ACCOUNTING SYSTEM IN CONVENTIONAL BANK INTRODUCTION TO BANK BALANCE SHEETS Bank balance sheets report the assets, liabilities, and bank capital for an individual bank. The balance sheet identity is: Assets = Liabilities + Capital(Equity) INTRODUCTION TO BANK BALANCE SHEETS • Assets: • • • • • • Reserves = Vault cash + Bank deposits with central bank Cash items in process of collection Deposits at other banks Securities Loans Other assets • Liabilities: • Deposits = Checkable deposits + Non transactions deposits • Bank Borrowings = Loans, discount loans and other type of loans • Other = Rent, salary, tax and etc. • Bank Capital (Equity)= Total assets – Total liabilities BALANCE SHEET OF BANK Assets Liabilities Reserve 9,000 ID Checkable deposits 24,000 ID Securities 53,000 ID Non transactions deposits 122,000 ID Loans 124,000 ID Borrowings 40,000 Other assets 14,000 ID Bank capital 13,000 TOTAL 200,000 ID TOTAL 200,000 ID BALANCE SHEET OF ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS Assets Reserve Liabilities 14% Securities government and agency state and local government and other securities 15 Saving deposits 49 6 Small denomination time deposit 2 Large-denomination time deposit 10 Borrowings 17 Bank Capital 11 Total Liabilities 100 Commercial and Industrial 13 Real estate 26 Consumer 8 Interbank 1 Other 9 Total Assets 11% Non transactions deposits Loans Other assets (e.g., physical capital) Checkable deposits 8 100 BALANCE SHEET OF CENTRAL BANK Assets Liabilities Assets and foreign exchange reserves Banknotes and coins in the hands of people Gold reserves required reserves of banks Receivables from the public sector and government bonds Excess reserve: A- Banknotes and coins in banks treasury B- excess reserve of banks in central bank Debt of banks to the central bank Public sector deposits in the Central Bank Other Assets Foreign Exchange Debts of the Central Bank Other Liabilities Capital TOTAL A TOTAL A BALANCE SHEET OF CENTRAL BANK AFTER EDITING Assets Liabilities Net assets and foreign exchange reserves Banknotes and coins in the hands of people Gold reserves required reserves of banks Net receivables from the public sector and government bonds Excess reserve: A- Banknotes and coins in banks treasury B- excess reserve of banks in central bank Debt of banks to the central bank Net other Assets TOTAL A TOTAL A BANK BALANCE SHEET DEPOSITS - Assume that a $2,000 cash deposit it made into a current account at Kurdistan Bank, now assume that the Central bank reserve has set the reserve ratio at 10% . - Now assume that a second $2,000 cash deposit is made into a checking account at Kurdistan bank. - Now assume that a $1,000 cash is made into a checking account at Kurdistan bank. Assets Required reserves - $200 Liabilities Assets Demand deposits - $2,000 Loans - $1,800 $2,000 Required reserves - $400 Liabilities Demand deposits - $4,000 Loans - $3,600 $2,000 Assets Required reserves - $500 $4,000 Liabilities Demand deposits - $5,000 Loans - $4,500 $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 BANK BALANCE SHEET WITHDRAWALS - Assume that the central bank reserve has set the reserve ratio at 10% now assume that Azadi Bank liabilities equal $5,000 in demand deposits. - Suppose that a depositor request of a draw of $2,000 from their checking account at Azadi bank - Now suppose that a second depositor withdraws $1,000 from their current account at Azadi Bank. - Now suppose a third depositor withdraws $1,000 from their current account at Azadi bank. Assets Required reserves - $500 Liabilities Demand deposits - $5,000 Assets Required reserves - $200 $5,000 Liabilities Demand deposits - $2,000 Demand deposits - $3,000 $3,000 Assets Required reserves - $100 $3,000 Liabilities Demand deposits - $1,000 Loans - $900 Loans - $1,800 $2,000 Required reserves - $300 