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Urinary System & Urinalysis Lab Manual - Anatomy 210

Anatomy 210 Lab
Urinary System, Urinalysis Post - Lab
October 9, 2018
Urinary System, Urinalysis Post - Lab
List the functions of the urinary system. Identify, on a model or image, the urinary system
organs, and state the general function of each. Compare the coure and length of the urethra in
males and females. Identify these regions of the dissected kidney (longitudinal section): hilum,
cortex, medulla, medullary pyramids, major and minor calyces, pelvis, renal columns, and
fibrous and perirenal fat capsules. Trace the blood supply of the kidney from the renal artery to
the renal vein. Define nephron, and describe its anatomy. Define glomerular filtration, tubular
reabsorption, and tubular secretion, and indicate the nephron areas involved theses processes.
Define micturition, and explain the differences in the control of the internal and external urethral
sphincters. Recognize the histologic structure of the kidney and ureter microscopically or in and
image. List the physical characteristic of urine, and indicate the normal pH and specific gravity
ranges. List substances that are normal urinary constituents. Conduct various urinalysis tests and
use them to determine the substances present in a urine specimen. Define the following urinary
conditions: calculu, casts, albuminuria, glycosuria, hematuria, hemoglobinuria, ketonuria, pyuria.
Discuss the possible causes and implications of the conditions list above.
● Human dissectible torso model, three - dimensional model of the urinary system, and/ or
anatomical chart of the human urinary system.
● Dissecting instruments and tray
● Three- dimensional models of cut kidney and of a nephron
● Compound microscope
● Prepared slides of a longitudinal section of kidney and cross sections of the bladder
● Post - it
● Disposable Gloves
Student urine samples collected at the beginning of the lab, or normal artificial urine
provided by the instructor.
● Numbered pathological urine specimens provided by the instructor
● Wide - range pH paper
● Dipsticks:individual (Clinisix, Ketosticx, Albustix, Hemastix)
● Urinometer
● Test Tubes, test tube rack, and test tube holders
● 10 -cc graduated cylinders
Activity 1 - Identifying Urinary System Organs
Activity 2 - Studying Nephron structure
Activity 3 - Studying Bladder structure
Activity 1 - Analyzing Urine Sample
Activity 2 - Analyzing Urine Sediment Microscopically