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श्रीमद्भागवतम् की महिमा: धार्मिक पाठ

की महिमा
- श्रीमान राधाकान्त दास
SB 1.1.1
ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
जन्माद्यस्य यतोऽन्वयाददतरतश्चार्थेष्वदभज्ञ: स्वराट्
तेने ब्रह्म हृदा य आददकवये मुह्यन्ति यत्सूरय: ।
तेजोवाररमृदाां यर्था दवदनमयो यत्र दत्रसगोऽमृ ा
धाम्ना स्वेन सदा दनरस्तकुहकां सत्यां परां धीमदह ॥ १ ॥
SB 1.1.2
धमम: प्रोन्तितकैतवोऽत्र परमो दनममत्सराणाां सताां
वेद्यां वास्तवमत्र वस्तु दिवदां तापत्रयोन्मूलनम् ।
श्रीमद्भागवते महामुदनकृते दकां वा परै रीश्वर:
सद्यो हृद्यवरुध्यतेऽत्र कृदतदभ: िुश्रू ुदभस्त्क्षणणात् ॥ २
SB 1.1.3
दनगमकल्पतरोगमदलतां फलां
िुकमुखादमृतद्रवसांयुतम् ।
दपबत भागवतां रसमालयां
मुहुरहो रदसका भुदव भावुका: ॥ ३ ॥
SB 1.2.6
स वै पुांसाां परो धमो
यतो भन्तिरधोक्षजे ।
अहै तुक्यप्रदतहता
ययात्मा सुप्रसीददत
• What is the ultimate good for people
in general
What is the essence of all scriptures
What did Krishna appear as the son of
What are pastimes of creation?
What are the various incarnations?
Where has dharma taken shelter?
SB 1.8.18 : Krishna is Absolute Truth
नमस्ये पुरु ां त्वाद्यम्
मीश्वरां प्रकृते: परम् ।
अलक्ष्यां सवमभूतानाम्
अिबमदहरवन्तथर्थतम् ॥ १८ ॥
SB 1.8.21 : Sweet Krishna
कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय
दे वकीनन्दनाय च ।
गोदवन्दाय नमो नम: ॥
२१ ॥
SB 1.8.22 : Beautiful Krishna
नम: पङ्कजनाभाय
नम: पङ्कजमादलने ।
नम: पङ्कजनेत्राय
नमस्ते पङ्कजाङ्‍् ्रये
॥ २२ ॥
SB 1.8.23 : Merciful Krishna
यर्था हृ ीकेि खलेन दे वकी
कांसेन रुद्धादतदचरां िुचादपमता ।
दवमोदचताहां च सहात्मजा दवभो
त्वयैव नार्थेन मुहुदवमपद्गणात् ॥
२३ ॥
SB 1.8.24 : Series of Difficulties
दव ान्महाग्ने: पुरु ाददिमनादसत्सभाया वनवासकृच्छ्रत: ।
मृधे मृधेऽनेकमहारर्थास्त्रतो
द्रौण्यस्त्रतश्चास्म हरे ऽदभरदक्षता:
॥ २४ ॥
SB 1.8.25 : Let calamities come !
दवपद: सिु ता: िश्वत्
तत्र तत्र जगद् गुरो ।
भवतो दिमनां यत्स्याद
पुनभमवदिमनम् ॥ २५ ॥
SB 1.8.27 : Property of Impoverished
दनवृत्तगुणवृत्तये ।
आत्मारामाय िािाय
कैवल्यपतये नम:
SB 1.8.31 : Bewildering Pastimes !