Liabilities Loans - $2,700 Loans - $4,500 $5,000 Assets $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 BANK BALANCE SHEET EXCESS RESERVES - Assume that the central bank has set the reserve ratio at 25%, now assume that Harem bank liabilities equal $8,000 in demand deposits and the assets equal $8,000, $2,000 are held in required reserves, $4,000 are currently held in outstanding loans, and Harem bank holds $2,000 in excess reserves. - Suppose the same depositor of a drawl of $2,000 from their current account at Harem bank. Assets Liabilities Required reserves - $2,000 Demand deposits - $8,000 Assets Required reserves - $1,500 Excess reserves - $2,000 Excess reserves - $500 Loans - $4,000 Loans - $4,000 $8,000 $8,000 $6,000 Liabilities Demand deposits - $6,000 $6,000 TREASURY DIVISION Treasury division is the most important division in the bank. It's responsible for all banks in and out cash (Cash store). TREASURY DIVISION Treasury is divided into two sections: 1. Main treasury: were all bank cash are kept. Its responsible for: • Giving and receiving cash to and from different branches and subsidiary treasury (beginning and end of day). • Calculate the main treasury at the end of each day and assess with the accounting book entry. • Supplying cash in excess of the bank’s need to the central bank, or withdrawing the cash that the bank needs from its balance with the central bank. 2. Subsidiary treasury: • Received and paid cash from and to depositor that wants to deposit or withdraw in or from the bank. • Receiving cash from main treasury at the beginning of each day. • Delivery of the remaining cash at the end of the working period to the main treasury. • Adjustment of documents and statements which is related to Payments and Receipts MAIN TRASURY OPERATION • Capital deposit • • • • Treasury A/c Dr xx To Capital A/c Cr xx payment an amount to the subsidiary treasury Sub-treasury No… A/c Dr xx Treasury A/c Cr xx Receipt of amount from subsidiary treasury Treasury A/c Dr xx Sub-treasury No… A/c Cr Deposit an amount in the Central Bank Central Bank A/c Dr xx Treasury A/c Cr xx Withdrawing cash from the Central Bank Treasury A/c Dr xx Central Bank A/c Cr xx xx MAIN TRASURY OPERATION • Pay an amount to bank branches Branch No… A/c Dr Treasury A/c xx Cr xx • Receipt an amount from bank branches Treasury A/c Dr Branch No.. A/c xx Cr xx SUBSIDIARY TREASURY • In case of receipts (Cash receipt) Treasury A/c Dr xx Current account A/c Cr Saving account A/c Cr Fixed account A/c Cr • In the case of payment (Cash payment) Current account A/c Dr xx Saving account A/c Dr xx Fixed account A/c Dr xx Treasury A/c Cr xx xx xx xx OPERATIONS TO ADDRESS THE INCREASE OR DEFICIT IN THE TREASURY 1. In case of Increase Treasury A/c Dr xx Increase in treasury A/c Cr xx ❑ But In the event that the reasons for the increase are not discovered, it shall be transferred at the end of the year to the revenue account with the following entry: Increase in treasury A/c Dr xx revenues A/c Cr xx Example: Assume in the end of day Bank has 10,000 increase? Treasury A/c Dr 10,000 Increase in treasury A/c Cr 10,000 Assume the reasons of increase not clear and in the end of day Bank has 70,000 ID increase? Increase in treasury A/c Dr 70,000 revenues A/c Cr 70,000 OPERATIONS TO ADDRESS THE INCREASE OR DEFICIT IN THE TREASURY 2. In case of Deficit ▪ When deficit occurs Deficit in treasury A/c Dr xx Treasury A/c Cr xx ▪ When cashier is responsible Cashier A/c Dr xx Deficit in treasury A/c Cr xx Treasury A/c Dr xx Cashier Cr xx ▪ When cashier is not responsible for the deficit profits and losses A/c Dr xx Deficit A/c Cr xx Example: Assume Azadi Bank after adjustment its documents know it has deficit equal 100,000 ID? Deficit in treasury A/c Dr 100,000 Treasury A/c Cr 100,000 If Cashier bears this deficit in the