Sections: 1…….………………………………………….……………………………………… General Info/Introduction 2..………………………………………………….……………………………………BMR, TDEE, and Weighing 3……….………………………………………….……………………………………………. The Macronutrients 4……………………………………….……………………………………………………………Controlling Hunger 5………………………………….………………………………………………………………………Carbohydrates 6…………….…………………….………………………………………………………………………………. Volume 7……………………………………….………………………………………………………………. Flexible Dieting 8…………………………………………….………………………………………………………………Supplements 9………………………….………………….………………………………………………………………………. Hacks 10……….…………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….…Misc. 11.…………………………………………….………………………………………………………………My Journey 12…………………………………………………………………………….…………….Meal Plan Comparisons 13……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….Final Notes 1. Introduction I’d like to start this guide by saying a few things to you. First of all, cutting down is one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do. The commitment, the patience, and the discipline it requires is unmatched. There’s a huge difference between “simple” and “easy”. When it comes to cutting and losing fat, it’s simple, but not easy Next, I want to tell you that everyone around you is in your corner. You’re never alone when embarking on this journey and you have every bit of support from us all, I guarantee you that. As well, I want to make this guide as casual and digestible as possible while also making it as informative as I can, so I won’t be a complete nerd throughout. This guide, also, is in line with everything I’ve learned from my own research so as far as I know, anything you see in here is correct according to the current scientific knowledge of nutrition. I tend to base my information on scientifically proven results, as they’re the ones that have been shown to work effectively. Lastly, I may leave bits out of this guide unintentionally and some parts may be unclear, so please ask questions if you have any and I’ll always be happy to answer you or guide you in the right direction. Let’s get started with the information! When it comes to cutting down in weight, you’ll need to be in a caloric deficit (Calories out > Calories in). There’s a right way and a wrong way to do this. Losing fat is easy, but doing it properly isn’t. In 1lb of fat, there’s 3,500 calories. This means that for you to lose 1lb of fat, you need to get rid of 3,500 calories. Let’s say you want to lose 1lb of fat in 1 week. This means that in 7 days, you need to have an energy balance of -3500cal, so a daily energy balance of -500cal is required. Your caloric deficit for the day will need to be 500 calories. For example, if you burn 2,500 calories in a day, you’ll need to eat 2,000 calories daily in order to lose 1lb of weight per week. (when weight is lost the correct way, around 80-90% of it is fat). This calorie deficit can be changed to your own liking. For example, if you want to lose 1/2lb of fat per week, you should eat at a caloric deficit of 250 calories per day. Smaller deficits are recommended to yield better results. Slow and steady wins this race by a mile. An important thing to remember is that nothing will be instant. Patience and willpower will very much be needed to complete your journey. Hitting your calorie goal once will not make any difference to your body composition. I won’t sugar-coat anything here, but it’s true. In saying that, I have no doubt in my mind that you have the willpower required to complete this task, Ben. I strongly recommend tracking your calories as accurately as possible using an app such as MyFitnessPal, and an electronic kitchen scale. Buy a scale if you don’t own one, it’s worth it. Remington James on YouTube has an excellent video explaining how to correctly use the app, and it’s a lifesaver. Having visual accountability in front of you makes you stop and think “do I REALLY need this extra food or am I just eating because I’m bored?” and that will be the biggest help here. One study showed that a group of females who claimed they were “small eaters” reported a daily intake of 1,340 calories. When their calories where tracked properly, it was revealed that they actually took in, on average, 2,586 calories per day. Its easy to misunderstand food portions and “healthy options”. Remember; healthy foods, such as nuts and seeds, still have calories and they can take you into a calorie surplus the same way any other foods can. Be careful about tracking your foods but don’t get overly obsessed with it. By the way, as I said before, if you track your calories on Christmas, you’re insane! Remember to have fun with food and have a good relationship with it, but just be a little bit more aware. Also, quick disclaimer that I am not an expert on this subject, and everything that I know about nutrition has been researched and I practise it myself. I can vouch for the scientific approach to fat loss but what worked well for me may not work as well for you. Hopefully most of these tips will apply to you as well and I wish you all the best. Finally, something I always kept in mind when losing fat and becoming leaner (keep in mind that