Travelling with Nouns One student starts by naming the noun for something that he needs on his trip, like: "I'm going on a trip and I am taking _____." The noun must start with an "a." The next student will repeat the sentence, repeat the first student's noun, and add a noun that starts with a "b." Learning targets: identify common or proper, count or noncount, concrete or abstract , collective nouns classify nouns according to gender; compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures; and recognize the need to make clear and coherent sentences using appropriate kinds of nouns. • Direction: Fill in the table with nouns that corresponds to each column. Person 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Place Thing Idea Nouns Singular VS. Plural Irregular Nouns Common Noun is a general type of a noun. It does not specify a person, place, thing, or idea. It is not capitalized. Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place, organization, or thing. Proper nouns begin with a capital letter. Count and Non-count Nouns Concrete Noun is a person, place, or thing that has a physical presence that a person can experience with their five senses: sight, scent, taste, touch, or hearing. Abstract Noun a noun denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object. Collective Nouns are names for a collection or a number of people or things. Four Noun Genders Clown is a Noun by Lill Pluta Clown is a noun. Car is a noun too. A clown in a car zips off to the zoo. He meets his friend, Sue. Sue is a gnu. Sue hops in the car with her buddy, Jack. Jack is so shaggy. Jack is a yak. Where they meet a crab, whose name is José. They shout, “Let's be friends!” José says, “Okay!” Five pals in a car drive back into town.