B777F 机上检查单 B777F Onboard Checklists 目 录 Table of Contents 1. 飞行简令卡 Flight Briefing Card 2. B777F 机型 ETOPS 工作单 B777F ETOPS Checklist 3. B777F 机型 ETOPS 工作程序 B777F ETOPS Work Procedure 4. 国货航机组安保检查单 Air China Cargo Crew Security Checklist 5. B777F 慢车除冰程序 B777F Idle De-icing Procedure 6. 防冰保持时间表 Holdover Time Guidelines 7. 低温高度修正 Cold Temperature Altitude Corrections 机上资料,请勿带下飞机。 ON BOARD DOCUMENTS, PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE FROM AIRCRAFT. 页码:1-1 飞行简令卡 日期:2017/06/15 修改号:01 飞行简令卡 起飞简令: 注:操纵飞机的飞行员(PF)必须在起飞前完成起飞简令,建议在启动发动机以前完成。如在 收到放行许可前完成了起飞简令,则应在收到放行许可后对已完成的简令进行补充完善。起飞简令 应包括以下内容。 1 沿离港航路天气、NOTAM 和 MEL 运行限制; 2 起飞使用跑道; 3 滑行路线; 4 起飞功率设定; 5 襟翼位置设定; 6 V1、VR、V2 值(或修正值); 7 V1 前中断起飞的条件及程序; 8 V1 后继续起飞程序; 9 如返场是否需要放油; 10 其它情况(APU 供引气/关组件起飞、防冰使用等); 11 离场程序以及离场程序中的速度、高度限制,QNE 转换时机,扇区最低安全高度等; 12 其它需要特别说明的注意事项(如道面情况、单发程序); 13 出现不正常情况的机组分工。 进近简令: 注:进近简令须在下降顶点(T/D)以前完成。 1 NOTAM 和 MEL 运行限制; 2 进场程序; 3 使用跑道; 4 进近方式; 5 扇区最低安全高度; 6 公司运行标准(飞机、机场、机组最低运行标准三者最高值); 7 最低下降高或决断高; 8 着陆机场天气情况及注意事项; 9 复飞程序及注意事项,备降计划(如需要); 10 过渡高度层及 QNH 或 QFE 转换时机; 11 着陆形态(襟翼设置、刹车使用); 12 预计着陆后的滑行路线; 13 其它需要特别说明的注意事项(如道面情况、寒冷天气、着陆性能、标高等)。 页码:1-1 B777F 机型 ETOPS 工作单 直接准备 天气文件:TAF、METARS、SIGMETS 起飞机场: 目的地机场: 航路指定备降机场(关注时间段内) : 航路可选备降机场(关注时间段内) : 结冰预报: 天气系统图航路标注: 航行通告 NOTAMS: 起飞机场: 目的地机场: 航路指定备降机场: 航路: ETOPS 计算机飞行计划: RVSM 标注“W”、大西洋运行 MNPS 标注 “X” E.ENT、ETP、E.EXT、指定备降机场 ETOPS 航图标注 备降航路改航时间和改航高度 沿航路越障/氧气等需求(如需要) 主飞行计划“M”标注 临界燃油计划: 备降航路: 风向 20°,风速 20 海里差值航路点标画 指定备降机场运行标准 起飞油量 飞行所需文件和用品检查: 航图资料 公司的 ETOPS 标图 JEPPESEN 向量尺和圆规 三色荧光笔 手电筒(个人携带) 护照、机组边防申报单、海关申报单 个人登机证、证照 机组分工,ETOPS 运行简令 机上准备 驾驶舱准备: TLB、DD 检查,无影响 ETOPS 运行项目 正常准备程序: 航路输入检查(FMC 航段页航迹距离与工作单核对) 巡航风数据输入或 LOAD 航路 1 COPY 至航路 2 ETOPS 进入点、等时点、退出点输入到航段 2 页面 备降机场输入 通讯设备检查(HF、SELCAL、ARCAS、SATCOM) 时间显示准确 ND 地速检查:地速应为“0” 左右 PFD 的高度指示与机场标高相差不超过 75 英尺 紧急设备检查 起飞油量检查 起动前 COMM 页系统信息飞机注册号输入或核实 日期:2014/09/01 修改号:01 符合标准 符合标准 符合标准 符合标准 检查 完成 检查 检查 检查 检查 核实 完成 核实 检查 完成 检查 检查 完成 核实 确定 齐全 检查 齐全 可用 可用 齐全 齐全 完成 完成 完成 完成 完成 完成 完成 核实 核实 核实 完成 与飞行计划一致 完成 页码:1-2 B777F 机型 ETOPS 工作单 航路: 进入巡航后 高度指示:左右 PFD 的高度指示相差不超过 200 英尺 根据起飞时间,备降机场的最早和最晚预达时刻确认 评估地面滑行用油对运行的影响; 评估非计划飞行高度、防冰、绕飞等对油量的影响 计划与实际油量对比,续航能力评估持续进行 监控飞机各系统,核实燃油交输活门工作正常 入海点前 40 分钟(大西洋运行) 日期:2014/09/01 修改号:01 检查 在飞行工作单上填写完成 评估 评估 评估 完成 获得越洋许可,按 ATC 指令的高度和马赫数飞行; 完成 进入海洋航路后,根据机长意图向右偏置 1 或 2 海里(登 陆点前,应取消偏置,恢复正常航迹飞行) 完成 进入海洋航路 30 分钟后,应答机 2000 ETOPS 进入点前 30 分钟 评估飞机状况 获得指定备降机场天气 如天气低于标准,机组的决策 确定飞行方案并通过 ARCAS 向 AOC 报告 修改计划,输入备降航路(如需要) ETOPS 临界点前 15 分钟 计算临界燃油,并与飞机剩油进行对比: 确认临界点前后备降计划: 最后燃油: ETOPS 退出点后 评估飞机剩油的续航能力,并修订飞行计划 报告 AOC 后续飞行方案 记录非正常情况(如有) 完成 完成 获得 完成 完成 完成 完成 完成 确定 完成 完成 完成 附录:延程运行指定备降机场关注时间段内,其预报的天气条件不得低于以下天气最低标准: 云高 进近设施配置 能见度 两条不交叉跑道具有两套 120 米(400 英尺)或决断高(DH) 1600 米(1 英里)或着陆最低能 仪表着陆系统(ILS)进近程 之上增加 60 米(200 英尺),取 见度之上增加 800 米(1/2 英 序 较高值 里),取较高值 180 米(600 英尺)或决断高(DH) 3200 米(2 英里)或着陆最低能 单个精密进近程序 只有非精密进近程序 之上增加 120 米(400 英尺),取 见度之上增加 1600 米(1 英 较高值 里),取较高值 240 米(800 英尺)或最低下降高 3200 米(2 英里)或着陆最低能 (MDH)以上增加 120 米(400 见度增加 1600 米(1 英里)取 英尺),取较高值 较高值 注: (1)在确定使用某一套仪表进近程序时,考虑到其它运行的相关因素,包括减少能见度限 制,预报的风和阵风值必须在运行限制值之内,并且应当不超过公司标准: 干道面—正侧风最大 30 节 污染道面—正侧风最大 15 节 (2)一般不考虑条件性天气预报内容,例如,INTER,TEMPO,PROB XX 等后面的内容, 但是如果 PROB 40 或者 TEMPO 的内容低于适用的运行最低标准,则必须加以考虑。 (3)当按照 MEL 的条款实施签派或放行,在确定延程运行指定备降机场天气最低标准的 时候,必须考虑 MEL 限制对仪表进近最低标准的影响。 页码:1-1 B777F 机型 ETOPS 工作程序 日期:2014/09/01 修改号:01 1.飞行机组 ETOPS 工作程序 1.1 预先准备 除完成正常预先准备内容外,应预习 ETOPS 运行的公司政策及相关程序,并根据了解到的天 气情况结合航线运行特点对将执行的 ETOPS 航线进行充分准备。 1.2 直接准备 每位机组成员应向机长汇报预先准备的情况,机长应根据签收的签派放行单以及机组各成员的 预先准备情况进行机组各成员的工作安排并做好相关预案。 机长除完成正常直接准备内容外,应核实下列相关内容: (1)飞行计划 A. 航班号,日期,所用飞机及计划的最大改航时间(考虑实际风/温度与预报风/温度的 误差后,应满足规章要求的最大改航时间); B. 起飞、航线、着陆机场和备降机场(含航路备降机场); C. 高度,重量和油量信息; D. ETP 信息; E. 标明进入和退出 ETOPS 飞行的位置;并将此位置用一条横线标明在计算机飞行计划上; F. 在 ETP 点旁标出过该点的放行航路备降机场的四字代码; G. 确定所飞航路的改航策略(主要考虑:在航线上是否存在发动机失效、紧急失压时因 越障需要使用的飘降程序); H. 本次 ETOPS 航线飞行特别要求的其他有关信息等。 I. 飞行计划第 10 项有 RVSM 标注 “W”; CPDLC 能力标注 J2、J3、J4、J5;大西洋运行 时有 MNPS 标注“X”; (2)天气情况 A. 起飞机场天气符合标准; B. 着陆机场的天气预报,备降机场的天气预报符合标准; C. 延程运行指定备降机场的天气预报在最早预计到达时刻前一小时和最晚预计到达时 刻后一小时的时段内应符合标准。这个时段的计算方法如下: 最早预计到达时刻前一小时为: 预计起飞时间+预计 ETP1 的时间+ETP1 至备降机场的时间-1 小时; 最晚预达到达时刻后一小时为: 预计起飞时间+预计 ETP2 的时间+ETP2 至备降机场的时间+1 小时; D. 将计算得来的各延程运行指定备降机场天气的有效时段标明在飞行计划上; E. 在相应的高空风图上标上航路; F. 天气系统图上将对航路飞行有影响的天气系统(锋面,晴空颠簸雷雨区等)标明。 (3)航行通告 确认相关机场的 NOTAM 中没有影响飞行的通告。 (4)机长决定一份计划为主飞行计划,并在该飞行计划上标上 M,表示主飞行计划(MASTER)。 副驾驶除完成正常直接准备内容外,应核实下列相关内容 · 检查油量数据; · 算出将输入 CDU 上的备份油量 =备降油量 ALTN + 等待油量 HOLD; · 用彩色荧光笔标出每一个 ETP 相对应的延程运行指定备降机场场; · 用彩色荧光笔标出巡航阶段每一航路点对应的风向和风速。只标出差值在 20°,风 页码:1-2 B777F 机型 ETOPS 工作程序 日期:2014/09/01 修改号:01 速在 20 海里的数据(以便将标出的数据输入 CDU 中); · 标出梯度爬升的航路点和高度。 在完成上述工作后,机长在主飞行计划首页上签字。 1.3 ETOPS 飞行中要求携带的文件和用品 (1)航线资料 A. 高空图,高/低空图,低空图; B. 机场资料(包括所有可用机场); (2)公司的 ETOPS 标图、标图尺; (3)JEPPESEN 航路标图; (4)JEPPESEN 向量尺和圆规; (5)JEPPESEN CR-2 计算尺; (6)公司的延程飞行的相关文件和资料; (7)三色荧光笔各一支; (8)手电筒一只; (9)有关的通讯导航资料,英语词典。 1.4 飞行前驾驶舱准备 飞行前直接准备除按正常的准备程序外,ETOPS 飞行机组还应完成下列工作: (1)航路的输入和检查 A. 机组成员依据签字的签派放行清单,按机型使用手册(FCOM)的程序要求进行飞行管 理计算机的航路输入,包括飞行计划上的 SID 和 STAR; B. 当人工通过经纬度输入航路点后,应将 CDU 显示的该航路点代码标在主飞行计划上; C. PM 读主飞行计划上每一航路点间的航段距离和磁航迹,PF 对照 CDU 航段页面逐一检 查,当 PF 回答正确后,PM 将该航路点代码上画一圆圈将代码套在中央; A. PM 读出标注风向风速的航路点,PF 在航路数据页面输入相应的风和温度数据;B777 可直接使用上传的风数据。 E. PF 应将预计的 ZFW(如还未收到舱单)输入飞行管理计算机中; F. PM 对照主飞行计划在进程页面检查飞行管理计算机的总距离,飞行时间和油量。 G. 将航路 COPY 至航路 2。 H. 在航段 2 页面输入 ETOPS 进入点、等时点、退出点。 (2)通信设备 A. 按机型使用手册(FCOM)的程序要求,将数据通讯复位; B. 如果航线中要求使用 HF,则核实 HF 面板上的灵敏度开关顺时针旋至最大,检查 HF 调谐正常,右 HF 调至 DATA 位(B777) 。SELCALL 工作正常。 C. 核实 SATCOM 工作正常。 (3)其他工作 A. 按计算机飞行计划加油,加油量按照飞行计划的要求,误差在-0/+500 公斤之内; B. 检查飞行记录本,有无保留项目,查看 MEL 是否影响 ETOPS 放行; C. 检查各紧急设备完好。 D. 核实时间显示准确。 E. 核实机长和副驾驶的高度表与机场标高的最大差值不超过 75 英尺。 F. 核实 ND 地速显示为 0。 页码:1-3 B777F 机型 ETOPS 工作程序 日期:2014/09/01 修改号:01 G. 发动机起动前: COMM 电门 ............................................................ 按压 F/O MANAGER .......................................... 选择 F/O SYSTEM INFORMATION ................. 选择 F/O 检查 TAIL ID 正确显示,如没有,人工输入,否则空中无法使用 CPDLC(无 SEND 选项)。 1.5 飞行实施阶段 1.5.1 除正常飞行程序外,ETOPS 飞行机组还应在飞行各阶段完成下列工作: 机长 副驾驶 进入 ETOPS 航路点前 应考虑延程运行指定备降机场的天气、飞机设 在 FIX 页面 1 和 2 输入 ETOPS 备降机场和预计 备是否适航,重申改航策略 ETP 时间 在主飞行计划上填好: 推出时间 BLOCKOUT 起飞时间 OFF 预计航路时间 ETE 预达时间 ETA 起飞油量 T/O FUEL 通过任一航路点时: (1) 在该航路点代码的圆圈上画一右斜线,并检查 ND 上显示的下一航段航迹和距离并和计算机 飞行计划对照无误后,在下一航路点代码上划一左斜线; (2) 填上实际到达时间 ATA,和飞过时间 TIME 算出并对照 CDU 显示检查并填上预达下一航路 点时间 ETA 填上实际油量 AFR 并合预计油量比较,如少于 1,应在后面填上-X.X; (3) 直飞时,由起始直飞的位置划一直线和箭头至直飞的航路点。 进入 ETOPS 飞行航段后: (1) 进行导航精度检查,并将检查情况记录; (2) 燃油交输阀检查,并将检查情况记录。 (3) 检查马赫数,飞行高度层,航迹是否合适该次运行; (4) VHF 频率设置按运行区域要求; (5) 应答机设置按运行区域要求。 离开 ETOPS 航路点后:按正常程序运行。 1.5.2 大西洋运行 (1)海洋航路进入点前 40 分钟通过 HF 或 CPDLC 获得越洋许可,并告知可接受的飞行高度;正确 复述越洋许可。如通过 CPDLC 获得越洋许可,回复 ACCEPT 即可。 (2)按 ATC 指令的高度和马赫数飞行; (3)进入海洋航路后检查导航精度,根据机长意图向右偏置1或2海里;如海上飞行偏置航路,位 置报告时,应报告对应的原航路点,而不是偏置航路点的时间。登陆点前,应取消偏置,恢复 正常航迹飞行。 (4)进入海洋航路 30 分钟后,应答机 2000; 页码:1-4 B777F 机型 ETOPS 工作程序 日期:2014/09/01 修改号:01 (5)按照 RVSM 要求,每小时记录检查一次高度表,左右相差不超过 200 英尺,如超过执行 RVSM 不正常程序; (6)如ATC要求位置报告,当下一航路点与的预达时间与上次的位置报告相差3分钟,要及时告知 ATC; 1.5.3 燃油监控程序 对于 ETOPS 运行的燃油监控,操作人员应遵守以下监控规定: (1)加强飞机改航、飞机高度改变、长时间低高度飞行及飞机进入结冰区域的监控; (2)加强实际风与预计风的资料有重大差异及长时间在颠簸区域飞行的监控。 操作人员应严格遵守机组操作程序,包括: (1)按飞行计划或机型燃油手册(无飞行计划时)确定起飞油量,检查飞行计划燃油量 符合燃油政策,检查熟悉航路不同高度的高空风资料,加油完毕后检查总油量与计 划的要求一致。 (2)熟悉燃油每小时平均耗量和发动机在不同工作状态下的耗量,起飞前了解飞机的预 计业载。 (3)按飞行计划实施巡航时,在飞越每个航路点时应将实际油量与预计油量进行比较, 将飞行管理计算机 CDU 显示的航段剩余油量与实际油量进行比较,并在飞行计划 上填写实际剩余油量,两者差值超过 1 吨应迅速查明原因,进行处置; (4)如因燃油泄漏或怀疑燃油泄漏及其他原因造成燃油不正常消耗或减少,应及早作出 决断处置,改航备降; (5)如因低温区域飞行温度接近燃油冰点温度限制数据,应严格执行“巡航中燃油温度 低”操作程序。 (6)根据 FAA 特许编号 10193 的条款,对于每次 ETOPS 航路飞行改航时间超过 180 分 钟或北太平洋航路改航时间超过 207 分钟,须遵守以下程序(公司暂不执行 180 分 钟(含)以上 ETOPS): A. 每次飞行 ETOPS 阶段运行期间,每 30 分钟一次记录以下内容: a. 每个发动机的发动机燃油流量(EICAS 辅助发动机显示) b. 燃油量加法器(EICAS) c. 计算的燃油量(FMC) B. 在每个记录点记录左右发动机燃油流量差。如果记录间隔中发动机之间的燃油 流量差每小时变化超过 500 磅,执行《快速检查单 QRH》燃油章节中“燃油泄漏” 非正常程序。 C. 记录加法器数值和计算燃油量之间的差值。如果 30 分钟检查记录的加法器显 示和计算的燃油量的差值持续大于 1000 磅或总差值达 6500 磅,执行《快速检查单 QRH》燃油章节中燃油泄漏非正常程序。 国货航机组安保检查单 Air China Cargo Crew Security Checklist(SEC001-01) 安全检查内容 序号 S/N Check Items 1 了解所飞航线的安全形势及上级要求。Understand the safety situation and company's regulations on this flight route. 2 重温机组应急预案。Review the emergency Contingency Plan. 3 检查飞机外部(包括起落架舱)是否异常。Walk around the aircraft (including landing gear well) to check whether there are abnormal situation. 4 检查货舱可接近空间是否存在外来物。Conduct a visual inspection of accessible area of cargo compartments of the aircraft to avoid suspicious object. 5 是否装载有危险品及其它特种货物。If there are dangerous goods or any other special goods? 6 检查机上餐食、供应品是否过期被污染或有外来物等异常情况。Check the cabin food and supplies to avoid suspicious object. 7 检查储物柜、资料柜是否有外来物。Check the closet and documents cabinet to avoid suspicious object. 8 检查卫生间、厨房、垃圾箱是否有外来物。Check the toilet, galley, trash receptacles to avoid suspicious object. 9 座椅检查(座椅靠背插件、椅袋和托盘桌,座位底下、救生衣及坐垫,扶手处存放盘子的区域)。 Check seats(seat backs include: inserts、seat pockets and tray tables, under seats, life vest, seat cushions, tray storage compartments in arm rests)to avoid suspicious object. 10 加入机组人员证照及随身物品是否符合规定(如有)。Check the certification and property for authorized non-crewmember(If have). 11 对机上押运员的行为进行管控(如有)。Control the activities of the supercargo(If have). 注 Note: 1. 航前机长负责按照检查单条款,采取目视和手工检查相结合的方式,逐一落实各项检查内容。The PIC must implement visual and physical check on the basis of checklist before flight. 2. 如果检查结果正常,机长要在《飞行任务书(FMC)》中,填写英文“SEC001-01 CHECK OK”。If the result is normal, the PIC must fill in the inspection result in Flight Mission Certificate with “SEC001-01 CHECK OK”。 3. 如果检查发现异常(非法干扰除外),机长要立即使用机上“《国货航机组安保检查记录单》(SEC002-01)”进行检查和记录,并报告航站站长/管理当局、公司运控中心和保卫部, 航线任务结束后,要将该记录单交回保卫部。If the result is abnormal (except illegal interference), the PIC must implement the aircraft check by using the Air China Cargo Crew Security Check Record(SEC002-01)and notify the station manager/host authorities, company AOC, security department. After flight, the record must be returned to Security department. 4. 如遇有非法干扰时,机长要立即启用机上附加材料中的《国货航安全保卫搜查单》(SEC003-01)对飞机进行全面搜查,并做好记录并交回保卫部。In the case of illegal interference, the PIC must implement the thorough security search by using Air China Cargo Crew Security Search Checklist(SEC003-01) kept at the flight document and return the record to Security department. SEC001-01 B777F • 慢车除冰程序 为机队在实施发动机运转除冰时统一机组动作,防范运行风险,综合 B777 机型《飞行机组 操作手册》、《机组训练手册》以及公司《运行手册》相关内容,整理编辑此《机组地面除防冰 程序》。机组在实施发动机运转除冰时,应按照此程序实施。 重点提示 1. 冰雪天气条件下运行时,机组应确保按规定实施除冰程序,严禁带“冰、雪、霜”起飞。同 时应果断决策,当存在所谓“可除可不除”的疑虑时,坚决实施除冰程序。 2. 外界存在结冰条件时,在双发起动后须立即将发动机防冰电门选择并保持在 ON 位(发动机 运转的整个运行期间),除非外界温度低于 -40℃。 3. 冰雪道面滑行时,应使用较小前轮转弯手柄输入、方向舵操纵输入以及保持发动机最低推力 设定。可适当使用差别推力来帮助飞机在转弯时保持方向。在所有其它情况,都要确保使用 平衡推力。需预防在湿滑滑行道或跑道上以较大速度或在较大侧风条件下滑行可能出现的打 滑现象。 跟进前机时,需重点关注以下影响: 前机尾流; 发动机可能吸入的道面边缘积雪、积冰; 湿滑道面对飞机方向控制造成的影响; 机场的噪音限制等。 慢车除冰程序 发动机起动 ........................................................................................... 完成 C, F/O 发动机防冰电门 ........................................... 接通(当存在结冰条件时) F/O 再现 ........................................................................................................................................... 检查 核实襟翼 ......................................................................................................................................UP 放下襟翼滑行,会使由主起落架溅起的雪浆或雪粘附在襟翼和襟翼驱动装置上。前缘襟 翼也容易产生湿雪堆积。 如果机翼上有积冰/雪覆盖,不得实施飞行操纵检查 飞行操纵检查 ....................................................................................................................... 按需 地面设备 ............................................................................................................................. 移开 飞行运行技术管理部 2021 版 1 B777F • 慢车除冰程序 滑行至 ....................................................................................... 指定除冰区 左座 停留刹车 ........................................................................................... 设定 C 地面通讯 ........................................................................................... 建立 C 或 F/O 注:机组需根据公司及机场规定,通过内话或 VHF 与机务或除冰相关单位联系。 例如:(首都机场)机组在申请或重复放行指令时,通知 ATC 本航班将使用慢车除冰。 机组按正常程序滑出(除冰前将襟翼收上)。 到达指定除冰点时,报告 ATC 到达慢车除冰位,ATC 指令调谐除冰频率,首都 机场除冰甚高频通讯频率: 西区 128.200MHZ;东区 127.025MHZ、126.225MHZ。 目前,首都机场除冰频率使用汉语通讯。其他机场按 AIP 或等效文件执行。 机组:“北京除冰,凤凰 XXXX(航班号)”; 除冰:“凤凰 XXXX(航班号),原地等待”。 APU ................................................................................................... 按需 F/O 除非需要 APU 工作,否则应将 APU 关停 推力手柄 .....................................................................................IDLE 位 C 减少在进气道或排气区域人员受伤的可能性。 组件电门 ............................................................................................... 关 F/O 为减少组件磨损,要等大约 10 秒钟时间,待组件彻底关闭后再将引气电门关闭。 发动机引气电门 ................................................................................... 关 F/O APU 引气电门(APU 运转时) ......................................................... 关 F/O 减少烟气进入空调系统的可能性。 通知地面人员 ........................................................... 飞机已准备好除冰 C 或 F/O 注:在除冰过程中,机组不能操作操纵系统,除冰后襟翼的地面操作应按辅助程序中寒 冷天气下程序要求实施。 例: 机组:北京除冰,准备好可以除冰。 除冰:确认停留刹车刹住、发动机慢车,准备开始除冰。 机组:停留刹车已刹住、发动机慢车。 除冰:除冰开始。(若询问除冰位置,机组回复:大翼、机身、尾翼、垂尾) 飞行运行技术管理部 2021 版 2 B777F • 慢车除冰程序 除冰结束后 TLB 记录 ................................................................................. 除\防冰信息 使用除/防冰液的种类。 除/防冰液与水的混合比(例如 75/25)。 保留时间在什么时候开始。 执行后的检查结果:飞机的关键部位是干净的。 C 或 F/O 注:各机场报告内容依据公司协议,并不一定包括完整信息。 例:北京首都机场仅提供 - 除防冰开始时间 与地面通讯 ........................................................................................... 断开 C 或 F/O CAO 1042,除冰结束,请记录:除冰开始时间 13:25z,防冰开始时间(如 有)13:35z,联系机坪 XXX.XXX,再见。 机组:联系机坪频率 XXX.XXX,再见。 地面设备 ............................................................................................... 移开 C 或 F/O APU ....................................................................................................... 按需 F/O 完成除冰约 1 分钟后恢复发动机、APU 引气和组件操作确保所有除冰液从发动机清除 组件电门 ............................................................................................ AUTO F/O 发动机引气电门 ................................................................................... 接通 F/O APU 引气电门 ................................................................................... AUTO F/O 显示选择面板 FCTL 电门 ................................................................... 按压 F/O 飞行操纵 ............................................................................................... 检查 C 检查各操纵面全偏转 如果存在雪浆、积水或结冰条件,应收上襟翼滑行,直至进跑道前将襟翼放置起飞位。 宣布 ..................................................................................... “襟翼 ____” C 襟翼手柄 ....................................................................... 按需调整起飞襟翼 F/O 宣布 ............................................................................... 《滑行前检查单》 C 完成 ............................................................................... 《滑行前检查单》 F/O 飞行运行技术管理部 2021 版 3 国货航飞行技术通告 国货航技通〔2021〕10 号 发布日期:2021 年 10 月 26 日 标题:关于发布防冰液保持时间表的技术通告(2021-2022) 分类:□安全运行■飞行操作□一般了解 适用机型:□B777F B757-200SF □B747-400F ■所有机型 适用对象:□机长 □副驾驶 ■全体飞行员 紧急程度:■3 个工作日 □5 个工作日□10 个工作日□其他 背景信息 机务工程部依据美国 FAA 2021-2022 冬季保持时间指南 ( FAA HOLDOVER TIME GUIDELINES ) 发 布 了 国 货 航 2021-2022 除/防冰液保持时间表,下称 HOT。 操作提示 I 型液的 HOT,各品牌是相同的。 国货航 HOT 是通用型表,II 型和 IV 型 HOT 对应的是所有 除/防冰液品牌中最短的保持时间,与具体品牌型号的 HOT 有 很大差别。国内除冰使用此通用型表。 机务工程部收集了安克雷奇、纽约、芝加哥、阿姆斯特丹 机场除冰代理公司使用的具体品牌名称和型号,飞技部据此单 独列表(附件 1) ,便于机组查找和使用。 1 附件 2 和 3 英文版 HOT 包含了所有 II 型和 IV 型防冰液 的 HOT。 有的 HOT 中有微雪、小雪、中雪的栏目,国货航 HOT 提供了根据 ATIS 提供的能见度来判断何种雪情的表格:降雪 强度与能见度函数关系表。 如果降水中含有冰丸,需使用限定允许时间表。 开始除防冰前,在与地面通话时,机组需询问除防冰液的 品牌、型号(II 型液还是 IV 型液)和浓度,如果地面机务可 以告知具体品牌,按具体品牌型号查找 HOT;如果不能获得 具体品牌型号, 则使用国货航通用 HOT。需注意的是通用 HOT 时间相对较短,如果除冰结束后地面滑行时间较长接近 HOT 极限无法起飞,机组应滑回二次除冰;国货航三个机型均无法 在驾驶舱或货舱中观察飞机关键表面来实施“起飞前 5 分钟检 查” ,所以除/防冰后如果时间接近 HOT 无法起飞,应滑回二 次除冰。 注 : 保 持 时 间 ( Holdover Times ) 和 限 定 允 许 时 间 (Allowance Times)的区别: 保持时间是通过使用 SEA APR5485 和 APR5945 所描述的测 试方案来制定的。这些方案主要依赖对测试表面的目视检测, 从而决定防冻液是否失效,失效是指当防冻液不能再吸收当前 正在发生的冻结降水或冻雨降水(例如雪、冻毛毛雨)。保持 时间适用于除冰丸以外的大多数形式的降水。冰丸的物理特性 致使它易于部分嵌入防冻液,与雪或其它形式的降水相比,它 2 需要更长的时间来融化。所以,一般用于制定保持时间的目视 指示器不适用于冰丸。 作为解决冰丸降水问题的方法,另一种测试方案被开发出 来,它联合了目视检测的被冰丸污染的防冻液的气动流向性能 和机翼模型测试表面的评估。自 2005 年以来,从该测试方案 衍生出一部指南,被称为“限定允许时间”。由于小冰雹和冰 丸内在的相似性,该指南也适用于小冰雹。 操作上来说,保持时间和限定允许时间为飞机提供了遵循 除防冰程序安全离场的时间。二者之间最大区别是适用于保持 时间的起飞前污染检测(检查),不适用于限定允许时间。限 定允许时间只有在一种情境下可以被延长,即如果降水停止且 不会重新开始,并且仍在限定允许时间内,那么限定允许时间 可以延长 90 分钟。 附件列表: 附件 1:2021-2022 国货航防冰液保持时间表(HOT) 附件 2:2021-2022 TYPE II FLUIDS HOLDOVER TIMES TABLES 附件 3:2021-2022 TYPE IV FLUIDS HOLDOVER TIMES TABLES 传达及记录要求 请飞行部在三个工作日内将此通告内容传达给每名飞行 员,同时做好传达记录并予以归档。 此通告。 经办单位:飞行运行技术管理部 联系人:杜剑 联系电话:61465366 (共 3 页) 3 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 4 Table 1: Active Frost Holdover Times for SAE Type I, Type II, and Type IV Fluids 表 1: SAE I 型液、II 型液和 IV 型液在活霜 4情况下的保持时间 1,2,3 Outside Air Temperature 1,2,3 环境温度 -1 °C and above (30 °F and above) -1 °C 及以上 (30 °F 及以上) below -1 to -3 °C (below 30 to 27 °F) -1以下至 -3 °C ( 30 以下至 27 °F) below -3 to -10 °C (below 27 to 14 °F) -3 以下至-10 °C ( 27 以下至 14 °F) below -10 to -14 °C (below 14 to 7 °F) -10以下至-14 °C (14 以下至 7 °F) below -14 to -21 °C (below 7 to -6 °F) -14以下至-21 °C (7 以下至-6 °F) below -21 to -25 °C (below -6 to -13 °F) -21以下至-25 °C (-6 以下至-13 °F) below -25 °C to LOUT (below -13 °F to LOUT) -25 °C 以下至 LOUT ( -13 °F 以下至 LOUT) Concentration Type I I型 Outside Air 2,3 Temperature 2,3 环境温度 Fluid/Water By % Type II Type IV Volume II 型 IV 型 100/0 8:00 12:00 75/25 5:00 5:00 50/50 2:00 3:00 100/0 8:00 12:00 75/25 5:00 5:00 50/50 1:30 3:00 100/0 8:00 10:00 75/25 4:00 5:00 100/0 6:00 6:00 75/25 1:00 1:00 100/0 3:00 6:00 100/0 2:00 4:00 原液/水百分比 -1 °C and above (30 °F and above) -1 °C 及以上 (30 °F 及以上) below -1 to -3 °C (below 30 to 27 °F) -1 以下至 -3 °C ( 30 以下至 27 °F) 0:35 below -3 to -10 °C (below 27 to 14 °F) -3 以下至-10 °C ( 27 以下至 14 °F) below -10 to -14 °C (below 14 to 7 °F) -10 以下至-14 °C (14 以下至 7 °F) below -14 to -21 °C (below 7 to -6 °F) -14 以下至-21 °C (7 以下至-6 °F) below -21 to -25 °C (below -6 to -13 °F) -21 以下至-25 °C (-6 以下至-13 °F) below -25 °C (below -13 °F) -25 °C 以下 ( -13 °F 以下) No Holdover Time Guidelines 100/0 Exist 无推荐的保持时间 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 NOTES 备注 1 Type I Fluid / Water Mixture must be selected so that the freezing point of the mixture is at least 10 °C (18 °F) below outside air temperature. I型液和水的混合液的冰点必须低于环境温度至少10 °C (18 °F) 。 2 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. 使用时,确保符合最低操作使用温度(LOUT)。 3 Changes in outside air temperature (OAT) over the course of longer frost events can be significant; the appropriate holdover time to use is the one provided for the coldest OAT that has occurred in the time between the de/anti-icing fluid application and takeoff. 在较长时间的结霜过程中,环境温度变化显著,该情况下,应选择适用于从开始使用除/防冰液到起飞期间最低环境温度对应的保持时间。 4 Active Frost:is a condition when frost is forming. Active frost occurs when the aircraft surface temperature is at or below the frost point, or there is water in liquid form on the aircraft surface and the surface falls to /or below 0°C(frozen dew). 活霜:霜正在形成时的状态。在飞机表面温度低于或等于霜点时活性霜出现;或飞机表面存在液态水,当表面温度降至或低于0°C(冰露)时,活霜出现。 CAUTIONS 警告 Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. 用于地面除/防冰的液体,不提供飞行中的结冰保护。 This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. 此表仅用于起飞计划,应与起飞前检查程序结合使用。 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 TABLE 2: HOLDOVER TIMES FOR SAE TYPE I FLUID 表 2: SAE I 型液保持时间 Outside Air 1,2 Temperature 1,2 环境温度 Freezing Fog Freezing 3 Mist or Ice Crystals 3 冻雾 或冰晶 Very Light Snow, Snow Grains or Snow 4,5 Pellets 微雪,雪粒或雪 4,5 丸 Light Snow, Snow Grains or Snow 4,5 Pellets 小雪,雪粒 4,5 或雪丸 Moderate Snow, Snow Grains or 4 Snow Pellets 中雪,雪粒 4 或雪丸 Freezing Drizzle6 6 冻毛毛雨 Light Freezing Rain 轻度冻雨 Rain on Cold 7 Soaked Wing 7 冰冷机翼上的雨 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) -3 °C 及以上(27 °F 及以上) 0:09 - 0:16 0:12 - 0:15 0:06 - 0:12 0:03 - 0:06 0:08 - 0:13 0:02 - 0:05 0:01 - 0:05 below -3 to -6 °C (below 27 to 21 °F) -3以下至-6 °C (27以 下至21 °F) 0:06 - 0:08 0:11 - 0:13 0:05 - 0:11 0:02 - 0:05 0:05 - 0:09 0:02 - 0:05 below -6 to -10 °C (below 21 to 14 °F) -6 以下至-10 °C (21 以下至14 °F) below -10 °C (below 14 °F) -10 °C以下(14 °F以 下) 8 Other 8 其他 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 警告:无推荐的保持时间 0:04 - 0:08 0:09 - 0:12 0:05 - 0:09 0:02 - 0:05 0:04 - 0:07 0:07 - 0:08 0:04 - 0:07 0:02 - 0:04 0:04 - 0:07 0:02 - 0:05 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 NOTES 备注 1 Type I fluid / water mixture must be selected so that the freezing point of the mixture is at least 10 °C (18 °F) below outside air temperature. I型液和水的混合液的冰点必须低于环境温度至少10 °C (18 °F) 。 2 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. 使用时,确保符合最低操作使用温度(LOUT)。 3 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0°C (32°F) and below. 冻雾最好通过观察来确认。天气报告(METAR)从未报道过,但冻雾可以发生在0°C (32°F)和以下。 4 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 7) is required. 降雪强度的判断参照降雪强度与能见度函数关系表(表7)。 5 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 在微度或轻度雨夹雪的天气状况下,遵照轻度冻雨状况下的保持时间。 6 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 冻毛毛雨包括轻度、中度以及重度冻毛毛雨,如无法明确识别冻毛毛雨,遵照轻度冻雨状况下的保持时间。 7 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 当环境温度为0 °C (32 °F) 及以下时,无推荐的保持时间。 8 Other:Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 其他包括:大雪,冰丸,中度和重度冻雨,小冰雹和冰雹。 CAUTIONS 警告 The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. 在恶劣气候条件下,防护时间会缩短。大降水量或高湿度、高风速或喷气气流,会使保持时间减少到下限值以下。当飞机蒙皮温度低于环境温度时,保持时间也会减少 Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. 用于地面除/防冰的液体,不提供飞行中的结冰保护。 This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. 此表仅用于起飞计划,应与起飞前检查程序结合使用。 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 TABLE 3: GENERIC HOLDOVER TIMES FOR SAE TYPE II FLUIDS 表 3:SAE II 型液的通用保持时间 Outside Air 1 Temperature 1 环境温度 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) -3 °C 及以上 (27 °F 及以上) below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) -3以下至-8 °C (27以下至18 °F) below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) -8 以下至 -14 °C (18以下至7 °F) below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) -14 以下至 -18 °C (7以下至0 °F) below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) -18 以下至 -25 °C (0以下至-13°F) below -25 °C to LOUT (below -13 °F to LOUT) -25 °C以下至LOUT (-13 °F以下至LOUT) Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume 原液/水 百分比 Freezing Fog 2 Freezing Mist or Ice Crystals 2 冻雾 或冰晶 Snow, Snow Grains or 3,4 Snow Pellets 雪,雪粒 3,4 或雪丸 , Freezing Drizzle5 5 冻毛毛雨 Light Freezing Rain 轻度冻雨 Rain on Cold 6 Soaked Wing 6 冰冷机翼上的雨 100/0 0:55 - 1:50 0:25 - 0:50 0:30 - 1:00 0:20 - 0:35 0:07 - 0:45 75/25 0:25 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:25 0:15 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 0:04 - 0:25 50/50 0:15 - 0:25 0:05 - 0:10 0:08 - 0:15 0:06 - 0:09 100/0 0:30 - 0:45 0:20 - 0:35 0:20 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:20 75/25 0:25 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:20 0:15 - 0:25 0:08 - 0:15 100/0 0:30 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:30 0:20 - 0:45 75/25 0:25 - 0:50 0:08 - 0:20 0:15 - 0:25 100/0 0:15 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 100/0 0:15 - 0:20 0:01 - 0:03 100/0 0:15 - 0:20 0:00 - 0:01 8 8 8 0:15 - 0:20 8 0:08 - 0:15 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 警告:无推荐的保持时间 7 Other 7 其他 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 NOTES 备注 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 使用时确保符合最低操作使用温度(LOUT)。在不能使用II型液时考虑使用I型液。 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 冻雾最好通过观察来确认。天气报告(METAR)从未报告过,但冻雾可以发生在0 °C (32 °F)和以下。 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 7) is required. 降雪强度的判断参照降雪强度与能见度函数关系表(表 7)。 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain. 在微度或轻度雨夹雪的天气状况下,遵照轻度冻雨状况下的保持时间。 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 冻毛毛雨包括轻度、中度以及重度冻毛毛雨,如无法明确识别冻毛毛雨,遵照轻度冻雨状况下的保持时间。 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 当环境温度°C (32 °F)及以下,此状况下无推荐的保持时间。 7 Other: Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 其它包括:大雪,冰丸,中度和重度冻雨,小冰雹和冰雹。 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). 当环境温度低于-10 °C (14 °F)时,此状况下无推荐的保持时间。 9 If the LOUT is unknown, no holdover time guidelines exist below -24 °C (-11 °F). 如最低操作使用温度(LOUT)未知,低于-24 °C (-11 °F)时无推荐的保持时间。 CAUTIONS 警告 The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. 在恶劣气候条件下,防护时间会缩短。大降水量或高湿度、高风速或喷气气流,会使保持时间减少到下限值以下。当飞机蒙皮温度低于环境温度时,保持时间也会减少。 Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. 用于地面除/防冰的液体,不提供飞行中的结冰保护。 This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. 此表仅用于起飞计划,应与起飞前检查程序结合使用。 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 TABLE 4: GENERIC HOLDOVER TIMES FOR SAE TYPE IV FLUIDS 表 4:SAE IV 型液的通用保持时间 Outside Air 1 Temperature 1 环境温度 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) -3 °C 及以上 (27 °F 及以上) below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) -3以下至-8 °C (27以下至18 °F) below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) -8 以下至 -14 °C (18以下至7 °F) below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) -14 以下至 -18 °C (7以下至0 °F) below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) -18 以下至 -25 °C (0以下至-13°F) below -25 °C to LOUT (below -13 °F to LOUT) -25 °C 以 下 至 LOUT ( -13 °F 以下至LOUT) Fluid Concentratio n Fluid/Water By % Volume 原液/水 百分比 Freezing Fog Freezing 2 Mist or Ice Crystals 2 冻雾 或冰晶 Very Light Snow, Snow Grains or Snow 3,4 Pellets 微雪,雪粒 3,4, 或雪丸 Light Snow, Snow Grains or Snow 3,4 Pellets 小雪,雪粒 3,4, 或雪丸 Moderate Snow, Snow Grains or 3 Snow Pellets 中雪,雪粒 3 或雪丸 Freezing Drizzle5 5 冻毛毛雨 Light Freezing Rain 轻度冻雨 Rain on Cold 6 Soaked Wing 6 冰冷机翼上的雨 100/0 1:15 - 2:40 1:55 - 2:20 1:10 - 1:55 0:35 - 1:10 0:40 - 1:10 0:20 - 0:35 0:08 - 1:05 75/25 1:25 - 2:40 2:05 - 2:25 1:15 - 2:05 0:40 - 1:15 0:50 - 1:20 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 1:15 50/50 0:30 - 0:55 1:00 - 1:10 0:25 - 1:00 0:10 - 0:25 0:15 - 0:40 0:09 - 0:20 100/0 0:20 - 1:35 1:45 - 2:05 0:55 - 1:45 0:25 - 0:55 0:25 - 1:10 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 0:30 - 1:20 1:50 - 2:10 1:00 - 1:50 0:30 - 1:00 0:20 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:25 100/0 0:20 - 1:35 1:20 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:25 -1:10 0:20 -0:25 75/25 0:30 - 1:20 1:40 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:40 0:20 - 0:45 0:20 -1:05 0:15 -0:25 100/0 0:20 - 0:35 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 100/0 0:20 - 0:35 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 100/0 0:20 - 0:35 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 8 8 7 Other 7 其他 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist 警告:无推荐的保持时间 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 NOTES 备注 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 使用时确保符合最低操作使用温度(LOUT)。