I’m not finished yet and still have a ways to go, and I haven’t been doing perfectly when losing fat), is that I wanted to look like a footballer. Athletic body doesn’t look huge, but you can tell they’re strong and fast, that kind of thing. I’d recommend keeping visual cues around you to always remind yourself of what you’re working towards, but for the love of god don’t compare yourself to others, that’ll only ruin your mental health 2. BMR, TDEE, and Weighing This section will cover energy expenditure and how to correctly track and log your weight to check if progress has been made. BMR Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR is the amount of energy your body requires at rest. This number, which can be calculated using the Mifflin St-Jeor formula will tell you how many calories your body will burn if you were to lie down and do nothing but breathe for 24 hours. This accounts for about 65% of your daily energy expenditure. Formula: 10 x (weight in kg) + 6.25 x (height in cm) – 5 x (age) + 5 TDEE Your TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure is how many calories your body will burn on an average day while not at rest. To find this, we will multiply your BMR by an activity factor, keeping in mind that this will be an estimate and real-world testing is the best way to actually find this number. Your TDEE is made up of your BMR, your NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), your exercise, and the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF), all of which will be discussed later. Activity factors: Sedentary – BMR x 1.2 (little to no exercise) Lightly Active – BMR x 1.375 (light exercise 1-3 days per week) Moderately Active – BMR x 1.55 (exercise 3-5 days per week) Heavily Active – BMR x 1.725(hard exercise 6-7 days per week) Using These Numbers Once you have figured out your TDEE, and decided how much weight you want to lose, it’s time to put that into practise. Eat that many calories for 1 week and compare your weight then to your starting weight. If you have gained weight, decrease your calories. We see here that BMR accounts for about 70% of your daily energy expenditure, NEAT will account for about 15%, TEF accounts for about 10%, and your exercise during the day accounts for just 5%! Correctly Weighing Yourself Knowing how to weight yourself correctly is vital when tracking your progress. Here are some tips on how to do it most accurately. - Weigh yourself daily, before you eat or drink anything, and after you’ve used the bathroom Repeat this process every day, and record your weight as accurately as possible each day Find the weekly average of these weights (add all 7 weights up and divide by 7) and track this weekly average separately. Daily fluctuations will occur, and they do not matter. As long as the weekly average is consistently going down at the correct rate, fat loss is occurring! It’s important to be diligent with carrying out this process daily in order to maximise the effectiveness of your fat loss techniques. However, don’t stress if you miss one day here and there, you’ll be able to take a guess based on the recorded weights of other days. “Why did my weight go up overnight even though I ate in a deficit?” A common question. There are a few reasons for this to happen. You may have eaten more carbs than usual, which will cause a larger amount of water retention due to higher levels of glycogen being stored in your muscles. You may have eaten more salt which will also cause more water to be held by your body. Another reason for this is that you may have eaten later at night than usual and there’s some food left in your stomach undigested that didn’t come out with your morning bathroom visit. Also, there’s a chance you may be “blocked up” downstairs. This is not fat gain! This is food + water gain! I know it’s hard, but don’t let a higher than usual morning weigh-in determine your caloric intake for the day, this will only make your relationship with food go downhill. Just continue as you were and make sure your weekly average is going down. 3. The Macronutrients There are 3 macronutrients. What are they? Carbs (4 calories per gram) Carbs are misunderstood. They do not make you fat, but they provide you with the energy your body needs to perform. The human body has evolved to use carbs as an energy source so there’s no need to cut them out whatsoever. If you want to improve your future health and your current energy levels, however, then I’d recommend avoiding too much sugar and getting lots of fibre (this will keep you full as well as slow down the digestion of sugars, minimising spikes in insulin levels in the blood.) Good sources of carbs: Rice, pasta, potatoes, legumes, fruit, oats, vegetables Poor sources of carbs: Sugary snacks, sugary drinks, alcoholic beverages Fats (9 calories per gram) Fats, as well as carbs are given a bad rap unfortunately. Back in the 80’s and 90’s there was a study done (funded by the sugar industry!!) which stated that if you eat foods high in fat, you’ll get fat. In 2019 we now know that the only thing that makes you fat is a calorie surplus. Fats