QUIRINO STATE UNIVERSITY College of Hospitality Industry Management Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management ….unleashing workskills ===================================================================================== Transportation Management QUIRINO STATE UNIVERSITY College of Hospitality Industry Management Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management ….unleashing workskills ===================================================================================== SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE in TPC 109 (TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT) Prepared by: MARK JEFFERSON L. MAUYAO Second Semester AY 2021-2022 Transportation Management QUIRINO STATE UNIVERSITY College of Hospitality Industry Management Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management ….unleashing workskills ===================================================================================== COURSE DETAILS COURSE NO. TPC 109 COURSE TITLE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT COURSE This course discusses the general knowledge of transportation, its role in DESCRIPTION tourism, planning, and policies. The content includes transportation systems, various aspects of tourism-related forms of transportation, modes of transportation, transportation operation including concepts and methods of analysis, infrastructure, and geographical and legal factors relating to local and international transportation. Topics include discussions of surface, air and water transportation; organization, operations and regulatory and marketing aspects; examination of the inter-model concept; and the social, economic, and political factors that have influenced government transportation priorities. NO. OF UNITS 3 units PREREQUISITE None Preliminary Introduction to Travel and Tourism Transport and Tourism Providing Mobility Access within a Tourism Transport: Nature and Types Destination Midterm Air Transportation Airport Operations Air Navigation Services and Air Cargo Land Transport and Tourism Operations Finals Automobile, Rail Transportation, and Cruise Tourism Tourism Water Transport Sector: Domestic and Analyzing Demand and Supply Issues in International Laws, Regulations and Issues Tourist Transport Future Trends in the Tourism Transport Industry LEARNING CONTRACT This is to acknowledge that this module is a learning contract that serves as a guide in the implementation of the teaching-learning process. It is the overall course of pedagogical endeavors and a binding agent that manifests our full commitment to participate and cooperate in all our Instructional Activities. I affix my signature to signify my intention to implement it wholeheartedly this _______ of _______________________,2020 at _____________________________________. _____________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME OF STUDENT Transportation Management QUIRINO STATE UNIVERSITY College of Hospitality Industry Management Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management ….unleashing workskills ===================================================================================== Week TPC 109 Transport Management in Tourism 01-02 BSTM 3 INTRODUCTION TO TOURISM TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Learning Objectives At the • • • • end of the chapter, the students can: Discuss the relationship of tourism and transportation Explain the effects of transportation on tourism development Explain what is transportation management Determine the disadvantage and disadvantage of mass transportation Discussion TOURISM AND TRANSPORTATION Tourism is the movement of people from their usual place of residence to another. (destination) for either pleasure, recreation or other purpose. The transportation industry is responsible for moving people, animals, and goods from one location to another, whether by land, air, or sea. Transportation has been an essential piece of the travel industry. There is a general understanding that travel industry grows more when there are better transportation frameworks. THREE CRITICAL ASPECTS THAT FRAME THE TRANSPORT/TOURISM RELATIONSHIP: 1. Tourists ultimately travel to and from a destination (or several destinations). 2. Understanding supply and demand characteristics in relation to tourism is critical in the planning and management of transport infrastructure. 3. The dynamic nature of transport can have significant impact on tourism in a destination; (disruptions can be natural or business) RISE IN TOURISM SECTOR AND LEISURE TRAVELLING The global travel and tourism sector grew at 3.9%, contributing a record of USD 8.8 trillion to the world economy, during 2018. The global tourism industry grew faster than the global economy for the eighth successive year (3.9% for travel and tourism versus 3.2% for the global GDP). In 2018, travel and tourism increased its share of leisure spending to 78.5%, from 77.5% in 2017. Additionally, spending from international tourists increased to 28.8% in 2018. Europe and Asia-Pacific are the major tourist destinations for both domestic and international travels. Both the regions dominated the international tourist's arrivals with Europe reaching 713 million and Asia-Pacific reaching 343 million, in 2018. In Europe, France witnessed the highest footfall of international tourists, followed by Spain and Italy. Increase in disposable income in emerging economies such as China and India have allowed customers to spend on travel. Air travel industry grew by 6% in 2018. This is resulted in increased usage of Airport transportation system. More than 50% of car Transportation Management QUIRINO STATE UNIVERSITY College of Hospitality Industry Management Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management ….unleashing workskills ===================================================================================== rental revenue came from airport usage in 2019 which is expected to grow to 57.66% by 2025 EFFECTS OF TRANSPORTATION ON TO TOURISM DEVELOPMENT. Transportation is vital to tourism. Studies have shown that tourists spend almost 30 to 40 percent of their total holiday expenditure on transportation and the remaining on food, accommodation, and other activities. • Transportation links tourists with various tourist attractions. • Transportation affects the mobility of tourists, in addition to influencing their demand and motivation to visit a certain tourist destination. • Transport networks play a key role in development of new tourist destinations, especially in context of accessibility and connectivity: The ability of a