在不能使用IV型液时考虑使用I型液。 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 冻雾最好通过观察来确认。天气报告(METAR)从未报告过,但冻雾可以发生在0 °C (32 °F)和以下。 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 7) is required. 降雪强度的判断参照降雪强度与能见度函数关系表(表 7)。 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain. 在微度或轻度雨夹雪的天气状况下,遵照轻度冻雨状况下的保持时间。 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 冻毛毛雨包括轻度、中度以及重度冻毛毛雨,如无法明确识别冻毛毛雨,遵照轻度冻雨状况下的保持时间。 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 当环境温度0 °C (32 °F)及以下,此状况下无推荐的保持时间。 7 Other: Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail.(Table 6&7 provides allowance times for ice pellets and small hail) 其它包括:大雪,冰丸,中度和重度冻雨,小冰雹和冰雹。(冰丸及小冰雹情况下的限定允许时间参考表6和表7) 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). 当环境温度低于-10 °C (14 °F)时,此状况下无推荐的保持时间。 9 If the LOUT is unknown, no holdover time guidelines exist below -23.5 °C (-10 °F). 如最低操作使用温度(LOUT)未知,低于-23.5 °C (-10°F)时无推荐的保持时间。 CAUTIONS 警告 The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. 在恶劣气候条件下,防护时间会缩短。大降水量或高湿度、高风速或喷气气流,会使保持时间减少到下限值以下。当飞机蒙皮温度低于环境温度时,保持时间也会减少。 Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. 用于地面除/防冰的液体,不提供飞行中的结冰保护。 This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. 此表仅用于起飞计划,应与起飞前检查程序结合使用。 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 TABLE 5: ALLOWANCE TIMES FOR SAE TYPE IV FLUIDS1 表 5:SAE IV 型乙二醇(EG)液的限定允许时间 1 Outside Air Temperature 环境温度 Precipitation Type or Combinations 降水单一类型或混合类型 2 -5 °C and Above -5 °C及以上 Below -5 to -10 °C -5 以下至-10°C Below -10 to -16°C -10以下至-16°C Below -16 to -22 °C 2 -16以下至-22°C Light Ice Pellets 轻度冰丸 70 minutes 70分钟 50 minutes 50分钟 30 minutes 30 分钟 30 minutes 30 分钟 Light Ice Pellets Mixed with Snow 轻度冰丸夹雪 40 minutes 40分钟 30 minutes 30分钟 15 minutes 15分钟 Light Ice Pellets Mixed with Freezing Drizzle or Moderate Freezing Drizzle 轻度冰丸夹轻度冻毛毛雨或者中度冻雨 Light Ice Pellets Mixed with Light Freezing Rain 轻度冰丸夹轻度冻雨 40 minutes 40分钟 30 minutes 30分钟 40 minutes 40分钟 30 minutes 30分钟 Light Ice Pellets Mixed with Light Rain 轻度冰丸夹雨 40 minutes 3 40分钟 4 Moderate Ice Pellets (or Small Hail) 4 中度冰丸(或小冰雹) 3 35 minutes 35 分钟 25 minutes 25分钟 20 minutes 20分钟 10 minutes 10分钟 4 Moderate Ice Pellets (or Small Hail) Mixed with Moderate Freezing Drizzle 4 中度冰丸(或小冰雹) 夹中度冻毛毛雨 4 Moderate Ice Pellets (or Small Hail) Mixed with Moderate Rain 4 中度冰丸(或小冰雹) 夹中度雨 Caution: No allowance times currently exist 警告:当前无限定允许时间 10 minutes 10 分钟 10 minutes 10分钟 Caution: No allowance times currently exist 警告:当前无限定允许时间 5 15 minutes 5 15分钟 NOTES 1 These allowance times are for use with undiluted (100/0) ethylene glycol based fluids applied on aircraft with rotation speeds of 100 knots or greater. The following fluids are ethylene glycol based; AllClear ClearWing EG, ASGlobal 4Flite EG, AVIAFLUID AVIAFlight EG, CHEMCO ChemR EG IV, CHEMCO ChemR Nordik IV, Clariant Max Flight AVIA, Clariant Safewing EG IV NORTH, Dow EG106, JSC RCP Nordix Defrost EG 4, JSC RCP Nordix Defrost NORTH 4, and Newave Aerochemical FCY-EGIV. If the 除冰保持时间表 2 3 4 5 2021-2022_R0 glycol type is unknown, the allowance times for SAE Type IV PG fluids should be used.. 此表适用于将未稀释的(100/0)乙二醇基液应用在抬头速度大于/等于100节以上的飞机。AllClear ClearWing EG, ASGlobal 4Flite EG, AVIAFLUID AVIAFlight EG, CHEMCO ChemR EG IV, CHEMCO ChemR Nordik IV, Clariant Max Flight AVIA, Clariant Safewing EG IV NORTH, Dow EG106, JSC RCP Nordix Defrost EG 4, JSC RCP Nordix Defrost NORTH 4, 以及Newave Aerochemical FCY-EGIV的IV型液都是乙二醇,如果醇类型未知,应使用SAE IV型丙二醇液的允许时间。 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. 使用时,确保符合最低操作使用温度(LOUT)。 No allowance times exist in this condition for temperatures of 0 °C and below; consider use of light ice pellets mixed with light freezing rain. 如果环境温度低于0 °C,无推荐的限定允许时间,此情况下参考轻度冰丸夹冻雨的限定允许时间。 If no intensity is reported with small hail, use the “moderate ice pellets or small hail” allowance times. If an intensity is reported with small hail, the ice pellet condition with the equivalent intensity can be used, e.g. if light small hail is reported, the “light ice pellets” allowance times can be used. This also applies in mixed conditions, e.g. if light small hail mixed with light snow is reported, use the “light ice pellets mixed with light snow” allowance times. 如果小冰雹没有强度报告,使用“中等冰丸或小冰雹”允许时间。如果报告的强度为小冰雹,则可使用同等强度的冰丸条件,例如,如果报告的强度为小冰雹,则可使用“轻 度冰丸”限定允许时间。这也适用于混合情况,例如,如果轻度冰雹夹轻度雪,使用“轻度冰丸夹轻度雪”的限定允许时间。 No allowance times exist in this condition for temperatures of 0 °C and below. 如果环境温度低于0 °C,无推荐的限定允许时间。 CAUTIONS 警告 Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. 用于地面除/防冰的液体,不提供飞行中的结冰保护。 This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. 此表仅用于起飞计划,应与起飞前检查程序结合使用。 Allowance time cannot be extended by an inspection of the aircraft critical surfaces. 对飞机关键表面进行检查不能延长限定允许时间。 Takeoff is allowed up to 90 minutes after start of fluid application if the precipitation stops at or before the allowance time expires and does not restart. The OAT must not decrease during the 90 minutes to use this guidance in conditions of light ice pellets mixed with either: freezing drizzle, freezing rain or rain. 如果降水在限定允许时间内停止,并没有重新开始降水,飞机可在除冰液开始喷洒后 90 分钟内起飞。在轻度冰丸夹冻毛毛雨/冻雨/雨的气象条件下,必须同时确认环境温度 在 90 分钟内没有下降,飞机方可起飞。 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 TABLE 6: ALLOWANCE TIMES FOR SAE TYPE IV FLUIDS1 表 6:SAE IV 型乙二醇(PG)液的限定允许时间 1 Outside Air Temperature 环境温度 Precipitation Type or Combinations 降水单一类型或混合类型 -5 °C and Above -5 °C及以上 Below -5 to -10 °C -5 以下至-10°C Below -10 to -16°C -10以下至-16°C Light Ice Pellets 轻度冰丸 50 minutes 50分钟 30 minutes 30分钟 30 minutes 3 30 分钟 Light Ice Pellets Mixed with Snow 轻度冰丸夹雪 40 minutes 40分钟 15 minutes 15分钟 15 minutes 3 15分钟 Light Ice Pellets Mixed with Freezing Drizzle or Moderate Freezing Drizzle 轻度冰丸夹轻度冻毛毛雨或者中度冻雨 25 minutes 25分钟 10 minutes 10分钟 Light Ice Pellets Mixed with Light Freezing Rain 轻度冰丸夹轻度冻雨 25 minutes 25分钟 10 minutes 10分钟 Light Ice Pellets Mixed with Light Rain 轻度冰丸夹雨 25 minutes 4 25分钟 5 Moderate Ice Pellets (or Small Hail) 5 中度冰丸(或小冰雹) 5 Moderate Ice Pellets (or Small Hail) Mixed with Moderate Rain 5 中度冰丸(或小冰雹) 夹中度雨 NOTES 3 30 minutes 3 30 分钟 3 Caution: No allowance times currently exist 警告:当前无限定允许时间 4 15 minutes 15 分钟 10 minutes 10分钟 20 minutes 20分钟 10 minutes 10分钟 5 Moderate Ice Pellets (or Small Hail) Mixed with Moderate Freezing Drizzle 5 中度冰丸(或小冰雹) 夹中度冻毛毛雨 3 2 Below -16 to -22 °C 2 -16以下至-22°C 5 15 minutes 5 15分钟 3 10 minutes 3 10 分钟 Caution: No allowance times currently exist 警告:当前无限定允许时间 除冰保持时间表 1 2021-2022_R0 These allowance times are for use with undiluted (100/0) propylene glycol based fluids applied on aircraft with rotation speeds of 100 knots or greater. All Type IV fluids are propylene glycol based with the exception of AllClear ClearWing EG, ASGlobal 4Flite EG, AVIAFLUID AVIAFlight EG, CHEMCO ChemR EG IV, CHEMCO ChemR Nordik IV, Clariant Max Flight AVIA, Clariant Safewing EG IV NORTH, Dow EG106, JSC RCP Nordix Defrost EG 4,JSC RCP Nordix Defrost NORTH 4, and Newave Aerochemical FCY-EGIV, which are ethylene glycol based. If the glycol type is unknown, the allowance times for SAE Type IV PG fluids should be used. 此表适用于将未稀释的(100/0)丙二醇基液应用在抬头速度大于/等于 100 节以上的飞机。AllClear ClearWing EG, ASGlobal 4Flite EG, AVIAFLUID AVIAFlight EG, CHEMCO ChemR EG IV, CHEMCO ChemR Nordik IV, Clariant Max Flight AVIA, Clariant Safewing EG IV NORTH, Dow EG106, JSC RCP Nordix Defrost EG 4,JSC RCP Nordix Defrost NORTH 4, and Newave Aerochemical FCY-EGIV 的 IV 型液是乙二醇基,其它均为丙二醇基。如果醇类型未知,应使用 SAE IV 型丙二醇液的允许时间。 2 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. 使用时,确保符合最低操作使用温度(LOUT)。 3 No allowance times exist for propylene glycol (PG) fluids when used on aircraft with rotation speeds less than 115 knots. 如果飞机抬头速度小于 115 节,丙二醇基(PG)或者醇类型不确定的液体无推荐的限定允许时间。 4 No allowance times exist in this condition for temperatures below 0 °C; consider use of light ice pellets mixed with freezing rain. 如果环境温度低于 0 °C,无推荐的限定允许时间,此情况下参考轻度冰丸夹冻雨的限定允许时间。 5 If an intensity is reported with small hail, the ice pellet condition with the equivalent intensity can be used, e.g. if light small hail is reported, the “light ice pellets” allowance times can be used. This also applies in mixed conditions, e.g. if light small hail mixed with light snow is reported, use the “light ice pellets mixed with light snow” allowance times. 如果小冰雹没有强度报告,使用“中等冰丸或小冰雹”允许次数。如果报告的强度为小冰雹,则可使用同等强度的冰丸条件,例如,如果报告的强度为小冰雹,则可使用“轻 度冰丸”限定允许时间。这也适用于混合情况,例如,如果轻度冰雹夹轻度雪,使用“轻度冰丸夹轻度雪”的限定允许时间。 6 No allowance times exist in this condition for temperatures of 0 °C and below. 如果环境温度低于 0 °C,无推荐的限定允许时间 CAUTIONS 警告 Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. 用于地面除/防冰的液体,不提供飞行中的结冰保护。 This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. 此表仅用于起飞计划,应与起飞前检查程序结合使用。 Allowance time cannot be extended by an inspection of the aircraft critical surfaces. 对飞机关键表面进行检查不能延长限定允许时间。 Takeoff is allowed up to 90 minutes after start of fluid application if the precipitation stops at or before the allowance time expires and does not restart. The OAT must not decrease during the 90 minutes to use this guidance in conditions of light ice pellets mixed with either: freezing drizzle, freezing rain or rain. 如果降水在限定允许时间内停止,并没有重新开始降水,飞机可在除冰液开始喷洒后 90 分钟内起飞。在轻度冰丸夹冻毛毛雨/冻雨/雨的气象条件下,必须同时确认环境温度 在 90 分钟内没有下降,飞机方可起飞。 除冰保持时间表 2021-2022_R0 TABLE 7: SNOWFALL INTENSITIES AS A FUNCTION OF PREVAILING VISIBILITY 表 7:降雪强度与能见度函数关系表 Temp. 温度 Time of Day 时间 Night 夜间 colder/equal -1 -1及以下 warmer than-1 -1以上 colder/equal-1 -1及以下 warmer than-1 -1以上 NOTE /备注 NOTE /备注 NOTE /备注 NOTE/备注 NOTE /备注 Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏度 colder/equal 30 30及以下 warmer than 30 30以上 colder/equal 30 30及以下 warmer than 30 30以上 ≥ 2 1/2 (≥4000) 2 (3200) 1 3/4 (2800) 1 1/2 (2400) 1 1/4 (2000) 1 (1600) 3/4 (1200) 1/2 (800) ≤ 1/4 (≤ 400) Very Light 微雪 Very Light 微雪 Very Light 微雪 Very Light 微雪 Very Light 微雪 Very Light 微雪 Light 小雪 Light 小雪 Light 小雪 Moderate 中雪 Moderate 中雪 Heavy 大雪 Light 小雪 Light 小雪 Light 小雪 Light 小雪 Moderate 中雪 Moderate 中雪 Heavy 大雪 Heavy 大雪 Light 小雪 Light 小雪 Moderate 中雪 Moderate 中雪 Moderate 中雪 Moderate 中雪 Heavy 大雪 Heavy 大雪 Light 小雪 Moderate 中雪 Moderate 中雪 Moderate 中雪 Moderate 中雪 Heavy 大雪 Heavy 大雪 Heavy 大雪 Snowfall Intensity 降雪强度 Day 日间 Degrees Celsius 摄氏度 Visibility in Statute Miles (Meters) 能见度以法定英里(米)计 1: This table is for estimating snowfall intensity. 本表用于估算降雪强度。 2: This table is to be used with Type I, II, and IV fluid guidelines. 本表适用于 I, II and IV型液。 3: The use of Runway Visual Range (RVR) is not permitted for determining visibility used with the holdover tables. 不允许使用跑道视程来判定保持时间表中的能见度。 4: Some METARS contain tower visibility as well as surface visibility. Whenever surface visibility is available from an official source, such as a METAR, in either the main body of the METAR or in the Remarks (“RMK”) section, the preferred action is to use the surface visibility value. 部分天气报告(METARS)会包含塔台能见度及地面能见度。如从官方来源(如METAR)可获得地面能见度数据,不论是从其主体部分还是备注部分,皆以地 面能见度数据为首选。 5: If visibility from a source other than the METAR is used, round to the nearest visibility in the table, rounding down if it is right in between two values. For example, .6 and .625 (5/8) would both be rounded to .5 (1/2). 如果使用非天气报告(METARS)来源的能见度数据,则参考上表中最接近的数值,如果能见度数据位于两个值中间,则取低值。例如,.6 和.625(5/8)都参考.5(1/2)。 HEAVY = Caution—No Holdover Time Guidelines Exist大雪=警告-无推荐的保持时间 长春龙嘉 ZYCC FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR NEWAVE AEROCHEMICAL FCY 9311 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:55 - 4:00 2:20 - 2:55 1:10 - 2:20 0:35 - 1:10 1:10 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:05 0:15 - 1:25 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 2:05 1:50 - 2:20 0:55 - 1:50 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:35 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 2:05 1:35 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:35 0:25 - 0:50 0:35 - 1:208 0:20 - 0:358 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 1:00 - 1:15 0:30 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:30 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:35 0:07 - 0:15 below -25 to -29.5 °C (below -13 to -21 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 0:30 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:30 0:06 - 0:15 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 52 of 74 August 4, 2021 沈阳桃仙 ZYTX FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR AVIATION SHAANXI HI-TECH CLEANWING II Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 0:55 - 1:50 1:35 - 1:55 0:55 - 1:35 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:10 - 0:55 75/25 0:50 - 1:20 1:20 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 1:00 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:50 50/50 0:35 - 1:00 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:20 - 1:35 0:40 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:40 0:30 - 0:55 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:25 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:05 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:35 0:30 - 0:558 0:20 - 0:258 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:408 0:20 - 0:258 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:45 - 1:00 0:25 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:15 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 14 of 74 August 4, 2021 北京首都机场 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines ZBAA Winter 2021-2022 TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR NEWAVE AEROCHEMICAL FCY-2 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Freezing Fog, Freezing Mist2, or Ice Crystals Snow, Snow Grains or Snow Pellets3,4 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Freezing Rain Rain on ColdSoaked Wing6 100/0 1:15 - 2:25 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:45 75/25 0:50 - 1:30 0:20 - 0:40 0:25 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:25 0:05 - 0:25 50/50 0:25 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:25 0:10 - 0:20 0:07 - 0:10 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:30 0:20 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:20 75/25 0:30 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:25 0:15 - 0:30 0:08 - 0:15 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:30 0:15 - 0:30 0:20 - 0:458 0:15 - 0:208 75/25 0:30 - 1:05 0:10 - 0:20 0:15 - 0:308 0:08 - 0:158 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28 °C (below -13 to -18 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:00 - 0:01 Outside Air Temperature1 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 21 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines 北京海南航空 ZBAA - HAINAN Airline Winter 2021-2022 TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR AVIATION SHAANXI HI-TECH CLEANWING II Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 0:55 - 1:50 1:35 - 1:55 0:55 - 1:35 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:10 - 0:55 75/25 0:50 - 1:20 1:20 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 1:00 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:50 50/50 0:35 - 1:00 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:20 - 1:35 0:40 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:40 0:30 - 0:55 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:25 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:05 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:35 0:30 - 0:558 0:20 - 0:258 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:408 0:20 - 0:258 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:45 - 1:00 0:25 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:15 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 14 of 74 August 4, 2021 上海浦东 ZSPD FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR NEWAVE AEROCHEMICAL FCY 9311 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:55 - 4:00 2:20 - 2:55 1:10 - 2:20 0:35 - 1:10 1:10 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:05 0:15 - 1:25 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 2:05 1:50 - 2:20 0:55 - 1:50 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:35 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 2:05 1:35 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:35 0:25 - 0:50 0:35 - 1:208 0:20 - 0:358 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 1:00 - 1:15 0:30 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:30 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:35 0:07 - 0:15 below -25 to -29.5 °C (below -13 to -21 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 0:30 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:30 0:06 - 0:15 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 52 of 74 August 4, 2021 南京禄口机场 ZSNJ FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR NEWAVE AEROCHEMICAL FCY-2 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Freezing Fog, Freezing Mist2, or Ice Crystals Snow, Snow Grains or Snow Pellets3,4 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Freezing Rain Rain on ColdSoaked Wing6 100/0 1:15 - 2:25 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:45 75/25 0:50 - 1:30 0:20 - 0:40 0:25 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:25 0:05 - 0:25 50/50 0:25 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:25 0:10 - 0:20 0:07 - 0:10 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:30 0:20 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:20 75/25 0:30 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:25 0:15 - 0:30 0:08 - 0:15 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:30 0:15 - 0:30 0:20 - 0:458 0:15 - 0:208 75/25 0:30 - 1:05 0:10 - 0:20 0:15 - 0:308 0:08 - 0:158 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28 °C (below -13 to -18 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:00 - 0:01 Outside Air Temperature1 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 21 of 74 August 4, 2021 郑州新郑 ZHCC FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR AVIATION SHAANXI HI-TECH CLEANWING II Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 0:55 - 1:50 1:35 - 1:55 0:55 - 1:35 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:10 - 0:55 75/25 0:50 - 1:20 1:20 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 1:00 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:50 50/50 0:35 - 1:00 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:20 - 1:35 0:40 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:40 0:30 - 0:55 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:25 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:05 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:35 0:30 - 0:558 0:20 - 0:258 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:408 0:20 - 0:258 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:45 - 1:00 0:25 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:15 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 14 of 74 August 4, 2021 南昌昌北 ZSCN FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR NEWAVE AEROCHEMICAL FCY-2 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Freezing Fog, Freezing Mist2, or Ice Crystals Snow, Snow Grains or Snow Pellets3,4 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Freezing Rain Rain on ColdSoaked Wing6 100/0 1:15 - 2:25 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:45 75/25 0:50 - 1:30 0:20 - 0:40 0:25 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:25 0:05 - 0:25 50/50 0:25 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:25 0:10 - 0:20 0:07 - 0:10 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:30 0:20 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:20 75/25 0:30 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:25 0:15 - 0:30 0:08 - 0:15 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:30 0:15 - 0:30 0:20 - 0:458 0:15 - 0:208 75/25 0:30 - 1:05 0:10 - 0:20 0:15 - 0:308 0:08 - 0:158 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28 °C (below -13 to -18 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:00 - 0:01 Outside Air Temperature1 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 21 of 74 August 4, 2021 重庆江北 ZUCK FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR AVIATION SHAANXI HI-TECH CLEANWING II Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 0:55 - 1:50 1:35 - 1:55 0:55 - 1:35 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:10 - 0:55 75/25 0:50 - 1:20 1:20 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 1:00 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:50 50/50 0:35 - 1:00 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:20 - 1:35 0:40 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:40 0:30 - 0:55 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:25 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:05 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:35 0:30 - 0:558 0:20 - 0:258 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:408 0:20 - 0:258 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:45 - 1:00 0:25 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:15 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 14 of 74 August 4, 2021 杭州萧山 ZSHC FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR AVIATION SHAANXI HI-TECH CLEANWING II Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 0:55 - 1:50 1:35 - 1:55 0:55 - 1:35 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:10 - 0:55 75/25 0:50 - 1:20 1:20 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 1:00 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:50 50/50 0:35 - 1:00 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:20 - 1:35 0:40 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:40 0:30 - 0:55 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:25 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:05 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:35 0:30 - 0:558 0:20 - 0:258 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:408 0:20 - 0:258 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:45 - 1:00 0:25 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:15 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 14 of 74 August 4, 2021 东京 RJAA FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR KILFROST ABC-S PLUS Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:10 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 2:05 - 3:00 1:15 - 2:05 1:50 - 2:00 1:05 - 2:00 0:25 - 2:00 75/25 1:25 - 2:40 2:05 - 2:25 1:15 - 2:05 0:45 - 1:15 1:00 - 1:20 0:30 - 0:50 0:10 - 1:20 50/50 0:30 - 0:55 1:00 - 1:10 0:30 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:30 0:15 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 3:30 3:00 - 3:00 1:50 - 3:00 1:05 - 1:50 0:25 - 1:35 0:20 - 0:30 75/25 0:45 - 1:50 1:50 - 2:10 1:05 - 1:50 0:40 - 1:05 0:20 - 1:10 0:15 - 0:25 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 3:30 2:55 - 3:00 1:45 - 2:55 1:00 - 1:45 0:25 - 1:358 0:20 - 0:308 75/25 0:45 - 1:50 1:45 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:45 0:35 - 1:00 0:20 - 1:108 0:15 - 0:258 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:00 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:00 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28 °C (below -13 to -18 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:00 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 51 of 74 August 4, 2021 大阪 RJBB FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV LAUNCH Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 4:00 - 4:00 2:50 - 3:00 1:45 - 2:50 1:05 - 1:45 1:30 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:40 0:15 - 1:40 75/25 3:40 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:45 - 3:00 1:00 - 1:45 1:40 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:15 0:10 - 1:45 50/50 1:25 - 2:45 1:25 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:25 0:25 - 0:45 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:25 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 1:55 2:25 - 2:50 1:30 - 2:25 0:55 - 1:30 0:35 - 1:40 0:25 - 0:45 75/25 0:40 - 1:20 2:40 - 3:00 1:30 - 2:40 0:50 - 1:30 0:25 - 1:10 0:25 - 0:45 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 1:55 2:10 - 2:30 1:20 - 2:10 0:50 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:408 0:25 - 0:458 75/25 0:40 - 1:20 2:25 - 2:55 1:25 - 2:25 0:45 - 1:25 0:25 - 1:108 0:25 - 0:458 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 1:15 - 1:45 0:20 - 1:15 0:06 - 0:20 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -25 to -28.5 °C (below -13 to -19 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:30 0:06 - 0:20 0:01 - 0:06 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 41 of 74 August 4, 2021 法兰克福 EDDF FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR KILFROST ABC-S PLUS Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:10 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 2:05 - 3:00 1:15 - 2:05 1:50 - 2:00 1:05 - 2:00 0:25 - 2:00 75/25 1:25 - 2:40 2:05 - 2:25 1:15 - 2:05 0:45 - 1:15 1:00 - 1:20 0:30 - 0:50 0:10 - 1:20 50/50 0:30 - 0:55 1:00 - 1:10 0:30 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:30 0:15 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 3:30 3:00 - 3:00 1:50 - 3:00 1:05 - 1:50 0:25 - 1:35 0:20 - 0:30 75/25 0:45 - 1:50 1:50 - 2:10 1:05 - 1:50 0:40 - 1:05 0:20 - 1:10 0:15 - 0:25 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 3:30 