are an important part of our diets to maintain hormonal balance, keep up a healthy sex drive, and assist in joint and ligament lubrication/flexibility. Saturated (e.g dairy) and unsaturated fats (e.g nuts, fish, olive oil) are okay to eat, while trans fats should be avoided. Try to get more unsaturated than saturated fats, though. Good sources: Nuts, seeds, oily fish, avocados, olive oil, avocados, butter Poor sources: Fried foods, crisps, lard, margarine, butter substitutes Protein (4 calories per gram) The most important macro when it comes to performance and body composition. When it comes to bulking, protein is needed to build new muscle mass, and when cutting, it is needed to maintain muscle mass while losing fat. The quality of protein varies in different foods, and some foods provide more usable protein for the body than others. For example, 30g of egg white protein provides about 28g of usable protein to the body, whereas something like red lentils would provide about 16g of usable protein. This is known as the bioavailability of a protein. Animal based proteins tend to be much more bioavailable than plant-based proteins, but don’t write off plant proteins. Chickpeas, beans, lentils, rice, peas, and soy all provide amazing amounts of clean, lean protein while also enhancing any dish you can think of. Good sources: Dairy, meat, fish, beans, nuts, soy (edamame), eggs Poor sources: Non-whole foods, meats high in fat When deciding how much of each macronutrient to take in each day, I’d recommend this ratio Protein: 1g/lb of bodyweight Fat: 15-20% of your total calorie intake Carbs: The remainder of your calories To help visualise this, I’ll use myself as an example. As I weigh 71kg, this is equal to 156lbs. As a result, I will take in 156g protein per day. As I eat 2520 calories per day, 20% of this is 504 calories. If we divide this by 9 (fat contains 9 calories per gram) we see that I would try to get about 56g of fat per day. (156x4) + (56x9) = 1,128 calories per day without carbs. There are now another 1392 calories to take in through carbs 1392 divided by 4 (4 calories per gram in carbs) is 348. I will get about 348g of carbs per day. Pretty simple right? Lastly, carb to fat ratios are not important and can be tailored to fit your tastes. Low carb diets have yielded the same results as low fat diets in the past as long as a protein intakes and calorie deficits have remained the same. The most important thing to remember is to reach your protein goal each day and remain in a caloric deficit. Fats and carbs can be interchanged if you’d like. Technically there are 4 macros if we include alcohol, but I’d suggest minimising alcohol intake unless you can budget for it with your other foods for the day. Remember, 1 gram of alcohol contains 7 EMPTY calories. It will provide you with no nutritional benefit either. Sorry to be the bearer of that news but it’s true! 4. Controlling Hunger One of the most difficult parts of cutting is the hunger that comes with it. It’s not easy to deal with hunger, but you’re going to have to unfortunately. When your body is burning more energy that you are giving it, you’ll enter a state known as “homeostatic hunger” during which your body will demand more food so that it can maintain your levels. Cutting down in weight involves fighting this demand and losing the fat that your body has stored for moments like this. Luckily, there are a few ways to get past this with relative ease. When you eat, the food causes gastric distension (the expansion of the stomach) and this triggers the release of leptin, the “fullness hormone”. Leptin is the hormone that suppresses appetite and tells your brain that you’ve eaten, and you’re satisfied. The best way to trigger the release of leptin is to eat high volume, low energy foods, such as vegetables. Let’s take a situation in which you could eat 500 calories worth of broccoli or 500 calories worth of nuts. 500 calories of broccoli weighs about 1.5kg, while 500 calories of nuts weighs about 90g. The effect that 90g of nuts would have on your hunger is minimal to 1.5kg of broccoli, which is why high volume foods are so helpful when it comes to fat loss. Another great way to maximise satiety is to eat foods that are more filling. The satiety index of foods is a great way to find which foods will keep you full for longer and prevent you from overeating. For example, boiled white potatoes are the most satiating food on the planet. If you include these in your diet, your feeling of fullness will be much higher than if you ate a croissant with lunch, for example. 