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Jamestown History Worksheet

Paragraph 3 of
chapter 1 page
2. “Why are the lives
and deaths of colonists
living in the
Chesapeake region
especially mysterious
to historians?”
Paragraph 5 of
chapter 1 page 9
“What information
about colonists who
settled in the Chesapeake
region is available through
the historical record?”
The settlers arrived from England in 1607 hoping 
to find silver and gold and become rich. The first
settlers built a fort, naming it James Fort in
honor of their English king, James I. In their quest
for riches, the settlers expanded into other areas
of the Virginia colony and eventually removed all
building materials from James Fort to use for
other projects by the 1630s.
Paragraph 8-11
of chapter 1
page 11-12
“What theory
about James Fort did the
Jamestown Rediscovery
Project prove wrong and
with what evidence?”
Most historians and archaeologists who studied
Jamestown believed the fort’s location was on an
area of land that had been washed away by the
James River. Using both oral tradition-stories
passed down through generations- and soil
stains revealing the triangular shape of the fort’s 
walls, the Jamestown Rediscovery Project
confirmed the location of the fort near a
seventeenth-century church.
“Finding the
Fort” section of
chapter 1
paragraph 2-3
page 13
“Finding the
Fort” section of
chapter 1
paragraph 7-8
page 16-17
Photograph of
soil stains
revealing fort
walls page 16
1. “How was Douglas
Owsley quickly able to
draw conclusions
about the skeletal
remains pictured on
page 8?”