2:55 - 3:00 1:45 - 2:55 1:00 - 1:45 0:25 - 1:358 0:20 - 0:308 75/25 0:45 - 1:50 1:45 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:45 0:35 - 1:00 0:20 - 1:108 0:15 - 0:258 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:00 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:00 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28 °C (below -13 to -18 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:00 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 51 of 74 August 4, 2021 阿姆斯特丹 EHAM FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT SAFEWING MP II FLIGHT Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 3:30 - 4:00 2:35 - 3:00 1:35 - 2:35 1:00 - 1:35 1:20 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:25 0:10 - 1:30 75/25 1:50 - 2:45 2:35 - 3:00 1:20 - 2:35 0:40 - 1:20 1:10 - 1:30 0:30 - 0:55 0:06 - 0:50 50/50 0:55 - 1:45 0:45 - 0:55 0:25 - 0:45 0:10 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:30 0:10 - 0:15 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 1:45 2:05 - 2:30 1:15 - 2:05 0:45 - 1:15 0:35 - 1:30 0:25 - 0:45 75/25 0:25 - 1:05 1:45 - 2:10 0:55 - 1:45 0:30 - 0:55 0:25 - 1:10 0:20 - 0:35 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 1:45 1:50 - 2:10 1:05 - 1:50 0:40 - 1:05 0:35 - 1:308 0:25 - 0:458 75/25 0:25 - 1:05 1:20 - 1:40 0:40 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:40 0:25 - 1:108 0:20 - 0:358 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 1:10 - 1:40 0:25 - 1:10 0:08 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:30 0:03 - 0:10 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 16 of 74 August 4, 2021 马德里 LEMD FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT SAFEWING MP II FLIGHT Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 3:30 - 4:00 2:35 - 3:00 1:35 - 2:35 1:00 - 1:35 1:20 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:25 0:10 - 1:30 75/25 1:50 - 2:45 2:35 - 3:00 1:20 - 2:35 0:40 - 1:20 1:10 - 1:30 0:30 - 0:55 0:06 - 0:50 50/50 0:55 - 1:45 0:45 - 0:55 0:25 - 0:45 0:10 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:30 0:10 - 0:15 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 1:45 2:05 - 2:30 1:15 - 2:05 0:45 - 1:15 0:35 - 1:30 0:25 - 0:45 75/25 0:25 - 1:05 1:45 - 2:10 0:55 - 1:45 0:30 - 0:55 0:25 - 1:10 0:20 - 0:35 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 1:45 1:50 - 2:10 1:05 - 1:50 0:40 - 1:05 0:35 - 1:308 0:25 - 0:458 75/25 0:25 - 1:05 1:20 - 1:40 0:40 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:40 0:25 - 1:108 0:20 - 0:358 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 1:10 - 1:40 0:25 - 1:10 0:08 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:30 0:03 - 0:10 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 16 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines 安克雷奇 PANC - SWISSPORT Winter 2021-2022 TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV LAUNCH Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 4:00 - 4:00 2:50 - 3:00 1:45 - 2:50 1:05 - 1:45 1:30 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:40 0:15 - 1:40 75/25 3:40 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:45 - 3:00 1:00 - 1:45 1:40 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:15 0:10 - 1:45 50/50 1:25 - 2:45 1:25 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:25 0:25 - 0:45 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:25 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 1:55 2:25 - 2:50 1:30 - 2:25 0:55 - 1:30 0:35 - 1:40 0:25 - 0:45 75/25 0:40 - 1:20 2:40 - 3:00 1:30 - 2:40 0:50 - 1:30 0:25 - 1:10 0:25 - 0:45 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 1:55 2:10 - 2:30 1:20 - 2:10 0:50 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:408 0:25 - 0:458 75/25 0:40 - 1:20 2:25 - 2:55 1:25 - 2:25 0:45 - 1:25 0:25 - 1:108 0:25 - 0:458 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 1:15 - 1:45 0:20 - 1:15 0:06 - 0:20 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -25 to -28.5 °C (below -13 to -19 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:30 0:06 - 0:20 0:01 - 0:06 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 41 of 74 August 4, 2021 安克雷奇 PANC - PEGASUS AVIATION SERVICES FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR DOW CHEMICAL UCAR™ FLIGHTGUARD AD-49 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 3:20 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:55 - 3:00 1:00 - 1:55 1:25 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:25 0:10 - 1:55 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:35 2:55 - 3:00 1:30 - 2:55 0:45 - 1:30 0:25 - 1:25 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:35 2:25 - 3:00 1:15 - 2:25 0:40 - 1:15 0:25 - 1:258 0:20 - 0:258 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -26 °C (below -13 to -15 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 46 of 74 August 4, 2021 芝加哥 KORD FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CRYOTECH POLAR GUARD® ADVANCE Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:50 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:55 - 3:00 1:05 - 1:55 1:35 - 2:00 1:15 - 1:30 0:15 - 2:00 75/25 2:30 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:25 - 3:00 0:40 - 1:25 1:40 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:10 0:09 - 1:40 50/50 0:50 - 1:25 1:10 - 1:35 0:25 - 1:10 0:10 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:30 2:25 - 2:50 1:25 - 2:25 0:50 - 1:25 0:35 - 1:35 0:35 - 0:45 75/25 0:40 - 1:30 2:20 - 3:00 1:05 - 2:20 0:30 - 1:05 0:25 - 1:05 0:35 - 0:45 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:30 2:00 - 2:20 1:10 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:10 0:35 - 1:358 0:35 - 0:458 75/25 0:40 - 1:30 2:00 - 2:30 0:55 - 2:00 0:25 - 0:55 0:25 - 1:058 0:35 - 0:458 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 1:35 - 2:15 0:35 - 1:35 0:10 - 0:35 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 0:40 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:40 0:04 - 0:15 below -25 to -30.5 °C (below -13 to -23 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 0:25 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:25 0:02 - 0:07 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 43 of 74 August 4, 2021 纽约 KJFK FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV LAUNCH Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 4:00 - 4:00 2:50 - 3:00 1:45 - 2:50 1:05 - 1:45 1:30 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:40 0:15 - 1:40 75/25 3:40 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:45 - 3:00 1:00 - 1:45 1:40 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:15 0:10 - 1:45 50/50 1:25 - 2:45 1:25 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:25 0:25 - 0:45 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:25 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 1:55 2:25 - 2:50 1:30 - 2:25 0:55 - 1:30 0:35 - 1:40 0:25 - 0:45 75/25 0:40 - 1:20 2:40 - 3:00 1:30 - 2:40 0:50 - 1:30 0:25 - 1:10 0:25 - 0:45 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 1:55 2:10 - 2:30 1:20 - 2:10 0:50 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:408 0:25 - 0:458 75/25 0:40 - 1:20 2:25 - 2:55 1:25 - 2:25 0:45 - 1:25 0:25 - 1:108 0:25 - 0:458 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 1:15 - 1:45 0:20 - 1:15 0:06 - 0:20 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -25 to -28.5 °C (below -13 to -19 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:30 0:06 - 0:20 0:01 - 0:06 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 41 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 4: GENERIC HOLDOVER TIMES FOR SAE TYPE II FLUIDS Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Freezing Fog, Freezing Mist2, or Ice Crystals Snow, Snow Grains or Snow Pellets3,4 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Freezing Rain Rain on ColdSoaked Wing6 100/0 0:55 - 1:50 0:25 - 0:50 0:30 - 1:00 0:20 - 0:35 0:07 - 0:45 75/25 0:25 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:25 0:15 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 0:04 - 0:25 50/50 0:15 - 0:25 0:05 - 0:10 0:08 - 0:15 0:06 - 0:09 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:45 0:20 - 0:35 0:20 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:20 75/25 0:25 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:20 0:15 - 0:25 0:08 - 0:15 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:30 0:20 - 0:458 0:15 - 0:208 75/25 0:25 - 0:50 0:08 - 0:20 0:15 - 0:258 0:08 - 0:158 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C9 (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:20 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 °C to LOUT9 (below -13 °F to LOUT) 100/0 0:15 - 0:20 0:00 - 0:01 Outside Air Temperature1 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). 9 If the LOUT is unknown, no holdover time guidelines exist below -25 °C (-13 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 12 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 5: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR ABAX ECOWING AD-2 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:20 - 3:00 2:25 - 2:55 1:15 - 2:25 0:40 - 1:15 0:40 - 1:40 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 1:25 75/25 1:15 - 1:25 1:45 - 2:10 0:55 - 1:45 0:25 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:30 0:04 - 0:50 50/50 0:15 - 0:30 0:35 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:35 0:07 - 0:15 0:09 - 0:15 0:06 - 0:09 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 2:30 2:00 - 2:25 1:00 - 2:00 0:30 - 1:00 0:25 - 1:10 0:20 - 0:30 75/25 0:35 - 1:55 1:40 - 2:05 0:50 - 1:40 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:55 0:20 - 0:35 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 2:30 1:45 - 2:05 0:55 - 1:45 0:30 - 0:55 0:25 - 1:108 0:20 - 0:308 75/25 0:35 - 1:55 1:35 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:35 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:558 0:20 - 0:358 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:40 0:09 - 0:15 0:03 - 0:09 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -27 °C (below -13 to -17 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:40 0:05 - 0:07 0:01 - 0:05 0:00 - 0:01 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 13 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 6: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR AVIATION SHAANXI HI-TECH CLEANWING II Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 0:55 - 1:50 1:35 - 1:55 0:55 - 1:35 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:10 - 0:55 75/25 0:50 - 1:20 1:20 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 1:00 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:50 50/50 0:35 - 1:00 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:20 - 1:35 0:40 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:40 0:30 - 0:55 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:25 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:50 1:05 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:35 0:30 - 0:558 0:20 - 0:258 75/25 0:40 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:408 0:20 - 0:258 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:45 - 1:00 0:25 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:15 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 14 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 7: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR BEIJING YADILITE AVIATION YD-102 TYPE II Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:10 - 2:00 1:40 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:40 0:25 - 0:50 0:40 - 1:15 0:35 - 0:40 0:10 - 1:00 75/25 0:25 - 0:55 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:25 0:15 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 0:04 - 0:25 50/50 0:15 - 0:25 0:25 - 0:30 0:10 - 0:25 0:05 - 0:10 0:08 - 0:15 0:07 - 0:09 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:30 1:15 - 1:30 0:35 - 1:15 0:20 - 0:35 0:35 - 0:50 0:25 - 0:25 75/25 0:30 - 0:50 0:40 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 0:15 - 0:25 0:09 - 0:15 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:30 1:00 - 1:15 0:30 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:30 0:35 - 0:508 0:25 - 0:258 75/25 0:30 - 0:50 0:35 - 0:45 0:20 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:20 0:15 - 0:258 0:09 - 0:158 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:45 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:15 0:03 - 0:09 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:45 0:05 - 0:07 0:01 - 0:05 0:00 - 0:01 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 15 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 8: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT SAFEWING MP II FLIGHT Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 3:30 - 4:00 2:35 - 3:00 1:35 - 2:35 1:00 - 1:35 1:20 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:25 0:10 - 1:30 75/25 1:50 - 2:45 2:35 - 3:00 1:20 - 2:35 0:40 - 1:20 1:10 - 1:30 0:30 - 0:55 0:06 - 0:50 50/50 0:55 - 1:45 0:45 - 0:55 0:25 - 0:45 0:10 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:30 0:10 - 0:15 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 1:45 2:05 - 2:30 1:15 - 2:05 0:45 - 1:15 0:35 - 1:30 0:25 - 0:45 75/25 0:25 - 1:05 1:45 - 2:10 0:55 - 1:45 0:30 - 0:55 0:25 - 1:10 0:20 - 0:35 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 1:45 1:50 - 2:10 1:05 - 1:50 0:40 - 1:05 0:35 - 1:308 0:25 - 0:458 75/25 0:25 - 1:05 1:20 - 1:40 0:40 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:40 0:25 - 1:108 0:20 - 0:358 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 1:10 - 1:40 0:25 - 1:10 0:08 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:30 0:03 - 0:10 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 16 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 9: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT SAFEWING MP II FLIGHT PLUS Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Freezing Fog, Freezing Mist2, or Ice Crystals Snow, Snow Grains or Snow Pellets3,4 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Freezing Rain Rain on ColdSoaked Wing6 100/0 2:40 - 4:00 0:50 - 1:50 1:25 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:00 0:15 - 2:00 75/25 2:35 - 4:00 1:00 - 1:45 1:35 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:15 0:15 - 1:15 50/50 1:05 - 2:20 0:15 - 0:25 0:30 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 2:20 0:40 - 1:30 0:35 - 1:25 0:35 - 0:55 75/25 0:30 - 1:45 1:00 - 1:40 0:25 - 1:10 0:30 - 0:45 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 2:20 0:35 - 1:15 0:35 - 1:258 0:35 - 0:558 75/25 0:30 - 1:45 0:55 - 1:40 0:25 - 1:108 0:30 - 0:458 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:40 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:40 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:40 0:00 - 0:01 Outside Air Temperature1 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 17 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 10: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CRYOTECH POLAR GUARD® II Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:50 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:55 - 3:00 1:05 - 1:55 1:35 - 2:00 1:15 - 1:30 0:15 - 2:00 75/25 2:30 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:25 - 3:00 0:40 - 1:25 1:40 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:10 0:09 - 1:40 50/50 0:50 - 1:25 1:10 - 1:35 0:25 - 1:10 0:10 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:30 2:25 - 2:50 1:25 - 2:25 0:50 - 1:25 0:35 - 1:35 0:35 - 0:45 75/25 0:40 - 1:30 2:20 - 3:00 1:05 - 2:20 0:30 - 1:05 0:25 - 1:05 0:35 - 0:45 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:30 2:00 - 2:20 1:10 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:10 0:35 - 1:358 0:35 - 0:458 75/25 0:40 - 1:30 2:00 - 2:30 0:55 - 2:00 0:25 - 0:55 0:25 - 1:058 0:35 - 0:458 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 1:35 - 2:15 0:35 - 1:35 0:10 - 0:35 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 0:40 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:40 0:04 - 0:15 below -25 to -30.5 °C (below -13 to -23 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 0:25 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:25 0:02 - 0:07 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 18 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 11: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR JSC RCP NORDIX DEFROST PG 2 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 0:55 - 1:50 1:50 - 2:15 0:55 - 1:50 0:30 - 0:55 0:30 - 1:00 0:20 - 0:35 0:10 - 1:20 75/25 1:05 - 2:00 1:45 - 2:15 0:45 - 1:45 0:20 - 0:45 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:30 0:06 - 0:35 50/50 1:00 - 1:50 2:10 - 2:40 1:00 - 2:10 0:30 - 1:00 0:30 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:30 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 1:25 1:25 - 1:45 0:45 - 1:25 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:30 75/25 0:40 - 1:20 1:10 - 1:30 0:30 - 1:10 0:15 - 0:30 0:25 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:20 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 1:25 1:15 - 1:30 0:40 - 1:15 0:20 - 0:40 0:35 - 0:508 0:20 - 0:308 75/25 0:40 - 1:20 0:55 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:55 0:10 - 0:25 0:25 - 0:408 0:15 - 0:208 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:05 0:09 - 0:15 0:03 - 0:09 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -27 °C (below -13 to -17 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:05 0:05 - 0:07 0:01 - 0:05 0:00 - 0:01 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 19 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 12: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR KILFROST ABC-K PLUS Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Freezing Fog, Freezing Mist2, or Ice Crystals Snow, Snow Grains or Snow Pellets3,4 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Freezing Rain Rain on ColdSoaked Wing6 100/0 2:15 - 3:45 1:00 - 1:40 1:50 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:25 0:20 - 2:00 75/25 1:40 - 2:30 0:35 - 1:10 1:25 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:10 0:15 - 2:00 50/50 0:35 - 1:05 0:07 - 0:15 0:20 - 0:30 0:10 - 0:15 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 1:05 0:55 - 1:30 0:25 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:35 75/25 0:25 - 1:25 0:35 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:55 0:09 - 0:30 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 1:05 0:50 - 1:25 0:25 - 1:008 0:15 - 0:358 75/25 0:25 - 1:25 0:35 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:558 0:09 - 0:308 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 0:00 - 0:01 Outside Air Temperature1 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 20 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 13: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR NEWAVE AEROCHEMICAL FCY-2 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Freezing Fog, Freezing Mist2, or Ice Crystals Snow, Snow Grains or Snow Pellets3,4 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Freezing Rain Rain on ColdSoaked Wing6 100/0 1:15 - 2:25 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:45 75/25 0:50 - 1:30 0:20 - 0:40 0:25 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:25 0:05 - 0:25 50/50 0:25 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:25 0:10 - 0:20 0:07 - 0:10 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:30 0:20 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:45 0:15 - 0:20 75/25 0:30 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:25 0:15 - 0:30 0:08 - 0:15 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:30 0:15 - 0:30 0:20 - 0:458 0:15 - 0:208 75/25 0:30 - 1:05 0:10 - 0:20 0:15 - 0:308 0:08 - 0:158 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28 °C (below -13 to -18 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:35 0:00 - 0:01 Outside Air Temperature1 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 21 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 14: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR NEWAVE AEROCHEMICAL FCY-2 BIO+ Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:25 - 2:30 2:20 - 2:55 1:05 - 2:20 0:30 - 1:05 0:50 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:08 - 1:15 75/25 0:45 - 1:20 1:20 - 1:40 0:40 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:40 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:25 0:06 - 0:35 50/50 0:15 - 0:30 0:25 - 0:30 0:15 - 0:25 0:08 - 0:15 0:10 - 0:20 0:08 - 0:10 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:30 1:25 - 1:50 0:40 - 1:25 0:20 - 0:40 0:35 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:30 75/25 0:30 - 1:05 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:20 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:30 1:00 - 1:15 0:30 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:30 0:35 - 1:058 0:15 - 0:308 75/25 0:30 - 1:05 0:35 - 0:45 0:20 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:20 0:20 - 0:358 0:15 - 0:208 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:00 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:00 0:09 - 0:15 0:03 - 0:09 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28.5 °C (below -13 to -19 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:00 0:05 - 0:07 0:01 - 0:05 0:00 - 0:01 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 22 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 15: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR ROMCHIM ADD-PROTECT NG TYPE II Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:10 - 2:25 2:35 - 3:00 1:10 - 2:35 0:35 - 1:10 0:50 - 1:20 0:35 - 0:50 0:07 - 1:10 75/25 1:00 - 1:50 1:55 - 2:25 0:55 - 1:55 0:25 - 0:55 0:40 - 1:15 0:25 - 0:40 0:07 - 0:55 50/50 0:25 - 0:55 0:55 - 1:05 0:30 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:30 0:20 - 0:35 0:10 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 1:35 1:50 - 2:20 0:50 - 1:50 0:25 - 0:50 0:35 - 1:10 0:25 - 0:35 75/25 0:55 - 1:25 1:25 - 1:45 0:40 - 1:25 0:20 - 0:40 0:25 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:30 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 1:35 1:25 - 1:50 0:40 - 1:25 0:20 - 0:40 0:35 - 1:108 0:25 - 0:358 75/25 0:55 - 1:25 1:05 - 1:25 0:30 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:30 0:25 - 1:058 0:20 - 0:308 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:20 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:20 0:09 - 0:15 0:03 - 0:09 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28 °C (below -13 to -18 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:20 0:05 - 0:07 0:01 - 0:05 0:00 - 0:01 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 23 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 16: TYPE II HOLDOVER TIMES FOR ROMCHIM ADD-PROTECT TYPE II Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:40 - 3:30 1:55 - 2:25 1:00 - 1:55 0:30 - 1:00 0:40 - 1:35 0:25 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:50 75/25 0:40 - 1:10 1:00 - 1:10 0:30 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:30 0:25 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:25 0:05 - 0:25 50/50 0:20 - 0:35 0:30 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:30 0:09 - 0:15 0:10 - 0:30 0:08 - 0:10 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:45 1:20 - 1:40 0:40 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:40 0:25 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:30 75/25 0:30 - 0:55 0:40 - 0:50 0:25 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:30 0:15 - 0:20 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:45 1:05 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:35 0:25 - 0:508 0:20 - 0:308 75/25 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:35 0:09 - 0:20 0:20 - 0:308 0:15 - 0:208 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:07 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:25 0:09 - 0:15 0:03 - 0:09 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28 °C (below -13 to -18 °F) 100/0 0:15 - 0:25 0:05 - 0:07 0:01 - 0:05 0:00 - 0:01 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type II fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail. 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 24 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 19: GENERIC HOLDOVER TIMES FOR SAE TYPE IV FLUIDS Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:15 - 2:40 1:55 - 2:20 1:00 - 1:55 0:30 - 1:00 0:40 - 1:10 0:20 - 0:35 0:08 - 1:05 75/25 1:25 - 2:40 2:05 - 2:25 1:15 - 2:05 0:40 - 1:15 0:50 - 1:20 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 1:15 50/50 0:30 - 0:55 1:00 - 1:10 0:25 - 1:00 0:10 - 0:25 0:15 - 0:40 0:09 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:35 1:45 - 2:05 0:55 - 1:45 0:25 - 0:55 0:25 - 1:10 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 0:30 - 1:20 1:50 - 2:10 1:00 - 1:50 0:30 - 1:00 0:20 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:25 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:35 1:20 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:25 - 1:108 0:20 - 0:258 75/25 0:30 - 1:20 1:40 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:40 0:20 - 0:45 0:20 - 1:058 0:15 - 0:258 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:35 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C9 (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:35 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 °C to LOUT9 (below -13 °F to LOUT) 100/0 0:20 - 0:35 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids and Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail. If the glycol type is unknown, the allowance times for SAE Type IV PG fluids should be used). