sn += THE PRACTICAL CALCULATION CHARACTERISTICS OF OF SLENDER THE AERODYNAMIC FINNED VEHICLES by James. A Dissertation and Submitted Architecture Fulfillment in Aerospace of The S. Barrowman to the Faculty Catholic of the Requirements of the University for the Degree Engineering. March Washington, 1967 D. C. School of Engineering of America in Partial of Master of Science This dissertationwasapprovedby Dr. ShuJ. Ying Assistant Professorof SpaceScienceandAppliedPhysics as Director andby as Reader. ii Dr. Hsing-PingPao ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincere appreciationto Dr. ShuJ. Ying andDr. Hsing°PingPao of the Departmentof SpaceScienceandAppliedPhysicsfor their helpful suggestionsconcerningthis dissertation, I would also like to expressmy thanksto Mr. EdwardMayoinparticular andthe staff of GoddardSpaceFlight Center in generalfor their helpfulnessandpatiencewhile preparingthis report. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................. iii TABLE .............................................. iv OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ................................................. v LIST OF SYMBOLS ................................................. vi I. SYNPOSIS 2. INTRODUCTION 3. NORMAL 4. AXIAL 5. COMPARISON 6. CONCLUSIONS .................................................. 74 7. REFERENCES .................................................. 75 APPENDIX ..................................................... ................................................. FORCE FORCE A - 1 AERODYNAMICS AERODYNAMICS WITH Exerpt .................................... 2 ...................................... EXPERIMENTAL of Aerodynamic 1 DATA Theory 42 ............................. From iv Reference 62 1 .................. 77 OF LIST FIGURES Figure Page 3-i Fin Dihedral Angle .......................................... 5 3-2 Fin Geometry 7 3-3 Proportionality Triangle for Chord 3-4 Fin Cant Angle ............................................. 12 3-5 Forces 13 3-6 Roll Damping 3-7 Body 3-8 Approximate 3-9 Supersonic 3-10 Subsonic 3-11 Supersonic 3-12 Pitch Damping 4-1 Skin Friction Coefficient ...................................... 44 4-2 Skin Friction With Roughness 45 4-3 ............................................. ............................... Due to Fin Cant ....................................... Parameters Component ..................................... Shapes ....................................... Tangent Body .................................... I_¢r> ........................................... XB(_} 8 14 19 22 33 ............................................ 34 ×B_,r) ........................................... 38 Parameters Supersonic C% Variation .................................... ................................... 39 ..................................... 49 4-4 Cylinder Drag Variation ...................................... 51 4-5 Leading 52 4-6 Two 4-7 Nose 4-8 Three 5-1 Aerobee 350 .............................................. 63 5-2 Aerobee 350 Normal 64 5-3 Aerobee 350 Center of Pressure 5-4 Tomahawk 5-5 Tomahawk 5-6 Basic Finner .............................................. 69 5-7 Basic Finner Roll Damping 70 5-8 Aerobee 150A ............................................. 71 5-9 Aerobee 150A Drag Coefficient .................................. 72 5-10 Aerobee 150A Reynolds 73 Edge Drag .......................................... Dimensional Pressure Base Pressure Drag at Mach Dimensional ................................ 54 One ................................ 58 Base Pressure ............................... Force Coefficient Derivative ..................... ................................. ............................................... Roll Forcing Moment Coefficient Derivative Moment Number ................. Coefficient Derivative ............... ................................. V 61 65 67 68 LIST Symbol OF SYMBOLS Description A Area AB Base Area Base Area of One Nose Base Area Fin AB r Conical Shoulder or Boattail Base Area AB s Ar Reference AT Planform AwB A WB^ Total Area Area Body Wetted Wetted Area Nose of One Exposed Fin Nose Afterbody Area of Booster Wetted Panel Area A WN A WN^ Wetted Area of Sustainer and the Shoulder. If there der of the Sustainer. Conical Shoulder or Nose and the Cylindrical Afterbody Between the Nose is no Shoulder, the Afterbody is Taken as the Remain- Boattail Wetted Area A Ws A WsA Wetted the Area AR Aspect a Ambient B3 Third CD C DB C%T CD f CDLT CDp CDTT %. of the Shoulder or Ratio Shoulder of Exposed Speed Order Irreversibility Coefficient, Base Drag Coefficient Tail Trailing Edge Drag Skin Friction Drag Coefficient Tail Leading Edge Dra_ Total Drag Tail Thickness Wave Drag the of Sound Busseman Drag and Fin Drag Pressure or Bottail Boattail D Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient Drag Coefficient Coefficient vi Coefficient Portion of the Sustainer Aft of Symbol cf Description Incompressible Skin Compressible Skin Friction Coefficient Friction Coefficient Cf c Rolling CI Moment Coefficient, _/qA r L r (PL_ C, Roll Damping Roll Forcing Moment Coefficient Derivative, _c_/_ PL r \TV] _ 2-_ : o P C_ C C Moment Coefficient Pitch Moment Coefficient, Pitch Damping Moment Derivative, _/_ArL _C_/_ ,_ _ = 0 r Coefficient Derivative, _cm/_ (_) _ --qLr2V = 0 q % Cp C CMA Normal Force Coefficient, Normal Force Coefficient Pressure Coefficient, Cord Length Mean Aerodynamic Fin Root Fin Tip n/_A Derivative, _CN,/_ @_ = 0 5P '_ Chord Chord C r C t Chord D Aerodynamic Drag d Diameter d_ Diameter of Nose dS Diameter of Shoulder or F Force fB Total Fineness Ratio Body Diederich's f_ Equivalent fN Nose Force Base Planform Base Correlation F_neness Fineness Boattail Ratio Parameter of a Truncated for Fins Cone Ratio Fineness Ratio of the Nose and Fineness Ratio of the Shoulder Nose Afterbody fN^ or Boattail fs^ h Fin Trailing Edge K,k Interference Factors KI First Busseman K2 Second Order Order Thickness Busseman and General Coefficient Coefficient vii Constants and Shoulder Afterbody Symbol Description Third Order Busseman Coefficient Length Reference Length Location of Shoulder or Bottail Measured from the Nose Tip Fin Root Leading Edge Wedge Length Nose Length Total Body Length Shoulder or Bottail Length Location of Fin Leading Edge Intersection with Body, Measured from Nose Tip Fin Root Trailing Edge Wedge Length Roll Moment About Longitudinal Axis Mach Number Cotangent rL Pitch Moment About Center of Gravity Number of Fins ( 3 or 4) Normal Aerodynamic Force Prandtle Factor, I/Prandtle Factor for Swept Fins, 1//1 - M~ cos2 rc Roll Rate Pitch Rate Dynamic Pressure Reynolds Number Surface Roughness Height Fin Leading Edge Radius Body Radius at Tail Exposed Fin Semispan Measured from Root Chord Maximum Fin Thickness Velocity Body Volume Downwash Velocity Symbol XCG Description Center of Gravity Distance Location Between Fin Measured Root Leading from Edge Nose and Tip the Fin Tip Leading Edge XL T Measured Parallel Longitudinal Center Y Spanwise Center YMA Spanwise Location Angle to the Root of Pressure Location of Pressure Location of C_A Measured Measured Measured from the from from Root Nose the Tip Longitudinal Chord of Attack Supersonic, - 1; Subsonic, Midchord Line Sweep Angle Quarter Chord Sweep Angle VL Leading Edge Sweep Angle rT Trailing Edge Sweep Angle V1 First C2 Second Region Boundary Region Sweep Boundary of Specific _'_ - M2 Angle Sweep Angle -y Ratio _L Fin Leading Edge Wedge Half Angle in a Plane Parallel to the Flow Fin Trailing Edge Wedge Half Angle in a Plane Parallel to the Flow Incidence A of Surface Fin Dihedral Fin Taper Mach Heats Ratio, Ambient Density + Tip r t ct 'C r Angle Kinematic s in a Plane Angle Ambient Nose to Flow Half Viscosity Angle Ratio r t ix Parallel to the Flow Axis Subscripts B Body B(T) Body cr Critical N Nose i" Root S Conical T Tail T(B) Tail t Tip W Wetted 1 Value in the Presence of the Tail Value Shoulder in the for or Presence one Boattail of the Body fin X 1.00 SYNPOSIS The basic objective ic characteristics guided of slender missiles. derivative, The coefficient coefficient, CD. made to analyze able is a slender The fins they of pressure, The body having are combined Use of established effort the has cases, been the The made method and are 2.00 INTRODUCTION 2.10 BACKGROUND In order the vehicles mation; turns to study but they curacy 20, both is relations between both are them are applic- the is accounted fins and used in deriving available to the contempory or simplify complex relations. and the that the for body the are equations. engineer, no In many results the theory are compared predicts to respective aerodynamic charac- data. or existing Windtunnel and drag No attempt in mind. vehicles of a new expensive and of work time developed Jones, application though they to practical reliability speed has flight vehicle or flight consuming. armaments, been the done tests Lacking 29, later 22, provide calculations. of their slender on the a.number technique references of conical references high However, reference flow. and performance the damping cq ; and the flow. to which necessary, theories experimental C_s; roll derivative, interference readily indicates characteristics. deal Tsien, Even rocket