ue al s yV b ng ts tti in Se n) Po n ctio em st tio a la e Sy lcu tak Ca ity ( d t Fin y En nce tif ista en Id re D su rea ea A M e r su er ea ag M an M c ew etri Vi m Iso ric t NW me Iso ic r NE met c ew Iso tri c Vi y) e r i (an SE o m et Is m ew SW t Iso e Vi ul fac fa r De l su ca rti Ve iew tV es W ew Vi st w Ea ie V ) h ut w any ( So Vie w rth Vie No ion at ev El ew Vi ew an Vi Pl us io ts i ev Pr Lim ts om en Zo Ext w om do Zo Win m o Zo n Pa aw dr Re do rd Re oa do lipb Un o C t py Co ) t ex in iD Pr La e G) fil P or J ve le ( GI Sa fi ,A rt AD po (C e Ex fil rt po Im file en Op le fi w Ne d Ad po w t in e t in am tN in e Vi po w e Vi po w t in t in po w e Vi te da Up ie lV tL in ist po w e Vi te le De l ro Sc po w e Vi r Cu M e n ce er ag an S nt re e en Sc t ec oj Pr nt rre Cu er y ag n) tit an ow En sh t M sfer e ec an od oj Tr m Pr c nt d al C re to ur ho (c et d Au n u y M tho d io en it o n er M ios Me eth isio rit d C y te la l Ra nl y M div ng lcu Ful ct O Onl Sub ppi y ar Ca r re t e to Di irec tiv y S sso mm D ap sit ce Su Ad dio Pro on Ra tch lati Ba alcu C s r on te isi e iv ram bd Pa Su Set M (c e od Ro s er et ce m er ra ra w ) yt Pa Vie er Ra Set ge Off ld a n/ Fo ion (O Im ge ulat gs y ma tin et tud y I Sim t S t S ud al gh gh St nu i l yli ht An y Da Da ylig ht g Da yli Da r ) or e at iz wn s ol im tim o To Est Op e sh n m ay od sig o w Ro ad nt m re ur De rts po Re e od e od M M er nd el od Re M Menus from Control Toolbar Model Mode AGi32 version 20 Common Toolbar Viewpoints Toolbar Mode Tabs & Control Toolbar AGi32 version 20 Model Mode Switch Luminaire (toggle on/off ) Luminaire Toolkit Switch Luminaire On (SWA) Define Luminaire Switch Luminaire Off (SWA) Locate Luminaire Change Channel (luminaire) Single click locate (use toolbar) Two click locate (set, orient) Two click locate (set, aim) Current luminaire (type) Change Channel (within polygon) Change Channel (within entity) Curent Channel Luminaire Template switch (on/off ) Template Settings Mounting Height (toolbar setting) Delete All Templates Orient angle (toolbar setting) Tilt angle (toolbar setting) Roll angle (toolbar setting) Spin angle (toolbar setting) Z-Coord of aiming point (toolbar setting) Magnify Luminaire Symbol Group Luminaires Create a Group Explode a Group Switch Aiming Vectors (toggle on/off ) (SWA) - Select by: Single, Window, All Array Luminaire Move Luminaire - Same aiming angles (SWA) Switch Aiming Vectors On (SWA) Move Luminaire - Same aiming points (SWA) Switch Aiming Vectors Off (SWA) Move Luminaire & Orient Lock Luminaires (SWA) Mirror Luminaire (SWA) Unlock Luminaires (SWA) Array along a line Array rectangular Array polar Change Luminaire Mounting Height Same aiming angles (SWA) Luminaire Photometric Web Change Luminaire Mounting Height Same aiming points (SWA) Copy Luminaire (SWA) Luminaire Labels Specification (details) Specify Labels Change web visibility Delete Labels Move a Label Luminaire Sort Delete Luminaire (SWA) Luminaire Aiming Diagram Edit Luminaire (position,aiming) (SWA) Swap Luminaire Type (SWA) Re-aim Luminaire Re-orient Luminaire Parametric Mirror (add) Parametric Mirror (modify) Delete a mirror (SA) Switch a mirror on/off AGi32 version 20 Model Mode Create Round Object Rooms and Objects Toolkit Cut Object Opening Object shapes Surface Edit Cut in side Cut in top Selection options Default shape Cut in bottom Delete Opening (SWA) Create Planar Object Dynamic Edit Move Edge or Node (Any/Object?Room) Add Object from Library Array Object Add/Remove Node (Any/Object?Room) Array rectangular Array polar Copy Room Copy Object (SWA) Delete Room Edit Room Create luminaire symbol from Objects (SW) Mirror Room Delete Object Move Room Disable Object (SWA) Label Room Edit Object Delete label Explode Object Move label Mirror Object (SW) Cut Room Opening Move Object (SW) Cut in Wall Create Rectangular Room Room shape options Default shape Rotate Object Cut in Flat Ceiling Rotate one Object (default) Cut in Floor Rotate multiple Objects (Window) Rotate using angles (single) Delete Room Opening (SWA) Rotate using angles (multiple) Create