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). 9 If the LOUT is unknown, no holdover time guidelines exist below -23.5 °C (-10 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 27 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 20: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR ABAX ECOWING AD-49 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 3:20 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:55 - 3:00 1:00 - 1:55 1:25 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:25 0:10 - 1:55 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:35 2:55 - 3:00 1:30 - 2:55 0:45 - 1:30 0:25 - 1:25 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:35 2:25 - 3:00 1:15 - 2:25 0:40 - 1:15 0:25 - 1:258 0:20 - 0:258 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -26 °C (below -13 to -15 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 28 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 21: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR ALLCLEAR CLEARWING ECO Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:00 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:45 - 3:00 0:50 - 1:45 1:50 - 2:00 1:20 - 1:40 0:20 - 2:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 2:30 2:40 - 3:00 1:20 - 2:40 0:40 - 1:20 0:55 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:15 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 2:30 2:10 - 2:40 1:05 - 2:10 0:30 - 1:05 0:55 - 2:008 0:45 - 1:158 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:45 1:05 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:05 0:15 - 0:35 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:45 0:30 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:15 below -25 to -26 °C (below -13 to -15 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:45 0:25 - 0:35 0:15 - 0:25 0:07 - 0:15 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 29 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 22: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR ALLCLEAR CLEARWING EG Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:50 - 3:15 2:40 - 3:00 1:20 - 2:40 0:40 - 1:20 1:10 - 1:35 0:30 - 1:00 0:10 - 1:30 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:35 - 3:45 2:25 - 3:00 1:10 - 2:25 0:35 - 1:10 1:05 - 1:30 0:30 - 1:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:35 - 3:45 2:15 - 2:45 1:05 - 2:15 0:30 - 1:05 1:05 - 1:308 0:30 - 1:008 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:00 1:35 - 2:05 0:45 - 1:35 0:20 - 0:45 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:00 0:55 - 1:10 0:25 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:25 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:00 0:45 - 0:55 0:20 - 0:45 0:10 - 0:20 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 30 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 23: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR ASGLOBAL 4FLITE EG Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:35 - 3:15 2:05 - 2:35 1:00 - 2:05 0:30 - 1:00 0:40 - 1:10 0:20 - 0:35 0:08 - 1:05 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:25 - 2:45 1:50 - 2:15 0:55 - 1:50 0:25 - 0:55 0:40 - 1:10 0:20 - 0:35 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:25 - 2:45 1:35 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:35 0:25 - 0:50 0:40 - 1:108 0:20 - 0:358 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:50 - 1:25 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:50 - 1:25 0:40 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:40 0:05 - 0:15 below -25 to -30 °C (below -13 to -22 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:25 0:02 - 0:08 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 31 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 24: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR ASGLOBAL 4FLITE PG Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:50 - 3:15 2:45 - 3:00 1:35 - 2:45 0:55 - 1:35 1:10 - 1:35 0:45 - 1:05 0:15 - 1:20 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:05 - 1:55 2:00 - 2:25 1:10 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:10 0:55 - 1:10 0:35 - 0:55 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:05 - 1:55 1:35 - 1:55 0:55 - 1:35 0:30 - 0:55 0:55 - 1:108 0:35 - 0:558 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:45 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:45 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -26 °C (below -13 to -15 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:45 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 32 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 25: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR AVIAFLUID AVIAFLIGHT EG Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:30 - 3:05 1:55 - 2:20 1:10 - 1:55 0:40 - 1:10 1:05 - 2:00 0:30 - 0:50 0:10 - 2:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:20 - 3:00 1:45 - 2:05 1:00 - 1:45 0:35 - 1:00 0:55 - 1:30 0:35 - 0:50 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:20 - 3:00 1:35 - 1:55 0:55 - 1:35 0:30 - 0:55 0:55 - 1:308 0:35 - 0:508 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:45 1:40 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:40 0:25 - 0:50 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:45 1:20 - 1:35 0:40 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:40 below -25 to -31 °C (below -13 to -24 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:05 0:35 - 0:45 0:20 - 0:35 0:09 - 0:20 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 33 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 26: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR AVIAFLUID AVIAFLIGHT PG Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:15 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:40 - 3:00 0:55 - 1:40 2:00 - 2:00 1:10 - 1:55 0:20 - 2:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:05 - 2:10 2:00 - 2:25 1:05 - 2:00 0:35 - 1:05 0:35 - 1:55 0:45 - 1:05 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:05 - 2:10 1:30 - 1:50 0:50 - 1:30 0:25 - 0:50 0:35 - 1:558 0:45 - 1:058 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:35 0:50 - 1:00 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:35 0:25 - 0:30 0:15 - 0:25 0:06 - 0:15 below -25 to -25.5 °C (below -13 to -14 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:35 0:25 - 0:30 0:10 - 0:25 0:06 - 0:10 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 34 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 27: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CHEMCO CHEMR EG IV Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:05 - 3:35 3:00 - 3:00 1:15 - 3:00 0:35 - 1:15 0:45 - 1:40 0:25 - 0:40 0:09 - 1:45 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:25 - 3:40 3:00 - 3:00 1:15 - 3:00 0:35 - 1:15 1:00 - 1:35 0:35 - 0:50 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:25 - 3:40 3:00 - 3:00 1:15 - 3:00 0:35 - 1:15 1:00 - 1:358 0:35 - 0:508 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:25 1:25 - 1:45 0:40 - 1:25 0:20 - 0:40 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:25 1:25 - 1:45 0:40 - 1:25 0:20 - 0:40 below -25 to -27 °C (below -13 to -17 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:25 1:25 - 1:45 0:40 - 1:25 0:20 - 0:40 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 35 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 28: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CHEMCO CHEMR NORDIK IV Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:15 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:45 - 3:00 0:55 - 1:45 1:20 - 2:00 0:55 - 1:20 0:25 - 2:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:50 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:45 - 3:00 0:55 - 1:45 1:15 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:20 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:50 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:45 - 3:00 0:55 - 1:45 1:15 - 2:008 0:45 - 1:208 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:30 3:00 - 3:00 1:35 - 3:00 0:50 - 1:35 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:30 2:10 - 2:40 1:05 - 2:10 0:35 - 1:05 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:30 1:50 - 2:15 0:55 - 1:50 0:30 - 0:55 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 36 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 29: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT MAX FLIGHT 04 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:40 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 2:45 - 3:00 1:25 - 2:45 2:00 - 2:00 1:10 - 1:30 0:20 - 2:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:50 - 2:30 3:00 - 3:00 1:40 - 3:00 0:50 - 1:40 0:25 - 1:30 0:20 - 0:40 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:50 - 2:30 2:20 - 2:50 1:10 - 2:20 0:35 - 1:10 0:25 - 1:308 0:20 - 0:408 N/A N/A -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:45 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -23.5 °C (below 0 to -10 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:45 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 37 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 30: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT MAX FLIGHT AVIA Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 3:05 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:45 - 3:00 1:00 - 1:45 1:25 - 2:00 0:55 - 1:10 0:09 - 2:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:45 - 3:55 2:30 - 3:00 1:25 - 2:30 0:50 - 1:25 1:10 - 2:00 0:55 - 1:30 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:45 - 3:55 2:10 - 2:35 1:15 - 2:10 0:40 - 1:15 1:10 - 2:008 0:55 - 1:308 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:25 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:25 0:40 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:40 0:05 - 0:15 below -25 to -28.5 °C (below -13 to -19 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:25 0:25 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:25 0:02 - 0:08 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 38 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 31: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT MAX FLIGHT SNEG Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:25 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:40 - 3:00 0:55 - 1:40 2:00 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:40 0:20 - 1:30 75/25 4:00 - 4:00 2:25 - 2:50 1:30 - 2:25 0:55 - 1:30 1:30 - 2:00 1:05 - 1:20 0:15 - 1:45 50/50 1:30 - 3:30 1:45 - 2:20 0:45 - 1:45 0:20 - 0:45 0:35 - 1:10 0:15 - 0:30 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 2:20 2:25 - 2:55 1:20 - 2:25 0:45 - 1:20 0:30 - 1:25 0:25 - 0:40 75/25 0:30 - 1:25 1:55 - 2:15 1:10 - 1:55 0:45 - 1:10 0:20 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:40 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 2:20 2:05 - 2:30 1:10 - 2:05 0:40 - 1:10 0:30 - 1:258 0:25 - 0:408 75/25 0:30 - 1:25 1:40 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:40 0:40 - 1:00 0:20 - 1:058 0:20 - 0:408 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 0:50 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 39 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 32: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT SAFEWING EG IV NORTH Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:20 - 3:55 3:00 - 3:00 1:40 - 3:00 0:50 - 1:40 1:30 - 2:00 0:50 - 0:55 0:08 - 2:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:45 - 4:00 2:50 - 3:00 1:30 - 2:50 0:50 - 1:30 1:05 - 1:50 0:55 - 1:25 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:45 - 4:00 2:45 - 3:00 1:30 - 2:45 0:50 - 1:30 1:05 - 1:508 0:55 - 1:258 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:20 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:20 0:40 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:40 0:05 - 0:15 below -25 to -30 °C (below -13 to -22 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:25 0:02 - 0:08 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 40 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 33: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV LAUNCH Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 4:00 - 4:00 2:50 - 3:00 1:45 - 2:50 1:05 - 1:45 1:30 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:40 0:15 - 1:40 75/25 3:40 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:45 - 3:00 1:00 - 1:45 1:40 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:15 0:10 - 1:45 50/50 1:25 - 2:45 1:25 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:25 0:25 - 0:45 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:25 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 1:55 2:25 - 2:50 1:30 - 2:25 0:55 - 1:30 0:35 - 1:40 0:25 - 0:45 75/25 0:40 - 1:20 2:40 - 3:00 1:30 - 2:40 0:50 - 1:30 0:25 - 1:10 0:25 - 0:45 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 1:55 2:10 - 2:30 1:20 - 2:10 0:50 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:408 0:25 - 0:458 75/25 0:40 - 1:20 2:25 - 2:55 1:25 - 2:25 0:45 - 1:25 0:25 - 1:108 0:25 - 0:458 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 1:15 - 1:45 0:20 - 1:15 0:06 - 0:20 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -25 to -28.5 °C (below -13 to -19 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:30 0:06 - 0:20 0:01 - 0:06 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 41 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 34: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CLARIANT SAFEWING MP IV LAUNCH PLUS Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 3:55 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 2:05 - 3:00 0:55 - 2:05 2:00 - 2:00 1:00 - 2:00 0:20 - 2:00 75/25 3:55 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:55 - 3:00 0:50 - 1:55 2:00 - 2:00 1:20 - 1:25 0:20 - 1:50 50/50 1:15 - 1:50 1:35 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:35 0:20 - 0:45 0:25 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:15 3:00 - 3:00 1:40 - 3:00 0:45 - 1:40 0:25 - 1:35 0:25 - 0:40 75/25 0:40 - 2:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:30 - 3:00 0:35 - 1:30 0:20 - 1:05 0:20 - 0:30 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:15 3:00 - 3:00 1:25 - 3:00 0:40 - 1:25 0:25 - 1:358 0:25 - 0:408 75/25 0:40 - 2:00 2:55 - 3:00 1:15 - 2:55 0:30 - 1:15 0:20 - 1:058 0:20 - 0:308 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 1:15 - 1:50 0:25 - 1:15 0:07 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:03 - 0:09 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 0:20 - 0:30 0:06 - 0:20 0:02 - 0:06 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 42 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 35: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CRYOTECH POLAR GUARD® ADVANCE Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:50 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:55 - 3:00 1:05 - 1:55 1:35 - 2:00 1:15 - 1:30 0:15 - 2:00 75/25 2:30 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:25 - 3:00 0:40 - 1:25 1:40 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:10 0:09 - 1:40 50/50 0:50 - 1:25 1:10 - 1:35 0:25 - 1:10 0:10 - 0:25 0:20 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:30 2:25 - 2:50 1:25 - 2:25 0:50 - 1:25 0:35 - 1:35 0:35 - 0:45 75/25 0:40 - 1:30 2:20 - 3:00 1:05 - 2:20 0:30 - 1:05 0:25 - 1:05 0:35 - 0:45 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:30 2:00 - 2:20 1:10 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:10 0:35 - 1:358 0:35 - 0:458 75/25 0:40 - 1:30 2:00 - 2:30 0:55 - 2:00 0:25 - 0:55 0:25 - 1:058 0:35 - 0:458 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 1:35 - 2:15 0:35 - 1:35 0:10 - 0:35 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 0:40 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:40 0:04 - 0:15 below -25 to -30.5 °C (below -13 to -23 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:50 0:25 - 0:30 0:07 - 0:25 0:02 - 0:07 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 43 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 36: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR CRYOTECH POLAR GUARD® XTEND Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:30 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 2:00 - 3:00 1:05 - 2:00 2:00 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:50 0:20 - 1:45 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 1:50 2:50 - 3:00 1:35 - 2:50 0:50 - 1:35 0:35 - 1:40 0:50 - 0:55 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 1:50 2:25 - 2:55 1:20 - 2:25 0:45 - 1:20 0:35 - 1:408 0:50 - 0:558 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 1:20 - 1:40 0:40 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:40 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:30 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:30 0:06 - 0:15 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:20 - 0:25 0:09 - 0:20 0:04 - 0:09 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 44 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 37: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR DOW CHEMICAL UCAR™ ENDURANCE EG106 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:05 - 3:10 2:45 - 3:00 1:20 - 2:45 0:40 - 1:20 1:10 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:15 0:20 - 2:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:50 - 3:20 2:25 - 3:00 1:10 - 2:25 0:35 - 1:10 0:55 - 1:50 0:45 - 1:10 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:50 - 3:20 2:10 - 2:45 1:05 - 2:10 0:30 - 1:05 0:55 - 1:508 0:45 - 1:108 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 1:05 1:45 - 2:15 0:50 - 1:45 0:25 - 0:50 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 1:05 1:30 - 1:55 0:40 - 1:30 0:20 - 0:40 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 1:05 1:20 - 1:45 0:40 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:40 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 45 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 38: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR DOW CHEMICAL UCAR™ FLIGHTGUARD AD-49 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 3:20 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:55 - 3:00 1:00 - 1:55 1:25 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:25 0:10 - 1:55 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:35 2:55 - 3:00 1:30 - 2:55 0:45 - 1:30 0:25 - 1:25 0:20 - 0:25 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:20 - 1:35 2:25 - 3:00 1:15 - 2:25 0:40 - 1:15 0:25 - 1:258 0:20 - 0:258 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -26 °C (below -13 to -15 °F) 100/0 0:25 - 0:40 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 46 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 39: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR INLAND TECHNOLOGIES ECO-SHIELD® Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:15 - 2:40 2:25 - 2:50 1:20 - 2:25 0:45 - 1:20 0:40 - 1:30 0:35 - 0:40 0:15 - 1:35 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:10 - 2:35 2:05 - 2:30 1:10 - 2:05 0:40 - 1:10 0:50 - 1:25 0:30 - 0:40 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:10 - 2:35 1:55 - 2:15 1:05 - 1:55 0:35 - 1:05 0:50 - 1:258 0:30 - 0:408 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 1:00 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 1:00 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -25.5 °C (below -13 to -14 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 1:00 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 47 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 40: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR JSC RCP NORDIX DEFROST ECO 4 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:30 - 2:40 2:30 - 3:00 1:15 - 2:30 0:35 - 1:15 1:05 - 1:30 0:40 - 1:05 0:15 - 1:10 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:35 2:15 - 2:45 1:05 - 2:15 0:35 - 1:05 0:50 - 1:20 0:35 - 0:50 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 2:35 2:05 - 2:35 1:00 - 2:05 0:30 - 1:00 0:50 - 1:208 0:35 - 0:508 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -25.5 °C (below -13 to -14 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 48 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 41: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR JSC RCP NORDIX DEFROST EG 4 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:45 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 2:25 - 3:00 1:25 - 2:25 2:00 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:45 0:20 - 2:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 2:20 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 2:05 - 3:00 1:15 - 2:05 1:00 - 2:00 1:20 - 1:50 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 2:20 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:55 - 3:00 1:10 - 1:55 1:00 - 2:008 1:20 - 1:508 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 2:25 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 2:25 0:40 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:40 0:05 - 0:15 below -25 to -26 °C (below -13 to -15 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 2:25 0:25 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:25 0:02 - 0:08 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 49 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 42: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR JSC RCP NORDIX DEFROST NORTH 4 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:10 - 4:00 2:55 - 3:00 1:25 - 2:55 0:40 - 1:25 1:05 - 2:00 0:30 - 0:50 0:09 - 1:55 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 2:40 - 4:00 2:55 - 3:00 1:25 - 2:55 0:40 - 1:25 1:05 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 2:40 - 4:00 2:55 - 3:00 1:25 - 2:55 0:40 - 1:25 1:05 - 2:008 0:40 - 1:008 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:55 0:50 - 1:05 0:25 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:25 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:55 0:40 - 0:55 0:15 - 0:40 0:05 - 0:15 below -25 to -26 °C (below -13 to -15 °F) 100/0 0:45 - 1:55 0:25 - 0:35 0:08 - 0:25 0:02 - 0:08 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 50 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 43: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR KILFROST ABC-S PLUS Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:10 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 2:05 - 3:00 1:15 - 2:05 1:50 - 2:00 1:05 - 2:00 0:25 - 2:00 75/25 1:25 - 2:40 2:05 - 2:25 1:15 - 2:05 0:45 - 1:15 1:00 - 1:20 0:30 - 0:50 0:10 - 1:20 50/50 0:30 - 0:55 1:00 - 1:10 0:30 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:30 0:15 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 3:30 3:00 - 3:00 1:50 - 3:00 1:05 - 1:50 0:25 - 1:35 0:20 - 0:30 75/25 0:45 - 1:50 1:50 - 2:10 1:05 - 1:50 0:40 - 1:05 0:20 - 1:10 0:15 - 0:25 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:55 - 3:30 2:55 - 3:00 1:45 - 2:55 1:00 - 1:45 0:25 - 1:358 0:20 - 0:308 75/25 0:45 - 1:50 1:45 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:45 0:35 - 1:00 0:20 - 1:108 0:15 - 0:258 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:00 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:00 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28 °C (below -13 to -18 °F) 100/0 0:40 - 1:00 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 51 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 44: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR NEWAVE AEROCHEMICAL FCY 9311 Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 1:55 - 4:00 2:20 - 2:55 1:10 - 2:20 0:35 - 1:10 1:10 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:05 0:15 - 1:25 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 2:05 1:50 - 2:20 0:55 - 1:50 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 1:20 0:20 - 0:35 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 2:05 1:35 - 2:00 0:50 - 1:35 0:25 - 0:50 0:35 - 1:208 0:20 - 0:358 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 1:00 - 1:15 0:30 - 1:00 0:15 - 0:30 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 0:35 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:35 0:07 - 0:15 below -25 to -29.5 °C (below -13 to -21 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:55 0:30 - 0:40 0:15 - 0:30 0:06 - 0:15 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 52 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 45: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR NEWAVE AEROCHEMICAL FCY-EGIV Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:35 - 4:00 2:35 - 3:00 1:10 - 2:35 0:35 - 1:10 1:20 - 2:00 0:40 - 1:05 0:15 - 2:00 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:25 - 3:25 2:10 - 2:45 1:00 - 2:10 0:25 - 1:00 0:50 - 2:00 0:45 - 1:05 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:25 - 3:25 1:55 - 2:25 0:50 - 1:55 0:25 - 0:50 0:50 - 2:008 0:45 - 1:058 75/25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:55 1:35 - 2:05 0:40 - 1:35 0:15 - 0:40 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:55 1:10 - 1:35 0:30 - 1:10 0:15 - 0:30 below -25 to -29 °C (below -13 to -20 °F) 100/0 0:35 - 1:55 1:00 - 1:20 0:25 - 1:00 0:10 - 0:25 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 48 provides allowance times for Type IV EG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 53 of 74 August 4, 2021 FAA Holdover Time Guidelines Winter 2021-2022 TABLE 46: TYPE IV HOLDOVER TIMES FOR SHAANXI CLEANWAY AVIATION CLEANSURFACE IV Outside Air Temperature1 Fluid Concentration Fluid/Water By % Volume Very Light Light Moderate Freezing Fog, Snow, Snow Snow, Snow Snow, Snow 2 Freezing Mist , Grains or Grains or Grains or or Ice Crystals Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3,4 Snow Pellets3 Freezing Drizzle5 Light Rain on ColdFreezing Rain Soaked Wing6 100/0 2:50 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:55 - 3:00 1:00 - 1:55 2:00 - 2:00 1:25 - 1:30 0:15 - 2:00 75/25 2:35 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:00 1:35 - 3:00 0:45 - 1:35 0:50 - 2:00 0:35 - 0:45 0:09 - 1:15 50/50 1:05 - 2:25 1:40 - 2:20 0:40 - 1:40 0:15 - 0:40 0:25 - 0:50 0:15 - 0:20 below -3 to -8 °C (below 27 to 18 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 3:05 2:00 - 2:25 1:05 - 2:00 0:35 - 1:05 0:35 - 1:45 0:20 - 0:35 75/25 0:50 - 1:55 2:15 - 2:55 1:00 - 2:15 0:30 - 1:00 0:30 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:40 below -8 to -14 °C (below 18 to 7 °F) 100/0 1:00 - 3:05 1:20 - 1:40 0:45 - 1:20 0:25 - 0:45 0:35 - 1:458 0:20 - 0:358 75/25 0:50 - 1:55 1:40 - 2:10 0:45 - 1:40 0:20 - 0:45 0:30 - 1:208 0:25 - 0:408 below -14 to -18 °C (below 7 to 0 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:30 - 0:45 0:09 - 0:30 0:02 - 0:09 below -18 to -25 °C (below 0 to -13 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:10 - 0:20 0:03 - 0:10 0:01 - 0:03 below -25 to -28.5 °C (below -13 to -19 °F) 100/0 0:30 - 0:50 0:07 - 0:10 0:02 - 0:07 0:00 - 0:02 -3 °C and above (27 °F and above) Other7 CAUTION: No holdover time guidelines exist NOTES 1 Ensure that the lowest operational use temperature (LOUT) is respected. Consider use of Type I fluid when Type IV fluid cannot be used. 2 Freezing mist is best confirmed by observation. It is never reported by METAR however it can occur when mist is present at 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 3 To determine snowfall intensity, the Snowfall Intensities as a Function of Prevailing Visibility table (Table 50) is required. 