and coefficient applicable. computer comparison of the is exhaustive. Morikawa, cability The of rockets reference excellent the bombs, force the can engineer prov{de either time must the have needed or money infor- the engineer predictions. A great supersonic and are day of contributors airships. the with aerodynam- derivative, supersonic methods are order and speed normal the fins. When is a tool higher to sounding percent vehicle. the high the coefficient or four and they are subsonic semi-empirical when rockets, configuration three of computing coefficient moment general computer derived aerodynamic In this Munk, digital data. to theoretical interest. methods is applied ten total and to linearize flight within the sounding moment both separately; theoretical speed equations windtunnel teristics purely high analyzed to form Both Since for region. method considered damping determined transonic body as forcing C_p; pitch are such _; roll axisymmetric subdivided. is made vehicles a practical characteristics derivative, and is to provide finned Equations the are thesis aerodynamic CN_ ; center moment when of this flow of slender modified theory 3, 18 and valuable Their results. aerodynamics of works Munks 7, 8, 9, extended to wing 17, have inherent Those Munk's lift and that out and theory technique and to apply work drag are analyzed many of the and accuracy The of particular applied list interest. it to low speed it to pointed to finite wings projectiles and Nielsen, wing-body contributions approximations are of considerable configurations. are estimation. assumptions provide vehicles of such stand body thoroughly understanding, finned usually also Pitts, Ferrari, interference have effects. limited reduce so complex in provided applithe acor abstractthey cannotdirectly providethe desired aerodynamiccharacteristics. This thesisis an attemptto form concrete,usefulexpressionsby applyingthe bestabstract theoreticaltreatments as well as reliable empirical data. 2.20 STATEMENTOF PROBLEM Determinea set of expressionsfor the practical calculationof the aerodynamiccharacteristics of slender,axisymmetricfinnedvehiclesat bothsubsonicandsupersonicspeeds.Thecharacteristics of interest are the normalforce coefficientderivative, CN_ ; center of pressure,X; roll forcing momentcoefficientderivative, C_; roll damping moment coefficient derivative, C; ; pitch damping _p moment 2.30 coefficient GENERAL METHOD 1. Divide 2. Analyze the 3. Analyze wing-body 4. Recombine 2.40 3.0 derivative, vehicle into body The angle-of-attack 2. The flow 3. The vehicle 4. The nose NORMAL There rate. These Subdivide either when derivatives that separately. total vehicle necessary. solution. zero. body. point. AERODYNAMICS of aerodynamic acting normal by four excitations forcing near irrotational. is a sharp generated a pitch and is a rigid tip a number are & V; a roll Cy ; and and tail. tail CD. interference. is steady forces fins body is very FORCE are on the SOLUTION coefficient, ASSUMPTIONS 1. aerodynamic drag OF and to form GENERAL Cmq; and produce moment damping main the coefficient moment coefficient to the longitudinal sources; normal axis coefficient derivative, C4_; a roll derivative, are vehicle. angle-of-attack; force coefficient of the fin cant derivative, directly dependent The normal angle, roll rate, CN_, at a center damping moment C q respectively. The coefficient only on the forces normal acting and pitch of pressure, derivative, force ,p acting on the body is due to the angle of attac_k. 3.10 TAIL NORMAL FORCE AERODYNAMICS 3.11 TAIL NORMAL FORCE COEFFICIENT In subsonic force coefficient flow, the semi-empirical derivative of a finite is the normal force at a center of pressure. DERIVATIVE method thin This plate of Diederich as; from reference 2 gives the normal Af (3-1) 2 +Fp +-- 4 where; %_0 = Normal FD Diederich's = According Force Coefficient Planform Derivative of a two Correlation dimensional airfoil. Parameter. to Diederich; : F D By the thin airfoil theory of potential AR 1 2---#%=o cos Fc flow (reference (3-2) 26), (3-3) C__a 0 = Correcting this for compressible 27 flow according to Gothert's rule (reference 26) 27 CN ° - 13 (3-4) Thus; J_ Substituting equations (3-4) and (3-5) into C-Na This as is the The given value for one Third order where; Kz = 2/z (T + I) M 4 4Z" - 4,_ 2 simplifying, 27 _ (Af "Ar] -- (3-6) fin. expansion of the Cpi = ) and value of (_)_ for one fin in supersonic in Appendix A. It is essentially a strip Busemann's K2 (3-1) (3-5) Fc FD - cos : KI flow is computed using the method of reference theory which analyses two dimensional strips compressible _i + K2 2 "_i + flow K3 3 "Oi + 1, using equations. B3V_ (3-7) K3 = (W + i) Ms + (2_ B3 = 1 (5,+ I) M 4 [(S - 37) M 4 + 4('>' - 3) M s + 8] 4-'8 The strip values that are intersected by 1 is that it a thickness To used. the Only Both rives the Figure are A three of (3) fin force and analysed effect S) M_ + 10('y+ 6/3 7 summed the fin mach fin to that the The most the analysis. fin the analyzed, is CN= of tWO fin in applied advantage effect since a plane panels a correction distinct vehicle are one with of fin these parallel at very of the the must most flow. angles those method dihedral are to the small to strips in reference be con- commonly Reference 13 de- of attack. angle, A. configuration derivative vehicles assuming the dihedral in a multi-finned finned on direction cone. distribution four dihedral i) M4 - 12M 2 + 8 in a spanwise tip C.N_ of one three 3-I defines normal then includes apply sidered. are - 7W- has two effective panels at a 30 ° dihedral angle. Thus the tail is, (3-9) Since the normal dihedral force angle derivative of the two effective panels equations a four (4) fin configuration is zero, the tail is; =)T From of 3-9 and 3-10 we can 4 (4 generalize for N fins) three (3-10) and four fin vehicles. _y Figure 3-1-Fin Dihedral Angle (As Viewed From Rear) Substituting 3-6 into 3-11, for subsonic flow; (c__) T Nv PR (Af/A) V/4+ f\cos 2 + 3.12 TAIL CENTER From a two the by the pressure the of pressure above argument, line and is considered of the mean is also located the of its the mean center with shows coordinate. the To find fin coordinate this function, is defined mach number. equation that the fin edges -- its leading edge. chord line. chord of the is located at the treatment, the It remains of Thus, on By definifin. There- intersection subsonic of center to determine the system. c 2 dy The of length all relation c L-y straight (3-13) generalized = and chord is set is a function up. See figure of the form spanwise 3-3. ct L* -s (3-14) a trapizoid. From the first two terms of 3-14; c = c - Y---c, • From of pressure f0 _f a proportionality are center quarter aerodynamic In this the as; c,_ L_ It is assumed from the of pressure chord. 1 3-2 chord along 26, chord. CMA Figure reference is located fin constant chord length aerodynamic aerodynamic aerodynamic flow, along subsonic mean potential the of pressure to remain mean at 1/4 center the 'f Fc] LOCATION of subsonic is located fin, chord and position The theory airfoil center quarter PRESSURE airfoil dimensional fore, the thin dimensional a three tion, the OF (3-12) the first and last terms of equation 3-14; CtL* : c rL* -c Simplifying, (3-15) L* S and defining; C _. =_L C t (3-16) l IMA ,QUARTER-CHORD LINE \ )-CHORD \ \ i Ict MEAN ct AERODYNAMIC CHORD Figure 3-2-Fin Geometry LINE cr -,_-Y _-_ L*-Y L* Figure 3-3-Proportionality Triangle for Chord we find; s Lo = (3-17) Substituting 3-17 into 3-15, (3-18) c = cr (1 + ky) where, I k )_-I - (3-19) ---- L* s Using 3-18 in 3-13; r =_ c2 c_^ fo' (1 + ky) 2 dy (3-20) Integrating C 2 r --- [(1 +ks) 3 - 1] c_^ - Af 3k CMA = r--LA f 1 +ks +3 s (3-21) Substituting 3:19 into 3-21 and simplifying; 1 C2 CM^ = 3 • S [}2 +_+1] (3-22) +c t) s (3-23) Af But; 1 A,=_(% thus; 2 c2 [\_ +_+1] CMA 3 C r + C t or, (3-24) CMA To find the spanwise location of %^, 3- r ='3" equate _ Ct 3-24 r+Ct C r Cr and + Ct 3-18 and =c r + C t solve 1+ for y. y S or (3-25) c Y_^ After much (% +c,) I'_ 2cr 3(% spanwise subsonic center of pressure ICr +2Ct coordinate : can c s -c, is then; be seen from figure 3-1, the +_- rt + longitudinal (3-26) 1 YT As "1 algebra; s The ct t) +c --Ct (3-27) J coordinate is; 1 = 17 + lu^ + _-cM^ (3-28) But; YMA J'MA Combining equations 3-24, 3-26, 3-28, T_r : 17 +Yx The fin center of pressure t = YMA tan and 3-29; c t ;+ 2cc--_-j in supersonic flow r L = -- 5 + Cr is found 10 s x t +c (3-29) . Cr by the + (3-30) Ct method of reference 1 in appendix A. 3.13 TAIL ROLL FORCINGMOMENTCOEFFICIENTDERIVATIVE A force arises ona fin at zero angleof attackif the fin is cantedat an anglewith the longitudinal axis. Seefigure 3-4. The cantangleis an effectiveangle-of-attack. As canbeseenin figure 3-5, the total force resulting from cantingall the fins at the sameangleis zero onthree and four fin configurations.However,a roll forcing momentaboutthe longitudinalaxis is produced. Sincethe cantangleactsas aneffectiveangleof attackthe roll forcing momentis subsonicflow may bewritten in terms of (C_)_; a The values of (C_), coefficient and VT are is defined found using I equations 3-6 and 3-27 respectively. The rolling moment as, (3-32) C_ : _A L thus; using equation 3-26; N YT CN_ 8 ' Cj_: