKT-infra Oil and Container Transit
Traffic, and Future Infrastructure Needs in Finland and Estonia) was built up to
serve the transit of oil transportation through Muuga harbor, located in Tallinn,
Estonia (for the final report of the project, see Terk et al. 2007).
5.3 Research Environment and Introduction to the Simulation Model
Fig. 5.1 System dynamics simulation model for transit oil transportation through Estonian port
of Muuga (Tallinn)—assuming that current growth continues
This similar model could be applied in any other oil harbor simulation as well––
just collecting needed data of affiliated parameters. Simulation model starts from
upper left-side with Russian oil export volume through Baltic Sea (Fig. 5.1).
Currently this volume is estimated to be around 150–170 million tons, and during
2006, Estonia transported 27 million tons of this amount (corresponding to
16–18% from total volume; Fig. 5.2 show the volume development).
According to Tiusanen and Keim (2006), Russia’s oil reserves should last at
least for the next two decades (peak production argued to be in the year 2009;
Reynolds and Kolodziej 2008), and thereafter, as well as already currently, Kazakh
oil will be transported through the same routes (and through Russia, and possibly
using Estonian harbor(s)).
It should be remembered that oil fields require large capital investments at the
beginning, and during operation, and their operative costs are relatively low to the
average oil selling prices. Therefore, we could assume that oil is being pumped out
from these two countries and their oil fields, in a predictable and constant rate in
future, and the need for transportation to the final consumption markets remains.
European consumption supports this development––EU is the net importer of oil
and more than 500 million tons need exists currently (estimated from BP 2009).
Russia in turn is net exporter of crude oil, with volumes of 240–250 million tons
annually (most of this oil ends into the European market; Bank of Russia 2011).
Although, transportation volumes through Estonia have nearly remained in the
same level during 2002–2006 (the observation point in the project execution time),
in the long-term perspective, its volumes are showing an increase (Fig. 5.2), since
during late 1990s volumes were around 5–15 million tons (also this is shown in
Koskinen and Hilmola 2005).
The operation of Primorsk/Koivisto harbor, (sea port operating in Russian
territory), in the northern side Gulf of Finland affected volumes slightly in 2003,
but soon these recovered to the current level. After 2007, handling volumes have
Amount of oil and oil products transported from Estonia ('000 tonnes)
5 Railway-Based Oil Transportation Chain
y = 1921.8x + 2312
R² = 0.797
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Fig. 5.2 Oil and oil products transported through Estonian harbors from 1993 to 2008. Source
Statistics of Estonia
declined, mostly due to short-term repair works in transportation chain (railways),
but in longer term (and up to today), and due to political reasons.2
However, as the dashed line in Fig. 5.2 shows, another possible alternative
scenario is ‘constrained growth’, and according to sketched logistics curve,
demand in the forthcoming years would level off and slightly decline (for constrained growth see, e.g., Devezas et al. 2005). As we already know, this latter path
was materialized, but during OKT-infra project execution time (2007) these both
two options were equally probable.
Due to research and simulation method development, challenge of infrastructure to
meet growing demand, we have in certain selected and simulated growth scenarios. Of
course similar kind of models could be used in realized leveled off/declining scenarios,
but mathematically, and from a modeling perspective, they are not that challenging
(because parameters, as for example, inventory holding, only change during the
beginning of the observation period, but nothing else will change over time––these
calculations could also be easily completed with a spreadsheet program too).
In Estonian perspective, the most important oil harbor is Muuga, located very
near to its capital (Tallinn), but with this at least there is one alternative and a
compete harbor is now available in eastern side of Estonia; Russian and Estonian
investors have though established port of Sillamae to serve different transportation
needs (containers, cars, and oil). Therefore, in the model we added a variable
Russia has stated policy to concentrate all oil transportation in its own harbors. On top of this
relationships in national level, between Russia and Estonia, have been challenged, especially after
spring 2007.
5.3 Research Environment and Introduction to the Simulation Model
Warehouses in
Russian oil exports
Estonian transit oil warehousing
Muuga Volume
growth rate
Muuga Port Share
Share of
Operational capacity
of liquid warehouses in
Estonian market
Current oil export
Investment delay
New built
Average amount of
liquid warehousing
capacity needed
Addition of
capacity util
Monthly volume
Warehousing time
Fig. 5.3 A liquid warehousing simulation model
called ‘‘Muuga port share’’ to calculate Muuga’s oil handling volumes. Other
affecting elements on its volume level are Russia’s total transit oil transportation
and Estonian share from this activity (Fig. 5.1).