गोप्याददे त्वदय कृतागदस दाम तावद्
या ते दिाश्रुकदललाञ्जनसम्भ्रमाक्षम् ।
वक्त्रां दननीय भयभावनया न्तथर्थतस्य
सा माां दवमोहयदत भीरदप यदब्भेदत ॥
३१ ॥
SB 1.8.36 : How to see Krishna
ि्ृण्वन्ति गायन्ति गृणन्त्यभी्णि:
स्मरन्ति नन्दन्ति तवेदहतां जना: ।
त एव पश्यन्त्यदचरे ण तावकां
भवप्रवाहोपरमां पदाम्बुजम् ॥ ३६ ॥
SB 1.8.39 : Krishna’s Footprints
नेयां िोदभष्यते तत्र
यर्थेदानी ां गदाधर ।
त्वत्पदै रदङ्कता भादत
स्वलक्षणदवलदक्षतै: ॥
३९ ॥
SB 1.8.42 : Attraction for Krishna
त्वदय मेऽनन्यदव या
मदतममधुपतेऽसकृत् ।
गङ्गेवौघमुदन्वदत ॥ ४२ ॥
ŚB 1.9.12
अहो कष्टमहोऽन्याय्यां
यद् यूयां धममनन्दना: ।
जीदवतुां नाहम र्थ न्तिष्टां
दवप्रधमामच्युताश्रया: ॥ १२ ॥
ŚB 1.9.18
ए वै भगवान्साक्षाद
अााद्यो नारायण: पुमान् ।
मोहयन्मायया लोकां
गूढश्चरदत वृन्तष्ण ु ॥ १८ ॥
ŚB 1.9.27
दानधमामन् राजधमामन्
मोक्षधमामन् दवभागि: ।
स्त्रीधमामन् भगवद्धमामन्
समासव्यासयोगत: ॥ २७॥
ŚB 1.9.32
श्रीभीष्म उवाच
इदत मदतरुपकन्तल्पता दवतृष्णा
भगवदत सात्वतपुङ्गवे दवभूदम्न ।
स्वसुखमुपगते क््वदचदद्वहतुुं
प्रकृदतमुपेयुद यद्भ्वप्रवाह: ॥ ३२ ॥
ŚB 1.9.33
दत्रभुवनकमनां तमालवणुं
रदवकरगौरवराम्बरां दधाने ।
दवजयसखे रदतरस्तु मेऽनवद्या ॥ ३३ ॥
Partha-sarathi: Liberation(svarupa) was awarded to all those who saw this form SB 1.9.39
Art of Dying
Passing away of Haridas Thakur
ŚB 1.12.17 :
तस्मान्नाम्ना दवष्णुरात
इदत लोके भदवष्यदत ।
न सन्दे हो महाभाग
महाभागवतो महान् ॥ १७ ॥
ŚB 1.13.10 : Yudhishtir Maharaj welcomes Vidura
भवदद्वधा भागवतास्
तीर्थमभूता: स्वयां दवभो ।
तीर्थीकुवमन्ति तीर्थामदन
स्वाि:थर्थेन गदाभृता ॥ १० ॥
ŚB 1.13.23 : Vidura chastises
अहो महीयसी जिोजीदवता
िा यर्था भवान् ।
भीमापवदजमतां दपण्डमादत्ते गृ
हपालवत् ॥ २३ ॥
ŚB 1.15.21 :
तद्वै धनुस्त इ व: स रर्थो हयास्ते
सोऽहां रर्थी नृपतयो यत आनमन्ति ।
सवुं क्षणेन तदभूदसदीिररिां
भस्मन्हहुतां कुहकराद्धदमवोप्तमूष्याम्
॥ २१ ॥
ŚB 1.17.24
तप: िौचां दया सत्य
दमदत पादा: कृते कृता: ।
अधमाुंिैस्त्रयो भग्ना:
स्मयसङ्गमदै स्तव ॥ २४ ॥
ŚB 1.17.38 :
Mahārāja Parīkṣit gave Kali
permission to reside in 4
सूत उवाच
अभ्यदर्थमतस्तदा तस्मै
थर्थानादन कलये ददौ ।
द् यूतां पानां न्तस्त्रय: सूना
यत्राधममश्चतुदवमध: ॥ ३८ ॥
ŚB 12.3.51
कलेदो दनधे राजन्
नन्तस्त ह्येको महान् गुण: ।
कीतमनादे व कृष्णस्य
मुिसङ्ग: परां व्रजेत् ॥ ५१ ॥
ŚB 1.19.15