L (3-33) r The roll forcing moment coefficient derivative is defined C4 thus; the subsonic roll forcing coefficient as; c_ : derivative (3-34) is, 7r In supersonic This method 3.14 TAIL When panel duced The ROLL the on the position. and free fin about local C_:s is computed using the moment has stream local the forcing MOMENT a roll velocity, velocity the longitudinal moment total axis at the method the a local a local force roll and of the force rate 11 them in appendix in a spanwise A. direction. DERIVATIVE is zero, _ is, 1 as given sums local angle-of-attack resulting the strip superposition produces opposes of reference of each COEFFICIENT produces angle-of-attack configurations rolling roll DAMPING vehicle The four flow, determines (see which distribution as tangential shown figure 3-6) velocity is a function along the and is a roll fin of spanwise fin. previously. of the For The three moment damping promoment. V J Figure 3-4-Fin Cant 12 Angle -'-F (A) F" VIEWS LOOKING FORWARD F T/, F (e) F" Figure 3-5-Forces Due 13 to Fin Cant TOP VIEW ,.y • I X F(()_a(() F _v LOCAL S+r VIEW t FROM Figure ANGLE REAR 3-6-Roll Damping 14 Parameters -OF-ATTACK dt : (F(_) The local angle of attack (3-36) at 4 is, (3-37) But; v(_) : - P _7 Thus; (3-38) For v >>P,_ the local angle-of-attack is near zero, thus; _,(,_) - - -- (3-39) V In subsonic compressible flow the local normal CN_° is defined in equation 3-4. on an airfoil - %,0 h ,(=) v(:) Where force Knowing c(_) ,1-_ 3-18 is found using equation 3-4. (3-40) that, y - _ - ,- equation strip (3-41) gives c(_') - c r 1 ---I • (: _ rt ) S or c(4) : ' . s s 1----_ -_ 15 -_ r (3-42) Combining equations 3-36, 3-39, 3-40, and 3-42; Simplifying; d- 1 = - CNa0 _ pcr (1 - 4) (L • VS where L ° is defined by equation 3-17. Applying ÷ equation rt _ 3-32 _) _2 (3-43) d_ provides the local roll moment coefficient. CNa° Pc r (1 -k) (3-44) dC,_ -: - Integrating over the exposed A L VS (L" ÷ r t - f') 52 d_ fin, C£ : k /'[ S÷rt J: [(L • ÷ rt ) - 4) f] _ z2 (3-45) d_ ;t where; pc k = r (1 (3-46) ArL_ Performing the ks k and 2 [(1 pc roll damping + 34) s 2 + 4(1 + 24) sr t + 6(1 _ k) (3-47) r_] simplifying; C_ : The VS integration; CL : 12(1->0 Reintroducing CNa 0 - moment r S CNa 0 12 _ A¢ L r V coefficient [(1 derivative + 34) s 2 + 4(1 + 2k) defined as; is sr t +6(I +_ r2] (3-48) (3-49) \2V/IPLr o I-re ° 16 Then,from 3-48, crSCsa°[(1 +3k) s2 +4(1 +2>0 sr t +6(1 ÷k) (3-50) r_] 6L2r Ar However, CN_° must parameter. From moment be the coefficient corrected for results derivative for is, order to determine angle-of-attack appendix To insure The that the of resulting C_ is using 3-1, 3-5, the and Diederich 3-6, the correlation subsonic roll damping S r 6L distribution A. N fins effects equations (3-51) ×--p In dimensional 3.11, Nc C; three of section 2 r l roll damping equation rolling truely moment 3-37 moment a linear is is coefficient introduced divided by the value derivative, derivative into PL of the 2v %.x in supersonic equations to form must the be of reference roll damping near zero. flow, the 1 in derivative. To provide _p this condition we assume PL (3 --:k 52) 2V where k is any defined constant; and, k<<l From equations 3-37 and 3-41: max Using equation t Rll -I 3-52, -_ tan For the slender, - finned vehicles under (3-53) -I consideration; 2(s _ r) --:,4 L Thus mRx - tan -_ (4k) 17 (3-54) To satisfy the criterion, :: tan equation3-54dictatesthat, k <_10 -a Using the equality, the angle- of-attack variation becomes; .002 _(y) This variation termined. is The introduced into corresponding the equations C_ _ is found . r t) (3-55 L of reference 1 and a value of the damping C is de- by, C; For (y - C_ N fins; C/ (3-56 = IO00NC_ p 3.20 BODY NORMAL FORCE COEFFICIENT 3.21 BODY NORMAL FORCE DERIVATIVE The axisymmetric cylinders 3-7. and It is allows will conical be considered since For a slender state that running there over assumption of a slender frustrums. required integration not body the entire in this the axially normal load no force symmetric nose A(×) angle-of-attack is the is local constant shape of the From coefficient body generally is usually at body. conical the interfaces The effect a static derivative in a combination subsonic stability of flow, or tangent of these a nose shape, ogival. See components. compressibility point increases of of viewi near references roach 15 and is figure This in ,this circular subsonic flow a conservative one. 4 derive the steady as, n(x) Where is discontinuities length analysis. normal vehicle The be DERIVATIVE crossectional in area :' = _,Y__x of the [A(x) body. ×, 18 w(x)] The (3-57) rigid body downwash is a function of the (a) NOSE CONE OGIVE (b) CYLINDRICAL SECTIONS ( (c) CONICAL FRUSTRUMS SHOULDER BOATTAIL Figure 3-7-Body Component 19 Shapes For angles-of-attack near zero w:Va Then equation 3-57 becomes, n(x) From the definition of normal force = _V2 a dA(x) dx coefficient derivative, Cn(x ) _ n(x) qA Applying equation 3-60 _ 1 n(x) over the (3-60) _V_A to 3-59, 2_ dA(x) Cn(x) : A dx Integrating (3-59) length of the (3-61) body, %=a_ d-_dx ._ °dA __-2 _ fo '°da (3-62) Thus, 2_2 Cn : _- By definition of normal force 3-63 (3-63) derivative, c_ equation [A(Io) - A(O)]- : (3-64) provides, 2 cN : _ Immediately equation ent of the body shape [AO0) - AC0)] (3-65) 3-65 indicates that C_ is independent of the body shape as long as the independas long as the integration of equation 3-62 is valid over the body. The 2O bodycomponentsbeinganalysedare slender and haveno discontinuities in their crossectional areaor its derivatives. Thus,equation3-65 maybe appliedto them. Sincethe nosetip is assumed to bea sharppoint, A(0). 0 Thus,the bodynormal force coefficientderivativein subsonicflow is; Cu :B _) Reference derivative of pointed theory are 27 presents approximates each bodies the analyzed a very method of revolution body using useful by a set for of tangent an exponential series Po, C, and at the pressure leading S° are edge constants of the distribution for frustrum conical (S0s for the while normal force second order See figure frustrums. 2 s ___ +Sl The pressure 2 Pc = pressure = angle ( )2 = indicates 3o8. expansion The s_+...) s frustrums (3-67) By applying retaining only the the boundary first series conditions term the becomes; (3-68) where; -- surface shock distribution P = Pe - ('Pc -P2 ) e-_ _ = coefficient 3 +S frustrum. at infinity the flow. expansion a particular and (3-66) determining in supersonic P = - Po + C e where = 2 _ABN <p -_os _ coordinate on a cone between the having surface value and is taken the same slope longitudinal at the as the frustrum axis front edge 21 of the current frustrum. TANGENT BODY Figure 3-8-Approximate Tangent 22 Body The notation and that ized of reference reference. 8 is The characteristic used value equation and of (_P';:,s) in axially _P - k _ _s T_s defined to 2 is determined symmetric cos 1 _ simplify correlation by an between approximate this solution presentation of the general- flow, _P -,k _C 1 (_ cos/a sin_,sin_) (3-69) r where 2)'p sin c, The 2_ = First Characteristic = Mach Angle r = local radius , - of ratio solution Coordinate specific heats is; 3P B2 _')l - sin (3-70) where; "Tp.M 2 B - 2(M 2 - 1") ) M The , ('21--)M_ _21 J 2{_-_ ( )] indicates the value is taken at the trailing edge of the preceeding ( )3 indicates the value is taken at the trailing edge of the current value of (_P/.s)_ is just (:_P ':_s) 3 of the previous over applying the equations tangent body 3-68, is 3-70, determined. and 3-71 The to local frustrum. frustrum. - P3 By frustrum. each _P element nondimensional 23 in succession, normal the load pressure is given distribution by; A = n(x) 2 - CL_ d if" TM_ d(P/P_) -- JO cos ¢d¢ (3-72) da where 4_ = Circumferential d = Local The diameter. derivative to angle Angle. of the of attack; pressure and then distribution applying d(P/P_) -da Using 3-73 in 3-72 and is evaluated physical d(Pc/P : (1 - by differentiating restraints to simplify _) X 2 d(P e -v) equation the 3-68 with 1 /P_) (3-73) + e -v da X1 respect result. da simplifying, (3-74) X1 Where "tcx" indicates by successive initial cone Where "v" derivative the application value of an equivalent of equation cone. The 3-74 to the tangent at the initial equivalent running body load elements. distribution The is determined value of :xl, for the is just, and "tcv" are the is determined values by the longitudinal integration cone of the vertex. running The load normal force coefficient distribution. (3-76) (CNT)B =_BB A r dx where; AB = Body 1 = Body The initial presented cone Base Area. Length. and in tables equivalent 3-1 thru cone characteristics are 3-3. 24 obtained from references 24 and 25; and are 0 0 0 o .,.d r/l ,.....-i i I ..Q 0 0 p.. cxl t_ 0 0 12..--i 0 ...-i 0 0 _Z_ _- 0 ___ _ _ O0 _- _ "_ O_ _ _ ,-_ _0 _ _"xl _ _ ¢Q _ _ _1_ • --_ o LO O0 [ _-- __- _" _ _.1_ _ _ ¢_ O_ ._ O_ _--_ _ _ • _ • 25 _'- _ O_ ¢Q "_ _ 0 _ L_ _0 L_ I_ _ _t_ '_ [_" _ _ _ _ :o _ _1_ _- _ C_1 ,-_ o '_ _ _ _1_ p- _ _ ¢Q _ _o ,_ ,g _- _ o o_ C 0 c_ © c_ , 0 D-- '_ L"" _ O_ 0 _ _ O0 _ _ _D _0 _ _1 _ _'_ Lt'_ co _ '_ "C'4 ,_ _ _ _ o _'- _ _ _1"_ _ _ _ '_ L,_ _. ,_ .-, o_ _ -_ _ 0 o_ ._ ,_ o _ .