Uploaded by Joshua Nievas

Art Elements & Principles: Drawing Reference Guide

A dot, usually made with the sharp tip of a drawing utensil. In geometry, a
spatial point is an object with no volume, area, or length.
Two dots connected. A straight curve. In geometry and in perspective,
can be infinitely long or can end at two distinct points.
A method of line drawing where the eye and the hand draw in unison,
looking and drawing tangentially. Contour follows the edges of a shape,
which could be the shape itself or other observable edges within the shape
(such as the edge of a shadow.)
A line which follows the edge of an object, distinguishing the intersection
between the positive and negative space. Considered undesirable when
using value.
Positive/Negative Shape or Space
The positive space is the object or subject, the
negative space is the background (for example, the air the wall, etc).
These negative spaces can be flattened into a shape and observed as an
overall part of the composition. This is a difficult way of seeing because
our brains are primarily concerned with interaction with objects: it is
counterintuitive to focus on the no -subject.
Cross Contour
An intuitive form of topographical mapping. The spacing and curve of
banded lines indicate the three-dimensional depth of an object.
May be in any direction although are typically horizontal. May be repeating
parallel lines, cross hatch, or in many directions.
In art, gesture is a type of drawing. The drawing values looseness and
speed over representational accuracy, working from general to specific.
Drawings typically last between several seconds and a few minutes.
Although typically used as a warm up for figure drawing, this technique may
be used with any subject.
Lightness or darkness. Can be full white, full black, and every kind of
grey in between.
Local Value
The inherent value of an object, its “paint.” For example, the local value
of a ball painted white is white. The local value of steel is around middle
gray. The local value of charcoal is black. When lit, the local value can be
seen in the category of light known as “shadow”.