PlayStation 2 DualShock 2 Controller Ryan O’Keefe, Kabir Singh and Adrian Padin 1 PlayStation 2 Controller - Overview I. Previous Methods ○ NES Controller, N64 II. DualShock 2: Input Types ○ ○ ○ Twelve analog buttons Five digital buttons Analog directional sticks https://upload.wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/f/f9/PSX-Original-Controller.jpg III. DualShock 2: Communication Interface ○ ○ SPI Communication Transfer up to 21 bytes of data 2 Previous Methods - NES Controller ● Remember Lab 7 from EECS 270? ● Four Digital Buttons and the Directional Joypad ○ Only 1 bit precision for each button ● Communicates with console using shift registers ● Console initiates by sending a pulse on the latch wire ● Controller sends 8 pulses and the status of each button https://upload.wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/NEScontroller.jpg 3 Previous Methods - N64 Controller ● Fourteen Digital Buttons and the “Analog” Joystick ● N64 was first controller to have a motor for vibration feedback ● Had “Analog” joystick which was essentially a digital counter ● What makes PS2 different? http://static.giantbomb. com/uploads/original/0/7465/968375n64_controller.jpg 4 PlayStation 2 - DualShock 2 Features Increase number of buttons and other options: ● Twelve analog buttons ○ 8 bits of precision for each button ● Five digital buttons ● Full analog directional sticks ○ 2 Bytes of precision, 8 bits for X position and 8 bits for each Y position ● Variable Force-feedback ○ Weighted motors cause controller to vibrate 5 DualShock 2 - Force Feedback ● DualShock - Two vibration motors ○ One of the first controllers with feature ● Left motor provides stronger feedback than right ● Variable feedback for better game immersion http://images.dailytech. com/nimage/4096_ps2b240.jpg 6 DualShock 2 - Analog Sticks ● Two perpendicular potentiometers per stick ● Two byte precision ○ One byte each for X and Y axis ● Completely analog signal ○ Variable resistance changes voltage levels http://i.ebayimg. com/images/g/8pAAAOxygPtS-PX~/s-l500.jpg http://i.ebayimg. com/images/g/8pAAAOxygPtS-PX~/s-l500.jpg 7 DualShock 2 - Analog Buttons ● All buttons except ‘Start’, ‘Select’, ‘L3’, ‘R3’, and ‘Analog’ are analog ● Each button has 8 bit encoding ○ Harder press => higher value (0-255) ● Achieved through variable parallel resistance Resistor 8 Communicating with the PlayStation 2 Basic premise is SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface): ● ● ● ● One master (PS2 console) and many slaves (controllers) All devices use the same bus (open collector scheme) Master and slave communicate at the same time using shift registers As the master sends data, it receives incoming data from the slave 9 Controller Interface - SPI Overview Four wires to remember: 1. 2. 3. 4. MOSI (Master Out Slave In) - data from the console to the controller MISO (Master In Slave Out) - data from the controller to the console Clock - both units must be timed to the same clock Select - pick which device to read from Clock Master (PS2 Console) Shift Register Select (Attention) MOSI Slave (Controller) Shift Register MISO 10 DualShock 2 - Communication Hardware ● ● Brown (controller->console) - Data sent to console (buttons, analog sticks) Orange (console->controller) - Data sent to controller (vibration) ● ● ● Red (power) - 3.3 V Grey (motor power) - usually 7.4 V Black (ground) ● ● ● Yellow (attention) - slave select Blue (clock) - generated by master Green (acknowledge) - controller must respond within 100 µs 11 DualShock 2 - Sample Transaction 12 DualShock 2 - Sample Transaction 1. Console pulls clock down to initiate transaction 13 DualShock 2 - Sample Transaction 1. Console pulls clock down to initiate transaction 2. Controller changes data line to reflect status 14 DualShock 2 - Sample Transaction 1. Console pulls clock down to initiate transaction 2. Controller changes data line to reflect status 3. On each rising edge the data is shifted from controller into console 15 DualShock 2 - Sample Transaction 1. Console pulls clock down to initiate transaction 2. Controller changes data line to reflect status 3. On each rising edge the data is shifted from controller into console 4. After eight rising edges, clock remains high to signal end of transaction. A single byte has now been transferred 16 DualShock 2 - Transfer Protocol Start with 3-byte Header 1st Byte: Initiate the transaction *This is the same every time. Byte Number Master Controller Information Type 1 0x01 0xFF Initiate 2 0x42 0x79 Controller Mode 3 0x00 0x5A Handshake 2nd Byte: The console specifies which mode it wants: 0x41 = digital mode (no analog stick or analog button data) 0x42 = analog mode (full 21 bytes of data) 3rd Byte: Handshake to indicate that the controller is ready to transmit data 17 DualShock 2 - Transfer Protocol Bytes 4 and 5 are the digital states of every button (similar to NES controller): ● 0 - the button is pressed ● 1 - the button is not pressed Byte Number Master Controller Information Type 1 0x01 0xFF Initiate 2 0x42 0x79 Controller Mode 3 0x00 0x5A Handshake 4 0xLL 0xNN Digital Buttons 5 0xRR 0xNN Digital Buttons 4th byte: 0xNN is state of buttons select, L3, R3, start, up, right, down, and left. 0xLL is vibration data for left motor 5th byte: 0xNN is state of buttons L2, R2, L1, R1, triangle, circle, X, square 0xRR is vibration data for right motor 18 Byte DualShock 2 If Analog Mode is specified (0x42), the controller sends another 16 bytes of data ● X and Y position of the left and right analog sticks ● Analog position of every button except start and select ● Each button has 8 bits of precision (256 possible states) Master Controller Information Type 1 0x01 0xFF Header (initiate transaction) 2 0x42 0x79 Header (transaction mode) 3 0x00 0x5A Header (sort of handshake) 4 0xLL 0xNN Digital (select, L3, R3, start, up, right, down, left) 5 0xRR 0xNN Digital (L2, R2, L1, R1, triangle, circle, X, square) 6 0x00 0xNN Right Analog Stick X 7 0x00 0xNN Right Analog Stick Y 8 0x00 0xNN Left Analog Stick X 9 0x00 0xNN Left Analog Stick Y 10 0x00 0xNN Right Button Analog 11 0x00 0xNN Left Button Analog 12 0x00 0xNN Up Button Analog 13 0x00 0xNN Down Button Analog 14 0x00 0xNN Triangle Button Analog 15 0x00 0xNN Circle Button Analog 16 0x00 0xNN X Button Analog 17 0x00 0xNN Square Button Analog 18 0x00 0xNN L1 Button Analog 19 0x00 0xNN R1 Button Analog 20 0x00 0xNN L2 Button Analog 21 0x00 0xNN R2 Button Analog 19 Demonstration Interfacing a PS2 Controller with an Arduino 20 PlayStation 2 Controller - Summary ● Improvements from Previous Methods ○ ○ Adds versatility to control system Reduces lag because it is not being constantly polled ● Analog Sticks and Buttons ○ ○ ○ 12 buttons each with 8 bits of precision 2 analog sticks with 16 bits of precision 5 digital buttons ● Communication and Transfer Protocol ○ ○ ○ Modified form of SPI Sends 8 bits at once on open-collector bus Digital mode is 5 bytes, Analog mode is 21 bytes 21 Bibliography NES Controller Background: N64 Controller Background: Transfer Protocol: Interfacing to a PS2 Controller (this site was the most helpful): Using a PS2 controller with an Arduino: 22