Trig Quiz 2, Spring 2021 Show all your work and circle your final answers! Questions are 10 points each unless stated otherwise. 1. (8pts) Use the cofunction identities to fill in the blanks --IT 11 n:) . jl. - ,cos (5 = sin( "L 5' a) b) tan(l0° - 2x) 2. ) = sin ( ~'~0__) :m = cot(_ct_o"_---'-(-~---~_)_ _ _ _ _ _) = cot( i~ +7...y.. ) (12 pts) Use the figure below to evaluate the six trigonometric functions for angle 0. Show all work, simplify all fractions and rationalize the denom;nato,s ;f needed, 1;,t yo"' final TwT below the fig"'•· 0\.,.. +11;)'2..::,c_~ s,~(~)= 2££. ~to)~~ CA"t • -r."'-: i'I.. "''4P ! ~p 4 '-"-'"... ~-8>c0Dl• ~---u :::.m l::[J = kteJ, C~t,(~:: o.::~ 3 .! . .f! ~@ -Stt(&) ..fIJ Ji C.C1-t&) -: Y.5 t!1 ,rs "2.,li 'i':~ :00 -cr} 2 sin(0) = .f-s csc(0) = cos(0) = sec(0) =~ cot(0) = "'--fi? tan(0) 3. 3 = ..fs-z_~ s "Z.. A radio tower is located 320 ft from the building. From a window in the building a person determines that the angle of elevation to the top of the tower is 44°, and the angle of depression to the bottom of the tower is 35°. How tall is the tower? \ w,,.. ( 3s0 J ~"iu 'I< = 3 '!.D + -\.cw,. t ?."'S) -z_""Z...~ .Ofc,~~ I '3U),,\;c:.M. l44°)-:. = &oc, .0'2.. y... · 5ro "LJ-\ .O(a ::!\S~~ .Ot (;~ -1r "Z.. 1 - ----- - - ---•n"'"•_...,..,.,.,n_,..__lllllllll...,,.OMJU-1--IMIT!IIJ__ ____ .,.fl.,..,,,____..,~-~iu.ruo,i-•!11-- - m,,_«'1.fln•••"'"'"'";v"""' 4. Assuming that a 27O-foot tall giant redwood grows vertically, if I walk a certain distance from the tree and measure the angle of elevat ion to the top of the tree to be 55°, how far from the base of the tree am 17 Round your answer to the nearest foot. t&w\.. l-sr;-~) ";'. . -=- "'?-.,o "T-.t~0) 5. Use the Pythagorean identity to find cos (0) if sin(0) C..osq_ Q - ~,V\-z... Q -=- l L0'5'?.. Q - C...0~'""&) - l- 'l4) °'l11o-::. C..,o~-z..Q -:::: \ + ~,, f"c..o~ 7..~ ·~ J"-'S ---- -=- [ \~9 . 0 ~ = - 4 and the terminal side of 9 is in quadrant 111. should really work on the quizzes and exams individually, same mistakes are grounds for cheating investigation. :: \ I t\lo l!o +.9.. \Co 6. (15 pts) The terminal side of an angle 0 passes through the point ( ...ff. -3). Calculate exactly the values of the cos(0), csc(0) and tan(0) trigonometric functions of 8. Simplify all answers, rationalize the denominators if needed. r, ~-3 u...7.. + 'v:::,'t. = C, {fi)" ;-~3)~= c<, + C\:: ,ffi, -=-Jc: c..-= 4 (,<.. 'l_ 7. Use identities to rewrite the expression as a single trigonometric function. \ csc (t) b) -= sec (t) ~ ~l-lo) -l\) \ l 8. Answer the following questions: a) If cos(0) =½,then cos(-0) = -=-i~'1J Ce>s l-fs) -= - ~(~) b) If sin(0) = 0.657, then sin(-0) = :=f- O. Cos~ -5,\1\. (.~) c) If tan(0) =~'then tan(-0) = - -k,,. tS) =\ -~J 9. (15 pts) Use the appropriate identities to find sin(0) and cos(0), if tan(0) = 2 and the terminal side of 0 is in quadrant Ill. Rationalize denominators when necessary. -z..o • \ = o~c.. e CW\ -z.... ( -Z..) -+ I -:: <Sc.<.e : "Z.. 5 <.'--z.. 4 + \ :. s ~(.,"t. \;: / -G =~S.u.'<9 ~d..~) =rsBonus: (5 pts, no partial credit) . 0'1° MQ ~,:,-----. . rr-~--8-=-----:::=~;-,l {s°:: .l_ r __ " _ : I .fs- ,J'S" ~-\,\.~e "'"~-z..Q ~""'?..e~ (JiJ-. ' 'S ...~ 9 • " I . \ [ ,fs - ·· -s ~l\.\.7-e; \-l. -~ s r:;:-~ r.t -s -s \)"'b\t\ Q-:'1'$ 5,,.._ El .,_-'5!] .... l. simplify -s . A 400-foot tall monument is located in the distance. From a window m the build mg, a person determines that the angle of elevation to the top of the monument is 25°, and that the angle of depression to the bottom of the monument is 7° . How far is the person from the monument?