तां मोपयातां प्रदतयिु दवप्रा गङ्गा च
दे वी धृतदचत्तमीिे ।
दद्वजोपसृष्ट: कुहकस्तक्षको वा
दित्वलां गायत दवष्णुगार्था: ॥
SB 2.1.5
तस्माद्भारत सवामत्मा
भगवानीश्वरो हरर: ।
श्रोतव्य: कीदतमतव्यश्च
स्मतमव्यश्चेच्छ्ताभयम् ॥ ५ ॥
O mind just
worship the lotus
feet of Krishna
भज हूँ रे मन श्री नांद नांदन
अभय चरण अरदवांद रे ।
दुलमभ मानव जनम सतसांगे,
तर आये भव दसांध रे ।
िीत आ तप मात बरीिन,
एह ददन यामनी जाग रे ।
दवफले से दबनु कृपण दुजमन,
चपल सुख नव लाग रे ।
श्रवण कीतन स्मरण वांदन,
बाद से मन दास रे ।
पूजन सकी जन आत्म दनवेदन,
गोदवन्द दास अदभला रे ।
ŚB 3.5.2 : Vidura
asks Maitreya
दवदुर उवाच
सुखाय कमामदण करोदत लोको
न तै: सुखां वान्यदुपारमां वा ।
दवन्दे त भूयस्तत एव दु:खां
यदत्र युिां भगवान् वदे न्न: ॥ २ ॥
ŚB 3.5.3 : Compassion
of Great philanthropic
जनस्य कृष्णादद्वमुखस्य दै वादधममिीलस्य सु दु:न्तखतस्य ।
अनुग्रहायेह चरन्ति नूनां
भूतादन भव्यादन जनादम नस्य ॥
ŚB 3.25.25 :
Association of pure
सताां प्रसङ्गान्मम वीयमसांदवदो
भवन्ति हृत्कणमरसायना: कर्था: ।
तज्जो णादाश्वपवगमवत्मम दन
श्रद्धा रदतभमन्तिरनुक्रदमष्यदत ॥ २५
Praying to
krishna in
mothers womb
Wake up,
sleeping souls!...
जीव जागो, जीव जागो, गोराचाूँद बोले।
कत दनद्रा जाओ माया-दपिाचीर कोले॥1॥
भदजब बदलया ऐसे सांसार-दभतरे ।
भुदलया रदहले तुदम अदवद्यार भरे ॥2॥
praying to
Lord shiva
Day 5
Glories of
Holy Name
of Ajamila
Canto 6
SB 6.1.6 : Vaishnava Heart
अधुनेह महाभाग
यर्थैव नरकान्नर: ।
ा्तन्मे व्याख्यातुमहम दस
SB 6.1.19: True
method of
सकृन्मन: कृष्णपदारदवन्दयो
दनमवेदितां तद् गुणरादग यैररह ।
न ते यमां पािभृतश्च तद्भ्टान्
स्वप्नेऽदप पश्यन्ति दह चीणम दन्ृता: ॥
अयां दह कृतदनवेिो
जन्मकोट्यांहसामदप ।
यद् ्व्याजहार दवविो
नाम स्वस्त्ययनां हरे : ॥
अज्ञानादर्थवा ज्ञाना
दुत्तमश्लोकनाम यत् ।
सङ्कीदतमतमघां पुांसो
दहे देधो यर्थानल: ॥
दियमाणो हरे नामम
गृणन् पुत्रोपचाररतम् ।
दकमुत श्रद्धया गृणन् ॥
ŚB 12.3.51
कलेदो दनधे राजन्
नन्तस्त ह्येको महान् गुण: ।
कीतमनादे व कृष्णस्य
मुिसङ्ग: परां व्रजेत् ॥
of Dadichi
श्रीप्रह्राद उवाच
श्रवणां कीतमनां दवष्णो:
स्मरणां पादसेवनम् ।
अचमनां वन्दनां दास्यां
सख्यमात्मदनवेदनम् ॥ २३ ॥
इदत पुांसादपमता दवष्णौ
भन्तिश्चेन्नवलक्षणा ।
दक्रयेत भगवत्यद्धा
तन्मन्येऽधीतमुत्तमम् ॥ २४ ॥
ŚB 7.5.31
न ते दवदु: स्वार्थमगदतां दह दवष्णुां
दुरािया ये बदहरर्थममादनन: ।
