Uploaded by Muneeza Tehseen

Popular Cat Breeds Overview: Indigenous & Global

Popular Indigenous and Global Cat
Breeds: an overview
Submitted by:
Muneeza Tehseen
Submitted to:
Dr. Haiba Kaul
Associate Professor
UVAS, Ravi Campus
History of the domestication of Cats
• The cat is the most common pet in the world. Since the beginning of human
civilization, cats have been companions to people
• From the African wildcat to the domesticated house cat, the fascinating journey
and history of the cat touches almost all corners of the world
• Researchers recently discovered that, in the Mesopotamia region and Turkey, and
on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, cats were living with among people
thousands of years before they existed in Egypt. In fact, evidence suggests that
people domesticated cats in the Middle East more than 10,000 years ago, and cats
were revered in many of the region’s traditions
• Researchers consider the Middle East the place where people first domesticated
cats. Additionally, the first evidence of the “blotched“ or “tabby“ coat pattern cat,
which commonly appears in domesticated cats, appeared in Turkey during the
14th century
• The ancient Egyptians began domesticating the African wildcat as early as
4,000 years ago
• In ancient Egypt, people believed that cats were magical, divine and
• In fact, ancient Egyptians worshipped a feline goddess named Bastet, who
was depicted as half-feline, half-woman
• Throughout the artifacts from ancient Egypt, cats are a symbolic fixture,
illustrating their value, popularity and companionship with humans
• Even in death, people immortalized the cats of ancient Egypt as mummies
• Around 3,000 B.C., the people of China began to domesticate the leopard
cat and the western wildcat for pest control
• During the Sung Dynasty (960 – 1279), people cherished cats as loyal pets
• Artists depicted them in paintings and sculptures. The Chinese culture
considered the cat as a symbol of good luck
• During the Middle Ages, many people considered cats demonic and
associated them with darkness and witchcraft. As a result, popes and highranking officials condemned cats, and the animals were often tortured and
• In more modern times, especially the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and
18th century, cats began to shed their negative reputation and regained
popularity as a loyal pet
• Today, cats are one of the most popular and cherished pets in Europe
Popular Indigenous Cat Breeds
1. Persian Cats:
• Affectionate, loyal, laid back
• Needs a comfortable environment
• Ranked first in the reared breed of cats
• Grow long, fluffy hair
• May be white, black, orange and a
combination of these colors
Popular Indigenous Cat Breeds
2. Khao Manee – Diamond Eye Cat:
• Smart, communicative and active cats
• Possess cute, extra-attractive eyes and
beautiful white snowy fur with pink lips,
nose and paw pads
• Khao Manee cats with odd eyes are
precious, preferable and most popular
Popular Indigenous Cat Breeds
3. Maine Coon Cats:
• One of the largest cat breeds
• Can withstand warm and cold climates
• Grow long hair in various colors
• Loyal, fun loving, good natured, social cats
Popular Indigenous Cat Breeds
4. Siamese Cats:
• Grow short hair
• Have slender bodies and large ears
• Possess almond shaped slanted eyes
• Athletic, intelligent and loving
Popular Indigenous Cat Breeds
5. Bengal Cats:
• One of very common among types of cats
• Famous for their attractive highlights
and striking spots
• Highly smart, intelligent and active
Popular Indigenous Cat Breeds
6. Ragdoll:
• Most distinguishing attribute is their
lovely blue eyes
• Have significantly longer fur
• Gentle, loyal, loving and trainable
Popular Indigenous Cat Breeds
7. American Shorthair Cats:
• Grow short, thick hair
• Good, strong, hearty, muscular
and alert
Popular Global Cat Breeds
1. Domestic Long Haired Cats:
• Grow a long silky coat which can be
of different colors, textures and length
• Grow an undercoat which makes the cat
appear larger in size
Popular Global Cat Breeds
2. Exotic shorthair cats:
• Resemble Persian cats but have a short
coat length
• Peaceful, content and loving
Popular Global Cat Breeds
3. Manx Cats:
• Grow a short, dense double coat
• Have a rounded back and shortened tail
• Intelligent, playful and loving
Popular Global Cat Breeds
4. Russian Blues:
• Grow short and thick double coats
Which feel soft and silky
• Possess green or dark colored eyes
Popular Global Cat Breeds
5. Scottish Folds:
• Can have a short or long coat
• Have rounded heads and round eyes
• Are known for their unusual ears which fold
Popular Global Cat Breeds
6. Siberian Cat:
• Grow long and thick hair which
can be almost any color
• Are larger than most breeds
• Intelligent, loyal and affectionate
Popular Global Cat Breeds
8. Turkish Angora Cats:
• Grow long and silky hair which is
most often white
• Independent and stubborn cats