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Foot & Ankle Surgery and Physical Activity Book Reviews

Reconstructive Foot and Ankle
Surgery: Management of
Complications, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 978-0-323-49693-3560 pages,
Hard Cover ISBN-10: 0-323-49693-8
Edition: 3rd Author: Myerson, Mark S.,
MD; Kadakia, Anish R., MD Specialties:
Podiatry, Orthopedics Publisher: Elsevier
List Price: $259.99
DESCRIPTION: Last published in 2010,
this book contains updates in many areas as
the field of foot and ankle surgery continues
to advance. With this third edition, it also
has gone digital. PURPOSE: The purpose
is to provide comprehensive coverage of the
challenges that present in the practice of foot
and ankle surgery. Practical in its approach,
the book represents the experiences of its authors and gets straight to the point in each
chapter. There is no “fluff.” The online version is helpful, particularly the video clips
of the various procedures discussed in the
print version. AUDIENCE: Practicing surgeons and, of course, residents and fellows
are still the primary audience. The book is
very well presented and is logical in sequencing, so anyone with any familiarity of foot
and ankle surgery will have no difficulty following the layout. Dr. Myerson remains a
world authority on foot and ankle surgery,
and it is evident in the audiovisual presentations that he has a wealth of experience to
share. The new coauthor, Anish Kadakia,
is becoming well known in the field of orthopedic foot and ankle surgery. BOOK
CONTENT/FEATURES: The book is now
organized into 10 sections that follow a more
or less distal to proximal progression as each
topic is addressed. It makes full use of illustrations, all of which are either clinical/
intraoperative and in color or radiographs,
with all reproducing very well. There is no
difficulty in following any of the illustrations,
as all are fully captioned. The section on the
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management of ankle arthritis has been expanded and there is a lot more information
on total ankle replacement (TAR), particularly on TAR revision, as this area begins to
take a more prominent place in the complications foot and ankle surgeons see. WEBSITE
CONTENT/FEATURES: The electronic version of the book is easy to access and is easy
to navigate, and contains everything the print
version does, except for the glossary. Each
chapter has links to all the appropriate video
clips and the ability to zoom in on all images.
There is also the ability to make and post
notes. The video clips are not of the highest
resolution, but certainly accessible and easy
to follow. My experience was that the contents displayed well on android and nonandroid
devices, whether handheld or fixed. The suggested reading list at the end of each chapter
contains links to the referenced articles.
ASSESSMENT: Overall, this is book for
active foot and ankle surgeons to own and
use. The update is justified due to the advances
that have occurred in this field over the past
eight years, which are reflected in this edition. While the book does really stand alone
in terms of what it offers, its immediate competitors in orthopedic foot and ankle surgery
are Foot and Ankle Surgery: Tricks of the
Trade, Raikin (Thieme, 2018), Advanced
Reconstruction: Foot and Ankle 2, Alexander
et al. (American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons, 2015), and Foot and Ankle Surgery, Parekh (Jaypee Brothers, 2012). Weightier
tomes, such as Disorders of the Foot and Ankle: Medical and Surgical Management, 2nd
edition, Jahss (Saunders, 1991) and Surgery
of the Foot and Ankle, 8th edition, Coughlin
et al. (Elsevier, 2007), are really references,
useful in their own right, but not so practical
in approach as this book. With its electronic
access and ease of use, this book is a must
for any foot and ankle surgeon to own and
use. Highly recommended!
Rating: ★★★★★
Reviewed by: Martin Yorath, DPM
(Rosalind Franklin University of
Medicine and Science)
Physical Activity Instruction of Older
Adults, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 978-1-4504-3106-4417 pages,
Soft Cover ISBN-10: 1-4504-3106-2
Edition: 2nd Editor: Rose, Debra J.,
PhD Specialties: Geriatrics, Sports
Medicine Publisher: Human Kinetics
List Price: US $120.00Media Type:
BookSoft Cover
DESCRIPTION: This book discusses multiple aspects of older populations, from healthy
aging to screening and exercise regimes. This is
an update of the 2005 first edition. PURPOSE:
The purpose is to educate practitioners from
a number of specialties in designing and implementing activity and exercise programs
for older adults. The chapters reflect a full
spectrum of direction for development of
activity/exercise regimes. AUDIENCE: This
book is written for a wide variety of individuals, from entry-level instructors to personal
trainers. This book targets those who wish to
pursue education related to physical activity
or instruction. FEATURES: The book discusses the aging body and physical activity
as a factor in successful aging. It reviews
physiological aspects of aging, providing a
sound foundation required for educating individuals on establishing activity programs
for older adults. Activity instruction includes
clear images of the exercise to be performed.
Each chapter has objectives and a useful
summary, key terms, recommended readings,
study questions, and application activities.
ASSESSMENT: This would be an asset
for the intended audience, as it provides not only
the instruction for establishing an activity program but also a sound foundation for those wishing to further their knowledge of the aging body
and the benefits activity may have on it. The second edition builds further on the first edition with
an updated literature review and approaches to
establishing programs for older adults.
Rating: ★★★★
Reviewed by: Melody Schrock, BSN
(MU Sinclair School of Nursing)
The ratings are divided into five groups, and each group is assigned one to five stars.
Exceptional book with nearly flawless execution
Outstanding book, with minor problems in execution
Very good book, but usually with one or more fairly significant flaws
Average book, usually with several flaws (or one major flaw) or significant
weakness versus its competition
Substandard book
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