Name: __________________________________ Track & Grade Level: _______________________ Date: ______________ Score: _____________ Rubric Grading System for Essay Criteria 1 2 3 Support Develops an Develop an interesting Develops an interesting point of point of view on the interesting point of view on the issue but issue, demonstrating view on the issue is vague or seriously competent critical and demonstrates limited, demonstrating thinking, uses strong critical weak critical thinking, adequate examples, thinking which providing reasons/ generally uses inappropriate or argumentations, or appropriate insufficient examples, other evidence to examples, reasons/ reasons/ support its position argumentations, or argumentations or other evidence to other evidence to support its position support its position Organization Is poorly organized Is generally organized Is well organized and and Focus and/ or focused, or and focused, focused, demonstrates serious demonstrating some demonstrating problems with coherence and coherence and coherence or progression of ideas progression of ideas progression of ideas Sentence Demonstrates Demonstrates some Demonstrates Structure frequent problems in variety in sentence meaningful variety in and word sentence structure; structure; reached sentence structure; requirement did not reach 1,000 1,000 words reached 1,000 words words or more Use of Displays very little Displays developing Displays developing language facility in the use of facility in the use of facility in the use of and language, using very language, but language, using Vocabulary limited vocabulary or sometimes uses weak appropriate incorrect word choice vocabulary or vocabulary inappropriate word choice Timeliness Submits a day or more Submits on due time Submits a day or after the deadline more earlier than the scheduled deadline TOTAL SCORE Checked by: JOHN C. HILARIO Teacher SCORE