Having yearly estimates for oil transportation volumes, monthly volumes are
calculated by dividing these with 12 months (assumed that oil transportation
activity is stable throughout the year). From monthly volumes, we are able to
calculate railway yard capacity need in a harbor, using wagon length, typical oil
carrying capacity of an oil wagon and warehousing time (Fig. 5.1 for details).
As Estonia shares same railway gauge width with Russia (this is clearly an
advantage for all Baltic States in railway traffic, but also research has shown that the
wider gauge width will be supported in longer times as well as for heavier trains, and
eventually future railway freight performance (Puffert 2002). There exist a number
of different wagon types available for oil transportation. For the purposes of this
research, we have selected a model 15-869 to represent typical wagon in transit oil
transportation. This wagon is roughly 14 m long and is able to carry 36.7 tons of oil.
The current railway yard capacity size at Muuga harbor was taken from port’s
statistics; in total 3,400 m. of yard capacity for oil wagons is available for
transportation usage. Utilization of these tracks for warehousing was assumed to
be in the level of 80% (while 20% is needed for empty wagons and arranging the
work). If available railway yard capacity (including current Muuga harbor
capacity, and built capacity during simulation run), is not able to meet expectations
of Required railway yard capacity. Then differing amount is put into investment
pipeline (having a delay of 1 year). However, it should be emphasized that only
one-third from the need of particular moment is put into construction phase (due to
the risk-averse behavior of decision makers, and the variability of demand).
For liquid warehousing (applying not in railway yard, but in silos), we built own
separate model (Fig. 5.3) (in port of Muuga there was available 1.1 million cubic
meters of liquid warehousing capacity at the time of research, in 2007). However,
it should be noted that oil itself is lighter than water, and in here we used
conversion of Mazut 100 (density roughly 920 kg/cubic meter).
5 Railway-Based Oil Transportation Chain
Similarly, with liquid warehousing model, we also built oil pumping capacity
model, which consisted efficiency of oil pumping (was eventually estimated as
triangular, since detailed analysis of quite large number of oil sea vessel loadings),
and availability of harbor for loading operations (ten ships could be loaded
simultaneously). Both additional models were having similar sized delay in the
construction process as what was the case in railway yard additional investment.
5.4 System Dynamics Simulation Results from Growth
Scenario, Where Muuga Harbour Holds Its Share
from Intra-Country Alternatives
In order to provide rough approximation of infrastructure needs during next
10 years (2008–2017 during the time of project execution in 2007), we have
introduced a model simulating 120 months. In what follows, we assume that oil
transportation volume in Baltic Sea will increase with 10 million tons every year for
next 9 years (starting level are the 200 million tons, which is a slightly optimistic
amount––e.g., Novorossiysk harbor in Black Sea transports roughly 42–43 million
tons crude oil alone (Novorossiysk port 2009), so the more correct amount being
transported in Baltic Sea is somewhere around 190–200 million tons).
The following variables were defined as stochastic:
• Russian oil exports growth annually: 5–15% (random uniform distribution).
• Estonian share from transit oil transportation: 12.5–17.5% (random uniform
• Muuga port’s share from transit oil transportation: 75–85% (random uniform
• Warehousing time in railway yard: 0.2–0.5 months (random uniform
With the above variables, we were simulated the model 200 times, and the
results are shown in Figs. 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8. As Fig. 5.4 shows, in 10 years
time, Muuga harbor handling volumes will increase at a minimum up to 30 million
tons, and having a maximum near the 70 million tons. Based on the values of
selected variable, most likely handling volume is the 45–50 million tons.
Overall, this predicted volume increase will correspond into a need of roughly
2,000 m of additional railway yard capacity at Muuga harbor. However, the
variability of the probability of this need is relatively large; with 50% probability only
additional 500 m are needed. If any pragmatic conclusions are made from these initial
results, after first three-four years, they should be re-checked, and small increment in
additional construction should be started. Thus, after this period uncertainty increases,
and in 10 years time additional 1,000–1,500 m at maximum is required.
As railway arrangement and warehousing yard at the port of Muuga are only
one part of the logistics arrangement in transit oil transportation, it was estimated,
how many trains per hour are needed for transportation of the predicted future
5.4 System Dynamics Simulation Results from Growth Scenario
Muuga Volume
80 M
60 M
40 M
20 M
Time (Month)
Fig. 5.4 Muuga harbor’s predicted oil transportation demand during next 10 years
New built capacity
Time (Month)
Fig. 5.5 New built capacity during simulation experiment—warehousing time at railway yard
assumed 0.2–0.5 months (random uniform distribution)
volumes. In here we assumed that 72 wagons represent one whole oil train, and
railways are available for transit oil transportation need for 24 h/day and 30 days/
month. Based on our simulation results, current level of roughly 20–30 trains/day
will increase into the level of 40–60 (Fig. 5.6). It should be noted that in real-life
the number of trains to oil harbor is double, since to other direction oil wagons
return empty (‘train pairs’ as they usually term this in practice).