0 calorie foods are an excellent way of feeling full without taking in calories. Diet drinks, sugar free jelly, and black coffee are my personal favourite choices. Caffeine, found in coffee, is a powerful appetite suppressant so utilising black coffee would be a very handy weight to feel satisfied. Artificial sweeteners aren’t much of a worry in my opinion. Diet drinks and sugar free foods will all contain artificial sweeteners (most commonly Aspartame, Sucralose, Stevia, Xylitol, Erythritol, Acesulfame K, and Saccharin) and I’ll discuss these in the “hacks” section 5. Carbohydrates The scary macro. The debated macro. The “Do I, Don’t I” macro. Carbs are the hot topic of dieting at the moment and keto dieting is the most popular fad diet out there right now (Keto is a low carb diet), and I don’t buy it at all. Think about a low carb diet. These diets take rice out of a meal and replace it with cauliflower. All this does is reduce the calories of the meal, making it easier to be eating in a caloric deficit. Simple as that. Carbs are fine. We need them to perform. If you plan on expelling energy in the gym or out on the field, you will need carbs. Athletes eat carbs, footballers eat carbs. Why? Performance and energy. There’s no reason not to eat good sources of carbs. Let’s break carbs down into groups. We have simple carbs, and complex carbs Simple Carbs are less desirable. These are single units of sugar molecules, known as “monosaccharides” and are digested extremely quickly by the body and will cause a spike in blood sugar levels. The energy levels received by monosaccharides are not sustained and not great for you, to be honest. If you need a quick burst of energy, they can be useful, but its best to avoid sugary snacks and sweet treats. Try eating a banana or an orange for an extra kick instead. These contain fibre and so will sustain your energy for longer. Complex carbs: Also known as polysaccharides, will steadily increase and decrease the blood sugar levels in the body, giving you a slow release of energy for a longer period of time than sugars will. These will also be more filling than sugars, making it easier to maintain that all important calorie deficit. Also, the fibre content of these foods will offset the digestion speeds of the sugars that are contained in them, preventing blood sugar spikes and increasing insulin sensitivity. Good sources of complex carbs would be rice, oats, wholegrains, and potatoes. Fibre: Eat as much as you possibly can. Fibre is super filling and not fully digestible by the body. Fibre is highest in vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, asparagus and other greens. It’s also found in fruit. Oats will provide good fibre too, which is why I’d recommend porridge to anyone. 6. Volume This will be a short chapter as I’ve already discussed high volume foods in the section on controlling your hunger. I’ll just repeat some of the important details outlined in that section in order to make it clear that high volume foods are the key to success when losing fat. High volume foods make you feel full by causing gastric distension and giving you that feeling of satiation without providing so many calories that it takes you out of a caloric deficit. These high-volume foods generally tend to be foods that are considered healthy, such as fruits and vegetables. These foods will provide you with helpful vitamins and minerals which will keep your body running smoothly and keep your mind healthy as well as your body. Water, as well, is the best of the best when it comes to volume. Feeling hungry? Drink a pint of water! Sometimes, when you feel hungry, you’re actually experiencing thirst, but your brain makes a mistake and tells you to eat rather than drink. Water will give your 0 calories, while filling you up. Also, why would you not drink water? It’s a vital part of your daily diet. A study in 2008 by Latner et al. showed that high volume meals helped to decrease hunger, desire to eat, excitement about eating, desire for dessert, and loss of control when eating in control meals. BONUS: Because this chapter is so short I though I’d put something extra here to really squeeze as much value out of this as possible. Its just a piece of advice I have for you, and I wanted to tell you that you’re going to mess up during your dieting. You will have a slight blowout binge or maybe many of them, and you’re going to feel terrible about it. I know because I’ve had my fair share of them. Don’t worry, metabolic adaptation will save you, and all is not lost! Its important to remember that all is not lost if you binge. Your metabolism will adapt and as long as it’s a once off thing there will be no detrimental effects. Some people give up when they binge, and just say “F**k it, I’ve ruined it now, there’s no point in continuing” but this is the wrong way to think. Just get back on track, forget the binge ever happened, and move on. Chances are you only added 5-600 calories to your day, which, depending on how big your deficit was beforehand, might have only taken you slightly above your maintenance calories. One study showed that people who ate in a caloric surplus of 1500cal for 3 days straight gained minimal fat. 7. Flexible Dieting What a life saver. Flexible dieting really is a beautiful thing and while cutting, you’ll really come to appreciate it. As we discussed in Lisbon, the best type of diet is the one you can stick to in the long term, and the one that you like the most. All these fad diets (keto, paleo, etc) are just fancy ways of putting you in a caloric deficit. Flexible dieting, in my opinion, is the way to go. When most