-,o _° _ o_ _ o _ 0 ,_ • 0 $ ,_ _0 _; o o _- _. o _- _ _; _ 0 _ o • o _ _o _ _. ,,_ _ _ o _ o 26 0 0 t_ o ._ © 0 0 I cO A 0 0 co ¢xl 0 • 0o _ ._ o0 _o _ •-_ • _. o_ 0 ._ _ _ ¢_1 ,--4 N _ - 0 N L_ u-_ CO _ _ _. ,_ _o _ _ ,_ co _ 0 _ _l co o 0 ¢o _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tt_ _ u') _ _ _- o _- _- _ _ _ _- _ 0 0 _o _ 0 o _ _ _- _ Ob cO _1 o C_l o o 0 0 O_ o o _ _ _ o 0 0 _1 _ o 0 _ o o 0 _o ._ t _" o 0 o0 o _. o 27 co _ 0 o 3.22 BODY As be tire no CENTER in the OF subsonic PRESSURE body discontinuities normal LOCATION between the force body coefficient component derivative shapes in analysis, order to it allow is required integration that over there the en- body. By definition, the pitching moment of the local aerodynamic force about the front of the body (x = 0) is; 5('x_ The pitch moment coefficient is defined : xn(x) (3-77) as; Cm : --5 A (3-78) L thus, _ xn(x) _ Ar L c (3-79) Since, (3-80) n % -_A equation (3-79) becomes x %(x) Cm(x) The value equation of the subsonic local normal force L (3-81) coefficient is given in equation 3-61. Using it in 3-81. C (x) Integrating - over the length of the 2ax dA(x) = Ar L_ dx (3-82) body, C _ m 28 A L m 10X 28 (dA(x_ \--_x dx 1 (3-83) This canbe integratedby parts; u : x du dv = dx-----------v (dA(x)_ \-_--x / : dx = A(x) giving; (3-84) A L But, by definition, the integral term is the oA(Io)- body volume, C = 23 m Ar Lr By definition, the pitch moment coefficient A(x) dx therefore; rtoA(10) L derivative _ VB] (3-85) is; (3-86) O_ Then; from equation [a:O 3-85, (3-87) (Cm:)s:A-_L The center of pressure is determined [10A(I0)-VBI by, (3-88) Using equations 3-65 and 3-87 in 3-88 and simplifying yields, V B Re : I o - __ % 29 (3-89) The volume do not merit readily nose formulae repetition available shape and for cones, conical in this paper. is given is determined frustrums However, herein the volume for the readers in reference and circular cylinders formula for a tangent convenience. The are volume well ogive known and is not of a tangent ogive 12 as, dN A(L) (') - (3-90) - 1 where; L N fN In supersonic flow, the method of reference 27 determines C =---2-_ m Where flow is \(x) is found then determined using equation by the of A the pitch moment rx coefficient derivative dx (3-91) AB d 3-74. use :-- The center equations 3-76 of pressure and 3-91 location in equation of the body in supersonic 3-88, (3-92) \%/ 3.30 TAIL-BODY The INTERFERENCE effect of interference of a slender, finned vehicle EFFECTS flow can between be expressed the tail and in terms (C_,,)T< B} : The interference factors are determined by (C,_,) applying vehicle. 3O on the normal of interference (%')r (C_)T(B): the body T factors force aeTodynamics (reference 23). Kr(s) (3-93) kT(B) (3-95) slender body theory to the flow over the total as, 3.31 TAIL IN THE PRESENCE OF THE BODY Because the fins under consideration are of low aspect ratio, the value of KT(B} is available from references 7 and 17. (3-96) Reference 23 determines that the longitudinal tailcenter-of-pressure is independent of the inter- ference flow. Xr_B> : XT 3.32 BODY The fins. IN THE only PRESENCE portion Subsonically, of the slender OF THE body affected body theory, (3-97) TAIL by interference reference flow is the portion between and behind the 3, determines; (3-98) where KT(_) is given by equation be strongly affected by the fin tip 3-96. mach In supersonic flow, the interference cone. The fin tip mach cone intersects (1) fl _ (1 + _,) _ Until this mach cone in the form the result condition is reached impinges on the of curves. of this curve, equation body, Figure 3-9 the 3-98 function shows the is still +1 valid quite of the can (3-99) in supersonic becomes 31 on the body body when, > 4 variation K_(r_ ; effect the complex corrected flow. and Once is more interference the easily fin tip presented factor. Using Cu)r_(r) By of the the extension of the center-of-pressure fin lifting location line of : K'B(T):(1 into the the tail • ') body, (,_ - 1) (3-100) reference interference 23 flow over derives the the subsonic variation body. --1 XB(T) = IT + "4_ Where, _i_= s > r and 0. values Slender of _. and slender body curve. Figure pressure ;i_ _>4. rt • f v_(r) the Y--BeT) curves 3_= 0. 3-10 shows the interference full body are of gives the body interference s r is applied -_B(T the In by I/4 (3-101) subsonically curves found tanF .;_values variation. is - r,l/ 2 between (Cm:JB(T ) --d+l pitch _ rt interpolated body z "7 , intermediate '_(r) the _(B(T) 23 - theory at the -- Reference s s interpolated subsonic over 1 obtained shape flow cosh rs2)f_'--_ "-_ , are The r 2 slender body at values s - In addition, sweep value of the c only lifting is for line assumed supersonic applying to find the at For other and similar flow, equation _ = 1. values XB(T) to the the _ = 1 center-of- 3-92; (3-102) v ) moment derivative as derived from slender body theory; - 8 (m_)3/2 dy x cos -I x y This is for fins with supersonic leading (C % ma = _ (T) edges, m_ > 1. 4,2m A r _,'-_ ._32m For subsonic foX? leading dy 2 - 1 32 v dx m)r_ - y edges, 02 < 1 and, (3-104) #_rn T .,L 5 ,X 6 I QO 2 (/94)(_+X) (_+i) >4 RADIAN ON ORDINATE 4 SCALE q_ 0.8X ,_. 0.6 ( / © 0,4 0,8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2 Brr (CrlT Figure3-O-SupersonicKB(T) 33 2.4 2,8 3.2 3.6 4.0 0.3 i ..... EXTR APOLATION T =O 04\ _6" 0.2 f f o.2,,,,, / _° / 0.6 i I' O.l 0 (33 0.3 0.4 IX ,.E rr 23 u3 u) uJ r'r" (3_ I.J_ 0 LIJ I-Z I.iJ £b \ O.2\ "r=O x. -wF ---..--. --. - 0.2 0.6 '2 . O.I 0 I 0.3 _k_T=0,0.2,04, J 0.2 0.6 -- 0.1 2 Q) NOLEAOING-EDGE SWEEP, X=O. 3 EFFECTIVE 4 5 ASPECT RATIO, _.,4R (b) NO LEADING-EDGE Figure 3-10-Subsonic 34 6 SWEEP, X =_--.(c)NO XB(T) 7 8 LEADING-EDGE SWEEP, X=I 0.4 0.2 r- 0.6 h A 0.3 k \0.4 0.2 0 0.1 0 (d) 0.4 r =0.6 '_'----,"f \ _, 16..., ,f 0 \ 0.4 \02 \0 (e) 0.3 \ 0.2 r =0,0.2,0.4,0.6 0.1 0 (d)NO MIDCHORD 2 3 EFFECTIVE 4 ASPECT 5 RATIO, SWEEP, X=O. (e)NO MIDCHORDSWEEP, Figure 3-10 (Continued)-Subsonic 35 6 /_AR I k = -_-- (f)NO XB(T) 7 MIDCHORD 8 SWEEP, k=l. 0.6 r =0.6 0.5 .ram. _"0.4 0.4 \ 0.2 0.3 0.2 0 (g) 0.4 "S_y'-- m r =o6//I J,. o0.3 / / r 0.4 0.2 IX J / 0 _0.2 W U_ o 0.1 nW I--Z W o h_ 0 0.5 / 0.2 r :0, 0.2,0.4,0.6 0.1 0 (glNOTRAILING-EDGE 2 SWEEP, k=O. (h) 3 EFFECTIVE 4 ASPECT NO TRAILING-EDGE Figure 3-10 (Continued)-Subsonic 36 5 6 7 RATIO,/_.,_ I SWEEP, X=--_. (ilNOTRAILINGEDGE XB(T) 8 SWEEP, k=l. Wherethe coordinate system 3-100 along with either 3.33 CANTED TAIL The has 3-103 IN been or THE in figure in equation PRESENCE effect of fin cant at zero at an angle-of-attack given 3-104 OF THE angle-of-attack alone. Reference _(T_ 3-2. 3-102. is determined The result by using is shown equation in figure 3-11. BODY is determined 23 determines in a manner the corresponding similar interference to the effect factor, [- 1 kT(B) J_2 (T _ 1) 2 _72 ,,,_-2 ?2 . 1,)2 _2 _ 1 -r2 (T - 1) 2 2:'(_ 1) T(_ - 1) 2 , (72 + 1)2 (sin-, T2 - I I 4(T + 1) sin-, ('r2 - 1_ 8 in (T2 + I_ * CT ---5 - I_ _--5_/J No center since only 3.40 TOTAL The of the pressure roll value moment NORMAL need derivative FORCE total normal force be considered is considered. for the canted fin in (3-105) the presence of the body AERODYNAMICS coefficient derivative is the sum of all the components. (3-106) CN_ The overall center of pressure XB CN_: + (B) = is the solution (CN=_ ; B(T) of the moment +XT(B)(CN_(B ) sum of the components. +XB(r)(CN_(T) (3-107) The 3.41 value PITCH When the fins. of fins total zero. DAMPING the on the See V is figure MOMENT vehicle free The has stream 3-12. The an angular total cz value is COEFFICIENT pitch determined from equation 3-95. DERIVATIVE velocity, the superposition velocity produces a local angle moment produced by induced the 37 of of attack force which is; the local is pitch constant velocity across at the 0.7 m# I =0.2 | rn LJ _c Go Go ,,, 05 CC EL I, 0 rr i,i 0.4 Z (b) 0.3 0 4 ).8 EFFECTIVE 1.2 1.6 BODY-DIAMETER,ROOT-CHORDRATIO Figure 3-11 -Supersoni 38 c XB (T) 2.0 2.4 C--;- 2.8 L x CG • XT(B) OVERALL PARAMETERS F 1 LOCAL ANGLE V Figure 3-12-:Pitch Damping Parameters 39 -OF-ATTACK in (3-108) FC.x] where; L_× = XTCB) - XCG But, (3-109) and, ' '(v) a = l:an- For V >>v, v (3-110) v the local pitch velocity is, (3-111) v : q(Ax_ Combining equation 3-108, 3-109, 3-110, and 3-111 and simplifying; (3-112) T(B) Knowing the definition of pitch moment coefficient, equation 3-78, c°:1%.,'_-/(v) The pitch damping moment coefficient derivative is defined (3-113) as, (3-114) k2V/lqcr:0 2V Thus, using equation 3-113 in 3-114. 4O (3-115) Equation3-123is equallyapplicableto three andfour fin configurationssincethe tail normal force derivativeis correctedfor dihedraleffects. 