Property of Laborelec Technical seminar SESSION 1 “Mineral insulating oil and its application in a transformer” “Ageing and failure of insulating materials” “Importance of selecting good quality transformer oil” “Inhibited versus uninhibited insulating oils” Santiago, Chile, 14/06/2018 1 Property of Laborelec Some questions to be answered… What is inside a power transformer ? Why is there oil inside and why do we analyse it ? How does this transformer and its oil ages/fails (and how to stop it) ? Why should I use good quality transformer oil ? How should I do that ? What to choose: inhibited or uninhibited oils ? 2 Property of Laborelec Some basics & transformer ageing factors Large tank (‘chemical reactor’) containing … Copper windings Magnetic core material Insulating (mineral) oil Insulating paper Water Gases (air but also gases from degraded oil) Some other parts: Cooling radiators and fans Bushings Separate oil-filled compartment for OLTC / CB Conservator tank (with/without rubber bag) Silicagel Buchholz relay Oil sampling valve(s) Online monitoring devices … 3 Property of Laborelec Some basics & transformer ageing factors Functions of insulating oil are electrical insulation, cooling … but also information carrier of this vital equipment (!) By sampling and analysing insulating oil you can assess - ageing status of oil - ageing status of winding paper - presence of internal transformer faults, caused by design or construction abnormalities, ageing phenomenon, material incompatibility, inadequate maintenance of operation 4 Property of Laborelec Similar to blood analysis Functions of BLOOD is to transport oxygen, … … but also information carrier of HUMAN BODY (!) By sampling and analysing BLOOD, a doctor can assess - ageing status of HUMAN BODY - presence of DESEASES, …, caused by design * bad nutrition * insufficient movement * excessive smoking/alcohol * infections * family genetics * normal ageing *… - if more detailed and other specific tests are needed 5 Property of Laborelec Similar to blood analysis BLOOD ANALYSIS OIL CONDITION MONITORING Nurse Sampling technician Doctor Transformer/oil expert Regular check of sugar, iron, cholesterol, … Regular check of DGA, water, corrosive sulfur, … Trending is more important than absolute values Generic items (family related) Trending is more important than absolute values Generic items (transformer family related) If increase/decrease, extra actions * Confirmation sample/analysis * Specific blood analysis or X-rays/specialist doctor * Medication, more sports, healthy foods, … * Hospital and surgery If increase/decrease, extra actions * Confirmation sample/analysis * Specific oil analysis or electrical measurements * Re-passivation, dewatering, online monitoring, … * Outage and internal inspection/reparation One important difference: we can choose our oil type/quality, not our blood … 6 Property of Laborelec What is mineral transformer/insulating oil ? Source: Petroleum Natural gas (GTL-oil) Recycled mineral transformer oil Production: Vacuum distillation Solvent extraction and/or hydrogenation to remove impurities Blending with additives to improve some functional properties (pour point, oxidation stability, gassing tendency, …) Transformer oil quality has improved a lot over the last decades 7 Property of Laborelec What is mineral transformer/insulating oil composed of ? Mainly hydrocarbons: Typical composition of a transformer oil transformer oils 8 Property of Laborelec What is a hydrocarbon ? An organic molecule (mainly) composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. carbon atom hydrogen atom 9 Property of Laborelec Inhibited and uninhibited oil: what does it mean ? 10 Property of Laborelec What is DBPC ? DBPC = 2,6 DiButylParaCresol = BHT (Butylated HydroxyToluene) Other additives (DBDS, passivator IRG39) – see further 11 Property of Laborelec Some basics & transformer ageing factors How does insulating oil ages ? Ageing factors: Temperature Catalyst (esp. Cu) Oxygen Light Oil quality 12 Property of Laborelec Some basics & transformer ageing factors How does insulating paper ages ? 13 Property of LaborelecRemember that >99% of the water is inside the paper insulation and only very few water is dissolved in oil. Water equilibrium is largely depending on temperature ! Some basics & transformer ageing factors How does insulating paper ages ? Ageing factors: Temperature Water Oil degradation products (LMW acids) Paper quality (Kraft, TUP, NOMEX) 14 Property of Laborelec “The perfect transformer oil still has to be invented” Low cost High electrical insulation Good cooling capacity (low viscosity, low VI, high thermal conductivity, …) Stable (resistant to oxidation & thermal degradation) Highly biodegradable High capacity to dissolve oil degradation products Low viscosity at low temperatures Compatible with transformer materials High flash point Low maintenance Easy disposal … 15 Property of Laborelec Standards & specifications / minimum requirements (since beginning of 20th century / BS of 1923) A transformer oil must fulfill its tasks as long as the transformer lives. 1 - Electrical insulation 2 - Cooling medium 3 - Data provider on transformer Also - compatible with other transformer materials - stable product - respecting HSE-regulations Most important international standards (unused insulating oil specification) are the IEC 60296 (2012) and ASTM D3487 (2016) which indicate minimum requirements. (CIGRE-survey, 2013: 10/23 use IEC 60296, others mostly local ‘IEC-based’ standards) 16 Property of Laborelec Laborelec Purchase Specifications (LPS) for unused mineral transformer oils Last update: August 2016 17 Property of Laborelec Laborelec Purchase Specifications (LPS) for unused mineral transformer oils Last update: August 2016 IEC 60296-based with extra requirements 18 Property of Laborelec When to perform oil analyses according unused oil standard or purchase specification ? When purchasing a new transformer: Request to your transformer OEM an insulating oil according to a specific standard (edition or year of publication should be mentioned !!) or a specific purchase specification. Transformer OEM should supply a recent oil acceptance report which was provided by an independent organism. Request to your transformer OEM specific brands/types of insulating oil which were recently approved by an independent organism according to a specific standard (edition or year of publication should be mentioned !!) or a specific purchase specification. Some recommendations by LABORELEC: - Choose for inhibited oils - Make use of LABORELEC PURCHASE SPECIFICATIONS as they already take into account some new developments not covered by current IEC 60296 (Ed.4/2012) 19 Property of Laborelec When to perform oil analyses according unused oil standard or purchase specification ? Upon oil delivery on-site: Check N° of delivered batches (drum, IBC, tank) as to check conformity of delivery by oil supplier. Some recommendations by LABORELEC: - Not all tests of standard / purchase specification are needed - Basic program normally includes the following tests * viscosity and density * S-content, structural analysis * tan delta, IFT * oxidation stability (or RPVOT when inhibited oil) * PCB-content * in some cases: additives and/or corrosive sulfur 20 Property of Laborelec Which standards or purchase specifications (not) to use for unused transformer oil ? IEC 60296 Ed.3 (2003) BS 148 (1998) : : NOT TO BE USED NOT TO BE USED ASTM D3478 (2006/2009/2016) : NOT RECOMMENDED IEC 60296 Ed.4 (2012) LABORELEC PURCHASE SPECIFICATIONS : RECOMMENDED IEC 60296 Ed.5 (2018/2019 ??) : ?? 21 Property of Laborelec Which unused oil analyses are performed ? 22 Property of Laborelec Which unused oil analyses are performed ? GROUP 1 Functional properties: cooling and electrical insulation 23 Property of Laborelec Which unused oil analyses are performed ? GROUP 2 Chemical composition, purity & stability: 24 Property of Laborelec Which unused oil analyses are performed ? GROUP 3 Health, Safety & Environment: 25 Property of Laborelec Most important ones in IEC 60296 Ed.4 ? Refining quality 26 Property of Laborelec Most important ones in IEC 60296 Ed.4 ? Inhibited or uninhibited oil Natural occuring sulfides / DBDS Synthetic phenolic antioxidant (for instance DBPC / BHT) 27 Property of Laborelec Most important ones in IEC 60296 Ed.4 ? Lifetime of the oil 28 Property of Laborelec Most important ones in IEC 60296 Ed.4 ? Presence of potentially corrosive sulfur species 29 Property of Laborelec Important ones in IEC 60296 Ed.5 ? Stray gassing behaviour Presence of PAH by updated method 30 Property of Laborelec How does ENGIE implements acceptance testing ? * Laborelec experts participate actively to IEC standardisation Working Groups (ongoing IEC TC10 MT38) * Laborelec keeps its PURCHASE SPECIFICATION up-to-date and informs ENGIE plants and other end-customers * ENGIE plants use PURCHASE SPECIFICATION when buying transformers / oils (Since 2007, most large power transformers were filled with inhibited oil type) * Laborelec performs biannual acceptance testing program for oil suppliers to list approved oils per last PURCHASE SPECIFICATIONS * Reference samples of biannual acceptance testing programs are stored in OILS library (samples since 1980-ies) 31 Property of Laborelec Shift from uninhibited oils to inhibited oils Shift is triggered by … * ‘Corrosive sulfur story’ (especially during 2005-2008 period) (1) * Refining techniques and quality of available oil sources (hydrogenation versus solvent refining) * Technical advantages of inhibited oils * Better resistance to oxidation/degradation (2) * Less paper ageing under some conditions (3) * Lower stray gassing behaviour (4) * Easier condition monitoring practices (7) * Quicker oxidation stability check (5) * Lower potentially corrosive sulfur species (6) 32 Property of Laborelec Shift from uninhibited oils to inhibited oils Shift is slowed down by … * Perception that ‘Inhibited’ (with an additive) is less in quality than ‘uninhibited’ (with no additives) and the conservative energy sector * Miscibility issues when mixing both types (8) * The need to monitor the decrease of antioxidant (9) 33 Property of Laborelec (1) Corrosive sulfur story Since 2008 called IEC 62535 Conc DBDS mg/kg Corrosiveness according CIGRE A232-TF1 method INHIBITED OIL oil 1 oil 2 oil 3 <10 <10 <10 non-corrosive non-corrosive non-corrosive <10 50 77 84 113 124 187 188 non-corrosive corrosive corrosive non-corrosive corrosive non-corrosive corrosive non-corrosive NON-INHIBITED OIL oil 1 oil 1 oil 2 oil 2 oil 3 oil 3 oil 4 oil 4 (before 1989) (after 1989) + passivator + passivator + passivator Laborelec data, 2006. 34 Property of Laborelec (2) Better resistance to oxidation/degradation 35 Property of Laborelec (2) Better resistance to oxidation/degradation (6) Lower amount of potentially corrosive sulfur species 36 Property of Laborelec (2) Better resistance to oxidation/degradation 37 Property of Laborelec (3) Argument in favour of highly refined inhibited oils: slower paper ageing (preliminary results – detailed study ongoing: first results 12/2017) 38 Property of Laborelec (3) Argument in favour of highly refined inhibited oils: slower paper ageing (preliminary results – Master thesis ongoing: first results 05/2018) 39 Property of Laborelec (4) Lower stray gassing behaviour Calculated 50% and 90% typical values for the relevant stray gases from stray gassing tests performed per ASTM D7150. These values were calculated on a population of 10 inhibited and 14 uninhibited unused oil samples of different brands, commercially available on the Asian and European market during 2012-2016 period. Key gases are H2, but especially CH4 and C2H6. Laborelec data, presented at CIGRE A2/D1 JWG 47 (Zurich, 2016) and CIGRE D1.70 (Nurnberg, 2017). 40 Property of Laborelec (5) Quicker (and better) oxidation stability check method available 41 Property of Laborelec (5) Quicker (and better) oxidation stability check method available Left: Inhibited mineral transformer oil sample takes 306 minutes to reach pressure drop of O2 of 172 kPa. Right: 809 minutes to reach pressure drop of O2 of 172 kPa. 42 Property of Laborelec (5) Quicker (and better) oxidation stability check method available Inhibited oils range between 300 and 700 minutes by ASTM D2112, while all have total acidity of 0.07-0.12 mg/kg oil per IEC 61125C 500h 43 Property of Laborelec (5) Quicker (and better) oxidation stability check method available Data above is already updated – now RPVOT-values upto 650-700 44 Property of Laborelec (8) Miscibility issues when mixing both types CASE 1 45 Property of Laborelec (8) Miscibility issues when mixing both types 46 Property of Laborelec (8) Miscibility CASE 2 issues when mixing both types Oil mixtures (aged uninhibited + unused inhibited) * 100% aged uninhibited oil : * 100% aged uninhibited oil (after IEC 61125C 164h) : TAN = 0,30 mg KOH/g oil total acids = 1,24 mg KOH/g oil sludge = 0,48 % * 75% aged uninhibited oil + 25% unused inhibited (after IEC 61125C 164h) : total acids = 1,28 mg KOH/g oil sludge = 0,40 % * 25% aged uninhibited oil + 75% unused inhibited (after IEC 61125C 164h) : total acids = 0,14 mg KOH/g oil sludge = 0,01 % 47 Property of Laborelec (8) Miscibility issues when mixing both types 100% aged uninhibited oil 75% aged uninhibited oil + 25% unused inhibited 25% aged uninhibited oil + 75% unused inhibited 48 Property of Laborelec (7) Easier (9) The condition monitoring practices (see ‘oils in-service’) need to monitor the decrease of antioxidant Only every 2-5 years a simple analysis by FTIR or HPLC of content of DBPC is needed. DBPC-decrease is not comparable and much slower compared to decrease of Irgamet 39 ® under some conditions. 