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Fireside Document

Prospective Member: _________________________
Date: __________________
Benefits of Membership: You get out of it what you put into it. “Service above Self” is our motto and you
will be provided with opportunities to be of service not only in our local community, but districtwide, nationally
and internationally. Fellowship and networking are also valuable benefits of Rotary Membership. We hold
two large fundraisers a year to do good things in the world and we have fun doing them. Playing a part
in the betterment of mankind is most gratifying!
Meeting attendance: We meet every Friday from 7 am – 8 pm Regular attendance is encouraged as it keeps
you apprised and involved regarding club activities. In addition, our weekly speakers are informative. If you
have to miss a meeting, you may do a ‘make-up’ on line at (https://eclubofarizona.wordpress.com/meeting-login/) there is a link on our Kingman Route 66 Rotary Club – club runner page located at
(https://portal.clubrunner.ca/1699). Also, your attendance at a board or committee meeting or participation in a
fundraising event or work project counts as a make-up. You may also make-up by attending the meetings of
other clubs anywhere in the world! A 90% to 100% attendance level is achievable! Although, not mandatory.
Involvement: Your Rotary experience will be more rewarding and productive if you are involved. We expect
you to be an active member by participating in club activities such as work projects, fundraising activities and
serving on a club committee. Your time commitment will vary depending on the nature of the activities in
which you choose to become involved.
Fellowship: Opportunities abound in rotary. Weekly club meetings, board meetings, committee meetings,
work projects, fundraising activities, social events (Family of rotary), district activities and training seminars are
just a few of the many and varied activities in which you may interact with your fellow Rotarians and in many
cases their families.
Projects: Our club participates in many local and international projects. Projects are typically announced
during our regular meetings or at board meetings. Kingman Festival of the Arts and Oktoberfest are our two
fundraisers and all members are asked to assist!
Metcalfe Park: We have adopted Metcalfe Park and clean the park monthly. Cleanups are announced
and sent out in e-mails. They count as a regular meeting of the club.
Rotary.org: this is the Rotary Website you can track your foundation contributions etc, lots of information and
training on this site.
Committees: There are several standing committees, sub-committees or special committees on which you may
choose to serve.
Financial: Upon induction there are dues and a one-time initiation fee of $50.00 thereafter you will be billed
quarterly for club, district and international dues. These amounts currently total:
Dues per quarter
Rotary Foundation – Every Rotarian Every Year (not mandatory)
You must pay the initiation
fee and first quarter dues at
time of induction: $90.00
More information: Additional information about our club, our rotary district and rotary international can be
found on Facebook under “Kingman Route 66 Rotary Club”, our rotary district webpage at
www.rotary5495.org, and Rotary International can be found at www.rotary.org. CLUBRUNNER IS OUR
COMMUNICATION TOOL - look up Kingman Route 66 Rotary Clubrunner and sign in.
Updated 7/12/2022