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ZCSD General Meeting Report: Inclusive Development & Inequality

Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................... ................................................................................................. 2
Meeting Deliberation .............................. ................................................................................................ 3
Programme Overview.............................. .. ............................
................................................ ......... 3
Welcoming remarks.. ....................... ......................... .............
......................................................... 3
<;Jfficial Opening...... ................................ ........... .....................
........ .................................. .... 3
..... .... ... 4
Economic Recovery and Role of Civil Society ... .....
The Role Taxation in National Development ...................
................................................................. 6
Civil Society Key Role - Group Work ............................
.. .................... .................................. 6
Inequality in Zambia - Kulinganiza campaign ....................................................................................... 8
Popularizing the tax power campaign ........
.......... .. ....... ....................................... .......... 9
Interrogating Service Delivery and Specific Inequalit y lssues.. ............................................................ 10
Keep the Girl Child in School Campaign ............ ..
Disability Rights Watch ........... .
Women and youth empowerment .
Governance ............................ .
................................ 10
············•·· ··· .. ··· ... ·..................................... 10
.. ............. 11
....................................... ............................ 11
Const itution M atters ............ .......... ..... ............................................................................................. 11
ZCSD past, present and Future .. ......................................................................................................... 11
Reading, correcting and adopting previous minutes .............................................................................. 13
Presentation and adoption of Chairpersons report ................................................................................ 14
Presentation of Audit Opinion on ZCSD Accounts of 2012, 2013 and 2014 ..................................... .... 15
Presentation of the Treasurer' s Report
Question and answer/discussion session
.............................................................. 15
.. 16
.. 17
lJ1•.-,ulut1ori c1f 1.:,,,ird arid I l•,r.t1on of I l ~w eoarr.J
............ 17
C.on~t1t ut1ori v,u1deline; .
. le
l~o1n ln,,t ion-, ............. ..
.. ... le
<. p1·1· ch hy th e 1,1ev1 Fxecutivi, Comrnilte<:: ..........
... 21
C.lo·,inr( H·mark; .......
.. .. 21
I he Za mbia Cou nci l lor Socia l Developmen t (ZCSD) held ,ts General ~/eeung on a·· and 9" December 2016 a Mi nt Leaf Lodge in Jesmondine,
Lu <,aka . fhe event wa s er aced by the Min,;ter of Comm unit I De ,elopment and Social Services, Ms. Eme rine Kabanshi who officially opened the
meeting and laun ched the ZCS D 2017- 2020 St rategic Plan
I he meeting attra ct ed more th an 30 part icipants from se,en pro-mx:es namely Northern, Lusaka , North-Western , Copperbelt, Muchinga,
Luapu la, Ea st ern and Sou thern Provinces . The general meeung ..,as neld under the theme ul ncfusive development, a means to ending poverty
and inequality ."
fh e general m ee tin g also created a pla tform for C111I Soc etf Organ s.auons to re11e ,1 t heir role 1n economic recovery which was presented by
~ne meet ,ng also took time to promote t he ta x power campa ign which is
being spearheaded by t he Zambia Tax Platform (lTP) presemeo o , ;.a,on Aid Zambia. The inequal ity situatio n in Zambia was also reviewed
th e Civil Society Poverty Obse rva to ry Group (CS POG J Cna ,rperson
through presentation by Oxfam . Non-Governmenta l Organ1za1 on Co-coord,n.a t ing Committee (N GOC() furthe r interrogated the Service De livery
and speci fic in equalities iss ues in Zamb, a. Edmark wa s also ,nvned
10 make a presentation on women and youth empowerment through
en trepreneurship . The seco nd day o f th e General Meeting created an opportunrty to usher i n a new Execu t ive Board to replace t he board w hich
has been in place since 2011.
Mee ti ng Delibe ra tion
Pr ogr;Jmme Overvi e w
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Official Opening
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The Minister launched the ZCSD's 2017- 2020 Strategic Plan and congratulated the ZCSD for identifying four cardinal pillars which she said once
well implemented will contribute to the development aspirations of the 7th National Development Plan which will operationalize the
' .l
Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.
The Community Development Minister stated that government is committed to creating an enabling legal framework in 2017 for NGOs. In view
of this, the minister stated that the Ministry of Community Development has drafted the national NGO policy through a consultative policy.
The minister also stated that government was committed to ending poverty through the Agenda 2030 goals. Therefore, the minister stated that
the government was going to scale up the Social Cash Transfer Programmes to all Provinces and increase the mont hly allocation from K70 to
K90. She also urged the NGO's in Zambia to spread out and reach out to the hard to reach places.
The community development minister concluded her address by declaring the General meeting open and the ZCSD 2017-2020 Strategic Plan
officially launched.