49 Property of Laborelec Some conclusions Mineral transformer oil and insulating paper will age and can lead to failure. Ageing can be slowed down by selecting good quality transformer oil. Request to oil supplier or transformer OEM (and check afterwards) oil conformity to standard. Be aware of the differences between inhibited and uninhibited oils. 50 Property of Laborelec 51 Property of Laborelec Technical seminar SESSION 2 “Basics on DGA: formation of gases, sampling, analysis & interpretation” “Type of internal faults” “Interpretation of DGA-results using standards” “Different levels of DGA-implementation” Santiago, Chile, 14/06/2018 52 52 Property of Laborelec Some questions to be answered… Why is DGA so important for condition monitoring/assessment ? How should I implement an adequate DGA-program for my transformer fleet ? How should I interpret a result or a routine report ? 53 Property of Laborelec Some basics & transformer ageing factors Functions of insulating oil are electrical insulation, cooling … but also information carrier of this vital equipment (!) By sampling and analysing insulating oil you can assess - ageing status of oil - ageing status of winding paper - presence of internal transformer faults, caused by design or construction abnormalities, ageing phenomenon, material incompatibility, inadequate maintenance of operation 54 Property of Laborelec Some basics & transformer ageing factors Functions of insulating oil are electrical insulation, cooling … but also information carrier of this vital equipment (!) By sampling and analysing insulating oil you can assess - ageing status of oil - ageing status of winding paper - presence of internal transformer faults, caused by design or construction abnormalities, ageing phenomenon, material incompatibility, inadequate maintenance of operation by performing DGA 55 Property of Laborelec Best practices for recurrent insulation oil testing program Analysis package DGA + %RS water-in-oil - dissolved gases analysis by IEC 60567 - %RS water-in-oil by IEC 60814 and top-oil temperature Analysis package OIL AGEING - breakdown voltage by IEC 60156 - acidity by IEC 62021-1 - tangent delta by IEC 60247 Analysis package PAPER AGEING - temperature corrected 2FAL-content by IEC 61198 - temperature corrected content of methanol by IEC PT 63025 Analysis package CORROSIVE SULFUR - potentially corrosive sulfur by IEC 62535 - content of Irgamet 39 ® by IEC 60666 14/06/2018 56 Property of Laborelec Best practices for sampling frequency During start-up: after 1 day, 1 week and 1 month (DGA) During normal operational life: DGA + %RS water-in-oil OIL AGEING PAPER AGEING CORROSIVE SULFUR 14/06/2018 Specific program for HV-grid, BAT-, BBT-, … transformer depends on insurance requirements, previous experiences, ageing status, presence of online monitoring, … : : : : every 3 to 24 months every 12 to 48 months every 12 to 48 months initial screening / specific 57 Property of Laborelec How are these dissolved gases created inside your transformer ? Different gas sources 1 – By degradation of insulating oil 2 – By degradation of insulating paper 3 – By stray gassing 4 – Other sources of gases 58 Property of Laborelec 1 – By degradation of insulating oil By the presence of thermal or electrical ‘faults/abnormalities’, the insulating oil and paper is broken down into gases which dissolve inside bulk oil of main tank. 59 Property of Laborelec 1 – By degradation of insulating oil C-H chemical bonds in the insulating oil are broken in the case of low-energy electrical discharges C-C chemical bonds in the insulating oil are broken in the case of higher temperatures and high-energy electrical discharges Gas molecules are formed from these unstable cut-off fragments: hydrogen : H2 methane : CH4 ethane : C2H6 ethylene : C2H4 acetylene : C2H2 These gas molecules are dissolved in the oil (dissolved gas analysis or “DGA”) or occur as free gases. 60 Property of Laborelec 1 – By degradation of insulating oil Which dissolved gases that are formed depends on temperature. 61 Property of Laborelec 1 – By degradation of insulating oil Which dissolved gases that are formed depends on temperature. 62 Property of Laborelec 2 – By degradation of insulating paper C-O chemical bonds in the insulating paper are broken in the case relatively low temperatures starting at ca. 100°C, at 300°C a complete carbonisation of paper can be expected. Gas molecules are formed from these unstable cut-off fragments: carbon monoxide : CO carbon dioxide : CO2 These gas molecules are also dissolved in the oil (dissolved gas analysis or “DGA”) or occur as free gases. Besides CO and CO2, also water, furanic compounds and other paper degradation products are formed and dissolved (partially) in the bulk oil. 63 Property of Laborelec 3 – By stray gassing Through (early stage) oil oxidation and/or the presence of metal passivators, dissolved gasses can be formed at lower temperatures not indicating a real internal transformer fault. Typical stray gasses at low temperatures are: hydrogen : H2 methane : CH4 ethane : C2H6 Temperatures as low as 60°C can in some cases already cause the presence of stray gasses. More stray gassing when using uninhibited oils. See Technical Session 4. 64 Property of Laborelec 4 – Other sources of gases Gases not caused as result of internal fault but for instance because of rusting or other catalytic reactions with steel or other transformer materials (specific paints, protective coatings, …). Also exposing insulating oil to sunlight will create gases (H2, CO). Typical gasses caused by catalytic reactions hydrogen : H2 65 Property of Laborelec How to perform oil sampling for good DGA-sample ? Per IEC 60475 (Ed. 2011, chapter 4.2. in particular) In VALIDATED Alu-cans or syringes (completely filled) No plastic bottles to be used. 66 Property of Laborelec Some data on different sampling kits How to perform oil sampling for good DGA-sample ? A / Loss of gases if not completely filled sampling recipient: B / Loss of gases when using completely filled sampling recipient: Loss of H2 Loss of CO Loss for CH4 ALU-can -11% ca. -5% ca. -5% Syringe -10% ca. -5% ca. -5% Dark glass bottle -30% ca. -5% ca. -5% 67 Property of Laborelec How to perform oil sampling for good DGA-sample ? 68 Property of Laborelec How is DGA performed in the lab ? Per IEC 60567 (Ed. 2011) (eq. ASTM D3612) 69 Property of Laborelec Interpretation of DGA-results using international standards: Most relevant standards IEC 60599 (1999) IEC 60599 (2007) IEC 60599 (2015) IEEE C57.104 (1991) IEEE C57.104 (2006) = IEEE C57.104 (1991) with some minor changes IEEE C57.104 (will – most probably – be published 2019) Property of Laborelec Interpretation at different levels: • LEVEL 1 – Comparison with values from standards Property of Laborelec Interpretation at different levels: • LEVEL 1 – Comparison with values from standards • LEVEL 2 – Trending and ratio determination Property of Laborelec Interpretation at different levels: • LEVEL 1 – Comparison with values from standards • LEVEL 2 – Trending and ratio determination • LEVEL 3 – Using specific typical values per transformer family Property of Laborelec Interpretation at different levels: • • • • LEVEL 1 – Comparison with values from standards LEVEL 2 – Trending and ratio determination LEVEL 3 – Using specific typical values per transformer family LEVEL 4 – Performing specific stray gassing tests (not always needed) Property of Laborelec • LEVEL 1 – Comparison with limit or typical values from standards IEC 60599 (2015) Property of Laborelec • LEVEL 1 – Comparison with limit or typical values from standards IEEE C57.104 (1991/2006) Typical values do not depend on • MVA • Atmospheric protection • Age Property of Laborelec • LEVEL 1 – Comparison with limit or typical values from standards Typical values will most probably depend on • MVA IEEE C57.104 (2017 DRAFT) • • Atmospheric protection Age Property of Laborelec • Some comments on LEVEL 1 approach: - better than no DGA follow-up - these values are very general and no strict limits - remark in IEC 60599 Property of Laborelec HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!! • LEVEL 2 –Trending and ratio determination - Graphical plot of DGA-trend Property of Laborelec HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!! • LEVEL 2 –Trending and ratio determination - Use of ratios → “fault type determination” Property of Laborelec HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!! • LEVEL 2 –Trending and ratio determination - Use of Duval Triangles “fault type determination and fault trending” Property of Laborelec HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!! • LEVEL 2 –Trending and ratio determination - 2 important attention points using Duval Triangles ! 1/ Most Duval Triangles simulations indicate fault at all gas concentrations. Only use when one of the 3 gases is higher than typical value. Property of Laborelec HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!! • LEVEL 2 –Trending and ratio determination - 2 important attention points using Duval Triangles ! 2/ Duval Triangles are not the absolute truth ! Very useful for trending of faults, but in some cases wrong diagnosis (cf. CH4/C2H6 stray gassing) Property of Laborelec INFORMATIVE ONLY • LEVEL 2 –Trending and ratio determination - Use of Duval Pentagons Property of Laborelec HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WHEN SUFFICIENTLY LARGE OR SPECIFIC TRANSFORMER FLEET • LEVEL 3 – Using specific typical values per transformer family Example from LABORELEC data base … (status mid 2016, monitored by regular DGA) 4524 transformers (excluding CB- or OLTC-samples) 494 transformers in M-E plants (excluding European plants, HV-grids, industry) 131 BAT-transformers (excluding BBT, MKC, …) 58 BAT-transformers of Hyundai 8 BAT-transformers of ABB 15 BAT-transformers of CG Pauwels 9 BAT-transformers of Hyosung … Property of Laborelec HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WHEN SUFFICIENTLY LARGE OR SPECIFIC TRANSFORMER FLEET • LEVEL 3 – Using specific typical values per transformer family Example from LABORELEC data base … 4524 transformers (excluding CB- or OLTC-samples) 494 transformers in M-E plants (excluding European plants, HV-grids, industry) 131 BAT-transformers (excluding BBT, MKC, …) 58 BAT-transformers of Hyundai 8 BAT-transformers of ABB 15 BAT-transformers of CG Pauwels 9 BAT-transformers of Hyosung … Determine typical values for group of ‘comparable’ transformers (age, oil, conservation system, …) Property of Laborelec HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WHEN SUFFICIENTLY LARGE OR SPECIFIC TRANSFORMER FLEET • LEVEL 3 – Using specific typical values per transformer family Example from LABORELEC data base … 494 tfos in M-E plants 131 BAT-tfos 58 tfos 8 tfos 15 tfos 79 BBT-tfos … Property of Laborelec HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WHEN SUFFICIENTLY LARGE OR SPECIFIC TRANSFORMER FLEET • LEVEL 3 – Using specific typical values per transformer family Example from LABORELEC data base … DETERMINATION OF ATYPICAL VALUES or OUTLIERS Property of Laborelec HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WHEN SUFFICIENTLY LARGE OR SPECIFIC TRANSFORMER FLEET • LEVEL 3 – Using specific typical values per transformer family Example from LABORELEC data base … DETERMINATION OF ATYPICAL VALUES or OUTLIERS Property of Laborelec Interpretation at different levels: • LEVEL 1 – Comparison with values from standards • LEVEL 2 – Trending and ratio determination • LEVEL 3 – Using specific typical values per transformer family LEVEL 4 – Performing stray gassing tests in specific cases (see Technical Sessions 4) routine condition monitoring Property of Laborelec Some conclusions DGA is the most powerfull condition monitoring tool to estimate internal condition of a power transformer. The implementation of a specific program for your fleet is crucial as to keep your transformer fleet in good condition for the longest time possible and avoid unnecessary costs and shut-downs. Interpretation is not just comparing with ‘limit values’ from standards. Trending and ratio determination is (much) more important ! Build your own action values (if you have large fleet of identical units). High-level of expertise & experience is needed to perform adequate interpretation of analysis results. 