4 Use light freezing rain holdover times in conditions of very light or light snow mixed with light rain or drizzle. 5 Includes light, moderate and heavy freezing drizzle. Use light freezing rain holdover times if positive identification of freezing drizzle is not possible. 6 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition for 0 °C (32 °F) and below. 7 Heavy snow, ice pellets, moderate and heavy freezing rain, small hail and hail (Table 49 provides allowance times for Type IV PG fluids in ice pellets and small hail). 8 No holdover time guidelines exist for this condition below -10 °C (14 °F). CAUTIONS • • • • The responsibility for the application of these data remains with the user. The time of protection will be shortened in heavy weather conditions. Heavy precipitation rates or high moisture content, high wind velocity, or jet blast may reduce holdover time below the lowest time stated in the range. Holdover time may be reduced when aircraft skin temperature is lower than outside air temperature. Fluids used during ground de/anti-icing do not provide in-flight icing protection. This table is for departure planning only and should be used in conjunction with pretakeoff check procedures. Original Issue Page 54 of 74 August 4, 2021 中国国际货运航空 低温高度修正 极低温度会导致高度表出现重大误差和对越障高度带来潜在影响。当温度低于 ISA 时,真高度 将低于指示高度。当表面温度接近零下 30 摄氏度或者更低,高度表误差会明显增大,并且在高度 增加到超过高度表基准源时,误差也会明显增加。 按需使用高度表修正表: • 正在执行程序时,报告温度高于零摄氏度或者机场温度在或者高于最低公布温度不需要修正。 • 不要修正高度表气压基准调定 • 雷达控制时,不应对 ATC 指定的高度或飞行高度层进行修正 • 对 QNH 和 QFE 操作进行修正 • 根据以下图表对所有公布的最低离场、航路和进近高度,包括复飞高度进行修正,对修正需 咨询 ATC • 进近阶段,MDA/DA 应设定在最低修正高度。 • 从公布的最低高度中减去高度气压基准调定源的标高(通常是起飞机场或目的地机场标高) 以确定〝高度表源之上的高〞 • 用机场温度和〝高度表基准源之上的高〞查表在两值的交叉点读取修正值。对所公布的最低 高度进行修正可确定修正后的指示高度。对最后一栏高度以上的高度进行修正,使用线性外 插法(例如,要修正 6000 英尺或 1800 米,即要对 3000 英尺或 900 米进行两次相应的修正。) 修正高度必须大于公布的最低高度。 • 如果所修正的指示高度介于 100 英尺增量之间,调定 MCP 高度到高于修正的指示高度最接近 的 100 英尺增量。 Airport Height Above Altimeter Reference Source Temp 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 3000 °C feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet 0° 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 90 120 170 -5° 20 20 30 40 50 50 60 70 80 110 150 230 -8° 20 30 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 130 170 260 -10° 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200 290 -12° 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 160 210 310 -14° 20 30 40 60 70 80 90 100 110 170 230 340 -16° 20 40 50 60 70 80 100 110 120 180 240 370 -18° 30 40 50 60 80 90 100 120 130 200 260 390 -20° 30 50 60 70 90 100 120 130 140 210 280 420 -22° 30 50 60 70 90 100 120 130 150 220 300 450 -24° 30 50 60 80 90 110 130 140 160 240 320 480 -26° 30 50 70 80 100 120 130 150 170 250 330 500 -28° 40 50 70 90 110 120 140 160 180 270 350 530 -30° 40 60 80 100 120 140 150 170 190 280 380 570 -32° 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 290 390 590 -34° 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 190 210 310 410 620 -36° 40 60 90 110 130 150 170 190 220 330 430 660 -38° 50 70 90 110 140 160 180 200 230 340 460 690 -40° 50 80 100 120 150 170 190 220 240 360 480 720 -45° 50 80 110 130 160 180 210 240 260 400 530 800 -50° 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 450 590 890 Aviation Safety Aircraft Certification Service Compliance & Airworthiness Division Operational Safety Branch 10101 Hillwood Pkwy Fort Worth, TX 76177 March 24, 2022 In Reply Refer To: 720-22-4522 Mr. Amin A. Safee Manager, Regulatory Administration & Certification Boeing Commercial Airplanes SoCal Design Center 4000 N. Lakewood Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90808 1700 D800-0075 Reference: DLD4-22-00046, dated February 16, 2022 Subject: Approval of Alternative Method of Compliance (AMOC) to Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2021-23-12 Dear Mr. Safee: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has received your letter referenced above, proposing an AMOC to paragraph (g) of AD 2021-23-12. That AD requires updating the Airplane Flight Manual to prohibit certain operations requiring radio altimeter in the presence of 5G C-Band interference as identified by Notices to Air Missions (NOTAMs). The enclosed list of cleared airports/runways is derived from using a rectangle that is defined by a length that is 2 nautical miles beyond each end of the runway, and a width that is 1.25 nautical miles centered on the runway centerline. This applies to airports listed in the Aerodrome NOTAM current as of the date of the 5G Cleared Airport Runway List 720-22-4522-RL, Rev 0, dated March 24, 2022, or later FAA Approved Revision, considering the radio altimeter variable protection radius. Your proposal provides an acceptable level of safety, since the test data you submitted for certain radio altimeters demonstrates that these radio altimeters can accurately perform their intended function when operating beyond a certain variable protection radius around 5G C-Band transmitters. The FAA has used your test substantiated radio altimeter protection radius in conjunction with the runway protection areas to generate the list of runways that your aircraft, equipped with certain radio altimeters, can safely operate at because the susceptibility to interference from 5G C-band emissions has been minimized. 720-22-4522 2 The Manager of the Operational Safety Branch approves your proposal to allow operation of the Boeing Model airplanes in the following table equipped with the Collins Aerospace LRA-900 radio altimeters to the airports and runways listed in the attached addendum as an AMOC to paragraph (g) of AD 2021-23-12 in areas identified by NOTAMs. Aircraft Make: Boeing Aircraft Model: (See Note 1) MD-10-10F MD-10-30F MD-11 MD-11F 737 (all Series) 747 (all Series) 777 (all Series) 757 (all Series) 767 (all Series) Radio Altimeter Manufacturer Radio Altimeter Model Radio Altimeter Part Number (See Note 2) Collins Aerospace LRA-900 822-0334-220 822-0334-221 Collins Aerospace LRA-900 822-0334-002 822-0334-003 Collins Aerospace LRA-900 822-0334-002 Note 1: All Boeing commercial derivative models with LRA-900 certification. Note 2: Approval only applicable to radio altimeter part numbers listed. In accordance with FAA Order 8110.103B, the following limitations apply to this AMOC: 1. All provisions of AD 2021-23-12 that are not specifically referenced above remain fully applicable and must be complied with accordingly. 2. This approval is applicable only to the model of airplanes and radio altimeters listed above. 3. This FAA AMOC is transferable with the aircraft to another owner/operator. 4. Before using this AMOC, notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the local Flight Standards District Office/Certificate Holding District Office. 5. This AMOC only applies to the FAA AD listed above. The FAA does not have the authority to approve this as an AMOC to any AD issued by another civil aviation authority (CAA). Approval of an AMOC to another CAA’s AD must come from that CAA. A copy of this response will be forwarded to the CAA where these aircraft are registered for their consideration. 6. This approval is not time limited. However, this approval references an addendum that is time limited and is not applicable after the expiration date. Refer to 5G 720-22-4522 3 Cleared Airport Runway List 720-22-4522-RL, Rev 0, dated March 24, 2022, or later FAA Approved Revision, for a list of airports and runways and for the expiration date. 7. This approval does not affect other airplane operating limitations not addressed in the AD referenced above, with the following exception; This AMOC is a valid AMOC for other ADs that contain the language, “AMOCs approved for AD 2021-23-12, Amendment 39-21810 (86 FR 69984, December 9, 2021) providing relief for specific radio altimeter installations are approved as AMOCs for the provisions of this AD.” 8. This AMOC approval and the referenced addendum is subject to change and may be rescinded at any time. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Brett Portwood, Continued Operational Safety Technical Advisor, by telephone at (562) 627-5350, or by email at brett.portwood@faa.gov. Sincerely, MICHAEL Digitally signed by 2022.03.24 LINEGANG Date: 16:38:50 -04'00' Original Signed by MICHAEL LINEGANG Michael Linegang Manager, Operational Safety Branch Compliance & Airworthiness Division Aircraft Certification Service cc: Galib Abumeri, AIR-790: galib.abumeri@faa.gov Susan Monroe, AIR-780: susan.monroe@faa.gov Michael Bumbaugh, AIR-780: michael.bumbaugh@faa.gov EASA: ads@easa.europa.eu TCCA: tc.altmeansofcompliance-autresmoyensdeconformite.tc@tc.gc.ca UK CAA: Continued.Airworthiness@caa.co.uk JCAB: hqt-ad_jcab@gxb.mlit.go.jp ANAC: pac@anac.gov.br CAAC: wangsiting_co@caac.gov.cn; zm_yang@caac.gov.cn Enclosure: 720-22-4522-RL, Rev 0 The airport not in AMOC list in company used international airport in USA are: KATL, KDEN, KIAD, KMEM, KSDF Caution: Not all the runway included even if the airport is in the AMOC list. Expiration Date: April 30, 2022 (24:00 UTC) Airport/Runway List Cleared For Minimized 5G C-Band Interference Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL Revision 0 Approved by: Michael Linegang Manager, Operational Safety Branch Compliance & Airworthiness Division Aircraft Certification Service MICHAEL LINEGANG Digitally signed by MICHAEL LINEGANG Date: 2022.03.24 16:39:43 -04'00' Revision Date: March 24, 2022 Effective Date: April 1, 2022 Verizon Emitter Database Version Date: March 14, 2022 AT&T Emitter Database Version Date: March 16, 2022 Aircraft Make: Boeing Radio Altimeter Aircraft Model: Manufacturer (See Note 1) MD-10-10F Collins MD-10-30F Aerospace MD-11 MD-11F 737 (all Series) Collins 747 (all Series) Aerospace 777 (all Series) 757 (all Series) Collins 767 (all Series) Aerospace Note 1: All Boeing commercial derivative models with LRA-900 certification. Note 2: Approval only applicable to radio altimeter part numbers listed. Radio Altimeter Model LRA-900 Radio Altimeter Part Number (See Note 2) LRA-900 822-0334-002 822-0334-003 LRA-900 822-0334-002 Facility Name A P HILL AAF (FORT A P HILL) A PAUL VANCE FREDERICKTOWN RGNL ABERNATHY FLD ABRAMS MUNI ABRAMS MUNI ACCOMACK COUNTY ADA RGNL ADA RGNL ADIRONDACK RGNL ADIRONDACK RGNL AEROFLEX-ANDOVER AIRGLADES AJ EISENBERG AKRON/JESSON FLD AKRON/JESSON FLD ALBANY INTL ALBANY INTL ALBERT S NADER RGNL ALBERT WHITTED ALBERTUS ALBERTUS ALBERTUS ALBERTVILLE RGNL/THOMAS J BRUMLIK FLD ALDERMAN ALEXANDER SALAMON ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA ALLEN C PERKINSON BLACKSTONE AAF ALLENTOWN QUEEN CITY MUNI ALMYRA MUNI ALMYRA MUNI ALTOONA/BLAIR COUNTY ALTOONA/BLAIR COUNTY ALTUS AFB ALTUS AFB ICAO ID KAPH City FORT A. P. HILL FREDERICKTOWN PULASKI GRAND LEDGE GRAND LEDGE MELFA ADA ADA SARANAC LAKE SARANAC LAKE ANDOVER CLEWISTON OAK HARBOR AKRON AKRON ALBANY ALBANY ONEONTA ST PETERSBURG FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT ALBERTVILLE ST CLAIRSVILLE WEST UNION PITTSTOWN PITTSTOWN BLACKSTONE ALLENTOWN ALMYRA ALMYRA ALTOONA ALTOONA ALTUS ALTUS Location ID APH H88 GZS 4D0 4D0 MFV ADH ADH SLK SLK 12N 2IS OKH 9G3 9G3 ALB ALB N66 SPG FEP FEP FEP 8A0 2P7 AMT N85 N85 BKT XLL M73 M73 AOO AOO LTS LTS KGZS KMFV KADH KADH KSLK KSLK KOKH KALB KALB KSPG KFEP KFEP KFEP KAMT KBKT KXLL KAOO KAOO KLTS KLTS 822-0334-220 822-0334-221 State VA MO TN MI MI VA OK OK NY NY NJ FL WA NY NY NY NY NY FL IL IL IL AL OH OH NJ NJ VA PA AR AR PA PA OK OK Runway ID 05/23 01/19 16/34 18/36 09/27 03/21 18/36 13/31 05/23 09/27 03/21 13/31 07/25 07/25 11/29 10/28 01/19 06/24 07/25 13/31 06/24 18/36 05/23 01/19 05/23 13/31 08/26 04/22 15/33 18/36 10/28 03/21 12/30 176/356 18R/36L 1 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL ALTUS AFB ALTUS/QUARTZ MOUNTAIN RGNL AMELIA EARHART AMERY MUNI ANDERSON RGNL ANDREWS UNIVERSITY AIRPARK ANDREWS UNIVERSITY AIRPARK ANNISTON RGNL ANSON COUNTY/JEFF CLOUD FLD ARCADIA MUNI ARCADIA MUNI ARDMORE DOWNTOWN EXEC ARDMORE MUNI ARDMORE MUNI ARENS FLD ARLINGTON MUNI ARLINGTON MUNI ARNOLD AFB ARNOLD PALMER RGNL ARROWHEAD ASSAULT STRIP ARTHUR DUNN AIR PARK ASHEBORO RGNL ASHEVILLE RGNL ASHLAND COUNTY ASHLAND RGNL ASTORIA RGNL ATHENS MUNI ATHENS/BEN EPPS ATHENS/BEN EPPS ATLANTIC CITY INTL ATLANTIC CITY INTL AURORA MUNI AURORA MUNI AURORA MUNI AURORA STATE AUSTIN EXEC AUSTIN EXEC AUSTIN-BERGSTROM INTL AUSTIN-BERGSTROM INTL AVA BILL MARTIN MEML AVI SUQUILLA AVON PARK EXEC AVON PARK EXEC BALTIMORE/WASHINGTON INTL THURGOOD MARSHALL BALTIMORE/WASHINGTON INTL THURGOOD MARSHALL BALTIMORE/WASHINGTON INTL THURGOOD MARSHALL BARNESVILLE-BRADFIELD BARSTOW-DAGGETT BARSTOW-DAGGETT BARTOW EXEC BARTOW EXEC BARTOW EXEC BATESVILLE BATESVILLE RGNL BATESVILLE RGNL BATON ROUGE METRO, RYAN FLD BATON ROUGE METRO, RYAN FLD BATON ROUGE METRO, RYAN FLD BATTEN INTL BATTEN INTL BAXTER COUNTY BAY BRIDGE BAY CITY RGNL BEALE AFB BEAUMONT MUNI BEAVER COUNTY BEDFORD COUNTY BEECH RIVER RGNL BEEVILLE MUNI Revision 0 LTS AXS K59 AHH AND C20 C20 ANB AFP X06 X06 1F0 ADM ADM RWN AWO AWO AYX LBE AZU X21 HBI AVL 3G4 DWU AST F44 AHN AHN ACY ACY ARR ARR ARR UAO EDC EDC AUS AUS AOV P20 AVO AVO BWI BWI BWI 6G5 DAG DAG BOW BOW BOW HLB BVX BVX BTR BTR BTR RAC RAC BPK W29 BYY BAB BMT BVI HMZ PVE BEA KLTS KAXS KAHH KAND KANB KAFP KADM KADM KRWN KAWO KAWO KAYX KLBE KAZU KHBI KAVL KDWU KAST KAHN KAHN KACY KACY KARR KARR KARR KUAO KEDC KEDC KAUS KAUS KAOV KAVO KAVO KBWI KBWI KBWI KDAG KDAG KBOW KBOW KBOW KHLB KBVX KBVX KBTR KBTR KBTR KRAC KRAC KBPK KBYY KBAB KBMT KBVI KHMZ KPVE KBEA ALTUS ALTUS ATCHISON AMERY ANDERSON BERRIEN SPRINGS BERRIEN SPRINGS ANNISTON WADESBORO ARCADIA ARCADIA ARDMORE ARDMORE ARDMORE WINAMAC ARLINGTON ARLINGTON TULLAHOMA LATROBE FORT CHAFFEE TITUSVILLE ASHEBORO ASHEVILLE ASHLAND ASHLAND ASTORIA ATHENS ATHENS ATHENS ATLANTIC CITY ATLANTIC CITY CHICAGO/AURORA CHICAGO/AURORA CHICAGO/AURORA AURORA AUSTIN AUSTIN AUSTIN AUSTIN AVA PARKER AVON PARK AVON PARK BALTIMORE BALTIMORE BALTIMORE BARNESVILLE DAGGETT DAGGETT BARTOW BARTOW BARTOW BATESVILLE BATESVILLE BATESVILLE BATON ROUGE BATON ROUGE BATON ROUGE RACINE RACINE MOUNTAIN HOME STEVENSVILLE BAY CITY MARYSVILLE BEAUMONT BEAVER FALLS BEDFORD LEXINGTON-PARSONS BEEVILLE OK OK KS WI SC MI MI AL NC FL FL OK OK OK IN WA WA TN PA AR FL NC NC OH KY OR TX GA GA NJ NJ IL IL IL OR TX TX TX TX MO AZ FL FL MD MD MD OH CA CA FL FL FL IN AR AR LA LA LA WI WI AR MD TX CA TX PA PA TN TX 18L/36R 17/35 16/34 18/36 17/35 13/31 03/21 05/23 16/34 14/32 06/24 17/35 13/31 17/35 09/27 11/29 16/34 03/21 06/24 07/25 04/22 03/21 17/35 01/19 10/28 14/32 18/36 02/20 09/27 04/22 13/31 15/33 18/36 09/27 17/35 16/34 13/31 18L/36R 18R/36L 13/31 01/19 10/28 05/23 10/28 15R/33L 15L/33R 09/27 08/26 04/22 05/23 09L/27R 09R/27L 18/36 08/26 18/36 04R/22L 04L/22R 13/31 14/32 04/22 05/23 11/29 13/31 15/33 13/31 10/28 14/32 01/19 18/36 2 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL BEEVILLE MUNI BELLEFONTAINE RGNL BELLEFONTE BELLINGHAM INTL BELOIT BENDIGO BENSON MUNI BENTON COUNTY BENTON MUNI BENTONVILLE MUNI/LOUISE M THADEN FLD BENTONVILLE MUNI/LOUISE M THADEN FLD BERRIEN COUNTY BIBB COUNTY BICYCLE LAKE AAF BICYCLE LAKE AAF BIDDEFORD MUNI BIG BEAR CITY BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON NTL/ADAMS FLD BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON NTL/ADAMS FLD BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON NTL/ADAMS FLD BILL PUGH FLD BILLY FREE MUNI BIRMINGHAM-SHUTTLESWORTH INTL BIRMINGHAM-SHUTTLESWORTH INTL BISHOP BISHOP BISHOP BLACKHAWK AIRFIELD BLACKHAWK AIRFIELD BLAIRSTOWN BLAIRSVILLE BLOOMSBURG MUNI BLUE GRASS BLUE GRASS BLYTHE BLYTHE BOB HOPE BOB HOPE BOEING FLD/KING COUNTY INTL BOEING FLD/KING COUNTY INTL BOIRE FLD BOLINDER FLD-TOOELE VALLEY BOMAR FLD/SHELBYVILLE MUNI BORREGO VALLEY BOULDER CITY MUNI BOWERS FLD BOWIE MUNI BOWLING GREEN MUNI BOWLING GREEN-WARREN COUNTY RGNL BOWLING GREEN-WARREN COUNTY RGNL BOYCEVILLE MUNI BRADEN AIRPARK BRADFORD COUNTY BRADLEY INTL BRADLEY INTL BRAINERD LAKES RGNL BRAINERD LAKES RGNL BRANSON BRANSON WEST MUNI - EMERSON FLD BRANTLEY COUNTY BRAWLEY MUNI BRAZIL CLAY COUNTY BREMERTON NTL BRENHAM MUNI BRIDGEPORT MUNI BRIGHAM CITY RGNL BROOKHAVEN-LINCOLN COUNTY BROOKS COUNTY BROOKS COUNTY Revision 0 BEA EDJ N96 BLI 44C 74N BBB 0M4 H96 VBT VBT 4J2 0A8 BYS BYS B19 L35 LIT LIT LIT M22 0M0 BHM BHM BIH BIH BIH 87Y 87Y 1N7 DZJ N13 LEX LEX BLH BLH BUR BUR BFI BFI ASH TVY SYI L08 BVU ELN 0F2 H19 BWG BWG 3T3 N43 N27 BDL BDL BRD BRD BBG FWB 4J1 BWC 0I2 PWT 11R XBP BMC 1R7 BKS BKS KBEA KEDJ KBLI KBBB KVBT KVBT KBYS KBYS KLIT KLIT KLIT KBHM KBHM KBIH KBIH KBIH KDZJ KLEX KLEX KBLH KBLH KBUR KBUR KBFI KBFI KASH KTVY KSYI KBVU KELN KBWG KBWG KBDL KBDL KBRD KBRD KBBG KFWB KBWC KPWT KXBP KBMC KBKS KBKS BEEVILLE BELLEFONTAINE BELLEFONTE BELLINGHAM BELOIT TOWER CITY BENSON CAMDEN BENTON BENTONVILLE BENTONVILLE NASHVILLE CENTREVILLE FORT IRWIN/BARSTOW FORT IRWIN/BARSTOW BIDDEFORD BIG BEAR CITY LITTLE ROCK LITTLE ROCK LITTLE ROCK RUSSELLVILLE DUMAS BIRMINGHAM BIRMINGHAM BISHOP BISHOP BISHOP MADISON MADISON BLAIRSTOWN BLAIRSVILLE BLOOMSBURG LEXINGTON LEXINGTON BLYTHE BLYTHE BURBANK BURBANK SEATTLE SEATTLE NASHUA TOOELE SHELBYVILLE BORREGO SPRINGS BOULDER CITY ELLENSBURG BOWIE BOWLING GREEN BOWLING GREEN BOWLING GREEN BOYCEVILLE EASTON TOWANDA WINDSOR LOCKS WINDSOR LOCKS BRAINERD BRAINERD BRANSON BRANSON WEST NAHUNTA BRAWLEY BRAZIL BREMERTON BRENHAM BRIDGEPORT BRIGHAM CITY BROOKHAVEN FALFURRIAS FALFURRIAS TX OH PA WA WI PA MN TN IL AR AR GA AL CA CA ME CA AR AR AR AL AR AL AL CA CA CA WI WI NJ GA PA KY KY CA CA CA CA WA WA NH UT TN CA NV WA TX MO KY KY WI PA PA CT CT MN MN MO MO GA CA IN WA TX TX UT MS TX TX 12/30 07/25 07/25 16/34 07/25 05/23 14/32 04/22 18/36 17/35 18/36 10/28 10/28 04/22 13/31 06/24 08/26 04R/22L 04L/22R 18/36 02/20 18/36 18/36 06/24 17/35 08/26 12/30 04/22 09/27 07/25 08/26 09/27 04/22 09/27 08/26 17/35 15/33 08/26 14R/32L 14L/32R 14/32 17/35 18/36 08/26 09/27 11/29 17/35 13/31 12/30 03/21 08/26 18/36 05/23 06/24 15/33 05/23 16/34 14/32 03/21 01/19 08/26 09/27 02/20 16/34 18/36 17/35 04/22 17/35 14/32 3 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL BROOKS FLD BROOKSVILLE-TAMPA BAY RGNL BROOKSVILLE-TAMPA BAY RGNL BROWN COUNTY BROWNSVILLE/SOUTH PADRE ISLAND INTL BROWNSVILLE/SOUTH PADRE ISLAND INTL BRUNSWICK COUNTY BRUNSWICK COUNTY BRUNSWICK GOLDEN ISLES BUCKEYE MUNI BUFFALO AIRFIELD BUFFALO NIAGARA INTL BUFFALO NIAGARA INTL BULT FLD BURLINGTON MUNI BURLINGTON MUNI BURLINGTON/ALAMANCE RGNL BURNET MUNI KATE CRADDOCK FLD BURNETT COUNTY BURNETT COUNTY BUTLER MEML BYRON BYRON C DAVID CAMPBELL FLD-CORSICANA MUNI C DAVID CAMPBELL FLD-CORSICANA MUNI CADDO MILLS MUNI CADDO MILLS MUNI CALAVERAS COUNTY-MAURY RASMUSSEN FLD CALDWELL MUNI CALIFORNIA CITY MUNI CAMBRIDGE MUNI CAMBRIDGE MUNI CAMBRIDGE-DORCHESTER RGNL CAMDEN COUNTY CAMERON MEML CAMP BULLIS ALS (CALS) CAMP PEARY LNDG STRIP CAMP PENDLETON MCAS (MUNN FLD) CAMPBELL AAF (FORT CAMPBELL) CAMPBELL AAF (FORT CAMPBELL) CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION SKID STRIP CAPE COD GATEWAY CAPE MAY COUNTY CAPITAL CITY CAPITAL CITY CAPITAL REGION INTL CAPITAL REGION INTL CAPITAL REGION INTL CARLISLE MUNI CARLISLE MUNI CARMI MUNI CARROLL COUNTY CARROLL COUNTY RGNL/JACK B POAGE FLD CARROLL COUNTY-TOLSON CARSON CITY CARTERSVILLE CASA GRANDE MUNI CASSVILLE MUNI CASTLE CASTROVILLE MUNI CATALINA CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-OLEAN CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-OLEAN CAUSEY CECIL CECIL CECIL CECIL CENTERVILLE MUNI Revision 0 RMY BKV BKV GEO BRO BRO LVL LVL BQK BXK 9G0 BUF BUF C56 BUU BUU BUY BMQ RZN RZN BUM C83 C83 CRS CRS 7F3 7F3 CPU RWV L71 CDI CBG CGE 19N EZZ 9TX5 W94 NFG HOP HOP XMR HYA WWD FFT CXY LAN LAN LAN 4M3 4M3 CUL 4M1 DMW TSO CXP VPC CGZ 94K MER CVB AVX OLE OLE 2A5 VQQ VQQ VQQ VQQ GHM KRMY KBKV KBKV KGEO KBRO KBRO KLVL KLVL KBQK KBXK KBUF KBUF KBUU KBUU KBUY KBMQ KRZN KRZN KBUM KCRS KCRS KCPU KRWV KCDI KCBG KCGE KEZZ KNFG KHOP KHOP KXMR KHYA KWWD KFFT KCXY KLAN KLAN KLAN KCUL KDMW KTSO KCXP KVPC KCGZ KMER KCVB KAVX KOLE KOLE KVQQ KVQQ KVQQ KVQQ KGHM MARSHALL BROOKSVILLE BROOKSVILLE GEORGETOWN BROWNSVILLE BROWNSVILLE LAWRENCEVILLE LAWRENCEVILLE BRUNSWICK BUCKEYE BUFFALO BUFFALO BUFFALO MONEE BURLINGTON BURLINGTON BURLINGTON BURNET SIREN SIREN BUTLER BYRON BYRON CORSICANA CORSICANA CADDO MILLS CADDO MILLS SAN ANDREAS CALDWELL CALIFORNIA CITY CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE BERLIN CAMERON SAN ANTONIO WILLIAMSBURG OCEANSIDE FORT CAMPBELL/HOPKINSVILLE FORT CAMPBELL/HOPKINSVILLE COCOA BEACH HYANNIS WILDWOOD FRANKFORT HARRISBURG LANSING LANSING LANSING CARLISLE CARLISLE CARMI BERRYVILLE WESTMINSTER CARROLLTON CARSON CITY CARTERSVILLE CASA GRANDE CASSVILLE ATWATER CASTROVILLE AVALON OLEAN OLEAN LIBERTY JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE CENTERVILLE MI FL FL OH TX TX VA VA GA AZ NY NY NY IL WI WI NC TX WI WI MO CA CA TX TX TX TX CA TX CA OH MN MD NJ MO TX VA CA KY KY FL MA NJ KY PA MI MI MI AR AR IL AR MD OH NV GA AZ MO CA TX CA NY NY NC FL FL FL FL TN 10/28 03/21 09/27 18/36 13/31 18/36 06/24 18/36 07/25 17/35 06/24 14/32 05/23 09/27 01/19 11/29 06/24 01/19 14/32 05/23 18/36 05/23 12/30 02/20 14/32 18/36 13/31 13/31 15/33 06/24 04/22 16/34 16/34 05/23 17/35 10/28 05/23 03/21 18/36 05/23 13/31 06/24 01/19 07/25 12/30 10R/28L 10L/28R 06/24 18/36 09/27 18/36 07/25 16/34 07/25 09/27 01/19 05/23 09/27 13/31 16/34 04/22 04/22 16/34 02/20 18L/36R 18R/36L 09R/27L 09L/27R 02/20 4 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL CENTRALIA MUNI CENTRE-PIEDMONT-CHEROKEE COUNTY RGNL CHAMBERS COUNTY CHAMBERS COUNTY CHANDLER FLD CHANDLER FLD CHANDLER RGNL CHARLOTTE/DOUGLAS INTL CHARLOTTE/DOUGLAS INTL CHARLOTTE/DOUGLAS INTL CHARLOTTE/DOUGLAS INTL CHASE CITY MUNI CHASE FLD INDUSTRIAL CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY/DUNKIRK CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY/DUNKIRK CHEHALIS-CENTRALIA CHEMEHUEVI VALLEY CHERAW MUNI/LYNCH BELLINGER FLD CHERRY RIDGE CHESTER CHESTER CATAWBA RGNL CHESTER CATAWBA RGNL CHESTER COUNTY G O CARLSON CHETEK MUNI/SOUTHWORTH CHETEK MUNI/SOUTHWORTH CHICAGO MIDWAY INTL CHICAGO MIDWAY INTL CHICAGO MIDWAY INTL CHICAGO MIDWAY INTL CHICAGO MIDWAY INTL CHICAGO O'HARE INTL CHICAGO O'HARE INTL CHICAGO O'HARE INTL CHICAGO O'HARE INTL CHICAGO O'HARE INTL CHICAGO O'HARE INTL CHICAGO O'HARE INTL CHICAGO O'HARE INTL CHICAGO/ROCKFORD INTL CHICAGO/ROCKFORD INTL CHICKASHA MUNI CHICKASHA MUNI CHICKASHA MUNI CHILLICOTHE MUNI CHILLICOTHE MUNI CHILTON COUNTY CHINA LAKE NAWS (ARMITAGE FLD) CHINA LAKE NAWS (ARMITAGE FLD) CHINA LAKE NAWS (ARMITAGE FLD) CHIPPEWA VALLEY RGNL CHIPPEWA VALLEY RGNL CINCINNATI MUNI/LUNKEN FLD CINCINNATI MUNI/LUNKEN FLD CINCINNATI MUNI/LUNKEN FLD CINCINNATI WEST CINCINNATI/NORTHERN KENTUCKY INTL CINCINNATI/NORTHERN KENTUCKY INTL CINCINNATI/NORTHERN KENTUCKY INTL CINCINNATI/NORTHERN KENTUCKY INTL CLAREMONT CLAREMONT MUNI CLARENCE E PAGE MUNI CLARENCE E PAGE MUNI CLARION COUNTY CLARK RGNL CLARK RGNL CLARKSVILLE MUNI CLEARFIELD-LAWRENCE CLEARVIEW AIRPARK Revision 0 ENL PYP T00 T00 AXN AXN CQB CLT CLT CLT CLT CXE TX2 DKK DKK CLS 49X CQW N30 SNC DCM DCM MQS Y23 Y23 MDW MDW MDW MDW MDW ORD ORD ORD ORD ORD ORD ORD ORD RFD RFD CHK CHK CHK CHT CHT 02A NID NID NID EAU EAU LUK LUK LUK I67 CVG CVG CVG CVG 58M CNH RCE RCE AXQ JVY JVY H35 FIG 2W2 KENL KPYP KAXN KAXN KCQB KCLT KCLT KCLT KCLT KCXE KDKK KDKK KCLS KCQW KSNC KDCM KDCM KMQS KMDW KMDW KMDW KMDW KMDW KORD KORD KORD KORD KORD KORD KORD KORD KRFD KRFD KCHK KCHK KCHK KCHT KCHT KNID KNID KNID KEAU KEAU KLUK KLUK KLUK KCVG KCVG KCVG KCVG KCNH KRCE KRCE KAXQ KJVY KJVY KFIG CENTRALIA CENTRE ANAHUAC ANAHUAC ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA CHANDLER CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE CHASE CITY BEEVILLE DUNKIRK DUNKIRK CHEHALIS CHEMEHUEVI VALLEY CHERAW HONESDALE CHESTER CHESTER CHESTER COATESVILLE CHETEK CHETEK CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO/ROCKFORD CHICAGO/ROCKFORD CHICKASHA CHICKASHA