Rectangular Object Object shape options Default shape Create Round Room Scale Object Label Object Delete Label Move Label Room shape options Add Objects to Library (SW) Default shape Group Objects (SWA) Create Polygon Object Create Polygon Room (SWA) - Select by: Single, Window, All Create flat top and bottom (default) Create Vertical Extrusion AGi32 version 20 Model Mode Calculations Toolkit Automatically place calculation points Remove calculation points (masking) Remove by selection type Place rectangular grid of calculation points ...using 2 point input (orthogonal) ...using 3 point input (angle) Place a line of calculation points Remove by selecting an entity type Replace removed calculation points (SWA) Place a polygon of calculation points (any shape) Place calculation points at random Place Statistical Area Delete Statistical Area (SWA) Place Daylight Factor calculation points Edit Statistical Area Place Glare Rating calculation points Obtrusive Light Calculations Move Statistical Area label Obtrusive Light Compliance Test Place Intensity & Illuminance grid Toggle between intensity and offending luminaire number Place Threshold Increment grid (SWA) - Select by: Single, Window, All Add LPD Area Delete LPD Area (SWA) Edit LPD Area Place Roadway Luminance calculation points Move LPD Area label Place UGR calculation points Delete calculation point grids (SWA) Edit calculation point grid Move calculation point grid Label calculation point grids Delete labels Move labels Add Isolines Add calculated value highlighting (ranges) AGi32 version 20 Model Mode Status Bar (bottom of screen) Drawing/Schedules Toolkit Line Width (pixel or scaled ft/m) Line Color Line Type Command Line (bottom left of screen) Coordinate Display (X,Y,Z) Toolkit switch (click to hide/unhide) Draw Arc Statistics Window switch (click to hide/unhide) Place Axis (coordinates) Hint Window switch (click to hide/unhide) Add Block Draw Circle Draw 3D Box (not an object) Background Images (click to enable/disable) Settings for Background Images Units Display and access Dimension Draw Line Draw Rectangle Settings for Design Isolines Array Lines (SWA) Snap On/Off and Setting (F3) Copy drawing entities (SWA) (SWA) - Select by: Single, Window, All Design Isolines switch (click to enable/disable) Ortho On/Off (F8) Create Block Create Luminaire Symbol (model mode) (SWA) Snap To selections (click to disable/enable) Delete drawing entity (SWA) Explode drawing entity (SWA) Mirror drawing entity (SWA) Move drawing entity (SWA) Edit drawing entity (SWA) Rotate drawing entity (SWA) Scale drawing entity (SWA) Snap To status and settings (F3) Add Text Edit Text Add Schedule Edit Schedule Redraw Display (red is not current) AGi32 version 20 Render Mode Render Mode - Status Bar (base of screen) Render Mode - View Toolkit Command line (LLHC screen) Add a Viewpoint (animation) Select Scene Toggle Toolkit (on/off ) Animation Viewpoint playback Toggle Statistics window (on/off ) Toggles Hint window (on/off ) Play animation Units display Toggle slow/fast refresh and animation speeds Toggle Texture display (on/off ) Toggle Wire Overlay (on/off ) Adjust display refresh for interactive movement Model Overlay Settings Toggle Model Overlay (on/off ) Adjust animation (movement) speeds for interactive commands Pseudocolor Settings Exposure Toggle Pseudocolor (pseudo/rgb) Observer Eye Position Enable Anti-Aliasing Observer Focus Position Anti-Aliasing Setting Render Mode - Toolbar M an s ng tti Se s em st ng Sy etti s S ng tti ew Vi y Se la ger sp a Di ew Vi om Zo te ta Ro n Pa k al W t bi Or lly Do ip Cl ew Vi NW w e Vi NE w e Vi SE w e Vi SW iew V ck Ba iew t V iew on e V Fr id t S ew i gh Ri eV d Si w ft e Vi Le m tto Bo w e Vi p To py Co t in Pr e Fil ve Sa File rt po e Ex t Fil r po Im File en Op ile F w Ne Render Mode - Viewpoints Toolbar d Ad vi e t in nt i po ew nt i po ew po ew vi vi t in ts in po ew po w ie ist tl in vi te da m Na Up te le De ll v ro Sc po ew Vi AGi32 version 20 Reports Mode Reports Toolkit Reports - Drawing/Schedules Toolkit Redraw Page (green is current) Line Width (pixel or media