5 Railway-Based Oil Transportation Chain
Trains per day
Time (Month)
Fig. 5.6 Number of oil trains per day to Muuga harbor
New built capacity
1.5 M
Time (Month)
Fig. 5.7 New built liquid warehousing capacity at Muuga—warehousing time in the harbor:
0.2–0.4 months (assuming random uniform distribution)
We may conclude, from previous historical data and completed simulations,
increasing need for railway transportation is one possible option, and it is interesting to note that Estonian freight operations of railways have been in international
ownership after the turning of this millennium. Even large USA railway operators,
CSX Corp. and Rail America, owned these intensively used (and relatively short)
railways (through a large consortium led by Kingsley group), but sold off in 2002 its
business unit to the investor group Baltica finance NV (from USA too; Laisi and
Poikolainen 2011, pp. 30–31).
5.4 System Dynamics Simulation Results from Growth Scenario
new built capacity
4.5 M
1.5 M
Time (Month)
Fig. 5.8 New built oil pumping capacity at Muuga—oil pumping capacity/hour, most probable
figure is 450 (assuming random triangular distribution, start = 50, stop = 3930, peak = 450)
Interestingly, international ownership turned barely profitable the railway
operations as producing tens of millions of USD as annual profits (Ojala et al.
2005)––also long-term efficiency studies have showed that Estonian railways,
(also lately Latvian railways have showed similar development), represent the
most efficient railway countries in the whole Europe currently (Hilmola 2007).
In addition, holding quite strong position in the entire world context too
(Hilmola 2009).
During 2006 investors sold their ‘well-developed freight operator’ back to
Estonian government. Thus, our field research has showed that for current railway
infrastructure it is difficult to add more oil transportation volumes. Therefore, based
on the simulation results, we could rightly argue that, if oil transportation demand’s
increase continues in forthcoming future, new lines need to be added for railway
operations. Also, currently used ones may need to be entirely renovated (trains
should proceed with higher speeds––currently this journey of approximately
200 km from border to the harbor takes 1 day by one train!).
As can be noted, liquid warehousing (in silos), as well as oil pumping capacity
at Muuga harbor, have available capacity currently (in the railway arrangement
yard), and therefore their investment needs are not pressing. It could be concluded
that oil warehousing capacity need is at maximum equal to the amount of current
available capacity, but basically most probable is an increase of 50% of the current
infrastructure (Fig. 5.7). In oil pumping capacity side, we could conclude that most
probable only a small increase with respect of current capacity level is needed
(based on our estimates, 25% capacity increase; Fig. 5.8).
5 Railway-Based Oil Transportation Chain
5.5 Conclusions
Economic growth creates needs for transportation, and in an ever increasing
manner, based on statistics. Although we could today use IT to avoid traveling,
and distance meetings, courses, etc. and this has become a reality, globalization in
general has resulted in a stronger need for transportation.
Simultaneously, climate change movement has demanded for lower emissions,
especially CO2. One of the highest CO2 producers in the world is transportation
sector, mostly through its road transportation mode. However, this environmentally
unfriendly form of transportation has not been uncompetitive in markets––as environmental issues are important in public speeches and appearances. Their importance is one of the lowest among decision makers, if asked individually (among
shippers, operators, and politicians as Engström (2007) has reported from Sweden).
Thus, if climate change continues, we need to change the structures of transportation once again. Changing structures in a continuous economic growth
scenario is a demanding task, but as this research shows, system dynamics could
help in this respect.
Our research showed that in a growing scenario of infrastructure investments,
these should be completed in different phases with the ‘‘wait and see’’ attitude
applying, and mostly the quantified capacity in all areas is the major concern. As a
further step, to improve results, investment plan (e.g., addition to railway yard
capacity) should be developed, and different programs compared to be based on
sensitivity analysis. Splitting a needed infrastructure investment into three smaller
phases instead of one major one, could ensure the needed strategic flexibility, and
enable higher utilization levels. On the other hand this might be costly due to the
higher costs during the construction phase (scale economies in building).
Evaluation of these programs requires detailed cost information, and also figures
on revenue/benefit generation of infrastructure additions.
In this analyzed Estonian case3 transit oil transportation volume depends almost
entirely on the decisions of producers, and in the case of ‘constrained growth
scenario’ investments are needed to assure the quality of transportation. Quality
could be a further research topic to be taken (how to incorporate qualitative
infrastructure demands in the simulation models). Or should these demands be just
checked by a technical feasibility study and/or interviews?