CHICKASHA CHILLICOTHE CHILLICOTHE CLANTON CHINA LAKE CHINA LAKE CHINA LAKE EAU CLAIRE EAU CLAIRE CINCINNATI CINCINNATI CINCINNATI HARRISON COVINGTON COVINGTON COVINGTON COVINGTON ELKTON CLAREMONT OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA CITY CLARION JEFFERSONVILLE JEFFERSONVILLE CLARKSVILLE CLEARFIELD WESTMINSTER IL AL TX TX MN MN OK NC NC NC NC VA TX NY NY WA CA SC PA CT SC SC PA WI WI IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL OK OK OK MO MO AL CA CA CA WI WI OH OH OH OH KY KY KY KY MD NH OK OK PA IN IN AR PA MD 18/36 07/25 12/30 17/35 04/22 13/31 17/35 05/23 18R/36L 18L/36R 18C/36C 18/36 13/31 15/33 06/24 16/34 16/34 08/26 18/36 17/35 05/23 17/35 11/29 07/25 17/35 13C/31C 13R/31L 04L/22R 13L/31R 04R/22L 09R/27L 10L/28R 09C/27C 04L/22R 10C/28C 10R/28L 04R/22L 09L/27R 07/25 01/19 18/36 02/20 01/19 02/20 14/32 08/26 03/21 08/26 14/32 04/22 14/32 03R/21L 03L/21R 07/25 01/19 18C/36C 18R/36L 09/27 18L/36R 13/31 11/29 17L/35R 17R/35L 06/24 14/32 18/36 09/27 12/30 14/32 5 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL CLEBURNE RGNL CLEVELAND MUNI CLEVELAND-HOPKINS INTL CLEVELAND-HOPKINS INTL CLEVELAND-HOPKINS INTL CLIFF HATFIELD MEML CLINTON MUNI CLINTON RGNL CLINTON RGNL CLINTON RGNL CLINTON RGNL CLINTON-SAMPSON COUNTY COFFEY COUNTY COLORADO CITY MUNI COLORADO CITY MUNI COLUMBIA COLUMBIA COLUMBIA COUNTY COLUMBIA GORGE RGNL/THE DALLES MUNI COLUMBIA GORGE RGNL/THE DALLES MUNI COLUMBIA/MARION COUNTY COLUMBIANA COUNTY COLUMBUS AFB COLUMBUS AFB COLUMBUS AFB COLUMBUS AFB AUX FLD, (GUNSHY) COLUMBUS MUNI COLUMBUS MUNI COLUMBUS-LOWNDES COUNTY COLUSA COUNTY COMMERCE MUNI CONCORD MUNI CONCORD MUNI CONROE/NORTH HOUSTON RGNL CONROE/NORTH HOUSTON RGNL CONWAY RGNL COOK COUNTY COOK COUNTY COOLIDGE MUNI COOLIDGE MUNI CORNING MUNI CORRY-LAWRENCE CORTLAND COUNTY/CHASE FLD CORVALLIS MUNI COULTER FLD COUPEVILLE NOLF COURTLAND COURTLAND CRAWFORDSVILLE RGNL CREECH AFB CREECH AFB CREVE COEUR CRISFIELD-SOMERSET COUNTY CRISFIELD-SOMERSET COUNTY CROSS CITY CROSS CITY CRYSTAL LAKE CRYSTAL RIVER-CAPT TOM DAVIS FLD CRYSTAL RIVER-CAPT TOM DAVIS FLD CUBA MUNI CULLMAN RGNL-FOLSOM FLD CULPEPER RGNL CUMBERLAND MUNI CUMBERLAND MUNI CURRITUCK COUNTY RGNL CUSHING MUNI CUSHING MUNI CUSHING MUNI CUSHING MUNI Revision 0 CPT 6R3 CLE CLE CLE CLR CCA GLY CLK GLY CLK CTZ UKL AZC AZC O22 O22 1B1 DLS DLS 0R0 02G CBM CBM CBM 1MS8 BAK BAK UBS O08 2F7 CON CON CXO CXO CXW 15J 15J P08 P08 4M9 8G2 N03 CVO CFD NRA 9A4 9A4 CFJ INS INS 1H0 W41 W41 CTY CTY 5M5 CGC CGC UBX CMD CJR UBE UBE ONX CUH CUH CUH CUH KCPT KCLE KCLE KCLE KCLR KCCA KGLY KCLK KGLY KCLK KCTZ KUKL KAZC KAZC KDLS KDLS KCBM KCBM KCBM KBAK KBAK KUBS KCON KCON KCXO KCXO KCXW KCVO KCFD KNRA KCFJ KINS KINS KCTY KCTY KCGC KCGC KUBX KCMD KCJR KUBE KUBE KONX KCUH KCUH KCUH KCUH CLEBURNE CLEVELAND CLEVELAND CLEVELAND CLEVELAND CALIPATRIA CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON CLINTON BURLINGTON COLORADO CITY COLORADO CITY COLUMBIA COLUMBIA HUDSON THE DALLES THE DALLES COLUMBIA EAST LIVERPOOL COLUMBUS COLUMBUS COLUMBUS SHUQUALAK COLUMBUS COLUMBUS COLUMBUS COLUSA COMMERCE CONCORD CONCORD HOUSTON HOUSTON CONWAY ADEL ADEL COOLIDGE COOLIDGE CORNING CORRY CORTLAND CORVALLIS BRYAN COUPEVILLE COURTLAND COURTLAND CRAWFORDSVILLE INDIAN SPRINGS INDIAN SPRINGS ST LOUIS CRISFIELD CRISFIELD CROSS CITY CROSS CITY DECATUR CRYSTAL RIVER CRYSTAL RIVER CUBA CULLMAN CULPEPER CUMBERLAND CUMBERLAND CURRITUCK CUSHING CUSHING CUSHING CUSHING TX TX OH OH OH CA AR MO OK MO OK NC KS AZ AZ CA CA NY OR OR MS OH MS MS MS MS IN IN MS CA TX NH NH TX TX AR GA GA AZ AZ AR PA NY OR TX WA AL AL IN NV NV MO MD MD FL FL AR FL FL MO AL VA WI WI NC OK OK OK OK 15/33 16/34 10/28 06L/24R 06R/24L 08/26 13/31 04/22 17/35 18/36 13/31 06/24 18/36 11/29 02/20 11/29 17/35 03/21 07/25 13/31 05/23 07/25 13R/31L 13C/31C 13L/31R 13/31 05/23 14/32 18/36 13/31 18/36 12/30 17/35 14/32 01/19 04/22 05/23 15/33 05/23 17/35 18/36 14/32 06/24 10/28 15/33 14/32 18/36 13/31 04/22 08/26 13/31 07/25 06/24 14/32 13/31 04/22 13/31 18/36 09/27 18/36 02/20 04/22 09/27 18/36 05/23 18/36 02/20 08/26 11/29 6 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL CUSTER CUYAHOGA COUNTY CYNTHIANA-HARRISON COUNTY DADE-COLLIER TRAINING AND TRANSITION DAHLGREN NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER DALLAS LOVE FLD DALLAS LOVE FLD DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTL DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTL DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTL DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTL DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTL DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTL DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTL DANE COUNTY RGNL/TRUAX FLD DANE COUNTY RGNL/TRUAX FLD DANE COUNTY RGNL/TRUAX FLD DANSVILLE MUNI DANVILLE DANVILLE MUNI DANVILLE RGNL DANVILLE RGNL DARE COUNTY RGNL DARE COUNTY RGNL DARKE COUNTY DARLINGTON COUNTY DAVID JAY PERRY DAVID JAY PERRY DAVIDSON COUNTY DAVIS DAVISON AAF DAWSON AAF DAYTON VALLEY AIRPARK DAYTONA BEACH INTL DAYTONA BEACH INTL DAYTONA BEACH INTL DAYTON-PHILLIPSBURG DAYTON-WRIGHT BROTHERS DE KALB TAYLOR MUNI DE KALB TAYLOR MUNI DECATUR MUNI DECK DEERFIELD VALLEY RGNL DELAND MUNI-SIDNEY H TAYLOR FLD DELANO MUNI DELAWARE COASTAL DELAWARE COASTAL DELTA RGNL DEMOPOLIS RGNL DENTON ENTERPRISE DENTON ENTERPRISE DETROIT METRO WAYNE COUNTY DETROIT METRO WAYNE COUNTY DETROIT METRO WAYNE COUNTY DETROIT METRO WAYNE COUNTY DETROIT METRO WAYNE COUNTY DETROIT METRO WAYNE COUNTY DEVINE MUNI DEXTER B FLORENCE MEML FLD DICKSON MUNI DILLANT/HOPKINS DILLANT/HOPKINS DINWIDDIE COUNTY DIXON MUNI-CHARLES R WALGREEN FLD DIXON MUNI-CHARLES R WALGREEN FLD DODGE CENTER DODGE CENTER DODGE COUNTY DODGE COUNTY Revision 0 TTF CGF 0I8 TNT NDY DAL DAL DFW DFW DFW DFW DFW DFW DFW MSN MSN MSN DSV 8N8 32A DAN DAN MQI MQI VES UDG 1K4 1K4 EXX W50 DAA 3G5 A34 DAB DAB DAB 3I7 MGY DKB DKB LUD 9D4 4V8 DED DLO GED GED DRP DYA DTO DTO DTW DTW DTW DTW DTW DTW 23R ADF M02 EEN EEN PTB C73 C73 TOB TOB UNU UNU KTTF KCGF KTNT KNDY KDAL KDAL KDFW KDFW KDFW KDFW KDFW KDFW KDFW KMSN KMSN KMSN KDSV KDAN KDAN KMQI KMQI KVES KUDG KEXX KDAA KDAB KDAB KDAB KMGY KDKB KDKB KLUD KDED KDLO KGED KGED KDRP KDYA KDTO KDTO KDTW KDTW KDTW KDTW KDTW KDTW KADF KEEN KEEN KPTB KTOB KTOB KUNU KUNU MONROE CLEVELAND CYNTHIANA MIAMI DAHLGREN DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS-FORT WORTH DALLAS-FORT WORTH DALLAS-FORT WORTH DALLAS-FORT WORTH DALLAS-FORT WORTH DALLAS-FORT WORTH DALLAS-FORT WORTH MADISON MADISON MADISON DANSVILLE DANVILLE DANVILLE DANVILLE DANVILLE MANTEO MANTEO VERSAILLES DARLINGTON GOLDSBY GOLDSBY LEXINGTON LAYTONSVILLE FORT BELVOIR CAMP DAWSON (KINGWOOD) DAYTON/CARSON CITY DAYTONA BEACH DAYTONA BEACH DAYTONA BEACH DAYTON DAYTON DE KALB DE KALB DECATUR MYERSTOWN WEST DOVER DELAND DELANO GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN COLT DEMOPOLIS DENTON DENTON DETROIT DETROIT DETROIT DETROIT DETROIT DETROIT DEVINE ARKADELPHIA DICKSON KEENE KEENE PETERSBURG DIXON DIXON DODGE CENTER DODGE CENTER JUNEAU JUNEAU MI OH KY FL VA TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX WI WI WI NY PA AR VA VA NC NC OH SC OK OK NC MD VA WV NV FL FL FL OH OH IL IL TX PA VT FL CA DE DE AR AL TX TX MI MI MI MI MI MI TX AR TN NH NH VA IL IL MN MN WI WI 03/21 06/24 11/29 09/27 16/34 13R/31L 13L/31R 13R/31L 17C/35C 13L/31R 18L/36R 18R/36L 17L/35R 17R/35L 14/32 03/21 18/36 14/32 09/27 11/29 02/20 13/31 05/23 17/35 09/27 05/23 17/35 13/31 06/24 08/26 14/32 05/23 05/23 07L/25R 16/34 07R/25L 03/21 02/20 09/27 02/20 17/35 01/19 01/19 12/30 14/32 04/22 10/28 18/36 04/22 18L/36R 18R/36L 09L/27R 03L/21R 04L/22R 03R/21L 09R/27L 04R/22L 17/35 04/22 17/35 02/20 14/32 05/23 08/26 12/30 04/22 16/34 02/20 08/26 7 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL DONEGAL SPRINGS AIRPARK DOVER AFB DOVER AFB DOWAGIAC MUNI DOWAGIAC MUNI DRAKE FLD DRAUGHON-MILLER CENTRAL TEXAS RGNL DRAUGHON-MILLER CENTRAL TEXAS RGNL DUBOIS RGNL DUPONT-LAPEER DUPONT-LAPEER DURANT RGNL/EAKER FLD EAGLE LAKE EAST HAMPTON EAST HAMPTON EAST KANSAS CITY EAST TROY MUNI EAST TROY MUNI EASTERN WV RGNL/SHEPHERD FLD EASTERWOOD FLD EASTERWOOD FLD EASTON/NEWNAM FLD EASTON/NEWNAM FLD EBENSBURG EBENSBURG ED CARLSON MEML FLD - SOUTH LEWIS COUNTY EDWARDS AF AUX NORTH BASE EDWARDS AFB EDWARDS AFB EDWARDS AFB EFFINGHAM COUNTY MEML EFFINGHAM COUNTY MEML EL CENTRO NAF (VRACIU FLD) EL CENTRO NAF (VRACIU FLD) EL RENO RGNL EL RENO RGNL ELBERT COUNTY-PATZ FLD ELBOW LAKE MUNI - PRIDE OF THE PRAIRIE ELBOW LAKE MUNI - PRIDE OF THE PRAIRIE ELIZABETH CITY CG AIR STATION/RGNL ELIZABETH CITY CG AIR STATION/RGNL ELIZABETH FLD ELIZABETH FLD ELKHART MUNI ELKHART MUNI ELKHART MUNI ELLINGTON ELMIRA/CORNING RGNL ELMIRA/CORNING RGNL ELMIRA/CORNING RGNL ELTON HENSLEY MEML ELTON HENSLEY MEML ELTON HENSLEY MEML EMPORIA-GREENSVILLE RGNL ENID WOODRING RGNL ENID WOODRING RGNL ENNIS MUNI ERIE INTL/TOM RIDGE FLD ERIE INTL/TOM RIDGE FLD ERIE-OTTAWA INTL ERIE-OTTAWA INTL EUGENE F KRANZ TOLEDO EXPRESS EUGENE F KRANZ TOLEDO EXPRESS EVANSTON-UINTA COUNTY BURNS FLD EXCELSIOR SPRINGS MEML FAIRFIELD COUNTY FAIRFIELD COUNTY FAIRFIELD MUNI FAIRFIELD MUNI Revision 0 N71 DOV DOV C91 C91 FYV TPL TPL DUJ D95 D95 DUA ELA HTO HTO 3GV 57C 57C MRB CLL CLL ESN ESN 9G8 9G8 TDO 9L2 EDW EDW EDW 1H2 1H2 NJK NJK RQO RQO EBA Y63 Y63 ECG ECG 0B8 0B8 EKM EKM EKM LUG ELM ELM ELM FTT FTT FTT EMV WDG WDG F41 ERI ERI PCW PCW TOL TOL EVW 3EX LHQ FDW FWC FWC KDOV KDOV KFYV KTPL KTPL KDUJ KDUA KELA KHTO KHTO KMRB KCLL KCLL KESN KESN KTDO KEDW KEDW KEDW KNJK KNJK KRQO KRQO KEBA KECG KECG KEKM KEKM KEKM KLUG KELM KELM KELM KFTT KFTT KFTT KEMV KWDG KWDG KERI KERI KPCW KPCW KTOL KTOL KEVW KLHQ KFDW KFWC KFWC MOUNT JOY/MARIETTA DOVER DOVER DOWAGIAC DOWAGIAC FAYETTEVILLE TEMPLE TEMPLE DUBOIS LAPEER LAPEER DURANT EAGLE LAKE EAST HAMPTON EAST HAMPTON GRAIN VALLEY EAST TROY EAST TROY MARTINSBURG COLLEGE STATION COLLEGE STATION EASTON EASTON EBENSBURG EBENSBURG TOLEDO EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EFFINGHAM EFFINGHAM EL CENTRO EL CENTRO EL RENO EL RENO ELBERTON ELBOW LAKE ELBOW LAKE ELIZABETH CITY ELIZABETH CITY FISHERS ISLAND FISHERS ISLAND ELKHART ELKHART ELKHART LEWISBURG ELMIRA/CORNING ELMIRA/CORNING ELMIRA/CORNING FULTON FULTON FULTON EMPORIA ENID ENID ENNIS ERIE ERIE PORT CLINTON PORT CLINTON TOLEDO TOLEDO EVANSTON EXCELSIOR SPRINGS LANCASTER WINNSBORO FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD PA DE DE MI MI AR TX TX PA MI MI OK TX NY NY MO WI WI WV TX TX MD MD PA PA WA CA CA CA CA IL IL CA CA OK OK GA MN MN NC NC NY NY IN IN IN TN NY NY NY MO MO MO VA OK OK TX PA PA OH OH OH OH WY MO OH SC IL IL 10/28 01/19 14/32 04/22 09/27 16/34 15/33 02/20 07/25 18/36 09/27 17/35 17/35 10/28 16/34 05/23 08/26 18/36 08/26 17/35 11/29 04/22 15/33 07/25 11U/29U 06/24 06/24 05L/23R 07/25 05R/23L 11/29 01/19 12/30 08/26 18/36 17/35 11/29 11W/29W 14/32 10/28 01/19 07/25 12/30 18/36 09/27 08/26 02/20 06/24 05/23 10/28 06/24 12/30 18/36 16/34 13/31 17/35 16/34 06/24 02/20 18/36 09/27 07/25 16/34 05/23 03/21 10/28 04/22 18/36 09/27 8 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL FAIRMONT MUNI-FRANKMAN FLD FAIRVIEW MUNI FARIBAULT MUNI-LIZ WALL STROHFUS FLD FARIBAULT MUNI-LIZ WALL STROHFUS FLD FARMINGTON RGNL FAYETTE COUNTY FAYETTE RGNL AIR CENTER FAYETTEVILLE MUNI FAYETTEVILLE RGNL/GRANNIS FLD FAYETTEVILLE RGNL/GRANNIS FLD FELKER AAF FERNANDINA BEACH MUNI FERNANDINA BEACH MUNI FERNANDINA BEACH MUNI FESTUS MEML FIELD OF DREAMS FINDLAY FINDLAY FINGER LAKES RGNL FIREBAUGH FIRST FLIGHT FITCH H BEACH FITCH H BEACH FLEMING-MASON FLORA MUNI FLORA MUNI FLOYD BENNETT MEML FOND DU LAC COUNTY FOND DU LAC COUNTY FOOTHILLS RGNL FORT ATKINSON MUNI FORT LAUDERDALE/HOLLYWOOD INTL FORT LAUDERDALE/HOLLYWOOD INTL FORT SMITH RGNL FORT SMITH RGNL FORT WAYNE INTL FORT WAYNE INTL FORT WAYNE INTL FORT WORTH ALLIANCE FORT WORTH ALLIANCE FOSTORIA METRO FRANCIS S GABRESKI FRANK FEDERER MEML FRANKFORT CLINTON COUNTY RGNL FRANKFORT CLINTON COUNTY RGNL FRANKLIN COUNTY RGNL FRANKLIN-HART FREDERICK DOUGLASS/GREATER ROCHESTER INTL FREDERICK DOUGLASS/GREATER ROCHESTER INTL FREDERICK DOUGLASS/GREATER ROCHESTER INTL FREDERICK MUNI FREDERICK MUNI FREDERICK RGNL FREDERICK RGNL FREDERICK RGNL FREEMAN MUNI FREEMAN MUNI FREEMAN MUNI FREEMAN MUNI FREMONT FREMONT FRESNO CHANDLER EXEC FRESNO YOSEMITE INTL FRESNO YOSEMITE INTL FRIDAY HARBOR FULTON COUNTY FULTON COUNTY FULTON COUNTY FULTON COUNTY Revision 0 4G7 6K4 FBL FBL FAM I23 3T5 FYM FAY FAY FAF FHB FHB FHB FES 04W FDY FDY 0G7 F34 FFA FPK FPK FGX FOA FOA GFL FLD FLD MRN 61C FLL FLL FSM FSM FWA FWA FWA AFW AFW FZI FOK M36 FKR FKR N68 18A ROC ROC ROC FDK FDK FDR FDR FDR SER SER SER SER 14G 14G FCH FAT FAT FHR NY0 USE USE RCR KFBL KFBL KFAM KFYM KFAY KFAY KFAF KFHB KFHB KFHB KFES KFDY KFDY KFFA KFPK KFPK KFGX KFOA KFOA KGFL KFLD KFLD KMRN KFLL KFLL KFSM KFSM KFWA KFWA KFWA KAFW KAFW KFZI KFOK KFKR KFKR KROC KROC KROC KFDK KFDK KFDR KFDR KFDR KSER KSER KSER KSER KFCH KFAT KFAT KFHR KUSE KUSE KRCR FAIRMONT FAIRVIEW FARIBAULT FARIBAULT FARMINGTON WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE LA GRANGE FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE FORT EUSTIS FERNANDINA BEACH FERNANDINA BEACH FERNANDINA BEACH FESTUS HINCKLEY FINDLAY FINDLAY SENECA FALLS FIREBAUGH KILL DEVIL HILLS CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE FLEMINGSBURG FLORA FLORA GLENS FALLS FOND DU LAC FOND DU LAC MORGANTON FORT ATKINSON FORT LAUDERDALE FORT LAUDERDALE FORT SMITH FORT SMITH FORT WAYNE FORT WAYNE FORT WAYNE FORT WORTH FORT WORTH FOSTORIA WESTHAMPTON BEACH BRINKLEY FRANKFORT FRANKFORT CHAMBERSBURG CANON ROCHESTER ROCHESTER ROCHESTER FREDERICK FREDERICK FREDERICK FREDERICK FREDERICK SEYMOUR SEYMOUR SEYMOUR SEYMOUR FREMONT FREMONT FRESNO FRESNO FRESNO FRIDAY HARBOR JOHNSTOWN WAUSEON WAUSEON ROCHESTER WV OK MN MN MO OH TX TN NC NC VA FL FL FL MO MN OH OH NY CA NC MI MI KY IL IL NY WI WI NC WI FL FL AR AR IN IN IN TX TX OH NY AR IN IN PA GA NY NY NY MD MD OK OK OK IN IN IN IN OH OH CA CA CA WA NY OH OH IN 05/23 17/35 01/19 12/30 02/20 05/23 16/34 02/20 10/28 04/22 14/32 04/22 13/31 09/27 01/19 06/24 18/36 07/25 01/19 12/30 03/21 15/33 03/21 07/25 15/33 03/21 12/30 18/36 09/27 03/21 03/21 10L/28R 10R/28L 07/25 01/19 09/27 05/23 14/32 16L/34R 16R/34L 09/27 06/24 02/20 09/27 04/22 06/24 08/26 10/28 07/25 04/22 12/30 05/23 03/21 17/35 12/30 09U/27U 05/23 18U/36U 14/32 09/27 18/36 12/30 11R/29L 11L/29R 16/34 10/28 09/27 18/36 11/29 9 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL GAINESVILLE MUNI GAINESVILLE MUNI GAINESVILLE RGNL GAINESVILLE RGNL GALION MUNI GALT FLD GALT FLD GARDNER MUNI GARNSEYS GARRETT COUNTY GARY/CHICAGO INTL GARY/CHICAGO INTL GEARY A BATES/JEFFERSON COUNTY AIRPARK GEAUGA COUNTY GENE SNYDER GENERAL EDWARD LAWRENCE LOGAN INTL GENERAL EDWARD LAWRENCE LOGAN INTL GENERAL EDWARD LAWRENCE LOGAN INTL GENERAL EDWARD LAWRENCE LOGAN INTL GENERAL EDWARD LAWRENCE LOGAN INTL GENERAL EDWARD LAWRENCE LOGAN INTL GENERAL MITCHELL INTL GENERAL MITCHELL INTL GENERAL MITCHELL INTL GENERAL MITCHELL INTL GENERAL MITCHELL INTL GENERAL WM J FOX AIRFIELD GENESEE COUNTY GEORGE BUSH INTCNTL/HOUSTON GEORGE BUSH INTCNTL/HOUSTON GEORGE BUSH INTCNTL/HOUSTON GEORGE BUSH INTCNTL/HOUSTON GEORGE BUSH INTCNTL/HOUSTON GEORGE DOWNER GEORGE R CARR MEML AIR FLD GEORGETOWN MUNI GEORGETOWN MUNI GEORGETOWN-SCOTT COUNTY RGNL GETTYSBURG RGNL GIDDINGS-LEE COUNTY GILA BEND AF AUX GILA BEND MUNI GILLESPIE COUNTY GLASGOW MUNI GLENCOE MUNI GLENWOOD MUNI GLENWOOD MUNI GNOSS FLD GOLDEN TRIANGLE RGNL GOLIAD NOLF GOLIAD NOLF GOODEN AIRPARK GORDONSVILLE MUNI GOSHEN MUNI GOSHEN MUNI GRAHAM MUNI GRAHAM MUNI GRANBURY RGNL GRAND CANYON CAVERNS GRAND CANYON RGNL GRAND CANYON RGNL GRAND CANYON WEST GRAND GENEVA RESORT GRANTSBURG MUNI GRANTSBURG MUNI GRATIOT COMMUNITY GRATIOT COMMUNITY GRAY AAF (JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD) GREATER BINGHAMTON/EDWIN A LINK FLD Revision 0 GLE GLE GNV GNV GQQ 10C 10C GDM B04 2G4 GYY GYY 2G2 7G8 K62 BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS MKE MKE MKE MKE MKE WJF GVQ IAH IAH IAH IAH IAH AIV BXA GTU GTU 27K W05 GYB GXF E63 T82 GLW GYL GHW GHW DVO GTR NGT NGT RJD GVE GSH GSH RPH RPH GDJ L37 N38 N38 1G4 C02 GTG GTG AMN AMN GRF BGM KGLE KGLE KGNV KGNV KGQQ KGDM KGYY KGYY KBOS KBOS KBOS KBOS KBOS KBOS KMKE KMKE KMKE KMKE KMKE KWJF KGVQ KIAH KIAH KIAH KIAH KIAH KAIV KBXA KGTU KGTU KGYB KGXF KGLW KGYL KGHW KGHW KDVO KGTR KNGT KNGT KRJD KGVE KGSH KGSH KRPH KRPH KGDJ KGTG KGTG KAMN KAMN KGRF KBGM GAINESVILLE GAINESVILLE GAINESVILLE GAINESVILLE GALION GREENWOOD/WONDER LAKE GREENWOOD/WONDER LAKE GARDNER SCHUYLERVILLE OAKLAND GARY GARY STEUBENVILLE MIDDLEFIELD FALMOUTH BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE LANCASTER BATAVIA HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ALICEVILLE BOGALUSA GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN GETTYSBURG GIDDINGS GILA BEND GILA BEND FREDERICKSBURG GLASGOW GLENCOE GLENWOOD GLENWOOD NOVATO COLUMBUS/W POINT/STARKVILLE BERCLAIR BERCLAIR RIDGELY GORDONSVILLE GOSHEN GOSHEN GRAHAM GRAHAM GRANBURY PEACH SPRINGS WELLSBORO WELLSBORO PEACH SPRINGS LAKE GENEVA GRANTSBURG GRANTSBURG ALMA ALMA FORT LEWIS/TACOMA BINGHAMTON TX TX FL FL OH IL IL MA NY MD IN IN OH OH KY MA MA MA MA MA MA WI WI WI WI WI CA NY TX TX TX TX TX AL LA TX TX KY PA TX AZ AZ TX KY MN MN MN CA MS TX TX MD VA IN IN TX TX TX AZ PA PA AZ WI WI WI MI MI WA NY 18/36 13/31 07/25 11/29 05/23 09/27 18/36 18/36 02/20 09/27 02/20 12/30 14/32 11/29 03/21 04R/22L 09/27 15L/33R 04L/22R 15R/33L 14/32 01R/19L 01L/19R 07L/25R 07R/25L 13/31 06/24 10/28 08R/26L 15R/33L 08L/26R 15L/33R 09/27 06/24 18/36 11/29 18/36 03/21 06/24 17/35 17/35 04/22 14/32 08/26 13/31 05/23 15/33 13/31 18/36 17/35 11/29 12/30 05/23 05/23 09/27 03/21 18/36 14/32 05/23 11/29 10/28 17/35 05/23 12/30 05/23 18/36 09/27 15/33 16/34 10 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL GREATER BINGHAMTON/EDWIN A LINK FLD GREATER KANKAKEE GREATER KANKAKEE GREATER PORTSMOUTH RGNL GREENE COUNTY GREENE COUNTY/LEWIS A JACKSON RGNL GREENSBURG MUNI GREENVILLE GREENVILLE GREENVILLE MUNI GREENVILLE MUNI GREENVILLE MUNI GREENVILLE MUNI GREENVILLE SPARTANBURG INTL GREENWOOD COUNTY GREENWOOD COUNTY GRIMES FLD GRIMES FLD GRISSOM ARB GROSSE ILE MUNI GROTON-NEW LONDON GROVE CITY GULFPORT-BILOXI INTL GULFPORT-BILOXI INTL GUNTERSVILLE MUNI/JOE STARNES FLD GUNTERSVILLE MUNI/JOE STARNES FLD GUTHRIE/EDMOND RGNL HABERSHAM COUNTY HAGERSTOWN RGNL/RICHARD A HENSON FLD HAGERSTOWN RGNL/RICHARD A HENSON FLD HAIGH FLD HALIFAX/NORTHAMPTON RGNL HALLIBURTON FLD HAMILTON MUNI HAMMOND NORTHSHORE RGNL HAMMOND NORTHSHORE RGNL HAMMONTON MUNI HAMPTON ROADS EXEC HANOVER COUNTY MUNI HARDIN COUNTY HARFORD COUNTY HARFORD COUNTY HARNETT RGNL JETPORT HARRIMAN-AND-WEST HARRISBURG INTL HARRISON COUNTY HARRY CLEVER FLD HARRY CLEVER FLD HARRY P WILLIAMS MEML HARRY P WILLIAMS MEML HARRY REID INTL HARRY REID INTL HARRY REID INTL HARRY REID INTL HARTFORD MUNI HARTFORD MUNI HARTNESS STATE (SPRINGFIELD) HARTNESS STATE (SPRINGFIELD) HARTSELLE/MORGAN COUNTY RGNL HARTSVILLE RGNL HARVEY FLD HARVEY FLD HAWTHORNE FLD HEARNE MUNI HEBER SPRINGS MUNI HEBER VALLEY HEMET-RYAN HEMET-RYAN HENDERSON/OXFORD Revision 0 BGM IKK IKK PMH WAY I19 I34 GRE GRE 6D6 6D6 4G1 4G1 GSP GRD GRD I74 I74 GUS ONZ GON 29D GPT GPT 8A1 8A1 GOK AJR HGR HGR O37 IXA DUC VGC HDC HDC N81 PVG OFP I95 0W3 0W3 HRJ AQW MDT 8G6 PHD PHD PTN PTN LAS LAS LAS LAS HXF HXF VSF VSF 5M0 HVS S43 S43 45R LHB HBZ HCR HMT HMT HNZ KBGM KIKK KIKK KPMH KWAY KGRE KGRE KGSP KGRD KGRD KGUS KONZ KGON KGPT KGPT KGOK KAJR KHGR KHGR KIXA KDUC KVGC KHDC KHDC KPVG KOFP KHRJ KAQW KMDT KPHD KPHD KPTN KPTN KLAS KLAS KLAS KLAS KHXF KHXF KVSF KVSF KHVS KLHB KHBZ KHCR KHMT KHMT KHNZ BINGHAMTON KANKAKEE KANKAKEE PORTSMOUTH WAYNESBURG DAYTON GREENSBURG GREENVILLE GREENVILLE GREENVILLE GREENVILLE GREENVILLE GREENVILLE GREER GREENWOOD GREENWOOD URBANA URBANA PERU DETROIT/GROSSE ILE GROTON (NEW LONDON) GROVE CITY GULFPORT GULFPORT GUNTERSVILLE GUNTERSVILLE GUTHRIE CORNELIA HAGERSTOWN HAGERSTOWN ORLAND ROANOKE RAPIDS DUNCAN HAMILTON HAMMOND HAMMOND HAMMONTON NORFOLK RICHMOND/ASHLAND KENTON CHURCHVILLE CHURCHVILLE ERWIN NORTH ADAMS HARRISBURG CADIZ NEW PHILADELPHIA NEW PHILADELPHIA PATTERSON PATTERSON LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS HARTFORD HARTFORD SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD HARTSELLE HARTSVILLE SNOHOMISH SNOHOMISH KOUNTZE/SILSBEE HEARNE HEBER SPRINGS HEBER HEMET HEMET OXFORD NY IL IL OH PA OH IN IL IL MI MI PA PA SC SC SC OH OH IN MI CT PA MS MS AL AL OK GA MD MD CA NC OK NY LA LA NJ VA VA OH MD MD NC MA PA OH OH OH LA LA NV NV NV NV WI WI VT VT AL SC WA WA TX TX AR UT CA CA NC 10/28 04/22 16/34 18/36 09/27 07/25 18/36 09/27 18/36 10/28 18/36 15/33 05/23 04/22 09/27 05/23 01/19 02/20 05/23 04/22 05/23 10/28 18/36 14/32 07/25 06W/24W 16/34 06/24 09/27 02/20 15/33 02/20 17/35 17/35 13/31 18/36 03/21 02/20 16/34 04/22 01/19 10/28 05/23 11/29 13/31 13/31 15/33 12/30 04W/22W 06/24 01R/19L 08R/26L 01L/19R 08L/26R 18/36 09/27 11/29 05/23 18/36 03/21 15L/33R 15R/33L 13/31 18/36 06/24 04/22 04/22 05/23 06/24 11 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL HENRY COUNTY HENRY POST AAF (FORT SILL) HENRYETTA MUNI HICKORY RGNL HICKORY RGNL HIGGINSVILLE INDUSTRIAL MUNI HIGHLAND COUNTY HILL AFB HILLSBORO MUNI HILLSDALE MUNI HINTON MUNI HOBART RGNL HOBART RGNL HOBBY FLD HOLDENVILLE MUNI HOLLEY MOUNTAIN AIRPARK HOLLISTER MUNI HOLLISTER MUNI HOLMES COUNTY HOMERVILLE HOOD AHP HOPEDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK HORNELL MUNI HORSESHOE BAY RESORT HORSESHOE BEND HOUMA-TERREBONNE HOUSTON EXEC HUDSON VALLEY RGNL HUDSON VALLEY RGNL HUDSON VALLEY RGNL HUMMEL FLD HUMPHREYS COUNTY HUNTINGTON MUNI HUNTSVILLE INTL-CARL T JONES FLD HUNTSVILLE INTL-CARL T JONES FLD HUNTSVILLE MUNI HUNTSVILLE MUNI HUNTSVILLE MUNI HURON COUNTY MEML HURON COUNTY MEML HUTCHINSON MUNI/BUTLER FLD IGOR I SIKORSKY MEML ILLINOIS VALLEY RGNL-WALTER A DUNCAN FLD ILLINOIS VALLEY RGNL-WALTER A DUNCAN FLD IMMOKALEE RGNL IMMOKALEE RGNL IMPERIAL BEACH NOLF (REAM FLD) IMPERIAL BEACH NOLF (REAM FLD) IMPERIAL COUNTY IMPERIAL COUNTY INDIANA COUNTY/JIMMY STEWART FLD INDIANAPOLIS EXEC INDIANAPOLIS INTL INDIANAPOLIS INTL INDIANAPOLIS INTL INDIANAPOLIS RGNL INDIANAPOLIS RGNL INDIANTOWN INVERNESS INYOKERN INYOKERN INYOKERN IONIA COUNTY IONIA COUNTY ISBELL FLD JAARS-TOWNSEND JACK BARSTOW JACK BARSTOW JACK BROOKS RGNL Revision 0 PHT FSI F10 HKY HKY HIG HOC HIF INJ JYM 2O8 HBR HBR 77S F99 2A2 CVH CVH 10G HOE HLR 1B6 HTF DZB 6M2 HUM TME POU POU POU W75 0M5 HHG HSV HSV UTS H34 H34 BAX BAX HCD BDR VYS VYS IMM IMM NRS NRS IPL IPL IDI TYQ IND IND IND MQJ MQJ X58 INF IYK IYK IYK Y70 Y70 4A9 N52 IKW IKW BPT KPHT KFSI KHKY KHKY KHIG KHOC KHIF KINJ KJYM KHBR KHBR KCVH KCVH KHOE KHLR KHTF KDZB KHUM KTME KPOU KPOU KPOU KHHG KHSV KHSV KUTS KBAX KBAX KHCD KBDR KVYS KVYS KIMM KIMM KNRS KNRS KIPL KIPL KIDI KTYQ KIND KIND KIND KMQJ KMQJ KINF KIYK KIYK KIYK KIKW KIKW KBPT PARIS FORT SILL HENRYETTA HICKORY HICKORY HIGGINSVILLE HILLSBORO OGDEN HILLSBORO HILLSDALE HINTON HOBART HOBART CRESWELL HOLDENVILLE CLINTON HOLLISTER HOLLISTER MILLERSBURG HOMERVILLE FORT HOOD(KILLEEN) HOPEDALE HORNELL HORSESHOE BAY HORSESHOE BEND HOUMA HOUSTON POUGHKEEPSIE POUGHKEEPSIE POUGHKEEPSIE SALUDA WAVERLY HUNTINGTON HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE BAD AXE BAD AXE HUTCHINSON BRIDGEPORT PERU PERU IMMOKALEE IMMOKALEE IMPERIAL BEACH IMPERIAL BEACH IMPERIAL IMPERIAL INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS INDIANTOWN INVERNESS INYOKERN INYOKERN INYOKERN IONIA IONIA FORT PAYNE WAXHAW MIDLAND MIDLAND BEAUMONT/PORT ARTHUR TN OK OK NC NC MO OH UT TX MI OK OK OK OR OK AR CA CA OH GA TX MA NY TX AR LA TX NY NY NY VA TN IN AL AL TX AR AR MI MI MN CT IL IL FL FL CA CA CA CA PA IN IN IN IN IN IN FL FL CA CA CA MI MI AL NC MI MI TX 02/20 18/36 18/36 01/19 06/24 16/34 05/23 14/32 16/34 10/28 18/36 17/35 03/21 16/34 17/35 05/23 06/24 13/31 09/27 14/32 16/34 18/36 18/36 17/35 13/31 18/36 18/36 15/33 07/25 06/24 01/19 03/21 10/28 18L/36R 18R/36L 18/36 12/30 03/21 04/22 17/35 15/33 06/24 07/25 18/36 18/36 09/27 08/26 09/27 14/32 08/26 11/29 18/36 05L/23R 05R/23L 14/32 07/25 16/34 13/31 01/19 02/20 10/28 15/33 10/28 18/36 04/22 04/22 18/36 06/24 16/34 12 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL JACK BROOKS RGNL JACKSON COUNTY JACKSON COUNTY JACKSON COUNTY JACKSON COUNTY-REYNOLDS FLD JACKSON COUNTY-REYNOLDS FLD JACKSONVILLE INTL JACKSONVILLE INTL JAFFREY/SILVER RANCH JAKE ARNER MEML JAMES A RHODES JAMES CLEMENTS MUNI JAMES CLEMENTS MUNI JAMES CLEMENTS MUNI JAMES CLEMENTS MUNI JAMES CLEMENTS MUNI JAMES M COX DAYTON INTL JAMES M COX DAYTON INTL JAMES M COX DAYTON INTL JASPER COUNTY JASPER COUNTY JEFFERSON CITY MEML JEFFERSON CITY MEML JEFFERSON COUNTY INTL JEKYLL ISLAND JERRY SUMNERS SR AURORA MUNI JERRY TYLER MEML JERRY TYLER MEML JIM HOGG COUNTY JOHN C TUNE JOHN F KENNEDY INTL JOHN F KENNEDY INTL JOHN F KENNEDY INTL JOHN F KENNEDY INTL JOHN GLENN COLUMBUS INTL JOHN GLENN COLUMBUS INTL JOHN MURTHA JOHNSTOWN/CAMBRIA COUNTY JOHN MURTHA JOHNSTOWN/CAMBRIA COUNTY JOHN WAYNE/ORANGE COUNTY JOHN WAYNE/ORANGE COUNTY JOHNSTON RGNL JONES FLD JONES MEML JONESBORO MUNI JONESBORO MUNI JOSEPH A HARDY CONNELLSVILLE JOSEPH A HARDY CONNELLSVILLE KANSAS CITY INTL KANSAS CITY INTL KANSAS CITY INTL KEESLER AFB KELLER BROTHERS KENEDY RGNL KENNETH COPELAND KENOSHA RGNL KENOSHA RGNL KENOSHA RGNL KENT STATE UNIVERSITY KENTLAND MUNI KERRVILLE MUNI/LOUIS SCHREINER FLD KERRVILLE MUNI/LOUIS SCHREINER FLD KEY WEST NAS/BOCA CHICA FLD KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KICKAPOO DOWNTOWN KINGMAN KINGMAN KINGSTON-ULSTER KIRK FLD KIRK FLD Revision 0 BPT 24A JCA 26R JXN JXN JAX JAX AFN 22N I43 3CM 3CM 3CM 3CM 3CM DAY DAY DAY RZL RZL JEF JEF 0S9 09J 2H2 3TR 3TR HBV JWN JFK JFK JFK JFK CMH CMH JST JST SNA SNA