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Gun Control in America: Key Facts, Laws & Future

“The Most Controversial Issue in
American Politics”
Key Facts
• 70-80 million Americans own a gun
• 40-45% of homes in US have a gun (2011)
• Firearms caused 68% of murders in 2010
A mountain of confiscated smuggled guns
collected in Nairobi, Kenya
• 2nd amendment- "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to
the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep
and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
• Constitution- "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole
body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike
especially when young, how to use them."
• The Federal Gun Free School Zone Act in 1995, cant be within
1,000 feet of a school with possession of a firearm
Legal and Constitutional Significance
• 2nd amendment – protects the right of an
individual to own a firearm
• Columbia vs. Heller (2008)
Firearms can be used for self defense
• McDonald vs. Chicago (2010)
States can determine gun laws
• 67% of Americans that own • Firearms caused 55% of
a licensed gun said they
suicides (2006)
use it for “defense against
• There have been 11
presidential assassination
• 70% of male prisoners in
attempts (all using guns)
jails across the country said • Guns are unsafe and cause
they knew someone who
unnecessary violence in a
attempted a robbery but
was scared away by the
owners’ possession of a
Do you think that every American should be
allowed to carry a gun whenever they want?
Current Status
Households with a
Ownership of Guns:
Adults owning a gun
Households with a gun= 40-45%
Adults owning a
Adults owning a gun=30-34%
Adults owning a handgun=17-19%
Reasons for having a gun:
Protection against crime=67%
Target Shooting
Target Shooting=66%
Guns allowed in streets with a license= 39 States
Federal Gun Free School Zone Act of 1995= Guns at least 1000 feet away from a school
Federal law = restricts who can own, possess, or sell a gun
Brady Act= Certain scenarios people can’t use a gun
The National Firearms Act= gun must be specifically registered to a possessor of a gun
Many states consider ones guns laws of the state they come from when they go to another state while
others don’t.
Future of Gun Control
• Keeping and bearing arms is limited
• Officials will address the gun control
• Obama’s officials want to reduce gun control.
• General public wants to reduce gun control.
• Gun control will be limited further than it is
Recent Occurrences
• April 16, 2007 – Seung-Hui Cho kills 32 people
in the Virginia Tech Massacre
 Cho was able to purchase handguns without detection after being
declared mentally unstable
• July 20, 2012 – James Holmes kills 12 people
in the Aurora movie theater shooting
 Holmes had “easy access” to assault weapons through the Colorado state
firearm policy
• Just Facts : Gun Control
• Wikipedia : Gun Control
• Do Something : Facts about guns
• Wikipedia : Virginia Tech Massacre
• Wikipedia : 2012 Aurora shooting