Uploaded by Claudia Salinas

Sociology of Religion Concept Chart

Claudia Salinas
Professor Kasselstrand
Soc 3050
Concept Chart # 5
Sociology of Religion
Please fill out the chart below with four course concepts/terms found in the readings. Use concise
(but complete) definitions. Define using your own words as the concept/term is used in the
context of the reading. Make sure you include author and page number as a citation after you
state the concept/term below. Do not copy dictionary definitions.
After defining the concept/term, give an example (either from the assigned reading(s) or from
elsewhere). Make sure it is clear how the example is linked to the definition and concept.
You need to submit the assignment no later than the day the reading(s) is (are) covered in class.
If two readings are assigned on the day you submit it, you should include concepts from both
readings, but only four in total are required. If you choose to include more than four concepts,
you are welcome to, but I will only grade the first four. Use concepts that you think are useful in
the understanding of the material for this course.
Religious Terrorism
(Badey /Monahan et al.
(Badey/ Monahan et al.
“Religious Terrorism”: Religious
Terrorism has dual definitions. True
Religious Terrorism is terrorism that
is based on their actual religious
belief on an act in order to gain a
reward. The definition that is usually
used to describe terrorism is the label
given on terrorism that is acted from
one specific religious affiliation made
by political figures to further bring
stratification among the population
and different groups for nonreligious
motivations such as political.
In the article, from Thomas J. Badey, he
used an example that Fundamentalism
Islam was labeled as using Religious
Terrorism for the September 11 Attack.
The legitimation of the attack was that
the bombers believed that their God,
“Allah” will reward them with 72 virgins
to deflower in paradise if they die in a
process of martyrdom (Qazi). This may
be true to some of the suicide bombers,
but it is also true that the attack at the
World Trade Center was a protest from
the group for political and social
“International Terrorism”: is seen
when a shift in ideologies are
changed within a nation or a group in
“International Terrorism”: The
September 11 Attack was a politically
motivated attack from Al Qaeda and the
Political violence
(Badey/ Monahan et al.
Cosmic War
(Juergensmeyer /
Monahan et al.
one nation and creates the motivation,
or excuse to act on violent acts
towards another nation and their
Taliban towards the United States. This
was international terrorism because it
created fear among the population of
another Nation and their people.
“Political Violence”: is a
communication tactic when other
forms of communication are
unsuccessful in creating change in a
dynamic with groups or Nations’
society, it’s a form of expressing
frustration and intimidation to
strategically push movement among
An example of “Political Violence” is
when to create a protest and statement
when bombing abortion clinics or
bombing of political monuments to show
disagree in the policy that is currently in
effect. When Hilter and the Holocaust
occurred, that genocide of certain groups
of people, was his form of pollical
violence of their disagreement of
Germany’s ideologies and he convinced
many people to support his ideology that
change was needed and that it was in the
form of “cleansing” the population of
Jews, Gays, Blacks and the disabled.
“Cosmic War”: is the idea that a
religious purpose and conflict is
placed on the human physical world
in a form of a real war and thus
violence, is for a greater purpose than
in this human world and the
believer’s life.
“Cosmic War” is when a political war
is being compared to a religious battle
such like the “battles in the Hebrew
Bible (Old Testament), the epics of
Hinduism and Buddhism, and the
Islamic idea of jihad” (Juergensmeyer.
2004). The conflict that is Jerusalem is a
sacred landmark to three different
religions of Judaism, Christianity and
Muslims. This has caused constant war
and turmoil among the Nations of
Palestine and Israel and Muslim people.
This is seen as Cosmic war because each
faith believe they are fighting for a
religious purpose and thus have the
Qazi Farhana. 2015. 72 Virgins in Heaven: Fact or Fiction? AskMePc. Retrieved November 14,