treasury? Cashier A/c Dr 100,000 Deficit in treasury A/c Cr 100,000 Treasury A/c Dr 100,000 Cashier Cr 100,000 If Cashier is not responsible for this deficit? profits and losses A/c Dr 100,000 Deficit A/c Cr 100,000 Example: The client Mohammad deposited $10,000 in cash in the bank and asked the bank to deposit it in his accounts as follows: $2,000 in the current account $4,000 in the Saving account $4,000 in the fixed account or time account Solution: Treasury A/c Dr 10,000 Current account A/c Saving account A/c Fixed account A/c Cr Cr Cr 2,000 4,000 4,000 Example: The client Mohammad deposited $10,000 in cash in the bank and asked the bank to deposit it in his accounts as follows: $2,000 in the current account, but bank deposit 5% of current account in Central Bank $4,000 in the Saving account $4,000 in the fixed account or time account Solving: 1. Treasury A/c Dr 10,000 Current account A/c Cr Saving account A/c Cr Fixed account A/c Cr 2. Central bank A/c Dr 100 Treasury A/c Cr 100 2,000 4,000 4,000 Example: 1- Kurdistan bank started its business on 1/1/2020 with a capital of 7.000.000 ID distributed as follow: - Depositing 2.800.000 ID in central bank. - Depositing 1.400.000 ID in main treasury. - Depositing 2.100.000 ID in RT bank . - Depositing 700.000 ID in Cihan bank. 2- K-Bank Withdraw 500.000 ID from the Central Bank and deposited in the main treasury of the bank. 3- During the same day, the bank withdraws 700.000 ID from RT bank and deposits it in central bank. 4- 30.000 ID was paid for the rent of the bank building, and 5.000 ID was the value of stationery from the sub-fund for payments. 5- Other payments done by the bank A- 15.000 ID for purchase furniture via check withdrawn on the RT Bank. B- 20.000 ID for purchase computers via check withdrawn on Cihan Bank. C- 12.000 ID for purchase Cars via check withdrawn on the RT Bank. Solving: 1. Central Bank A/c Dr 2.800.000 Treasury A/c Dr 1.400.000 RT Bank A/c Dr 2.100.000 Cihan Bank A/c Dr 700.000 Capital A/c Cr 7.000.000 2. Treasury A/c Dr 500.000 Central Bank A/c Cr 500.000 3. Central Bank A/c Dr 700.000 RT Bank A/c Cr 700.000 4. Rent of bank building A/c Dr 30.000 stationery A/c Dr 5.000 Cash payment A/c Cr 35.000 5. Afurniture A/c Dr 15.000 RT Bank A/c Cr BComputer A/c Dr 20.000 Cihan Bank A/c Cr 20.000 C- Cars A/c Dr 120000 RT Bank A/c Cr 120000 15.000 CURRENT ACCOUNT DIVISION It’s a contract between the bank and its client, were client can deposit and withdraw financial instruments in and from his/her account in any time he/she wishes. TYPE OF TRANSACTIONS DONE IN CURRENT ACCOUNT DIVISION • Transactions of deposits. Treasury A/c Dr xx Current account A/c Dr xx Branches A/c Dr xx Local banks A/c Dr xx Foreign banks A/c Dr xx ………………….A/c Dr xx To Current account A/c Cr xx TRANSACTIONS OF DEPOSITS • Transactions of withdrawals. Current account A/c Dr xx To Treasury A/c Cr Current account A/c Cr Branches A/c Cr Local banks A/c Cr Foreign banks A/c Cr ………………….A/c Cr xx xx xx xx xx xx • conversion process ▪ Proof of account-to-account transfer. C/A )The customer is requesting a transfer( Dr xx To C/A (The customer is beneficiary of the transfer) Cr xx Branches A/c Cr xx Local banks A/c Cr xx ………………….A/c Cr xx ▪ Proof of account-to-account receipt Branches A/c Dr xx Local Bank A/c Dr xx To Current account Cr xx Example: Assume Azadi Bank transfer an amount from Ahmed’s current account (No: 254657687) account equal 50,000 ID to Ali’s current account (No; 43565768) in the same Bank. C/A No: 254657687 Dr 50,000 To A/C No: 43565768 Cr 50,000 Assume Branch No 1 transfer 50,000 ID to Mohammed’s current account in Branche No 5. Branches No: 1 Dr To C/A Cr 50,000 50,000 Q. No. (1): Here are the following transactions that occurred in Azadi Bank for the fiscal year 2021. 