In a Vote of thanks the ZCSD Vice chairperson stated that ZCSD is grateful for the continued cordial relations between t he ministry and the
umbrella organization. She was also cheered by the news of government's plans of scaling up the Social Cash Tra nsfer because the funds benefit
the rural communities which are most vulnerable. She stated that the ZCSD Strategic plan will try to reach the very poor in society in order to
reduce poverty.
Economic Recovery and Role of Civil Society
Presented by CSPOG chairperson, Ms. Chenai Mukumba
The CSPOG Chairperson was on hand to explain the critical role that civil society was playing in the economic situation in count ry. The meeting
heard the CSPOGs position in the 2017 National Budget Presented in Parliament in October 2016. The CSPOG posit ion was that 2017 National
subget was realistic because the government realized that the national economy was going through problems which needed to be resolved.
Government was also commended for increasing projected expenditure towa rds Social Protection and the Farmers Input Support Programme
(FISP) from 1.8 to 2.5 percent.
However, it was noted that the budget did not speak of the interventions which government will put in place to improve the agricultural sector.
In ~iew of this, CSPOG made recommendations on how government can improve the agricultural sector. The first recommendation was for
farmers on the FISP programme to be graduating so that more vulnerable farmers can benefit from t he good initiative and t o help reduce the
ever increasing numbers. Government was also cautioned to carry out capacity assessment of the eYisting agricultural cooperative to ensure
that the governments intervention do not benefit the wrong people. Government urged to sca le up t he E-voucher programme as this has the
potential t o transform t he entire sector. The CSPOG also encouraged government to invest in making farming as a business ,n order to reduce
the over dependency of farmers on government support and make farming more sustainable. The ot her recommendation 11as for governm~nt
to sensitize farmers on crop diversification instead of the entire nation focusing on growing maize. Government was also as'<ed to 11or'i hand
hand with the Metrological Department to mitigate the effects of
prone areas.
In the industrial sector, the recommendation was that government should ensure that Environmental Impact Assessments (IE.A) are thorougn~
done before allowing major investments projects. The CSPOG Chairperson caut ioned government to review the investment ,rcenuves that
multinational corporations are receiving on their investment in Zambia . CSPOG stated that there is need for government to co a cost oenefrt
analysis to ensure that Zambia benefits from the Foreign Direct Investment. Government was further urged to promote other tcu- sts
de{tinations in the country instead of concentrating on Livi ngstone alone. On the proposed removal of subsidies on fuel and ener;y, ,t was
recommended that government should not enforce them with immediate effect but they should be implemented as a gradua l or chased
Recommendations for the Social Sector were that in 2017 government should work on increa sing the number of community schools adoption
measure proposed in the budget are more likely to increase poverty because they affect the middle income population. Instead the high income
group should be made to pay more t axes to meet the nation's revenue needs. It was also stated t hat the proposed increases in Pay as You Ea
(PAYE) will a further overburden the working class.
The meeting noted that despite the government increasing the Social Security allocation, it still fails to cover the 7 million people who are
extreme poverty and should
In concl~sion the CSPOG Chairperson stated that CSOs plays an important role of feeding back to the people and holding governm ent
accountable to its decision. Therefore CSPOG called on government to expedite t he enactment of the freedom of information bill t o enhance the
work for CSOs. In answering questions t he on CSOs role in economic development, the Chairperson stated t hat CSPOG has been engaging with
the Ministry of Finance and other government stakeholders to ensure that the budget was proactive and allocations were increased in the righ
sectors. CSOs are also proactive in undertaking Budget Expenditure Tracking Surveys to ensure that the resources are reaching t he righ
The Role Taxatio n in Nationa l Develop ment
Presented by Mr Isaac Mwaipopo Acting Executive Director of the Centre
for Trade, Policy and Developm ent (CTPD)
CTPD commend ed governme nt for increasing the 2017 Nation budget
from 54 billion in 2016 to 64 billion and with any national budget
presentat ion the governme nt is expected to services such as health,
education , apart from provi ding services governm ent is also expected
create an enabling environme nt for trade but to achieve all this governme
nt needs to collect revenue. However, it was noted that revenue is
collected from t he citizens from t he extractive industry, Pay As You
Earn {PAYE), Value Added Tax (VAT), and other fees but people do
appreciate how the tax is being used. It was em phasized that revenue
needs to be conn ected to where it is collected that is the people need
know that the revenue collected if benefiting their communit y. An
example was cited of the Toll Gate Levy as where motorist are able
appreciate improved road s countrywid e. How ever a concerned was
raised that Zambia' s heavy depe ndence on copper and the Foreign
Investmen t (FDI) it attracts has led to t ension betw een t he investors
and the communit ies because the communit ies do not see t he benefit
the mines.
To expound on the role of taxation in national developme nt CTPD
narrat ed that the Four R's of taxat ion which are Representation, Revenue,
Re?istribu tion, and Repricing.
Revenue - this is the collection of national income on local products
and services from t axes, surcharges, levies among ot hers.