91 Property of Laborelec 92 Property of Laborelec Technical seminar SESSION 3 “Oil ageing (part 1): relevant analyses & interpretation” “Typical values & relevant standards” “Case-studies related to water” Santiago, Chile, 14/06/2018 93 Property of Laborelec Some questions to be answered… Which analyses to perform: enough, but not too much … How should I implement an adequate program for my transformer fleet as to estimate efficiently oil degradation or contamination ? How should I interpret my analysis results and which maintenance actions to take ? Focus on water (%RS) and breakdown voltage !! Water dynamics inside a power transformer 94 Property of Laborelec Best practices for recurrent insulation oil testing program Analysis package DGA + %RS water-in-oil - dissolved gases analysis by IEC 60567 - %RS water-in-oil by IEC 60814 and top-oil temperature Analysis package OIL AGEING - breakdown voltage by IEC 60156 - acidity by IEC 62021-1 - tangent delta by IEC 60247 Analysis package PAPER AGEING - temperature corrected 2FAL-content by IEC 61198 (- temperature corrected content of methanol by IEC PT 63025) Analysis package CORROSIVE SULFUR - potentially corrosive sulfur by IEC 62535 - content of Irgamet 39 ® by IEC 60666 95 Property of Laborelec Best practices for recurrent insulation oil testing program Analysis package DGA + %RS water-in-oil - dissolved gases analysis by IEC 60567 - %RS water-in-oil by IEC 60814 and top-oil temperature Analysis package OIL AGEING - breakdown voltage by IEC 60156 - acidity by IEC 62021-1 - tangent delta by IEC 60247 Analysis package PAPER AGEING - temperature corrected 2FAL-content by IEC 61198 (- temperature corrected content of methanol by IEC PT 63025) Analysis package CORROSIVE SULFUR - potentially corrosive sulfur by IEC 62535 - content of Irgamet 39 ® by IEC 60666 96 Property of Laborelec Oil ageing (degradation and contamination): mechanisms 97 Property of Laborelec Oil ageing (degradation and contamination): how to monitor ? colour will increase acidity will increase water content will increase tangent delta will increase antioxidants will decrease resistivity will decrease interfacial tension (IFT) will decrease sludge formation … 98 Property of Laborelec Oil ageing (degradation and contamination): how to monitor specifically ? Which test methods for which transformers and with which sampling frequency ? Specific oil ageing monitoring program (and interpretation of analysis results) should be based on: Comparison with values from standards Trending Determine your own typical values if larger transformer fleet 99 Property of Laborelec Relevant international standards/documents for condition monitoring of oils-inservice IEC 60422 Ed.4 of 2013 : Mineral insulating oils in electrical equipment – supervision and maintenance guidance. IEEE C57.106 of 2015 : Guide of acceptance and maintenance of insulating oil in equipment. CIGRE/IEEE technical brochures or guidelines: Oxidation stability (2013) Copper sulphide (2009 / 2015) Transformer maintenance (2011) Water in transformers (2008 / 2018??) Oil regeneration (2010) Oil reclaiming (2015) … 100 Property of Laborelec Relevant international standards/documents for condition monitoring of oils-inservice IEC 60422 Ed.4 of 2013 + 101 Property of Laborelec Relevant international standards/documents for condition monitoring of oils-inservice IEEE C57.106 of 2015 Class I: Class II: Class III: Satisfactory condition for continued use. Outside specification for water content and/or BDV and reconditioning is needed. Oil in poor condition not meeting limits in table 3; oil should be reclaimed or replaced. 102 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 1/ WATER CONTENT / %RS Analysis method ? IEC 60814 ASTM D1533 (result expressed in mg/kg or ppm) Frequency of sampling ? Zero-point Basic recurrent analysis (together with DGA): every 3 to 24 months Interpretation ? IEC 60422 / IEEE C57.106 Trending of %RS (‘% relative saturation of water-in-oil’, taking into account temperature, acidity (and aromatics), recently also described in IEEE C57.106 (2015-version). Important ! Always register the temperature of top oil during sampling to allow calculation of %RS. Most important water sources: paper degradation and atmospheric water (over Si-breather). More than 99% of water is inside the paper not the oil and equilibrium is in function of temperature. 103 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 1/ WATER CONTENT / %RS Calculation of %RS ! Example: At 40°C, saturation in new oil is 120 mg/kg Measurement in oil: 30 mg/kg What is %RS ? 104 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 1/ WATER CONTENT / %RS Calculation of %RS ! Example: 120 At 40°C, saturation in new oil is 120 mg/kg Measurement in oil: 30 ppm/kg 30 → % RS = ( 120 / 30 ) x 100% = 25% 25% 105 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 1/ WATER CONTENT / %RS Calculation of %RS ! Example of impact of acidity on water saturation in inhibited oil sample 106 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 1/ WATER CONTENT / %RS Water partitioning between oil and paper ! Limit of solubility (mg/kg) Temperature water goes from paper to oil % dampness of paper Temperature water goes from oil to paper Water content of the oil (mg/kg) 107 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 1/ WATER CONTENT / %RS Water partitioning between oil and paper ! Limit of solubility (mg/kg) % dampness of paper Question : What do you prefer ? (A) a transformer at 70°C with 23 mg/kg water-in-oil (B) a transformer at 50°C with 18 mg/kg water-in-oil Water content of the oil (mg/kg) 108 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 1/ WATER CONTENT / %RS Water partitioning between oil and paper ! Limit of solubility (mg/kg) % dampness of paper Question : What do you prefer ? (A) a transformer at 70°C with 23 mg/kg water-in-oil 2.4% → means ca. 1.7% of water inside paper under equilibrium conditions 1.7% (B) a transformer at 50°C with 18 mg/kg water-in-oil → means ca. 2.4% of water inside paper under equilibrium conditions 18 23 Water content of the oil (mg/kg) 109 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 1/ WATER CONTENT / %RS Limit values ? Per IEC 60422 (2013): in mg/kg transformer >72.5 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer <72.5 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer >170 kV (in-service) transformer 72.5-170 kV (in-service) transformer <72.5 kV (in-service) : : : : : Per IEEE C57.106 (2015): in mg/kg transformer >69 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer <69 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer >230 kV (in-service) transformer 69-230 kV (in-service) transformer <69 kV (in-service) : : : : : Laborelec general recommendation: % RS <15 % RS 15-30 % RS >30 : : : <10 <20 <15: GOOD <20: GOOD <30: GOOD >20: POOR >30: POOR >40: POOR <10 <20 <20 <25 <35 GOOD SPECIFIC FOLLOW-UP POOR 110 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 1/ WATER CONTENT / %RS Possible actions ? Resampling (with extra care sampling conditions) Trending Some other tests (BDV, …) Relationship with online monitoring readings Checking source of water (ageing related or not) Reconditioning Be aware: Reconditioning treatment can/will have impact on DGA, antioxidants, furans and/or metal Passivators like Irgamet 39®. 111 Property of Laborelec Moisture dynamics in a loaded transformer Moisture load Propertydynamics: of Laborelec • Water is released from surface of insulation paper and absorbed to oil as temperature increases due to loading. • There is continuous moisture exchange between oil and paper during temperature/load fluctuation. 10 MVA, ONAN transformer Moisture Property dynamics: desorption vs of Laborelec absorption rate 10 MVA, ONAN cooled transformer Moisture dynamics: Property of Laborelechysteresis • Hysteresis in moisture exchange between oil and paper during temperature transients. – At cooling phase higher ppm value at same temperature. – Previous temperature cycles affect ppm level. • Interpretation of instantaneous ppm values challenging. Equilibrium between the and oil rarely exists • – due to load and temperature variations → constant moisture exchange → difficult to define correct moment to take an oil sample. Oil sample loaded Property of from Laborelec transformer Oil sample loaded Property of from Laborelec transformer 3.3 % 2.2 % Moisture dynamics: Property of Laborelec%RS of oil Moisture %RS Propertydynamics: of Laborelec 1. Quick temperature decrease → %RS of oil increases – Temperature may decrease due to lower load, heavy raining and/or ambient temperature drop during night. 2. Re-loading of cold wet transformer after service break. – Moisture released from paper to cold oil → sudden increase of %RS. • There is risk of very high %RS or even water saturation in oil of wet transformers ▪ formation of liquid water i.e. "raining in oil" ▪ dramatic decrease of dielectric strength →In worst case, arching and catastrophic failure! Property of Laborelec Online moisture monitoring Benefits of %RSof online Property Laborelec monitoring • Can be measured online. – Only real time moisture monitoring gives true picture of moisture in transformer oil 24/7/365 • Indicates if dielectric strength of oil is compromized due to moisture. • Indicates whether there is risk of free water formation e.g. when monitoring in the return pipe after radiator. Benefits of %RS Property of Laborelec • • Gives better indication of moisture in solid insulation regardless of the oil type or age. Averaging %RS allows elimination of moisture fluctuation. avg top oil T ~ 40°C ref. Cigre Brochure 349, WG A2.30 Ranking Property transformer of Laborelecfleet (ppm) 10...60 MVA primary distribution transformers Rankin transformer fleet (%RS) Property of Laborelec Property of Laborelec Sensor installation Installation examples Property of Laborelec • • • • The sensor should be installed in a location where oil flows freely around it. Most beneficial locations are along oil cooling circulation → representative oil. Avoid "dead-ends" and bottom of pipe bending. If the sensor is not in oil flow the full variation in temperature and moisture may not be seen, but the most extreme peaks may be ”filtered” off. Effect of Property sensor/sample location of Laborelec WCO3 Radiator WCO4 WCO2 WCO5 Ref. Valery Davydov Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 2/ BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE Analysis method ? IEC 60156 (result expressed in kV/2.5mm – spherical/mushroom electrodes) ASTM D1816 (results expressed in kV/2mm, or in kV/mm – spherical/mushroom electrodes) ASTM D877 (results expressed in kV/2.54mm – flat electrodes) Frequency of sampling ? Zero-point Basic recurrent analysis (sometimes together with DGA): every 6 to 48 months Interpretation ? IEC 60422 / IEEE C57.106 Trending (combined with %RS) Important ! In most cases, low BDV is related with too high water content. If low BDV, is not related with water/%RS, check particle counting or dissolved metals. 128 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 2/ BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE Limit values (for transformers)? Per IEC 60422 (2013): in kV/2.5mm transformer >72.5 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer <72.5 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer >170 kV (in-service) transformer 72.5-170 kV (in-service) transformer <72.5 kV (in-service) : : : : : Per IEEE C57.106 (2015): in kV/2mm transformer >230 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer 69-230 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer <69 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer >230 kV (in-service) transformer 69-230 kV (in-service) transformer <69 kV (in-service) : : : : : : >60 >55 >60: GOOD >50: GOOD >40: GOOD <50: POOR <40: POOR <30: POOR >60 >55 >45 >50 >47 >40 129 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 2/ BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE Possible actions ? Resampling (with extra care sampling conditions) Trending Some other tests (%RS, particles, dissolved metals, …) Relationship with online monitoring readings Reconditioning Be aware: Reconditioning treatment can/will have impact on DGA, antioxidants, furans and/or metal Passivators like Irgamet 39®. 130 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 2/ BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE Relationship between %RS and BDV Source: VAISALA and IEEE data. 131 Property of Laborelec Case 1 132 Property of Laborelec Case 1 133 Property of Laborelec Case 2 134 Property of Laborelec Case 2 135 Property of Laborelec Case 3 What do you observe ? 