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Employment Contract

AN AGREEMENT is made this 1st day of June 2022 between SIM Kenya (Banda
Health Project), P.O. Box 60875, Nairobi, Kenya (hereinafter referred to as (“the
Employer”) and a male individual by the name Lawrence Onyango of ID Number
37787020, Utawala, Nairobi, (hereinafter referred to as (“the Employee”). This contract
replaces all previous agreements between the Employee and Banda Health.
The Employer is a Christian mission guided by a statement of faith that is based on
conservative Biblical doctrine. Employees are expected to conduct themselves in and out
of the workplace in a manner that is a good testimony to our Lord Jesus Christ and
display a Christ-like attitude in their work.
It is agreed as follows:
1. POSITION: Banda Health - Junior Implementer, reporting to Banda Health
Senior Implementor. Duties/Job description as per annexed appendix to this contract.
The period covered for the entire contract is four months 1st June 2022 to 30th
September 2022 includes a three (3) month probation period that the employee is
required to complete before confirmation of the appointment. The contract is renewable
upon its expiry subject to approval by both parties and upon agreement on any other
factors that may affect the contract terms.
This probationary contract may be terminated by either party giving not less than seven
days of written notice or by paying salary in lieu of notice. This provision however does
not apply where a probation contract is terminated for gross misconduct as per the Kenya
Employment Act 2007.
Working Hours: Full-time employment from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm (Mondays to Fridays).
During the three-month probation period, the employee is entitled to a taxable
consolidated monthly gross salary of Ksh.21,300/= which includes a basic salary of
Ksh.14,000/=; housing allowance of Ksh.2,800/= (20% of base), and a travel allowance
of Ksh.4,500/= to be paid around the 25th day of each month. All Statutory deductions
(PAYE, NSSF, and NHIF) will be made and remitted to the respective organizations
from this gross salary.
Incentive: In addition to the above, the Employee will be paid 3,000/= for each
clinic/client that he brings on board and helps get to Good-Buy-In status. These incentive
payments will coincide with monthly salary and benefits disbursements. Good-Buy-In
status is defined as the clinic/client using the main functionalities of the BandaGo clinic
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management system independently with minimal Banda Health staff involvement. This
status is determined by a senior implementer. To be eligible for the incentive payment,
the Employee must have been responsible for the recruitment of the clinic/client and the
primary contact person throughout the onboarding process.
The employee will not without the consent of the organization at any time during his
employment under this agreement disclose or communicate any confidential
information acquired by him during the employment.
To give faithful service, show due regard to the interest of the organization, and be a
true Christian witness.
To obey any lawful order, within the scope of his employment and without undue
To undertake all work carefully, reasonably, and responsibly.
Perform duties as listed in the Job Description attached plus any other duties
assigned by the supervisor.
Work 40 hours per week; however, flexibility is needed to meet the occasionally
increased workload.
5. OBLIGATION OF The Employer
a. Provide a safe and adequate working environment
b. Treat employees with respect
c. Ensure employee rights and benefits are in accordance with Kenya Labor laws
The employee will be entitled to a prorated 7-day annual leave for the period of this
This contractual relationship is automatically terminated at the end of the fixed term
without being considered a resignation or a dismissal. However, an early termination of
it requires one week's notice by either party. This notice does not apply where the contract
is terminated for gross misconduct as per Employment Act, 2007.
The employer may dismiss an employee summarily when the employee has by his conduct
indicated that he has fundamentally breached his obligations arising under the contract of
service. The employee shall on dismissal be paid all monies, allowances, and benefits due
to him up to the date of his dismissal.
The following matters outlined in The Kenya Employment Act (2007), Part VI,
Section 44 amounts may amount to gross misconduct to justify the summary dismissal of
an employee:
unexcused absence from work
an employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
an employee willfully neglects to perform any work which it was his duty to
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uses abusive or insulting language to his employer or to a person placed in authority
over him
an employee is arrested for a cognizable offence punishable by imprisonment
commits or on reasonable and sufficient grounds is suspected of having committed
a criminal offence.
An employee can be dismissed on medical grounds where the employee is medically
unfit to continue working, by a provision of a certificate by a medical practitioner.
It is understood that the above terms and conditions are subject to change and
amendments by the organization in consultation with the employee’s review and guided
by Kenya Employment Act, 2007.
Neither party shall be liable to the other for delay in or failure to perform any of its
obligations under this Agreement caused by an occurrence beyond its reasonable control
including but not limited to Acts of God, fire, flood, riot, Government regulations or
strikes. The affected party will use its best efforts to remove the cause for such delay or
failure and will be excused from performance for so long as such occurrence continues.
I_____________________________________ . ID. NO. 37787020 accept the above
terms and conditions of employment and agree to abide by them whilst in the service of
the organization.
Signed by Employee:
Signed on behalf of SIM:
In the presence of witness:
HR, Payroll
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(Under Clause 3 of this Agreement of Employment)
1. Monthly Salary
Basic monthly salary of Kshs.14,000/=
(Under Clause 3 of this Agreement of Employment)
2. Housing
Housing/month Ksh.2,800/=
3. Traveling Allowance Kshs.4,500/=
4. Other Benefits
4.1 The Employer commits to refund the Employee’s NHIF contribution monthly.
4.2 During this contract, (1st June 2022 – 30th September 2022), the employee will be
entitled to a quarter of SIM's current staff medical cover (outpatient-12,500k; and
inpatient-75,000/=). This will be done on a reimbursement basis when original medical
expense receipts are provided by the employee. If this contract is further extended
beyond the stipulated period, the employee will be eligible for the SIM staff medical
cover that will be put in place.
5. Education/Training
The objective of training is to maintain a well-trained and motivated workforce with
appropriate expertise. Employees are encouraged to pursue various courses/training
programmes not only for their personal development but for the overall improved
performance of the organization.
The process of effective training shall involve assessing, implementing, and evaluating
group and individual development, identified through regular and annual performance
appraisal reviews. Subject to budgetary provision and taking note of the specific needs of
each department, the supervisors shall discuss with the staff long-term continuous
education/training needs with special reference to the annual staff appraisal reports. They
will make recommendations necessary for their staff and submit it to the respective
Director for approval. Consideration for advances may be made for approved courses
when funds are available.
Total of Schedule A and Schedule B, items #1-3 Kshs.21,300== per month
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Banda Health - Junior Implementer
Overall Goal
Bring Banda Health solutions (e.g. BandaGo) to the clinics that need them and support
the clients/clinics. Also, bring improvement feedback from the relevant clinics to the
Banda Health team.
Key areas of responsibility
1. Clinic onboarding and support
a. Finding clinics with good buy-in potential that could be a good fit for Banda
Health services
b. Marketing BandaGo (informing clients of the benefits and advantages)
c. Connecting potential client clinics with senior implementers for the vetting
d. Coordinating and executing the onboarding process:
getting contracts signed and first payments confirmed
gathering information for client setup and organizing import data
iii. training users
e. Regular check-in and relationship care with assigned clients
f. Support and service for assigned clients
2. Analyzing and documenting needs and wants as well as client feedback in order to
contribute to continual solution improvement
● Independent initiative
● Independent initiative
● Expertise in BandaGo clinic management software
● Excellent relationship management skills
● Educator attitude
● Resilient and patient personality
● Experience in a healthcare environment would be an asset
Reports to
● The Banda Health Senior Implementor
Responsible for
● Assigned clients/clinics
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