Redistribution - once revenue is collected it is expect ed t hat
it w ill be shared; therefore governme nt has t o come up with
redistribut ion mechanism which will ensure that t here is fai r developm
ent in all parts of the country.
Repricing - governme nt uses repricing as a cont rol measure on w hat
t he country consumes and protect t he local industry. For example
governme nt rai ses tax on certain issues t o such as alcohol and t obacco
t o protect t he people from over consumpti on.
Representation - represents governme nts' int ention for t he year.
In conclusion CTPD Executive Director stated that CSOs have bee n
engaging with governme nt after th e budget presentati on and CSOs
suggested to governme nt that the ministry of Finance should address
the delays in disbursem ent of funds t o the line Ministries and institut
In answ ering a question of double taxation of gratuities and pensions,
Mr M w aipopo st ated t hat current constit ution bans t axation of gratuities
and pensions because it is they have already been taxed and promote
social protect ion.
Civil Society Key Role - Group Work
by the ZCSD Executive Director Mr. Lewis Mwape
After the presentation on the role of taxation in national development the participating CSOs were given a chance to zero in on the role of CSOs
in taxation. Three groups were formed and they all had to answer three similar questions. The questions where:
Linking civil society work to taxation.
Linking budget monitoring to taxation and
Linking of service delivery to taxation
In the plenary discussion, which was cha ired by the ZCSD Executive Director, Mr. Lewis Mwape the following
were the answers brought the
Linking civil society work to taxation
CSOs have a ro le of lobby and advocacy to ensure that the taxation develops all areas in the country and that the benefits trickle down
t o all beneficiaries.
CSOs have to create a rela tionship between the government and the CSOs.
CSOs have to bridge the gap between the community and the government to ensure that the government has the full pict ure of what is
happening at the grass roots.
CSOs work can help broaden the tax base by identifying other areas w here tax can be collected.
CSOs work involves holding the government accountable
CSOs ca n also get involved in identifying the beneficiaries for the social welfare assistance because they work closely with the ordinary
citizen. For example Public Welfare Assistance Scheme (PWAS).
CSOs have to fully understand on taxation Issues so that they can effectively sensitize the community on how tax is being used.
Provide a platform for dialogue .
Linking budget monitoring to taxation
CSOs have been involved in conducting social audits at various levels. For example CSPR, ZCSD, ZCEA have conducted budget tracking at
district and facility level.
CSO work on taxation has been hindered by the lack of Access to information bill therefore they have been advocating for Access to
Information Bill to be enacted.
Provide a mechanism for community to check budget expenditure
Provide information on taxation on monitoring
Advocate for more reali stic taxation mechanisms that can be afforded by the majority.
Linking of service delivery to taxation
CSOs are creating awareness on taxa tion by bringing the topic of taxation to the people's door \lcp.
CSOs build capacity of community to demand for service delivery.
CSOs ensure t hat the value of services matches with the projected budget.
Inequality in Zambia - I<ulinganiza campaign
Presented by Ms. Yvonne Chibeya OXFAM Programmes Manager
Oxfam provided a preview of the inequality situation in Zambia and stated that statistics show that Zambia is one of the most unequal countries
in the world that is why the Zambia joined the rest of the world in launching the Inequa lity Campa ign which has been localized as the Kulinganiza
Campaign. The meeting heard that the inequality campaign is a global campaign led by Oxfam Globa l which has been launched in Zambia in
col!aboration with t he CSPOG.
Despite Zambia scoring high on GDP and graduating from a poor economy to middle income country, people are still living in poverty and
inequality beca use the benefits of good economic are not trickling down to the poor people. Oxfam stated that also government has made some
strides to improve soci al security by scaling up on Social Cash Transfer and social protection lot still needs to be done to reach all the poor
people who should beneficiary list.
It was stated that Zambia has a huge informal sector which cannot grow into form al sector due to lack of access funds. She also said inequality in
Zambia affects more of the women due to cultural values which are patriarchal and this has also led more women being infected with HIV/ AIDS.
OXFAM stated that other than gender inequality, Zambia also faces different types of inequality including social inequality and income
Oxfam furthe r explained that effort s to improve Zambia' s poverty and inequality situation is hindered by the poor economic conditions whereby
the country experiences a lot of capital flights, illicit financial fl ows, and liberalization of the economy which came with tax incentives for
foreign investors but has negatively affected Zambia's economy on the global level. It was also stated t hat although the cou ntry needs th e
Foreign Direct Investment, citizens need to look at how much is being done to promote local investme nt. The meeting noted that Zambia is
facing these challenges due to the inequality in sharing of resources. An example was cited of how large mining companies enjoy mining loyalties
and tax incentives but fail to plough back some of the profits into the communities they are working in due to lack of mechanism t o ensure that
companies pay back to the community or ensure e(]uity of sharinc resources. Mining activit ies caused l,ind dPgradat,on and d1~placemen1 o f
entire communities but the communities are not involved In decision making and that the lack o f " vo,cP by rh0 p 0 opl" IPads t o lack o f
accountability. Although Zambia is in the process of Decenlrallw tion to give pow er to th e people but noted that t h 0 proces-. has 1~~ .. n too long
and this has affected th e way government has been functioning.