अन्धा यर्थान्धैरुपनीयमानास्तेऽपीितन्ह्यामुरुदादम्न बद्धा:
॥ ३१ ॥
ŚB 7.6.1
श्रीप्रह्राद उवाच
कौमार आचरे त्प्राज्ञो
धमामन्हभागवतादनह ।
दुलमभां मानु ां जन्म
तदप्यध्रुवमर्थमदम् ॥ १ ॥
ŚB 7.8.17
सत्यां दवधातुां दनजभृत्यभाद तां
व्यान्तप्तां च भूतेष्वन्तखले ु चात्मन: ।
स्तम्भे सभायाां न मृगां न मानु म् ॥
नैवोदद्वजे पर दुरत्ययवैतरण्यास्त्वद्वीयमगायनमहामृतमग्नदचत्त
िोचे ततो दवमुखचेतस इन्ति
मायासुखाय भरमुद्वहतो दवमू
ढान् ॥ ४३ ॥
नृदसांह आरती
नमस्ते नृदसांहाय
प्रह्लादह्लाद दादयने।
दिलाटां क नखालये॥1॥
इतो नृदसांहः परतो नृदसांहो
यतो यतो यादम ततो नृदसांहः ।
बदहनृमदसांहो हृदये नृदसां हो
नृदसांहमादद िरणां प्रपद्ये॥2॥
तव कर-कमलवरे नखम्
अद् ्भुत-श्रृांङ्गम्
ददलतदहरण्यकदिपुतनु भृांङ्गम्
केिव धृत नरहरररू
जय जगदीि हरे ॥3
ŚB 8.3.2 : Gajendra prays to the Lord
श्रीगजेन्द्र उवाच
ॐ नमो भगवते तस्मै यत
एतच्चिदात्मकम् ।
परेशायाभभधीमहि ॥ २ ॥
ŚB 9.4.63 :
अहां भिपराधीनो
ह्यस्वतन्त्र इव दद्वज ।
भिैभमिजनदप्रय: ॥ ६३ ॥
ŚB 10.1.4
दनवृत्तत ैरुपगीयमानाद्
भवौ धाच्छ्रोत्रमनोऽदभरामात्
क उत्तमश्लोकगुणानुवादात
ा्पुमान् दवरज्येत दवना पिुघ्नात्
ŚB 10.1.13
नै ्ांान्मक्षु
पदमदोित्य तधाब
् ां
् ांच्यज
ु मत
् ् मार्थकररह
॥१३ ॥
ŚB 10.1.16
पुरु ाांस्त्रीन् पुनादत
दह ।
विारां प्रच्छ्कां
यर्था ॥ १६ ॥
Kamsa trying
to kill devaki
Demigods prays
to mother devaki
ŚB 10.2.26
सत्यव्रतां सत्यपरां दत्रसत्यांसत्यस्य योदनां दनदहतां च सत्ये ।
सत्यस्य सत्यमृतसत्यनेत्रांसत्यात्मकां त्वाां िरणां प्रपन्ना: ॥ २६ ॥
The demigods prayed: O Lord, You never deviate from Your vow, which is always perfect
because whatever You decide is perfectly correct and cannot be stopped by anyone. Being
present in the three phases of cosmic manifestation — creation, maintenance and
annihilation — You are the Supreme Truth. Indeed, unless one is completely truthful, one
cannot achieve Your favor, which therefore cannot be achieved by hypocrites. You are the
active principle, the real truth, in all the ingredients of creation, and therefore You are known
as antaryāmī, the inner force. You are equal to everyone, and Your instructions apply for
everyone, for all time. You are the beginning of all truth. Therefore, offering our obeisances,
we surrender unto You. Kindly give us protection.