3.42 ROLL DAMPINGIN THE PRESENCE OF THE BODY Anytail bodyinterferencefactor maybe expressedas the ratio, s÷r fv , %(_) c(f') d_ K: (3-116) s+r _ (See c(f_ df figure 6) where; :_,(O -- the angle-of-attack variation over the fin in the • 0(f) = the angle-of-attack variation over the fin alone. %(0 a tail-body Reference 23 gives the value of for a i (O where angle %(_) % is the angle of attack at the body presence combination of the at an angle body of attack, _, as; r_ : a + f2 % surface. For (3-117) the case of the tail-body combination at an of attack, % = _ : %(0 However, for a roiling vehicle at a zero angle of attack, equation 3-39 gives; Pf : -_- %(0 and Pr V %- (3-118) Then, equations 3-39, 3-117, and 3-118 give, =i (O = - V 41 + (3-119) Therefore,the roll dampinginterferencefactor, kR_B) , becomes ; kR(B) -_ f+ c(,f)d{ (3-120) : _+r jr P Simplifying; +rs c q-(5)d# f_ kR(B) Integrating equation 3-121 using the chord : 1 + variation given The roll damping moment coefficient (z + 1) (_ -X) 2 derivative (C_p)T(B) kR(B) is given Where 4.00 AXIAL The axis friction only FORCE by equation and pressure yields, 111 (3-122) (C,c,p) then be expressed as, (3-123) kR(B) 3-122. AERODYNAMICS coefficient of the vehicle 3-42 (1 -s) (r a - 1) 3(_ - i) can = by equation 1 -L T-1 v-L kR(B) = 1 + (3-121) s÷r dependent is the drag distribution. on the coefficient. Since aerodynamic Drag both forces mechanisms, 42 forces arise acting from and parallel two their basic to the longitudinal mechanisms, interactions, are skin extremely complex,mostpractical theoreticaldrag computationsmustbe temperedwith statistical and empirical data. The majority of the equationsderivedin this sectionare either theoretical generalizationsof statistical-empirical dataor direct curve fits of experimentalresults. 4.10 SKINFRICTIONDRAG The the skin friction dynamic coefficient pressure and is defined the wetted as the area of the skin friction drag of a plane surface divided by surface. _friction Cf 4.11 INCOMPRESSIBLE The number, and skin FLOW friction see figure coefficient 4-1. by theoretical SKIN For boundary for (4-1) FRICTION'COEFFICIENT incompressible laminar layer _A. flow, flow their can be expressed has been relation considerations, reference in terms established of the both reynolds experimentally 6. 1.328 Cf For reynolds then turbulent. the experimental work Hama numbers of von formed greater No good data Karman than about theoretical for a simpler skin experimental formula have which and form The of the transitional increment has curve the may found flow applied the (R of) agrees with becomes for turbulent Schoenherr tog transitional flow. the turbulent Figure theoretical flow and 4-1 boundary : 24_____22 0 equation (4-3) 4-3 within ±2%. R be approximated - 5.6) 2 by subtracting an increment from equation form k on experimental transitional curves data are shown layer (4-4) log ACr Based shows relationship; 1 (3.46 4.4. layer established Cf : The boundary been friction. data (4-2) _/-'_ 5 × l0 s the solutions turbulent to the : Prandtl indicated on figure 4-1. that (4-5) = k = 1700. Combining 43 This equations fact, 4-4 as and well 4-5, as other possible 0 I I I [ I 44 / 0 ./ o o o o "G ,:.,z .E LI- I "7, ,i 45 o o d f 6 o d o _o 0 O_ o o _o o rr ii u _, ii Table Approximate Type Surfaces Surface like that and Optimum Planed Paint in aircraft-mass Steel plating cement Surface with Incorrectly Natural Raw asphalt-type Average metal sprayed surface wooden production surface Dip- galvanized coating surface aircraft of cast paint iron boards concrete 0.004 0.5 0.02 2 0.1 5 0.2 15 0.6 20 1 50 2 50 2 100 4 150 6 200 8 250 10 500 20 1000 40 surfaces - bare Smooth 0.1 surfaces boards surface 46 R s in mils 0 surfaces paint-sprayed of 0 . glass sheet-metal wooden Heights Approximate microns of a "mirror" polished Aircraft-type 4-1 Roughness Surfaces of Surface of average Finished Surface Physical Cf: forR 1 1700 (3.46 log R - 5.6)2 - _ (4-6) > 5 × 105 . The above sublayer. considerations For 4-2. The ness is reached. are appreciable "smooth" for rough curve surface surfaces is followed until roughness turbulent skin the critical reynolds reynolds independent numbers higher of reynolds than number, the critical reference that are friction submerged in the coefficient number laminar is shown corresponding in figure to the value, the (4-7) skin friction coefficient can be considered 6. Cf = 0.032 The flow is considered trips transition mate average 4.12 COMPRESSIBLE to be turbulent even at low roughness In compressible remains subsonic unchanged while the the numbers. for SUBSONIC (4-8) throughout reynolds heights rough- IR \-i 039 = Sl (__) \'_r/ (R•)_ For sizes the reynolds Table physical 4-1 number is a list range from since reference the roughness 6 of the approxi- surfaces. VARIATION flow reference "smooth" 6 indicates turbulent c, value that varies the laminar skin friction coefficient as, = c, (i - .o9 M2) (4-9) c and the change for turbulent flow with roughness is, Cfc = Cf (1 - .12 M2) 4.13 SUPERSONIC Theoretical friction VARIATION solutions coefficient in reference 16 indicate been the variation the supersonic variation of the Laminar confirmed of "smooth" by experimental turbulent Cf = ¢ has that skin is; Cf This (4-10) (1 + .045 data, (4-11) m2) I/4 reference Cfc in supersonic 6. flow 47 Experimental indicates a strong data, reference dependence 6, for on the wall heattransfer as well as machnumber,figure 4-3. The wall temperaturealternatives shownare the twopossibleextremes. Theactualconditionwouldprobablybeclosestto the recoverytemperature. The curvefit of figure 4-3 is, Cf Cf = (4-12) c where k = .15 for According no heat transfer to reference and 10, the (1 + k M_)-ss k = .0512 turbulent for skin cooled wall. friction with roughness drops off according to the relation, Cf Cf However, flow with 4.14 (4-13) = c I + .18 Ms .. this equation must be used with care. It is apparent roughness should never be less than the corresponding DRAG Once value smooth of c% value. calculated for skin area, friction is found coefficient is determined, the skin friction drag coefficient, as drag the fins, the coefficient wetted area of each fin is twice it's body skin (4-14) planform :2NCf ft reference on area. Thus, the tail skin friction is, CD The based by, C% = cfc (_) For the COEFFICIENT the reference the friction coefficient must c be corrected (AT_ \%1 for (4-15) the fact that the body is not a flat plate, 6. A CDfn = 4.20 PRESSURE 4.21 TAIL Cfc Ar (4-16) DRAG PRESSURE The pressure + DRAG drag on a fin in subsonic flow arises from three basic contributions: a finite radius leading edge; thick trailingedge; and the overall fin thickness. 48 I,I .i ,_-II 1.0 0.8 Twall=Tomb 0.6 {,3 =Trec. 0.4 )- 0.2 I0 0 Figure 4-3-Supersonic 49 Cf¢ Variation II has A finite radius no base drag. an infinite leading edge Figure circular 4-4 cylinder ference between these plotted in figure 4-5. Subsonically can be considered from reference perpendicular two curves up to M = .9 this .9 < M < 1, the curve 6 shows to the is the drag curve is fitted (1 AC D -- Between - is essentially the curve may flow flow theory) M2) --417 and the of the variation of the 1 - (M - .9) be approximated reference variation in cross leading total of its edge. flow that effectively drag coefficient base drag. This difference of The difis by, (M < .9) (4-17) (.9 < M _<1) (4-18) by a high ---+-.502 6) the order +--.0231 .1095 M2 cross cylinder linear. ACD : 1.214 From the coefficient ACD : 1 - 1.5 Supersonically, a circular M4 drag reference 6. (M> 1) (4-19) M6 coefficient CD_" polynomial, = COS 3 F = 2 LLE rL of a cylinder inclined to the flow is, (4-20) c1 The frontal area of a typical leading edge is; ALE the length can be expressed in terms of the span, S LLE cos F L thus; ALE 2 A r A r cos S rL (4-21) From equations 4-20 and 4-21, the total leading edge FL drag of N fins becomes, (4-22) CDLv = 2N (_--_-rrL)cos 2 FL (ACD) where ACo is obtained The rected trailing skin friction using edge drag equations is two coefficient, 4-17 dimensional reference thru 4-19. base 5, for drag incompressible 0.135 CDBT and = 50 _fB can be expressed in terms of the cor- flow. (4-23) I I 1 l 1 [ i ' 2.5 ] 1 CYLINDERS 1 " ARC, - o AVA, • NACA BETWEEN TUNNEL WIRES i TUNNEL TUNNEL--- + NACA,FLIGHT 2.O -- - ÷ WALLS TESTS ,, BRITISH, TEST STANTON A DVL_SUBSONIC----- ".. i'_ _.' _t_,a + -- _-...-; --.=..--_=j -.=,e-..t_, --,_;_ ; _e_A "_r JUNKERS_TUNNEL • NACA "_.% /DRAG (38. " ",..,_;_ % • /TOTAL K) SUBSONIC--- - _ ,i._.. BASE I.O DRAG /_ SUBSONIC CYLINDER . SUBSONIC CYLINDER - TRANSONIC o i 0.5 - % /I.43/M _- SUBSONIC z BASE D._G"'_,\/ SPHERE ,k NAVORD, I 0 0.1 O. 2 0.3 _ 0.4 I 0.6 MACH [ J 0.8 I I -r_-_-7=-_- 2 :3 4 NUMBER Figure 4-4-Cylinder Drag Variation 51 6 I 8 I0 CYLINDER SUPERSONIC (CORRECTED) SPHERE J Q cJ J Lt_ Lr_ J c_ I Q O 52 m -- O _ f_ cJ O co f_ ta_ W _J L_ LL where; C%=2Ce(c) For subsonic reference compressible flow, this may be (4-24) corrected using the prandtl factor for swept wings, 6, 1 Pf = (4-25) 1 -M 2 cos 2 F c However, in order to maintain a finite value at M2 cos 2 F c : the prandtl factor is corrected 1 to, 1 P; - (4-26) K - M2 cos 2 F; where equation K is a constant 4-24 becomes, to be determined from the value CfB:2Cf After correcting to the reference area, the CDBT at M = 1. of Also, for compressible (C ) subsonic (4-27) trailing .135 edge drag coefficient for N fins (4-28) ,/,< _ M2 figure 11 4-6. pression gives This which a curve is for the two the base drag coefficient within the cross hatching essentially remains well is, N ('a'Bft \At/ Reference flow, dimensional base ro pressure refered coefficient to the base at area. supersonic An analytic speeds ex- is, 1 - .52M -t't9 M2 But, this must be corrected for possible boattailing of the fin, 1 - .52 M -_ .19 + 18 Cf 53 reference 6. (4-29) M2 -0.80 , | -0.72 -0.64 -0.56 Z Lul -o.48 1.1_ i1 I.,iJ 0 0 -040 UJ Od u_ cO "' --0.32 (]C (3_ L_ O9 m --0.24 --0.16 NOT E : REFERENCE NUMBERS ARE THOSE OF REFERENCE II -0.08 0 2 5 FREE-STREAM Figure 4-6-Two Dimensional 54 MACH NUMBER, Base Pressure 4 Moo For N fins, In order the supersonic to determine trailing the edge constant drag coefficient, I<, equations '135N 4-28 the superscript * indicates corrected 4-30 , values. t is used This the method remaining From sonic in equation flow 4-28 to evaluate of maintaining finite the values set equal reference area is then, at _1 = 1. i Solving [ cos 2 18C 223 for subsonic of the K, . 