The meeting noted t hat investment in the country is good especially when It is directed at essential services ,ind rural dPvelopm .. nt Sh 0 said the
implementation of the 7 t h National Development Plan and th e Sustainable Development Goals present a good avenue t o fost>?r rural
development and CSO support initiatives aimed at developing our rural areas. It is for this reason that Oxfam and o ther CSOs are lobbying for the
increased support to the agricultural sector.
In conclusion Ms. Chibiye stated that Oxfam is still committed to supporting the CSPOG and the Kulin gan,za Campaign because the problem o f
inequality still remains a big challenge but for the next three years the campaign messages will be shi fted tow ards addressing fi~al Jumce and
taxation because it has been noted that th ese play a pivotal role in undermining national development.
Popularizing the tax power campaign
Presented by Action Aid Programme Officer, Mr. Musonda Kabinga
Action Aid Zambia is chairing the Zambia Tax Platform (ZTP) which is a 16 member multi-stakehold er group that aims to promote 1nteract1on
and information exchange on tax, tax governance and administration, fiscal policy and governance issues in Zam bia. The ZTP has launched the
Tax Power Campaign and used the General meeting to popularize the campaign and outline the salient messages of the campaign To ensure
that all participants bought in to the campaign, basic concepts of taxation were presented which include concepts such as Tax Jusuce. Tax
Avoidance, Tax Evasion, and Transfer pricing. These were then connected these concepts to the earlier presentati on by CTPD on Four Rs o f
Taxation . Then an elaborate explanation was made on how lack of tax justice is impoverishing the citizens and why CSOs need to 101n the
campaign on tax.
The issues of Taxa tion and Double Taxation Agreements were he outlined the reason for government entering into these agreements ard
treaties as:
To prevent double tax
Legal basis for corporation
3. To attract Foreign Direct Investments
However, the presen tation showed that m ultinational companies make use of these treaties to avoid tax hence 1t was recommended that CSOs
should ,1dvocatc for review of these treaties w hich arc dlsadvantaeone Zambia. The Action Aids Position on Tax Holidays is that they should be
,1liolished liecausc companies can st ill invest in Zam liia even withou t t he Holidays as long as the environment is good. The other
1cco1111ncndalio11 was th at the Zamliia n bu siness people need l o be sensitized on Zero returns and Tax Rebuts because most people don't know
,1b0u t it. For example most business people don' t know that they can gel refu nds if there company is established in a rura l area.
lnlc rrogaling Service Delivery and Specilic In equality Issues
To delibera te on the issue of service delivery, th ree orga niza tions from w ere invited to make representations on service delivery. The
orcanizations we re Non-Governmental Organization Coordinating council (NGOCC) representing t he women and education sector, Disability
Rights Watch representing t he disabled and EDMARK empowered women and yout h w ith bl1siness ideas.
l(ee p the Girl Child in School Campaign
Presented by NGOCC Procram mes Coordinator M s Chilufya Siwale
The presentation on Ke ep the Girl Child in School Campaign which NGOCC is currently run ning was started wi th a si tuational analysis of Zambia
which showed that only 25.7% women have rea ched seconda ry education level compared to 44.2% men, and Only 25.7% women have reached
seconda ry education level compare d to 44.2% men. The analysis showed th at at high school - 0.85 girls for every 100 boys enrolled in 2013/14.
The meeting heard that Zambia is one of t he countries with the highest prevalence rate of child marriage, ranked at number 16" in the world.
According to the 2013-2014, Zambia Demographic Health Su rvey (ZDHS), child marriage was more common among girls t han boys (17 percent of
girls aged 15-19 are married compared to only 1% of boys of t he same age group).
NGOCC not ed that t he bad stat ist ics prompted NGOCC to start a ca mpaign to ensure that t he girl child gets t he full benefit of education by
sl aying in school.
Di sability Rights Watch
Presented by Executive Director Bruce Chooma
Back ground of th e Disability Rights Watch is that it wa s formed due to Zambia becoming a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of Persons
w it h Disability. However, it was noted t hat despite Zambia singing the protocol, t he environment makes it very difficult for persons with
disability to fully function, fo r example buildings and transport facilities do not provide for the special needs of persons with disabilities.
.I • .
it was also noted that Zambia has just concluded a survey on disability were it shows that 7 percent of Zambian's have one or more types of
disabilities and that disability is increased with age and increasing 1n chronic health issues. It was also noted that persons with disabili ty lack
education due lo high dropout rates and that although 51 percent enroll in school bu t only l .6 make 1t to grade 10.
