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Medical Terminology: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Definitions

1. Ab – Away from
2. Ad – Toward
3. Brachi/o – Arm
4. Cardi/o – Heart
5. Cyt/o – Cell
6. Derm/a, derm/o, dermat/o – Skin
7. Ecto/exo – Outside
8. Encephal/o – Brain
9. Endo – Inside
10.Epi – Upon
11.Gastr/o – Stomach
12.Hemat/o – Blood
13.Hist/o, histi/o – Tissue
14.Intestin/o – Intestine
15.Lapar/o – Abdomen, loin or flank
16.My/o – Muscle
17.Neur/o – Nerve
18.Ocul/o – Eye
19.Ophthalm/o – Eyes
20.Or/o – Mouth
21.Ot/o – Ear
22.Pulmon/o – Lungs
23.Abdominal – Abdomen
24.Cranial – Skull
25.Digital – Fingers and toes
26.Femoral – Thigh
27.Gluteal – Buttock
28.Inguinal – Groin
29.Lumbar – Loin
30.Mammary – Breast
31.Nasal – Nose
32.Pectoral – Chest
33.Thoracis – Chest
34.Ventral – Stomach
35.Benign: Not cancerous
36.Malignant: Cancerous
37.Mass Index (BMI): Body fat measurement based on height and weight
38.Biopsy: A tissue sample for testing purposes
39.Hypotension: Low blood pressure
40.Hypertension: High blood pressure
41.Lesion: Wound, sore, or cut
42.Noninvasive: Doesn’t require entering the body with instruments; usually
43.Outpatient: Check in and check out the same day
44.Inpatient: Plan to stay overnight for one or more days
45.In remission: Disease is not getting worse; not to be confused with being
46.embrane: Thin layer of pliable tissue that serves as a covering or lining
oconnection between two structures
47.Acute: Sudden but usually short (e.g., acute illness)
48.Angina: Pain in the chest related to the heart that comes and goes
49.Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Heartburn
50.Cellulitis: Inflamed or infected tissue beneath the skin
51.Epidermis: Outermost layer of skin
52.Neutrophils: Most common type of white blood cell
53.Edema: Swelling
54.Embolism: Blood clot
55.Sutures: Stitches
56.Polyp: Mass or growth of thin tissue
57.Compound fracture: Broken bone that protrudes through the skin
58.Comminuted fracture: Broken bone that shatters into many pieces
59.COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
60.ECG: Electrocardiogram. An electrical recording of activity of the heart.
May indicate either angina or a heartbeat rhythm problem.
61.ECT: Electroconvulsive Therapy. Used in the treatment of severe
62.OEDEMA: Fluid in the tissues.
63.NEURITIS: Inflammation of neural tissue.
64.NEUROSIS: A mental condition with many variations, but most commonly
with anxiety due to various causes such as stress or previous difficult life
experiences. The personality is usually not severely affected.
65.EEG: Electro-encephalogram. An electrical recording of brain activity.
66.EPISTAXIS: Bleeding of the nose.
67.GASTRITIS: Inflammation of the lining of the stomach, with pain and/or
68.GASTRO-ENTERITIS: Inflammation of the stomach and intestine, with
vomiting and/or diarrhoea.
69.HAEMATEMESIS: Vomiting of pure blood or blood mixed with stomach
70.HYPERGLYCAEMIA: A blood sugar level above normal, which is
indicative of diabetes.
71.PNEUMOTHORAX: Condition with increase in air pressure in the chest
cavity resulting in collapse of the lung.
72.PROGNOSIS: The likely final medical outcome of an illness, in terms of
time and condition.
73.HYPERTENSION: Blood pressure above normal; sometimes inaccurately
used to describe stress.
74.HYPERVENTILATION: Breathing at a rate above normal, and often due to
75.HYPOGLYCAEMIA: A low blood sugar level. Usually due to an excessive
insulin dose. Compare to HYPERGLYCAEMIA.
76.HYPOTENSION: Low blood pressure.
77.JAUNDICE: Yellow discolouration of the skin and eyes due to liver disease.
78.MORBIDITY: Description of the outcomes of disease.
79.Anterior/Ventral: At or near the front surface of the body
80.Posterior/Dorsal: At or near the real surface of the body
81.Superior: Above
82.Inferior: Below
83.Lateral: Side
84.Distal: Farthest from center
85.Proximal: Nearest to center
86.SPLEEN: A richly perfused organ in the upper left abdominal area which is
unfortunately prone to trauma. It is part of the immune system.
87.SPUTUM: Phlegm (secretions coughed up from the lungs).
88.STERNUM: The middle chest bone where ribs from each side of the body
89.PALLIATIVE CARE: Care aimed at minimizing pain and suffering without
aiming to effect a cure.
90.PALPITATIONS: Awareness of the heartbeat; not necessarily due to heart
91.PANCREAS: A gland that lies behind the stomach. It produces insulin.
92.PANCREATITIS: Inflammation of the pancreas organ.
93.PARALYSIS: Loss of movement of any part of the body due to nerve
94.ACUTE: When applied to a medical condition, this term means 'of severe,
sudden, but short duration'. As opposed to CHRONIC.
95.ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: Onset of sudden damage to part
of the heart muscle, usually due to blockage of the heart's (coronary)
arteries. Synonymous with a heart attack.
96.DELIRIUM TREMENS (the DTs): A serious state of delirium due to
alcohol withdrawal. Due to overactivity of the nervous system.
97.DELUSION: A false idea or belief held by a person that cannot be corrected
by reasoning.
98.Oophorectomy: excision of the ovary
99.Cystectomy: excision of the bladder
Excision: to remove or take out