136 Property of Laborelec Case 3 What would you recommend ? 137 Property of Laborelec Case 3 92 ppm is still under IEC or IEEE typical values 138 Property of Laborelec CASE study 4: A wet transformer 10 MVA primary distribution Property of Laborelec transformer Risk of breakdown! 30% dielectric strength left Property of Laborelec CASE study 5: Online drying Online drying Property of Laborelec • Online dryers can be used in connection to a loaded transformer. Oil is circulated through the drying unit removing water and then returned back to the transformer. • As only water on the surface of solid insulation is involved in moisture exchange, only that is available for drying at time. • One main benefit with online drying is that with wet transformers the oil can be kept dry and thus dielectric strength of oil maintained. Transec CL3AM Drykeep MR MMS 1000 During dryout (top oil) Property of Laborelec During dryout (bottom oil) Property of Laborelec Oil moisture before Property of Laborelecand after dryout Moisture in oil recovers slowly from paper after drying finished During drying, moisture of oil and very surface of paper is removed Property of Laborelec Summary & some recommendations on oil ageing assessment: • A lot of tests exist; choose specific program (which analyses and which sampling frequency) in function of transformer, type of oil and its degradation/contamination status. • Water and breakdown voltage are very important oil analyses and can be related to DGA. • Oil temperature during sampling is important/necessary as to estimate risk of water presence. • Oil treatment/filtration also has disadvantages, but sometimes necessary to ensure sufficient electrical insulation oil properties. 146 Property of Laborelec 147 Property of Laborelec Technical seminar SESSION 4 “DGA: Case studies” Santiago, Chile, 14/06/2018 148 Property of Laborelec Some questions to be answered… How will water impact DGA-data and breakdown voltage ? How should I interpret a result or a routine report ? Specific case-studies: what can we observe through DGA and how to act upon these results ? 149 Property of Laborelec Case 1 Case 2 DGA, water and BDV Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Hot spot & partial discharges 150 Property of Laborelec How to read a routine report ? 151 Property of Laborelec How to read a routine report ? MAIN GAS for ‘PD’ Type: partial discharges, but also catalytic effects or stray gassing 152 Property of Laborelec How to read a routine report ? MAIN GASES for ELECTRICAL FAULTS (called ‘D1’ or ‘D2’ -faults) Type: discharges, OLTC-gases, ...) 153 Property of Laborelec How to read a routine report ? MAIN GASES for PAPER AGEING (CO2/CO-ratio change should trigger a furan or methanol analysis) 154 Property of Laborelec How to read a routine report ? MAIN GAS for HIGH-TEMPERATURE THERMAL FAULT (called ‘T2’ or ‘T3’ -faults) Type: local hot spot, bad connection, ... 155 Property of Laborelec How to read a routine report ? MAIN GASES for LOW-TEMPERATURE THERMAL FAULT (called ‘T1’ -faults) Type: bad cooling, overloading, stray gassing, ... 156 Property of Laborelec Case 1 157 Property of Laborelec Case 1 free water !! Arcing and fatale damage to windings because of cooling water entrance. Specs of cooling water conditioning were not respected. Transformers GR2.1 and GR2.2 could be saved just in time. 158 Property of Laborelec Case 2 159 Property of Laborelec Case 2 Original oil drained and refilled with NYNAS 10 GBN Passivation after oil filtering Several months out-of-service Recommendation Laborelec: Take transformer out-of-service because of paper ageing, high water content and highly corrosive oil with a T1-fault In meantime: install online DGA transformer failure 160 Property of Laborelec Case 2 It is recommended to graphically plot you historical DGA 161 Property of Laborelec Case 2 Reason of failure: Start-up after long period of shut-down during (very) cold period and without oil circulation. 162 Property of Laborelec Case 3 163 Property of Laborelec Case 3 Key gases here are: H2, C2H4, C2H2 and CO Diagnosis made by Laborelec: Local hot spot, outside winding paper. 164 Property of Laborelec Case 3 Detanking & repair of Cu-strip problem (not) solved ?? 165 Property of Laborelec Case 3 Problem solved: 6 - 9 % of dissolved gases in paper migrates slowly to bulk oil. Fast forward to 2013 … 166 Property of Laborelec Case 4 167 Property of Laborelec Case 4 Oil drain & installation of more cooling What can cause H2-increase ? 168 Property of Laborelec What can cause H2-increase ? • • • • High water content → partial discharges (fault type PD) Air bubbles → partial discharges Stray gassing Catalytic effects with transformer materials Not possible as low/stable water content Possible (also CH4/H2-ratio) Not possible as no new oil used nor additive addition Highly unlikely PD-measurements confirmed most likely hypothesis of partial discharges by air bubbles Bad filling practices identified as cause of PD / H2-increase. 169 Property of Laborelec Oil drain & installation of more cooling Oil drain & degassing and proper filling Fast forward to 2008 … 170 Property of Laborelec Case 5 Transformer: HV-GRID single phase transformer Rating: 166 MVA Start-up: 01/1981 OEM: ACEC Oil: Fina Diekan / uninhibited Voltage: 380/36 kV Cooling: OFAF 171 Property of Laborelec Case 5 Transformer: HV-GRID single phase transformer Rating: 166 MVA Start-up: 01/1981 OEM: ACEC Oil: Fina Diekan / uninhibited Voltage: 380/36 kV Cooling: OFAF ‘new fault’ gases over ‘old fault’ gases 172 Property of Laborelec Case 5 Transformer: HV-GRID single phase transformer Rating: 166 MVA Start-up: 01/1981 OEM: ACEC Oil: Fina Diekan / uninhibited Voltage: 380/36 kV Cooling: OFAF ‘new fault’ gases over ‘old fault’ gases 173 Property of Laborelec Case 5 Transformer: HV-GRID single phase transformer Rating: 166 MVA Start-up: 01/1981 OEM: ACEC Oil: Fina Diekan / uninhibited Voltage: 380/36 kV Cooling: OFAF Recommendation of Laborelec on 16/09: Action to track down fault is needed on very short-term (electrical measurements, internal inspection, …) Keep at least a weekly frequency for DGA-sampling and detailed analysis Reply HV-grid operator experts (10/2014): “Electrical measurements revealed a very clear hot spot on LV-bushing connection. Oil of transformer will be drained and internal inspection is foreseen to localise and repair damage”. 174 Property of Laborelec Some conclusions DGA is the most powerfull condition monitoring tool to estimate internal condition of a power transformer. The implementation of a specific program for your fleet is crucial as to keep your transformer fleet in good condition for the longest time possible and avoid unnecessary costs and shut-downs. Interpretation is not just comparing with ‘limit values’ from standards. Build your own action values if possible. High-level of expertise/experience is needed to perform adequate interpretation of results. 175 Property of Laborelec 176 Property of Laborelec Technical seminar SESSION 5 “DGA: on-line versus off-line monitoring” “Stray gassing” Santiago, Chile, 15/06/2018 177 Property of Laborelec Some questions to be answered… When to use online DGA ? What is available on the market ? Different measuring principles of online DGA ? Some case studies What is ‘stray gassing’ and what to know on this new ‘hot topic’ ? 178 Property of Laborelec Basics on online DGA-monitoring For very critical or ‘sick’ transformers where high DGA-sampling frequency is needed, online DGAdevices are available and can be installed. 179 Property of Laborelec Basics on online DGA-monitoring These devices measure with very short time interval all/some gases and/or water content / %RS. 180 Property of Laborelec Basics on online DGA-monitoring Data trends are available for experts / maintenance staff for detailed interpretation. 181 Property of Laborelec Basics on online DGA-monitoring Data trends are available for experts / maintenance staff for detailed interpretation. 182 Property of Laborelec Which type of online DGA-monitoring devices are available ? First review of equipment in CIGRE D1.01 (2010, will be updated 2018/2019). Status 2016, a lot of options … ABB (CoreSense) Camlin (Totus) Gatron (TGM) GE (Hydran M2, Hydran 201Ti, Minitrans,Transfix) Lumasense (SmartDGA Gauge, Guard, Guide) Morgan Schaffer (Calisto, Calisto 2, Calisto 5, Calisto 9) Messko (M Sense) MTE (Hydrocal 1001, 1003, 1005, 1008, 1009) Qualitrol Serveron (TM1, TM3, TM8, TM8-F) Siemens (Sitram H2 Guard) Vaisala (OPT100, MHT410) … 183 Property of Laborelec How to check accuracy ? First review of equipment in CIGRE D1.01 (2010). 11 devices were checked for accuracy by 19 different oil labs. Accuracy of tested devices ranged between 8% and 34% (average of 18%). ENGIE Laborelec approach: 184 Property of Laborelec Recommendations when considering online DGA-monitoring • ‘Early warning’ system (mono/combined gas value) versus ‘Online diagnostic’ tool (all DGA gases) • Overall cost should be considered, not only purchase of device. • Check accuracy of device during regular offline DGA analysis. Repeatability is even more important than accuracy. • Choose a good supplier with good after-sales servicing • Set adequately the alarm levels • Implement a strict procedure when alarm is exceeded (Who does what when ?) • Online monitoring data can help with interpretation of the offline DGA (not only the online DGA & water, but also top oil temperature, loading, ...) 185 Property of Laborelec Online DGA monitoring Senja Leivo Senior Industry Expert at Vaisala Finland Member of CIGRE A2/D1.47 and D1.52 working groups March 2018 Property of Laborelec Why online DGA monitoring? 1. Online monitoring detects faults at their early phase → Enables corrective actions before severe transformer failure. → Cost reduction in maintenance and repair → Avoid consequential costs of catastrophic failures. 2. Enables safe use of a transformer at its end-of-life phase 3. In new transformers, reveals faults originated from manufacturing, transportation or installation 4. Majority internal faults can be detected with online DGA ▪ DGA is only online method that can detect various fault types. 5. Following rate of change of gases with online monitoring is more reliable than with laboratory samples. (ref. CIGRE TB409, D1.01 TF 15) Leivo 6. DetectsSenja faults which might otherwise go unnoticed between regular oil sampling intervals. Cost of online monitor Property of Laborelec In the overall cost of a monitor, it’s not only the cost of the instrument to be considered, but also the costs associated with its installation and operation in service over the whole lifetime. → Total cost of ownership to be considered when selecting a monitor Fault gasesProperty in different transformer faults of Laborelec Single/dual gas monitors can be used as early warning devices. Indication / Fault gas Cellulose aging CO CO2 X X Miner. oil decomposition Thermal faults, paper C2H6 C2H4 C2H2 H2 X X X X X X X H2 O X X Leaks H2 monitor most common. CH4 X X X Thermal faults, oil @ 150-300°C X X - Thermal faults, oil @ 300-700°C X X X - X Thermal faults, oil >700°C X X X X Partial discharges X - X Arching X X X X X Why multigas monitoring? Property of Laborelec ▪ It enables fault analysis based on concentration of different gases. ▪ Not all faults produce significant amount of hydrogen. ▪ Few gases only do not indicate fault type ▪ Fault types: PD partial discharge S stray gassing T1 thermal fault <300°C O over heating (oil) C carbonization (paper) T2 thermal fault 300-700°C T3 thermal fault >700°C D1 Low energy discharge (sparking) D2 High energy discharge (arching) Temperature at fault location Ref. Dr. Michel Duval When multigas monitoring? Property of Laborelec • Continuous monitoring of key fault gases gives early and immediate notification of developing faults that may lead to transformer failure. – Many failures can be prevented through real-time correlation of DGA data to e.g. load and oil/winding temperature. • Only comprehensive online DGA monitoring can provide information that enables automatic condition assessment. – Enables use of diagnostics tools for rapid warning and diagnosis of developing faults. • Comprehensive online DGA monitoring recommended by CIGRE for – critical and/or heavily loaded power transformers – transformers having gassing pattern. Gas extraction methods Property of Laborelec • Gases can be extracted from oil by – Vacuum with mercury piston (~100% extraction rate*), only in laboratory. – Partial vacuum (~90%*), Vaisala’s online DGAmonitor uses vacuum extraction. – Head space <30%* (depends on temperature, gas composition and pressure) • Gas concentrations in oil must be calculated based on gas solubility values (majority of *New Techniques for Dissolved Gas-in-Oil Analysis gases remains in oil). IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, March/April 2003 — Vol. 19, No. 2 Property of Laborelec Online DGA technologies GasProperty chromatography, of Laborelec online • Separation & identification of gases is based on their retention times through a long thin column. • Column inner surface changes over time due to e.g. contamination with heavier hydrocarbons / material ageing → retention times change → requires frequent calibration. – GC is not a fundamental method, relies on references of pure gases. • HS as gas extraction → gas in oil analysis relies on predefined or generic gas solubility values. GC: pros and cons Property of Laborelec • Technology advantages – Accuracy and repeatability – No cross-sensitivity • Technology challenges: – Gas cylinder changes: cost and safety issue. – Chromatography quality carrier gas, expensive. – Requires calibration gases. – Gas leaks → more frequent change of gas cylinders. – Column ageing & contamination due to heavier hydrocarbons → poor gas separation → need to be replaced. ➢ Maintenance needed. – Life time costs → Higher total cost of ownership. Infrared technology, (NDIR non-dispersive IR) Property of Laborelec • Infrared is a fundamental method, where light is absorbed by type and number of gas molecules present in known gas volume. – Gases have a unique absorption fingerprint. • The absorption wavelength of a given gas does not change, this means no recalibration for gas identification is needed (assuming other drift mechanisms eliminated). • IR cannot be used to measure H2, N2 and O2 → Another technology needed for those. Infrared ’fault gas’ of absorption Property Laborelec wave lengths Property of Laborelec Infrared technologies, IR ▪ NDIR = Non-dispersive infrared ▪ IR light wavelengths are selected with band-pass filters ▪ Photoacoustic spectroscopy NDIR –Sound generated by absorption is measured ▪ Transmission NDIR –Transmitted IR light intensity is measured PAS (photo acoustic spectroscopy) Property of Laborelec • Based on IR absorption • Main technology advantages: – No carrier / calibration gas needed – Good zero accuracy ▪ Main technology challenges: ▪ Possible cross-sensitivity and contamination ▪ Sensor (microphone) gain drift → at higher concentrations accuracy issue ▪ Sensor detector sensitive to – Vibration, pressure, temperature, mechanical stresses ▪ Durability of moving/wearing components. ▪ Lifetime issues and maintenance needs → total cost of ownership. Transmission NDIR Technologies Property of Laborelec • Detection based on change in light intensity at selected wave lengths. • For long term stability requires signal reference. → Vaisala measures also signal under vacuum (=reference signal) PropertyTransmission of Laborelec vs PAS NDIR technologies: Property of Laborelec Things to consider when selecting an online monitor DGA monitorsProperty - what of isLaborelec relevant for the user? No monitoring of monitors! No false alarms. Maintenance needs. No leaks. Robust design. Stable long-term measurement for gas trending. Easy to install. Tolerates all climate conditions. Lifetime costsProperty of Laborelec ▪ Concerning the overall costs of a monitor, it’s not only the price of the instrument to be considered, but also the costs associated with the installation and operation in service over its whole lifetime. → Total cost of ownership to be considered when selecting a monitor. +20% Property of Laborelec Case study 1, 400 MVA transformer Property of Laborelec Faulty 110 kV 2a/b/c bushing and winding outlet main-contacts PAINT ▪ Repairs took place 2013 and 2014. Source: Fingrid Oyj, Finland ▪ As fault gas levels remained high, degassing was scheduled 11/2015 Property of Laborelec Property of Laborelec Gas trends after degassing 9% of initial C2H4 level Property of Laborelec Ethylene vs top oil temperature 20 ppm increase in one day! Property of Laborelec Case 2 Added value of basic online DGAdevice in nuclear power plant: avoid failure 07/2005 01/2006 210 Property of Laborelec Case 3 Detanking & repair of Cu-strip 211 Property of Laborelec Case 3 Added value of multigas online DGA-device: detailed follow-up of DGA after transformer repair Detanking & repair of Cu-strip Trend ?? 212 Property of Laborelec Stray gassing: some context Recently lots of discussions within CIGRE JWG A2/D1.47 CIGRE WG D1.70 IEC TC10 MT38 IEC TC14 Especially important for uninhibited or passivated oils and during first years of oil use Questions from utilities/industry to OEM/oil suppliers Specific stray gassing requirements of utilities to oil suppliers On what exactly ?? 213 Property of Laborelec What is stray gassing ? More precisely: formation of especially H2, CH4 and C2H6 in transformer oil when this oil is in-service at acceptable transformer conditions (for instance formed at temperatures between as low a 60-90°C). 214 Property of Laborelec Experiences within ENGIE Detailed stray gassing research within ENGIE / Laborelec started in 2005-2006. Very worried O&M staff of nuclear power plant when checking start-up readings of online monitoring devices ! ____ : H2-trend GSU P4 ____ : H2-trend GSU P8 ____ : H2-trend GSU P12 215 Property of Laborelec Experiences within ENGIE Detailed stray gassing research within ENGIE / Laborelec started in 2005-2006. ____ : H2-trend GSU P4 ____ : H2-trend GSU P8 ____ : H2-trend GSU P12 216 Property of Laborelec Experiences within ENGIE Detailed stray gassing research within ENGIE / Laborelec started in 2005-2006. Specific stray gassing tests performed per ASTM D7510 and CIGRE TB296: ____ : H2-trend GSU P4 ____ : H2-trend GSU P8 ____ : H2-trend GSU P12 Lesson 1: Different oil types, even different oil batches of same type, can produce gases during start-up phase under acceptable transformer temperatures. But why ? 217 Property of Laborelec Experiences within ENGIE Status 2017 & lots of testing – most important messages: • SG can start with temperatures as low as 60°C • Uninhibited oils yield more SG than inhibited oils • The following factors influence the SG-behaviour: - Temperature - Presence of transformer materials - Presence of oxygen - Presence of phenolic antioxidant (DBPC / BHT) • SG is related to the presence of metal passivators or the resistance of the oil to oxidation • SG of oil can make condition monitoring of transformer in-service much more difficult 218 Property of Laborelec Main causes of stray gassing • Presence of metal passivators: especially H2 • By presence of IRGAMET 39 (in unused oils or after passivation) • By presence of IRGAMET 30 (in unused oils) • Uninhibited oils with lower oxidation stability: especially CH4 and C2H6 • Uncertainty: is it T1-fault (overheating) or acceptable stray gassing ?? 219 Property of Laborelec Main causes of stray gassing • Presence of metal passivators: especially H2 Addition of 100 ppm of Irgamet 39® → 150-200 ppm of H2 is produced at 80°C Addition of 500 ppm of Irgamet 39® → 300-350 ppm of H2 is produced at 80°C (lab research 2010) → (Minor) drawback of most applied corrosive sulphur mitigation action. 220 Property of Laborelec Impact of metal passivators and antioxidant on stray gassing 221 Property of Laborelec Impact of metal passivators and antioxidant on stray gassing 222 Property of Laborelec Impact of metal passivators and antioxidant on stray gassing 223 Property of Laborelec Importance when buying new/unused insulation oils Laborelec Purchase Specifications (LPS) for unused mineral transformer oils Last update: August 2016 224 Property of Laborelec Importance when buying new/unused insulation oils Recommendations by LABORELEC: Choose for inhibited oils Make use of LABORELEC PURCHASE PECIFICATIONS as they already take into account some new developments not covered by current IEC 60296 (Ed.4/2012) 225 Property of Laborelec Typical values Stray gassing Unused oils Calculated 50% and 90% typical values for the relevant stray gases from stray gassing tests performed per ASTM D7150. These values were calculated on a population of 10 inhibited and 14 uninhibited unused oil samples of different brands, commercially available on the Asian and European market during 2012-2016 period. 226 Property of Laborelec Typical values Stray gassing Unused oils Calculated 50% and 90% typical values for the relevant stray gases from stray gassing tests performed per ASTM D7150. These values were calculated on a population of 10 inhibited and 14 uninhibited unused oil samples of different brands, commercially available on the Asian and European market during 2012-2016 period. 227 Property of Laborelec Importance when performing condition monitoring by DGA CH4- and C2H6-increase in DGA does not mean by definition T1-overheating fault as per IEC 60599 or Duval Triangle 1 or 4 but can be only unharmful stray gassing, especially when it concerns uninhibited oils. Methods are available as to prove that gassing behavior is T1-fault or acceptable stray gassing. 228 Property of Laborelec Importance when performing condition monitoring by DGA 229 Property of Laborelec Importance when performing condition monitoring by DGA Possibility to perform specific stray gassing tests at multiple temperatures 230 Property of Laborelec Some recommendations when having doubtful DGA-results • When increase of H2, CH4 and C2H6 is observed, perform expert interpretation of trend as to distinguish stray gassing from partial discharges, catalytic effect gassing or T1 overheating fault. • Inhibition (addition of ca. 0.3% of DBPC) of uninhibited oil can be ‘low cost’ solution as to prove stray gassing is gassing cause and to further increase lifetime of insulation oil. 231 Property of Laborelec Inhibition as to decrease stray gassing Some recent data on impact of inhibition on uninhibited transformer oil: 232 Property of Laborelec What about international standards on this topic ? Changing standards takes time … IEC TC10 MT38 (started 2017…) IEC 60599 (2015) CIGRE TB (2006) CIGRE A2.D1 JWG47 (update TB in 2018 ?) CIGRE D1.70 (started 2017…) 233 Property of Laborelec What about international standards on this topic ? Changing standards takes time … ASTM D7150 method (2013) Publications in IEEE DEIS Revised IEEE C57.104 (to be published in 2018 ?) 234 Property of Laborelec Some conclusions Online DGA is complementary to offline DGA and can be very usefull (GSU’s, sick and very critical transformers) but is not necessary for all transformers in-service. If it should be used or what system to use, should be determined case-by-case. Stray gassing is not fully covered in standards nor Duval triangles at this moment. Be aware of this phenomenon especailly when using uninhibited oils or passivated oils. Standards are modified at this stage as to improve stray gassing testing methods and interpretation of results. Typical/limit values for stray gassing already exist (also in LABORELEC PURCHASE SPECIFICATIONS). In some cases, inhibition can be a usefull actions to decrease stray gassing. 235 Property of Laborelec 236 Property of Laborelec Technical seminar SESSION 6 “Oil ageing (part 2): relevant analyses & interpretation” “Typical values & relevant standards” “PCB-analysis” Santiago, Chile, 15/06/2018 237 Property of Laborelec Some questions to be answered… Which analyses to perform: enough, but not too much … How should I implement an adequate program for my transformer fleet as to estimate oil ageing ? How should I interpret results and which maintenance actions to take ? PCB’s: context, analysis methods and interpretation 238 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 3/ ACIDITY Analysis method ? IEC 62021-1 / ASTM D664 (potentiometric titration) IEC 62021-2 / ASTM D974 (colorimetric titration) (result expressed in mg KOH/g oil) Frequency of sampling ? Zero-point Basic recurrent analysis: every 12 to 48 months Interpretation ? IEC 60422 / IEEE C57.106 Trending (if increase, look at trends or tan delta and/or IFT) Important ! Acidity will increase rate of paper degradation, and, in advanced state, also lead to sludge formation. 