It was also recommended that government needs to move away from special schools to 1nclus1ve school which involve all child ren.
Wom en an d yo uth empowerment
Presented by EDMAR K .... Linda Grow n
It was noted t hat world over the re is a decline in funding for NGOs because donors are tired of providing financial asmtance to poor countries
and they are looking for a time when poor countries will be able to stand on their own.
The presentation wa s centered on providing youths and women wi th an opportunity fo r entrepreneurship by selling EDMARK products. EDMARK
was also offering a chance for people to be healthy as well as sell the health products. The participants also had a chance to sample coffees and
tea which the organizat ion distributes. The meeting heard tha t EDMARK's mission is to help people in Health, Wealth and total financial
freedom. The participants were encouraged to work for profit instead of wages because profits offer the ultimate financial freedom. In essence
t hey are empowering people with more sustainable way of earning a living. EDMARK is working in the wellness industry by providing health
products and more especially weight loose products which is the biggest market.
The second day of t he ZCSD General Meeting was dedicated to the Governance of the organization. This was a special meeting because 1t was
during this that a new execut ive board was elected. The meeting held a min ute of silence in respect for the Board Treasurer Ms. Hazel Choolwe
who passed on in 2015.
Constitution Ma tters
The agenda w as presented and adopted. On t he formation of a quorum the meeting heard t hat ZCSD had 30 paid up members and 20 of the
paid up members were present in the meeting t herefore it was agreed that t he quorum was made.
ZCSD past, present a nd Future
Presented by Reverend Mala wo Matyola
Rev. Matyola wa s the Executive Secret ary for more th an 10 years and is the longest serving Executi ve Secreta ry. Rev. Mat yola gave an ove rview
of ZCS D from t ime before from its inception and up t o t he present.
The meet ing heard that ZCSD was formed in 1975 and the re were very few NGOs at the time and ZCSD as umbrella organ ization for
organizations involved in social welfare . At that time ZCSD board w as from Za m bia Consolidated Co pper Min es (ZCCM). However, in 1990s, t he
situation changed . The close relation between Govern ment and ZCSD was severed and more NGOs w ere form ed . The increase in NGOs created a
situation whe re by they become strong enough to st and alone and stopped associating with ZCS D for exam ple orga nizations such as NGOCC
ha ve become more prominent that they are recogn ized as Mot her Bodies than ZCSD.
Probl ems or Challenges ZCSD is facing
The major prob lems which were out lined were leadership crisis/ownersh ip proble ms, relevance of the Boa rd an d Change of Board.
I 1.
Leade rship Crisis/ Ownership Crisis
The meet ing learn ed t hat ZCS D ha s a problem of leadership beca use it is not clea r wh o owns t he organization . It was st ated t hat those who own
t hJ organ iza tion will be committ ed t o see it through the high and low ti mes. Although it is said that t he board owns t he organizat ion but they
are only elect ed. While mem bers ca nnot hold the boa rd accountab le because t hey only meet the board on ce in three years during t he Gene ral
Meetings w hi ch gives th e board enough leverage to do evi l or good in their reign. It was heard that in t he pa st when ZCS D was under ZCCM
board meeting we re called AGMs and issues woul d be resolved.
Relevance of membership
The role of ZCSD as a membership organization and add ressed the looked at the question of whet her it was necessary to conti nue t o be a
membe rshi p orga ni zation and wheth er it was necessary for me mbe rs to be governed by ZCS D. It was hoped that wit h t he la unch of the 20172020 St rategic Plan ZCSD be able t o be repositioned as a membership organization and wi ll use this position t o gai n sympat hy from the dono rs.
Change of Board
As boards change, the gen eral precedence is that the past boards was not working we ll and the new board feel they can w ork bette r. Similarly
wh en the Exec utive Directors change t he new directors feel th ey are better than the former.
•, .
;:re meeting learned t hat how leaders han_ds over the button from the old to the new board matters. The Former Directed na rra ted how he was
ces to operate from the reception for six months because his predecessor refused t o hand ove r the keys to the office. It was noted tha t the
hand over process also makes it difficult to utilize the wisdom, knowledge, experience and skills of the previous office holders.
The following were the some of the consideration as the new board comes in place.
The CSO movement was facing a lot of challenges in operations, resou rces, skills, and recognition therefore ZCSD had an important role
to play by creating a space for interface between the government and the NGOs.
ZCSD can fill in the gap for high level policy engagement like is the case in Malawi a similar mother body has three standing
appointments with the president every year.
The members of ZCSD and t he bo
As the participants decided to vie for position on the board they should know that being a board members is on voluntary basis hence
those who were to be elected in t o t he board should take their skills and knowledge to the board and not expect to make money as
board members.
ZCSD has a responsibility to help its members therefore it recommended that it should ca pacity build its members by moving resources
to t he members that way they will see the relevance of being affiliated to the mother body.