4.02 C_ \l_7]j Cr This are to the N(1 - 52)(Au_/\A/ _c sonic t< and QA_) - where as C_ ]+ compressible prandtl (4-31) factor trailing at mach edge one drag. is used throughout derivations. reference can 6, the be expressed drag due to thickness of two dimensional airfoil in compressible sub- as, (4-32) For a three dimensional fin, based CDTT on the :c+ reference area this becomes, +(/, _M_ co,_i 55 (4-33) Correctingit for a fin sweepandintroducingthe correction constantin the prandtl factor, (4-34) The value of the thickness drag of finitefins at mach reference 6. A curve fitof the result is, CDT T. = 1.1S \cr] one has been determined and presented in " 1.61 + _f - ¢('_ - 1.43) 2 + .578 -. (4-35) where Solving 4-34 for K, CDTT K=_os_r c + - Equation 4-35 is used in 4-36 to determine termine the subsonic tailthickness drag. t A t ___t5 (4-36) K. The result is used in the following equation to deFor N fins, equation 4-34 is; 30 4N CDTT At supersonic equation drag, 4-22. C%r, The speeds the The trailing is computed overall drag = effect on the tail Cf cos cos 2 7¢ r" + c (4-37) (_-K of a finite edge by the t radius leading _M2 edge cos2 is found drag is calculated using method of reference 1 in appendix is the sum of the different equation 4-30. by using The equation thickness 4-19 in or wave A. contributions. In subsonic flow (4-38) (CDT)T=CDfT+CDLT+CDBT+CDTT 56 At supersonic speeds, CDT)T = CDf T ÷ CDLT ÷ CDBT + CDwT Equation 4-38 4-39 uses 4.22 BODY The ing uses the equations results 4-15, 4-22, PRESSURE body equations 4-30, and be broken 4-15, results 4-22, 4-28, of appendix into two and 4-37 respectively. Equation A respectively. DRAG pressure to reference from (4-39) drag 6, the may forbody drag in down subsonic contributions, compressible flow for may be body and base. Accord- written, 6 AWB C% : C D (4-40) p Again applying the correction constant to the prandtl factor, 6 AWB C c = C D p From experimental figure the 4-7. In the following data, range reference of values 19, that (4-41) f3 A the forbody are of drag interest, of both 1 <_ fB _ 10, 8s D cone (C'p)D ogive equation values these ogives curves and cones may are be fitted known, by equations. Solving M2) "6 (K- 4-41 for (fN + (fN + : "T) (4-42) 1"29 .88 (4-43) 1")2'22 K; K=I _-6 AwB C_] 57 s/3 (4-44) 0 [ d I d I d I 6 I d I o I z 58 0 0 d_ I'o 0 Z 0 o _E a D_ i I.L Then K The subsonic tion 4-41. proper. The 27, is as compressible For the AwN^ value explained integrated forbody nose supersonic 6.82 ! AwB C_ (fN 6.82 __ . Awe C_ (fN + 1)2"22ts/3 drag fN^ should determined 3.21 each - pressure and is in section around =1+ by of this element be and the is used. The over : by For axial the 4 CDp found (4-46) equations a conical shoulder shock-expansion component length P sin (4-45) s/3 using second-order thesis. then + "731"29] of the ,, d: of the 4-45 or Aws^ and 4-46 method, pressure fs^ in equaare reference distribution body. d× (4-47) )_]2 where P comes from _, = the _ local equation angle = Circumferential The Base drag 3-69 between the surface and the longitudinal axis Angle. of a body of revolution in incompressible flow is presented in reference 5 as, (4-48) where, CfB = Cf Correcting this to the reference area and CDB for subsonic : compressibility. (4-49) 59 Introducing the correction constant into the prandtl factor term. 0.29 (4-50) (K - From reference pressure 11, for coefficient no fins at mach near the body base, with : figure The thickness results of reference 11 indicate mach that number. equation equation subsonic 4-50 4-51 for find reference the base _ 0.30 PB is roughly in 4-52 over 11 and 11. The an initial exponential, the a linear function of fin trailing edge (4-51) K, compressible References ponential body 0.185 and (4-52) + simplifying 1 K :1 + from the 185+115 K=I The thickness, Therefore, c;B=E Using of zero 4-8. at a constant Solving fins h /c r = 0.1, P_ See or for one is P_ At machone M23 body 6 both free range free base present flight drag is computed curves test curve and an inverse flight curve of the by using base is most square in figure (4-53) drag 4-8 60 may the 4-53 in supersonic representative over one. equation be fitted flow. of the remainder in 4-50. of the in terms Figure variation. mach 4-8 is It is an exnumbers. of the value at mach To -036 ----- FREE-FLIGHT 0 - 032 OF ESTIMATE B, REF \ _..-"W,THF,NS FLAGGED -0.24 ESTIMATE LL WITH A / _'_ FINS MODEL 12, R :10 WIND-TUNNEL --0.28 013 (3. TESTS FINNED TO 12OxlO DATA,WITH 0 REF. 26 0 REE 26 0 LANGLEY SYMBOLS, 6 FINS: 9"SST NO FINS ¢ %_%_" _ -0.20 D L.) W rr --0.16 (..f) qJ rr CL LLI -0.12 (.'3 (13 PRESENT -0.08 ESTIMATE, NO FINS, Mo_'M,:,_ I - 0.04 NOTE: REFERENCE 1 0 1.0 1.2 NUMBERS ARE THOSE OF REFERENCE I 1.4 I 1.6 1,8 2.0 2,2 FREE-STREAM Figure 4-8-Three MACH Dimensional 61 I 2.4 2.6 NUMBER, Base II. I Pressure M 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 CBB :: CDB I0.88 where M variation is the point where + .12e "J'58(M-11 ] the two variations (I _M_Mr,.) (4-54) Also, reference 5 gives the inverse square cross. as, CDB (M > Mcr3 M2 (4-55) If it is assumed the ratio of the value of CoB at .M=M_rto C" remains constant for all curves, (inspection of the curves in reference 6 indicates this is a good assumption) then the value of the critical roach number can be found, M The value of C* is given by equation 4-51. z 0.892 (4-56) __ In either subsonic or supersonic flow, DB COt) B For subsonic or 55 are values, equation 4-41 and 4-50 = are CDP + CDBB used. (4-57) In supersonic flow equations 4-47 and 4.23 TOTAL DRAG The drag of the total vehicle is the sum of the tailand body contributions. (4-58) :(%1, + No interference 5.00 4-54 used. COMPARISON drag effects WITH are considered. EXPERIMENTAL DATA In an attempt to obtain as broad a range as possible without being voluminous, tic is compaired to the data from a different configuration. In some each characteris- cases, the choice of configuration was dictated by the availabilityof the appropriate data. 5.10 NORMAL FORCE COEFFICIENT The windtunnel data of the Aerobee Figures 5-2 and 5-3 show DERIVATIVE AND CENTER OF PRESSURE 350 sounding rocket, figure 5-1, are given in reference 14. the results of the present 62 method as well as data points from 63 I "T u'3 +_ u- 33.4 33_ 52- 30 THEORETICAL X WIND TUNNEL A r = 381 in 2 26 22-CN a[ 20-- × 14- X x 12 -- X IO-- f I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 Mm Figure 5-2-Aerobee 350 Normal 64 Force Derivative i i I 6 7 8 410 -- 4OO THEORETICAL x 390 WIND TUNNEL A r = 381 in 2 L r = 22 in. x 38O 370 Xcp 360 350 340 330 -- 320 -I" 0 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 Moo Figure 5-3-Aerobee 350 65 Center of Pressure I i I 6 7 8 reference 14. deviation of the windtunnel 5.20 The tests ROLL FORCING forcing vehicle are unpublished Figure 5-5 shows accuracy of the windtunnel subsonic theory that Reference only coefficient time, The data Unfortunately, is 7.83_ The the maximum of accuracy and of the degree over provided result deviation It is apparent, at M = 1.5 test and of the range of mach rocket, by the theoretical 5%. a broad sounding figure coordinator, windtunnel theoretical both from numbers 5- 4. the for this reference data. C. that are The data 28. No data is 7.54%. windtunnel are The data and the is no good. .DERIVATIVE roll the theoretical been the value a full between have data tomahawk average is about for authors. derivative but the theoretical CN, values is 1.18%. DERIVATIVE stage between 21 presents config-uration values 6%. of the single region. DAMPING theoretical COEFFICIENT comparison subsonic ROLL those at this the in the 5°30 as about moment are of the of pressure MOMENT to the author available derivation center is indicated The only roll available maximum theoretical which the C: set of data damping range of the is 5.68%. for the moment data basic finner coefficient is relatively Reference test small. 21 does rocket, derivative figure 5-6. are available data Figure not indicate 5-7 the shows degree It is the the to the comparison of accuracy of its .p data. No subsonic data can be found for Ca • -p 5.40 DRAG COEFFICIENT Aerobee 150A, figure 5-8, drag coefficient results are the test conditions, the test This curve highly lent used finished. full efficient 5.50 was surface is 8.52%. PITCH There 4-1, roughness Again DAMPING are table no C coefficient compared reynolds in generating From scale drag data to the numbers the the theoretical data. appropriate data available from reference windtunnel data in fig-ure 5-9. were used to set up a Re vs. is .1 mils. no subsonic are The surface The are surface roughness maximum 29. In order curve, M of the The to duplicate figure 5-10. windtunnel is about .01 deviation of the taken in windtunnel theoretical model mils. The theoretical is equiva- drag co- available. DERIVATIVE experimental data available. The data experiments are mq combination angle-of-attack. pitch damping of the pitch There derivative damping derivative is no way to separate and the a time two can be attempted. 