239 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 3/ ACIDITY Some important data Acidity trend is strongly related to unused oil quality. - Uninhibited oil (with natural inhibitors) =… - ‘White’ oil (without inhibitors) =… - ‘Old-school’ inhibited oil (with DBPC and natural inhibitors) =… - Highly refined inhibited oil (with DBPC) =… 240 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 3/ ACIDITY Some important data Acidity trend is strongly related to unused oil quality. - Uninhibited oil (with natural inhibitors) =B - ‘White’ oil (without inhibitors) =A - ‘Old-school’ inhibited oil (with DBPC and natural inhibitors) =D - Highly refined inhibited oil (with DBPC) =C 241 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 3/ ACIDITY Limit/action values ? Per IEC 60422 (2013): in mg KOH/g oil transformer after filling, before energization transformer >170 kV (in-service) transformer 72.5-170 kV (in-service) transformer <72.5 kV (in-service) : : : : Per IEEE C57.106 (2015): in mg KOH/g oil transformer after filling, before energization transformer >230 kV (in-service) transformer 69-230 kV (in-service) transformer <69 kV (in-service) : : : : Laborelec general recommendation: unused transformer oil transformer (after filling, before energization) transformer in-service transformer in-service : : : : <0.03 <0.10: GOOD <0.10: GOOD <0.15: GOOD >0.15: POOR >0.20: POOR >0.30: POOR <0.03 (<0.015 in 2006-version !!) <0.10 <0.15 <0.20 max. 0.01 (typical values: <0.01) <0.01 <0.08 → ACCEPTABLE >0.08 → SPECIFIC FOLLOW-UP (action in function of oil type, other parameters) 242 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 3/ ACIDITY Possible maintenance actions ? More frequent sampling Addition of DBPC-inhibitor Reclaiming (with addition of DBPC-inhibitor) Oil change Do nothing When to reclaim or when to change oil ? Basic guidance in IEEE C57.637 (2015), but transformer characteristics also are important in decision. 243 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 3/ ACIDITY Most commonly implemented types of oil filtration ? Vacuum dehydration (‘reconditioning’) Adsorption of oil-soluble contaminants (‘reclaiming’) (adsorbents used can be Fuller’s earth / attapulgite clay, activated bauxite/aluminia, alumina-silicates (zeolites), …) 244 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 3/ ACIDITY Most commonly implemented types of oil filtration ? Adsorbents to be used (Fuller’s earth / attapulgite clay, activated bauxite/aluminia, alumina-silicates (zeolites), …) depend on oil ageing status (acidity but also water content), oil type (inhibited or uninhibited), oil volume, … 0.90 Example: Assume that a spent oil has and acidity of 0.35 mg KOH/g oil. To reduce the acidity to 0.05 mg KOH/g oil, approximately 0.90 lb of attapulgite clay will be required for each gallon of oil treated. 245 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 4/ INTERFACIAL TENSION (IFT) Analysis method ? ASTM D971 / EN 14210 IEC 62961 (draft method) (result expressed in mN/m) Frequency of sampling ? Zero-point Second-line analyses when considering oil reclaiming or when ‘strange values’ of acidity and/or tan delta Interpretation ? IEC 60422 / IEEE C57.106 Important ! Most sensitive analysis to detect ageing/contamination. Not recommended as recurrent/routine test by IEC, only as complementary test. Inhibited and uninhibited oils have typically other trend. 246 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 4/ INTERFACIAL TENSION (IFT) Limit/action values ? Per IEC 60422 (2013): in mN/m unused transformer oil transformer after filling, before energization transformer (in-service): UNINHIBITED OIL transformer (in-service): INHIBITED OIL : : : : Per IEEE C57.106 (2015): in mN/m unused transformer oil transformer after filling, before energization transformer >230 kV (in-service) transformer 69-230 kV (in-service) transformer <69 kV (in-service) : : : : : >40 >38 >32 >30 >25 Laborelec general recommendation: unused transformer oil transformer (after filling, before energization) transformer in-service : : : >40 (typical values: 43-47 mN/m) >38 - >40 >35 >25: GOOD >28: GOOD <20: POOR <22: POOR 247 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 4/ INTERFACIAL TENSION (IFT) Inhibited oil versus uninhibited oil ? 248 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 4/ INTERFACIAL TENSION (IFT) oil water 249 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 5/ TAN DELTA Analysis method ? IEC 60247 (no unit) ASTM D924 (expressed in %) Also known as ‘dielectric dissipation factor’ or ‘power factor’ Frequency of sampling ? Zero-point Basic recurrent analysis: every 12 to 48 months Interpretation ? IEC 60422 / IEEE C57.106 Important ! Very sensitive analysis to detect ageing/contamination. Inhibited and uninhibited oils have typically other trend. 250 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 5/ TAN DELTA Inhibited oil versus uninhibited oil ? 251 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 5/ TAN DELTA Limit/action values ? Per IEC 60422 (2013): in - (measurement at 90°C) unused transformer oil transformer >170 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer <170 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer >170 kV (in-service) transformer <170 kV (in-service) : : : : : Per IEEE C57.106 (2015): in unused transformer oil transformer >230 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer <230 kV (after filling, before energization) transformer in-service : : : : Laborelec general recommendation: (measurement at 90°C) unused transformer oil transformer (after filling, before energization) transformer in-service transformer in-service : : : : : <0.005 <0.01 <0.015 <0.10: GOOD <0.10: GOOD at 25°C <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 >0.20: POOR >0.50: POOR at 100°C <0.003 <0.003 <0.004 <0.05 <0.005 (typical values: <0.001) <0.01 <0.10 → ACCEPTABLE >0.10 → SPECIFIC FOLLOW-UP (action in function of oil type, other parameters) 252 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 6/ DBPC-content Analysis method ? IEC 60666 (can be FTIR or HPLC) ASTM D2668 (result expressed in %) Frequency of sampling ? Zero-point analysis Only for inhibited oil, sampling frequency every 12 to 48 months. Interpretation ? IEC 60422 / IEEE C57.106 Important ! Also known as BHT (butylated hydroxyl toluene). Good quality inhibited oil can last for >30 years under normal transformer utilization conditions. Require to your oil lab a LoQ of 0.005% as to identify ‘traces’ of DBPC’ !!! 253 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 6/ DBPC-content Limit/action values ? Per IEC 60422 (2013): transformer in-service with inhibited oil : Per IEEE C57.106 (2015): in % transformer in-service with inhibited oil : >60% of original amount: GOOD <40% of original amount: POOR >0.08 Laborelec general recommendation: in % unused inhibited transformer oil : 0.2 - 0.4 transformer in-service : >50% of original amount: ACCEPTABLE transformer in-service : <50% of original amount: Assessment to do nothing, perform re-inhibition, re-inhibition together with oil reclaiming or oil change in function of acidity, IFT, … and other transformer characteristics. 254 Property of Laborelec Overview oil ageing analysis: 6/ DBPC-content Impact of DBPC on acidity trend uninhibited inhibited 255 Property of Laborelec Overview of the other oil ageing analysis: Particle counting Dissolved metals Resistivity Oxidation stability RPVOT Colour and appearance Foaming Flash point Sediment and sludge Density Viscosity … IEC 60970 ASTM D7151 IEC 60247 IEC 61125C ASTM D2112 IEC 60422 / ASTM D1500 ASTM D892 ASTM D92 / ASTM D93 IEC 60422 Annex C ASTM D4052 ASTM D7042 Second-line tests: perform when abnormal routine test results (or as zero-point analysis) 256 Property of Laborelec Important oil analysis not to forget: PCB’s Not condition monitoring, but related to environment & human health protection !! 257 Property of Laborelec Some basics on PCB’s Man-made organic molecules, which have excellent properties inside power transformers (stable, electrical insulation, cooling, fire-safety, …). Usage of PCB’s has decreased significantly since the 70’ties as it became clear that these persistent molecules were carcinogenic to humans and environment (IRAC/EPA). … but still (very much) present in transformer/energy/electricity industry Molecular structure: PCB = poly chlorinated biphenyl 12 C (carbon) atoms 4 up to 10 Cl (chlorine) atoms 258 Property of Laborelec Some basics on PCB’s There are 209 ‘PBC-congeners’. PCB fluids are known a lot under their commercial name and are mixtures of different congeners. The more Cl present, the more toxic in general and the more persistent (slower biodegradable). Some examples Aroclor (Monsanto) Santotherm (Mitsubitshi) Inerteen (Westinghouse) Pyralène (Prodolec) Clophen (Bayer) … Aroclor 1242 (’12’ meaning 12 C-atoms, ’42’ meaning ca. 42% of molecular weight is Cl) Aroclor 1254 (’12’ meaning 12 C-atoms, ’54’ meaning ca. 54% of molecular weight is Cl) Aroclor 1260 (’12’ meaning 12 C-atoms, ’60’ meaning ca. 60% of molecular weight is Cl) 259 Property of Laborelec PCB-determination Different analytical methods exist in order to make PCB risk assessment. Most used international standards: ASTM D4059 / EPA 8082A (determination of 3 Aroclor molecules) IEC 61619 / EN 12766-2A (determination of sum 109 individual congeners) EN 12766-2B (determination of 6 specific congeners: C28, C52, C101, …) What methods to use ? - Depends on local regulations !! 260 Property of Laborelec PCB-determination Europe/Asia, analysis per IEC 61619 or ASTM D4059 and based on analysis result: For LATAM, country/region specific: PCB-equipment PCB-contaminated equipment Non-PCB equipment PCB-free equipment > 500 ppm 50 to 500 ppm 2-50 ppm < 2 ppm PCB-oil PCB-contaminated oil PCB-free oil > 500 ppm 2 to 500 ppm < 2 ppm (example classification in Philippines) 261 Property of Laborelec PCB-method comparison Some recent data: IEC 61619 and ASTM D4059 give very similar results. EN 12766-2B can give overestimation of PCB-content. Source: IIS-RRT of February 2016. Confirmed by LABORELEC experience. Source: IIS-RRT of January 2017. 262 Property of Laborelec PCB-method: QA-check through RRT 263 Property of Laborelec PCB-analysis 1 value is reported, but its quite a complex analysis… 264 Property of Laborelec Summary & some recommendations on oil ageing assessment • A lot of tests exist; choose specific program (which analyses and which sampling frequency) in function of transformer, type of oil and its ageing status. • Water, breakdown voltage and acidity are necessary basic test. • Oil temperature during sampling is important. • Do not perform too much oil treatments • If large fleet, determine your own typical values (cf. DGA) • PCB-test: making inventory and/or risk assessment/management is needed 265 Property of Laborelec 266 Property of Laborelec Technical seminar SESSION 7 “Insulating paper ageing: why important and influencing parameters” “Oil analyses & interpretation of paper ageing” “Typical values & relevant standards” Santiago, Chile, 15/06/2018 267 Property of Laborelec Some questions to be answered… How should I keep insulating paper ageing to a minimum ? How should I implement an adequate program for my transformer fleet as to estimate paper ageing status ? How should I interpret oil analysis results and which actions to take ? 268 Property of Laborelec Functions of insulating oil are electrical insulation, cooling … but also information carrier of this vital equipment (!) By sampling and analysing insulating oil you can assess - ageing status of oil - ageing status of winding paper - presence of internal transformer faults, caused by design or construction abnormalities, ageing phenomenon, material incompatibility, inadequate maintenance of operation 269 Property of Laborelec Functions of insulating oil are electrical insulation, cooling … but also information carrier of this vital equipment (!) By sampling and analysing insulating oil you can assess - ageing status of winding paper Even with transformer out-of-service, winding paper cannot be accessed. 270 Property of Laborelec Why is assessing insulating paper ageing important ? Wood: 40-60% 20-40% 20-40% cellulose hemi-cellulose lignin Insulation Kraft paper: >90% cellulose <5% hemi-cellulose <5% lignin A power transformer contains a very high amount of paper (Kraft paper, thermally upgraded paper, NOMEX ®, …) as insulation material. If winding paper is end-of-life, the transformer is considered end-of-life as there will be an increased risk of failure because of insufficient (mechanical) paper quality/properties. But how can insulating paper quality be expressed ? 271 Property of Laborelec How to express ‘paper quality’ ? Insulating paper quality is characterized by its Degree of Polymerization (or “DP” = average n° glucose monomers in cellulose chain or average length of cellulose). CH2OH H OH CH2OH O H HO O H OH H H OH OH H O H OH H H H H H O O H OH H H H H O H OH H OH O H CH 2OH OH CH 2OH n New paper (before drying process) New paper (after drying process) End-of-life paper • • • : DP of 1300-1100 : DP of 1000-900 : DP of 250-150 272 Property of Laborelec How to express ‘paper quality’ ? Insulating paper quality is characterized by its Degree of Polymerization (or “DP” = average n° glucose monomers in cellulose chain or average length of cellulose). 273 Property of Laborelec How to express ‘paper quality’ ? Insulating paper quality is also characterized by its tensile strength. 274 Property of Laborelec Which transformer parameters will impact paper ageing ? Ageing of insulating paper is (in)direct influenced by: • • • • Temperature Oil quality / acidity Water content Oxygen Ageing of insulating paper is irreversible. 