The in-coming board was asked to reposition ZCSD by taking advantage of the image which ZCSD has at the national, regional, and
intern ationa l level.
In respon se to questions on the challenges that ZCSD went through, the former Executive Secreta ry narrated how the previous executive board
wahted to benefi t from the organization as if they were members of staff and demanded to be paid gratuity and went to the extent of altering
the ZCSD
Reading, correcting and adopting previous minutes
Presented by Chris Mweemba
The part icipants not ed t hat the minutes were too bulky to be read during the general meeting but they agreed to focus on the first fou r pages
which report ed on the important issues. A five minutes recess was agreed upon in order to afford a chance for all members to read through the
rninutes. After reading through the rninules ii wa s noted that the rninules had some grammatical errors and secretariat was tasked to make the
correction s before having the minutes signed and rlled.
Adoption of the minutes wa s proposed by Mr. Andrew Mukuyam ba and seconded by Mr. Michael Akufuna . Therefore the minutes were
adopted .
Q11eslio11/ Discussio11 sessi on
One participant wanted to know what happened to the Local Governance Capacity Development Support Project (LGCDSP) because the
project just went quiet after committees were formed. And in response the meeting hea rd that the prelimina ry work was done and the
CSO capacity assessment was done. However t he Swedish government which w as fund ing th e project through IDASA decided to
liq uidate IDASA therefore the funds were not released to complete the project. Secretariat added that communication was send to all
the five provinces were t he project was operi!'tional and it was unfortunate if Mufumbwe was not communicated to.
Anot her pa rticipant wanted to know how far ZCSD w ent to address the issue of the constitution being altered. In response, ,t was
revealed t hat the constitution was reviewed and the original constitution wa s retrieved from the Trustees and it was discovered that
t herefore t he trustees were st ill responsible over the asserts
Other participants wanted to know what has been done on t he K lbillion which was reported in the last board meeting as
misappropriated by t he previous board and what has been done to recover the money as well as the confusion over ownership of
t he only part which was tempered with was the management of asserts and the functions of the trustees were not tempered with
Tandiza. In response it was reported that the matter is still in court however, there was acceptance that Tandiza belongs to ZCSD and
ZCSD was able to collect asserts from Tandiza.
Presentation and adoption of Chairpersons report.
Presented by Mary Mumba Outgoing ZCSD Vice Chairperson
The meeting noted t hat inadequate copies of the Chairpersons report were circulated therefore pa rticipants were requested to share.
Secretariat was asked to ensure t hat all members receive copies of the report. The out-going Chairperson was an able to attend the General
meeting therefore the Chairpersons report was read on his behalf by the one of the Board Members Ms. M ary Mumba.
In the report the Chairperson thanked the all the cooperating partners who have worked with ZCSD from this far. The meeting heard the ZCSDs
Journey has not been smoot h and that from July 2011 to June 2012, ZCSD operated without a board. ZCSD also went through a phase when 1t
had no proiects running because the internal conflicts made difficult to attract donors.
The chairperson's report went further to zero In on four specific areas which the outgoing board focused on and managed to score success.
These areas were:
I Re source Mobil1zauon
2. The role the board played In ensuring that ZCSD Asserts were secured
3. Follow up on issues raised in the 2011 Audit Report
4. Improving the operation of the instIt utIon especially at Secretariat
The meeting easily adopted the Chairpersons report and added tha t the report was elaborate therefore they agreed to skip the Narrative report
as most issues were already covered In the chairperson's report The meeti ng also agreed to move on to the Treasurer's Report s.
Presentation of Auel it Opinion on ZCSD Accounts of 2012, 2013 and 2014
Presented by Boniface Zimba from Markdanieb (Audit Firm)
The /\ud1t Firm clarn f1ed t he ZCSO f. ud; rtcports ' or 2012 10 201.! as unqualified which means that there were no major issues in the report and
t hat the aud,t firm agreed 11,th tre reP(l<t. : ,', di ca, · e<> :nat a quahf.ed opinion means that the report was found wi t h major issues and the
auditors do not agree
,.1 • ~ 1:..1.0 !'•! : - •
,1 ••
...c to<'s op n,on does not express the internal controls of the organization. The ZCSD
report also stated that ZCSO fioanca n.ie~r:: co,r,p, es ,, :- u,e Soc,er, Act
Presentation of the T reasurer's Report
Presented by Mr Wilson Ny,renda
The board trea surer , .• , "-Ol
Nyirenda The Trea sure r 1
J , •
11 1·..,
The report showed tnat n,o« • ·ro,n .:
fund ing we1e g,ven as
! • '<'• " • "1 •g
1-.e, e'0te
me ueasurer's report was pre sented by board member Mr. Wilson
•~= :·.: :·. ;. ~; :c-e "epor. .•,as <.nquahfieo and that the audit was concluded on 22°
·. :.-.•~• I<=
November 2016.