System dynamics has clearly a place in planning infrastructure projects, but its
scope should be positioned through further research.
Worldwide there are also other places, which serve as important oil transit handling points.
One of them is Singapore, the largest sea port in the world.
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Chapter 6
Transportation Logistics: A Case Study
of Bio-Diesel Factory Location Plans
6.1 Introduction
Despite the oil crises during 1970s, and the growing dependency on oil, the world
is nowadays consuming more oil than ever (BP 2009). This is an especially
growing concern in nations like Europe, USA, Japan, and China, representing the
largest net importers of oil in the world.
Oil imports do not only hurt national economies in terms of trade deficit
(Sandalow 2008), but also support such a development, where advanced economies are tied to countries having in some cases less democracy, less transparent
governmental processes, and hostile opinions and ideology toward free market
economy (systems eventually supported by their export activity!). Until now,
alternatives of oil have been few, but growing environmental concerns have given
rebirth (invented nearly a century ago) to the ‘Fischer–Tropsch’ based process of
switching from coal-to-gas or biomass-to-gas (Schulz 1999; Dry 2002; Takeshita
and Yamaji 2008; Casci et al. 2009).
For example, in USA, corn is nowadays used to produce ethanol (Sandalow
2008) and in China there is an opportunity to transform its vast coal reserves into
ethanol (Williams 2001). These plans will also ease pollution in mega-cities,
producing less CO2 (the total effect of coal-based fuels is negative), and eventually
support local economies to increase employment and income levels (Sandalow
2008; Takeshita and Yamaji 2008).
However, much depends on the price of oil per se; during 2008–2009, oil price
fluctuated between 30 and 140 USD. Over the past four decades the pattern of oil
price fluctuation has remained the same. This leads to the situation where factory
investments are really hard to justify due to the long-term nature of uncertainty
(Dry 2002).
If oil producers wish to cut prices dramatically, they could easily destroy plans
for producing alternative fuels by just simply providing slightly more supply than
overall demand. Sandalow (2008) estimates that the breakeven range for factories,
to switch from coal to oil is 40–70 USD per barrel of oil.
Y. H. V. Lun et al., Oil Transport Management, Shipping and Transport Logistics,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2921-9_6, Ó Springer-Verlag London 2013
Transportation Logistics
The main problem with oil is that road transportation (especially freight) does not
have any real alternative in short and medium terms, and elasticity (effect of price) on
demand is extremely low. In other words we consume nearly the same amount of oil
regardless of oil price (further discussion is provided by Sandalow 2008). The
Middle-Eastern countries have partially contributed to this situation because investments in new capacity have been low, and additional spare capacity is estimated to be
currently at a very low level––round only a 2 % (El-Gamal and Jaffe 2010).
Although, interest toward alternative fuels has been on steady increase, and due
to global environmental agreements, which will only foster in the future, there has
been interestingly quite small amount of research completed for the establishment
of bio-factories. As these factories are in the center of very significant incoming
material flows (raw materials, e.g., corn, sugar, palm oil, or forest wood waste),
and have also considerable outbound flows, transportation logistics becomes into
the top agenda of these decisions.
Motivation behind this research work is to sketch through case study, what kind
of issues should be considered in the plant location decision-making, particularly
in a situation, when raw material is wood and wood waste.
This manuscript is structured as follows: In the following Sect. 6.2, titled
analysis I, we review development of the Fischer–Tropsch process based on
alternative fuels toward profit business in a world context. Thereafter, in Sect. 6.3,
analysis II, alternative fuel production plans of Finland are discussed. These are
either based on imported palm oil or on wood waste. These raw materials are
supported by the fact that in the past important pulp and paper industry, (also sawn
goods), has experienced a severe volume decline, and several plants have even
been closed. Case study findings are presented in Sect. 6.4, analysis III, and it is
revealed that raw material sourcing, also outside national borders, is in the interest
of a bio-diesel production unit. So, we showed that transportation logistics is a
combination of different transportation modes, and factory location is most
probably some sort of a compromise between all these. Finally we conclude and
propose further avenues for additional research in this field.
6.2 Fischer–Tropsch Process in Historical Perspective
Oil reserves and oil consumption have been a major macro-economic problem, since
automobiles were introduced during 1920s. Early on (during 1920s) such countries
like Germany (Casci et al. 2009) and South-Africa (Sasol 2009), were interested to
produce oil from coal. Germany used this synthetic fuel production during 2nd World
War in a large scale (U.S. Department of Energy 2009): Roughly 92 % of aviation
gasoline was produced with it, and half of total petroleum needs.