ŚB 10.3.9
तमद्भ्ुतां बालकमम्बुजेक्षणां चतुभुमजां िङ्‍्खगदाद् युदायुधम् ।
श्रीवत्सलक्ष्मां गलिोदभकौस्तुभां पीताम्बरां सािपयोदसौभगम् ॥ ९ ॥
Vasudeva then saw the newborn child, who had very wonderful lotuslike eyes and who bore
in His four hands the four weapons śaṅkha, cakra, gadā and padma. On His chest was the
mark of Śrīvatsa and on His neck the brilliant Kaustubha gem. Dressed in yellow, His body
blackish like a dense cloud, His scattered hair fully grown, and His helmet and earrings
sparkling uncommonly with the valuable gem Vaidūrya, the child, decorated with a brilliant
belt, armlets, bangles and other ornaments, appeared very wonderful.
ŚB 10.6.35-36
पूतना लोकबालघ्नी राक्षसी रुदधरािना । दजघाांसयादप हरये स्तनां दत्त्वाप सद्गदतम् ॥ ३५ ॥
दकां पुन: श्रद्धया भक्त्या कृष्णाय परमात्मने । यच्छ्न् दप्रयतमां दकां नु रिास्तन्मातरो यर्था ॥ ३६ ॥
Pūtanā was always hankering for the blood of human children, and with that desire she came to
kill Kṛṣṇa; but because she offered her breast to the Lord, she attained the greatest
achievement. What then is to be said of those who had natural devotion and affection for Kṛṣṇa
as mothers and who offered Him their breasts to suck or offered something very dear, as a
mother offers something to a child?
SB 10.8.4
महदद्वचलनां नृणाां गृदहणाां दीनचेतसाम् ।
दन:श्रेयसाय भगवन्कल्पते नान्यर्था क््वदचत् ॥ ४ ॥
O my lord, O great devotee, persons like you move from one place to another
not for their own interests but for the sake of poor-hearted gṛhasthas
[householders]. Otherwise they have no interest in going from one place to
ŚB 10.8.12
श्रीगगम उवाच
अयां दह रोदहणीपुत्रो रमयन् सुहृदो गुणै: । आख्यास्यते राम इदत बलादधक्याबलां दवदु : ।
यदू नामपृर्थग्भावात् सङ्क मणमुिन्त्यदप ॥ १२ ॥
Garga Muni said: This child, the son of Rohiṇī, will give all happiness to His relatives and friends
by His transcendental qualities. Therefore He will be known as Rāma. And because He will
manifest extraordinary bodily strength, He will also be known as Bala. Moreover, because He
unites two families — Vasudeva’s family and the family of Nanda Mahārāja — He will be
known as Saṅkarṣaṇa.
ŚB 10.8.13
आसन् वणामस्त्रयो ह्यस्य गृह्णतोऽनुयुगां तनू: ।
िुिो रिस्तर्था पीत इदानी ां कृष्णताां गत: ॥ १३ ॥
Your son Kṛṣṇa appears as an incarnation in every millennium. In the past, He assumed three different colors —
white, red and yellow — and now He has appeared in a blackish color. [In another Dvāpara-yuga, He appeared (as
Lord Rāmacandra) in the color of śuka, a parrot. All such incarnations have now assembled in Kṛṣṇa.]
ŚB 10.8.36
यद्येवां तदहम व्यादे हीत्युि: स भगवान्हरर: ।
व्यादत्ताव्याहतैश्वयम: क्रीडामनुजबालक: ॥ ३६ ॥
Mother Yaśodā challenged Kṛṣṇa, “If You have not eaten earth, then open Your mouth wide.”
When challenged by His mother in this way, Kṛṣṇa, the son of Nanda Mahārāja and Yaśodā, to
exhibit pastimes like a human child, opened His mouth. Although the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, who is full of all opulences, did not disturb His mother’s parental affection, His
opulence was automatically displayed, for Kṛṣṇa’s opulence is never lost at any stage, but is
manifest at the proper time.
