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Research Draft

Research Draft
Joshuan Liriano
Gun control has been a prevalent issue in the United States since its early years. Still, it
has the spotlight as one of the most controversial and debated topics in the country with the rise
of frightening cases and available statistics. Because of our Constitution, the right to bear arms
has endured throughout the years with minor revisions. Republicans tend to argue strongly in
favor of this amendment based on constitutional rights and the need for self-defense(Harry
Enten, 2018). Stewart Jones, a Republican from South Carolina, presents the viewpoint that if the
rights provided in the Second Amendment can be ignored or altered, Americans risk losing the
freedoms offered in the Constitution's other amendments(Washington Examiner 2019).
However, the current broken system of background checks requirements for purchasing a firearm
has contributed to countless casualties. In 2020, 19,411 deaths occurred at the cost of a gun in the
United States, and 39,492 were gun-related injuries. Out of those numbers, 999 children between
the age of 0-and 11 were injured or killed (gunviolencearchive.org). These destructive weapons
firearms have become too attainable to the general public, and tragedies will remain regular if
there is no direct congressional action to implement more effective background checks when
buying a firearm.
Many people dispute Self-defense is a necessary right that individual wishes to keep.
Stewart Jones believes gun control is not a better option, as it will cause people to lack self-
defense (Washington Examiner, 2019). Criminals will always figure out different ways to obtain
firearms, leaving citizens with no revolvers to use in a conflict. Jones also argues that the
mainstream media plays a role in sensationalizing gun violence and setting a false narrative that
violent crimes are rising. According to Jones, "Academic studies roundly demonstrate that more
laws simply will not prevent mass shootings. On the contrary, the key to curtailing gun violence
lies not in destroying our Constitutional liberties but in recognizing the sacred right of every lawabiding American to self-defense, both from violent crime and the threat of a tyrannical
government". I interpreted that statement as meaning that gun control won't work but only hurt
the Americans' second amendment by not allowing self-defense.
The number of gun-related deaths and injuries can be prevented or significantly lowered
by implementing stricter laws regarding repealing our current background check system.
According to USA today Editorial board, the policy of waiting-for-period laws that delay the
purchase of firearms by a few days reduce gun homicides by roughly 17%. The results imply that
the 17 states with waiting periods avoid approximately 750 gun homicides per year due to this
policy. Expanding the waiting period policy to all other US states would prevent an additional
910 gun homicides per year without imposing restrictions on who can own a gun. When
someone tries to purchase a firearm in the United States, they are supposed to be placed under
investigation by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). A 72-hour
hold is issued for the completion of the sale. However, the federal law contains a loophole. Due
to an NRA-backed amendment to the 1993 Brady Bill, one federal law allows licensed firearm
dealers to sell guns to a buyer after three business days, even if the FBI has not completed the
buyer's criminal background check of our current system(ncdsv.org). Individuals with a
questionable criminal record, the mentally unstable, and members of society entirely incapable of
purchasing a gun can take advantage of the second amendment. For example, the FBI has
revealed that the shooter who killed nine people at the Charleston African Methodist Episcopal
Church was able to purchase the gun he used because of a gap in federal law that allows a
licensed firearms dealer to transfer a firearm before the prospective buyer's background check is
complete, as long as three business days have elapsed(ncdvs.org). This huge loophole will
continue to leave devastating consequences for victims of gun violence.
America also has another problem with gun violence. Mother Jones crunched data from 2012
and found that the annual cost of gun violence in America exceeds $229 billion(Mother Jones
2015). Direct costs account for $8.6 billion, including long-term prison costs for people who
commit assault and homicide using guns, the most significant direct expense at $5.2 billion a
year. Even before accounting for the more intangible costs of the violence, in other words, the
average cost to taxpayers for a single gun homicide in America is nearly $400,000. And we pay
for 32 of them every day(Mother Jones 2015).
Implementing firmer policies regarding the severity of background checks needed to
purchase a firearm would save the lives of countless Americans. There is no action too small and
no procedure too tedious to save American lives. Having stricter gun laws is the most suitable
way to lower gun-related deaths and incidents each year. Passing these laws is frustrating and
often takes years, but these regulations will ensure that everyone lives in a safe America. Having
firearm owners undergo extensive background checks can decrease the chances of owning a gun.
by the wrong person. It is better to have stringent laws and fewer incidents than to have weak
laws and rising gun-related incidents.
Works Cited
Editorial Board, "After Las Vegas, four steps to help cut mass shooting toll," USA Today 3 OCT
Follman, Mark; Lee, Jaeah; Lurie, Julia; West, James "The true cost of gun violence in America"
Mother Jones 15 April 2015
"Gun Control Policy—Pro & Con Background Checks and the 'Gun Show Loophole." Suny
WCC Database Login, Congressional Digest , https://libproxy.sunywcc.edu:3349/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=0&sid=cd17b093-b69f-45aa-a475c57e01892a38%40redis.
Stewart, Jones. "Second Amendment under Siege in America." Washinton Examiner, 26 Sep