School: _____________________________ Name of School Head: ________________ District: ______________________ Date of Monitoring: ____________ OPENING OF S.Y. 2022-2023 READINESS OF SCHOOL CHECKLIST Instruction: Except 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 wherein you need to enter values in the blocks, put , if the indicated provision is present/complied, X, if not present/, or - , if the provision is NA or claimed to be present but not functional/ascertained. Accordingly, pls. indicate data under the remarks column. DOCUMENT/ITEM/INDICATOR √/- / x REMARKS 1. LEARNING RESOURCES 1.1.1. Portfolio of MELCs Grade Kinder garten 1 2 3 Grade No. of enrollees No. of enrollees Eng Eng Fil Fil Math Math Sci Sci AP AP MTBMLE TLE/ EPP EsP EsP MAPEH MAPEH 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.1.2.a. Self- Learning Modules (SLMs) Grade No. of enrollees Eng Fil Math Sci AP MTB MLE EsP MAPEH Kinder 1 2 3 Grade No. of enrollees Eng Fil Math Sci AP TLE/ EPP EsP MAPEH 4 5 6 7 N-avigating O-pportunities to R-eengineer for T-ransformation & Capitol Drive, Estaka, Dipolog City, 7100 Tel No.: (065) 212-5843 "Be and Do Much Better Each Day with a 8 9 10 11 12 1.1.2.b. Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) Grade No. of enrollees Eng Fil Math Sci AP MTB MLE EsP MAPEH Kinder 1 2 3 Grade No. of enrollees Eng Fil Math Sci AP TLE/ EPP EsP MAPEH 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.1.2.c. Digitalized learning package (radio/video) Grade No. of enrollees Eng Fil Math Sci AP MTB MLE EsP MAPEH Kinder 1 2 3 Grade No. of enrollees Eng Fil Math Sci AP TLE/ EPP EsP MAPEH 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N-avigating O-pportunities to R-eengineer for T-ransformation & Capitol Drive, Estaka, Dipolog City, 7100 Tel No.: (065) 212-5843 "Be and Do Much Better Each Day with a 1.2. District Learning Resource Hub (Package of Learning Resources per desktop) –applicable only for central school or center of the district 1.3. Technical Assistance Plan of school heads for the teachers 1.4. monthly Instructional Supervisory Plan for School Heads/monthly accomplishment report of school heads 1.5. Integration of Curricular PAPs in the SIP 1.6.1 Copy of approved SIP 2022-2025 1.6.2. copy of approved AIP (using the enhanced template, with quarterly targets) 1.6.3. copy of BE-LRCP SY-2022-2023 1.7. Available of communication system/virtual learning platforms 1.8. Learning Plan (DLP/DLL) with PROPEL notation 2. FINANCIAL RESOURCES 2.1. updated MOOE allotment Date of Latest MOOE download:___________ Amount: _______________________ 2.2. latest MOOE liquidation portfolio 2.3. evidence of MOOE utilization seen 2.4. support from LGU/other partners, if any 2.4.1. Barangay 2.4.2. Municipal 2.4.3. Provincial 2.4.54. Other/private partner Type (cash/in kind) Amount/Quantity 2.5 monetary donations from PTA/alumni 2.6. proceeds from IGP/fund-raising 3. HUMAN RESOURCES 3.1. enrolment 3.2.1. No. of teachers 3.2.2. No. of non-teaching personnel Total no. of enrollees Present: ___ Absent/On leave : ____ Present: ___ Absent/On leave : ____ 3.3. Presence of School Head Check his/her status: TIC: __ SH: __ Principal: ___ Cluster head: __ PICD:__ 4. PHYSICAL 4.1. classroom Other features: Key Indicators N-avigating O-pportunities to R-eengineer for T-ransformation & /x Capitol Drive, Estaka, Dipolog City, 7100 Tel No.: (065) 212-5843 "Be and Do Much Better Each Day with a 1. structured for the new normal 2 well-maintained (repainted/repaired) 3. functional built-in CR and washing facility 4. with health and safety kits/provisions 5. with greeneries 4.2. functional biometrics/digital 4.3. active logbooks 4.4. AWA plan, if any 4. 5 Transparency Board a. its provision is strategically located b. contains CDR for MOOE spending c. contains pertinent financial reports( e.g. financial report about project implemented, or activity undertaken, IGP financial statement, PTA’s, school donations report, if any.) 4.6. Provisions for health and safety 1 Health barriers 2 Alcohol/hand sanitizer 3 Thermal scanner 4. Foot bath 5. Health signage 6. Buffer face mask/face shield 7. Vitamin C/first-aid supplies 8. Screening area being established Where found? ( /x) 1.Sch.gate __ room entrance __ office entrance__ 2.Sch.gate __ room entrance __ office entrance__ 3.Sch.gate __ room entrance __ office entrance__ 4.Sch.gate __ room entrance __ office entrance__ 5.Sch.gate __ room entrance __ office entrance__ 6.Sch.gate __ room entrance __ office entrance__ 7.Sch.gate __ room entrance __ office entrance__ 8.Sch.gate __ room entrance __ office entrance__ 4.7. School ground is properly cleaned/maintained 4.8. functional/upgraded Wash In School (WINS) facilities 4.9. school security provisions are evident 5.0. clearly/visibly posted emergency contacts/signage, including school signage pegged at the entrance and at the conspicuous place within the premises 5.1. updated bulletin of information for clients/teachers 5.2. signage for Quality Policy Statement (QPS) is pegged. 5.3. readable Citizen’s Charter 5.4. rehabilitated flag pole with hanged flag 5.5 OBE help desk is operative Other Information/Findings 1. 2. N-avigating O-pportunities to R-eengineer for T-ransformation & Capitol Drive, Estaka, Dipolog City, 7100 Tel No.: (065) 212-5843 "Be and Do Much Better Each Day with a 3. GENERAL FINDINGS 1. 2. 3 RECOMMENDATIONS 1 2 3 Prepared by: ___________________________ __________________________ Conformed : ________________________ School Principal N-avigating O-pportunities to R-eengineer for T-ransformation & Capitol Drive, Estaka, Dipolog City, 7100 Tel No.: (065) 212-5843 "Be and Do Much Better Each Day with a