Similarly, Sasol (South-African Oil Company) was able to supply one-third for
oil needs of this country using same process (already more than two decades ago).
Sasol (and South-African government) was developing methods during 1980s
extensively against the main-stream (main harm was the very low price of oil;
6.2 Fischer–Tropsch Process in Historical Perspective
USD per Barrel
Fig. 6.1 European brendt spot market price (USD per barrel) during May 1987–June 2011.
Source EIA (2011)
Fig. 6.1; Schulz 1999), but nowadays their knowledge is in great demand (due to
the varying, and occasionally high prices of oil).
For example, oil giant ‘Chevron Corp.’ has a joint-venture called ‘Sasol
Chevron’ to use above same process in converting natural gas to oil. Among this,
Sasol is planning to establish coal-to-liquids factory in China as a joint-venture
with Chinese coal company ‘Shenhua’ during next 3–6 years (Xinhua 2008;
Bloomberg 2009). Shell is committed to the same conversion process, and also has
factory investments completed and on same process in Middle-East.
Fluctuation of end product prices is a major concern for the development of
alternative fuels (Schulz 1999; Dry 2002): factory establishment projects having
years of construction delay as well as decades of payback time, could not tolerate
all the time changing oil prices. For example, oil price development during 1980s
and 1990s did not provide that lucrative market for the establishment of new
production units, as Fig. 6.1 shows, (oil prices were mostly 20 USD per barrel for
nearly two decades).
As a positive side we see, and if higher oil prices sustain, production of
alternative fuels fits well on the current refinery structure, and this should foster an
adaptation period (Takeshita and Yamaji 2008). Thus, conversion process is more
efficient toward ethanol and diesel; for example, with current level of technology
gasoline is difficult and expensive to make (Dry 2002). Takeshita and Yamaji
(2008) argue that in the longer term, production of alternative fuels is concentrated
more in places, where there exist reserves for gas and coal as well as in nearby
equator countries (currently very underdeveloped ones).
Transportation Logistics
In this straightforward model major consumption does occur in West, and North
America and Europe are basically the drivers for sales growth. However, alternative views also exist, since e.g., in USA there is a plan to produce more locally
(or inside the North American free trade area) rather than importing large scale
from overseas countries (Sandalow 2008).
6.3 Research Environment: Factory Plans for Declining
Finnish Pulp and Paper Industry
Forest industry in Finland has been one of the key factors for economic prosperity
during the last five decades (explained typically by the availability of raw materials, and the automation competence). Characteristics in recent two decades have
been the volume growth in factories, and declining employment at the mills.
However, during the last 3–4 years, due to global economic slowdown, consumption decline of paper (e.g., usage of Internet leads into decreases) and high
costs of manufacturing paper in the euro currency area (including high employment and raw material costs), have resulted in industrial plant shutdowns in this
industry in Finland.
Short-term volumes have also decreased significantly (Fig. 6.2). This has not
only affected own raw material markets (during the first half of year 2009 decrease
was 75–80 % from previous year), but also Russian imports of wood (50–60 %
decrease in year 2009 from previous year; typically 20 % out of raw wood needed
at mills have been imported from Russia)––prices of wood have also decreased
considerably. Not only forest owners are suffering, but Finnish logistics sector is
also seriously affected (on the average year forest industry has exported ten million
tons of paper, important source of revenue for harbors, warehousing companies,
railways and truck operators; detailed analysis from two factory closings,
Koskinen and Hilmola 2011). So, industry is keen to find new products and ideas
to soften the effects of lost working places, empty factories, and unused factory
enlargement areas. Also the availability of raw materials is one issue, which feeds
an interest in developing new products.
One possible future growth area is bio-diesel and kerosene production through
the Fisher-Tropsch process. Both major Finnish pulp and paper manufacturers
(having also considerable global presence in paper industry through their factory
network), ‘Stora Enso’ and ‘UPM’ have announced plans, to enlarge their business
into alternative fuels.
Among pulp and paper industry, also refinery ‘Neste Oil ltd’ is planning to
produce green fuel (NExBTL diesel; Tekes 2009) from palm oil (it is being
imported from South-East Asia and other equator rainforest countries)––pilot
factory is already at operation in Porvoo, Finland (Neste Oil 2009) as this is a
large-scale factory in Singapore (opened end 2010; Neste Oil 2010). Company is
finalizing and starting up Rotterdam factory during 2011 (Neste Oil 2010).