1. Deposits in current accounts amounted to 100,000,000 ID as follows: • 20 million ID in cash deposits. • 15 million ID by check in the same branch. • 23 million ID by check in branches of Azadi Bank. • 27 million ID by check in other local banks. • 10 million ID by check in a foreign bank. • 5 million ID by check in the Financial institution. 2. Withdrawals from current accounts amounted to 10,000,000 ID as follows: • 3 million ID in cash. • 2 million ID check drawn on customers' current accounts • 2.5 million ID check received through bank branches. • 1.5 million ID check received through local banks. • 1 million ID check received through Foreign banks. Solution: (1) Treasury Dr 20,000,000 Current account Dr 15,000,000 Branches Dr 23,000,000 Local Banks Dr 27,000,000 Foreign Banks Dr 10,000,000 Financial Inst.. Dr 5,000,000 To Current account Cr 100,000,000 (2) Current account Dr 10,000,000 To Treasury Cr 3,000,000 Current account Cr 2,000,000 Branches Cr 2,500,000 Local banks Cr 1,500,000 Foreign Banks Cr 1,000,000 CLEARING DIVISION Normally when bank clients deposit checks withdrawn on other local banks in their accounts, their bank takes the responsibility of collecting it on their behalf. The bank do this kind of job via the clearing room of the central bank, were all banks representatives gather every day to maintain their banks rights and responsibilities related to the checks of their clients. Note: After each clearing room session, the central bank updates all banks account balances. Example: The following are the checks that some banks received from their clients on a date and that were drawn on other banks. The representative of each bank in the clearing house on 1/10/2019 took all the necessary steps to settle these checks. - Checks received by the Kurdistan Bank from its customers: No. of check Amount drawee bank 220 1000 Cihan Bank 105 900 Cihan Bank 160 600 RT Bank 260 400 RT Bank 1115 800 Zanko Bank 1190 700 Zanko Bank - Checks received by the Cihan bank from its customers: No. of check Amount drawee bank 3001 1700 Kurdistan Bank 3010 1300 Harem Bank - Checks received by the RT bank from its customers: - No. of check Amount drawee bank 2000 3000 Kurdistan Bank 2020 1000 Zanko Bank Checks received by the Zanko bank from its customers: No. of check Amount drawee bank 5000 1300 Kurdistan Bank 5001 2000 RT Bank - Checks received by the Harem bank from its customers: No. of check Amount drawee bank 900 400 Kurdistan Bank 920 2000 Cihan Bank Solution/ Step (1): Preparing a form (voucher) to receive checks for collection (clearing). - Checks received by Kurdistan Bank from its customers: No. of check Amount drawee bank 220 1000 Cihan Bank 105 900 Cihan Bank 160 600 RT Bank 260 400 RT Bank 1115 800 Zanko Bank 1190 700 Zanko Bank Total 4400 Checks received by Cihan Bank from its customers: No. of check Amount drawee bank 3001 1700 Kurdistan Bank 3010 1300 Harem Bank Total 2000 - Checks received by the RT bank from its customers: - No. of check Amount drawee bank 2000 3000 Kurdistan Bank 2020 1000 Zanko Bank Total 4000 Checks received by the Zanko bank from its customers: No. of check Amount drawee bank 5000 1300 Kurdistan Bank 5001 2000 RT Bank Total 3300 - Checks received by the Harem bank from its customers: No. of check Amount drawee bank 900 400 Kurdistan Bank 920 2000 Cihan Bank Total 2400 Step 2: Preparing the forms for submitting consignments for clearing: Kurdistan bank: List of sending clearing checks drawn on Cihan bank Kurdistan bank: List of sending clearing checks drawn on RT bank No. of check Amount No. of check Amount 220 1000 160 600 105 900 260 400 Total 1900 Total 1000 Kurdistan bank: List of sending clearing checks drawn on Zanko bank No. of check Amount 1115 400 1190 2000 Total 1500 Cihan Bank List of sending clearing checks drawn on Kurdistan bank No. of check Amount 3001 1700 Cihan Bank: List of