people start a diet, the go all out. They cut out sugar, they cut out food groups, and the overly restrict themselves. This restriction leads to cravings and temptations, binging, and ultimately it leads to failure. About 80% of dieters end up right back at their starting points because they can’t sustain their diets and are too restrictive. Flexible dieting has been shown to be the most effective and sustainable method of dieting when it comes to fat loss. I personally follow the 80/20 rule, whereby if I know that 80% of my calories for the day come from nutritious, mineral rich, body-benefitting foods, the other 20% can be from whatever I want, as long as I remain in a deficit. Example: I eat 2500 calories per day. If 80% (2000) of those calories come from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins etc, the other 20% (500) of the calories can be from whatever I like. If you’re like me and you feel guilty after eating a 500-calorie sweet treat every day, try to find whole foods that you really enjoy but consider a treat. For example, if I want something nutritious but still a little bit naughty, I go for a big bowl of protein oats. This includes 100g of porridge oats, 100ml of unsweetened soymilk, and 25g of whey protein. All of these foods will benefit me, but it’s a super delicious treat to have after work of after football. If you don’t feel guilty about treats, then go right ahead. As long as your treat is no more than 20% of your daily calories, and doesn’t affect your calorie deficit, then you’re golden! Enjoy your big fat Nutella sandwich if that’s what you desire! Flexible dieting makes it fun, rewarding, and a lot easier. 8. Supplements Are they needed? Hell no. Can they help? Hell yeah. There are 3 dietary supplements in the fitness industry that have been backed by scientific research, and I’d recommend 2 of them. Whey Protein: Also (incorrectly) known as liquid gains, can be of great benefit to you when dieting. Protein is the most satiating macronutrient, meaning it keeps you full for the longest time of all of them. A high protein diet can lead to additional fat loss due to the high thermic effect of protein. The thermic effect of foods will be discussed a little later. Whey protein is not a necessary thing to use. It will not magically build muscle for you, and it will not directly make any changes in your body. It can, however, make it a LOT easier to reach your daily protein goals without taking in a metric butt ton of extra calories. I can recommend using whey protein if you struggle to reach your protein goals, but it’s better to get your protein from whole foods such as eggs, lean meat, dairy, and plant-based proteins. Caffeine: This is a super potent supplement and can really help when dieting. Caffeine is a known appetite suppressant and will help to curve cravings. As well as the dietary aspect, its touted as the main active ingredient in pre-workouts. This is because caffeine has been shown to increase focus, decrease the rate of muscle fatigue, and decrease RPE (rate of perceived exertion) which means you can do more work than you usually can without even realising it. Side effects of caffeine are all too real though. I’d recommend cycling your intake (use it some days, but not other days) in order to prevent a tolerance, or worse, a dependence. We don’t want anything hindering performance and overall health. According to Dullo et al. in 1989, 100mg of caffeine taken in per day can increase daily energy expenditure by 80-150 calories Creatine: Studied, researched, backed, but I don’t use it. I don’t feel the need to use it, but it’s up to you whether you do or not. I can’t recommend it as I haven’t researched it myself. 9. Hacks This chapter will outline little hacks that have made it easier for me to diet and might help you as well. - - - - - - Drink lots of water. It’ll make you feel good and it’ll fill you up too. About 3L per day should work. (Daniels and Popkin, in 2010, showed that a higher water intake lead to a lower energy intake which could prevent obesity rates.) Eat plenty of protein. The thermic effect (calories used to digest it) is about 2030% so the more calories you take in from protein, the less that are absorbed. Remember that you can only take so much protein though and too much will just go to waste. Thermic effect of foods accounts for about 10% of your TDEE, and a higher protein diet will increase that further. Increase your NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis). NEAT should account for a significant portion of your TDEE and examples of NEAT include walking to places instead of driving, taking the stairs rather than the lift, and just moving more throughout the day. NEAT makes it easy to increase your energy expenditure without even thinking about it. High volume foods. We discussed these earlier, but they really do help to prevent overeating and accelerate fat loss. Sugar free snacks: Jelly and soft drinks are easy to get sugar free versions of. Diet coke, Pepsi max etc. all provide the same taste as regular tasty beverages without the sugar and the calories. Artificial