units) Line Type Line Color Report Name Draw Arc New Report Place Axis (coordinates) Open Report Add Block Save Report Draw Circle Report Properties (edit) Draw 3D Box (not an object) Current Page and Total # Pages Dimension Previous Page (Ctrl-PgDn) Page Selector (current depressed) Draw Line Next Page (Ctrl-PgUp) Draw Rectangle Set Current Page as Master Page Page Selector - Dynamic Report (locked +) Command line and coordinate display Toggle Toolkit display Insert Blank Page Insert Copy of Current Page Insert Saved Page Toggles Hint window (on/off ) Lock/Unlock Page Toggle Snap and Setting (F9) Toggle Ortho (F8) Rotate drawing entity (SWA) Lock Report Unlock Report Scale drawing entity (SWA) Create Block Add Text Delete drawing entity (SWA) Edit Text Explode drawing entity (SWA) Add Schedule Move drawing entity (SWA) Edit Schedule Reports - Main Toolbar Move Current Page Left Move Current Page Right s ng tti Se ce em tan st s Sy Di re su rea ea A M re su ew ea Vi M us s io nt ev te Pr -Ex w o om d Zo -Win om Zo n Pa aw dr do Re (SWA) - Select by: Single, Window, All do Create Imageport Re Create Viewport Un Save Current Page t in Pr ile F ve e Sa t Fil r po Im File en Op ile F w Snap-To Settings Copy drawing entities (SWA) Ne Toggle Snap-To (F3) Edit drawing entity (SWA) Delete Page Toggle Statistics display Page Units Array Lines (SWA) Clear Page Contents AGi32 version 20 Keyboard Shortcuts (cntd.) General Keystroke nd Qu er V ick iew Ad po d int Sn s ap To Ar c Fli p An tiAl ia sin g M od el Ov er la Or y th o Sn Te xt ur es Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow F2 F5 F6 F9 F10 F11 F12 F1 F3 F4 F7 F8 Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Page Up at e Page Down Mouse Functions Left click: Select L Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow cu l Ca l Ov er W ire ap Ar c, Gr id la y Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Re He l p Function Keys R Model • • Increase schedule size Decrease schedule size Increase Z by snap value Decrease Z by snap value • • Right click: Accept selection Terminate command Restart last command Ctrl+Page Up Center (wheel): Scroll - Zoom Press+Hold+Drag - Pan Shift+Press+Hold+Drag - Orbit Home Zoom in End Zoom out Ctrl+Page Down Keyboard Shortcuts Keystroke Model Render Page Builder Left Arrow Pan left Interactive-drag mouse left Pan left Right Arrow Pan right Interactive-drag mouse right Pan right Up Arrow Pan up Interactive-drag mouse up Pan up Down Arrow Pan down Interactive-drag mouse down Pan down Shift+ Left Arrow Rotate Isometric+5 degrees Slows Interactive action • Shift+ Right Arrow Rotate Isometric-5 degrees Slows Interactive action • Shift+ Up Arrow Tilt Isometric-5 degrees Slows Interactive action • Shift+ Down Arrow Tilt Isometric+5 degrees Slows Interactive action • Render Page Builder Speeds Interactive action Speeds Interactive action • Speeds Interactive action • • Speeds Interactive action • • • Increase Z by snap value Decrease Z by snap value • • Next page • • Zoom in Previous page Zoom out Ctrl+Home • • Zoom in Viewport Ctrl+End • • • Zoom out Viewport Ctrl+A Add luminaire Ctrl+C Copy (limited) Ctrl+D Ctrl+F Ctrl+L • Parametric mirror Off • Copy (limited) • • • • • • Toggle Viewport visibility • Lock Report • Ctrl+N Parametric mirror On Ctrl+O File Open File Open File Open Ctrl+P File Print File Print File Print Ctrl+S File Save File Save File Save Ctrl+Left Arrow • • Pan Viewport left Ctrl+U • • Unlock Report Ctrl+Right Arrow • • Pan Viewport right Ctrl+V • Paste to Imageport or Background Image Ctrl+Up Arrow • Pan Viewport up Ctrl+W Ctrl+Down Arrow • • • • • Ctrl+Y Redo Redo Redo Alt+ Up/Down Arrow Alt+ Left/Right Arrow Shift+Alt+ Left/Right Arrow Shift+Ctrl & hold Pan Viewport down Open Viewpoints • Dynamic Luminaire Tilt adjustment (+/-) Dynamic Luminaire Roll adjustment (+/-) Dynamic Luminaire Spin adjustment (+/-) • • Ctrl+Z Undo • Undo • • • • Esc Cancel Cancel Cancel Locate multiple aiming points from one location • • Shift & hold Select luminaire Z filter Ctrl & hold Disable parametric mirror Enter number • Set Eye & Focus • • • • •