Uploaded by Xuefeng Yang

15-Puzzle Java Code: Algorithm & Implementation

// Xuefeng Yang, 5424929, yang6117
// Puzzle - project 3
public class Puzzle{
public static void main(String[] args){ // java only reads the main
final int NROWS = 4;
final int NCOLS = 4;
String myStringVar;
Boolean playagain = false;
int[][] puzzle = new int[NROWS][NCOLS];
int[][] solution = new int[NROWS][NCOLS];
while(!playagain){ // while loop allows the user to play again
System.out.println("\nWelcome to the 15-Puzzle");
playLoop(puzzle, solution);
playagain = playAgain();
} // end of main
public static void delay(){ // delays certain parts of code. my use for
this is to make the program more user friendly
Thread.sleep(750); // delays for 750 milliseconds
catch(InterruptedException e){
} // end of delay
public static void initializer(int[][] p){ // scrambles the puzzle
int count;
int swapcount;
int randomtile;
int prevtileswapped;
initSolution(p); // introduces the solved solution so it can be
randomtile = 0;
swapcount = 0;
prevtileswapped = 0;
while(swapcount < 10000){
randomtile = randomInt(1, 15);
if(swapper(p, randomtile) && randomtile != prevtileswapped){ // the
condtions in this if statement satisfies the requirements stated in the
assignement page
prevtileswapped = randomtile; // sets previous tile swapped to the
random tile declared earlier, so that swapcount can only increase when a
new tile that's not the previous tile is generated
swapcount++; // counter variable, only increases when conditions
in if statement are met
} // end of initializer
static void initSolution(int[][] p){ // solution
int row, col;
for(row = 0; row < p.length; row++)
for(col = 0; col < p[row].length; col++){
p[row][col] = row * p[row].length + col + 1;
p[p.length - 1][p[p.length - 1].length - 1] = 0;
} // end of initSolution
public static int randomInt(int min, int max){ // gives us random
return (int)((Math.random()*((max-min)+1))+min);
// end of randomInt
public static boolean swapper(int[][] p, int n){ // swaps the numbers in
the grid
// swaps tile n with the open spot in puzzle p
// verifies that n is in range and adjacent to open spot
// returns true if swap successful, false otherwise
int row, col;
if(n < 1 || n > 15)
return false;
for(row = 0; row < p.length; row++)
for(col = 0; col < p[row].length; col++)
if(p[row][col] == n){ // found n
if(row + 1 < p.length && p[row + 1][col] == 0){
swap(p, row, col, row + 1, col);
return true;
else if(row > 0 && p[row - 1][col] == 0){
swap(p, row, col, row - 1, col);
return true;
else if(col + 1 < p[row].length && p[row][col + 1] == 0){
swap(p, row, col, row, col + 1);
return true;
else if (col > 0 && p[row][col - 1] == 0){
swap(p, row, col, row, col - 1);
return true;
} // found n
return false;
} // end of swapper
public static void swap(int[][] p, int row1, int col1, int row2, int
col2){ // the actual method that does the swapping
// swaps elements at p[row1][col1] and p[row2][col2]
int temp;
temp = p[row1][col1];
p[row1][col1] = p[row2][col2];
p[row2][col2] = temp;
} // end of swap
public static void playLoop(int[][] p, int[][] sol){ // loop that
alloyws us to play the game
int n = 0;
int count = 0;
while(puzzleEqual(p, sol) == false){ // while loop that ccontains the
main gameplay
System.out.println("enter a number to be moved.");
System.out.println("enter -1 to quit.");
n = TextIO.getInt();
if(n == -1){ // if statement that stops the gameplay loop when -1 is
System.out.println("ha! you're a loser!"); // please don't take
points away, I just think that this is funny
System.out.println("it took you " + count + " move(s) to quit!");
// let's user know how many turns it took to quit
while(swapper(p, n) == false){ // this chunk of code activates if a
user enters a number not adjacent to 0
System.out.println("please enter a number that is adjacent to 0.
enter -1 to quit.");
n = TextIO.getInt();
if(n == -1){ // if statement that stops the gameplay loop when -1
is entered
System.out.println("ha! you're a loser!"); // please don't take
points away, I just think that this is funny
System.out.println("it took you " + count + " move(s) to
quit!"); // let's user know how many turns it took to quit
count++; // let's us know how many moves we're at
System.out.println("congrats, you solved it! it took you " + count + "
moves."); // let's user know how many moves it took to solve the puzzle
} // end of playLoop
public static boolean puzzleEqual(int[][] puzzle, int[][]
anotherPuzzle){ // method that lets us know when our puzzle is solved
// returns true if both puzzles contain exactly the same information
// returns false otherwise
for (int row = 0; row < puzzle.length; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < puzzle[row].length; col++)
if (puzzle[row][col] != anotherPuzzle[row][col])
return false;
return true;
// end of puzzleEqual
static void printPuzzle(int[][] p){ // prints out our puzzle
int row, col;
for(row = 0; row < p.length; row++){
for(col = 0; col < p[row].length; col++)
", p[row][col]);
// printPuzzle
static void printAdjacent(int[][] p){ // this is a method I created
using parts of swapper. it's used to find and print the numbers adjacent
to 0
int row, col;
int count = 0;
System.out.println("your options for input are:");
while(count <= 15){
for(row = 0; row < p.length; row++)
for(col = 0; col < p[row].length; col++)
if(p[row][col] == count){
if(row + 1 < p.length && p[row + 1][col] == 0){
System.out.print(count + "
else if(row > 0 && p[row - 1][col] == 0){
System.out.print(count + "
else if(col + 1 < p[row].length && p[row][col + 1] == 0){
System.out.print(count + "
else if(col > 0 && p[row][col - 1] == 0) {
System.out.print(count + "
// end of printAdjacent
public static Boolean playAgain(){ // my own custom method. taken from a
previous project. this allows the player to play the game again if chosen.
gives a boolean depending on input
String myStringVar;
System.out.println("would you like to play again?");
System.out.println("enter \"y\" if yes,");
System.out.println("enter \"n\" if no.");
myStringVar = TextIO.getWord();
// this while statement makes it so only "y" and "n" can be entered.
while(!myStringVar.equals("y") && !myStringVar.equals("n")){
System.out.println("please re-enter, input has to be either \"y\" or
myStringVar = TextIO.getWord();
/* the if statement below is what allows the user to play again, and
makes the check variable
/ true once again so that the while loop can continue guessing the
user's number furthermore. */
System.out.println("aight cool");
return false;
// this else if statement ends the program in the case if the user does
not want to play again.
else if(myStringVar.equals("n")){
System.out.println("goodbye, thank you for playing!");
return true;
} // end of playAgain
} // end of class