66 log derivative effects. Therefore, due to the rate of change no comparison of the of a - _g oo Z Ld t'-X hi C:3 £0 m w Fx t.l,J a E3 F i, --.d --( 0'_ I_ d 0 _1 % d 6'7 i o_ £0 <_lU-I I-0 z o3 c) n" .J LLJ I o I-'I 7, & 50 m 45 THEORETICAL x 40 WIND TUNNEL A r -- 64 7 in 2 Lr= 9 in. 55 30 cz 8 25x 20- x 15- x I0- x 5 0 I I I 2 I .5 I 4 I 5 M Figure S-S-Tomahawk Roll 68 Forcing Derivative I 6 I 7 I 8 °1 ll o J o r i I t 69 c_ 0 (._ Z w -_c/) c_z LL_" O w o_c_ QOW I ! .u uZ I _o -45 -- -40 A r = 786 in 2 L r = I0 in. -55 X -30 czp -25 -20 -15 THEORETICAL X -I0 0 I 0.5 WIND TUNNEL i I 1.0 1.5 I i I 2.0 2.5 5.0 M Figure 5-7-Basic Finner Roll 7O Damping Derivative 0 ! _0 -- 0 W Or) 0 o + w T m t,- c_ (M ± 71 - 0 t t< ¢_I-w if-, r0 t _._j I z 0 i (D w (;9 0 nO C] D 0 r_ 32 or) to z u_ w t-o9 0 if) Z U_ rr i11 Z o') 9 i itl U- 0.6 THEORETICAL 0.5 WIND TUNNEL A r = 225 in 2 0.4 CD X 0 I 2 I :5 I 4 I 5 M Figure S-9-Aerobee 150A Drag Coefficient 72 I 6 I 7 I 8 9 X-VALUE USED WIND • 8 IN TUNNEL TESTS (REFERENCE THE x IS SHAPE FAIRED WITH 7 OF BY THE CURVE COMPARISON NOMINAL REYNOLDS VARIATION. x 29) FLIGHT NUMBER i 0 X n.x 4 x \ X X 0 0 I I I I 3 4 5 6 M Figure 5-10-Aerobee 150A Reynolds Number 73 7 8 6.00 CONCLUSIONS On the sented percent Cmq , the indicate basis of the comparisons in this dissertation of experimental in section predicts the results between results of section that the theoretical 5-1, C coupled is also values mach 5, the method presented in this dissertation of CN_ , x, C_, ¢t , and c__ to well P 2 and 8. Although no comparison with the accurate dependence of to about 10%. Cmq on (_)T<B_ pre- within ten (10) can be made for and X_<B), tend to mq The lack of subsonic accuracy of the subsonic variations the supersonic In general, the aerodynamic present experimental method of all the data at subsonic compared prevents any concrete spbeds. However, characteristics are the quite conclusions figures reasonably to be drawn in section valued about 5 show with that respect values. then, the method characteristics presented in this dissertation oI slender finned vehicles. 74 can be used to confidently predict the the to 7.00 REFERENCES 1. Barrowman, of Fins 2. Diederich, tics 3. J. S., FIN at Supersonic F. W., o[ Swept Ferrari, A Plan Wings. C., a Computer Speeds. Form J. A. S., p. 317, Goldstein, S., Lectures 5. Horner, S. F., Base 6. Horner, S. F., Fluid-Dynamic 7. Jones, R. T., Speed of Sound. Drag R. T., Theory 9. Jones, R. T., and 10. 11. 12. Liepmann, Rough Surfaces. Love, E. S., Base 13. Goddard, J.A.S., Pressure and Mayo, Cone Cylinder E. Mayo, E., 721.2 Files, E. E., McNerney, J. D., California, 1963. 15. Miles, 16. Moore, J. W., J. A. S., p. 229, 17. Morikawa, G., 18. Morikawa, G. K., California Inst. Drag by the and Numerical New York, 1960. October, 1950. Author. Midland Park, N. J., Wings at Speeds Below and at Supersonic F. E., Note o,1 the Mach October Fins 1958. Above the Ogive Speeds. NACAReport Princeton Number Univ. Effects 1284, Press, Upon 1956. Princeton, the Skin 1960. Friction of 1957. Speeds Having on Two-Dimensional Turbulent Cylinder Boundary Geometric Airfoils Layers. and Mass and NACA on Bodies TN-3819, Characteristics. 1957. Memo 1965. the Effects of Fin Dihedral on Vehicle Stability, Memo 1967. 350 Windtunnel Test Flow. G. B. W., Jansen Section Analysis, E., 12.4 Space General A.R.D.C., Compressible Corporation, Baltimore, Boundary E1Monte, 1955. Layer-Laminar Solution, 1952. Supersonic The Speeds-Theory J. A. S., p. 622, Theory, Supersonic April, Characteris- 1946. Determining Aerobee Yound, Edges. Wing and Characteristics Aerodynamic Publishers. Pointed at Supersonic for at Supersonic Interscience Published NASA-GSFC, Unsteady L. L., Body Trailing NASA-GSFC, Files, and Speed Without Equations 721.2 Certain Correlating High p. 784, With to Code 14. D., of Revolution to Code Thick of Wing-Body Cohen, H. W., for Mechanics. 835, Aerodynamic 1948. Drag. Rep. the 1966. of Low-Aspect-Ratio NACA Jones, June and Properties 8. Wing on Fluid Calculating X-721-66-162, 1951. Between 4. for Parameter NACATN-2335, Interference Application. Program NASA-GSFC Wing-Body Wing-Body of Tech., Lift. Problem J. A. S., Vol. for 1949. 75 Linearized 18, No. 4, April, Supersonic Flow. 1951, pp. 217-228. PhD Thesis, 19. Morris, D. N., A Summaryof the SupersonicPressureDragof Bodiesof Revolution. J. A. S., p. 622,July 1961. 20. Murk, M. M., TheAerodynamicForces onAirship Hulls. NASAReport184,1924. 21. Nicolaides,J. 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G., Unpublished WindtunnelDataon a .25ScaleTomahawkSounding RocketTaken at LRC UnitaryandARDCTunnelB, October1966. 29. Thomas,E. S., WindtunnelTests of the Aerobee150A. Aerojet-GeneralCorporation,Azusa, California, April 1960. 30. Tsien, H. S., SupersonicFlowOveran InclinedBodyof Revolution,JAS,p. 480,Vol. 5, 1938. 76 X-712-66-162 APPENDIXA FIN A COMPUTERPROGRAMFOR CALCULATINGTHE AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF FINS AT SUPERSONIC SPEEDS (Exerpt of TheoreticalTreatment) JamesS. Barrowman SpacecraftIntegrationandSounding RocketDivision April 1966 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 77 LIST Reference SYMBOLS area Length CDW OF of airfoil Wave drag Lift coefficient strip chord coefficient : "'_L qA Fl qA C L CL_ dC_/a_ (_ = O) Ct Rolling C ac,/_I _ ( 3 = o) Mr moment Pitching Ca coefficient moment - coefficient q AL - Mp q AL C Local CP pressure coefficient i Cr Length d Component 1 of Portion d w Lift Fl chord of of Drag F a root force force (t ii parallel behind t to L Reference 1L Length of airfoil-strip Length of root Length of Length of airfoil-strip Length of fin-tip freestream Mach cone to freestream) (normal Iv.terference 1L the (parallel K to the freestream) factor length leading-edge airfoil region leading-edge chord region chord , r 1r 1T center root region and of center-region trailing-edge airfoil chord region trailing-edge region chord chord r iw Distance between the leading edge and the strip Length Freestream M Pitching of local region Mach moment surface number about the reference axis P 78 intersection of the Mach cone with the airfoil LIST Mr Rolling moment n Number Local t of static P_ Ambient ct_ Freestream root (Continued) chord 1 normal to the freestream pressure static pressure dynamic pressure dw/d _ ratio I" t s Semispan xL Distance length from the reference Center-of-pressure XP the SYMBOLS of strips Component P about OF i Distance streamwise axis coordinate from the reference direction V Center-of-pressure Y Distance _'_y Width of airfoil strip Angle of attack (degree) axis coordinate from the root chord to the airfoil-strip measured from to the forward measured from in a spanwise leading the reference region the root chord direction FL Leading-edge sweep angle rT Trailing-edge sweep angle Pt' P2 Ragion Ratio boundaries of specific heats angles for air = 1.4 S Fin _L Leading-edge wedge half-angle in the streamwise direction Trailing-edge wedge half-angle in the streamwise direction _T cant sweep angle Inclination of a local Mach semivertex cone surface to the freestream angle SUBSCRIPTS B Body alone B(T) Body in the i Local region number J Airfoil strip number presence of the tail 79 in a streamwise direction axis boundary . _12 - 1 j) edge of a local region in a LIST OF SYMBOLS SUBSCRIPTS o Value at _ = 0 T Tail alone Tail in the presence of the body 80 (Continued) FIN A COMPUTERPROGRAMFORCALCULATINGTHE AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF FINSAT SUPERSONIC SPEEDS BACKGROUND Calculating steps the in calculating at supersonic lar aerodynamic the speeds characteristics overall for the of the aerodynamics greater fins of a sounding of a sounding portion oi_ their rocket. flight, the rocket Because regime is one sounding at these of the basic rockets speeds fly is of particu- interest. Methods are previously lacking herent used in accuracy in using them By using rapidly assumptions inherent and functions of angle fin with of attack ( nearly aerodynamics many solve desired. only The Supersonic form basic The equations. Airfoil chord plane symmetry, at a given • Pitching • Center-of-pressure coordinate measured from the reference • Center-of-pressure coordinate measured from the root FIN also defined computes Lift coefficient • Wave drag • Pitching coefficient, in the c Rolling the in reference Mach number, FIN computes program as slope, at zero moment functions m is equivalent function of Mach to the number CL angle coefficient of attack, slope, CD% C moment coefficient slope, c, 81 the axis, chord, fin cant of >. m • are amenable CD_ C, is considereda • as described may CL moment coefficient to be most one ) the following: coefficient, following: 4) in- ob- to pro1. LIMITATIONS Wave moment to accuracy found Theory approximations equations, restrictions theory • , as and 1, 2, 3, and solution. theoretical Lift drag (references assumptions closed • Since