destination to attract tourists is largely dependent on the availability and efficiency of transport needed to travel to that destination. • Transportation is also important in terms of promoting the growth and development of existing tourist destinations. On the other hand, transportation leads to pollution, and this can affect both the wildlife and the natural habitat, thereby driving tourism away. TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM The travel and tourism industry are reliant on transportation service providers. Getting people from one place to another isn't as direct as it looks. Clients expect and demand the highest quality transportation for the lowest possible price. Considering budgets while retaining constantly high transportation standards is challenge in tour and travel industry. Strategic transportation management in tourism helps guarantee the right means of transport is provided at the right time and for the right price. PRINCIPLES OF TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS There are two fundamental principles guiding transportation management and operations. They are economy of scale and of distance. 1. Economy of scale It refers to the characteristic that transportation cost per unit of weight decreases when the size of the shipment increases. It is common knowledge that larger the capacity of the transport vehicle more goods can be transported at a time which will decrease the cost per unit of transport. If smaller is the capacity of the transport vehicle then to transport a large amount of goods, more trips will have to be made which will increase the cost per unit of transport. E.g.: Rail or water transport is less expensive in case of bulk transport than smaller capacity vehicles like motor or air. 2. Economy of distance It refers to the characteristic that transportation cost per unit of distance decreases as distance increases. Transportation economy of distance is also referred to as a tapering principle since rates or charges taper (decrease) with distance. The rationale of economies of distance is similar to that for economies of scale. Longer Transportation Management QUIRINO STATE UNIVERSITY College of Hospitality Industry Management Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management ….unleashing workskills ===================================================================================== distances allow the fixed expenses. to be spread over more miles, resulting in lower overall per mile charge. CLASSIFICATION OF TRANSPORT Private transportation Private transport is the personal or individual use of transportation vehicles which are not available for use by the general public, where essentially the user can decide freely on the time and route of transit, using vehicles such as: private car, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, etc Public transport Public transport is a system of transport for passengers by group travel systems available for use by the general public, typically managed on a schedule, operated on established routes, and that charge a posted fee for each trip. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF MASS TRANSPORTATION Advantage of Mass Transportation • Environmental Impacts Mass transit is believed to be more environmentally friendly than other public transport facilities, Private vehicles emit about twice as much carbon monoxide and other volatile organic compounds than public vehicles. Mass transit reduces the number of cars on the road which in turn reduces the pollution caused by individual cars. • Social Impacts of Mass Transit All members of the society irrespective of their financial status, religion or cast are able to travel which enhances the social integrity of the country. The necessity of a driving license is also eliminated. It is a blessing for those individuals who are unable to drive. Transportation Management QUIRINO STATE UNIVERSITY College of Hospitality Industry Management Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management ….unleashing workskills ===================================================================================== • Economic Impacts of Mass Transit Mass transit development can both improve the usefulness and efficiency of the public transit system as well as result in increased business for commercial developments and thus serves to improve the economy of the country. Transit systems also have an indirect positive effect on other businesses. Mass transit systems offer considerable savings in labor, materials, and energy over private transit systems. Also mass transit allows a higher amount of load to be transported to far away destinations in lesser time because of its reasonable capacity than private vehicles. Because of their larger capacity offering them to carry highly efficient engines they also help in saving fuels. • Reduces congestion The main idea behind mass transit is to reduce the number of vehicles on the road by providing a larger facility which carries higher number of passengers thus eliminating congestion. • Saves Time Mass transit reduces the travel time to a great extent as it moves at high speeds and stops only at specific spots. • Cost Effective Mass transit is comparably cheaper than other modes of public transport. Disadvantages of Mass Transportation The desirable features of mass transit systems are balanced by a number of serious drawbacks. In the first place, such systems are economically feasible only in areas that have relatively large populations. As the number of inhabitants per square mile decreases, the efficiency of a mass transportation system also decreases. Mass transit systems are also very expensive to build and to operate. This factor becomes more important when cities decide to install mass transit systems long after development has already taken place and disruption of existing structures is a serious problem. Since mass transit systems seldom receive the government assistance provided to highway construction, consumers often have to pay a higher fraction of the costs of using mass transportation. People complain about mass transportation systems also because they can be crowded, uncomfortable, dirty, and unreliable. Again, with limited budgets, mass transit systems are seldom able to maintain equipment and schedules to the extent that riders can rightly demand. Finally, mass transportation systems are simply not as convenient as the automobile. A person can step into her or his car and drive virtually anywhere with a minimum of inconvenience. No mass transportation system can approach this level of ease. Transportation Management