sending clearing checks drawn on Harem bank No. of check Amount 3010 1300 RT Bank: List of sending clearing checks drawn on Zanko bank RT Bank: List of sending clearing checks drawn on Kurdistan bank No. of check Amount No. of check Amount 2020 1000 2000 3000 Zanko Bank List of sending clearing checks drawn on Kurdistan bank Zanko Bank List of sending clearing checks drawn on RT bank No. of check Amount No. of check Amount 5000 1300 5001 2000 Harem Bank List of sending clearing checks drawn on Kurdistan bank Harem Bank List of sending clearing checks drawn on Cihan bank No. of check Amount No. of check Amount 900 400 920 2000 Kurdistan Bank Clearing Check Submission Form No. Checks drawn on banks (to our account) 2 2 2 1900 1000 1500 Name of Bank No. Checks drawn on us (on our account) Cihan Bank RT Bank Zanko Bank Harem Bank 1 1 1 1 1700 3000 1300 400 2000 (Balance on our account) 4400 6400 Cihan Bank Clearing Check Submission Form No. Checks drawn on banks (to our account) Name of Bank No. Checks drawn on us (on our account) 1 1 1700 1300 Kurdistan Bank Harem Bank 2 1 1900 2000 3000 900 (Balance on our account) 3900 RT Bank Clearing Check Submission Form No. Checks drawn on banks (to our account) Name of Bank No. Checks drawn on us (on our account) 1 1 3000 1000 Kurdistan Bank Zanko Bank 2 1 1000 2000 4000 Balance to our account (1000) 3000 Zanko Bank Clearing Check Submission Form No. Checks drawn on banks (to our account) Name of Bank No. Checks drawn on us (on our account) 1 1 1300 2000 Kurdistan Bank RT Bank 2 1 1500 1000 3300 Balance to our account (800) 2500 Harem Bank Clearing Check Submission Form No. Checks drawn on banks (to our account) Name of Bank No. Checks drawn on us (on our account) 1 1 400 2000 Kurdistan Bank Cihan Bank 1 1300 2400 Balance to our account (1100) 1300 • Accounting entries in the Kurdistan Bank 1. When receiving checks from customer Checks for collection/clearing Dr 1/10/2019 4400 Depositor of checks for collection/clearing Cr 2. In the end of clearing session Current account Dr 4400 2/10/2019 6400 Checks for collection/clearing Cr 4400 Central Bank Cr 2000 3. After the clearing period has passed 4/10/2019 Depositor of checks for collection/clearing Dr Current account 4400 Cr 4400 • Accounting entries in the Cihan Bank 1. When receiving checks from customer Checks for collection/clearing Dr 1/10/2019 3000 Depositor of checks for collection/clearing Cr 2. In the end of clearing session Current account Dr 3000 2/10/2019 3900 Checks for collection/clearing Cr 3000 Central Bank Cr 900 3. After the clearing period has passed 4/10/2019 Depositor of checks for collection/clearing Dr Current account 3000 Cr 3000 • Accounting entries in the RT Bank 1. When receiving checks from customer Checks for collection/clearing Dr 1/10/2019 4000 Depositor of checks for collection/clearing Cr 2. In the end of clearing session 2/10/2019 Current account Dr 3000 Central Bank 1000 Dr 4000 Checks for collection/clearing 3. After the clearing period has passed Cr 4/10/2019 Depositor of checks for collection/clearing Dr Current account 4000 4000 Cr 4000 • Accounting entries in the Zanko Bank 1. When receiving checks from customer Checks for collection/clearing Dr 1/10/2019 3300 Depositor of checks for collection/clearing Cr 2. In the end of clearing session 2/10/2019 Current account Dr 2500 Central Bank 800 Dr 3300 Checks for collection/clearing 3. After the clearing period has passed Cr 4/10/2019 Depositor of checks for collection/clearing Dr Current account 33000 33000 Cr 3300 • Accounting entries in the Harem Bank 1. When receiving checks from customer Checks for collection/clearing Dr 1/10/2019 2400 Depositor of checks for collection/clearing Cr 2. In the end of clearing session 2/10/2019 Current account Dr 1300 Central Bank 1100 Dr 2400 Checks for collection/clearing 