sweeteners aren’t much of a problem in my opinion as the EU has set a safe limit for Aspartame (the most common artificial sweetener) as 40mg/kg of bodyweight per day. To put this into perspective, a 70kg person would need to drink 32 (yes, thirty-two) cans of diet coke per day to reach that limit. Anyone who does that has bigger problems than aspartame. Coffee: If you don’t want water, have a black coffee. As we discussed earlier, caffeine is a great appetite suppressant and can help prevent overeating. (Tremblay et al., 1988) Also, coffee is full of antioxidants which help keep you looking young and fresh – Result! Sugar free gum: Shown to suppress appetite if chewed before a meal (Hetherington, Regan, 2011) Keep occupied: Boredom and stress are the main causes of overeating, so if you feel either of those, go for a walk, BURN calories rather than ingesting them. Fat loss will be a breeze. If you still feel hungry after, then yes eat! That’s still allowed! 10. Miscellaneous Stuff Which Didn’t Get Their Own Chapters Plateaus: Weight loss plateaus are something that are common among dieters and they happen to everyone. They occur when suddenly your weight stops dropping, and your measurements don’t seem to be getting any better. I was stuck at 72kg for the longest time and it was frustrating, but I didn’t quit. There are a few things you could try. Firstly, have a diet break. If you’ve hit a plateau you’re probably pretty far into your diet and you’ve been eating in a caloric deficit for a while now. Your metabolism has now adapted to you taking in that many calories, and it will only burn than many in a day. For the next 7-10 days, eat at your maintenance calories. Re-find your TDEE with the formulae above and eat that many calories for a while. This will hopefully readapt your metabolism to a slightly higher intake of calories, and then you can shave 250500 calories off that per day in order to have your deficit back again. Another thing you can do, if you haven’t already, is start implementing cardio daily. Try walking/running for 10 extra minutes or move a little more during the day. This will burn even more calories on top of your original routine and will help you to lose more fat and break that plateau. Meal Timing: Doesn’t matter. Eat when and where you want. When people say, “Eating more often stokes your metabolism” NO! It doesn’t. the usual TEF values throughout the day is 10%. This means that if you take in 2500 calories in one meal in the day, 250 calories will be burned during the digestion of that meal on average. Same goes for eating 5x500 calorie meals per day. TEF will still take care of 10% of those calories, and with each meal, 50 calories will be burned through digestion. What’s 5x50? 250. Same number. So, whether you eat 1 meal, 2 meals, 3, 4, 5, or 6 meals per day is completely up to you, as long as the caloric deficit remains. Energy: Calories are simply units of energy. The more we eat, the more energy we have. The less we eat, the less energy we have. While in a calorie surplus, your body won’t be energised to its fullest, so don’t be surprised if you feel slightly tired physically, or you aren’t performing as well in the gym. This is normal during a diet. However, if it’s making you feel ill, then definitely eat at a smaller surplus by increasing your intake slightly. We want a happy Ben. Cholesterol: Eat the egg yolks. Don’t avoid them because an Instagram influencer has told you to. Egg yolks provide an excellent source of Protein, healthy fats, and vitamins. They help make the egg more filling and nutritious. The human body produces cholesterol on its own, and with more dietary cholesterol, the body will compensate and produce less of its own. However, don’t go overboard. 3 or 4 eggs per day will be fine but keep it to about that. Other animal-based foods will also contain cholesterol, so you don’t want to bombard your body with dietary sources of it. Same goes for fast food/junk food. It won’t make you gain weight directly, but obviously keep it too a minimum as it contains undesirable trans fats and non-heart healthy anti-nutrients. Keep 80% of your calories for nutrient dense, vitamin rich, healthy foods and you’ll be fine. I would recommend a largely plant-based diet for anyone as this will aid your general health, reduce your carbon footprint, and keep cholesterol low with nutrients high. Deficit size: When losing fat, some people tend to rush into large calorie deficits in order to lose as much weight as possible. But in order to lose it healthy and to maintain (and possibly still gain) lean body mass, its recommended that you stick to a deficit of 200-500 calories. This will optimise fat loss and minimise lean body mass loss. When losing weight, we want to make fat about 80-90% of the weight lost. This is the most ideal. Perfectionism: You don’t need to be perfect when dieting. The only people who require perfection are contest preppers and people who have nothing else going on. If you measure out 153g of broccoli, just track it as 150g. The extra 3g provides like 1 single calorie which we don’t need to