Assessment Guidelines for Students 2022 Module name Module code NQF level Credits Mode of delivery Teaching Practice for PGCE 2 TP702 7 16 Online Distance Learning Module Outcomes On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Design and present appropriate teaching, learning and assessment activities and resources using the guidelines provided in the national school curriculums such as CAPS documents. Share good practice observed during practicum. Comprehend policy and working conditions related to the profession. Design original cost-effective resources. Manage learners effectively in a school-based environment. Display a positive attitude towards teaching in a multi-cultural society. Provide opportunities for learners to reach their full potential. Experiment and improvise with creative ideas in the use of educational media. Accept responsibility for professional growth and development. Exhibit professionalism and accept the demands expected of a teacher. Keep a record of evidence of work completed. Involve himself or herself in extra-mural activities at the school. Reflect on his or her teaching with a view to improving. Discuss the rationale and underlying thinking behind teachers' choices related to teaching, learning and assessment. Identify design principles that are important when planning lessons. Examine teacher choices that create better learning opportunities for learners. Select, view and critically reflect on lesson presentations in relation to learners needs, content and context. Interact and communicate effectively with staff. Engage with mentor teachers in a school in a professional manner. Reflect critically on experiences and develop strategies for improvement. Cultivate a practical understanding of teaching and learning in a diverse range of South African schools. Nurture a commitment to the ideals of the teaching profession. Project the required professionalism related to teaching. STADIO School of Education / TP702-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines Summary SYM + FIS = FIN Semester Mark Final Summative Assessment Final Mark SYM 100% + FIS 0% 100%= FIN 1. SEMESTER MARK ASSESSMENT STRUCTURE The assessments contributing to the semester mark (SYM) are indicated below. Formal SYM Assessments – 100% of Overall Mark Please note that ALL the assessments listed below will contribute to your final mark. Duration Total Type Weighting Compulsory (Timed-based Marks Assessment) Assignment 1: Reflective essay on Teacher's Professional 15% Y N/A 50 Judgement Assignment 2: Class 10% Y N/A 50 Participation Assignment 3: Mentor Teacher's 10% Y N/A 200 Lesson Assessment Assignment 4: STADIO Lesson 20% Y N/A 200 Assessment Assignment 5: Electronic 35% Y N/A 100 Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) Assignment 6: School Final 10% Y N/A 100 Assessment TOTAL SYM 100% NOTE: All assessments will contribute to students' final marks (FIN). There will be no final examination in this module. SPECIFIC SYM ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES – AN OVERVIEW Type Assignment 1: Reflective essay on Teacher's Professional Judgement Description / Content This is a reflective essay assignment. There are three parts that you must engage in, to successfully complete this assignment. In Part 1, you must read two prescribed readings on teacher's professional judgement related to Unit 2 of this module and you need to find two additional readings (relevant articles and/or book chapter) on the topic of teacher professional judgement. STADIO School of Education / TP702-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines Type Description / Content Prescribed readings: Batchelor, J. and Petersen, N. 2019. Preservice student views of teacher judgement and practice in the age of artificial intelligence. Southern African Review of Education, 25(1), 70-88. Available at: +and+Petersen%2C+N.+2019.+Preservice+student +views+of+teacher+judgement+and+practice+in+th e+age+of+artificial+intelligence.+Southern+African+ Review+of+Education%2C+25(1)%2C+7088.&rlz=1C1GCEA_enZA994ZA994&oq=Batchelor%2 C+J.+and+Petersen%2C+N.+2019.+Preservice+stud ent+views+of+teacher+judgement+and+practice+in +the+age+of+artificial+intelligence.+Southern+Afric an+Review+of+Education%2C+25(1)%2C+7088.&aqs=chrome.0.69i59.5212j0j7&sourceid=chrome &ie=UTF-8 Dottin, E.S. 2009. Professional judgment and dispositions in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(1), pp.83-88. Available at: 8_Professional_judgment_and_dispositions_in_teache r_education Find two additional articles/readings on teacher professional judgement (excluding the prescribed readings for Unit 2). Visit the online library site on the Learning Management System (LMS). In Part 2, you will engage in planning for Part 3. You will write down what you understand by teacher professional judgement and think about how you can link this to a critical incident (experience) that you experienced as a learner in a school or as a student teacher at STADIO or as an unqualified teacher. Think of the context, people that were involved and the time period. Think carefully how this critical incident had a positive impact on teaching and/or learning and/or assessment (or a combination of these three aspects). In Part 3, you bring all your ideas together in the form of a short reflective essay, where you discuss what teacher's professional judgement is, and how this relates to the critical incident that you identified as well as the outcomes or the value of the teacher's professional judgement. Refer to the TP702 assessment guide (AG) for further detail. STADIO School of Education / TP702-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines Type Assignment 2: Class Participation Assignment 3: Mentor Teacher Assessment Description / Content This assignment is a combination of different learning activities such