3. After the clearing period has passed Cr 4/10/2019 Depositor of checks for collection/clearing Dr Current account 24000 24000 Cr 2400 Final Statement (Zero Statement) Name of Bank Received checks Sent Checks Balance Kurdistan Cihan RT Zanko Harem 6400 3900 3000 2500 1300 4400 3000 4000 3300 2400 2000 900 Total 17100 17100 2900 From For 1000 800 1100 2900 LONG-TERM (FIXED) AND SAVING DEPOSITS DIVISION It’s a Fixed (long term) cash deposits, deposited by bank clients for fixed periods to gain interest. It's considered one of the most important recourses for banks to determine its activities. Accounting cycle of the long-term deposit: 1- The client fill up the long-term deposit form, which is a contract determine the period and interest rate. 2- The cash might be deposited in cash or from the client current account. 3- The bank charge any fees agreed upon. 4- At the end of the financial period, the bank determines the interest due and allocates it in long-deposit interest reserve account. 5- Once the long-term deposit date is due, the bank transfers the accumulated interest from long-deposit interest reserve account to client long-term deposit account. 6- The client can withdraw the long-term deposit + the interest in cash, or it can be transferred to his current account. LONG-TERM (FIXED) AND SAVING DEPOSITS DIVISION Deposit: Cash A/C xx Current account A/C xx Branch A/C xx Fixed (Long term) & Saving account xx Withdrawal: Fixed (Long term) & Saving account A/C xx Cash A/C xx Current account A/C xx Branch A/C xx LONG-TERM (FIXED) AND SAVING DEPOSITS DIVISION Determining the interest due and allocates it in long-deposit interest reserve account Long-term deposit interest exp.A/c xx Long-term deposit interest reserve A/C xx Income summery A/C xx Long-term deposit interest exp.A/c xx Transferring the accumulated interest from long-term deposit interest reserve account to client long-term deposit account Long-deposit interest reserve A/C xx Long-term deposit A/c xx Example: On 1/8/2020 a client deposited 7500 $ as long-term deposit from his current account. Maturity date is 1/12/2021. Annually interest is 6%. Prepare: 2020 and 2021 general journal entries assuming all settlements done via the client current account. Solving: Time of deposit (1/8/2020): Current accounts A/C 7500 Long-term deposit A/c 7500 End of 2020 (31/12/2020): Determining the interest due and allocates it in long-deposit interest reserve account 7500 * 6% * 5/12 = 187.5 Long-term deposit interest exp.A/c 187.5 Long-deposit interest reserve A/C 187.5 Income summery A/C 187.5 Long-term deposit interest exp.A/c 187.5 Solving: Maturity Date in (1/12/2021): Determining the interest due and allocates it in long-deposit interest reserve account 7500 * 6% *11/12 = 412.5 Long-term deposit interest exp.A/c 412.5 Long-deposit interest reserve A/C 412.5 Income summery A/ 412.5 Long-term deposit interest exp.A/c 412.5 Transferring the accumulated interest from long-deposit interest reserve account to client long-term deposit account Long-deposit interest reserve A/C 600 Long-term deposit A/c 600 Transferring the long-term deposit plus the accumulated interest to client current account Long-term deposit A/c 8100 Current accounts A/C 8100 Activity (1): On 1/6/2015 a client deposited 16000 ID as long-term deposit from his current account. Deposit period is Five years. Annually interest is 10%. Prepare: 2015 to due date general journal entries assuming all settlements done via cash. Activity (2): On 1/9/2016 a client deposited 16000 ID as Saving deposit. Deposit maturity date is 31/12/2017. Annually interest is 15%. Prepare: 2016 and due payment year general journal entries assuming depositing settlements done via cash and payment settlement done via client current account. COMMERCIAL PAPERS DIVISION Commercial papers division is one important source of bank investments opportunities. The commercial paper is a form of contract between two commercial parties (seller and buyer) in which buyer promise to pay for goods or services in certain day. The bank may play three rolls: 1- Collecting the commercial papers on behalf of its clients. 