275 Property of Laborelec Which transformer parameters will impact paper ageing ? Importance of temperature and water content: 276 Property of Laborelec What can be done to slow down paper ageing ? Decrease the impact of influencing parameters !! Influencing parameter Water Oil quality / acidity Temperature Oxygen Some comments New transformer (water content <0.5%): keep it dry as long as possible ! (check silica gel, membrane sealing, adequate OCM, …) Choose a good unused oil type (see IEC 60296 / Laborelec Purchase Spec 08/2016) Sufficient cooling / do not overstress - rate of paper degradation x2 if temperature + 6°C at 100-110°C oil temperature - rate of paper degradation x2 if temperature + 8°C at > 120°C oil temperature (CIGRE TB 494, 2012) Membrane sealing & adequate OCM 277 Property of Laborelec How to detect paper ageing through oil analysis ? Different methodologies By determination of CO and CO2 (per IEC 60567) By determination of furans (per IEC 61198) By determination of methanol (per IEC PT 63025 (draft)) How to interpret the results to estimate DP-value ? 278 Property of Laborelec Determination of CO and CO2 Some background: - These 2 dissolved gases are formed during paper degradation, but are also formed during oil degradation (thus not paper-specific ageing markers). - Formation of CO and CO2 are also determined by presence of oxygen, water and oil type. - No general applicable model exists as to determine DP-value for CO and CO2values at this moment. Some typical values: IEC 60599, 2015 version 279 Property of Laborelec Determination of CO and CO2 Recommendations: - Do not (only) use strict values of IEC 60599 and IEEE C57.104. - Trend CO and CO2 and perform furans or methanol if ratio CO2/CO is having sudden change (can be increase or decrease) together with the appearance of other dissolved gases. 280 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans Some background: - 5 molecules used since end 1980’ies which are paper specific paper ageing markers, which also partially dissolved in the oil. … 281 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans Some background: - 5 molecules used since end 1980’ies which are paper specific paper ageing markers, which also partially dissolved in the oil. … water 282 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans Some background: - 5 molecules used since end 1980’ies which are paper specific paper ageing markers, which also partially dissolved in the oil. Focus on 2FAL, although other 4 are still analysed/reported. According Stebbins (2003): 5-HMF → related to oxidation 2-FOL → related to high moisture 2-FAL → related to normal ageing or general overheating 5-MEF → related to high temperatures 2-ACF → unknown, very rarely observed Lots of studies tried to establish ratios for interpretation (cf. DGA diagnosis) but today, all results indicate that this approach is not applicable to real case transformers. 283 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans Correlation 2FAL (furans) with DP-values: - Easy under laboratory conditions (but not easy at all in real life !) !! - 2FAL-concentration in oil depends on lots of factors (paper/oil ratio, oil type, paper type, presence/absence of oxygen, water content, performed oil filtrations, temperature of oil as impact in paper/oil equilibrium, …) - Use the literature models (2FAL versus DP) very carefully ! - DP of paper inside a transformer is not homogenously spread but depends on location of paper inside the transformer. 284 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans Correlation 2FAL (furans) with DP-values: - 2FAL-concentration in oil depends on lots of factors (paper/oil ratio, oil type, paper type, presence/absence of oxygen, water content, performed oil filtrations, temperature of oil as impact in paper/oil equilibrium, …) 2FAL-content DP Incubation time Incubation time 285 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans Literature models (2FAL versus DP): Take into account: 1/ Models exist for ageing of Kraft paper but also some models exist specifically for TU paper. 2/ Some models are made based on sealed-tube laboratory research and some models are based on dismantling experiences of a transformer fleet. Typically furan values (for instance 90% typical values) from US databases are much lower than European databases (type of paper, oil used, …) 286 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans DP of paper inside a transformer is not homogenously spread: 287 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans DP of paper inside a transformer is not homogenously spread: Based on transformer dismantlings, ageing model can be made up per ‘specific transformer family’. Highly recommended by Laborelec and CIGRE working groups. Ageing model of a family of similar power transformer within ENGIE power plants. Example: At 1 ppm of 2FAL, DP-values ranges between 300 and 600 (real dismantlings). As per Chendong (1991): average DP = 430 As per De Pablo (1999): average DP = 900 As per Vuarchex (2002): average DP = 530 288 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans Some typical values: - Determine your own typical values (if your transformer fleet is sufficiently large). - 90, 95 & 99% typical values for absolute 2FAL-content: Kraft paper free breathing (in ppb 2FAL) AVERAGE 90% TV 95% TV 99% 298 609 1150 3733 TU paper sealed 85 144 362 1402 free breathing 122 80 413 2910 sealed 39 44 102 480 Shkolnik, 2012. 289 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans Some typical values: - 90, 95 & 99% typical values for 2FAL increase rate: Kraft paper (in ppb/year 2FAL) AVERAGE 90% TV 95% TV 99% TU paper free breathing sealed free breathing 121 130 294 1842 6 13 37 212 80 14 44 995 sealed 59 6 13 85 Shkolnik, 2012. 290 Property of Laborelec Determination of furans Recommendations: - Only 2FAL is used to correlate with DP / paper ageing status. - Determine your own typical values for 2FAL. - Make use of dismantling experiences (if similar transformers still in-service). - Use the literature ageing models (2FAL versus DP graph) very carefully. - Furans have disadvantages and in some cases methanol analysis can be a better option to estimate paper ageing. 291 Property of Laborelec Determination of methanol 2000: Furans → some disadvantages observed by Laborelec • Very little (or even no) furans when using some thermally upgraded papers (TUP) • Under some conditions, practically no furans but significant paper ageing • 2FAL only formed when DP-value < 750/800 • Impact of temperature (and acidity) on the partitioning/equilibrium of this ageing marker between oil and paper (temperature-correction model needed!) 292 Property of Laborelec Determination of methanol 2007: Methanol (literature & own research) showed some advantages • Only formed by paper ageing, (practically) not from oil • Also formed when using thermally upgraded papers • Under sealed conditions, more CH3OH than furans (membrane sealed transformers) • Linear production of CH3OH and from beginning of paper ageing (when DPv < 1200) 293 Property of Laborelec Determination of methanol 2007-2014: Methanol applicability research 294 Property of Laborelec Determination of methanol 2007-2014: Methanol applicability research – some results CH3OH also formed when using TUP. 295 Property of Laborelec Determination of methanol 2007-2014: Methanol applicability research – some results CH3OH also early-stage ageing marker. 296 Property of Laborelec Determination of methanol 2014: Implementation of methanol in ENGIE transformer fleet Since 2010: Validation of applicability of methanol by regular testing on specific transformer fleet (for instance: all step-up transformers of NUC-fleet in Belgium since 2010) Since 2014: Integration in OCM-programs of temperature-correction model of ageing markers. (Validation of model to correct methanol and 2FAL at temperature of 20°C) Presence of methanol, water and 2FAL in oil is temperature-dependent. Fluctuating temperature & loading of transformer creates migration of these 3 ageing markers between paper and oil. Similar to “corrected water / %RH” parameter. 297 Property of Laborelec Determination of methanol 2014: Temperature-correction model MeOH (mg/kg) 2,50 2,00 1,50 60 50 40 30 1,00 0,50 0,00 T(°C) MeOH MeOH 20°C 20 T(°C) 10 0 298 Property of Laborelec Determination of methanol 2014: Integrated in OCM programs for ENGIE-transformer fleet 1/ DGA + %RS (every 3-12 months) 2/ OIL AGEING (every 12-48 months) 3/ PAPER AGEING (only furans) (every 12-48 months) 3/ PAPER AGEING (new package) (every 12-48 months) MeOH, EtOH, 2FAL (absolute and Tcorrected values) 4/ CORR (specific) 299 Property of Laborelec Case 1: 3 same transformers, age (2006), loading, DGA, oil properties, top-oil emperature,… PAPER AGEING 300 Property of Laborelec Case 2: 3 same transformers, age (2008), loading, DGA, oil properties, top-oil emperature,… PAPER AGEING 301 Property of Laborelec Case 3: Temperature-correction effect on 1 transformer during 2014 period on 3 polar paper ageing markers 302 Property of Laborelec Determination of methanol How to perform interpretation ? → Typical values per fleet of similar transformers → Dismantling experiences 303 Property of Laborelec Determination of methanol How to perform CH3OH-analysis ? 304 Property of Laborelec Summary & some recommendations on paper ageing assessment • Insulating winding paper will age and can cause failure. • CO and CO2 can be used as to trigger furan or methanol analysis, but not separately to evaluate DP. • Only 2FAL is used to correlate with DP / paper ageing status. • Determine your own typical values for 2FAL and 2FAL-increase rate. • Make use of dismantling experiences (if similar transformers still in-service) !! • Use the literature ageing models (2FAL versus DP graph) very carefully. • Furans have some disadvantages and in some cases (for instance: young membrane-sealed transformers with TUP), methanol analysis can be a better option to estimate paper ageing. • Keep paper ageing influencing factors (water, temperature, …) under control from the beginning. 305 Property of Laborelec 306 Property of Laborelec Technical seminar SESSION 8 “Corrosive sulphur: what to know on this ‘hot topic’ ?” “Relevant oil analyses & interpretation” “Discussion on possible actions when testing corrosive” Santiago, Chile, 15/06/2018 307 Property of Laborelec Some questions to be answered… When should I be concerned ? Which analyses to perform ? Which actions can be taken when my oil tests (potentially) corrosive ? Advantages and drawbacks of the 5 risk mitigation actions ENGIE Laborelec approach 308 Property of Laborelec Some history Beginning 21st century, several failures related to deposits which were caused by ‘corrosive sulphur’. 2004: lots of research started within CIGRE / IEC / IEEE / Laborelec … . 2006: discovery of DBDS-molecule in transformer oil. 2006: method to determine corrosive sulphur (ASTM D1275B) 2008: method to determine potentially corrosive sulphur (IEC 62535). 2010: method to determine metal passivator (IEC 60666) 2012: method to determine DBDS (IEC 62697-1) 2012: revision of IEC 60296, as to avoid corrosive unused oils. 2013: revision of IEC 60422, as to determine corrosive in-service oils and mitigate risk. 2009…2015: CIGRE technical brochures on detection methods, risk assessment and long term mitigation. 309 Property of Laborelec What is copper sulphide ? Copper sulphide (Cu2S) deposits can be formed on Cu-windings or inside insulating paper when reactive sulphur species in the oil (in lots of cases DBDS, but also other reactive sulphur species) react with Cu, even under normal operating temperatures (starting at ca. 80°C). How can a transformer fail because of copper sulphide ? Copper sulphide deposits form inside the winding (surface Cu-paper) and the deposits ‘grow’ to the outside through different layers of paper, eventually ‘bridging’ between 2 conductors. Copper sulphide deposits can also be formed on bare Cu-parts, and after some time release conductive Cu2S-particles which can lead to dielectric breakdown. 