ŚB 10.9.1-2
श्रीिुक उवाच
एकदा गृहदासी ु यिोदा नन्दगेदहनी । कमामिरदनयुिासु दनमममन्थ स्वयां ददध ॥ १ ॥
यादन यानीह गीतादन तबालचररतादन च । ददधदनममन्थने काले स्मरिी तान्यगायत ॥ २ ॥
Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: One day when mother Yaśodā saw that all the maidservants
were engaged in other household affairs, she personally began to churn the yogurt. While
churning, she remembered the childish activities of Kṛṣṇa, and in her own way she composed
songs and enjoyed singing to herself about all those activities.
ŚB 10.9.13-14
न चािनम बदहयमस्य न पूवुं नादप चापरम् । पूवामपरां बदहश्चािजमगतो यो जगच्च य: ॥ १३ ॥
तां मत्वात्मजमव्यिां मत्यमदलङ्गमधोक्षजम् । गोदपकोलूखले दाम्ना बबन्ध प्राकृतां यर्था ॥ १४ ॥
The Supreme Personality of Godhead has no beginning and no end, no exterior and no interior, no front
and no rear. In other words, He is all-pervading. Because He is not under the influence of the element of
time, for Him there is no difference between past, present and future; He exists in His own transcendental
form at all times. Being absolute, beyond relativity, He is free from distinctions between cause and effect,
although He is the cause and effect of everything. That unmanifested person, who is beyond the
perception of the senses, had now appeared as a human child, and mother Yaśodā, considering Him her
own ordinary child, bound Him to the wooden mortar with a rope.
ददवाली के ददन मैया यिोदा ने भगवान कृष्ण को उखल से बाांधा र्था दजससे उनका
नाम दामोदर पड़ा अर्थामत दजनका उदर(पेट) दाम (रस्सी) से बांध गया और इदसदलए
कादतमक मास का नाम दामोदर मास पड़ा ।
ŚB 10.9.20
नेमां दवररञ्चो न भवो न श्रीरप्यङ्गसांश्रया ।
प्रसादां लेदभरे गोपी यत्तत्प्राप दवमुन्तिदात् ॥ २० ॥
Neither Lord Brahmā, nor Lord Śiva, nor even the goddess of fortune, who is always the
better half of the Supreme Lord, can obtain from the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
the deliverer from this material world, such mercy as received by mother Yaśodā.
Delivernace of Putana
ŚB 10.10.7
तौ द‍ृष्ट्वा मददरामत्तौ श्रीमदान्धौ सुरात्मजौ ।
तौ द्ृष्ट्वा मददरामत्तौ श्रीमदान्धौ सुरात्मजौ ।
तयोरनुग्रहार्ाा य शापं दास्यदिदं जगौ ॥ ७ ॥
तयोरनुग्रहार्थामय िापां दास्यदन्नदां जगौ ॥ ७ ॥
Seeing the two sons of the demigods naked and intoxicated by opulence
and false prestige, Devarṣi Nārada, in order to show them special mercy,
desired to give them a special curse. Thus he spoke as follows.
ŚB 10.10.38
वाणी गुणानुकर्थने श्रवणौ कर्थायाां हस्तौ च कममसु मनस्तव पादयोनम: ।
स्मृत्याां दिरस्तव दनवासजगत्प्रणामे द्ृदष्ट: सताां दिमनेऽस्तु भवत्तनूनाम् ॥ ३८ ॥
Henceforward, may all our words describe Your pastimes, may our ears engage in
aural reception of Your glories, may our hands, legs and other senses engage in
actions pleasing to You, and may our minds always think of Your lotus feet. May our
heads offer our obeisances to everything within this world, because all things are also
Your different forms, and may our eyes see the forms of Vaiṣṇavas, who are
nondifferent from You.
ŚB 10.12.3
कृष्णवत्सैरसङ्‍् ख्यातैयूमर्थीकृत्य स्ववत्सकान् ।
चारयिोऽभमलीलादभदवमजह्रुस्तत्र तत्र ह ॥ ३ ॥
Along with the cowherd boys and their own groups of calves, Kṛṣṇa
came out with an unlimited number of calves assembled. Then all the
boys began to sport in the forest in a greatly playful spirit.
