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भौतिकी मॉडल पेपर: थर्मल भौतिकी और सेमीकंडक्टर डिवाइस

B.Sc.1st Year 2nd Semester 2022
Objective Model Paper
Thermal Physics & Semiconductor Device
According to new education policy
Semester Wise pattern
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रोज रात 9 बजे
PDF Notes
Telegram Channel- Spstudychannel1
Objective Model Solved Paper
1) In highly rarefied gases, the concept of
`this loses validity अत्यधिक विरल गैसों में,
इसकी अििारणा िैिता खो दे ती है
a) Thermodynamic equilibrium
b) Continuum
c) Stability
d) macroscopic viewpoint
2) The pressure exerted by an ideal gas is
of the kinetic energy of all the molecules
contained in a unit volume of gas. एक आदर्श गैस
द्िारा लगाया गया दबाि गैस के एक इकाई आयतन में
ननहहत सभी अणओ
ु ं की गनतज ऊजाश होता है ।
a) one-half
b) one-third
c) two-third
d) three-fourth
3) The fundamental unit of enthalpy is एन्थैल्पी
की मूल इकाई है
a) MLT-2
b) ML2T-1
c) ML2T-2
d) ML3T-2
4) Which of the following has the minimum
atomic mass? ननम्नललखखत में से ककसका परमाणु
द्रव्यमान न्यन
ू तम है ?
a) Oxygen
b) Sulphur
c) Nitrogen
d) Carbon
5) Which one of the following is extensive
property of a thermodynamics system
ननम्नललखखत में से कौन थमोडायनालमक्स प्रणाली की
व्यापक संपवि है
a) Volume
b) Pressure
c) Temperature
d) Density
6) Temperature of a gas is produced due to
गैस का तापमान ककसके कारण उत्पन्न होता है
(a) its heating value
(b) kinetic energy of molecules
(c) repulsion of molecules
(d) attraction of molecules
7) Zeroth law thermodynamics form the basis
of measurement of जीरोथ लॉ थमोडायनालमक्स के
मापन का आिार बनता है
a) pressure
b) temperature
c) heat exchange
d) work
8) The condition of perfect vacuum, i.e.,
absolute zero pressure can be attained at पण
ू श
ननिाशत की स्थथनत, अथाशत, पण
ू श र्न्
ू य दबाि पर प्राप्त
ककया जा सकता है
(a) a temperature of 273.16°C
(b) a temperature of 0°C
(c) a temperature of 273 °K
(d) a negative pressure and 0°C temperature
9) Triple point temperature of water is पानी
का हिपल पॉइंट तापमान होता है
a) 273 K
b) 273.14 K
c) 273.15 K
d) 273.16 K
10) Pure semiconductor material at a
temperature of 0 K behaves as :
(a) conductor
(b) superconductor
(c) a power source
(d) an insulator
11) P-type semiconductor material is :
(a) silicon doped with indium
(b) Silicon
(c) silicon doped with arsenic
(d) Germanium
12) Electromagnetic radiation is emitted :
(a) only by radio and T.V. transmitting antennas
(b) only by bodies at temperature higher than
their surroundings
(c) only by red hot bodies.
(d) by all bodies at all temperatures
14. Which method of heat transfer does not
require a medium ?
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
(d) none
13) In a bipolar transistor :
(a) collector is made wider than emitter and base
(b) there will be no collector current if the
emitter is open
(c) emitter region has high resistivity material
and is lightly doped
(d) base region is of low resistivity material and
is heavily doped.
14) In a transistor with normal bias, the emitter
junction :
(a) is reversed biased
(c) has a low resistance
(b) has a high resistance
(d) emits carriers in a base which are in majority
15) If a transistor were operated with emitter and
collector interchanged, then :
(a) emitter current will increase
(b) base current will decrease
(c) collector current will increase
(d) no current flow will take place.
16) A P-type semiconductor is
(a) Positively charged
(c) Electrically neutral
(b) negatively charged
(d) none of the above
17) On increasing the temperature of an intrinsic
semiconductor एक आंतररक अिशचालक का तापमान
बढाने पर
(a) resistance of semiconductor increases
(b) conductivity of semiconductor decreases
(c) holes are produced in conduction band
(d) conductivity of semiconductor increases
18) A P-type crystal has an excess of : एक P-प्रकार
के किथटल की अधिकता होती है
(a) electrons
(c) protons
(b) holes
19) If the doors of a refrigerator are left open for
a few hours, the room temperature will यहद
रे किजरे टर के दरिाजे कुछ घंटों के ललए खुले छोड़ हदए
जाएं, तो कमरे का तापमान बढ जाएगा
(c)Remain same
(d) None of these
20.Decrease only in the area in the vicinity of the
refrigerator is a device by which a system is
made to undergo a cyclic process that results in
conversion of heat to work. एक उपकरण है स्जसके
द्िारा एक चिीय प्रकिया से गुजरने के ललए एक प्रणाली बनाई जाती
है स्जसके पररणामथिरूप गमी को कायश में पररिनतशत ककया जाता है ।
(b)Heat engine
(c)Heat pump
(d)Heat Sink
21.The heat sink in a heat engine is used to -हीट
इंजन में हीट लसंक का उपयोग ककया जाता है –
(a)Supply the heat to the engine for doing the work
कायश करने के ललए इंजन को ऊष्मा की आपूनतश करें
Eject the extra heat from the engine after work
done by the engineइंजन द्िारा ककए गए कायश के बाद
इंजन से अनतररक्त गमी ननकालें
(c)Store the heat energyगमी ऊजाश थटोर करें
(d)To compress the gas in the heat engine ऊष्मा
इंजन में गैस को संपीडड़त करने के ललए
23.The efficiency of a heat engine can never be
ऊष्मा इंजन की दक्षता कभी नहीं हो सकती है
a. 10%
c. 50%
24.Which of the following is most efficient?
ननम्नललखखत में से कौन सबसे कुर्ल है ?
a. Carnot heat engine कानोट हीट इंजन
b.Heat engine based on petrol or diesel पेिोल
डीजल पर आिाररत हीट इंजन
Both are equally efficient. दोनों
d.Can't say नहीं कह सकता
समान रूप से कुर्ल हैं
25.The efficiency of heat engine can be increased
by: ऊष्मा इंजन की दक्षता को ककसके द्िारा बढाया जा
सकता है
a. Increasing the temperature of heat sink
b.Decreasing the temperature of heat Sink
c. Increasing the heat rejected
d.None of the above