worry about. The only things that should be measured carefully are fats. Peanut butter, for example, contains about 6 calories per gram so if you have 25g instead of 20g, that’s an extra 25 calories. Not a huge deal, but it can add up. Eating Speed: Eating food slowly (10-15mins per meal) has proven to cause the release of leptin after lower energy intakes than in meals eaten quicker. (Andrade et al. 2008) and over eating was reduced, with satiety increased upon meal completion. Set a timer and eat with a smaller spoon in order to savour, and enjoy your meal more. 11. My Journey October 2017 is the day that my journey began. A photo was taken of me and my football team and when looking back at it I thought “that can’t be me, can it?” I weighed in at 92kg and looked awful. I ate what I wanted and when I wanted, and it showed. I decided it was time for a chance. My dad bought a spinning bike for the family to use, so I went on that once a day for 20 minutes, and I went hard. I had no knowledge on training or nutrition for fat loss and I was flying blind. I did, however, manage to lose some weight, and start to look a little bit better. It was then that I decided to use some weights. I benched 30kg for 8 reps and because of my lack of knowledge on the subject, that’s all I did in order to “become stronger”. I also did a plank for the length of time it took for Eminem to spit his verse on “Forgot about Dre” (about 1 minute and 6 seconds I think) and that was my core work for the day. Pretty pathetic, right? I was down to about 85kg at that stage and felt a little bit better. I decided I should change how I ate as well. This was the part that got a little bit strange. In the next section I’ll speak about how I’ve changed my diet to become more flexible and to enjoy it more but for now I’ll just say the changes that I made at THIS time. Firstly, breakfast during school days went from 2 slices of toast with butter and Nutella, to 1 slice of toast with a fried egg. Lunch went from 2 sandwiches, a banana, an orange, 2 flapjacks, and maybe a bar, to 1 sandwich, 2 oranges, and a flapjack (which was way more calorie dense than I thought). My dinner remained as whatever mommy made for me on the day. That’s a pretty pathetic day of eating, right? You may be thinking “wow, he must’ve lost weight easy enough with that” nope, I didn’t. I was screwed over by snacks that I didn’t know the caloric value of. A brownie in a mug, the staple snack that I had almost daily. If I were to have guessed how many calories were in that I would’ve said about 350. How many are in it really? Oh, not many, only 800-1,000! Like man, what??? Jesus Christ I’ll never eat one of those again. But anyway yeah because of these major changes to my meals and the fact that I was still eating those horrific snacks, I was feeling terrible and I had an awful relationship with food. This sort of carried over into college as well. Heather can tell you I didn’t really eat all that much during college times. This was because of a lack of knowledge, and the fact that I thought I would bulk at 2,600 calories. I now know that I need 2,800 calories…. to maintain my weight! The sum up, simply looking up the caloric values of foods accurately and having a basic knowledge of your daily intake can be the difference between you gaining and losing weight, really. 12. Meal Plans As promised, I said I’d compare my old eating habits to my current, healthier habits. I have a really good relationship with food now and I’m feeling great about everything I eat. Old Breakfast: 1 slice of toast with 1 egg (155cal) New Breakfast: 80g oats, 100ml soymilk, raspberries, kiwi, whey protein (493cal) Old Lunch: Chicken sandwich, 2 oranges, a flapjack (about 730cal) New Lunch: Chicken breast, wholegrain rice pouch, green beans, 10 almonds (657cal) Old Dinner: Pesto pasta bake with baguette (I’d say about 800cal) New Dinner: Cod fillet, white potatoes, broccoli, baked beans, and then an apple, orange and a banana (763cal) Old Snack: Brownie in a cup (call it 900cal) New snack: 6 Weetabix (lol), 200ml soymilk, 30g casein (575cal) Old Macros: I haven’t a clue. Not a lot of protein, medium carbs, high fats, 2585cal New Macros: 174g Protein, 375g Carbohydrates, 33g Fat, 2490cal I ate low volume, low protein foods with high calorie density and didn’t exercise optimally – not an ideal combo! However, just by learning exactly what you’re learning right now, your relationship with food can be the best thing in your life. I love food and I love taking in all them calories. The diet above was mine during school. During college I was the opposite. I reckon I ate about 1800-2000 calories a day which simply wasn’t enough, and I became very skinny and undesirable. Nobody’s perfect, and there’s always more learning to do I also used myfitnesspal to create a meal plan for you. You can tailor this however you’d like, based off the knowledge gained from this guide, and your TDEE. Breakfast: 60g porridge made on water topped with 1tsp of honey and a banana, and 3 eggs on the side, with a whey protein shake after the gym Snack 1: Slimster bap