ŚB 10.12.13
अर्थाघनामाभ्यपतन्महासुर- स्ते ाां सुखक्रीडनवीक्षणाक्षम: ।
दनत्यां यदिदनमजजीदवतेप्सुदभ: पीतामृतैरप्यमरै : प्रतीक्ष्यते ॥ १३ ॥
My dear King Parīkṣit, thereafter there appeared a great demon named
Aghāsura, whose death was being awaited even by the demigods. The
demigods drank nectar every day, but still they feared this great demon and
awaited his death. This demon could not tolerate the transcendental pleasure
being enjoyed in the forest by the cowherd boys.
ŚB 10.13.11
दबभ्रद् वेणुां जठरपटयो: ि्ृङ्गवेत्रे च कक्षे वामे पाणौ मसृणकवलां तत्फलान्यङ्‍्गुली ु ।
दतष्ठन् मध्ये स्वपररसुहृदो हासयन् नममदभ: स्वै: स्वगे लोके दम दत बुभुजे यज्ञभुग् बालकेदल: ॥ ११ ॥
Kṛṣṇa is yajña-bhuk — that is, He eats only offerings of yajña — but to exhibit His childhood
pastimes, He now sat with His flute tucked between His waist and His tight cloth on His right side
and with His horn bugle and cow-driving stick on His left. Holding in His hand a very nice
preparation of yogurt and rice, with pieces of suitable fruit between His fingers, He sat like the
whorl of a lotus flower, looking forward toward all His friends, personally joking with them and
creating jubilant laughter among them as He ate. At that time, the denizens of heaven were
watching, struck with wonder at how the Personality of Godhead, who eats only in yajña, was now
eating with His friends in the forest.
ŚB 10.16.36
कस्यानु भावोऽस्य न दे व दवद्महे तवाङ्‍् ्दररे णुस्परिादधकार: ।
यद्वाञ्छया श्रीलमलनाचरत्तपो दवहाय कामान् सुदचरां धृतव्रता ॥ ३६ ॥
O Lord, we do not know how the serpent Kāliya has attained this
great opportunity of being touched by the dust of Your lotus feet. For
this end, the goddess of fortune performed austerities for centuries,
giving up all other desires and observing austere vows.
ŚB 10.14.1
नौमीड्य तेऽभ्रवपु े तदडदम्बराय गुञ्जावतांसपररदपच्छ्लसन्मु खाय ।
वन्यस्रजे कवलवेत्रदव ाणवेणु- लक्ष्मदश्रये मृदुपदे पिुपाङ्गजाय ॥ १ ॥
Lord Brahmā said: My dear Lord, You are the only worshipable Lord, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, and therefore I offer my humble obeisances and prayers just to please You. O son of
the king of the cowherds, Your transcendental body is dark blue like a new cloud, Your garment
is brilliant like lightning, and the beauty of Your face is enhanced by Your guñjā earrings and the
peacock feather on Your head. Wearing garlands of various forest flowers and leaves, and
equipped with a herding stick, a buffalo horn and a flute, You stand beautifully with a morsel of
food in Your hand.
ŚB 10.14.3
ज्ञाने प्रयासमुदपास्य नमि एव जीवन्ति सन्मुखररताां भवदीयवातामम् ।
थर्थाने न्तथर्थता: श्रुदतगताां तनु वाङ्‍् ्मनोदभ- ये प्रायिोऽदजत दजतोऽप्यदस तै न्तस्त्रलोक्याम् ॥ ३ ॥
Those who, even while remaining situated in their established social positions,
throw away the process of speculative knowledge and with their body, words
and mind offer all respects to descriptions of Your personality and activities,
dedicating their lives to these narrations, which are vibrated by You personally
and by Your pure devotees, certainly conquer Your Lordship, although You are
otherwise unconquerable by anyone within the three worlds.
