CONVERTING Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Fraction to Decimal: Divide numerator (top) from denominator (bottom) ¼ = .25 If there is a mixed number, put the BIG NUMER in front of the decimal, then divide the fraction. 1¼ = 1.25 Decimal to Fraction: Move the decimal two places to the right, then divide by 100 Decimal to Percent: Multiply decimal x 100 (or move two spaces to the right from the decimal, then add % sign) Percent to Decimal: Divide the percent by 100 (or move two spaces to the left from the decimal) Percent to Fraction: Divide percent by 100 Fraction to Percent: Divide numerator (top) by the denominator (bottom) and multiply by 100. Don’t forget the % sign! .25 = 25 100 .25 = .25 X 100 = 25% 25% = 25 = .25 100 25% = 25 100 25 = .25 x 100 = 25% 100