JNX F00 3F7 JBR JBR VVS VVS MCI MCI MCI BIX 08N 2R9 4T2 ENW ENW ENW 1G3 50I ERV ERV NQX 42J CWC IGM IGM 20N PGR PGR KBPT KJCA KJXN KJXN KJAX KJAX KAFN KDAY KDAY KDAY KRZL KRZL KJEF KJEF KHBV KJWN KJFK KJFK KJFK KJFK KCMH KCMH KJST KJST KSNA KSNA KJNX KJBR KJBR KVVS KVVS KMCI KMCI KMCI KBIX KENW KENW KENW KERV KERV KNQX KCWC KIGM KIGM KPGR KPGR BEAUMONT/PORT ARTHUR SYLVA JEFFERSON EDNA JACKSON JACKSON JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE JAFFREY LEHIGHTON JACKSON BAY CITY BAY CITY BAY CITY BAY CITY BAY CITY DAYTON DAYTON DAYTON RENSSELAER RENSSELAER JEFFERSON CITY JEFFERSON CITY PORT TOWNSEND JEKYLL ISLAND AURORA NILES NILES HEBBRONVILLE NASHVILLE NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK COLUMBUS COLUMBUS JOHNSTOWN JOHNSTOWN SANTA ANA SANTA ANA SMITHFIELD BONHAM BRISTOW JONESBORO JONESBORO CONNELLSVILLE CONNELLSVILLE KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY BILOXI LEBANON KENEDY FORT WORTH KENOSHA KENOSHA KENOSHA KENT KENTLAND KERRVILLE KERRVILLE KEY WEST KEYSTONE HEIGHTS WICHITA FALLS KINGMAN KINGMAN KINGSTON PARAGOULD PARAGOULD TX NC GA TX MI MI FL FL NH PA OH MI MI MI MI MI OH OH OH IN IN MO MO WA GA MO MI MI TX TN NY NY NY NY OH OH PA PA CA CA NC TX OK AR AR PA PA MO MO MO MS PA TX TX WI WI WI OH IN TX TX FL FL TX AZ AZ NY AR AR 12/30 15/33 17/35 15/33 07/25 14/32 14/32 08/26 16/34 08/26 01/19 18/36 09W/27W 05/23 13W/31W 18W/36W 06R/24L 18/36 06L/24R 18/36 09/27 09/27 12/30 09/27 18/36 18/36 15/33 04/22 13/31 02/20 13R/31L 04R/22L 13L/31R 04L/22R 10R/28L 10L/28R 05/23 15/33 02R/20L 02L/20R 03/21 17/35 18/36 05/23 13/31 05/23 14/32 01R/19L 09/27 01L/19R 04/22 07/25 16/34 17/35 07L/25R 07R/25L 15/33 01/19 09/27 03/21 12/30 14/32 05/23 17/35 17/35 03/21 15/33 04/22 08/26 13 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL KNOX COUNTY KOKOMO MUNI KOKOMO MUNI KROELINGER KYLE-OAKLEY FLD L O SIMENSTAD MUNI L O SIMENSTAD MUNI LA BELLE MUNI LA PORTE MUNI LAFAYETTE MUNI LAGO VISTA TX/RUSTY ALLEN LAGUARDIA LAGUARDIA LAKE ANNA LAKE CITY GATEWAY LAKE CITY GATEWAY LAKE COUNTRY RGNL LAKE NORMAN AIRPARK LAKE PLACID LAKE WALES MUNI LAKEFIELD LAKEHURST MAXFIELD FLD LAKEHURST MAXFIELD FLD LAKELAND LINDER INTL LAKELAND LINDER INTL LAKELAND LINDER INTL LAMAR COUNTY LAMPASAS LAMPSON FLD LANCASTER COUNTY-MC WHIRTER FLD LANCASTER RGNL LAUREL LAURENCE G HANSCOM FLD LAURENCE G HANSCOM FLD LAURENS COUNTY LAWRENCE RGNL LAWRENCE RGNL LAWRENCEBURG-LAWRENCE COUNTY LEDGEDALE AIRPARK LEE LEE BOTTOM LEE BOTTOM LEE GILMER MEML LEE GILMER MEML LEE'S SUMMIT MUNI LEE'S SUMMIT MUNI LEESBURG INTL LEESBURG INTL LEESBURG INTL LEHIGH VALLEY INTL LEHIGH VALLEY INTL LENAWEE COUNTY LENAWEE COUNTY LIBERTY MUNI LINCOLNTON-LINCOLN COUNTY RGNL LITCHFIELD MUNI LITCHFIELD MUNI LITCHFIELD MUNI LITTLE FALLS/MORRISON COUNTY-LINDBERGH FLD LITTLE FALLS/MORRISON COUNTY-LINDBERGH FLD LITTLE ROCK AFB LITTLE ROCK AFB LITTLEBROOK AIR PARK LIVE OAK COUNTY LIVINGSTON MUNI LLANO MUNI LLANO MUNI LOCKHART MUNI LODI Revision 0 4I3 OKK OKK 29N CEY OEO OEO X14 PPO 3M7 RYW LGA LGA 7W4 LCQ LCQ W63 14A LKP X07 CQA NEL NEL LAL LAL LAL M55 LZZ 1O2 LKR LNC N06 BED BED LUX LWC LWC 2M2 7G0 ANP 64I 64I GVL GVL LXT LXT LEE LEE LEE ABE ABE ADG ADG T78 IPJ 3LF LJF 3LF LXL LXL LRF LRF 3B4 8T6 00R AQO AQO 50R 1O3 KOKK KOKK KCEY KOEO KOEO KPPO KRYW KLGA KLGA KLCQ KLCQ KLKP KCQA KNEL KNEL KLAL KLAL KLAL KLZZ KLKR KLNC KBED KBED KLUX KLWC KLWC KANP KGVL KGVL KLXT KLXT KLEE KLEE KLEE KABE KABE KADG KADG KIPJ KLJF KLXL KLXL KLRF KLRF KAQO KAQO MOUNT VERNON KOKOMO KOKOMO VINELAND MURRAY OSCEOLA OSCEOLA LA BELLE LA PORTE LAFAYETTE LAGO VISTA NEW YORK NEW YORK BUMPASS LAKE CITY LAKE CITY CLARKSVILLE MOORESVILLE LAKE PLACID LAKE WALES CELINA LAKEHURST LAKEHURST LAKELAND LAKELAND LAKELAND VERNON LAMPASAS LAKEPORT LANCASTER LANCASTER LAUREL BEDFORD BEDFORD LAURENS LAWRENCE LAWRENCE LAWRENCEBURG BROCKPORT ANNAPOLIS HANOVER HANOVER GAINESVILLE GAINESVILLE LEE'S SUMMIT LEE'S SUMMIT LEESBURG LEESBURG LEESBURG ALLENTOWN ALLENTOWN ADRIAN ADRIAN LIBERTY LINCOLNTON LITCHFIELD LITCHFIELD LITCHFIELD LITTLE FALLS LITTLE FALLS JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE ELIOT GEORGE WEST LIVINGSTON LLANO LLANO LOCKHART LODI OH IN IN NJ KY WI WI FL IN TN TX NY NY VA FL FL VA NC NY FL OH NJ NJ FL FL FL AL TX CA SC TX DE MA MA SC KS KS TN NY MD IN IN GA GA MO MO FL FL FL PA PA MI MI TX NC IL MN IL MN MN AR AR ME TX TX TX TX TX CA 10/28 05/23 14/32 10/28 05/23 04/22 10/28 14/32 14/32 01/19 15/33 13/31 04/22 08/26 05/23 10/28 04/22 14/32 14/32 17/35 08/26 063/243 06/24 05/23 08/26 10/28 17/35 16/34 10/28 06/24 13/31 15/33 11/29 05/23 08/26 15/33 01/19 17/35 10/28 12/30 18/36 18W/36W 11/29 05/23 18/36 11/29 13/31 04/22 03W/21W 06/24 13/31 05/23 11/29 16/34 05/23 18/36 13/31 09/27 18/36 13/31 071/251 07/25 12/30 13/31 12/30 17/35 13/31 18/36 12/30 14 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL LODI LOGAN-CACHE LOGAN-CACHE LOGANSPORT/CASS COUNTY LONG BEACH (DAUGHERTY FLD) LONG BEACH (DAUGHERTY FLD) LONG BEACH (DAUGHERTY FLD) LONG ISLAND MAC ARTHUR LONG ISLAND MAC ARTHUR LONG ISLAND MAC ARTHUR LONGHORN AUX LANDING STRIP LORAIN COUNTY RGNL LOS ANGELES INTL LOS ANGELES INTL LOS ANGELES INTL LOS ANGELES INTL LOS BANOS MUNI LOUIS ARMSTRONG NEW ORLEANS INTL LOUIS ARMSTRONG NEW ORLEANS INTL LOUISA COUNTY/FREEMAN FLD LOUISIANA RGNL LT WARREN EATON LUKE AFB LUKE AFB LUNENBURG COUNTY M GRAHAM CLARK DOWNTOWN MACDILL AFB MACDILL AFB AUX FLD MACKALL AAF MACKALL AAF MACKALL AAF MACON COUNTY MADERA MUNI MADILL MUNI MADISON COUNTY MADISON MUNI MADISONVILLE MUNI MADISONVILLE RGNL MAHLON SWEET FLD MAHLON SWEET FLD MAJORS MALVERN MUNI MAMMOTH YOSEMITE MANASSAS RGNL/HARRY P DAVIS FLD MANASSAS RGNL/HARRY P DAVIS FLD MANCHESTER BOSTON RGNL MANCHESTER BOSTON RGNL MANITOWOC COUNTY MANITOWOC COUNTY MANKATO RGNL MANKATO RGNL MANSFIELD LAHM RGNL MANSFIELD LAHM RGNL MANSFIELD MUNI MANTI-EPHRAIM MAPLE LAKE MUNI-BILL MAVENCAMP SR FLD MARCO ISLAND EXEC MARIANNA/LEE COUNTY-STEVE EDWARDS FLD MARINA MUNI MARION COUNTY MARION COUNTY MARION COUNTY RGNL MARION COUNTY-RANKIN FITE MARION MUNI MARION MUNI MARION MUNI - MCKINNEY FLD MARION MUNI - MCKINNEY FLD MARION-CRITTENDEN COUNTY JAMES C JOHNSON RGNL MARIPOSA-YOSEMITE Revision 0 1O3 LGU LGU GGP LGB LGB LGB ISP ISP ISP 22XS LPR LAX LAX LAX LAX LSN MSY MSY LKU REG OIC LUF LUF W31 PLK MCF AGR HFF HFF HFF 1A5 MAE 1F4 UYF IMS 51R 2I0 EUG EUG GVT M78 MMH HEF HEF MHT MHT MTW MTW MKT MKT MFD MFD 1B9 41U MGG MKY 6M7 OAR X35 X35 FLP HAB MNN MNN MZZ MZZ 5M9 MPI KLGU KLGU KGGP KLGB KLGB KLGB KISP KISP KISP KLPR KLAX KLAX KLAX KLAX KLSN KMSY KMSY KLKU KREG KOIC KLUF KLUF KPLK KMCF KAGR KHFF KHFF KHFF KMAE KUYF KIMS KEUG KEUG KGVT KMMH KHEF KHEF KMHT KMHT KMTW KMTW KMKT KMKT KMFD KMFD KMGG KMKY KOAR KFLP KHAB KMNN KMNN KMZZ KMZZ KMPI LODI LOGAN LOGAN LOGANSPORT LONG BEACH LONG BEACH LONG BEACH NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK FORT HOOD(KILLEEN) LORAIN/ELYRIA LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES LOS BANOS NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS LOUISA GONZALES NORWICH GLENDALE GLENDALE KENBRIDGE BRANSON TAMPA AVON PARK CAMP MACKALL CAMP MACKALL CAMP MACKALL FRANKLIN MADERA MADILL LONDON MADISON MADISONVILLE MADISONVILLE EUGENE EUGENE GREENVILLE MALVERN MAMMOTH LAKES WASHINGTON WASHINGTON MANCHESTER MANCHESTER MANITOWOC MANITOWOC MANKATO MANKATO MANSFIELD MANSFIELD MANSFIELD MANTI MAPLE LAKE MARCO ISLAND MARIANNA MARINA DUNNELLON DUNNELLON FLIPPIN HAMILTON MARION MARION MARION MARION MARION MARIPOSA CA UT UT IN CA CA CA NY NY NY TX OH CA CA CA CA CA LA LA VA LA NY AZ AZ VA MO FL FL NC NC NC NC CA OK OH IN TX KY OR OR TX AR CA DC DC NH NH WI WI MN MN OH OH MA UT MN FL AR CA FL FL AR AL OH OH IN IN KY CA 08/26 10/28 17/35 09/27 08R/26L 08L/26R 12/30 15L/33R 06/24 15R/33L 15/33 07/25 07R/25L 06R/24L 06L/24R 07L/25R 14/32 11/29 02/20 09/27 17/35 01/19 03R/21L 03L/21R 02/20 12/30 05/23 05/23 04/22 12/30 16/34 07/25 12/30 18/36 09/27 03/21 18/36 05/23 16L/34R 16R/34L 17/35 04/22 09/27 16R/34L 16L/34R 17/35 06/24 17/35 07/25 04/22 15/33 05/23 14/32 04/22 03/21 10/28 17/35 18/36 11/29 05/23 10/28 04/22 18/36 13/31 07/25 15/33 04/22 07/25 08/26 15 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL MARLBORO COUNTY JETPORT - H E AVENT FLD MARLETTE TOWNSHIP MARLETTE TOWNSHIP MARLIN MARSHALL COUNTY MARSHALL MEML MUNI MARSHALL MEML MUNI MARSHFIELD MUNI - GEORGE HARLOW FLD MARTHA'S VINEYARD MARTIN STATE MARYLAND MASON JEWETT FLD MAURY COUNTY RGNL MAURY COUNTY RGNL MAXWELL AFB MAXWELL AFB MAYPORT NS (ADM DAVID L MCDONALD FLD) MBS INTL MBS INTL MC ALLEN MILLER INTL MC ALLEN MILLER INTL MC COMB/PIKE COUNTY/JOHN E LEWIS FLD MC GREGOR EXEC MC GREGOR EXEC MC GUIRE FLD (JOINT BASE MC GUIRE DIX LAKEHURST) MC GUIRE FLD (JOINT BASE MC GUIRE DIX LAKEHURST) MC KINLEY FLD MC MILLAN MC MINNVILLE MUNI MC MINNVILLE MUNI MCCHORD FLD (JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD) MCCHORD FLD (JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD) MCKINNEY NTL MCVILLE MECKLENBURG-BRUNSWICK RGNL MEDINA MUNI MELBOURNE MUNI - JOHN E MILLER FLD MELBOURNE ORLANDO INTL MEML FLD MEML FLD MENOMONIE MUNI/SCORE FLD MENOMONIE MUNI/SCORE FLD MERCED RGNL/MACREADY FLD MESQUITE METRO OAKLAND INTL METRO OAKLAND INTL METRO OAKLAND INTL METRO OAKLAND INTL METTEL FLD METTEL FLD MEXIA-LIMESTONE COUNTY MIAMI COUNTY MIAMI COUNTY MIAMI EXEC MIAMI EXEC MIAMI HOMESTEAD GENERAL AVIATION MIAMI INTL MIAMI INTL MIAMI INTL MIAMI INTL MICHAEL AAF (DUGWAY PROVING GROUND) MICHIGAN CITY MUNI-PHILLIPS FLD MID VALLEY MID-CAROLINA RGNL MIDDLE PENINSULA RGNL MIDDLETOWN RGNL/HOOK FLD MID-STATE MID-STATE MID-WAY RGNL Revision 0 BBP 77G 77G T15 MPG MHL MHL GHG MVY MTN 2W5 TEW MRC MRC MXF MXF NRB MBS MBS MFE MFE MCB PWG PWG WRI WRI T30 CA62 MMV MMV TCM TCM TKI 6P7 AVC 1G5 42A MLB HOT HOT LUM LUM MCE 67L OAK OAK OAK OAK CEV CEV LXY K81 K81 TMB TMB X51 MIA MIA MIA MIA DPG MGC TXW RUQ FYJ MWO PSB PSB JWY KBBP KMPG KMHL KMHL KGHG KMVY KMTN KTEW KMRC KMRC KMXF KMXF KNRB KMBS KMBS KMFE KMFE KMCB KPWG KPWG KWRI KWRI KMMV KMMV KTCM KTCM KTKI KAVC KMLB KHOT KHOT KLUM KLUM KMCE KOAK KOAK KOAK KOAK KCEV KCEV KLXY KTMB KTMB KMIA KMIA KMIA KMIA KDPG KMGC KTXW KRUQ KFYJ KMWO KPSB KPSB KJWY BENNETTSVILLE MARLETTE MARLETTE MARLIN MOUNDSVILLE MARSHALL MARSHALL MARSHFIELD VINEYARD HAVEN BALTIMORE INDIAN HEAD MASON COLUMBIA/MOUNT PLEASANT COLUMBIA/MOUNT PLEASANT MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY MAYPORT SAGINAW SAGINAW MC ALLEN MC ALLEN MC COMB WACO WACO WRIGHTSTOWN WRIGHTSTOWN PEARSALL CAMP ROBERTS MC MINNVILLE MC MINNVILLE TACOMA TACOMA DALLAS FREEPORT SOUTH HILL MEDINA MELBOURNE MELBOURNE HOT SPRINGS HOT SPRINGS MENOMONIE MENOMONIE MERCED MESQUITE OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND OAKLAND CONNERSVILLE CONNERSVILLE MEXIA PAOLA PAOLA MIAMI MIAMI HOMESTEAD MIAMI MIAMI MIAMI MIAMI DUGWAY PROVING GROUND MICHIGAN CITY WESLACO SALISBURY WEST POINT MIDDLETOWN PHILIPSBURG PHILIPSBURG MIDLOTHIAN/WAXAHACHIE SC MI MI TX WV MO MO MA MA MD MD MI TN TN AL AL FL MI MI TX TX MS TX TX NJ NJ TX CA OR OR WA WA TX PA VA OH AR FL AR AR WI WI CA NV CA CA CA CA IN IN TX KS KS FL FL FL FL FL FL FL UT IN TX NC VA OH PA PA TX 07/25 01/19 10/28 17/35 06/24 09/27 18/36 06/24 15/33 15/33 02/20 10/28 06/24 17/35 15/33 009/189 05/23 14/32 05/23 14/32 18/36 16/34 04/22 17/35 18/36 06/24 13/31 N/S 17/35 04/22 16/34 162/342 18/36 14/32 01/19 01/19 03/21 05/23 13/31 05/23 09/27 18/36 12/30 02/20 10L/28R 12/30 15/33 10R/28L 18/36 04/22 18/36 15/33 03/21 13/31 09R/27L 18/36 09/27 12/30 08R/26L 08L/26R 12/30 02/20 14/32 02/20 10/28 05/23 16/34 06/24 18/36 16 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL MIDWEST NTL AIR CENTER MIFFLIN COUNTY MIFFLINTOWN MILLVILLE MUNI MILLVILLE MUNI MINDEN-TAHOE MINDEN-TAHOE MINDEN-TAHOE MINERAL WELLS RGNL MINERAL WELLS RGNL MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL INTL/WOLD-CHAMBERLAIN MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL INTL/WOLD-CHAMBERLAIN MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL INTL/WOLD-CHAMBERLAIN MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL INTL/WOLD-CHAMBERLAIN MINUTE MAN AIR FLD MINUTE MAN AIR FLD MIRAMAR MCAS (JOE FOSS FLD) MIRAMAR MCAS (JOE FOSS FLD) MOJAVE AIR AND SPACE PORT MOJAVE AIR AND SPACE PORT MOJAVE AIR AND SPACE PORT MONETT RGNL MONMOUTH EXEC MONROE COUNTY MONROE COUNTY MONROE COUNTY MONTAUK MONTEREY RGNL MONTEREY RGNL MONTGOMERY COUNTY MONTGOMERY COUNTY AIRPARK MONTICELLO MUNI/ELLIS FLD MOODY AFB MOODY AFB MOORE COUNTY MOOSE LAKE CARLTON COUNTY MORA MUNI MORA MUNI MOREHEAD-ROWAN COUNTY CLYDE A THOMAS RGNL MORGANTOWN MUNI (WALTER L BILL HART FLD) MORRILTON MUNI MORRIS MUNI - JAMES R WASHBURN FLD MORRIS MUNI/CHARLIE SCHMIDT FLD MORRIS MUNI/CHARLIE SCHMIDT FLD MORROW COUNTY MOUNT OLIVE MUNI MOUNT PLEASANT MUNI MOUNT PLEASANT MUNI MOUNT STERLING/MONTGOMERY COUNTY MOUNT VERNON MOUNT VERNON MOUNTAIN VIEW MOUNTAIN VIEW WILCOX MEML FLD MUHLENBERG COUNTY MUIR AAF (FORT INDIANTOWN GAP) NANTUCKET MEML NANTUCKET MEML NANTUCKET MEML NAPA COUNTY NAPLES MUNI NAPLES MUNI NAPLES MUNI NAPPANEE MUNI NASHVILLE INTL NASHVILLE INTL NASHVILLE INTL NASHVILLE INTL NAVASOTA MUNI NEEDLES Revision 0 GPH RVL P34 MIV MIV MEV MEV MEV MWL MWL MSP MSP MSP MSP 6B6 6B6 NKX NKX MHV MHV MHV HFJ BLM BMG BMG 4G5 MTP MRY MRY 43A GAI LLQ VAD VAD SOP MZH JMR JMR SYM MGW BDQ C09 MOX MOX 4I9 W40 MOP MOP IOB MVN MVN MNF 7M2 M21 MUI ACK ACK ACK APC APF APF APF C03 BNA BNA BNA BNA 60R EED KGPH KRVL KMIV KMIV KMEV KMEV KMEV KMWL KMWL KMSP KMSP KMSP KMSP KNKX KNKX KMHV KMHV KMHV KHFJ KBLM KBMG KBMG KMTP KMRY KMRY KGAI KLLQ KVAD KVAD KSOP KMZH KJMR KJMR KSYM KMGW KBDQ KMOX KMOX KMOP KMOP KIOB KMVN KMVN KMNF KMUI KACK KACK KACK KAPC KAPF KAPF KAPF KBNA KBNA KBNA KBNA KEED MOSBY REEDSVILLE MIFFLINTOWN MILLVILLE MILLVILLE MINDEN MINDEN MINDEN MINERAL WELLS MINERAL WELLS MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS STOW STOW SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO MOJAVE MOJAVE MOJAVE MONETT BELMAR/FARMINGDALE BLOOMINGTON BLOOMINGTON WOODSFIELD MONTAUK MONTEREY MONTEREY STAR GAITHERSBURG MONTICELLO VALDOSTA VALDOSTA PINEHURST/SOUTHERN PINES MOOSE LAKE MORA MORA MOREHEAD MORGANTOWN MORRILTON MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS MOUNT GILEAD MOUNT OLIVE MOUNT PLEASANT MOUNT PLEASANT MOUNT STERLING MOUNT VERNON MOUNT VERNON MOUNTAIN VIEW MOUNTAIN VIEW GREENVILLE FORT INDIANTOWN GAP(ANNVILLE) NANTUCKET NANTUCKET NANTUCKET NAPA NAPLES NAPLES NAPLES NAPPANEE NASHVILLE NASHVILLE NASHVILLE NASHVILLE NAVASOTA NEEDLES MO PA PA NJ NJ NV NV NV TX TX MN MN MN MN MA MA CA CA CA CA CA MO NJ IN IN OH NY CA CA NC MD AR GA GA NC MN MN MN KY WV AR IL MN MN OH NC MI MI KY IL IL MO AR KY PA MA MA MA CA FL FL FL IN TN TN TN TN TX CA 18/36 06/24 08/26 10/28 14/32 12G/30G 12/30 16/34 17/35 13/31 04/22 12L/30R 17/35 12R/30L 03/21 12/30 06L/24R 06R/24L 04/22 08/26 12/30 18/36 14/32 06/24 17/35 07/25 06/24 10L/28R 10R/28L 03/21 14/32 03/21 18L/36R 18R/36L 05/23 04/22 17/35 11/29 02/20 18/36 09/27 18/36 14/32 04/22 10/28 05/23 09/27 05/23 03/21 15/33 05/23 10/28 09/27 06/24 07/25 06/24 15/33 12/30 06/24 14/32 05/23 SW/NE 09/27 02L/20R 02C/20C 02R/20L 13/31 17/35 02/20 17 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL NEEDLES NEIL ARMSTRONG NELLIS AFB NEOSHO HUGH ROBINSON NEPHI MUNI NERVINO NEVADA MUNI NEVADA MUNI NEW BEDFORD RGNL NEW BRAUNFELS NTL NEW CASTLE NEW CASTLE HENRY COUNTY MARLATT FLD NEW CASTLE MUNI NEW CENTURY AIRCENTER NEW COALINGA MUNI NEW COALINGA MUNI NEW GARDEN NEW HOLSTEIN MUNI NEW HOLSTEIN MUNI NEW KENT COUNTY NEW ORLEANS NAS JRB (ALVIN CALLENDER FLD) NEW RICHMOND RGNL NEW RICHMOND RGNL NEW SMYRNA BEACH MUNI NEW SMYRNA BEACH MUNI NEW SMYRNA BEACH MUNI NEW ULM MUNI NEW ULM MUNI NEW YORK STEWART INTL NEW YORK STEWART INTL NEWARK LIBERTY INTL NEWARK LIBERTY INTL NEWARK LIBERTY INTL NEWARK-HEATH NEWBERRY COUNTY NEWPORT MUNI NEWPORT MUNI NEWPORT RGNL NEWPORT RGNL NIAGARA FALLS INTL NIAGARA FALLS INTL NIAGARA FALLS INTL NOBLE COUNTY NORFOLK INTL NORFOLK INTL NORMAN Y MINETA SAN JOSE INTL NORMAN Y MINETA SAN JOSE INTL NORTH CENTRAL WEST VIRGINIA NORTH ISLAND NAS/HALSEY FLD NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTY GENERAL AVIATION NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTY GENERAL AVIATION NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTY GENERAL AVIATION NORTH PICKENS NORTH TEXAS RGNL/PERRIN FLD NORTH TEXAS RGNL/PERRIN FLD NORTH TEXAS RGNL/PERRIN FLD NORTH VERNON NORTH VERNON NORTHAMPTON NORTHEAST ALABAMA RGNL NORTHEAST ALABAMA RGNL NORTHEAST OHIO RGNL NORTHEASTERN RGNL NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY NORTHWEST ARKANSAS NTL NORTHWEST ARKANSAS NTL OAKDALE OAKLAND SOUTHWEST OCALA INTL-JIM TAYLOR FLD Revision 0 EED AXV LSV EOS U14 O02 NVD NVD EWB BAZ ILG UWL UCP IXD C80 C80 N57 8D1 8D1 W96 NBG RNH RNH EVB EVB EVB ULM ULM SWF SWF EWR EWR EWR VTA EOE ONP ONP M19 M19 IAG IAG IAG I10 ORF ORF SJC SJC CKB NZY F45 F45 F45 3M8 GYI GYI GYI OVO OVO 7B2 GAD GAD HZY EDE N79 XNA XNA O27 Y47 OCF KEED KAXV KLSV KEOS KNVD KNVD KEWB KBAZ KILG KUWL KUCP KIXD KNBG KRNH KRNH KEVB KEVB KEVB KULM KULM KSWF KSWF KEWR KEWR KEWR KVTA KEOE KONP KONP KIAG KIAG KIAG KORF KORF KSJC KSJC KCKB KNZY KGYI KGYI KGYI KOVO KOVO KGAD KGAD KHZY KEDE KXNA KXNA KOCF NEEDLES WAPAKONETA LAS VEGAS NEOSHO NEPHI BECKWOURTH NEVADA NEVADA NEW BEDFORD NEW BRAUNFELS WILMINGTON NEW CASTLE NEW CASTLE OLATHE COALINGA COALINGA TOUGHKENAMON NEW HOLSTEIN NEW HOLSTEIN QUINTON NEW ORLEANS NEW RICHMOND NEW RICHMOND NEW SMYRNA BEACH NEW SMYRNA BEACH NEW SMYRNA BEACH NEW ULM NEW ULM NEW YORK NEW YORK NEWARK NEWARK NEWARK NEWARK NEWBERRY NEWPORT NEWPORT NEWPORT NEWPORT NIAGARA FALLS NIAGARA FALLS NIAGARA FALLS CALDWELL NORFOLK NORFOLK SAN JOSE SAN JOSE CLARKSBURG SAN DIEGO WEST PALM BEACH WEST PALM BEACH WEST PALM BEACH REFORM SHERMAN/DENISON SHERMAN/DENISON SHERMAN/DENISON NORTH VERNON NORTH VERNON NORTHAMPTON GADSDEN GADSDEN ASHTABULA EDENTON SHAMOKIN FAYETTEVILLE/SPRINGDALE/ROGERS FAYETTEVILLE/SPRINGDALE/ROGERS OAKDALE NEW HUDSON OCALA CA OH NV MO UT CA MO MO MA TX DE IN PA KS CA CA PA WI WI VA LA WI WI FL FL FL MN MN NY NY NJ NJ NJ OH SC OR OR AR AR NY NY NY OH VA VA CA CA WV CA FL FL FL AL TX TX TX IN IN MA AL AL OH NC PA AR AR CA MI FL 11/29 08/26 03R/21L 01/19 17/35 08/26 13/31 02/20 14/32 17/35 14/32 10/28 05/23 18/36 12/30 01/19 06/24 04/22 14/32 11/29 04/22 04/22 14/32 02/20 07/25 11/29 15/33 04/22 16/34 09/27 11/29 04R/22L 04L/22R 09/27 04/22 16/34 02/20 18/36 04/22 10L/28R 06/24 10R/28L 05/23 14/32 05/23 12R/30L 12L/30R 03/21 18/36 14/32 09R/27L 09L/27R 01/19 17R/35L 13/31 17L/35R 15/33 05/23 14/32 18/36 06/24 09/27 01/19 08/26 16/34 17/35 10/28 08/26 08/26 18 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL OCEAN CITY MUNI OCEAN CITY MUNI OCEAN COUNTY OHIO COUNTY OHIO UNIVERSITY OKEECHOBEE COUNTY OKEECHOBEE COUNTY OKMULGEE RGNL OLD BRIDGE OLDMANS TOWNSHIP OLIVIA RGNL OLNEY-NOBLE OLNEY-NOBLE OLYMPIA RGNL OLYMPIA RGNL ONTARIO INTL ONTARIO INTL ORANGE COUNTY ORANGE COUNTY ORANGE COUNTY ORANGE COUNTY ORANGE COUNTY ORANGE MUNI ORCAS ISLAND ORLANDO INTL ORLANDO INTL ORLANDO INTL ORLANDO INTL ORLANDO SANFORD INTL ORLANDO SANFORD INTL ORLANDO SANFORD INTL ORLANDO SANFORD INTL ORMOND BEACH MUNI ORMOND BEACH MUNI OROVILLE MUNI OROVILLE MUNI OSWEGO COUNTY OTTAWA MUNI OTTAWA MUNI OUTLAW FLD OWATONNA DEGNER RGNL OWATONNA DEGNER RGNL OZARK/FRANKLIN COUNTY P K AIRPARK PAGE FLD PAGE FLD PAGELAND PALACIOS MUNI PALACIOS MUNI PALACIOS MUNI PALATKA MUNI - LT KAY LARKIN FLD PALM BEACH COUNTY GLADES PALM BEACH COUNTY PARK PALM BEACH COUNTY PARK PALM BEACH INTL PALM BEACH INTL PALM BEACH INTL PALM SPRINGS INTL PALM SPRINGS INTL PALMDALE USAF PLANT 42 PALMDALE USAF PLANT 42 PARKER COUNTY PARLIN FLD PARLIN FLD PASO ROBLES MUNI PATRICK SPACE FORCE BASE PATRICK SPACE FORCE BASE PAUL BRIDGES FLD PAULDING NORTHWEST ATLANTA Revision 0 OXB OXB MJX JQD UNI OBE OBE OKM 3N6 7N7 OVL OLY OLY OLM OLM ONT ONT OMH MGJ MGJ ORG ORG ORE ORS MCO MCO MCO MCO SFB SFB SFB SFB OMN OMN OVE OVE FZY OWI OWI CKV OWA OWA 7M5 5W4 FMY FMY PYG PSX PSX PSX 28J PHK LNA LNA PBI PBI PBI PSP PSP PMD PMD WEA 2B3 2B3 PRB COF COF 0M3 PUJ KOXB KOXB KMJX KJQD KUNI KOBE KOBE KOKM KOVL KOLY KOLY KOLM KOLM KONT KONT KOMH KMGJ KMGJ KORG KORG KORE KORS KMCO KMCO KMCO KMCO KSFB KSFB KSFB KSFB KOMN KOMN KOVE KOVE KFZY KOWI KOWI KCKV KOWA KOWA KFMY KFMY KPYG KPSX KPSX KPSX KPHK KLNA KLNA KPBI KPBI KPBI KPSP KPSP KPMD KPMD KWEA KPRB KCOF KCOF KPUJ OCEAN CITY OCEAN CITY TOMS RIVER HARTFORD ATHENS/ALBANY OKEECHOBEE OKEECHOBEE OKMULGEE OLD BRIDGE PEDRICKTOWN OLIVIA OLNEY-NOBLE OLNEY-NOBLE OLYMPIA OLYMPIA ONTARIO ONTARIO ORANGE MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY ORANGE ORANGE ORANGE EASTSOUND ORLANDO ORLANDO ORLANDO ORLANDO ORLANDO ORLANDO ORLANDO ORLANDO ORMOND BEACH ORMOND BEACH OROVILLE OROVILLE FULTON OTTAWA OTTAWA CLARKSVILLE OWATONNA OWATONNA OZARK RAEFORD FORT MYERS FORT MYERS PAGELAND PALACIOS PALACIOS PALACIOS PALATKA PAHOKEE WEST PALM BEACH WEST PALM BEACH WEST PALM BEACH WEST PALM BEACH WEST PALM BEACH PALM SPRINGS PALM SPRINGS PALMDALE PALMDALE WEATHERFORD NEWPORT NEWPORT PASO ROBLES COCOA BEACH COCOA BEACH HOHENWALD ATLANTA MD MD NJ KY OH FL FL OK NJ NJ MN IL IL WA WA CA CA VA NY NY TX TX MA WA FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL CA CA NY KS KS TN MN MN AR NC FL FL SC TX TX TX FL FL FL FL FL FL FL CA CA CA CA TX NH NH CA FL FL TN GA 02/20 14/32 06/24 03/21 07/25 05/23 14/32 18/36 06/24 07/25 11/29 11/29 04/22 17/35 08/26 08R/26L 08L/26R 08/26 08/26 04/22 04/22 13/31 01/19 16/34 18R/36L 17R/35L 18L/36R 17L/35R 09L/27R 09R/27L 09C/27C 18/36 17/35 09/27 13/31 02/20 15/33 17/35 13/31 05/23 05/23 12/30 04/22 04/22 13/31 05/23 06/24 18/36 13/31 08/26 17/35 18/36 16/34 04/22 10R/28L 10L/28R 14/32 13R/31L 13L/31R 07/25 072/252 17/35 12/30 18/36 13/31 11/29 03/21 02/20 13/31 19 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL PAULS VALLEY MUNI PAXTON PAYSON PEARSON FLD PENN VALLEY PENN YAN PERRIS VALLEY PERRY COUNTY PERRY MUNI PERRY-FOLEY PERRY-FOLEY PERRYVILLE RGNL PERU MUNI PETIT JEAN PARK PHILADELPHIA INTL PHILADELPHIA INTL PHILADELPHIA INTL PHILADELPHIA INTL PHILIP BILLARD MUNI PHILIP BILLARD MUNI PHILLIPS AAF PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTL PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTL PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTL PHOENIX-MESA GATEWAY PHOENIX-MESA GATEWAY PHOENIX-MESA GATEWAY PICAYUNE MUNI PICKAWAY COUNTY MEML PICKENS COUNTY PIEDMONT TRIAD INTL PIEDMONT TRIAD INTL PIEDMONT TRIAD INTL PIKE COUNTY PINCKNEYVILLE/DU QUOIN PINE HILL PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE PINEBLUFF RGNL/GRIDER FLD PIQUA/HARTZELL FLD PISECO PITTSBURGH INTL PITTSBURGH INTL PITTSBURGH INTL PITTSBURGH INTL PITTSBURGH/BUTLER RGNL PITTSFIELD MUNI PITTSFIELD MUNI PLACERVILLE PLANT CITY PLEASANTON MUNI PLYMOUTH MUNI PLYMOUTH MUNI POCAHONTAS MUNI POCONO MOUNTAINS RGNL POLK COUNTY/CORNELIUS MOORE FLD PONTIAC MUNI POPE AAF POPE AAF POPLAR GROVE POPLAR GROVE POPLAR GROVE POPLARVILLE/PEARL RIVER COUNTY PORT BUCYRUS-CRAWFORD COUNTY PORT BUCYRUS-CRAWFORD COUNTY PORT ISABEL-CAMERON COUNTY PORT ISABEL-CAMERON COUNTY PORT ISABEL-CAMERON COUNTY PORT ISABEL-CAMERON COUNTY PORT MEADVILLE Revision 0 PVJ 1C1 PAN VUO SEG PEO L65 I86 F22 FPY FPY PCD I76 MPJ PHL PHL PHL PHL TOP TOP APG PHX PHX PHX IWA IWA IWA MJD CYO LQK GSO GSO GSO EOP PJY 9G6 E45 PBF I17 K09 PIT PIT PIT PIT BTP PSF PSF PVF PCM PEZ C65 PYM M70 MPO 4A4 PNT POB POB C77 C77 C77 M13 17G 17G PIL PIL PIL PIL GKJ KPVJ KPAN KVUO KSEG KPEO KFPY KFPY KPCD KMPJ KPHL KPHL KPHL KPHL KTOP KTOP KAPG KPHX KPHX KPHX KIWA KIWA KIWA KMJD KCYO KLQK KGSO KGSO KGSO KEOP KPJY KPBF KPIT KPIT KPIT KPIT KBTP KPSF KPSF KPVF KPCM KPEZ KPYM KMPO KPNT KPOB KPOB KPIL KPIL KPIL KPIL KGKJ PAULS VALLEY PAXTON PAYSON VANCOUVER SELINSGROVE PENN YAN PERRIS NEW LEXINGTON PERRY PERRY PERRY PERRYVILLE PERU MORRILTON PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA TOPEKA TOPEKA ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS(ABERDEEN) PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX PICAYUNE CIRCLEVILLE PICKENS GREENSBORO GREENSBORO GREENSBORO WAVERLY PINCKNEYVILLE ALBION GROVELAND PINE BLUFF PIQUA PISECO PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH BUTLER PITTSFIELD PITTSFIELD PLACERVILLE PLANT CITY PLEASANTON PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH POCAHONTAS MOUNT POCONO CEDARTOWN PONTIAC FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE POPLAR GROVE POPLAR GROVE POPLAR GROVE POPLARVILLE BUCYRUS BUCYRUS PORT ISABEL PORT ISABEL PORT ISABEL PORT ISABEL MEADVILLE OK IL AZ WA PA NY CA OH OK FL FL MO IN AR PA PA PA PA KS KS MD AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ MS OH SC NC NC NC OH IL NY CA AR OH NY PA PA PA PA PA MA MA CA FL TX IN MA AR PA GA IL NC NC IL IL IL MS OH OH TX TX TX TX PA 17/35 18/36 06/24 08/26 17/35 10/28 15/33 08/26 17/35 12/30 18/36 02/20 01/19 03/21 17/35 09R/27L 09L/27R 08/26 13/31 18/36 04/22 08/26 07L/25R 07R/25L 12R/30L 12L/30R 12C/30C 18/36 01/19 05/23 14/32 05L/23R 05R/23L 07/25 18/36 10/28 09/27 18/36 08/26 04/22 10L/28R 10C/28C 10R/28L 14/32 08/26 08/26 14/32 05/23 10/28 16/34 10/28 06/24 18/36 13/31 10/28 06/24 051/231 05/23 12/30 09/27 17/35 16/34 09/27 04/22 08/26 17/35 03/21 13/31 07/25 20 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL PORT OF SOUTH LOUISIANA EXEC RGNL PORTAGE COUNTY PORTER COUNTY RGNL PORTER COUNTY RGNL PORTERVILLE MUNI PORTLAND INTL PORTLAND INTL PORTLAND INTL PORTLAND MUNI PORTLAND MUNI PORTSMOUTH INTL AT PEASE POSEY FLD POSSUM KINGDOM POTOMAC AIRFIELD POTOMAC AIRPARK POTTSTOWN MUNI PRAGUE MUNI PRATTVILLE - GROUBY FLD PRENTISS-JEFFERSON DAVIS COUNTY PRESCOTT RGNL - ERNEST A LOVE FLD PRESCOTT RGNL - ERNEST A LOVE FLD PRESCOTT RGNL - ERNEST A LOVE FLD PRINCETON PRINCETON MUNI PRINCETON-CALDWELL COUNTY PROVINCETOWN MUNI PROVO MUNI PROVO MUNI