6.3 Research Environment: Factory Plans for Declining Finnish Pulp and Paper Industry
Paper and paperboard total ('000 tons)
Total pulp ('000 tons)
Mechanical wood (m2)
Fig. 6.2 Production volumes of pulp and paper; mechanical wood processing industry in Finland
during 1999–2009. Source Finnish Forest Industry Federation (2010)
Finnish companies are not operating under this issue alone, since joint-ventures
have also been established (Neste Oil 2007). ‘Neste Oil’ (having mostly the desire to
produce bio-fuels from palm oil) has invested together with ‘Stora Enso’ (pulp and
paper manufacturer) in pilot plant located in a small town called Varkaus (Finland).
The idea is to produce bio-fuels in this production unit until semi-finished product
level (wax), and then deliver this to ‘Neste Oil refinery’ for further processing. Raw
material in this process is wood and unused wood waste parts.
Although, the idea in bio-diesel factory is fascinating, and supports the green
and sustainable future, its production requires significant volumes of transportation. Based on public information gained from joint-venture of ‘Stora Enso––Neste
Oil’, called ‘NSE Biofuels’, every ton of semi-finished bio-wax, (from which biodiesel is being produced at the refinery), requires five to seven times more wood
and wood waste (Panula 2009).
So, for the transportation of 100,000 tons of wax per annum 2,500 full truckloads is required from bio-diesel factory to refinery (wax), while in raw material
side this will lead into a 17,000–18,000 full truckloads per annum (reason for
higher amounts: volume is restricting factor in transport, not necessarily weight,
e.g., in a case of packed wood waste).
In real-life, the amounts being transported are never perfect, and utilization
ratio during the entire year is not 100 %. Therefore, transportation volumes are
even higher than estimated here. As these calculations are only based on a pilot
factory statistics, in full-scale production amounts are several times higher
(estimated three to five times; same situation also in our case company).
Transportation Logistics
So, therefore it is inevitable that cheaper and less polluting alternatives, like
railways and sea/river transport, will be used in the above transportation work. As
outbound transportation logistics is having much lower volume, most probably
these transportation modes are used for incoming material flows.
6.4 Decision-Making Hierarchy for Bio-Diesel Plant
Location Problem from Logistics Perspective
As can be concluded from the above description of the research environment,
logistics factors play an important role in the factory’s location decision-making.
Therefore, plant establishment is significantly dependent on different factors
arising from this topic. Before contacting the case study of the company, we have
sketched possible tools to be used to solve this problem.
After using own personal contacts, it was revealed that case study company had
more than a decade long tradition of using ‘analytic hierarchy process’ (AHP) in
logistics decisions, especially in ‘distribution facility establishment’. As AHP has
been shown to be superior in location decision-making and due to the reason of
longer usage tradition in the case study company, we have prepared initial
introduction for applying this method in bio-diesel factory case study.
After discussing with one key-decision maker regarding this plant location
selection process, an initial AHP framework was constructed. This initial idea was
sent over for our case study company contact to be checked, and for possible
revision comments. After this check-up, AHP hierarchy was finalized, which is
presented in Fig. 6.3.
After discussing with company’s personnel, and revisiting publicly available
information, and checking public information from competitors’ (‘NSE biofuels’)
factory establishment, it became evident that if final location of bio-diesel factory
is in Finland, then transportation is mostly based upon road transport.
This is caused by the closeness of raw materials within the operating radius of
the factory. Given also road transport advantage in terms of flexibility. Moreover,
there was the from ‘forest to factory direct’ delivery option.
In the hinterlands, outbound transports is also planned to be completed using
road transport. In both of these cases (in- and out-bound) railways have only
supporting role for some high volume routes between the two points (e.g., raw
material inventory and bio-diesel factory).
River transportation is only an option, and viable only between Russia and
Finland (through channel of Saimaa) product imports. For exporting final products
to customers, (if these have foreign destination), sea transport is having the major
role (as in case of imports of raw materials from EU area).
However, in case that all production is supplied to domestic markets, then road
transport once again is the main transportation mode. So, bio-diesel production is in
transport logistics sense driven by road transport, and only supported by other modes.