310 Property of Laborelec What is DBDS ? DBDS or dibenzyl disulphide is a molecule which can be used as additive and which will increase the oxidation stability of oils, but under certain conditions corrode Cu. A large part of the corrosive sulphur related transformer failures reported over last 2 decades had insulating oil who did contain significant concentrations of DBDS. Addition of metal passivator to oil can protect bare Cu against corrosion of DBDS or other corrosive sulphur species. Can be found mostly in uninhibited transformers oils (produced 1989-2006) from different suppliers in concentrations of 50-350 ppm. Detection method: IEC 62697-1 DBDS = dibenzyl disulphide 311 Property of Laborelec What is a metal passivator ? These additives form thin films on copper, preventing the catalytic effect of copper in oil and the formation of harmful copper sulphide deposits in paper by reaction with corrosive sulphur compounds contained in the oil. They can protect the oil from the catalytic action of metals and slow down the rate of oxidation of oil. Passivators therefore slow down the oxidation process in IEC 61125 as they passivate the surface of the catalyzing copper-wire, thus leading to an ‘optimistic’ result of the oxidation stability test. Some of them are also used to reduce the electrostatic charging tendency of oils. Products commonly found : * TTAA (Irgamet 39®, N-bis(2-Ethylhexyl)-aminomethyl-tolutriazole) * BTA (benzotriazole) * TTA (5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole) * TAA (Irgamet 30®, N,N-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1 methanamine) Detection method IEC 60666 IEC 60666 IEC 60666 UPLC-MSMS-method BTA = benzotriazole 312 Property of Laborelec When is my transformer fleet concerned ? You have transformers commissioned between 1989 and 2007, and its mineral oil was not tested yet on presence of (potentially) corrosive sulphur. You used oils produced between 1989 and 2007 to top-up. Oil types (can be inhibited/uninhibited) which are most probably potentially corrosive: NYNAS NYTRO SHELL TOTAL MOBIL … 10BN, 10GB, 10GBN, 3000, 10X(T) DIALA AX, B, M, S, some DX ISOVOLTINE II (…-2008) Most oils which are potentially corrosive contain DBDS. data: Laborelec oil library analysis of 1 supplier (2007) 313 Property of Laborelec Also inhibited oils When is my transformer fleet concerned ? You have transformers commissioned between 1989 and 2007, and its mineral oil was not tested yet on presence of (potentially) corrosive sulphur. You used oils produced between 1989 and 2007 to top-up. Oil types (can be inhibited/uninhibited) which are most probably potentially corrosive: NYNAS NYTRO SHELL TOTAL MOBIL … 10BN, 10GB, 10GBN, 3000, 10X(T) DIALA AX, B, M, S, some DX ISOVOLTINE II (…-2008) Most oils which are potentially corrosive contain DBDS. DBDS-containing oils with metal passivator were sold during 2006-2007 period. This supplier had potentially corrosive oils on market between 1989 and end 2006 with DBDSconcentrations between 50 and 350 ppm. data: Laborelec oil library analysis of 1 supplier (2007) 314 Property of Laborelec Which oil analyses to perform ? Some more detail on the numerous corrosive sulphur analyses ISO 5662 (1997): Cu-strip method (140°C during 19h) DIN 51353 (1985): Ag-strip method (100°C during 18h) ASTM D1275 (2003): Cu-strip method (140°C during 19h) ASTM D1275B (2006): Cu-strip method (150°C during 48h) ASTM D1275 (2015): Cu- and Ag-strip method (150°C during 48h) IEC 62535 (2008): paper wrapped Cu-strip method (150°C during 72h) In-house methods … 315 Property of Laborelec Which oil analyses to perform ? Some more detail on the numerous corrosive sulphur analyses Incubation set-up of Cu-strip as per ASTM D1275 ISO 5662 (1997): Cu-strip method (140°C during 19h) DIN 51353 (1985): Ag-strip method (100°C during 18h) ASTM D1275 (2003): Cu-strip method (140°C during 19h) ASTM D1275B (2006): Cu-strip method (150°C during 48h) ASTM D1275 (2015): Cu- and Ag-strip method (150°C during 48h) IEC 62535 (2008): paper wrapped Cu-strip method (150°C during 72h) In-house methods … Incubation set-up of Cu-strip wrapped with paper as per IEC 62535 316 Property of Laborelec Which oil analyses to perform ? Some more detail on the numerous corrosive sulphur analyses Interpretation by inspection of Cu-strip ISO 5662 (1997): Cu-strip method (140°C during 19h) DIN 51353 (1985): Ag-strip method (100°C during 18h) ASTM D1275 (2003): Cu-strip method (140°C during 19h) ASTM D1275B (2006): Cu-strip method (150°C during 48h) ASTM D1275 (2015): Cu- and Ag-strip method (150°C during 48h) IEC 62535 (2008): paper wrapped Cu-strip method (150°C during 72h) In-house methods … Interpretation by inspection of Cu-strip and paper 317 Property of Laborelec Which oil analyses to perform ? On unused oils, request conformity to IEC 60296 Ed.4 or LABORELEC PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Ed. 2016 Unused should * test clearly non-corrosive per IEC 62535 and DIN 51353 * have no metal passivators per IEC 60666 (< 5 ppm) * have no DBDS per IEC 62697-1 (< 5ppm). 318 Property of Laborelec Which oil analyses to perform ? On ‘doubtful’ transformer oil in-service the following analyses are recommended as to decide if corrosive sulphur risk assessment is needed. In some cases, also DIN 51353 and/or IEC 62697-1 are recommended 319 Property of Laborelec Risk assessment and possible actions for oils in-service ? If oil tests ‘non corrosive’ per IEC 62535 and contains no metal passivator per IEC 60666, no further actions are needed. Except retesting if contamination is expected (cf. PCB-analysis). If oil tests ‘potentially corrosive’ per IEC 62535, risk assessment to determine best mitigation action is required. Items to be taken into account when performing risk assessment: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Are Cu-windings enamelled ? Is transformer highly loaded ? Is transformer having a thermal issue ? Is OLTC present ? Is oil passivated ? When was oil passivated ? Is oil having a low O2-content ? Are other corrosive sulphur oil analyses needed ? (DBDS, DIN 51353, …) What about historical oil analyses ? (DGA, acidity, inhibitor, furans, …) How critical is unit ? Risk acceptance by owner ? Requirements by insurance company ? … Example of most appropriate mitigation action: - DO NOTHING OIL FILTRATION OIL CHANGE OIL PASSIVATION REPLACE TRANSFORMER 320 Property of Laborelec Risk assessment and possible actions for oils in-service ? Impact of oil composition on corrosive sulphur deposits during IEC 62535 testing: Inhibited corrosive oils have the tendency to depose Cu2S on/in paper Mineral oil 1 DBPC: DBDS: Irgamet 39: 0.25 % 85 ppm ND Mineral oil 2 DBPC: DBDS: Irgamet 39: 0.24 % ND ND Mineral oil 3 DBPC: ND DBDS: 95 ppm Irgamet 39: ND 321 Property of Laborelec Risk assessment and possible actions for oils in-service ? Impact of metal passivator on corrosive sulphur deposits during IEC 62535 testing: Mineral oil 1 DBPC: 0.25 % DBDS: 85 ppm Irgamet 39: ND Mineral oil 1 + metal passivator DBPC: 0.25 % DBDS: 85 ppm Irgamet 39: 207 ppm Mineral oil 3 DBPC: ND DBDS: 95 ppm Irgamet 39: ND Mineral oil 3 + metal passivator DBPC: ND DBDS: 95 ppm Irgamet 39: 127 ppm 322 Property of Laborelec Possible actions for oils in-service ? Most appropriate mitigation action: - DO NOTHING very low cost corrosive molecules remain in contact with Cu-windings - OIL PASSIVATION low cost corrosive molecules are not removed but Cu-windings protected disadvantages: passivator depletion and H2 stray gassing - OIL FILTRATION intermediate cost corrosive molecules are removed - OIL CHANGE intermediate cost corrosive molecules are removed - REPLACE TRANSFORMER very high cost problem solved Choice will be influenced by cost of intervention and this price will be determined partly by size of transformer and level or corrosiveness 323 Property of Laborelec Possible actions for oils in-service ? Most appropriate mitigation action: Mitigation actions after risk assessment within ENGIE Laborelec transformer fleet (> 400 transformers concerned). - DO NOTHING - OIL PASSIVATION >50% 30-40% - OIL FILTRATION <2% - OIL CHANGE <2% - REPLACE TRANSFORMER <2% Passivation: Reclaiming: Oil change: Mix: >80% ca. 5% ca. 5% ca. 5% Mitigation actions chosen based on CIGRE A2.42 TF03 survey (CIGRE TB 625, 2015) 324 Property of Laborelec Attention points when implementing passivation • Passivation will not remove the already formed Cu2S-deposits before the addition of metal passivator. • Passivator depletion will occur in most cases. 325 Property of Laborelec Attention points when implementing passivation • High temperatures, acidic oil and oxygen presence can deplete passivator content quite rapidly. As per CIGRE TB 625, only the case in ca. 15% of passivated units. ENGIE GSU-transformer of 1972, retrofilled with NN 10GBN in 2001 and passivated in 2007. Transformer had T1 thermal fault and was also breathing type. • Addition of metal passivator can create stray gassing. This stray gassing (mostly H2, CO, CO2, CH4) is not harmful but can make routine condition monitoring by DGA (much) more difficult. New standards like IEC 60599 already give (limited) guidance on how to differentiate passivator stray gassing from real DGA internal faults. 326 Property of Laborelec Attention points when implementing passivation • Addition of metal passivator can create stray gassing. 3 similar GSU-transformers commissioned in 2006, filled with NN 3000P. 327 Property of Laborelec Attention points when implementing passivation • Passivators will be removed when performing reclaiming. They can also be partially removed when performing reconditioning, depending on temperature and vacuum applied. • Passivation has been found to be not efficient as to protect silver (Ag) selector contacts from corrosive sulphur. Especially elemental sulphur is highly reactive with Ag-contacts. DIN 51353 is more sensitive to detect elemental sulphur than the IEC 62535 method. 328 Property of Laborelec Attention points when implementing oil filtration • Oil filtration techniques (specific reclamation with adsorbents) used onsite/online can remove (potentially) corrosive species, but after filtration process special analysis program is needed to check oil properties: • Does the oil test non-corrosive to DIN 51353 after oil filtration ? (several cases in UK & Sweden, where reclaimed oil turned corrosive to silver) Inadequate reclaiming 329 Property of Laborelec Attention points when implementing oil filtration • Oil filtration techniques (specific reclamation with adsorbents) used onsite/online can remove (potentially) corrosive species, but after filtration process special analysis program is needed to check oil properties: • Does the oil test non-corrosive to DIN 51353 after oil filtration ? (recent case in Belgian HV-grid; 80 kV transformer, uninhibited Fina Diekan 1640 produced in 1975, S = 1900 ppm) Inadequate reclaiming 330 Property of Laborelec Attention points when implementing oil filtration • Oil filtration techniques (specific reclamation with adsorbents) used onsite/online can remove (potentially) corrosive species, but after filtration process special analysis program is needed to check oil properties: • What about impact of removal of sulphur compounds on oxidation stability ? Removal of DBDS will decrease oxidation stability of insulating oil. 331 Property of Laborelec Attention points when implementing oil change • Efficiency will depend on concentration of corrosive sulphur species as residual oil volume is ca. 5-10%. So typically concentration of corrosive sulphur will be diluted by factor 10 up to 25. • Relatively few references, more related with cost than effectiveness of technical solution or difficulty of this quite simple maintenance action. 332 Property of Laborelec Summary & some recommendations on corrosive sulphur risk mitigation • Insulating oils made between 1989 and 2007 can produce Cu2S (or Ag2S) deposits under some conditions. • DBDS is involved in majority of the corrosive sulphur related failures. • Other important risk determining factors are temperature (high load, inefficient cooling, …) and oxygen content. • Adequate oil analyses are available; choose the right ones. • Electrical measurements can not predict the presence of Cu2S-deposits. Although resistance measurements can be useful for Ag2S deposit determination of selector contacts. • By performing detailed risk assessment, the best mitigation action can be determined. Passivation has been proven to be very successful, but also oil filtration or oil change can be performed. Also doing nothing, transformer replacement or improving cooling/reducing load can be adequate countermeasures. 333 Property of Laborelec Summary & some recommendations on corrosive sulphur risk mitigation • When buying new/unused oil, refer to IEC 60296 Ed.4 to avoid all corrosive sulphur issues. • Passivation has some inconveniences like stray gassing or passivator depletion. This is however not always the case and are in most cases only minor problems. • When implementing oil filtration (reclaiming/regeneration), check oxidation stability and corrosive sulfur against Ag-strip (by DIN 51353). • Practically no (potentially) corrosive oils are available on the market, although be prudent as recycled oils will gain in importance. • Corrosive sulphur issue and corrosive oils are still around in lots of transformers in-service. But do not panic or overreact; not all transformers will form Cu2S-deposits and not all transformers with Cu2S-deposits will fail. 334 Property of Laborelec 335