2- Discounting the commercial papers for its clients. 3- Lending clients (loan) with a guarantee of the commercial papers. COLLECTING THE COMMERCIAL PAPERS ON BEHALF OF ITS CLIENTS The bank works as an agent on behalf of the client to collect the commercial papers on due date. Example: Assume that a client presented commercial papers amounted 35,000 ID to Kurdistan Bank for collection on due date on his behalf, the bank charged him 65 ID as collection fees. Prepare the general journal entries as per the followings: 1- If the bank collected the commercial papers fully on time. 2- If the commercial papers were rejected fully. 3- If 6000 were rejected and the client did not wish to protest. 4- If 6000 were rejected and the client wish to protest, and bank charged 50 ID as protest fees, and 17 ID as bank protest fees. Solving: Time of handling the commercial papers to the bank for collection: C/P presented for collection Dr 35000 C/P Owners Cr 35000 Current accounts Dr C/P Collection fess Cr 65 65 1- If the bank collected the commercial papers fully on due date: Treasury Dr 35000 C/P collected on client behalf Cr 35000 C/P collected on client behalf Dr Current accounts Cr 35000 C/P Owners Dr 35000 C/P presented for collection Cr 35000 35000 Solving: 2- If the commercial papers were rejected fully: C/P Owners Dr 35000 C/P presented for collection Cr 35000 3- If 6000 were rejected and the client did not wish to protest: Treasury Dr 29000 C/P collected on client behalf Cr 29000 C/P collected on client behalf Dr 29000 Current accounts Cr C/P Owners Dr 29000 C/P presented for collection Cr 29000 29000 Solving: 4- If 6000 were rejected and the client wish to protest, and bank charged 50 ID as protest fees, and 17 ID as bank protest fees: Treasury Dr 29000 C/P collected on client behalf Cr 29000 C/P collected on client behalf Dr 29000 Current accounts Cr C/P Owners Dr 29000 C/P presented for collection Cr Current accounts Dr 67 Protest fess Cr Bank protest fees Cr 29000 29000 50 17 DISCOUNTING THE COMMERCIAL PAPERS FOR ITS CLIENTS Some times if the bank client needs the amount of the commercial paper before the due date, he can ask his bank to discount it. In this kind of facilities the bank charge the client for any agreed fees and discount percentage, and the bank becomes the owner of the commercial papers, but it will stay client responsibility if it's rejected. Example: Assume on 1/1/2021 a bank agreed to discount commercial papers amounted 35,000 ID with 6% discount interest and 20 ID collection fees. Prepare the general journal entries as per the followings: 1- On due date the bank were able to collect 29,000 ID, and charged 50 ID as protest fees. 2- On 3/5/2021 the bank collected the balance. 3- Both clients have current accounts at same bank (Owner of C/P Account NO. AAA and who is drawn on Account NO. BBB). Solving: Time of agreement: C/P Discounted Dr 35000 C/P Discount Interest Cr C/P Collection fess 2100 Cr 20 Current accounts (AAA) Cr 32880 Due Date: Current accounts (BBB) Dr 29000 C/P collected on client behalf Cr C/P collected on client behalf Dr C/P Discounted Current accounts (AAA) Dr 29000 29000 Cr 29000 6050 C/P Discounted Cr 6000 Protest fess Cr 50 Solving: 3/5/2021 Current accounts (BBB) Dr 6000 C/P collected on client behalf Cr C/P collected on client behalf Dr 6000 Current accounts (AAA) Cr 6000 6000 LENDING CLIENTS (LOAN) WITH A GUARANTEE OF THE COMMERCIAL PAPERS Some times the bank can lend the client a percentage of the commercial papers amount