6.4 Decision-Making Hierarchy for Bio-Diesel Plant Location Problem
BioDiesel Factory
Location Options
Location of BioDiesel
Tier 1 Criteria
Middle of
Proximity of
Local Raw
Proximity of
Proximity of
Proximity of
Proximity of
Russian Raw EU Countries Local Refinery Foreign Refinery
Raw Material
Location of BioDiesel
Tier 1 Criteria
Tier 2 Criteria
• Road
• Railway
• Water
• Capacity of
• Proximity of
• Railways
• Road
Fig. 6.3 Alternatives for bio-diesel factory’s location (four in number) and transportation
logistics tier 1 criteria (seven in number) with two sub-classes of tier 1 criteria (tier 2)
During the discussions it was revealed that not only pure Finnish location
alternatives existed, but the case study company also had started to consider further possible foreign country location. This was mostly due to the fact that the
foreign location is closer to the large-scale markets (e.g., Central Europe), and that
markets could possibly offer better price for manufactured end product.1
However, this foreign alternative of course will suffer from different logistics
factors, like lack of nearby local raw material (as well as the case of the Russian
raw material). Thus, this foreign location is not considered qualitatively further in
The reason is not because of the lack of competition, but this has been caused by the global
environmental agreements, and especially from country’s requirement for the content of bio-fuels
used in total fuel consumption.
Transportation Logistics
Middle of Finland
West Finland
Southeast Finland
Fig. 6.4 Biodiesel factory locations on Finnish (left side) and in European map (right side)
what follows, since even the approximate location (in the foreign country) was
unknown for the researcher during the time of research work (was announced later
on to be France).
Interestingly, logistics decisions are not only concerned about raw material
source proximity, but also about the closeness of the wax refinery. The need for the
refinery is of course dependent on the decisions of the case study company to end
its production process in the wax phase.2
This decision is strategic, and depends on the economic value added as being
compared with the needed amount of additional investments. In a current version
of AHP plant location criteria, it is assumed that case study company ends its
production process during wax phase (known from the pilot plant of ‘Stora Enso
and Neste Oil’). The plant location over local refinery proximity (country level) is
the more important as compared with foreign destination (Fig. 6.4 for an illustrative map for plant locations); from Finland, distance to foreign destinations,
is anyway long, and differences are not that significant between Finnish factory
locations (one factory location, namely in West Finland is having its own harbor,
has some advantage for Southeast Finland location (this alternative anyway has
short distance to the main harbor). Moreover, a considerable advantage over
Middle of Finland locations, from where distance to the sea port is several
Thereafter this end product of wax would be transported into refinery to be produced, e.g., as
diesel or other fuels, like kerosene; actually this transformation process is a joint-production, and
every-time diesel is selected as main product, some amount of other products, like kerosene come
out from this process; Dry 2002).
6.4 Decision-Making Hierarchy for Bio-Diesel Plant Location Problem
hundred kilometers. Main Finnish local refinery is closest to the Southeast plant
alternative (below 100 km), while other two alternatives had several hundred of
kilometers distances.
However, it should be noted that West Finland location is closer to the smaller
refinery, which does not have diesel refinery capability currently available, but
could serve in the longer time period as a close location. Worth-noting is, if needed
investments are completed (this optional refinery is at a distance below 100 km).
Among refinery location, the raw material source location is equally important
for the cost efficiency of the bio-diesel factory. As Finland holds considerable
forest resources, all Finnish factory locations have enough raw materials in nearby
areas. However, differences arise concerning Russian raw materials, and European
Union’s (e.g., Sweden and Baltic States) raw material sources.
Russian raw materials (from nearby locations) are economically available only
for Southeast plant alternatives (main railway connection to Russia is located in
this area, below 100 km from the border station), while West location has its own
harbor, and is therefore strong for EU raw material imports.
However, this import possibility is also economically feasible for Southeast
location, but it has short hinterland connection for the transportation to be completed. Middle of Finland plant location holds considerable disadvantage over
these two alternative raw material sources.
Outbound and inbound operational factors are rather typical as could be seen
from Fig. 6.3. Generally, the state of transportation logistics infrastructure in
Finland we reckon is one of the best in the whole world, and this is particularly the
situation in all three Finnish factory alternatives concerning road transportation.
However, West Finland location has rather high usage of its inbound roads to
the factory due to the nearby proximity of a sea harbor in the route––actually this
traffic amount was nearly ten times higher than in other alternatives.
Regarding railways, Southeast location has the best physical infrastructure
available––the reason is that this area has been the main railway entry point to
Russia via this transportation mode alternative from the previous century.
During the past decades railways have mostly served raw material transport
from Russia, (bulk and liquid bulk), and therefore capacity of arrangement yards
and quality of infrastructure (e.g., capability to receive trains having 25 ton axel
load) is entirely different from the two other factory locations.3 This area, and the
nearby areas, also have considerable amount of pulp and paper factories located4
and therefore railway infrastructure was vital to have these factories operational.
Other two Finnish alternatives do not hold these railway-related advantages
mentioned. Among railway transportation alternatives, environmentally friendly
river transportation should be considered––once again Southeast plant location has
advantage over the other two Finnish alternatives. Proximity to a harbor was
Additionally, because of the fact that it has needed a capability to receive 1,000 m long freight
trains; length, which is not used ordinarily in Finland, but rather common in Russia.