1~~s::ani,a , o . er Ille three years under review and th e reasons for the decline in
fOI o .•, s
Som e projects where closed/come l o an end such as the EU Case Project ancJ the Finish M/\K f Projett which encJ~cJ in 2013 the reby
reducing the overall income [rorn donor/ cooperating part ners.
There has been a decline in the donor [uncling in Zambia over t he years
A delay in audit ing the organization's accounts.
However the report assured the meeting that ZCSD will continue t o consolidate its position ancJ secure the necessa ry financial resources to
ensure that it is able to meet all its goals and ambitions in promoting good governance and accountability.
Question and answer/discussion session
The participants wanted to know how the audit firm was selected. And in response the t reasure stated that the audit firm selection was
approved during the previous General Meeting and the firm which was selected was EML. EML was supposed to conduct audit s for three
years and EML started auditing the ZCSD accounts however, it pulled out because it was involved in auditing the Zambian National
Farmers Union (ZNFU at the same time. The ZCSD board was consult ed on the matter and proposals were provided . The Board selected
MarkDaniels because it was more flexible and had good profile w hich included working for government.
The people further wanted to know whether MarkDaniels would continue to Audit the accounts for ZCSD for the next th ree years. The
meeting agreed to continue with Mark Daniels for t hree yea rs as the firm was said to be credible and afford able and it was agreed that it
is better to remain with the same audit company for a period of time.
The participants also question what income generating activit ies ZCSD was undertaking as rep orted . In response the treasurer stat ed
that ZCSD received rentals from Tandiza.
Secretariat was asked to include page numbers in the report and rectify t he inconsistences in the order of the accounts.
Presentation and adoption of the Strategic Plan
Presented by Winston Khamula from Action Aid and ZCSD's governance Advisor
A brief overview of the 2017 -2020 strategic plan was presented to t he general assemble. The presentation focused on t he four strategic priority
Support to strengthening civil society organizations in various skills and facilit ating linkages and networking
Promoting an enabling environment for Civil Society at national and regional level through const ructive engage ment and dialogue
with relevant duty bearers and other stakeholders
l11flue11ci11g develop111e11l processes through policy aclvoracy ancl lohby,nP, InI11,111v!'s "' p,1rtn,•r•,h1p v111h othe r CSOs at national,
regio11al a11cl l11l cmalio11al levels; ancl
Build i11terna l capacity or ZCSD 111 order l o enable il delive r on il s ma ndate as envisaged ,n lhP stratng,c plan
The Strategic Pla11 also tri ed t o address some of the short comln~s of ZCSD such as lack of regular communica11on or re, ponding to members
Question and i\nswer/Discussion Session
The participant wanted t o the SWOT analysis to be presented in the m eeting. In response the presenter state.d that the SWOT analysis
as well as the problem tree analysis was there in the plan but in vi ew of the time th ese could not be presen ted.
The meeting requested that copies of the Strategic Plan be circulated to all using various electronic means.
The meeting heard that only 6 members of staff were employed at ZCSD instead of 12 therefore they asked 1f It was possible to request
donor to pay for some volunteers. In response the Executive Director stated that some measures have been taken to reduce the staff
short fall by bringing in interns from the University of Zambia and the Governance Advisor spend 40"/o of his time at ZCSD to beef up t he
Dissolution of Board and Election of New Board
ZCSD engaged FODEP to spearhead the electoral process. The outgoing board members were given an opportunity to give a few remarks before
the board was dissolved.
Mr. Chris Mweemba stated that he will cherish the opportunity to serve in the ZCSD board for the rest of his life. He urged the
incomeing board to strive to make ZCSD the organization it was before.
Mr Wilson Nyirenda stated that it is a rare privilege and experience serving in the ZCSD board . He also said that while he was on the
board concentrated on cleaning the house and that there is still a huge gap of rai sing ZCSD above th e wate rs. He further urged the next
board to be selfless, sacrifice and committed to the course.
M ary Mumba said she was lookinc forward t o worklne l wdcr ~nd harder so that thP work of / (SD ,houlrJ hn upheld Shn also urged the
incoming board t o work t owards achieving the Strategic Plan w hich had bee n launched
After the few remarks, FODEP decla red th e board as dlssolved.
A quest ion th en arose on eligibility o f members t o contest for posit ions on th e boMd 1n terms of payment of membership fees Vanous
proposals were put forward as t o who is eligible but the assembly agreed those who have pa id at least twice since 2013 including 2016 should be
allowed t o contest. However a concern was raised because thi s ca lled for the waiver or the constitution and this •nas the second time the
constitution w as being waived to allow members t o contest. Therefore the meeting agreed that the board should review the article on elections
in the constitution . However it was further agreed that the fees were not waivered and th at those who have not paid should make commitments
on w hen they should pay.