with a can of tuna and 50g sweetcorn Lunch: Salmon fillet with a wholegrain rice pouch, 125g asparagus, an apple, and 15 almonds Snack 2: An orange Dinner: Chicken breast with 120g kidney beans, 130g chickpeas, and 150g broccoli Snack 3: 300g fat free cottage cheese with 20g Nutella mixed in (sounds gross but its delicious) Total calories: 2,497 Carbs: 270g Fat: 65g Protein: 191g As you can see, these meals aren’t all exactly “orthodox” or anything but they’re simple, quick, cheap to make and highly nutritious. You can adjust these to make them fit your macros and your preferences, this is just a guideline of what you could potentially do with your day. These meals are also easy to prep a few days beforehand. I like to cook my food in bulk so that I can have the next 2 or 3 days of meals ready at any time. - - - - - - 13. Final Notes Don’t be too restrictive. If you set a calorie target for the day that will leave you in a deficit, then reach that target. You don’t want to starve yourself. That will have the opposite effect of what we want to see. Don’t be afraid to go slightly over this target if needed. If it gets rid of a late-night hunger pain, then have a small snack before bed Remember to trust the process. The scientific approach to fat loss will be the most effective way. Progress will be slow and steady, don’t get to frustrated. Take pictures of your progress as well as tracking your weigh-ins. Progress may not always be seen on the scales but you’ll start to see small changes to your shape and physique after a few weeks. Be aware of the caloric values of food. Pay attention to nutritional info on the back of packages. There’s a reason the classic gym bro meal is chicken, broccoli, and brown rice. It’s super simple but really nutritious, beneficial, and will provide you with the fuel your body needs. As I mentioned before, “Fattening foods” do not exist. You can eat a McDonalds if you want, just as long as you remain in a calorie deficit. The reason they’re seen as fattening foods is the effect that they have on your hunger. They leave you still feeling hungry and wanting more food which makes it difficult to keep in a caloric deficit. Don’t get too hung up on cardio. 70% of fat loss is down to nutrition, 15% is strength training, 10% is rest, and 5% is cardio. If you rely too much on cardio, you’ll burn a lot of muscle as well as fat which will leave you looking “skinny-fat” (not big, but very little muscle in relation to fat) Spot-reducing fat is impossible. You can’t and won’t target fat loss in one specific part of your body, it will decrease evenly all over your body. The last place you’ll lose it from is the lower belly and the love handles, which is a shame because this is where most people will want it gone first. However, once you keep at it, follow a small caloric deficit, continue training, and eat whole, nutritious, satiating foods you’ll have no major problems during this time. If you do, come to me or anyone you know who has a knowledge of fat loss and nutrition, and ask any questions you may have. That will conclude the advice part of this guide. Hopefully you can take some knowledge away from this. The final part of this guide will be a little bit more personal. A message to Ben. I want to start off by saying that your weight doesn’t define you as a person. You have achieved so much in such a short space of time that no matter what you look like, or how much you weigh, there’s not a single reason in the world not to be proud of yourself. You’re 19 years old and you’ve already got a career in photography lined up for crying out loud! You’ve done spectacularly for yourself my good man and you shouldn’t let your weight be something that holds you back. In saying that, I also very much understand why you want to change your body. I’ve been in your situation before, and to be self-conscious about how your body looks is an awful feeling. I’ve been through it all during my weight loss journey. The sweating, the craving, and the tears, so please, no matter what or how you feel during your journey, don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for advice. I’ll always be more than happy to help as I know I would’ve wanted the same help when I struggled. You know the drill when it comes to training and you’re well versed in different training techniques, so I trust you can take care of that yourself. We all love you Ben, and there’s not a single doubt in my mind that you can get conquer this, as you have shown so many times in the past that you can conquer anything that has stood in your way. Weight loss is a small valley leading to a huge peak in your life. You can do this. By the way, you may have noticed that I have the knowledge and the info, but my English skills aren’t the best. Forgive me lol. Special thanks go to Cillian, Evelyn, Daniel, Jack, Conor, Niamh, Luke, Lauren, Chris, Heather, and Chris M _____________________________________________________________ _____ Credit to both Scott Murray and Jeremy Ethier for providing me with almost every bit of knowledge that I have on nutrition. They can be found on YouTube.