as quizzes, forum discussions and a Wiki. The assignment is designed to ensure that you participate actively in the TP702 module and gain maximum benefit from using all the learning materials. You will be required to engage critically and share your understanding of learning materials such as the research articles, YouTube Videos, etc. More information regarding this assignment can be found in the TP702 AG and the TP702 programme of work on the LMS module page. This assignment includes two formal lesson assessments by your mentor teacher(s). If you are a full-time student, you will be assessed once in your SP subject and once in your FET subject by your mentor teachers during the five-week teaching practice block session. If you are a part-time student, you will be assessed once in your SP subject and once in your FET subject by your mentor teachers during the five-week teaching practice block session. These two formal lesson assessments must be done on the lesson assessment form for PGCE referred to as PRAC703. The rubric for the assessment of a lesson PRAC702 provides the level descriptors for each of the criteria on PRAC703. The completed assessment forms must be placed in your Portfolio of Evidence for submission to us. The marks for the two formal lesson assessments must be signed off and verified by the mentor teacher and/or principal on the last page of the final school assessment report referred to as the lesson verification form. Assignment 4: STADIO Lesson Assessment PRAC702 and PRAC703 have been adapted for online teaching for students that are teaching in an approved online school in SA and will be made available on the LMS for students that are doing online teaching for this module. This assignment includes two formal lesson assessments in the school by a STADIO TP Assessor, you are required to be assessed once in your SP subject and once in your FET subject during the five-week teaching practice block session. If you have 3 subject specialisations, please ensure that you have been formally assessed in all three of your subject specialisations and the fourth lesson can be of your choice. These formal lesson assessments must be done on the lesson assessment form for PGCE referred to as PRAC703. The rubric for the assessment of a lesson PRAC702 can be found on in the Assessment Guide and provides the level descriptors for each of the criteria on PRAC703. The completed assessment forms must be placed in your Portfolio of Evidence. Copies of PRAC702 and PRAC703 were included in the mentor packs for the mentors to use. STADIO School of Education / TP702-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines Type Description / Content PRAC702 and PRAC703 have been adapted for online teaching for students that are teaching in an approved online school in SA and will be made available on the LMS for students that are doing online teaching for this module. Assignment 5: Electronic Portfolio of Evidence (e-POE) Assignment 6: School Final Assessment Arrangements on the allocation of STADIO appointed assessors will be made available to you on the LMS by 15 August 2022. The Portfolio of Evidence is an accumulation of work completed in your teaching practice school as evidence of your developing competence as a PGCE student. You are required to develop a PoE in a professional looking lever arch file as well as an Electronic Portfolio of Evidence for submission to STADIO. This PoE file is required for use at your school and for perusal by the mentor teacher, Head of Department, Principal and the STADIO appointed assessor(s). You will submit your PoE in electronic format on the LMS for assessment. You must ensure that you meet all PoE requirements mentioned in the Study Letter and Assessment Guide. PRAC 704 (the PoE assessment rubric) will be used by the STADIO assessor to mark the PoE. PRAC704 is available in your Assessment Guide and on the LMS. Details of how to present your PoE are available in the TP702 Assessment Guide. The final school assessment report is completed by the principal in conjunction with the mentor teacher(s). This report has two sections: The Final TP School-Based Assessment is divided into two sections. Section A: General professional standard: This section of the final school report assesses the professional disposition of the student in relation to punctuality, dress code, responsibility, commitment, relationships with learners, mentor(s) and staff, participation in teaching and non-teaching activities. Section B: Lesson planning and presentation: This section of the final school report assesses the student's competence in lesson planning and presentation with focus on integration of the curriculum, design of lesson planning and presentation appropriate to age group and subject, questioning skills, use of various teaching strategies, design and use of resources, establishing rapport with learners, classroom management. Kindly encourage your school mentor to make a copy of the final assessment for record purposes. The Final School Assessment submission deadline date will be communicated to you via Canvas. Note: It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with the school on a regular basis to ensure that the attendance register, and final school assessment report is returned to STADIO School of Education. The TP702 result of a student will show incomplete, if the attendance register and final school assessment report with the lesson verification is not returned. These documents are required for auditing purposes. STADIO School of Education / TP702-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines 2. PASS REQUIREMENTS In order to pass this module, you must submit all the required assessments for this module and you need to achieve at least 50% in the semester mark (SYM). STADIO School of Education / TP702-22-AG4S / Assessment Guidelines