Though a number of these have been closed during recent years.
Transportation Logistics
Fig. 6.5 Decision hierarchy and four alternatives in Web-HIBRE software program used over
the Internet. Source Web-HIBRE (2009)
already been dealt with in the earlier refinery part, and therefore it can be concluded that West location as well as partially Southeast location hold advantages
over that in the Middle of Finland.
Decision hierarchy was also being built in the AHP software called WebHIBRE (2009), which is available for all users in the respective website through a
Java programmed application (‘decision hierarchy’ shown in Fig. 6.5, is exactly
the same of that of Fig. 6.3).
Examining Fig. 6.5 further, and particularly the logistics first tier subfactors,
which do not have subitems below themselves, we see to have direct connection
with plant locations. However, two subitems of inbound and outbound logistics
have direct connection on plant locations. It should be noted that these subitems
increase the complexity of AHP decision making, and adds a number of
comparative questions for the respondent person.
6.4 Decision-Making Hierarchy for Bio-Diesel Plant Location Problem
Table 6.1 Pair-wise comparison of first tier decision-making factors of bio-diesel factory
location’s decision-making
Therefore, adding more subareas to main logistical factors in this situation
would increase the load of respondent(s), and possibly harming the quality as well
as the quantity of the responses.
The amount of comparisons needed in AHP models is given by:
Op ¼ ðnp ðnp 1ÞÞ=2
where Op = Different comparisons needed in AHP questionnaire in tier p, and
n = amount of factors being included in tier p.
Typically AHP models use scale from one to nine in decision-making situations, and all relevant factors are being compared against each other through pairwise evaluations. This is illustrated further in Table 6.1, where the first tier criteria
are being compared against each other (amount of comparisons could be easily
calculated with Eq. 6.1).
For example, the respondent could evaluate that inbound logistics is five times
more important than outbound logistics, and in this situation a mark is being
placed in left side of the nine to one part. Troublesome part in AHP evaluations is
the inability of decision maker to give consistent answers––e.g., respondent could
evaluate factor A to be seven times more important than factor B, but also to
indicate that factor B is five times more important than factor C. In a case that
respondent evaluates that factor C is more important than factor A, responses have
inconsistency, and typically after certain limit responses are rejected (reliability is
too low), and these will not be included in the final analysis.
Transportation Logistics
In AHP analysis also one problematic part is the larger amount of responses in
decision-making problems. Typically, the procedure proceeds in a manner, where
target population receives questionnaires, and some amount of this group gives
their opinion over the matter. These responses are evaluated with a consistency
ratio, and those having too high inconsistency, are taken out from overall analysis.
Eventually, final evaluation is typically being built with consistent average or
median responses.
6.5 Conclusions
Producing alternative fuels in the global context is often associated with gas, coal,
or agricultural products (like corn or sugar). However, countries having rich forest
resources have alternative sources, e.g., diesel from wood and wood waste. For
example, in Finland and Sweden, this is probably the most lucrative alternative.
This development is supported by the following two reasons: (1) the closing
down of the traditional pulp and paper production capacity (especially in Finland)
and (2) the very low overall CO2 harm caused by fuels produced from renewable
wood and wood waste.
As shown in the above factory location case study, raw material sourcing plays
an important role in factory location. Raw materials do not necessarily originate
from one country only, but could be sourced from nearby countries who have the
needed forest resources.
In these cases, transportation should be undertaken using a low-cost feasible
alternative, such as ‘sea vessels or railways’. Raw material transport from local
sources is merely based on road transportation, and supported by railways.
So, from the transportation logistics point of view, the requirements for bio-diesel
factories are diverse.
Among raw material sourcing and transport, also closeness of the refinery plays
an important role, if the factories investing company decides to terminate
production until the point of semi-finished product, i.e., wax. Among this, closeness to sea harbors for end product transport is important, since more distant
markets (e.g., in Central Europe) could pay higher prices for the end products
(due to the the fact of fulfilling the level of green content in their sold fuels).
As a topic for further research, we are interested in using the developed hierarchy in the case study company or other similar types of production unit builder
organization for evaluating the location alternatives of a bio-diesel plant. As this
decision framework is at the stage of an initial proposal, we think that at least some
country-level modifications should be made to it.
Among this, the location criteria for other alternative fuel plants would also be
interesting to examine; for example, those using palm oil or some agricultural items
as raw materials. For sea transportation, importance will most probably increase
considerably, and critical for success is the closeness of a harbor, but for agricultural
items, similar issues should be in the decision hierarchy of a completed case study.
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