PRYOR FLD RGNL PUNTA GORDA PUNTA GORDA PUNTA GORDA PUNXSUTAWNEY MUNI PUNXSUTAWNEY MUNI PURDUE UNIVERSITY PURDUE UNIVERSITY PUTNAM COUNTY RGNL QUANTICO MCAF (TURNER FLD) QUITMAN BROOKS COUNTY QUONSET STATE QUONSET STATE RALEIGH EXEC JETPORT AT SANFORD-LEE COUNTY RALEIGH RGNL AT PERSON COUNTY RALEIGH-DURHAM INTL RALEIGH-DURHAM INTL RALEIGH-DURHAM INTL RAMONA RANDALL RANDOLPH AFB AUX RANDOLPH COUNTY RAY COMMUNITY RAY COMMUNITY RAY S MILLER AAF RAY S MILLER AAF RAY S MILLER AAF RED BLUFF MUNI RED WING RGNL REIGLE FLD RENO/STEAD RENO/STEAD RENO/TAHOE INTL RENO/TAHOE INTL RENO/TAHOE INTL REPUBLIC REPUBLIC RHODE ISLAND TF GREEN INTL RHODE ISLAND TF GREEN INTL RICE LAKE RGNL/CARL'S FLD RICE LAKE RGNL/CARL'S FLD Revision 0 APS POV VPZ VPZ PTV PDX PDX PDX 1M5 PLD PSM 1M4 F35 VKX W35 N47 O47 1A9 M43 PRC PRC PRC 39N PNM 2M0 PVC PVU PVU DCU PGD PGD PGD N35 N35 LAF LAF GPC NYG 4J5 OQU OQU TTA TDF RDU RDU RDU RNM 06N SEQ I22 57D 57D RYM RYM RYM RBL RGK 58N RTS RTS RNO RNO RNO FRG FRG PVD PVD RPD RPD KAPS KPOV KVPZ KVPZ KPTV KPDX KPDX KPDX KPLD KPSM KVKX KPRC KPRC KPRC KPNM KPVC KPVU KPVU KDCU KPGD KPGD KPGD KLAF KLAF KGPC KNYG KOQU KOQU KTTA KTDF KRDU KRDU KRDU KRNM KSEQ KRYM KRYM KRYM KRBL KRGK KRTS KRTS KRNO KRNO KRNO KFRG KFRG KPVD KPVD KRPD KRPD RESERVE RAVENNA VALPARAISO VALPARAISO PORTERVILLE PORTLAND PORTLAND PORTLAND PORTLAND PORTLAND PORTSMOUTH HALEYVILLE GRAFORD FRIENDLY BERKELEY SPRINGS POTTSTOWN PRAGUE PRATTVILLE PRENTISS PRESCOTT PRESCOTT PRESCOTT PRINCETON/ROCKY HILL PRINCETON PRINCETON PROVINCETOWN PROVO PROVO DECATUR PUNTA GORDA PUNTA GORDA PUNTA GORDA PUNXSUTAWNEY PUNXSUTAWNEY LAFAYETTE LAFAYETTE GREENCASTLE QUANTICO QUITMAN NORTH KINGSTOWN NORTH KINGSTOWN SANFORD ROXBORO RALEIGH/DURHAM RALEIGH/DURHAM RALEIGH/DURHAM RAMONA MIDDLETOWN SEGUIN WINCHESTER RAY RAY CAMP RIPLEY CAMP RIPLEY CAMP RIPLEY RED BLUFF RED WING PALMYRA RENO RENO RENO RENO RENO FARMINGDALE FARMINGDALE PROVIDENCE PROVIDENCE RICE LAKE RICE LAKE LA OH IN IN CA OR OR OR TN IN NH AL TX MD WV PA OK AL MS AZ AZ AZ NJ MN KY MA UT UT AL FL FL FL PA PA IN IN IN VA GA RI RI NC NC NC NC NC CA NY TX IN MI MI MN MN MN CA MN PA NV NV NV NV NV NY NY RI RI WI WI 17/35 09/27 09/27 18/36 12/30 03/21 10R/28L 10L/28R 01/19 09/27 16/34 18/36 02/20 06/24 11/29 08/26 17/35 09/27 12/30 03R/21L 03L/21R 12/30 10/28 16/34 05/23 07/25 13/31 18/36 18/36 09/27 15/33 04/22 01/19 06/24 10/28 05/23 18/36 02/20 10/28 05/23 16/34 03/21 06/24 05L/23R 05R/23L 14/32 09/27 08/26 13/31 08/26 10/28 01/19 13/31 132/312 15/33 15/33 09/27 13/31 08/26 14/32 07/25 16R/34L 16L/34R 01/19 14/32 05/23 16/34 13/31 01/19 21 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL RICHARD ARTHUR FLD RICHARD B RUSSELL RGNL - J H TOWERS FLD RICHARD B RUSSELL RGNL - J H TOWERS FLD RICHARD DOWNING RICHMOND COUNTY RICHMOND COUNTY RICHMOND EXEC/CHESTERFIELD COUNTY RICHMOND INTL RICHMOND INTL RICHMOND MUNI RICHMOND MUNI RICKENBACKER INTL RICKENBACKER INTL RIO VISTA MUNI RIO VISTA MUNI ROBBINS FLD ROBERT GRAY AAF ROCHELLE MUNI/KORITZ FLD ROCHESTER INTL ROCHESTER INTL ROCK HILL/YORK COUNTY/BRYANT FLD ROCKINGHAM COUNTY NC SHILOH ROCKY MOUNT/WILSON RGNL ROGERS EXEC - CARTER FLD ROGERS FLD ROLLA NTL ROLLA NTL ROMEO STATE ROSECRANS MEML ROSECRANS MEML ROSS COUNTY ROSTRAVER RUSH CITY RGNL RUSSELLVILLE-LOGAN COUNTY RUTHERFORD COUNTY/MARCHMAN FLD RUTLAND - SOUTHERN VERMONT RGNL RUTLAND - SOUTHERN VERMONT RGNL RWJ AIRPARK RWJ AIRPARK SABRE AAF (FORT CAMPBELL) SACRAMENTO INTL SACRAMENTO INTL SACRAMENTO MATHER SACRAMENTO MATHER SAGINAW COUNTY H W BROWNE SAGINAW COUNTY H W BROWNE SALEM AIRPARK INC SALEM AIRPARK INC SALEM MEML SALINE COUNTY RGNL SALISBURY-OCEAN CITY WICOMICO RGNL SALISBURY-OCEAN CITY WICOMICO RGNL SALT LAKE CITY INTL SALT LAKE CITY INTL SALT LAKE CITY INTL SALT LAKE CITY INTL SALTON SEA SALUDA COUNTY SAN ANTONIO INTL SAN ANTONIO INTL SAN ANTONIO INTL SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND NALF SAN DIEGO INTL SAN FRANCISCO INTL SAN FRANCISCO INTL SAN FRANCISCO INTL SAN FRANCISCO INTL SAN MARCOS RGNL SAN MARCOS RGNL Revision 0 M95 RMG RMG I40 RCZ RCZ FCI RIC RIC RID RID LCK LCK O88 O88 20A GRK RPJ RST RST UZA SIF RWI ROG O05 VIH VIH D98 STJ STJ RZT FWQ ROS 4M7 FQD RUT RUT 54T 54T EOD SMF SMF MHR MHR HYX HYX 38D 38D K33 SUZ SBY SBY SLC SLC SLC SLC SAS 6J4 SAT SAT SAT NUC SAN SFO SFO SFO SFO HYI HYI KRMG KRMG KRCZ KRCZ KFCI KRIC KRIC KRID KRID KLCK KLCK KGRK KRPJ KRST KRST KUZA KSIF KRWI KROG KVIH KVIH KSTJ KSTJ KRZT KFWQ KROS KFQD KRUT KRUT KEOD KSMF KSMF KMHR KMHR KHYX KHYX KSUZ KSBY KSBY KSLC KSLC KSLC KSLC KSAS KSAT KSAT KSAT KNUC KSAN KSFO KSFO KSFO KSFO KHYI KHYI FAYETTE ROME ROME COSHOCTON ROCKINGHAM ROCKINGHAM RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND RICHMOND COLUMBUS COLUMBUS RIO VISTA RIO VISTA ONEONTA FORT HOOD/KILLEEN ROCHELLE ROCHESTER ROCHESTER ROCK HILL REIDSVILLE ROCKY MOUNT ROGERS CHESTER ROLLA/VICHY ROLLA/VICHY ROMEO ST JOSEPH ST JOSEPH CHILLICOTHE MONONGAHELA RUSH CITY RUSSELLVILLE RUTHERFORDTON RUTLAND RUTLAND BAYTOWN BAYTOWN FORT CAMPBELL(CLARKSVILLE) SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO SAGINAW SAGINAW SALEM SALEM SALEM BENTON SALISBURY SALISBURY SALT LAKE CITY SALT LAKE CITY SALT LAKE CITY SALT LAKE CITY SALTON CITY SALUDA SAN ANTONIO SAN ANTONIO SAN ANTONIO SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO AUSTIN AUSTIN AL GA GA OH NC NC VA VA VA IN IN OH OH CA CA AL TX IL MN MN SC NC NC AR CA MO MO MI MO MO OH PA MN KY NC VT VT TX TX TN CA CA CA CA MI MI OH OH MO AR MD MD UT UT UT UT CA SC TX TX TX CA CA CA CA CA CA TX TX 01/19 01/19 07/25 04/22 04/22 14/32 15/33 02/20 16/34 15/33 06/24 05L/23R 05R/23L 07/25 15/33 06/24 15/33 07/25 13/31 02/20 02/20 13/31 04/22 02/20 16/34 04/22 13/31 18/36 13/31 17/35 05/23 08/26 16/34 07/25 01/19 01/19 13/31 08/26 14/32 05/23 17L/35R 17R/35L 04L/22R 04R/22L 05/23 10/28 10L/28R 10R/28L 17/35 02/20 05/23 14/32 16L/34R 17/35 14/32 16R/34L 07/25 01/19 13R/31L 04/22 13L/31R 06/24 09/27 10L/28R 01R/19L 01L/19R 10R/28L 08/26 17/35 22 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL SAN MARTIN SANDERSON FLD SANDUSKY COUNTY RGNL SANFORD SEACOAST RGNL SANFORD SEACOAST RGNL SANTA BARBARA MUNI SANTA BARBARA MUNI SANTA BARBARA MUNI SANTA YNEZ SARASOTA/BRADENTON INTL SARASOTA/BRADENTON INTL SAUK CENTRE MUNI SAUK CENTRE MUNI SCAPPOOSE SCHENECTADY COUNTY SCHUYLKILL COUNTY/JOE ZERBEY SCHUYLKILL COUNTY/JOE ZERBEY SCOTT AFB/MIDAMERICA ST LOUIS SCOTTSDALE SEAMANS FLD SEARCHLIGHT SEATTLE-TACOMA INTL SEATTLE-TACOMA INTL SEATTLE-TACOMA INTL SEBRING RGNL SEBRING RGNL SEMINOLE MUNI SEMINOLE MUNI SENECA COUNTY SEYMOUR JOHNSON AFB SHAFTER-MINTER FLD SHAFTER-MINTER FLD SHAFTER-MINTER FLD SHANK N BANK SHANNON SHANNON SHARP COUNTY RGNL SHAWNEE RGNL SHEBOYGAN COUNTY MEML SHEBOYGAN COUNTY MEML SHELBY COMMUNITY SHELBY COMMUNITY SHELBY COUNTY SHELBY COUNTY SHELBY COUNTY SHELBY-CLEVELAND COUNTY RGNL SHELBYVILLE MUNI SHELBYVILLE MUNI SHELL LAKE MUNI SHEPPARD AFB/WICHITA FALLS MUNI SHEPPARD AFB/WICHITA FALLS MUNI SHEPPARD AFB/WICHITA FALLS MUNI SHEPPARD AFB/WICHITA FALLS MUNI SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN-GRANT COUNTY RGNL SHERMAN AAF SHORTHORN AUX LANDING STRIP SIDNEY MUNI SIDNEY MUNI SIDNEY MUNI SILER CITY MUNI SILVER SPRINGS SIMMONS AAF SKAGIT RGNL SKAGIT RGNL SKANEATELES AERO DROME SKANEATELES AERO DROME SKY ACRES Revision 0 E16 SHN S24 SFM SFM SBA SBA SBA IZA SRQ SRQ D39 D39 SPB SCH ZER ZER BLV SDL 9N3 1L3 SEA SEA SEA SEF SEF SRE SRE 16G GSB MIT MIT MIT TX0 EZF EZF CVK SNL SBM SBM 12G 12G 2H0 2H0 2H0 EHO GEZ GEZ SSQ SPS SPS SPS SPS 5I4 5I4 9M8 FLV 23XS SCA N23 SCA SCR SPZ FBG BVS BVS 6B9 6B9 44N KSHN KSFM KSFM KSBA KSBA KSBA KIZA KSRQ KSRQ KSPB KSCH KZER KZER KBLV KSDL KSEA KSEA KSEA KSEF KSEF KSRE KSRE KGSB KMIT KMIT KMIT KEZF KEZF KCVK KSNL KSBM KSBM KEHO KGEZ KGEZ KSSQ KSPS KSPS KSPS KSPS KFLV KSCA KSCA KSCR KSPZ KFBG KBVS KBVS SAN MARTIN SHELTON FREMONT SANFORD SANFORD SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA SANTA YNEZ SARASOTA/BRADENTON SARASOTA/BRADENTON SAUK CENTRE SAUK CENTRE SCAPPOOSE SCHENECTADY POTTSVILLE POTTSVILLE BELLEVILLE SCOTTSDALE FACTORYVILLE SEARCHLIGHT SEATTLE SEATTLE SEATTLE SEBRING SEBRING SEMINOLE SEMINOLE TIFFIN GOLDSBORO SHAFTER SHAFTER SHAFTER LA WARD FREDERICKSBURG FREDERICKSBURG ASH FLAT SHAWNEE SHEBOYGAN SHEBOYGAN SHELBY SHELBY SHELBYVILLE SHELBYVILLE SHELBYVILLE SHELBY SHELBYVILLE SHELBYVILLE SHELL LAKE WICHITA FALLS WICHITA FALLS WICHITA FALLS WICHITA FALLS SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN FORT LEAVENWORTH FORT HOOD/KILLEEN/ SIDNEY SIDNEY SIDNEY SILER CITY SILVER SPRINGS FORT BRAGG BURLINGTON/MOUNT VERNON BURLINGTON/MOUNT VERNON SKANEATELES SKANEATELES MILLBROOK CA WA OH ME ME CA CA CA CA FL FL MN MN OR NY PA PA IL AZ PA NV WA WA WA FL FL OK OK OH NC CA CA CA TX VA VA AR OK WI WI OH OH IL IL IL NC IN IN WI TX TX TX TX IN IN AR KS TX OH NY OH NC NV NC WA WA NY NY NY 14/32 05/23 06/24 07/25 14/32 07/25 15R/33L 15L/33R 08/26 14/32 04/22 14/32 08/26 15/33 04/22 11/29 04/22 14R/32L 03/21 04/22 16/34 16L/34R 16R/34L 16C/34C 14/32 01/19 05/23 16/34 06/24 08/26 17/35 12/30 08/26 09/27 15/33 06/24 04/22 17/35 13/31 04/22 18/36 03/21 14/32 04/22 18/36 05/23 01/19 09/27 14/32 15R/33L 15L/33R 18/36 15C/33C 05/23 09/27 01/19 16/34 15/33 05/23 07/25 10/28 04/22 06/24 09/27 11/29 04/22 04/22 10/28 17/35 23 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL SKY KING SKY KING SKY MANOR SKYHAVEN SKYHAVEN SKYHAVEN SKYLARK FLD SLIDELL SMITH FLD SMITHVILLE MUNI SNOHOMISH COUNTY (PAINE FLD) SNOHOMISH COUNTY (PAINE FLD) SOMERSET SOMERSET COUNTY SOMERSET COUNTY SOUTH BEND INTL SOUTH BEND INTL SOUTH BEND INTL SOUTH HAVEN AREA RGNL SOUTH HAVEN AREA RGNL SOUTH JERSEY RGNL SOUTH LAFOURCHE LEONARD MILLER JR SOUTH TEXAS INTL AT EDINBURG SOUTH TEXAS RGNL AT HONDO SOUTH TEXAS RGNL AT HONDO SOUTH TEXAS RGNL AT HONDO SOUTH TEXAS RGNL AT HONDO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOGISTICS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOGISTICS SOUTHERN ILLINOIS SOUTHERN ILLINOIS SOUTHERN ILLINOIS SOUTHERN WISCONSIN RGNL SOUTHERN WISCONSIN RGNL SOUTHERN WISCONSIN RGNL SOUTHWEST FLORIDA INTL SOUTHWEST MICHIGAN RGNL SOUTHWEST MICHIGAN RGNL SPARTA COMMUNITY-HUNTER FLD SPARTA COMMUNITY-HUNTER FLD SPRING HILL SPRINGDALE MUNI SPRINGFIELD ROBERTSON COUNTY SPRINGFIELD/BECKLEY MUNI SPRINGFIELD/BECKLEY MUNI ST CHARLES COUNTY SMARTT ST CHARLES COUNTY SMARTT ST CLAIR COUNTY ST CLAIR COUNTY INTL ST CLAIR COUNTY INTL ST CLOUD RGNL ST CLOUD RGNL ST GEORGE RGNL ST LOUIS DOWNTOWN ST LOUIS LAMBERT INTL ST LOUIS LAMBERT INTL ST LOUIS LAMBERT INTL ST LOUIS LAMBERT INTL ST LOUIS RGNL ST LOUIS RGNL ST MARYS MUNI ST PETE-CLEARWATER INTL ST PETE-CLEARWATER INTL ST SIMONS ISLAND ST SIMONS ISLAND STAFFORD RGNL STANLY COUNTY STANLY COUNTY STAPLES MUNI Revision 0 3I3 3I3 N40 RCM DAW RCM ILE ASD SLG 0A3 PAE PAE SMQ 2G9 2G9 SBN SBN SBN LWA LWA VAY GAO EBG HDO HDO HDO HDO VCV VCV MDH MDH MDH JVL JVL JVL RSW BEH BEH SAR SAR 70N ASG M91 SGH SGH SET SET PLR PHN PHN STC STC SGU CPS STL STL STL STL ALN ALN OYM PIE PIE SSI SSI RMN VUJ VUJ SAZ KRCM KDAW KRCM KILE KASD KSLG KPAE KPAE KSMQ KSBN KSBN KSBN KLWA KLWA KVAY KGAO KEBG KHDO KHDO KHDO KHDO KVCV KVCV KMDH KMDH KMDH KJVL KJVL KJVL KRSW KBEH KBEH KSAR KSAR KASG KSGH KSGH KSET KSET KPLR KPHN KPHN KSTC KSTC KSGU KCPS KSTL KSTL KSTL KSTL KALN KALN KOYM KPIE KPIE KSSI KSSI KRMN KVUJ KVUJ KSAZ TERRE HAUTE TERRE HAUTE PITTSTOWN WARRENSBURG ROCHESTER WARRENSBURG KILLEEN SLIDELL SILOAM SPRINGS SMITHVILLE EVERETT EVERETT SOMERVILLE SOMERSET SOMERSET SOUTH BEND SOUTH BEND SOUTH BEND SOUTH HAVEN SOUTH HAVEN MOUNT HOLLY GALLIANO EDINBURG HONDO HONDO HONDO HONDO VICTORVILLE VICTORVILLE CARBONDALE/MURPHYSBORO CARBONDALE/MURPHYSBORO CARBONDALE/MURPHYSBORO JANESVILLE JANESVILLE JANESVILLE FORT MYERS BENTON HARBOR BENTON HARBOR SPARTA SPARTA STERLING SPRINGDALE SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD ST CHARLES ST CHARLES PELL CITY PORT HURON PORT HURON ST CLOUD ST CLOUD ST GEORGE CAHOKIA/ST LOUIS ST LOUIS ST LOUIS ST LOUIS ST LOUIS ALTON/ST LOUIS ALTON/ST LOUIS ST MARYS ST PETERSBURG-CLEARWATER ST PETERSBURG-CLEARWATER ST SIMONS ISLAND ST SIMONS ISLAND STAFFORD ALBEMARLE ALBEMARLE STAPLES IN IN NJ MO NH MO TX LA AR TN WA WA NJ PA PA IN IN IN MI MI NJ LA TX TX TX TX TX CA CA IL IL IL WI WI WI FL MI MI IL IL PA AR TN OH OH MO MO AL MI MI MN MN UT IL MO MO MO MO IL IL PA FL FL GA GA VA NC NC MN 09/27 18/36 07/25 01/19 15/33 14/32 01/19 18/36 18/36 06/24 16R/34L 16L/34R 17/35 07/25 14/32 18/36 09L/27R 09R/27L 05/23 14/32 08/26 18/36 14/32 13/31 17L/35R 17R/35L 08/26 17/35 03/21 18L/36R 06/24 18R/36L 18/36 14/32 04/22 06/24 10/28 14/32 18/36 09/27 05/23 18/36 04/22 15/33 06/24 18/36 09/27 03/21 04/22 10/28 05/23 13/31 01/19 05/23 12L/30R 12R/30L 06/24 11/29 17/35 11/29 10/28 04/22 18/36 16/34 04/22 15/33 04L/22R 04R/22L 14/32 24 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL STARKE COUNTY STARKE COUNTY STATESVILLE RGNL STENNIS INTL STEPHENS COUNTY STEPHENS COUNTY STEPHENS COUNTY STEPHENVILLE CLARK RGNL STILLWATER RGNL STILLWATER RGNL STOCKTON METRO STOCKTON METRO STROUDSBURG-POCONO STURGIS MUNI STUTTGART MUNI CARL HUMPHREY FLD STUTTGART MUNI CARL HUMPHREY FLD SUFFOLK EXEC SUFFOLK EXEC SULLIVAN COUNTY INTL SULLIVAN RGNL SULPHUR SPRINGS MUNI SUMMIT SUMMIT SUNDANCE SUSSEX SUWANNEE COUNTY SWEETWATER (USMC) SYRACUSE HANCOCK INTL SYRACUSE HANCOCK INTL TAMPA INTL TAMPA INTL TAMPA INTL TANGIER ISLAND TAPPAHANNOCK/ESSEX COUNTY TARBORO-EDGECOMBE TAUNTON MUNI - KING FLD TAYLOR MUNI TAYLORVILLE MUNI TAYLORVILLE MUNI TAYLORVILLE MUNI TERRE HAUTE RGNL TERRE HAUTE RGNL TERRELL MUNI TETERBORO TETERBORO TEXAS GULF COAST RGNL THIBODAUX MUNI THOMAS C RUSSELL FLD THOMAS MUNI THOMAS P STAFFORD THOMASVILLE RGNL THOMASVILLE RGNL THOMPSON-ROBBINS THOMPSON-ROBBINS TICONDEROGA MUNI TILLAMOOK TILLAMOOK TIPTON TITUSVILLE TOCCOA RG LETOURNEAU FLD TOCCOA RG LETOURNEAU FLD TODD FLD TOLEDO EXEC TOLEDO EXEC TOLEDO SUBURBAN TOMPKINSVILLE/MONROE COUNTY TOPEKA RGNL TOPEKA RGNL TRACY MUNI Revision 0 OXI OXI SVH HSA BKD BKD BKD SEP SWO SWO SCK SCK N53 TWT SGT SGT SFQ SFQ MSV UUV SLR EVY EVY HSD FWN 24J NV72 SYR SYR TPA TPA TPA TGI XSA ETC TAN T74 TAZ TAZ TAZ HUF HUF TRL TEB TEB LBX L83 ALX 1O4 OJA TVI TVI HEE HEE 4B6 TMK TMK FME 6G1 TOC TOC 14Y TDZ TDZ DUH TZV FOE FOE TCY KOXI KOXI KSVH KHSA KBKD KBKD KBKD KSEP KSWO KSWO KSCK KSCK KTWT KSGT KSGT KSFQ KSFQ KMSV KUUV KSLR KEVY KEVY KHSD KFWN KSYR KSYR KTPA KTPA KTPA KTGI KXSA KETC KTAN KTAZ KTAZ KTAZ KHUF KHUF KTRL KTEB KTEB KLBX KALX KOJA KTVI KTVI KHEE KHEE KTMK KTMK KFME KTOC KTOC KTDZ KTDZ KDUH KTZV KFOE KFOE KTCY KNOX KNOX STATESVILLE BAY ST LOUIS BRECKENRIDGE BRECKENRIDGE BRECKENRIDGE STEPHENVILLE STILLWATER STILLWATER STOCKTON STOCKTON EAST STROUDSBURG STURGIS STUTTGART STUTTGART SUFFOLK SUFFOLK MONTICELLO SULLIVAN SULPHUR SPRINGS MIDDLETOWN MIDDLETOWN OKLAHOMA CITY SUSSEX LIVE OAK WELLINGTON SYRACUSE SYRACUSE TAMPA TAMPA TAMPA TANGIER TAPPAHANNOCK TARBORO TAUNTON TAYLOR TAYLORVILLE TAYLORVILLE TAYLORVILLE TERRE HAUTE TERRE HAUTE TERRELL TETERBORO TETERBORO ANGLETON/LAKE JACKSON THIBODAUX ALEXANDER CITY THOMAS WEATHERFORD THOMASVILLE THOMASVILLE HELENA/WEST HELENA HELENA/WEST HELENA TICONDEROGA TILLAMOOK TILLAMOOK FORT MEADE(ODENTON) TITUSVILLE TOCCOA TOCCOA LONG PRAIRIE TOLEDO TOLEDO LAMBERTVILLE TOMPKINSVILLE TOPEKA TOPEKA TRACY IN IN NC MS TX TX TX TX OK OK CA CA PA KY AR AR VA VA NY MO TX DE DE OK NJ FL NV NY NY FL FL FL VA VA NC MA TX IL IL IL IN IN TX NJ NJ TX LA AL OK OK GA GA AR AR NY OR OR MD PA GA GA MN OH OH MI KY KS KS CA 18/36 09/27 10/28 18/36 17/35 13/31 04/22 14/32 17/35 04/22 11L/29R 11R/29L 08/26 01/19 18/36 09/27 07/25 04/22 15/33 06/24 01/19 17/35 11/29 18/36 03/21 07/25 18/36 15/33 10/28 01L/19R 01R/19L 10/28 02/20 10/28 09/27 12/30 17/35 09R/27L 18/36 09L/27R 14/32 05/23 18/36 06/24 01/19 17/35 08/26 18/36 17/35 17/35 04/22 14/32 08/26 17/35 02/20 01/19 13/31 10/28 01/19 03/21 09/27 16/34 04/22 14/32 09/27 04/22 03/21 13/31 12/30 25 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL TRAVIS AFB TRAVIS AFB TRAVIS AFB TREASURE COAST INTL TREASURE COAST INTL TREASURE COAST INTL TRENTON MERCER TRENTON MERCER TRENTON MUNI TRENTON-ROBBINSVILLE TRIANGLE NORTH EXEC TRI-CITIES TRI-CITY TRI-COUNTY AT HENRY JOYNER FIELD TRONA TRUCKEE-TAHOE TSTC WACO TSTC WACO TULLAHOMA RGNL/WM NORTHERN FLD TULLAHOMA RGNL/WM NORTHERN FLD TULLAHOMA RGNL/WM NORTHERN FLD TULLAHOMA RGNL/WM NORTHERN FLD TULSA RIVERSIDE TULSA RIVERSIDE TULSA RIVERSIDE TURNERS FALLS TUSCOLA AREA TUSCOLA AREA TWENTYNINE PALMS TWENTYNINE PALMS SELF TWIN LAKES TYLER POUNDS RGNL TYLER POUNDS RGNL TYLER POUNDS RGNL UKIAH MUNI UMATILLA MUNI UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY, TROY SHELTON FLD UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY PARK UPPER CUMBERLAND RGNL VAIDEN FLD VALDOSTA RGNL VALDOSTA RGNL VALDOSTA RGNL VALLEY INTL VALLEY INTL VALLEY INTL VAN WERT COUNTY VAN WERT COUNTY VANCE AFB VANCE AFB VANCE AFB VANDALIA MUNI VANDALIA MUNI VANDENBERG SPACE FORCE BASE VENANGO RGNL VENANGO RGNL VENICE MUNI VENICE MUNI VERO BEACH RGNL VERO BEACH RGNL VERO BEACH RGNL VIRGIL I GRISSOM MUNI VIRGIL I GRISSOM MUNI WABASH MUNI WABASH MUNI WACO RGNL Revision 0 SUU SUU SUU FPR FPR FPR TTN TTN TRX N87 LHZ CZG 3G6 ASJ L72 TRK CNW CNW THA THA THA THA RVS RVS RVS 0B5 CFS CFS TNP NXP 8A7 TYR TYR TYR UKI X23 MRT MRT 35A EDU UNV SRB A08 VLD VLD VLD HRL HRL HRL VNW VNW END END END VLA VLA VBG FKL FKL VNC VNC VRB VRB VRB BFR BFR IWH IWH ACT KSUU KSUU KSUU KFPR KFPR KFPR KTTN KTTN KTRX KLHZ KCZG KASJ KTRK KCNW KCNW KTHA KTHA KTHA KTHA KRVS KRVS KRVS KCFS KCFS KTNP KNXP KTYR KTYR KTYR KUKI KMRT KMRT KEDU KUNV KSRB KVLD KVLD KVLD KHRL KHRL KHRL KVNW KVNW KEND KEND KEND KVLA KVLA KVBG KFKL KFKL KVNC KVNC KVRB KVRB KVRB KBFR KBFR KIWH KIWH KACT FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD FORT PIERCE FORT PIERCE FORT PIERCE TRENTON TRENTON TRENTON ROBBINSVILLE LOUISBURG ENDICOTT SEBRING AHOSKIE TRONA TRUCKEE WACO WACO TULLAHOMA TULLAHOMA TULLAHOMA TULLAHOMA TULSA TULSA TULSA MONTAGUE CARO CARO TWENTYNINE PALMS TWENTYNINE PALMS MOCKSVILLE TYLER TYLER TYLER UKIAH UMATILLA MARYSVILLE MARYSVILLE UNION DAVIS STATE COLLEGE SPARTA MARION VALDOSTA VALDOSTA VALDOSTA HARLINGEN HARLINGEN HARLINGEN VAN WERT VAN WERT ENID ENID ENID VANDALIA VANDALIA LOMPOC FRANKLIN FRANKLIN VENICE VENICE VERO BEACH VERO BEACH VERO BEACH BEDFORD BEDFORD WABASH WABASH WACO CA CA CA FL FL FL NJ NJ MO NJ NC NY OH NC CA CA TX TX TN TN TN TN OK OK OK MA MI MI CA CA NC TX TX TX CA FL OH OH SC CA PA TN AL GA GA GA TX TX TX OH OH OK OK OK IL IL CA PA PA FL FL FL FL FL IN IN IN IN TX 03R/21L 032/212 03L/21R 10R/28L 14/32 10L/28R 16/34 06/24 18/36 11/29 05/23 03/21 18/36 01/19 17/35 02/20 17R/35L 17L/35R 09/27 N/S 18/36 06/24 01L/19R 13/31 01R/19L 16/34 13/31 06/24 17/35 10/28 09/27 04/22 13/31 18/36 15/33 01/19 09/27 08/26 05/23 17/35 06/24 04/22 16/34 04/22 17/35 13/31 17R/35L 13/31 17L/35R 09/27 18/36 17L/35R 17R/35L 17C/35C 09/27 18/36 12/30 03/21 12/30 13/31 05/23 12R/30L 04/22 12L/30R 06/24 13/31 18/36 09/27 14/32 26 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL WACO RGNL WADENA MUNI WADSWORTH MUNI WAKEFIELD MUNI WALNUT RIDGE RGNL WALNUT RIDGE RGNL WALNUT RIDGE RGNL WALTER J KOLADZA WARREN COUNTY MEML WARREN COUNTY/JOHN LANE FLD WARREN GROVE RANGE WARREN MUNI WARRENTON/FAUQUIER WARSAW MUNI WARSAW MUNI WARSAW MUNI WASECA MUNI WASHINGTON COUNTY WASHINGTON COUNTY WASHINGTON EXEC/HYDE FLD WASHINGTON RGNL WASHINGTON/WILKES COUNTY WATERTOWN INTL WATERTOWN INTL WATERTOWN MUNI WATERTOWN MUNI WATONGA RGNL WATTS-WOODLAND WAUCHULA MUNI WAUKEGAN NTL WAYNE COUNTY WAYNE EXEC JETPORT WEBSTER NOLF WEBSTER NOLF WELLSVILLE MUNI/TARANTINE FLD WENDOVER WENDOVER WEST BEND MUNI WEST BEND MUNI WEST GEORGIA RGNL - O V GRAY FLD WEST PLAINS RGNL WESTCHESTER COUNTY WESTCHESTER COUNTY WESTERLY STATE WESTERN CAROLINA RGNL WESTFIELD-BARNES RGNL WESTFIELD-BARNES RGNL WESTOVER ARB/METRO WESTOVER ARB/METRO WESTOVER FLD AMADOR COUNTY WETUMPKA MUNI WETUMPKA MUNI WHARTON RGNL WHEELER-SACK AAF WHEELER-SACK AAF WHEELER-SACK AAF WHEELING OHIO COUNTY WHEELING OHIO COUNTY WHIDBEY ISLAND NAS/AULT FLD WHIDBEY ISLAND NAS/AULT FLD WHITE COUNTY WHITEHOUSE NOLF WHITEMAN AFB WHITFORDS WHITFORDS WICHITA VALLEY WICHITA VALLEY WICHITA VALLEY WICKENBURG MUNI Revision 0 ACT ADC 3G3 AKQ ARG ARG ARG GBR RNC I68 NJ24 3M9 HWY ASW RAW ASW ACQ AFJ 8WC W32 FYG IIY ART ART RYV RYV JWG O41 CHN UGN BJJ GWW NUI NUI ELZ ENV ENV ETB ETB CTJ UNO HPN HPN WST RHP BAF BAF CEF CEF JAQ 08A 08A ARM GTB GTB GTB HLG HLG NUW NUW MCX NEN SZL B16 B16 F14 F14 F14 E25 KACT KADC KAKQ KARG KARG KARG KGBR KRNC KHWY KASW KRAW KASW KACQ KAFJ KFYG KIIY KART KART KRYV KRYV KJWG KCHN KUGN KBJJ KGWW KNUI KNUI KELZ KENV KENV KETB KETB KCTJ KUNO KHPN KHPN KWST KRHP KBAF KBAF KCEF KCEF KJAQ KARM KGTB KGTB KGTB KHLG KHLG KNUW KNUW KMCX KNEN KSZL WACO WADENA WADSWORTH WAKEFIELD WALNUT RIDGE WALNUT RIDGE WALNUT RIDGE GREAT BARRINGTON MC MINNVILLE LEBANON BURLINGTON COUNTY WARREN WARRENTON WARSAW WARSAW WARSAW WASECA WASHINGTON POTOSI CLINTON WASHINGTON WASHINGTON WATERTOWN WATERTOWN WATERTOWN WATERTOWN WATONGA WOODLAND WAUCHULA CHICAGO/WAUKEGAN WOOSTER GOLDSBORO ST INIGOES ST INIGOES WELLSVILLE WENDOVER WENDOVER WEST BEND WEST BEND CARROLLTON WEST PLAINS WHITE PLAINS WHITE PLAINS WESTERLY ANDREWS WESTFIELD/SPRINGFIELD WESTFIELD/SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD/CHICOPEE SPRINGFIELD/CHICOPEE JACKSON WETUMPKA WETUMPKA WHARTON FORT DRUM FORT DRUM FORT DRUM WHEELING WHEELING OAK HARBOR OAK HARBOR MONTICELLO JACKSONVILLE KNOB NOSTER WEEDSPORT WEEDSPORT WICHITA FALLS WICHITA FALLS WICHITA FALLS WICKENBURG TX MN OH VA AR AR AR MA TN OH NJ AR VA IN MO IN MN PA MO MD MO GA NY NY WI WI OK CA FL IL OH NC MD MD NY UT UT WI WI GA MO NY NY RI NC MA MA MA MA CA AL AL TX NY NY NY WV WV WA WA IN FL MO NY NY TX TX TX AZ 01/19 16/34 10/28 02/20 18/36 04/22 13/31 11/29 05/23 01/19 15/33 03/21 15/33 09/27 18/36 18/36 15/33 09/27 02/20 05/23 15/33 13/31 10/28 07/25 11/29 05/23 17/35 18/36 18/36 14/32 10/28 05/23 08/26 15/33 10/28 08/26 12/30 13/31 06/24 17/35 18/36 16/34 11/29 07/25 08/26 15/33 02/20 15/33 05/23 01/19 18/36 09/27 14/32 15/33 03/21 08/26 16/34 03/21 07/25 14/32 18/36 12/30 01/19 E/W 10/28 04/22 13/31 16/34 05/23 27 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL WILBARGER COUNTY WILBARGER COUNTY WILKES-BARRE/SCRANTON INTL WILKES-BARRE/SCRANTON INTL WILL ROGERS WORLD WILL ROGERS WORLD WILL ROGERS WORLD WILL ROGERS WORLD WILLARD WILLIAM H MORSE STATE WILLIAM M TUCK WILLIAM M TUCK WILLIAM P HOBBY WILLIAM P HOBBY WILLIAM P HOBBY WILLIAM R FAIRCHILD INTL WILLIAM R FAIRCHILD INTL WILLIAM R POGUE MUNI WILLIAM T PIPER MEML WILLIAM T PIPER MEML WILLIAMS AUXILIARY AIRFIELD 6 WILLIAMS AUXILIARY AIRFIELD 6 WILLIAMSON-SODUS WILLIAMSPORT RGNL WILLIAMSPORT RGNL WILLISTON MUNI WILLISTON MUNI WILLISTON MUNI WILLMAR MUNI/JOHN L RICE FLD WILLMAR MUNI/JOHN L RICE FLD WILLOWS/GLENN COUNTY WILLOWS/GLENN COUNTY WILMINGTON AIR PARK WILMINGTON AIR PARK WILSON INDUSTRIAL AIR CENTER WILSON INDUSTRIAL AIR CENTER WILSON INDUSTRIAL AIR CENTER WINCHESTER MUNI WINDHAM WINDHAM WINGS FLD WINTER HAVEN RGNL WINTER HAVEN RGNL WITHAM FLD WITHAM FLD WITHAM FLD WITTMAN RGNL WITTMAN RGNL WITTMAN RGNL WITTMAN RGNL WOOD COUNTY WOOD COUNTY WOOD COUNTY - COLLINS FLD WOODBINE MUNI WOODBINE MUNI WOODRUFF COUNTY WOODWARD FLD WOODWARD FLD WORCESTER RGNL WORCESTER RGNL WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB WURTSBORO/SULLIVAN COUNTY WURTSBORO/SULLIVAN COUNTY WYANDOT COUNTY YERINGTON MUNI YOAKUM MUNI YOLO COUNTY YORK Revision 0 F05 F05 AVP AVP OKC OKC OKC OKC 8G1 DDH W78 W78 HOU HOU HOU CLM CLM OWP LHV LHV GAX GAX SDC IPT IPT X60 X60 X60 BDH BDH WLW WLW ILN ILN W03 W03 W03 BGF IJD IJD LOM GIF GIF SUA SUA SUA OSH OSH OSH OSH 1G0 1G0 JDD OBI OBI M60 CDN CDN ORH ORH FFO FFO N82 N82 56D O43 T85 DWA THV KAVP KAVP KOKC KOKC KOKC KOKC KDDH KHOU KHOU KHOU KCLM KCLM KOWP KLHV KLHV KGAX KGAX KSDC KIPT KIPT KBDH KBDH KWLW KWLW KILN KILN KBGF KIJD KIJD KLOM KGIF KGIF KSUA KSUA KSUA KOSH KOSH KOSH KOSH KJDD KOBI KOBI KCDN KCDN KORH KORH KFFO KFFO KDWA KTHV VERNON VERNON WILKES-BARRE/SCRANTON WILKES-BARRE/SCRANTON OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA CITY WILLARD BENNINGTON SOUTH BOSTON SOUTH BOSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES SAND SPRINGS LOCK HAVEN LOCK HAVEN GILA BEND GILA BEND WILLIAMSON/SODUS WILLIAMSPORT WILLIAMSPORT WILLISTON WILLISTON WILLISTON WILLMAR WILLMAR WILLOWS WILLOWS WILMINGTON WILMINGTON WILSON WILSON WILSON WINCHESTER WILLIMANTIC WILLIMANTIC PHILADELPHIA WINTER HAVEN WINTER HAVEN STUART STUART STUART OSHKOSH OSHKOSH OSHKOSH OSHKOSH BOWLING GREEN BOWLING GREEN MINEOLA/QUITMAN WOODBINE WOODBINE AUGUSTA CAMDEN CAMDEN WORCESTER WORCESTER DAYTON DAYTON WURTSBORO WURTSBORO UPPER SANDUSKY YERINGTON YOAKUM DAVIS/WOODLAND/WINTERS YORK TX TX PA PA OK OK OK OK OH VT VA VA TX TX TX WA WA OK PA PA AZ AZ NY PA PA FL FL FL MN MN CA CA OH OH NC NC NC TN CT CT PA FL FL FL FL FL WI WI WI WI OH OH TX NJ NJ AR SC SC MA MA OH OH NY NY OH NV TX CA PA 16/34 02/20 10/28 04/22 13/31 17L/35R 17R/35L 18/36 10/28 13/31 01/19 06/24 04/22 13R/31L 13L/31R 13/31 08/26 17/35 09R/27L 09L/27R 01/19 13/31 10/28 09/27 12/30 05/23 18/36 14/32 03/21 13/31 16/34 13/31 04R/22L 04L/22R 03/21 09/27 15/33 18/36 18/36 09/27 06/24 05/23 11/29 12/30 16/34 07/25 13/31 05/23 18/36 09/27 18/36 10/28 18/36 01/19 13/31 09/27 14/32 06/24 15/33 11/29 05L/23R 05R/23L 05/23 09/27 18/36 02/20 13/31 16/34 17/35 28 of 29 Document Number: 720-22-4522-RL YOUNGSTOWN ELSER METRO YUBA COUNTY ZANESVILLE MUNI ZANESVILLE MUNI ZAPATA COUNTY ZELIENOPLE MUNI ZEPHYRHILLS MUNI ZEPHYRHILLS MUNI Revision 0 4G4 MYV ZZV ZZV APY PJC ZPH ZPH KMYV KZZV KZZV KAPY KPJC KZPH KZPH YOUNGSTOWN MARYSVILLE ZANESVILLE ZANESVILLE ZAPATA ZELIENOPLE ZEPHYRHILLS ZEPHYRHILLS OH CA OH OH TX PA FL FL 10/28 05/23 04/22 16/34 12/30 17/35 05/23 01/19 29 of 29