Constitution guidelines
The meeting then looked into the constitution for guidance on the election procedure. The foll owing were the laid down terms and cond1t1on
which were follow ed:
Elections should be held every three years
Elected members can hold office for three years but not hold same position for more than two terms
Candidate's organizations should be paid up members for more than three years.
Candidate should be nominated by their organization and only one member per organization can con test.
The contestants should present a letter of recommendation from their organization.
The foll owing were to be presented to qualify for election:
Nomination letter from their organization
Position to be elected
3. Nomination form
The constitution also stated that if a candidate was the sole candidate for a position t hen he/she was elect ed as unopposed.
The nominations were as follows
Number of contestants
Vice chairperson
Honora ry Secretary
Committee members
One candidate w ithdrew from t he contest and one was not eligible to stand.
The nominated candidate were as follow s
Name of Contestants
Vice chairperson
Mahamba Chiputa
Mary Mumba
Edah Chimya
Wilson Nyirenda
Matilda Kamanga
Zebees Mumba
Joyce Mukendo
Jacob Mukambwe
Vigil Malambo
Samson Chisi
John Katambo
-Not eligible to contest
-Withdrew from the contest
According to the rules the position of chairperson, Trea surer and Honorary Secretary were filled as t hey w ent unopposed. The position of vice
chairperson and committee members had to be contested. The candidates w ere given tw o minutes each to present t heir manifestos.
for the J)Osrtr on of vier ch,1lr prrrnn M , M.ir y Murnb,1 , t,l l l'd lh,1I , 11,. h,1d br1•11111Pr11hf' r', r, ( /( ',rl fnr ., lunP, rtrnr w,,,1,1 •,rr, 1 r r,, 11n,r, h.ird for
the orgar111 atron llisho p Andrew M11k11y.i111b,1 ,,,Id he wa, llC'Mlh111 ,r I hur r h I lw11•f11rr• 111• h,rlf ,ih,1I rl t,,r,,.,, 111 hr ,,,,,. rh.11 ,r,.,r·.,,n r,f /( ', [)
The Commrttcc m ember s also pre,cntl'd thl'lr ,11,111lll'stos as follow,
Mr. Zebees Mumba st at ed that he would not work alo11e h1volvr th P w ho le• tP,1 In llr ,,1111 hr h,111 1hr s!,111, r 1pN1rr1rr anrf r , p.,rt ,•,r
I f)
co mmittee member.
M r. Samson Chrsi he w as able to bring substance t o ZCSD he wo rrld wo rk h,rrd 11111 111• rrrrtr•d llw votrrs rf thry dl!l nor vnr" frir hrm rh• 1 ·,h,,,,I,I
vote for a fem ale candidate
M s. Joyce Mukando also urged the voters to vot e for a wo rnan and that she h,1cl skills ,ind l'X f>!' rl l\£'
M s Matilda Kamanga said she had th e pa ssion to bring love and hope to the ZCSD Bo;ircl , She ,,11cl , hr h,1, v•rn 1hr O"nf,t, of ~ong rn th" t,,,~rd
because even her organiza tio n has expanded becau se she i s on the board o r ZCSD therefore she wa, gornr, to w ork hMd to tak r / (50 Frir 11arrl
Mr John Kata m bo his organization is championing eq uality therefore he wa s able to contribute to / CSD's development He also s.ird " " h-1s
learned a lot fro m ZCSD.
Results from the election
1 Position
I Vice Chairperson
~Name of Contesta~t
Mary Mumba
j Committee Members
- available
- -
Matilda Kamanga
Zebees Mumba
Joyce Mukendo
I Samson Chisi
John Kata mbo
The new ZCSD board was as follows
Vice Chairperson
Honorary Secretary
Committee members
Name of board
Mr M ahamba Chiputa
Bishop Andrew Mukuyamba
Eda h Chimya
Wilson Nyirenda
Matilda Kamanga, Zebees Mumba and
Joyce Mukendo
Speech by the New Executive Committee
Presented by the New Executive Chairperson Mr. Mahamba Chiputa
The Chairperson stated that PMAZ has been associat ing wit h ZCSD for 10 years. He stated t hat PMAZ believed in t he ideals of ZCSD. He sa id he
stood to support ZCSD for what it stood forved in the Interim Executuve Committee he was well aware of the cha llenges which ZCSD has gone
through in the past and he also know the potential it had. He assured the membersh ip t hat t he board w ill work collectively with the secretariat
to achieve their mandate. He said they board will provide the leadership t o ZCSD an d toget her they can make ZCSD greater again.
Closing remarks
The Executive Director thanked all participants for attending and participating in the General Meeting. He al so urged t he incoming board for to
utilize their potential and make ZCSD great again. He also than ked the old board for their contribution t o ZCSD and he hoped that th ey w ill be
available to consult with the new board .
The meeting closed with a prayer by Bishop Mukuyamba at 16:30.