coefficient, Order AND a supersonic as basic fin of the or to numerically the Second CAPABILITIES Given form as accurately in deriving supersonic because a closed computer in Busemann's PROGRAM calculating applicability to reach a high-speed tainanswers gramming and for angle (:) at _ = 0, the rolling as The • Center-of-pressure coordinate measured from the rgference • Center-of-pressure coordinate measured from the root range program of -. is from allows increment for of the Since FIN has reference references with in this is applied 3. by the user, points, the number with a four-finned at zero user angle angle in increments of attack, of attack, the x0 Y0 of 1 degree. specifying to small the portion The special fin-tip Mach is applied The range and attention streamwise airfoil Mach strip. cone cone This 10.3 and the applicability strips, and is accounted may or values restrictions of CL, CDw, strips by applying not the in this are technique may in However, shown for two outlined 10.28. the correction-factor correction output to the to Figures enlarges the values of C_ and C_ are for only to a single typical fin. subject slightly fin-tip of each vehicle, fins; the output x0, and T 0 apply Theory program In addition, necessary 1 and use Airfoil 192 to 241, direction. to the for Order terms theory spanwise designed Second 1, pages factor of 100 Mach C_ are for apair of identical fins. The values of _,'_, third-order Busemann's _ma_' as determined chord at zero number. been Cm, CL_, CDwo, and pairs of perpendicular of the to a maximum Mach Busemann's zero axis use reference. summed in a a correction was be included obtained at the from user's discretion. Figx_re of the 1 shows shapes type is given in the AERODYNAMIC the • of the implies leading modified blunt • The • Each The to which on usage. Order FIN rockets is applicable. and A listing Airfoil shock region local airfoil Theory surface low angles edge double base basic of hns on sounding These missiles. The configurations program of FIN in FORTRAN input IV is given cover pattern all for in Appendix each A. has been applied to two-dimensional airfoil strips assumptions: All parts The section Second following This types used THEORY Busemann's with the normally are in supersonic flow and make small angles with the flow. of attack. is sharp. wedge. The For trailing a single edge wedge must and be sharp a modified for single a double wedge, wedge the fin or effect a of the is neglected. waves are of flow pressure all over attached. the surface coefficient acts equation independently of the expansion: 82 Busemann of the others. theory is a third-order series (a] Modified Double -_--_(c)Modified Wedge (b) t-Single Wedge ----------'---------1 Wedge Figure Double (d) 1-Fin Configurations 83 Single Wedge where 2 (2a) K I K 2 4 _4 (2b) I)M _ (2 2 _ 7) -5)M 6 _ 10(, * I)M 4 - 12M 2 * 8 K_ 6"77 (2c) If the flow-over compressive the shock surface wave region anywhere inclined at upstream in the , , t)M* [(s K* v_ to the flow, flow the - 3,)M_ has been value + 4(_ preceded of K" by a single is: - 3)M_ , s] (3) 48 If the K" = 0. flow % equation The index, i, The Mach cone by within length center the is the pressure cone, local inclination K" term indicates Mach the the of the 1 represent tively. region is upstream of (Figure 2). the Maeh of that portion. of pressure the first-, the for into By the surface. of this means, equations and, hence, the E, of is of obtained is for terms of region respec- the shock. The the local bow including airfoil pressure taken the moment three surface region, of portion pitching first flow, calculated. airfoil to the each are local being intersection applied pressure shock-free the through is to a typical at the 1/2 center the on rise coefficient applied The expansive pressures pressure portions factor only Essentially, pressure 1 is two contained third-order irreversible which A correction (_,), has edge and equation region cone. question leading third-order of the in second-, surface coefficient dividing region local strip the fin-tip and the coefficient as lift the for midpoint (F_), drag the of (Fd_), (Mp_): F| : Cv d 1 - (4) Fd, = Cp n I - (5) ½d i 1 - ri + --7 +_'- i : r (6) r_ 2 %, : 84 r, l _I (7) _X STRIP Iw I MACH \CONE Iw \ _, :- I \ Xp i AIRFOIL \ STRIP REFERENCE AXIS Y REGION BOUNDARIES d Figure 2-Mach Cone Correction 85 Geometry The airfoil-strip lift the local characteristics. (Fij) , drag (Fd),J and pitching moment (Mv J ) totals are then computed by summing 6 Fl : _ Fl (8) F d (9) i=1 5 V_ F d • J l=l 6 Z Mpi (I0) Mp t=l The wise strip rolling position, moment about the root chord total from the airfoil lift and strip span- y: : Mrj The is calculated characteristics characteristics in a spanwise over the entire (ii) YFIj fin are then computed by summing the airfoil strip direction. (12) (13) Mp M% = _ (14) }:1 (15) The dynamic forces pressure and moments (q_) and computed strip width in equations (Ay). 4 through Thus, the 86 associated 15 are actually coefficients divided are: by the ambient 2F, CL : C_w = Ca : CI : ":_.y A (2 fins) (2 fins) (2 fins) (16) 2F d • Ey A (17) 2 M p • _, y AL (18) 4M r • _y The center-of-pressure appropriate lift AL coordinates are (4 calculated (19) fins) from the respective moments and the forces. M : o F, cos (20) M _( : _ (21) F t To obtain C, and gree). the Cz are The linear calculated slope values slope coefficients at a = 1 ° and are per radian are near _ = 0 at a given taken as the slope by the proper obtained Mach values number, the ct_ , c, conversion values and C_ of radians (all of CL, per de- to degrees. Thus: CL-_ _r zero angle-of-attack CONFIGURATION The root airfoil user AND indicates leading and values _ Cl 8 rad. 1_0 --(cJi_ the shape trailing - of CDw, )(, and GEOMETRY _ are simply _ = 1 a = I ) (23> = ,) (24) their respective values at a = 0. CONSIDERATIONS of the edge CL % , tad. The (22) 180 rad. fin region configuration chord lengths 87 by specifying (1L, and the IT,), root leading chord and length trailing (C r ), edge sweep (S) angles (Figure (F u and 3). leading edge lengths (l L and The V t ), region program in the I t) boundary then streamwise direction as of functions sweep angles the distance computes the (X L), chord tan[ y C : The width of the airfoil strip is of c cos T tan y(tan;' 1 - tanF'L) determined fin semispan axis and airfoil the length to the airfoil airfoil-strip region chord strip. (25) L) " Cr (26) + 1L (27) (28) m- ta T )+ from Zy (C), the the reference ._ y (tan[ 1T : y(ta. V 2 ), and the length coordinate : 1L from airfoil spanwise XL (T 1 and the number of strips (n) desired by the user. S -- : (29) n The general airfoil (Figures lb, crossection, lengths wise strip crossection lc, is assumed is the and which are crossection configuration ld) has determined direction, _L and are special six separate by specifying to be modified cases symmetrical double of this basic flow regions. As the leading- and about wedge shape. can be the (Figure Figure seen wedge line. The 4 shows in this trailing-edge chord la). The other in the l : I 4 general half angles region in stream- =-- the L v cos L (30) 1T 13 12 program the surface _T" 1 1 The types detail figure, most three computes the [6 Is : local-surface (31) r COs : T C - inclination l lL - angles (32) 1T (_i) as functions of _: (33a) _ L _;2 : - , T)3 : - *'T (33b) (33c) 74 - L + "_ : 88 ': (33d) S 1 _ -_ /'_ 12 14 SECTION Figure A-A 3-Fin TYPICAL and Airfoil 89 AIRFOIL Geometry c IM L --i J _ j _'2 mf J J 'L "4 / J Figure 4-Airfoil Angles go ! From these, the streamwise and "_s : ' % -' normal (38e) +o 'T components d = 1 n : 1 cos (38f) of the _, (i ":i _i region I - 1 " 6) lengths are calculated. 6) (34) The distance of the forward "sin local-region :: boundaries from the reference axis are then determined as: xp, ×p_ :: x L _ {t, (35b) Xp_ : xL + dz + d2 (35c) XL _ d_ (35d) XL _ (t4 * d s (35e) ×P6 The MACH CONE Mach-cone an airfoil angle distance strip I w from the (_,) is a direct at a spanwise leading function : by trigonometric identities direction I w is greater correction than or equal is necessary. Mach (1) y, the number. Arcsin intersection (1) of the (36) strip and the Mach cone is a edge. and : the (S use 1w If of the Arctan 1w But, : CORRECTION a, For (35a) xp2 Xps FIN-TIP xL to the chord If i w is such - y)tan_ L of equation : (S length, - y) ÷ tan(90 37, (tan, there this ,. is, that C " 1w Z C- 91 lT + (37) --) may be reduced to: (38) ) of course, no actual intersection and no thenthe ratio of the portion of Ir falling behindthe Machconeto Ir is: c- 1 W r 3 : r 6 -- (39) lT AIso, r I If 1, is such : r 2 : the r 5 : (40) 0 that C- then 1- 4 corresponding ratio for the middle lv _ 1w regions is Cr2 : IL _ 1, 1T rs (4t) |M Also, r 3 r 5 ], r r 4 0 (42a) and, If 1w is such I that C- then the ratio (42b) for the leading edge region lT 1 1 is I L r " 0 I - 1w (43) 1L r 4 Also, r2 These ratios center of pressure. is taken are as half the values used In these the value r 3 in equations equations, the of the CP calculated r s r 5 4, 5, and 6 for pressure coefficient by equation 92 (44) 1.0 1. calculating in the the portion local lift, behind drag, the and Mach cone REFERENCES 1. 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