Ms. Hollis 8th Grade Language Arts Lesson Plans for the week of 12/12-12/16 Monday SWBAT define weekly vocabulary words SWBAT spell weekly spelling words DO NOW: Alphabetize your weekly spelling words. Attempt to use one in a sentence. Build-a-word Activity “Words-on-the-Wall” activity Homework: Build-a-word 3x Tuesday SWBAT read informative nonfiction Recognize main ideas and supporting details Correctly spell weekly spelling words DO NOW: List at least three things that would make it difficult to move to another country with your family. Create a main idea and details chart Read “from Immigrant Kids(P. 224)” by Russell Freidman Discuss graphic organizer Pre-teach Vocabulary (TE, p. 224). Distribute p. 22 (Unit tw0 Resource Book) Spelling Activity Homework: Write one synonym for each “Word-to-Know” Wednesday SWBAT identify primary and secondary sources SWBAT define weekly spelling words DO NOW: construct a story map of “Flowers for Algernon.” Include at least two elements of setting. Discuss DO NOW Students will construct a graphic organizer of primary/secondary sources Spelling words: 1+1+1 words and VAC words (word that has a single word in a final accented syllable with one final consonant) Homework: Vocabulary worksheet Thursday SWBAT assess adequacy, accuracy, and appropriateness of author’s evidence Spell weekly spelling words DO NOW: what is the difference between a primary and a secondary source? Cite at least one example of each in Russell Freedman’s from “Immigrant Kids” Friday SWBAT successfully pass tests DO NOW: What is the theme of Russell Freedman’s from “Immigrant Kids?” Give at least two reasons for your response. Ms. Hollis 8th Grade Language Arts Lesson Plans for the week of 12/12-12/16 Discuss “DO NOW” Testing Tungsten Learning “Words-to-Know” din fervent impoverished indomitable teeming