ŚB 10.14.32
अहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यां नन्दगोपव्रजौकसाम् ।
यन्तन्मत्रां परमानन्दां पूणुं ब्रह्म सनातनम् ॥ ३२ ॥
How greatly fortunate are Nanda Mahārāja, the cowherd men and all the
other inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi! There is no limit to their good fortune,
because the Absolute Truth, the source of transcendental bliss, the
eternal Supreme Brahman, has become their friend.
ŚB 10.16.22
कृष्णप्राणादन्नदवम ितो नन्दादीन् वीक्ष्य तां ह्रदम् ।
प्रत्य ेधत् स भगवान् राम: कृष्णानु भावदवत् ॥ २२ ॥
Lord Balarāma then saw that Nanda Mahārāja and the other cowherd
men, who had dedicated their very lives to Kṛṣṇa, were beginning to
enter the serpent’s lake. As the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
Lord Balarāma fully knew Lord Kṛṣṇa’s actual power, and therefore He
restrained them.
ŚB 10.16.26
एवां पररभ्रमहतौजसमु न्नताांस- मानम्य तत्पृ र्थुदिर:स्वदधरूढ आद्य: ।
तन्मूधमरत्नदनकरस्पिामदतताि- पादाम्बुजोऽन्तखलकलाददगुरुनम नतम ॥ २६ ॥
Having severely depleted the serpent’s strength with His relentless
circling, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the origin of everything, pushed down Kāliya’s raised
shoulders and mounted his broad serpentine heads. Thus Lord Śrī
Kṛṣṇa, the original master of all fine arts, began to dance, His lotus feet
deeply reddened by the touch of the numerous jewels upon the
serpent’s heads.
ŚB 10.16.37
न नाकपृष्ठां न च सावमभौमां न पारमेष्ट्यां न रसादधपत्यम् ।
न योगदसद्धीरपुनभमवां वा वाञ्छन्ति यत्पादरज:प्रपन्ना: ॥ ३७ ॥
Those who have attained the dust of Your lotus feet never hanker
for the kingship of heaven, limitless sovereignty, the position of
Brahmā or rulership over the earth. They are not interested even
in the perfections of yoga or in liberation itself.
श्रीचैतन्य महाप्रभु दिक्षाष्टकां
न धनां न जनां न सुन्दरी ां कदवताां वा जगदीि कामये।
मम जन्मदन जन्मनीश्वरे भवताद् भन्तिरहै तुकी त्वदय॥४॥
O Lord of the universe, I do not desire money, followers,
women or poems. O God, I wish to have causeless
devotion for you in my all future births.॥4॥
ŚB 10.24.35
क‍ृष्णस्त्वन्यतमं रूपं गोपदिश्रम्भणं गत: ।
शैलोऽस्मीदत ब्रुिन् भूरर बदलमादद् ब‍ृहद्वपु: ॥ ३५ ॥
Kṛṣṇa then assumed an unprecedented, huge form to instill faith in
the cowherd men. Declaring “I am Govardhana Mountain!” He ate
the abundant offerings.
गोिर्ान लीला
ŚB 10.21.18
हन्तायमदिरबला हररदासियो यद् रामक‍ृष्णचरणस्परशप्रमोद: ।
मानं तनोदत सहगोगणयोस्तयोयात् पानीयसूयिसकन्दरकन्दमूलै: ॥ १८ ॥
Of all the devotees, this Govardhana Hill is the best! O my friends, this hill supplies
Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, along with Their calves, cows and cowherd friends, with all
kinds of necessities — water for drinking, very soft grass, caves, fruits, flowers and
vegetables. In this way the hill offers respects to the Lord. Being touched by the
lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, Govardhana Hill appears very jubilant.
गोदिन्द कुंड
रार्ा कुंड-श्याम कुंड संगम
आप सभी भक्ों ने
इस पािन-पदित्र कादताक महीने में
7 ददनों तक श्रीमदभागितम कर्ा के अंतगात
क‍ृष्णा लीला के बारे में ध्यानपूिाक श्रिण दकया l
🙏🙏 आप सभी को र्न्यिाद l 🙏🙏
आगामी कर्ा के बारे में
आप सभी को सूदचत दकया जायेगा l