Is parental supervision same as parental control? Cooped up at home with a pandemic raging outside, this question is perhaps on every student’s mind. I Hania Imran stand before you as a vouch for a motion that no, parental supervision is not the same as parental supervision and yet affects the child poorly. Now we as today’s opposition strongly believe that this is not true, but before we come to our actual argumentation, let us first define some important terms in this debate. Parental supervision, it is looking after, or monitoring a child's activities by a parent; whereas parental controlling is being overprotective. The most basic form of parental supervision is required to keep children from hurting themselves or others; to keep them away from dangerous objects and situations. Parental supervision is keeping an eye on the children but letting them experience the seasons of life. Controlling parents are nonresponsive to their children’s emotional and psychological needs. They constrain, invalidate, and manipulate the kids’ psychological experience. Controlling children poorly may cause certain problems, such as Unrealistic expectations and doomed to fail scenarios. The child is expected to meet irrational, unhealthy, or simply unattainable standards, and is punished at times if and when they don’t. Those punishment may not be physical but wound a word creates is fatal sometimes. Secondly, Unreasonable, unilateral rules and regulations, destroy child’s parental peace. Negotiating to the children, taking time to explain things, setting principles that apply to all members of the family and society, controlling parents set strict rules that apply only to the child, or only to certain people. That surely harms a child’s personality and prepares introvert or extreme extrovert. Balance and rhythm are disturbed. A controlling mother has a massive psychological impact on her children, regardless of why she exhibits such behavior. Controlling parents often tend to be anxious, paranoid and possessive. They struggle with true intimacy and can be extremely defensive. They take conflicts personally, very rarely apologize and it is almost impossible to disagree with them without receiving a forceful backlash. To sum up, here are the main points our opponents have not addressed. Anxiety is a normal part of parenting. For some parents, however, a traumatic past or personality limitations stop them from being the best caregivers they can be. Their unregulated and overwhelming angst will spill over into a tendency to over-control, affecting their children in invisible but long-lasting ways. Not all controlling parents present with the same set of behaviors. Some controlling parents express their underlying fears through aggression, or by being highly critical Thank You! Hania Imran VIII C