Company Name(Requesting for Proposal): Zones IT Solutions Project Proposal The proposed proposal has been written by an IT company for Data centre upgrading of another IT company in Lahore. Data centre upgrade of IT company Group Mmbers SAP ID. Submitted to: Ahsan Idrees 35537 Hamza Chaudhary Kashif Naveed 37057 Dr. Atta Ul Musawir (Prof. Riphah International University) 29 August 2022 Purposal Submitted by: Systems Limited +9233445565 34492 Proposal Overview Title Datacentre upgrade of IT Company Summary Zones IT Solutions incurs high expenses and expends much of its workforce in managing and maintaining its traditional data centres. Given this issue, Systems Limited, a premier IT solutions company in Lahore, Pakistan offers to partner with the client for its data centre automation project. The company aims to streamline the client’s routine data centre processes and workflow to increase operational agility. By doing so, the company expects the client to save its resources and experience increased efficiency and productivity. For this project, the company plans to perform its services over a three-month period, payment of which is equal to the costs incurred in performing the services plus a fixed 10% service fee. Problem Currently, Zones IT solutions, a medium-sized merchandising company in Lahore, Pakistan, uses traditional data canters to store and manage its data. However, given this type of data centre’s heavy reliance on hardware and physical infrastructure and workforce requirements, the client devotes a significant amount of resources to manage and maintain its data canters. Target Area Zones IT Solutions Head Office, 2nd floor, Eden Height, Gullberg -03, Lahore, Pakistan. Goal/Objectives Zones IT Solutions aims to achieve the following objectives for this project: Set up a database application and patch database and servers. Install an automation factory within the servers. Host and deploy the technology and continue to manage it and its content. Outcomes Set up a database application and patch database and servers Install an automation factory within the servers Host and deploy the technology and continue to manage it and its content. Duration 3 months starts from 1/09/2022 and ends on 30/11/2022. Budget The Proposed budget for this project is Pkr 6, 000,000/- Pakistani Rupees Only. Solution Through the data centre automation project, the client will no longer need to use much of its resources to manage and maintain its data canters. This enhancement will also improve the client’s efficiency and productivity. Benefits This project will allow the client to reduce its operational costs and focus on more important functions. This project will also increase the client’s operational agility, allowing the client to be more efficient and productive. Timeline Phase Description Deadline Objective 01 Setup of database application October 30, 2022 Objective 02 Installation of automation factory Hosting and deployment of technology November 30, 2022 December 30, 2022 Objective 03 Action-Plan The following tables show the courses of action for this project: Set up a database application Action Assigned To: Setup the application for the database Patch database and server Hamza Gohar Hamza Gohar Install an automation factory within the servers. Deadline October 15, 2022 October 30, 2022 Progress Upcoming Upcoming Action Assigned To: Install automation factory Create mockup of the technology Kashif Naveed. Kashif Naveed. Deadline November 15, 2022 November 30, 2022 Progress Upcoming Upcoming Host and deploy the technology. Action Assigned To: Host and deploy the technology Manage the technology and its content Ahsan Idrees Ahsan Idrees Deadline December 15, 2022 December 30, 2022 Progress Upcoming Upcoming Budget Description Setup and Patching Installation Fixed Service Fee VAT Discount Total Quantity 1 Cost (Pkr.) 3,000,000/Mo Total(Pkr.) 3,000,000 1 2,000,00/Mo 2,000,00 1 1,000,000/Mo 1,000,000 1% 0% Rs.6,000,000/- Terms & Conditions 1. Once the data center automation project is completed, Systems limited. will continue to conduct necessary maintenance and updates for the technology’s continued performance, provided that Zones IT Solutions will make the required monthly payments. 2. 3. Both companies must acknowledge that any confidential information obtained throughout the execution of the project is not to be brought up to public knowledge, especially proprietary information that can be sold to competitors. Cash, card, or check will be accepted as a method of payment. Cash and check payments must be made through the Bank of Pakistan using the account name, Systems Limited. 4. Either party must send the other party a prior written notice to terminate the services, which will specify the reason for termination. In the event of a serious breach, termination may take effect immediately .