and keep those papers as grantee for the loan granted. Example: Assume that a bank agreed to grant a loan for a client (70% of his commercial papers amounted 50,000 ID); the bank charged 260 ID as collection fees and 200 ID as loan interest. Prepare the general journal entries as per the followings: 1- If the bank collected the commercial papers fully on time. 2- If 20000 were rejected and client did not wish to protest. Solving: Time of agreement: C/P Loan guarantee Dr C/P Owners Loan Dr 50000 Cr 50000 35000 C/P Collection fees Cr 260 Loan interest fees Cr 200 Current accounts Cr 34540 Solving: 1- If the bank collected the commercial papers fully on time. Treasury Dr 50000 C/P collected on client behalf Cr C/P collected on client behalf Dr Loan 50000 50000 Cr 35000 Current accounts Cr 15000 C/P Owners Dr 50000 C/P Loan guarantee Cr 50000 Solving: 2-If 20000 were rejected and client did not wish to protest: Treasury Dr 30000 C/P collected on client behalf Cr C/P collected on client behalf Dr 30000 30000 Loan Cr Current accounts C/P Owners Dr 30000 50000 Loan Cr Dr 50000 C/P Loan guarantee 50000 Cr 50000 “BANK LOAN” JOURNAL ENTRIES OF “BANK LOAN” 1. Recording the receipt of securities: Securities as collateral Dr xx Depositors of securities as collateral Cr xx 2. Customer received loan by using current account: Current account Dr Cash xx Cr xx • Note: if the customer receive the loan in full without opening current account, it will be recorded as follows; Loans Dr xx Cash Cr xx JOURNAL ENTRIES OF “BANK LOAN” 3. At the end of each month, the current account owes the value of the interest due on the debit balance as well as monthly commissions and expenses (fees): Current account Dr xx Credit interest Cr xx Expenses (fees) and commission Cr xx 4. At the end of the fiscal year, the credit interest account and expenses and commission account are closed in the income summary account: Credit interest Dr xx Expenses and commission Dr xx Income Summary Cr xx JOURNAL ENTRIES OF “BANK LOAN” 5- When the customer repays part or full of the loan: A) Paying the Loan Drawn & Interest & Commissions by the customer: Cash Dr xx Loans Cr or Current Accounts Cr xx xx B) Reversing (Cancelling) the entry for securities deposited as collateral for the ratio of the amount: Depositor of securities as collateral Securities as collateral Dr xx Cr xx Example: The following are some of the operations carried out by the securities department of a commercial bank: A customer submitted to the bank securities of 50,000 to obtain a loan by guaranteeing these securities, the bank agreed to grant him a loan of about 80% of the value of the securities, and the customer requested to open a checking Current account with the loan amount, and amount of the cash withdrawn was 30,000 and the interest due was 250 and the commission charged amounted to 50. On the due date, the customer paid the amount of his loan withdrawn and received his securities deposited in the bank as collateral. Solution: 1. Recording the receipt of securities: Securities as collateral Dr 50,000 Depositors of securities as collateral Cr 50,000 2. Customer received loan by using current account: Current account 30,000 Cash Cr 30,000 3. The current account of the value of the interest due and commissions and expenses: Current account Dr 300 Credit interest Cr 250 Expenses (fees) and commission Cr 50 4. The credit interest account and expenses and commission account are closed in the income summary account: Credit interest Dr 250 Expenses and commission Dr 50 Income Summary Cr 300 5. Paying the Loan Drawn & Interest & Commissions by the customer: Cash Dr 30,300 Current Accounts Cr 30,300 B) Reversing (Cancelling) the entry for securities deposited as collateral : Depositor of securities as collateral Securities as collateral Dr 50,000 Cr 50,000